June 5 is Ecologist's Day, a professional holiday. Ecologist Day - a modern holiday

June 5th is Ecologist's Day or World Conservation Day environment, as well as 2017 in Russian Federation declared the Year of Ecology

On January 5, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which 2017 was declared the year of ecology in Russia.

The purpose of this decision is to draw attention to problematic issues existing in the environmental sphere, and improving the state of environmental safety of the country.

World Environment Day, or Ecologist's Day, is celebrated in almost all European countries. This holiday was established on December 15, 1972 at the initiative of the UN General Assembly to “draw public attention to the need to preserve and improve the environment.”

Global changes in nature and the environment in general are visible to everyone today. The world is worried and has long been trying to recognize the course of further cataclysms and take measures to stabilize the situation. In 2007, the professional holiday of ecologists was approved in Russia.

This is not just a holiday for professionals. Its essence is to concern everyone with threatening problems, to force people not only to think about protecting nature, but to teach them, to force society to fight for the cleanliness of the planet, to mobilize them for a good cause government agencies And public organizations.

Development of production, large-scale construction, significant population of megacities negatively affect environmental situation. In addition, over recent years, humans have had an increasingly harmful impact on the environment, and without careful attitude the further prosperous and healthy existence of humanity as a whole is impossible.

Mechanism legal protection environment includes a set of measures aimed at preserving biological diversity animal objects and flora, respect for the rights of citizens to a favorable environment. At the same time, a very effective measure of influence is criminal liability for environmental crimes.

Environmental crimes, criminal cases of which are under investigation by investigators of the Investigative Committee of Russia, include socially dangerous acts provided for in Articles 246-249, 255, parts 2 and 3 of Articles 250, 251, 252, 254, 258.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as those committed officials law enforcement agencies, persons in respect of whom a special procedure for criminal proceedings is applied.

In particular, criminal liability is provided for acts related to violation of environmental protection rules during the production of work, treatment of environmental hazardous substances and waste, water and air pollution, land damage, use biological resources, illegal extraction and trafficking of especially valuable wild animals and aquatic biological resources listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

In 2016-2017, investigative authorities Investigative Committee In Russia, a number of criminal cases involving environmental crimes have been initiated and investigated in the Republic of Khakassia.

Thus, in 2016, a criminal case was initiated against the executive director of Razrez Arshanovsky LLC for committing an environmental crime under Part 2 of Art. 247 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (other treatment (cleaning, collecting, throwing away) chemicals and waste in violation of established rules, resulting in environmental pollution). According to the investigation, the enterprise, when carrying out open-pit coal mining activities, is obliged to ensure compliance with established environmental protection requirements; take the necessary measures to avoid pollution caused by the activities of the mining enterprise, as well as monitor the state of the environment, including water bodies and soils within the licensed area during the entire period of its development. In violation of environmental protection legislation, in May 2016, the executive director of Razrez Arshanovsky LLC, who actually manages the activities of the company, in charge of operational management issues production process, instructed workers to use special equipment to dismantle the filter array of the separation dam of the treatment facility. As a result of the violation of the integrity of the dam, there was an overflow of liquid waste, which led to soil contamination in the used areas. land plots. The criminal investigation continues.

Moreover, in 2016 investigative department The Investigative Committee for the Republic of Khakassia has completed a criminal investigation into the 55-year-old director of the limited liability company Razrez Mayrykhsky Coal Company Viktor Kozmin. He is accused of committing a crime under Art. 255 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of the rules for the protection and use of subsoil during the commissioning and operation of mining enterprises, resulting in significant damage). According to the investigation, from December 2015 to April 2016, an enterprise engaged in coal mining in the Altai region of the Republic of Khakassia operated under the leadership of Kozmin in the presence of a negative conclusion from the state examination, including on environmental issues. The negative conclusion of the examination was due to the negative consequences of the gradual drainage of the surrounding area adjacent to the open-pit mining site, including the drainage of lakes Turpanye and Kosharnoye, which are nesting grounds for birds listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

The damage caused by unauthorized mining and use of subsoil amounted to more than 154 million rubles. The investigation has collected a sufficient evidence base, and therefore the criminal case with an approved indictment has been sent to the court for consideration on the merits.

In 2017, the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Republic of Khakassia completed a criminal investigation against the 56-year-old director of the Aurora limited liability company, Alexey Bognibov, who is accused of committing crimes under Art. 255 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of the rules for the protection and use of subsoil during the commissioning and operation of mining enterprises, resulting in significant damage), as well as Part 2 of Art. 247 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (other handling of chemicals in violation of established rules, resulting in environmental pollution).

According to the investigation, from May 1 to September 15, 2015, Bognibov, being the director of an enterprise engaged in the extraction of ores and sands of precious metals in the valley of the Karolinovka River, Ust-Abakansky District of the Republic of Khakassia, which is the left tributary of the Terensug River, which flows into the Tom River, without having a technical project that has passed state examination, including on environmental issues, by giving instructions to his subordinate employees, carried out, using industrial mining machinery and equipment, unauthorized extraction of minerals - precious metals: placer gold and silver, having extracted them from the subsoil by open-pit mining in an amount of more than 48 kg of gold and more than 2 kg of silver. The damage caused by illegal mining amounted to more than 105 million rubles. In addition, when carrying out unauthorized mining of precious metals, Bognibov, by giving instructions to his subordinate employees, without having the appropriate permission provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of water use, illegally discharged untreated quarry waste water from settling ponds into the Karolinovka River, the content of chemicals and compounds hazardous to human health exceeded the permissible exposure standards, which led to environmental pollution. The damage caused to the environment amounted to more than 1.2 million rubles. The investigation collected a sufficient evidence base, and therefore the criminal case with an approved indictment was also sent to court for consideration on the merits.

The state of environmental problems and their scale mark the emergence of situations that did not exist just a few years ago. Scientific and technological progress and modern technologies The development of production gives humanity the opportunity to transform the environment at its own discretion. However, these achievements of civilization are often used to the detriment of nature. As a rule, economic interests individuals and the desire to gain additional profit lead to the creation of a real danger of destruction of natural objects. Therefore, the problem of nature conservation has now become one of the global human problems on which the life and health of the current and future generations of people depend.

Ecologist's Day does not allow us to forget about threatening problems and makes us think about a radical revision of our attitude towards natural resources.

Well, tell me, which of us is indifferent to nature and animals? Of course, everyone loves nature, plants, and animals. There are so many beautiful places on the planet, looking at photographs of which or just with their own eyes, people are surprised at where all this beauty came from. But people do not think that thanks to scientific and technological progress, they receive comfort, but the environment suffers. Only with the help of the selfless work of ecologists has nature not yet perished for the sake of human convenience.

What date is celebrated?

The professional holiday Ecologist Day is celebrated on June 5, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2007 No. 933 “On Ecologist Day.” The holiday is official, but, unfortunately, has not acquired the status of a “day off”. Therefore, if June 5 falls on a working day, then the holiday is celebrated in a working environment.

Who's celebrating

The very word “ecology” came to us from Ancient Greece and translated means: “ekos” - dwelling, house; “logos” is a science, a concept. Means, in simple language ecology is the science of housing or home, and in the scientific world, ecology is the science of the interaction of living organisms and their communities both with each other and with the environment. And the people who study this science are ecologists. They are the ones who accept congratulations on Ecologist Day on this day.

A little about the profession

An ecologist is a specialist who monitors, analyzes and develops measures to reduce harmful impacts on the environment. Ecologists monitor the condition of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans, as well as forests, fields, lands, etc. They find out the reasons for the drying up of lakes or rivers, the disappearance of certain species of animals, and explain the reasons for climate change on our planet. Various measures are being developed to reduce the impact of industrial enterprises that are necessary for humanity, but harmful to the environment. And how many species of animals were saved due to the fact that environmentalists paid attention in time.

Today, environmentalists work in almost all industries. Not a single construction project, even at the design stage, is complete without environmental considerations. expert opinion. Of course, not everything is as rosy in ecology as we would like to believe, but over time and with the right environmental policies, people will begin to think about preserving nature more than they do now.

On at the moment the whole system measures, both public and state, are aimed at harmony in the relationship between society and nature, as well as at preserving nature and its resources for future generations. Today, environmental problems occupy one of the leading places and predetermine the stage of development of the whole world and Russia. Our country, with its vast territory, which contains various ecosystems, plays a huge role in the global fight against environmental problems and in maintaining balance in the world ecosystem.

Background of the holiday

This holiday is young, and in 2014 it turned 7 years old. Ecologist Day appeared in 2007 thanks to the Decree signed by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. Also in Russia, Ecologist Day coincides with World Environment Day.

Under the auspices of the UN

2010-2020– United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification
2011-2020– Decade of Action for Road Safety
2011-2020– Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism
2011-2020– United Nations Decade of Biodiversity
2013-2022– International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures
2014-2024– A decade of sustainable energy for all
2015 – 2024– International Decade for People of African Descent


– 11 –

World Wildlife Day
Since 1997, on the initiative of the Security Center wildlife and the World Wildlife Fund On January 11, Russia celebrates the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks. On this day in 1916, the first state reserve– Barguzinsky, who received international recognition.


– 2 –

World Wetlands Day
Established in 1971 in connection with the signing in the city of Ramsar (Iran) of the “Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat”. In our country, on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, more than 40 such lands have been taken under protection, representing the greatest recreational, economic and cultural value.

– 19 –

World Defense Day marine mammals(Whale Day)
It was established in 1986, when, after 200 years of merciless extermination of civilians sea ​​giants, The International Whale Commission has introduced a ban on whaling. It is still in effect today and means that the hunting of large whales, as well as the trade in whale meat, is prohibited throughout the world. In Russia, Whale Day has been celebrated since 2002.

– 25 –

Birthday of the Association of Nature Reserves
February 25, 1995 is considered the date of birth of the Association of Nature Reserves and National Parks of North-West Russia. The idea of ​​its creation was put forward in August 1994 in the Vodlozersky NP, at a Russian-American seminar on problems of managing protected natural areas in Russia. The initiative was supported by participants in the All-Russian seminar on the problems of protected areas in Adler in December 1995. Today it is the largest public organization, uniting 23 participants.


– 1 –

World Cat Day
This holiday appeared thanks to the Moscow Cat Museum; the museum was organized by the INTER gallery of contemporary art in March 1993. The idea to create such a museum came to the minds of two artists Andrei Abramov and Ekaterina Efimova. A little later, on their own initiative, the Moscow Cat Museum, with the support of the UN, proclaimed World Cat Day, which has been celebrated on March 1 since 2004.

– 21 –

International Forest Day
The idea of ​​celebrating International Forest Day first arose at the 23rd General Assembly of the European Confederation of Agriculture in 1971. A year later, the World Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) supported the idea International Day forests as a reason to inform society about the importance of forest conservation. It was decided to celebrate this day every year around the world on March 21 - the day of the autumnal equinox in Southern Hemisphere And spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.

– 22 –

International Baltic Sea Day
March 22, 2000 in St. Petersburg by decision State Committee Russian Federation for Environmental Protection celebrated the International Day for the first time Baltic Sea. The purpose of the Baltic Sea Day is to popularize the ideas of the Helsinki Convention, inform the public and specialists about the activities of HELCOM, and expand the understanding of the influence of the metropolis on the Baltic waters.

– 22 –

world day water resources(Water Day)
World Water Day has been celebrated since 1992 according to the proposal of international association water users and its president Alfred Rusted. This proposal was enshrined in the decision of the participants of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, held from 3 to 14 June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. In 2003, the UN General Assembly declared 2005–2015. International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, due to which it is of international importance world day water resources have increased sharply.


– 1 –

International Bird Day
Bird Day has been celebrated in Russia since 1927. In 1927, in the USSR, Bird Day was established as a spring holiday for the Young People. IN recent years this wonderful environmental action was somewhat forgotten. Spring 1998 children's magazine“Ant” proposed reviving Bird Day. This call was supported Federal service Forestry and the Russian Bird Conservation Union, and the holiday was timed to coincide with April 1 - the massive arrival of birds from warmer regions.

– 7 –

On this day, the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) came into force. The annual celebration of Health Day has become a tradition since 1950. It is held so that people around the world can understand how much health means in their lives and decide what needs to be done to improve their health. Each year, a theme is chosen for World Health Day that reflects a priority public health issue in the world.

– 15 –

Day of Environmental Knowledge
Environmental Awareness Day was founded by UN representatives in 1992 at the Conference on Environmental Issues. In the Russian Federation, the holiday was first celebrated in 1996. Traditionally, educational events, seminars, exhibitions and other events take place on this day. educational institutions, scientific organizations and libraries. Children and teenagers are involved in the preparation so that they early years learned to protect the environment.

– 18-22 –

March of the Parks
International Day of Specially Protected Persons natural areas: national parks, reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and natural monuments. The March for Parks campaign is dedicated to Earth Day (April 22) and is held annually in April in many countries around the world. In 1995, the March of Parks took place for the first time in Russia.

– 19 –

Snowdrop Day
Snowdrop Day was first celebrated in England. The holiday has been celebrated since April 18, 1984. The plant's Latin name, Galanthus, means “milk flower.” Many species of this plant are included in the Red Book.

– 22 –

World Earth Day
Historically, Earth Day is celebrated twice around the world: March 20 and April 22. The first holiday has a peacekeeping and humanistic orientation, the second – environmental. This day is intended to unite people in protecting the environment. This initiative arose in 1970 in the USA and over time gained international distribution. In 2009, the UN General Assembly proclaimed International Mother Earth Day, deciding to celebrate it on April 22.

– 26 –

Day of participants in the liquidation of consequences of radiation accidents and disasters and the memory of the victims of these accidents and disasters
Celebrated in memory of the events of April 26, 1986 on Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Establishment memorable date perpetuates the memory of the dead and pays honor to the living participants in the liquidation of the consequences of radiation accidents and disasters.

– 28 –

Chemical Safety Day
April 28, 1974, in Chuvashia, at production chemical weapons An unfinished workshop caught fire in Novocheboksarsk finished products. Several tons of toxic substances were released into the environment. In 1997, on this day came into force international convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction. Since 1997, in Russia, April 28 is celebrated annually as the day of chemical safety, as the day critical analysis our relationship with “chemistry” – both dangerous and useful.

– 3 –

Day of the Sun
The annual Sun Day has been organized since 1994 by the European branch of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES-Europe) to draw attention to the possibilities of using renewable energy sources.

– 15 –

International Climate Day
Celebrated in connection with the proclamation by meteorologists of the need to protect the climate as a resource for the well-being of current and future generations.

– 20 –

Volga Day
The UNESCO Moscow Office, in partnership with Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia, has been implementing the Living Volga environmental program in the Russian Federation since 2006. They proposed adding the annual Volga Day to the international environmental calendar in order to coordinate efforts to take decisive measures to protect the ecology and biodiversity of the Volga River and involve the wider population in this movement.

– 22 –

International Day for the Conservation of Biological Diversity (flora and fauna of the Earth)
On December 20, 2000, the UN General Assembly proclaimed May 22, the day of adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity, as International Day for Biological Diversity (resolution 55/201).

– 31 –

World No Tobacco Day
No Tobacco Day established in 1988 World Organization health (WHO). On this day, events are held to inform the population about the dangers associated with tobacco consumption.


– 5 –

World Environment Day
On 15 December 1972, the General Assembly, by resolution 2994 (XXVII), declared 5 June as World Environment Day, to be observed to raise public awareness of the need to preserve and improve the environment. The choice of this date was justified by the fact that on this day the United Nations Conference on the Problems of surrounding a person Wednesday (Stockholm, 1972).

– 5 –

Ecologist Day
The holiday was established on December 15, 1972 at the initiative of the UN General Assembly to “draw public attention to the need to preserve and improve the environment.” The choice of this date is justified by the fact that on this day the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment opened (Stockholm, 1972).

– 8 –

World Oceans Day
Proclaimed in 1992 at the Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. By proclaiming this holiday, the UN emphasized the vital importance of the oceans for the planet, as well as the need to take care of their condition.

– 15 –

Day of the creation of the Yunnat movement in Russia
June 15, 2008 marked the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Yunnat movement in Russia. On June 15, 1918, employees of the Station for Young Nature Lovers in Sokolniki (Moscow), which arose in the same year, conducted the first organized excursion. This day became the official date of the creation of the first out-of-school institution - the Station for Young Nature Lovers (Biostation for Young Naturalists - BYN).


– 11 –

International Population Day
Celebrated since July 1987, when the world's population reached 5 billion people. Called to draw public attention to the urgency and importance of solving demographic and other related problems.

– 11 –

Anti-fishing action day
In 2003, during the Second All-Russian Congress of Animal Rights Defenders, it was decided to hold a Day of Action against Fishing and coincide with Fisherman’s Day. The goal is to draw attention to the cruelty of fishing.


– 6 –

World Prohibition Day nuclear weapons(Hiroshima Day). International Day of Doctors of the World for Peace
The day of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima began to be celebrated by the international community as the World Day for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. This day also marks the international day “Doctors of the World for Peace” - established by the decision of the executive committee of the International movement “Doctors of the World for the Prevention of nuclear war"on the day of the bombing of Hiroshima. This day serves as a reminder of human tragedy, about the role of doctors in the fight for peace and in preventing war in general.

– 18 –

Horse holiday
In Rus', the holy martyrs Florus and Laurus are revered as patrons and healers of domestic animals. According to legend, with the discovery of the relics of Florus and Laurus, the loss of livestock stopped. Then the veneration of these saints as patrons of horses began. In many churches and museums in Russia, icons of Saints Florus and Laurus, which contain images of horses, have been preserved. On the Horse Festival, horses were driven to churches. After the prayer service to the holy martyrs Flora and Laurus, the horses were sprinkled with holy water right in front of the church.

– 19 –

International Day of Homeless Animals
The day was included in the international calendar according to the proposal of the International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) of the USA. It has been celebrated in Russia since 2000.

– 27 –

Baikal Day
It has been celebrated on the fourth Sunday of August since 1999. On this day, various events of public importance are held in Russia. These include numerous cultural, scientific, and sports events, as well as creativity competitions, quizzes, and Olympiads.


– 11 –

Birthday of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
On September 11, 1961, in the small Swiss town of Morges, where the headquarters of the International Union for Conservation of Nature is located, WWF arose, the purpose of which was declared to be the preservation of life on earth. Created by a network of business leaders, scientists and government leaders, with the support of Prince Bernard of the Netherlands and the Duke of Edinburgh, WWF has grown into an influential and independent international organization. The fund began working in Russia in 1994.

– 15 –

Greenpeace – Greenpeace – « Green world"is the most famous independent international public organization. Greenpeace is fighting against nuclear tests, environmental pollution industrial waste, destruction rare species animals and plants, deforestation, etc. The Greenpeace organization was created in 1971 in Canada.

– 16 –

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
On September 16, 1987, in Montreal, representatives of 36 countries signed a protocol on substances that destroy ozone layer, called the Montreal Protocol. It called for a freeze on production of the five most widely used CFCs at 1986 levels and then a phase-out of their production.

– 22 –

Car Free Day, European Pedestrian Day
It was first held in Paris in September 1999. On September 22, motorists (and motorcyclists) are invited to stop using fuel-consuming vehicles for at least a day. vehicles; in some cities and countries there are special organized events. In Russia it began to be celebrated in 2008.

– 27 –

International Tourism Day
An international holiday established by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization in 1979 in the Spanish city of Torremolinos. Celebrated on September 27. It has been celebrated in Russia since 1983. The purpose of the holiday is to promote tourism, highlight its contribution to the economy of the world community, and develop ties between the peoples of different countries.


– 4 –

World Animal Day
In 1931, in Florence, at a forum dedicated to the protection of animal rights, October 4 was proclaimed International Animal Welfare Day. This decision was supported by organizations created to protect animals in different countries peace.

– 6 –

World Habitat Day
The holiday was approved in 1979 within the framework of the Convention on the Conservation of Wild Fauna and Flora and natural environments habitat in Europe.

– 31 –

International Black Sea Day
On October 31, 1996, in Istanbul (Turkey), representatives of the governments of Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Georgia signed a strategic action plan to save the Black Sea.


– 9 –

Anti-Nuclear Action Day
Under the motto “We choose a future without radiation!” On this day, protests are held against the development of nuclear energy, for increasing its safety, the use of alternative energy sources, anti-nuclear camps are set up near dangerous objects, and radiation hazard signs are installed in places with high background radiation.

– 11 –

International Energy Saving Day
Celebrated since 2008 on the initiative of the International educational project School Program for Energy and Resource Utilization (SPARE). International status Energy Saving Day was not created by chance: about 20 countries, including Russia, expressed a desire to participate in the event. The main goal of the events is to attract the attention of authorities and the public to rational use resources and development of renewable energy sources. Energy saving plays an important role in saving natural resources, reducing environmental pollution and bringing economic benefits.

– 21 –

International No Smoking Day
It was established by the American Cancer Society in 1977. The goal is to help reduce the prevalence of tobacco addiction, involve all segments of the population and doctors of all specialties in the fight against smoking, prevent smoking and inform society about the harmful effects of tobacco on health.

– 29 –

Day of the creation of the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation (VOOP)
On the initiative and with the participation of prominent Russian scientists, public and statesmen In 1924, the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation was created - the largest public environmental organization in Russia.

– 30 –

World Pet Day
The custom of congratulating your winged and tailed pets came from Spain. Valiant bullfighters celebrated it on the Day of St. Anthony, the patron saint of domestic animals.


– 1 –

It was first observed on December 1, 1988, after a meeting of health ministers of all countries called for social tolerance and increased exchange of information on HIV/AIDS. In April 1991, to draw public attention to the problem of AIDS, artist Frank Moore created a red ribbon - the official international symbol fight against AIDS.

– 5 –

International Volunteer Day
The UN General Assembly in 1985 invited governments to annually celebrate December 5th as International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development.

– 10 –

International Animal Rights Day
The Universal Declaration of Animal Rights is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and aims to end the exploitation and killing of animals. International Animal Rights Day was established on this day in 1998, the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Human Rights.

– 11 –

International Mountain Day
Proclaimed General Assembly UN in a resolution dedicated to the results International Year Mountains, the goal of which was to raise international awareness of the global importance of mountain ecosystems. Celebrated annually on December 11th since 2003.

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It was decided to call 2017 the year of ecology in Russia, and it is also the “Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas” and the anniversary. The reason lies in the need to tell society that the environment must be protected. The environmental calendar for 2017 by month, like a regular calendar, begins in January, impressing with the number of busy days.
The world decided to celebrate the anniversary of sustainable tourism in 2017. The calendar of environmental dates for 2017 allows you to find out the numbers that have special meaning. The ecological year as a whole is aimed at preserving the surrounding area, they help people understand the importance of protecting flora and fauna.

  • First celebration 1.01 – Date of Peace. He was approved Holy Father Pavel the Sixth in 1967. This date was chosen deliberately, as it is the beginning of the year.
  • 11.01 is called World date reserves. It was first celebrated in Russia in 1916. The first nature reserve in the Russian Federation appeared on January 11 - this is the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve.
  • 22.01 – the triumph of snow, which was approved only in 2012.
  • January 28 is considered the Date of Discovery of Antarctica. It was discovered in 1820 by a Russian expedition under the command of M. P. Lazarev and F. F. Bellingshausen. They traveled on the Mirny and Vostok boats, discovering the last and most mysterious continent of the planet. Also
  • January 28 and January 29 are considered the days of the Great Winter Bird Count. It is traditionally held on the last two weekends of the month, so the dates may change. The day was first introduced in 1990 on the initiative of Frank Chapman from the editorial office of the ornithological magazine Bird-Lore from the USA.

  • 2.02 have two memorable dates at once. It's World Wetlands Day. February 2 is also considered Groundhog Day. This is a kind of memorable date for those who care weather conditions and signs that help to establish them. For city residents, this is just one of the holidays.
  • 17.02 – Date of the cat, established in Europe. The initiator was Claudi Angeletti, a journalist from Italy working for the Tuttogatto magazine. The celebration has been celebrated since 1992.
  • 18.02– Whale number. The date was set to protect living creatures that live in water resources. The celebration was established in 1986.
  • 27.02 is called a number polar bear. It is often called Polar Bear Day. We installed it to spread information about them and the need to protect them.

  • 1.03 – Number of cats. In 1933, a cat museum was opened in Moscow, and later they put forward an initiative to celebrate the occasion.
  • 3.03 is considered the Number of Wildlife. The celebration was established in 2013 at the initiative of the UN. The purpose of establishing such a day was to convey to the public the main issues regarding the preservation of the wild environment.
  • 14.03 is called the Number of Actions aimed at protecting Water, Rivers and Life, preventing the construction of dams, which is celebrated in various states to protect the planet's biosphere. The global campaign began in 1998, and today it has covered over 20 countries.
  • 15.03 – White protection number. It is celebrated annually, and the initiator was the Animal Protection Fund.
  • 20.03 The UN established to celebrate the Triumph of the Earth. This holiday has several directions: peacemaking and humanistic.
  • 21.03 – A celebration of the forest, which the UN decided to establish back in 1971. This allows us to tell people how important the forest and its preservation are for the planet.
  • March 22 is called the Water Conservation Number. It is often called simply Water Day. This date was set in 1993.
  • 23.03 – Meteorological number, which was established in 1947 at the Convention, where there were representatives of meteorological international organization. The document came into force only three years later, and since then the celebration has been celebrated annually.
  • On March 25, the Earth Hour campaign is held in every country. The celebration is scheduled for the last Saturday in March, so dates may change. The action has a symbolic meaning, representing a call to people to save the climate.

  • 7.04 – World Environment and Health Day, it has been celebrated since 1950 to tell people how important their health is. Every year a priority topic is specially chosen and the public is told about it.
  • 15.04 – Date of knowledge on ecology, when the campaign “Days of protection from environmental hazard» throughout Russia. It lasts until June 5th.
  • 18.04-22.04 – March of the parks. This is an international celebration dedicated to Earth Day. It is celebrated in various countries; in the Russian Federation the holiday was first celebrated in 1995.
  • 22.04 – Earth Festival. This is a celebration of Mother Earth, initiated by the UN.
  • 24.04 – number of protection of animals used in experiments. It was established in 1979 on the initiative of the InterNICH Association and with the support of the UN.
  • 28.04 is Chemical Safety Day. The celebration was established in 1997 after the 1974 tragedy at the production facility in Chuvashia, where chemical weapons are created. Then there was a leak of several tons of toxic substances after a fire in an unfinished workshop.
  • 29.04 – Date of remembrance of victims of the use of chemical weapons. The celebration was founded in 2005.

  • 2.05 is the day of tuna, which is considered the youngest among other environmental dates. We decided to celebrate it only in 2016 in order to tell the population about the value of tuna.
  • 3.05 – Date of the Sun. It was not installed by chance, but in order to inform and remind people that there are free sources of energy, for example, solar.
  • 12.05 – Day of Environmental Education. This date is very important, since today the negative impact on the biosphere and atmosphere reaches high levels. At the same time, people do not understand the value of nature.
  • 14.05 – All-Russian Forest Planting Day. It has been held every year in every corner of the country since 2011.
  • 15.05 – Climate action. This is an unofficial holiday that calls for protecting the planet's climate.
  • 20.05 – Volga holiday. The celebration was established by the UNESCO office located in Moscow with the aim of protecting biodiversity and the ecology of the water resource.
  • 22.05 – Date of biological diversity, which calls for the preservation of life on the planet in its many manifestations and forms.
  • 23.05 – Turtle Festival. The holiday was established in 2000 with the goal of saving turtles from extinction.
  • 25.05 – Holiday of the Nerpenka. This holiday is considered one of the most touching, and it is celebrated on the shores of Lake Baikal. It is there that you can find seals - baby seals.
  • 05/31 is a tobacco-free day established by WHO in 1988.

  • 4.06 – Celebration of cleansing of water bodies. It was installed in 1995 to get a cleanup day for cleaning rivers and lakes.
  • 5.06 – Date of the ecologist or environment day. It was established in 1972, and was initiated by the UN.
  • 8.06 – Ocean Festival. In 1992, it was installed at a conference that took place in Rio de Janeiro.
  • 15.06 – The day when the Yunnat direction was created. In 2018 there will be a centenary of this memorable date. The same date is considered wind day.
  • 17.06 – Day to combat droughts and desertification. It was installed in 1995.
  • 21.06 – Flower Festival. The history of this beautiful holiday is not known. In Russia, the celebration takes place under the emblem of the daisy, characterized by flower parades, florist competitions and various festivals.

  • 4.07 – Day of captive dolphins. The celebration is timed to coincide with actions to protect dolphins in captivity.
  • 9.07 – Day of action against fishing in Russia.

  • 6.08 – Date of Hiroshima. The celebration was created to prevent the use of nuclear weapons.
  • 29.08 – Day of action against nuclear testing.

  • 1.09 – Date of commemoration of species of flora and fauna destroyed by humans. This was created in order to prevent the destruction of other representatives of the living world.
  • 11.09 – Date of formation of the Wildlife Foundation (WWF).
  • 15.09-17.09 – Russian days forests. They are usually associated with forest planting and campaigns to protect forests.
  • 16.09 – A day created to protect the atmospheric ozone layer. It has been celebrated since 1987 in 26 countries.
  • 21.09 – Week of the action “We clean the world”, which is celebrated today in almost all countries of the world, and Australia became the initiator of the formation.
  • 22.09 – A holiday aimed at stopping the use of cars. It was formed in 1999 to purify the atmosphere.

  • 5.10 – Date of formation of the Interstate Union for Nature Conservation.
  • 6.10 – Day of conservation and protection of habitats. This holiday promotes the preservation of the habitat of living creatures on the planet.
  • 7.10 – Bird watching festival. Dates may change, as the celebration is officially scheduled for the first weekend of the month.
  • 13.10 – Day dedicated to disaster risk reduction, which began to be celebrated in 1989.
  • 26.10 – Day without paper. The purpose of the celebration is to show the world that the need for wood processing can be eliminated.

  • 9.11 – Day of actions against nuclear weapons. The celebration was established to tell about the existence of natural energy sources.
  • 11.11 – Celebration of energy saving.
  • 12.11 – Titmouse day. The creation was initiated by the Union for the Conservation of Birds in the Russian Federation.
  • 15.11 – Celebrating the recycling of materials to attract the attention of the administration to the problem.
  • 21.11 – Stop Smoking Day. It was installed in 1977 to reduce the public's tobacco addiction.
  • 24.11 – Walrus Festival. The goal was the need to protect these animals.
  • 29.11 – Day of the creation of the VOOP, which deals with nature conservation. The initiators were scientists who were part of the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation.
  • 30.11 – Pet Festival. The idea of ​​establishing a celebration was first thought up back in 1931 for protective purposes.

  • 3.12 – Date of refusal to use pesticides. They are characterized by the release of harmful substances, which negatively affects the atmosphere.
  • 11.12 – Mountain Day, which was initiated by the UN in order to protect the mountain ecosystems of the world.

Environmental calendar for 2017, presented by month - an opportunity to be aware of what significant dates the Year of Ecology has prepared. Man, pay attention to nature to protect it!

Ecologist Day is an opportunity to attract the public to environmental issues. National Ecologist Day in Russia is aimed at conservation and reproduction natural potential countries.

Ecologist Day: history and features of the celebration

Every year in the world June 5 celebrate World Environment Day. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 933, it was decided to proclaim this day in Russia as a national holiday of ecologists and environmental defenders.

How did Ecologist Day come about?

The holiday was established by a resolution adopted by the Stockholm Conference on Environmental Protection in 1972. The event was attended by representatives of 113 countries, including the USSR. A declaration was adopted containing 26 principles that all countries of the world should be guided by in order to protect nature for present humanity and future descendants.

The main goal of Ecologist Day is to stimulate the public to take care of nature and awaken political interest to environmental protection issues.

The prerequisite for the emergence of the holiday was the received appeal from the UN from representatives of science from 23 countries. It contained a warning about the danger looming over humanity caused by environmental pollution and consumer behavior of people in relation to nature.

A holiday of global and all-Russian scale Ecologist Day 2019- is the cultivation of a caring attitude towards the environment. On this day, attention is paid to partnerships between countries whose joint efforts can lead to a prosperous future for the world.

How Ecologist Day is celebrated in Russia and other countries of the world

Forms of celebration Ecologist Day 2019 may be different for countries around the world. Traditionally, on this day rallies, cyclist parades, drawing competitions, conferences, round tables, presentations, landscaping and tree planting events, colorful shows and performances are held. In specially protected areas - reserves and national parks excursions, environmental education programs and environmental actions. All events are aimed at educating the public on environmental issues, awakening people’s desire to preserve and protect flora and fauna.

Public organizations, parties, environmental associations and ordinary people. Joint efforts of specialists, public associations And state power make it possible to achieve a positive effect in solving environmental problems on a regional and global scale.

Every year the holiday takes place under different mottos established by the UN. Themes of the holiday in different years were: “Tree for the world”, “Think. Eat. Save”, etc.

The emergence of a tradition of large-scale celebrations Ecologist Day June 5 emphasizes the importance of environmental institutions, environmental organizations and those who contribute to the conservation and reproduction of natural resources. The right to a favorable environmental situation is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and international environmental documents.