Third generation nuclear weapons. Nuclear bomb: atomic weapons to protect the world

The appearance of such powerful weapons, like a nuclear bomb, was the result of the interaction of global factors of an objective and subjective nature. Objectively, its creation was caused by the rapid development of science, which began with the fundamental discoveries of physics in the first half of the twentieth century. The strongest subjective factor was the military-political situation of the 40s, when countries anti-Hitler coalition- USA, Great Britain, USSR - tried to get ahead of each other in the development of nuclear weapons.

Prerequisites for the creation of a nuclear bomb

The starting point of the scientific path to the creation of atomic weapons was 1896, when the French chemist A. Becquerel discovered the radioactivity of uranium.

It was the chain reaction of this element that formed the basis for the development of terrible weapons. At the end of the 19th century and in the first decades of the 20th century, scientists discovered alpha, beta, and gamma rays and discovered many radioactive isotopes chemical elements , law radioactive decay

and laid the foundation for the study of nuclear isometry. In the 1930s, the neutron and positron became known, and the nucleus of a uranium atom was split for the first time with the absorption of neutrons. This was the impetus for the beginning of the creation of nuclear weapons. The first to invent and patent the design of a nuclear bomb in 1939 was the French physicist Frederic Joliot-Curie. As a result further development

nuclear weapons have become a historically unprecedented military-political and strategic phenomenon capable of ensuring the national security of the possessor state and minimizing the capabilities of all other weapons systems. Design atomic bomb

  • consists of a number of different components, among which there are two main ones:
  • frame,

automation system. The automation, together with the nuclear charge, is located in a housing that protects them from various influences (mechanical, thermal, etc.). The automation system controls that the explosion occurs strictly set time

  • . It consists of the following elements:
  • emergency explosion;
  • safety and cocking device;
  • power supply;

charge explosion sensors.

Nuclear bomb detonation systems vary. The simplest is the injection device, in which the impetus for the explosion is hitting the target and the subsequent formation of a supercritical mass.

Another characteristic of atomic weapons is the caliber size: small, medium, large. Most often, the power of an explosion is characterized in TNT equivalent. A small caliber nuclear weapon implies a charge power of several thousand tons of TNT. The average caliber is already equal to tens of thousands of tons of TNT, the large one is measured in millions.

Operating principle

The atomic bomb design is based on the principle of using nuclear energy released during a chain reaction. nuclear reaction. This is the process of fission of heavy or fusion of light nuclei. Due to the release of a huge amount of intranuclear energy in the shortest period of time, a nuclear bomb is classified as a weapon of mass destruction.

During this process, there are two key places:

  • the center of a nuclear explosion in which the process directly takes place;
  • the epicenter, which is the projection of this process onto the surface (of land or water).

A nuclear explosion releases an amount of energy that, when projected onto the ground, causes seismic tremors. The range of their spread is very large, but significant damage environment is applied at a distance of only a few hundred meters.

Atomic weapons have several types of destruction:

  • light radiation,
  • radioactive contamination,
  • shock wave,
  • penetrating radiation,
  • electromagnetic pulse.

A nuclear explosion is accompanied by a bright flash, which is formed due to the release large quantity light and thermal energy. The power of this flash is many times higher than the power sun rays, so the danger of damage from light and heat extends over several kilometers.

Another very dangerous factor in the impact of a nuclear bomb is the radiation generated during the explosion. It only acts for the first 60 seconds, but has maximum penetrating power.

The shock wave has great power and a significant destructive effect, so in a matter of seconds it causes enormous harm to people, equipment, and buildings.

Penetrating radiation is dangerous for living organisms and causes the development of radiation sickness in humans. The electromagnetic pulse affects only equipment.

All these types of damage together make the atomic bomb a very dangerous weapon.

First nuclear bomb tests

The United States was the first to show the greatest interest in atomic weapons. At the end of 1941, the country allocated enormous funds and resources for the creation of nuclear weapons. The result of the work was the first tests of an atomic bomb with the Gadget explosive device, which took place on July 16, 1945 in American state New Mexico.

The time has come for the United States to act. To bring the Second World War to a victorious end, it was decided to defeat Hitler's Germany's ally, Japan.

The Pentagon selected targets for the first nuclear strikes, at which the United States wanted to demonstrate how powerful weapons it possessed.

On August 6 of the same year, the first atomic bomb, named "Baby," was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, and on August 9, a bomb named "Fat Man" fell on Nagasaki. The hit in Hiroshima was considered perfect: nuclear device

exploded at an altitude of 200 meters. The blast wave overturned stoves in Japanese houses, heated by coal. This led to numerous fires even in urban areas far from the epicenter.

The initial flash was followed by a heat wave that lasted seconds, but its power, covering a radius of 4 km, melted tiles and quartz in granite slabs, and incinerated telegraph poles. Following the heat wave came a shock wave. The wind speed was 800 km/h, and its gust destroyed almost everything in the city. Of the 76 thousand buildings, 70 thousand were completely destroyed.

A few minutes later a strange rain of large black drops began to fall. It was caused by condensation formed in the colder layers of the atmosphere from steam and ash. Affected people fireball at a distance of 800 meters, were burned and turned to dust.

Some had their burnt skin torn off by the shock wave. Drops of black radioactive rain left incurable burns.

The survivors fell ill with a previously unknown disease. They began to experience nausea, vomiting, fever, and attacks of weakness. The level of white cells in the blood dropped sharply. These were the first signs of radiation sickness.

Two atomic bombs destroyed hundreds of thousands of people in seconds. The first city was practically wiped off the face of the earth by the shock wave. More than half of the civilians (about 240 thousand people) died immediately from their wounds. Many people were exposed to radiation, which led to radiation sickness, cancer, and infertility. In Nagasaki, 73 thousand people were killed in the first days, and after some time another 35 thousand inhabitants died in great agony.

Video: nuclear bomb tests

Tests of RDS-37

Creation of the atomic bomb in Russia

The consequences of the bombings and the history of the inhabitants of Japanese cities shocked I. Stalin. It became clear that creating your own nuclear weapons is a question national security. On August 20, 1945, the Atomic Energy Committee began its work in Russia, headed by L. Beria.

Research on nuclear physics have been carried out in the USSR since 1918. In 1938, a commission on the atomic nucleus was created at the Academy of Sciences. But with the outbreak of the war, almost all work in this direction was suspended.

In 1943, Soviet intelligence officers transferred closed scientific works on atomic energy, from which it followed that the creation of the atomic bomb in the West had advanced far ahead. At the same time, reliable agents were introduced into several American nuclear research centers in the United States. They passed on information on the atomic bomb to Soviet scientists.

The terms of reference for the development of two versions of the atomic bomb were drawn up by their creator and one of the scientific supervisors, Yu. Khariton. In accordance with it, it was planned to create an RDS (“ jet engine special") with index 1 and 2:

  1. RDS-1 is a bomb with a plutonium charge, which was supposed to be detonated by spherical compression. His device was handed over to Russian intelligence.
  2. RDS-2 is a cannon bomb with two parts of a uranium charge, which must converge in the gun barrel until a critical mass is created.

In the history of the famous RDS, the most common decoding - “Russia does it itself” - was invented by Yu. Khariton’s deputy for scientific work K. Shchelkin.

These words very accurately conveyed the essence of the work. The information that the USSR had mastered the secrets of nuclear weapons caused a rush in the United States to quickly start a preemptive war. In July 1949, the Trojan plan appeared, according to which fighting

Information received through intelligence channels accelerated the work of Soviet scientists. According to Western experts, Soviet nuclear weapons could not have been created earlier than 1954-1955. However, the test of the first atomic bomb took place in the USSR at the end of August 1949.

At the test site in Semipalatinsk on August 29, 1949, the RDS-1 nuclear device was blown up - the first Soviet atomic bomb, which was invented by a team of scientists led by I. Kurchatov and Yu. Khariton. The explosion had a power of 22 kt. The design of the charge imitated the American “Fat Man”, and the electronic filling was created by Soviet scientists.

The Trojan plan, according to which the Americans were going to drop atomic bombs on 70 cities of the USSR, was thwarted due to the likelihood of a retaliatory strike. The event at the Semipalatinsk test site informed the world that the Soviet atomic bomb ended the American monopoly on the possession of new weapons. This invention completely destroyed the militaristic plan of the USA and NATO and prevented the development of the Third World War. Started new story- an era of world peace, existing under the threat of total destruction.

"Nuclear Club" of the world

Nuclear Club – symbol several states owning nuclear weapons. Today we have such weapons:

  • in the USA (since 1945)
  • in Russia (originally USSR, since 1949)
  • in Great Britain (since 1952)
  • in France (since 1960)
  • in China (since 1964)
  • in India (since 1974)
  • in Pakistan (since 1998)
  • in North Korea (since 2006)

Israel is also considered to have nuclear weapons, although the country's leadership does not comment on its presence. In addition, on the territory of NATO member states (Germany, Italy, Turkey, Belgium, the Netherlands, Canada) and allies (Japan, South Korea, despite the official refusal) US nuclear weapons are located.

Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, which owned part of the nuclear weapons after the collapse of the USSR, transferred them to Russia in the 90s, which became the sole heir to the Soviet nuclear arsenal.

Atomic (nuclear) weapons are the most powerful instrument of global politics, which has firmly entered the arsenal of relations between states. On the one hand, it is effective means deterrence, on the other hand, a powerful argument for preventing military conflict and strengthening peace between the powers that own these weapons. This is a symbol an entire era in the history of mankind and international relations

, which must be handled very wisely.

Video: Nuclear Weapons Museum

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As is known, to first generation nuclear weapons, it is often called ATOMIC, refers to warheads based on the use of fission energy of uranium-235 or plutonium-239 nuclei. The first test of this kind in history charger with a power of 15 kt was carried out in the USA on July 16, 1945 at the Alamogordo test site.

The explosion of the first Soviet atomic bomb in August 1949 gave new impulse in the development of work to create second generation nuclear weapons. It is based on the technology of using the energy of thermonuclear reactions for the synthesis of nuclei of heavy hydrogen isotopes - deuterium and tritium. Such weapons are called thermonuclear or hydrogen. The first test of the Mike thermonuclear device was carried out by the United States on November 1, 1952 on the island of Elugelab (Marshall Islands), the yield of which was 5-8 million tons. The following year, a thermonuclear charge was detonated in the USSR.

The implementation of atomic and thermonuclear reactions has opened up wide opportunities for their use in the creation of a series of various ammunition of subsequent generations. Towards third generation nuclear weapons include special charges (ammunition), in which, due to a special design, a redistribution of the explosion energy is achieved in favor of one of the damaging factors. Other types of charges for such weapons ensure the creation of a focus of one or another damaging factor in a certain direction, which also leads to a significant increase in its damaging effect.

An analysis of the history of the creation and improvement of nuclear weapons indicates that the United States has invariably taken the lead in the creation of new models. However, some time passed and the USSR eliminated these unilateral advantages of the United States. Third generation nuclear weapons are no exception in this regard. One of the most famous examples of third generation nuclear weapons is NEUTRON weapons.

What are neutron weapons?

Neutron weapons were widely discussed at the turn of the 60s. However, it later became known that the possibility of its creation had been discussed long before that. Ex-president World Federation of Scientists Professor from Great Britain E. Burop recalled that he first heard about this back in 1944, when he was working in the United States on the Manhattan Project as part of a group of English scientists. Work on the creation of neutron weapons was initiated by the need to obtain a powerful weapon with selective destruction capability for use directly on the battlefield.

The first explosion of a neutron charger (code number W-63) was carried out in an underground adit in Nevada in April 1963. The neutron flux obtained during testing turned out to be significantly lower than the calculated value, which significantly reduced combat capabilities new weapons. It took almost another 15 years for the neutron charges to acquire all the qualities military weapons. According to Professor E. Burop, fundamental difference devices of a neutron charge from a thermonuclear one lies in the different rates of energy release: “ In a neutron bomb, the release of energy occurs much more slowly. It's like a time squib«.

Due to this slowdown, the energy spent on the formation of the shock wave and light radiation decreases and, accordingly, its release in the form of a neutron flux increases. During further work Certain successes were achieved in ensuring the focusing of neutron radiation, which made it possible not only to enhance its destructive effect in a certain direction, but also to reduce the danger when using it for one’s troops.

In November 1976, another test of a neutron warhead was carried out in Nevada, during which very impressive results were obtained. As a result, at the end of 1976, a decision was made to produce components for 203-mm caliber neutron projectiles and warheads for the Lance missile. Later, in August 1981, at a meeting of the Nuclear Planning Group of the US National Security Council, a decision was made on full-scale production of neutron weapons: 2000 shells for a 203-mm howitzer and 800 warheads for the Lance missile.

When a neutron warhead explodes, the main damage to living organisms is caused by a stream of fast neutrons. According to calculations, for every kiloton of charge power, about 10 neutrons are released, which propagate with enormous speed in the surrounding space. These neutrons have an extremely high damaging effect on living organisms, much stronger than even Y-radiation and shock waves. For comparison, we point out that with the explosion of a conventional nuclear charge with a power of 1 kiloton, openly located manpower will be destroyed by a shock wave at a distance of 500-600 m. With the explosion of a neutron warhead of the same power, the destruction of manpower will occur at a distance of approximately three times greater.

The neutrons produced during the explosion move at speeds of several tens of kilometers per second. Bursting like projectiles into living cells of the body, they knock out nuclei from atoms, break molecular bonds, and form free radicals that are highly reactive, which leads to disruption of the basic cycles of life processes.

As neutrons move through the air as a result of collisions with the nuclei of gas atoms, they gradually lose energy. This leads to at a distance of about 2 km their damaging effect practically ceases. In order to reduce the destructive effect of the accompanying shock wave, the power of the neutron charge is chosen in the range from 1 to 10 kt, and the height of the explosion above the ground is about 150-200 meters.

According to the testimony of some American scientists, in the Los Alamos and Sandia laboratories of the USA and at the All-Russian Institute experimental physics thermonuclear experiments are carried out in Sarov (Arzamas-16), in which, along with research on obtaining electrical energy The possibility of producing purely thermonuclear explosives is being studied. The most likely by-product of the ongoing research, in their opinion, could be an improvement in the energy-mass characteristics of nuclear warheads and the creation of a neutron mini-bomb. According to experts, such a neutron warhead with a TNT equivalent of just one ton can create lethal dose radiation at distances of 200-400 m.

Neutron weapons are powerful defensive weapons and their most effective application possible when repelling aggression, especially when the enemy has invaded the protected territory. Neutron munitions are tactical weapon and their use is most likely in so-called "limited" wars, primarily in Europe. This weapon can be purchased special meaning for Russia, since in the conditions of weakening of its armed forces and increasing threat regional conflicts it will be forced to place greater emphasis on nuclear weapons in ensuring its security.

The use of neutron weapons can be especially effective when repelling a massive tank attack. It is known that tank armor at certain distances from the epicenter of the explosion (more than 300-400 m during the explosion of a nuclear charge with a power of 1 kt) it provides protection for crews from the shock wave and Y-radiation. At the same time, fast neutrons penetrate steel armor without significant attenuation.

Calculations show that in the event of an explosion of a neutron charge with a power of 1 kiloton, tank crews will be instantly disabled within a radius of 300 m from the epicenter and die within two days. Crews located at a distance of 300-700 m will fail in a few minutes and will also die within 6-7 days; at distances of 700-1300 m they will be ineffective in a few hours, and the death of most of them will last for several weeks. At distances of 1300-1500 m certain part crews will suffer serious illnesses and gradually become incapacitated.

Neutron warheads can also be used in missile defense systems to combat the warheads of attacking missiles in their trajectory. According to experts, fast neutrons, having a high penetrating ability, will pass through the lining of enemy warheads and cause damage to their electronic equipment. In addition, neutrons interacting with the uranium or plutonium nuclei of an atomic warhead detonator will cause them to fission.

Such a reaction will occur with a large release of energy, which ultimately can lead to heating and destruction of the detonator. This, in turn, will cause the entire warhead charge to fail. This property of neutron weapons was used in US missile defense systems. Back in the mid-70s, neutron warheads were installed on Sprint interceptor missiles of the Safeguard system deployed around the Grand Forks airbase (North Dakota). It is possible that the future US national missile defense system will also use neutron warheads.

As is known, in accordance with the commitments announced by the presidents of the United States and Russia in September-October 1991, all nuclear artillery shells and warheads of ground-based tactical missiles must be eliminated. However, there is no doubt that if the military-political situation changes and a political decision is made, the proven technology of neutron warheads makes it possible to establish their mass production in a short time.

"Super EMP"

Shortly after the end of World War II, with a monopoly on nuclear weapons, the United States resumed testing to improve them and determine the damaging effects of a nuclear explosion. At the end of June 1946, nuclear explosions were carried out in the area of ​​Bikini Atoll (Marshall Islands) under the code “Operation Crossroads”, during which the damaging effects of atomic weapons were studied.

During these test explosions it was discovered new physical phenomenon formation of a powerful impulse electromagnetic radiation(AMY), to which great interest was immediately shown. EMP turned out to be especially significant during high explosions. In the summer of 1958, nuclear explosions were carried out at high altitudes. The first series under the code "Hardtack" was carried out on Pacific Ocean near Johnston Island. During the tests, two megaton-class charges were detonated: “Tek” - at an altitude of 77 kilometers and “Orange” - at an altitude of 43 kilometers.

In 1962, high-altitude explosions continued: at an altitude of 450 km, under the code “Starfish,” a warhead with a yield of 1.4 megatons was detonated. Soviet Union also during 1961-1962. conducted a series of tests during which the impact of high-altitude explosions (180-300 km) on the functioning of missile defense system equipment was studied.
During these tests, powerful electromagnetic pulses were recorded, which had a great damaging effect on electronic equipment, communication and power lines, radio and radar stations over long distances. Since then, military experts have continued to pay great attention to research into the nature of this phenomenon, its damaging effects, and ways to protect their combat and support systems from it.

The physical nature of EMR is determined by the interaction of Y-quanta of instantaneous radiation from a nuclear explosion with atoms of air gases: Y-quanta knock out electrons from atoms (the so-called Compton electrons), which move at enormous speed in the direction from the center of the explosion. The flow of these electrons interacting with magnetic field Earth, creates a pulse of electromagnetic radiation. When a megaton-class charge explodes at altitudes of several tens of kilometers, the tension electric field on the earth's surface can reach tens of kilovolts per meter.

Based on the results obtained during the tests, US military experts launched research in the early 80s aimed at creating another type of third-generation nuclear weapon - Super-EMP with an enhanced output of electromagnetic radiation.

To increase the yield of Y-quanta, it was proposed to create a shell of a substance around the charge, the nuclei of which, actively interacting with the neutrons of a nuclear explosion, emit high-energy Y-radiation. Experts believe that with the help of Super-EMP it is possible to create a field strength at the Earth's surface of the order of hundreds and even thousands of kilovolts per meter.

According to the calculations of American theorists, the explosion of such a charge with a capacity of 10 megatons at an altitude of 300-400 km above the geographic center of the United States - the state of Nebraska - will disrupt the operation of radio-electronic equipment throughout almost the entire territory of the country for a time sufficient to disrupt the retaliatory missile attack. nuclear strike.

The further direction of work on the creation of Super-EMP was associated with enhancing its damaging effect by focusing Y-radiation, which should have led to an increase in the amplitude of the pulse. These properties of Super-EMP make it a first-strike weapon designed to disable government and military control systems, ICBMs, especially mobile-based missiles, missiles on a trajectory, radar stations, spacecraft, power supply systems, etc. Thus, Super EMP is clearly offensive in nature and is a first strike destabilizing weapon.

Penetrating warheads - penetrators

The search for reliable means of destroying highly protected targets led US military experts to the idea of ​​using the energy of underground nuclear explosions for this purpose. When nuclear charges are buried in the ground, the proportion of energy spent on the formation of a crater, a destruction zone and seismic shock waves increases significantly. In this case, with the existing accuracy of ICBMs and SLBMs, the reliability of destroying “point”, especially durable targets on enemy territory is significantly increased.

Work on the creation of penetrators was started by order of the Pentagon back in the mid-70s, when the concept of a “counterforce” strike was given priority. The first example of a penetrating warhead was developed in the early 80s for a missile medium range"Pershing 2". After the signing of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, the efforts of US specialists were redirected to the creation of such ammunition for ICBMs.

The developers of the new warhead encountered significant difficulties related, first of all, to the need to ensure its integrity and performance when moving in the ground. The enormous overloads acting on the warhead (5000-8000 g, g-gravity acceleration) place extremely stringent demands on the design of the ammunition.

The destructive effect of such a warhead on buried, especially strong targets is determined by two factors - the power of the nuclear charge and the extent of its penetration into the ground. Moreover, for each charge power value there is optimal value depth, which ensures the greatest efficiency of the penetrator.

For example, the destructive effect of a 200 kiloton nuclear charge on particularly hard targets will be quite effective when buried to a depth of 15-20 meters and it will be equivalent to the effect of a ground explosion of a 600 kiloton MX missile warhead. Military experts have determined that with the accuracy of delivery of the penetrator warhead, characteristic of the MX and Trident-2 missiles, the probability of destruction missile silo or enemy command post with one warhead, is very high. This means that in this case the probability of target destruction will be determined only by the technical reliability of the delivery of warheads.

It is obvious that penetrating warheads are designed to destroy enemy government and military control centers, ICBMs located in silos, command posts and so on. Consequently, penetrators are offensive, “counterforce” weapons designed to deliver a first strike and, as such, have a destabilizing nature.

The importance of penetrating warheads, if adopted, could increase significantly in the context of a reduction in strategic offensive weapons, when a decrease in combat capabilities for delivering a first strike (a decrease in the number of carriers and warheads) will require an increase in the probability of hitting targets with each ammunition. At the same time, for such warheads it is necessary to ensure a sufficiently high accuracy of hitting the target. Therefore, the possibility of creating penetrator warheads equipped with a homing system at the final part of the trajectory, similar to high-precision weapons, was considered.

Nuclear-pumped X-ray laser

In the second half of the 70s, research began at the Livermore Radiation Laboratory to create " anti-missile weapons of the 21st century" - an X-ray laser with nuclear excitation. From the very beginning, this weapon was conceived as the main means of destroying Soviet missiles in the active part of the trajectory, before the warheads were separated. The new weapon was given the name “multiple launch rocket weapon.”

In schematic form, the new weapon can be represented as a warhead, on the surface of which up to 50 laser rods are attached. Each rod has two degrees of freedom and, like a gun barrel, can be autonomously directed to any point in space. Along the axis of each rod, several meters long, a thin wire of dense active material, “such as gold,” is placed. A powerful nuclear charge is placed inside the warhead, the explosion of which should serve as an energy source for pumping lasers.

According to some experts, to ensure the destruction of attacking missiles at a range of more than 1000 km, a charge with a yield of several hundred kilotons will be required. The warhead also houses an targeting system with a high-speed, real-time computer.

To combat Soviet missiles, US military specialists developed special tactics its combat use. For this purpose, it was proposed to place nuclear laser warheads on ballistic missiles Oh submarines(SLBM). In a “crisis situation” or in preparation for a first strike, submarines equipped with these SLBMs must covertly move into patrol areas and take up combat positions as close as possible to the position areas of Soviet ICBMs: in the northern part Indian Ocean, in the Arabian, Norwegian, and Okhotsk seas.

When a signal is received to launch Soviet missiles, submarine missiles are launched. If Soviet missiles rose to an altitude of 200 km, then in order to reach line-of-sight range, missiles with laser warheads need to rise to an altitude of about 950 km. After this, the control system, together with the computer, aims the laser rods at the Soviet missiles. As soon as each rod takes a position in which the radiation hits the target exactly, the computer will give a command to detonate the nuclear charge.

The enormous energy released during the explosion in the form of radiation will instantly transform the active substance of the rods (wire) into a plasma state. In a moment, this plasma, cooling, will create radiation in the X-ray range, propagating in airless space for thousands of kilometers in the direction of the axis of the rod. The laser warhead itself will be destroyed in a few microseconds, but before that it will have time to send powerful pulses of radiation towards the targets.

Absorbed in a thin surface layer of rocket material, X-rays can create an extremely high concentration of thermal energy in it, causing it to evaporate explosively, leading to the formation of a shock wave and, ultimately, destruction of the shell.

However, the creation of the X-ray laser, which was considered the cornerstone of Reagan's SDI program, encountered great difficulties that have not yet been overcome. Among them, the difficulties of focusing laser radiation, as well as creating an effective system for pointing laser rods, are in the first place.

The first underground tests of an X-ray laser were carried out in the Nevada adits in November 1980 under the code name "Dauphine". The results obtained confirmed the theoretical calculations of scientists, however, the output of X-ray radiation turned out to be very weak and clearly insufficient to destroy missiles. This was followed by a series of test explosions “Excalibur”, “Super-Excalibur”, “Cottage”, “Romano”, during which specialists pursued main goal— increase the intensity of X-ray radiation due to focusing.

At the end of December 1985, an underground Goldstone explosion with a yield of about 150 kt was carried out, and in April of the following year, the Mighty Oak test was carried out with similar goals. Under the ban on nuclear testing, serious obstacles arose in the creation of these weapons.

It must be emphasized that an X-ray laser is, first of all, a nuclear weapon and, if detonated near the surface of the Earth, it will have approximately the same destructive effect as a conventional thermonuclear charge of the same power.

"Hypersonic shrapnel"

During the work on the SDI program, theoretical calculations and simulation results of the process of intercepting enemy warheads showed that the first echelon of missile defense, designed to destroy missiles in the active part of the trajectory, will not be able to completely solve this problem. Therefore it is necessary to create military means, capable of effectively destroying warheads in their free flight phase.

For this purpose, US experts proposed using small metal particles accelerated to high speeds using the energy of a nuclear explosion. The main idea of ​​such a weapon is that when high speeds even a small dense particle (with a mass of no more than a gram) will have a large kinetic energy. Therefore, upon impact with a target, the particle can damage or even pierce the warhead shell. Even if the shell is only damaged, upon entering the dense layers of the atmosphere it will be destroyed as a result of intense mechanical impact and aerodynamic heating.

Naturally, if such a particle hits a thin-walled inflatable decoy target, its shell will be pierced and it will immediately lose its shape in a vacuum. The destruction of light decoys will greatly facilitate the selection of nuclear warheads and, thus, will contribute to the successful fight against them.

It is assumed that, structurally, such a warhead will contain a nuclear charge of relatively low power with automatic system detonation, around which a shell is created consisting of many small metal destructive elements. With a shell mass of 100 kg, more than 100 thousand fragmentation elements can be obtained, which will create a relatively large and dense lesion field. During the explosion of a nuclear charge, a hot gas is formed - plasma, which, scattering at enormous speed, carries along and accelerates these dense particles. A difficult technical challenge in this case is maintaining a sufficient mass of fragments, since when a high-speed gas flow flows around them, mass will be carried away from the surface of the elements.

A series of tests were carried out in the United States to create “nuclear shrapnel” under the Prometheus program. The power of the nuclear charge during these tests was only a few tens of tons. When assessing the destructive capabilities of this weapon, it should be borne in mind that in the dense layers of the atmosphere, particles moving at speeds of more than 4-5 kilometers per second will burn up. Therefore, “nuclear shrapnel” can only be used in space, at altitudes of more than 80-100 km, in airless conditions.

Accordingly, shrapnel warheads can be successfully used, in addition to combating warheads and decoys, also as anti-space weapons to destroy military satellites, in particular those included in the missile attack warning system (MAWS). Therefore, it is possible to use it in combat in the first strike to “blind” the enemy.

Discussed above different kinds nuclear weapons by no means exhaust all possibilities in creating their modifications. This, in particular, concerns nuclear weapons projects with enhanced air power. nuclear wave, increased yield of Y-radiation, increased radioactive contamination of the area (such as the notorious “cobalt” bomb), etc.

IN Lately ultra-low-power nuclear warhead projects are being considered in the United States:
- mini-newx (capacity hundreds of tons),
— micro-news (tens of tons),
- Tiny-news (units of tons), which, in addition to low power, should be significantly more “clean” than their predecessors.

The process of improving nuclear weapons continues and it cannot be ruled out that in the future the appearance of subminiature nuclear charges created using super-heavy transplutonium elements with a critical mass from 25 to 500 grams. The transplutonium element Kurchatovium has a critical mass of about 150 grams.

A nuclear device using one of the California isotopes will be so small in size that, with a power of several tons of TNT, it can be adapted for firing from grenade launchers and small arms.

All of the above indicates that the use of nuclear energy for military purposes has significant potential and continued development in the direction of creating new types of weapons can lead to a “technological breakthrough” that will lower the “nuclear threshold” and have a negative impact on strategic stability.

Banning everyone nuclear tests if it does not completely block the paths for the development and improvement of nuclear weapons, it significantly slows them down. Under these conditions, it becomes especially important mutual openness, trust, the elimination of acute contradictions between states and the creation, ultimately, of an effective international system collective security.

/Vladimir Belous, Major General, Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences,

Nuclear weapons have enormous power. During fission of uranium

a mass of about a kilogram releases the same amount of energy as

in an explosion of TNT weighing about 20 thousand tons. Fusion reactions are even more energy intensive. The explosion power of nuclear weapons is usually measured in units of TNT equivalent. TNT equivalent is the mass of trinitrotoluene that would provide an explosion equivalent in power to the explosion of a given nuclear weapon. It is usually measured in kilotons (kT) or megatons (MgT).

Depending on their power, nuclear weapons are divided into calibers:

Ultra small (less than 1kT)

Small (from 1 to 10 kT)

Medium (from 10 to 100 kT)

Large (from 100 kT to 1 MgT)

Extra large (over 1 MgT)

Thermonuclear charges are used for super-large, large

and medium calibers; nuclear - ultra-small, small and medium calibers,

neutron - ultra-small and small calibers.

1.5 Types of nuclear explosions

Depending on the tasks solved by nuclear weapons, on the type and location

objects against which nuclear strikes are planned, as well as the nature

upcoming hostilities, nuclear explosions can be carried out in

air, at the surface of the earth (water) and underground (water). According

distinguish with this the following types nuclear explosions:

Air (high and low)

Ground (surface)

Underground (underwater)

1.6 Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.

A nuclear explosion can instantly destroy or incapacitate

unprotected people, openly standing equipment, structures and various

material resources. The main damaging factors of a nuclear explosion are:

Shock wave

Light radiation

Penetrating radiation

Radioactive contamination of the area

Electromagnetic pulse

Let's look at them:

a) The shock wave in most cases is the main damaging

factor of a nuclear explosion. It is similar in nature to a shock wave

normal explosion, but lasts longer and has

much greater destructive power. Shock wave of a nuclear explosion

can cause damage at a considerable distance from the center of the explosion

people, destroy structures and damage military equipment.

A shock wave is an area of ​​strong air compression,

spreading from high speed in all directions from the center of the explosion.

The speed of its spread depends on the air pressure in the front

shock wave; near the center of the explosion it is several times higher

the speed of sound, but with increasing distance from the explosion site, drops sharply.

In the first 2 seconds the shock wave travels about 1000 m, in 5 seconds it travels 2000 m,

in 8 seconds - about 3000 m. This serves as a justification for the standard N5 ZOMP

“Actions in the event of a nuclear explosion”: excellent - 2 sec, good - 3 sec,

satisfactory - 4 sec.

The damaging effect of the shock wave on people and the destructive effect on

military equipment, engineering structures and materiel before

are determined entirely by excess pressure and air velocity in

her front. Overpressure is the difference between the maximum pressure in the shock wave front and the normal atmospheric pressure in front of it. It is measured in newtons per square meter (N/m2). This unit of pressure is called the pascal (Pa). 1 N/m 2 =1 Pa (1 kPa0.01 kgf/cm2).

With excess pressure of 20-40 kPa, unprotected people can suffer minor injuries (minor bruises and contusions). Exposure to a shock wave with an excess pressure of 40-60 kPa leads to moderate damage: loss of consciousness, damage to the hearing organs, severe dislocations of the limbs, bleeding from the nose and ears. Severe injuries occur when excess pressure exceeds 60 kPa and are characterized by severe contusions of the entire body, broken limbs and damage to internal organs. Extremely severe injuries, often fatal, are observed at excess pressure above 100 kPa.

Unprotected people may also be struck by flying

at enormous speed with shards of glass and fragments of destroyed buildings,

falling trees, as well as scattered parts of military equipment,

lumps of earth, stones and other objects set in motion

high-speed pressure of the shock wave. The greatest indirect damage will be observed in populated areas and in the forest; in these cases, troop losses may be greater than from the direct action of the shock wave.

The shock wave can also cause damage in enclosed spaces,

penetrating there through cracks and holes.

As the caliber of nuclear weapons increases, the shock wave damage radii

grow in proportion to the cube root of the explosion power. During an underground explosion, a shock wave occurs in the ground, and during an underwater explosion, it occurs in water.

In addition, with these types of explosions, part of the energy is spent on creating

shock wave and in the air. The shock wave, propagating in the ground,

causes damage to underground structures, sewerage, water supply;

when it spreads in water, damage to the underwater part is observed

ships located even at a considerable distance from the explosion site.

b) Light radiation from a nuclear explosion is a stream

radiant energy, including ultraviolet, visible and infrared

radiation. The source of light radiation is the luminous area,

consisting of hot explosion products and hot air. Brightness

light radiation in the first second is several times greater than the brightness

The absorbed energy of light radiation turns into heat, which

leads to heating of the surface layer of the material. Heating may be

so strong that charring or ignition of fuel is possible

material and cracking or melting of non-flammable material, which can lead to

to huge fires. In this case, the effect of light radiation from a nuclear explosion

equivalent to the massive use of incendiary weapons, which

discussed in the fourth study question.

The human skin also absorbs the energy of light radiation,

As a result, it can heat up to high temperatures and cause burns. IN

First of all, burns occur on open areas of the body facing

side of the explosion. If you look towards the explosion with unprotected eyes, then

Possible eye damage leading to complete loss of vision.

Burns caused by light radiation are no different from ordinary burns.

caused by fire or boiling water. They are stronger the shorter the distance to

explosion and the greater the power of the ammunition. In an air explosion, the damaging effect of light radiation is greater than in a ground explosion of the same power.

Depending on the perceived light pulse, burns are divided into three

degrees. First-degree burns manifest themselves as superficial skin lesions: redness, swelling, and pain. With second degree burns, blisters appear on the skin. With third degree burns, skin necrosis and ulceration occur.

With an air explosion of ammunition with a power of 20 kT and an atmospheric transparency of about 25 km, first-degree burns will be observed within a radius of 4.2

km from the center of the explosion; with the explosion of a charge with a power of 1 MgT, this distance

will increase to 22.4 km. Second degree burns appear over distances

2.9 and 14.4 km and third degree burns - at distances of 2.4 and 12.8 km

respectively for ammunition with a capacity of 20 kT and 1 MgT.

c) Penetrating radiation is an invisible flux of gamma

quanta and neutrons emitted from the nuclear explosion zone. Gamma rays

and neutrons spread in all directions from the center of the explosion for hundreds

meters. With increasing distance from the explosion, the number of gamma quanta and

neutrons passing through a unit surface area decreases. At

underground and underwater nuclear explosions, the effect of penetrating radiation

extends over distances significantly shorter than with ground and

air explosions, which is explained by the absorption of a flux of neutrons and gamma

quanta with water.

Zones affected by penetrating radiation during explosions of nuclear weapons

medium and high power are slightly smaller than the zones affected by the shock wave and light radiation. For ammunition with a small TNT equivalent (1000 tons or less), on the contrary, the damage zones of penetrating radiation exceed the zones of damage by shock waves and light radiation.

The damaging effect of penetrating radiation is determined by the ability

Gamma rays and neutrons ionize the atoms of the medium in which they propagate. Passing through living tissue, gamma rays and neutrons ionize atoms and molecules that make up the cells, which lead to

disruption of the vital functions of individual organs and systems. Influenced

ionization in the body, biological processes of cell death and decomposition occur. As a result, affected people develop a specific disease called radiation sickness.

d) The main sources of radioactive contamination are fission products of a nuclear charge and radioactive isotopes formed as a result of the impact of neutrons on the materials from which nuclear weapons are made, and on some elements that make up the soil in the area of ​​the explosion.

In a ground-based nuclear explosion, the glowing area touches the ground. Masses of evaporating soil are drawn inside it and rise upward. As they cool, vapors of soil fission products condense on solid particles. A radioactive cloud is formed. It rises to a height of many kilometers, and then moves with the wind at a speed of 25-100 km/h. Radioactive particles falling from the cloud to the ground form a zone of radioactive contamination (trace), the length of which can reach several hundred kilometers.

Radioactive contamination of people, military equipment, terrain and various

objects during a nuclear explosion is caused by fission fragments of the substance

charge and the unreacted part of the charge falling out of the explosion cloud,

as well as induced radioactivity.

Over time, the activity of fission fragments decreases rapidly,

especially in the first hours after the explosion. For example, general activity

fission fragments during the explosion of a nuclear weapon with a power of 20 kT through

one day will be several thousand times less than one minute after

When a nuclear weapon explodes, part of the charge substance is not exposed

division, but falls out in its usual form; its decay is accompanied by the formation of alpha particles. Induced radioactivity is caused by radioactive isotopes formed in the soil as a result of irradiation with neutrons emitted at the moment of explosion by the nuclei of atoms of chemical elements that make up the soil. The resulting isotopes are usually

beta-active, the decay of many of them is accompanied by gamma radiation.

The half-lives of most of the resulting radioactive isotopes are relatively short, from one minute to an hour. In this regard, induced activity can pose a danger only in the first hours after the explosion and only in the area close to its epicenter.

The bulk of long-lived isotopes are concentrated in radioactive

the cloud that forms after the explosion. Cloud rise height for

ammunition with a power of 10 kT is equal to 6 km, for ammunition with a power of 10 MgT

it is 25 km. As you move forward, the clouds fall out first

the largest particles, and then smaller and smaller ones, forming

movement paths, a zone of radioactive contamination, the so-called cloud trail.

The size of the trace depends mainly on the power of the nuclear weapon,

as well as on wind speed and can reach several hundred in length and

several tens of kilometers wide.

Internal radiation injuries occur as a result of

hits radioactive substances inside the body through the respiratory system and

gastrointestinal tract. In this case, radioactive radiation enters

into direct contact with internal organs and may cause

severe radiation sickness; the nature of the disease will depend on the amount of radioactive substances entering the body.

For weapons, military equipment and engineering structures, radioactive

substances do not have harmful effects.

e) An electromagnetic pulse is a short-term electromagnetic field that occurs during the explosion of a nuclear weapon as a result of the interaction of gamma rays and neutrons emitted by a nuclear explosion with atoms of the environment. The consequence of its impact is burnout or breakdown of individual elements of radio-electronic and electrical equipment.

People can only be harmed if they come into contact with long wire lines at the time of the explosion.

The most reliable means of protection against all damaging factors of a nuclear explosion are protective structures. In the field you should take cover behind strong local objects, reverse slopes of heights, and in folds of the terrain.

When operating in contaminated areas, respiratory protection equipment (gas masks, respirators, anti-dust fabric masks and cotton-gauze bandages), as well as skin protection products, are used to protect the respiratory organs, eyes and open areas of the body from radioactive substances.

Features of the damaging effect of neutron ammunition.

Neutron munitions are a type of nuclear munition. They are based on thermonuclear charges, which use nuclear fission and fusion reactions. The explosion of such ammunition has a damaging effect primarily on people due to the powerful flow of penetrating radiation, a significant part (up to 40%) of which is so-called fast neutrons.

When a neutron munition explodes, the area affected by penetrating radiation exceeds the area affected by the shock wave by several times. In this zone, equipment and structures can remain unharmed, but people receive fatal injuries.

To protect against neutron munitions, the same means and methods are used as for protection against conventional nuclear munitions. In addition, when constructing shelters and shelters, it is recommended to compact and moisten the soil laid above them, increase the thickness of the ceilings, and provide additional protection for entrances and exits. The protective properties of equipment are increased by the use of combined protection consisting of hydrogen-containing substances (for example, polyethylene) and high-density materials (lead).

The entire bulk of an intercontinental ballistic missile, tens of meters and tons of ultra-strong alloys, high-tech fuel and advanced electronics are needed for only one thing - to deliver the warhead to its destination: a cone a meter and a half high and as thick at the base as a human torso. The most powerful weapon on Earth is very compact - a thermonuclear charge with a power of 300 kilotons (20 Hiroshima) resembles an ordinary bucket in shape and volume.

In addition to the charge, the warhead contains a control unit. It is also small in size - about the size of a can - and performs several tasks at once. The main thing is the detonation of the charge at a certain, strictly calculated height. Nuclear weapons are not intended for use on earth's surface- perhaps to disable the underground launch silos of enemy ballistic missiles, writes Popular Mechanics. The optimal altitude for triggering missile warheads is considered to be 1200 meters. In this case, the blast wave reflected from the ground merges with another, diverging to the sides, and strengthens it - this is how the main damaging factor nuclear explosion, all-crushing shock wave.

The automatics of the warhead controls the steering motors: pneumatic or powder, and monitors the thermostatic stabilization of the charge, since the weapons-grade plutonium from which it is composed tends to heat up in a calm state. In addition, the cone contains an on-board electrical network with power supplies and protection against electromagnetic pulse. All this equipment is securely mounted on shock absorbers and enclosed in a durable power frame, covered on top with a thick layer of thermal insulation.

I'll get off at the farthest station

The technology by which combat units separated from the rocket and set on their own courses - a separate big topic about which books can be written. Therefore, let’s just say that today the “bus” scheme is used: the breeding unit slows down at the right place, turns around, releases the warhead - in order not to lead it astray, it can even turn off its engines for a while - then it accelerates again and follows to the next "stop". This whole ballet takes place at an altitude of 1200 kilometers, where artificial Earth satellites fly.

Having separated from the last stage, the warhead reaches the top of its trajectory and then begins to fall towards the Earth. It enters the atmosphere at an incredible speed - 15 times faster than sound - its outer shell heats up to five to six thousand degrees and begins to burn. The worst part is the nose part - in warheads it is made of quartz and covered with the thickest layer of thermal insulation. However, the sides are not easy either: the air turned into plasma polishes the burning surface of the warhead, like sand or sandpaper, taking away the heat-protective coating.

At an altitude of 50 kilometers above the surface, the warhead enters the dense layers of the atmosphere and experiences powerful negative overloads: the air slows it down no worse than a concrete wall slows down a speeding car. This is where the power frame and shock-absorbing mounts come into play - otherwise the contents of the warhead will be torn from their regular places, breaking the power and communication cables.

Connected by one goal

The thermonuclear charge and the control unit continuously communicate with each other. This “dialogue” begins immediately after a warhead is installed on a missile, and it ends at the moment of a nuclear explosion. All this time, the control system prepares the charge for operation, like a trainer prepares a boxer for an important fight. And in right moment gives the last and most important command.

When placing a missile on combat duty, its charge is equipped to its full configuration: a pulsed neutron activator, detonators and other equipment are installed. But he is not ready for the explosion yet. Keep it in a mine or on your mobile for decades launcher a nuclear missile ready to explode at any moment is simply dangerous.

Therefore, during flight, the control system puts the charge in a state of readiness for explosion. This happens gradually, using complex sequential algorithms based on two main conditions: reliability of movement towards the goal and control over the process. If one of these factors deviates from the calculated values, the preparation will be stopped. Electronics transfers the charge to an increasingly higher degree of readiness so that design point give a command to operate.

A nuclear explosion occurs instantly: a warhead flying at the speed of a bullet manages to travel only hundredths of a millimeter before the entire power of the thermonuclear charge turns into light, fire, impact and radiation - and all this is of terrifying force.

On August 6th, 1945, the first nuclear weapon was used against the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later, the city of Nagasaki was subjected to a second strike, and currently the last in human history. They tried to justify these bombings on the grounds that they ended the war with Japan and prevented further losses of millions of lives. In total, the two bombs killed approximately 240,000 people and ushered in a new atomic age. From 1945 until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the world experienced cold war and the constant anticipation of a possible nuclear strike between the United States and the Soviet Union. During this time, the parties built thousands of nuclear weapons, from small bombs and cruise missiles, to large intercontinental ballistic warheads (ICBMs) and Seaborne Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs). Britain, France and China have added their own nuclear arsenals to this stockpile. Today, the fear of nuclear annihilation is much less than in the 1970s, but several countries still possess large arsenals of these destructive weapons.

Despite agreements aimed at limiting the number of missiles, nuclear powers continue to develop and improve their inventory and delivery methods. Advances in the development of missile defense systems have led some countries to increase the development of new and more effective missiles. There is a threat of a new arms race between the world's superpowers. This list contains the ten most destructive nuclear missile systems currently in service in the world. Accuracy, range, number of warheads, warhead yield and mobility are the factors that make these systems so destructive and dangerous. This list is presented without of a certain order because these nuclear missiles do not always share the same mission or target. One missile may be designed to destroy a city, while another type may be designed to destroy enemy missile silos. Additionally, this list does not include missiles currently being tested or not officially deployed. Thus, missile systems India's Agni-V and China's JL-2, which are being tested step-by-step and ready for service this year, are not included. Israel's Jericho III is also not included, since little is known about this missile at all. It is important to keep in mind when reading this list that the size of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were equivalent to 16 kilotons (x1000) and 21 kilotons TNT respectively.

M51, France

After the United States and Russia, France deploys the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world. In addition to nuclear bombs and cruise missiles, France relies on its SLBMs as its primary nuclear deterrent. The M51 missile is the most advanced component. It entered service in 2010 and is currently installed on the Triomphant class of submarines. The missile has a range of approximately 10,000 km and is capable of carrying 6 to 10 warheads per 100 kt. The circular excursion probable (CEP) of the missile is noted to be between 150 and 200 meters. This means that the warhead has a 50% chance of striking within 150-200 meters of the target. The M51 is equipped with a variety of systems that make attempts to intercept warheads much more difficult.

DF-31/31A, China

The Dong Feng 31 is a road-mobile and bunker-series intercontinental ICBM system deployed by China since 2006. The original model of this missile carried a large 1 megaton warhead and had a range of 8,000 km. The probable deflection of the missile is 300 m. The improved 31 A has three 150 kt warheads and is capable of covering a distance of 11,000 km, with a probable deflection of 150 m. An additional fact is that these missiles can be moved and launched from a mobile launch vehicle, which makes them even more dangerous.

Topol-M, Russia

Known as the SS-27 by NATO, the Topol-M was introduced into Russian service in 1997. Intercontinental missile based in bunkers, but several Poplars are also mobile. The missile is currently armed with a single 800 kt warhead, but can be equipped with a maximum of six warheads and decoys. WITH maximum speed At 7.3 km per second, with a relatively flat flight path and a probable deflection of approximately 200 m, the Topol-M is very effective nuclear rocket, which is difficult to stop in flight. The difficulty of tracking mobile units makes it a more effective weapon system worthy of this list.

RS-24 Yars, Russia

The Bush Administration's plans to develop a missile defense network in Eastern Europe angered leaders in the Kremlin. Despite the statement that the shield for protection against external impacts is not intended against Russia, Russian leaders viewed it as a threat to their own security and decided to develop a new ballistic missile. The result was the development of the RS-24 Yars. This missile is closely related to the Topol-M, but delivers four warheads of 150-300 kilotons and has a deflection of 50 m. Sharing many of the features of the Topol, the Yars can also change direction in flight and carries decoys, making interception by missile defense systems extremely difficult .

LGM-30G Minuteman III, USA

It is the only land-based ICBM deployed by the United States. First deployed in 1970, the LGM-30G Minuteman III was to be replaced by the MX Peacekeeper. That program was canceled and the Pentagon instead spent $7 billion to update and modernize the existing 450 Active systems LGM-30G over the past decade. With a speed of almost 8 km/s and a deviation of less than 200 m ( exact number highly classified) the old Minuteman remains a formidable nuclear weapon. This missile initially delivered three small warheads. Today, a single warhead of 300-475 kt is used.

RSM 56 Bulava, Russia

The RSM 56 Bulava naval ballistic missile is in Russian service. In terms of naval missiles, the Soviet Union and Russia were somewhat behind the United States in operational efficiency and capability. To correct this shortcoming, the Bulava was created, a more recent addition to the Russian submarine arsenal. The missile was developed for the new Borei-class submarine. After numerous failures during the testing phase, Russia accepted the missile into service in 2013. The Bulava is currently equipped with six 150 kt warheads, although reports say it can carry as many as 10. Like most modern ballistic missiles, the RSM 56 carries multiple decoys to increase survivability in the face of missile defense. The range is approximately 8,000 km when fully loaded, with an estimated deviation of 300-350 meters.

R-29RMU2 Liner, Russia

Latest development V Russian weapons The Liner has been in service since 2014. The missile is effectively an updated version of the previous Russian SLBM (Sineva R-29RMU2), designed to make up for the problems and some shortcomings of the Bulava. The liner has a range of 11,000 km and can carry a maximum of twelve warheads of 100 kt each. Warhead payload can be reduced and replaced with decoys to improve survivability. The warhead's deflection is kept secret, but is likely similar to the 350 meters of the Mace.

UGM-133 Trident II, USA

The current SLBM of the US and British submarine forces is the Trident II. The missile has been in service since 1990 and has been updated and modernized since then. Fully equipped, Trident can carry 14 warheads on board. This number was later reduced and the missile currently delivers 4-5 475 kt warheads. The maximum range depends on the warhead load and varies between 7,800 and 11,000 km. The US Navy required a deviation probability of no more than 120 meters for the missile to be accepted for service. Numerous reports and military journals often state that the Trident's deflection actually exceeded this requirement by a fairly significant factor.

DF-5/5A, China

Compared to other missiles on this list, the Chinese DF-5/5A can be considered a gray workhorse. The rocket does not stand out either in appearance or complexity, but at the same time it is capable of completing any given task. The DF-5 entered service in 1981 as a message to any potential enemies that China was not planning preemptive strikes but would punish anyone who attacked it. This ICBM can carry a huge 5 mt warhead and has a range of over 12,000 km. The DF-5 has a deflection of approximately 1 km, which means that the missile has one purpose - to destroy cities. The warhead's size, deflection and the fact that it only takes an hour to fully prepare for launch all mean that the DF-5 is a punitive weapon, designed to punish any would-be attackers. The 5A version has increased range, improved 300m deflection and the ability to carry multiple warheads.

R-36M2 "Voevoda"

R-36M2 “Voevoda” is a missile that in the West is called nothing less than Satan, and there are good reasons for this. First deployed in 1974, the Dnepropetrovsk-developed R-36 has undergone many changes since then, including the relocation of the warhead. The latest modification of this missile, the R-36M2 can carry ten 750 kt warheads and has a range of approximately 11,000 km. With a maximum speed of almost 8 km/s and a probable deflection of 220 m, Satan is a weapon that has caused great concern to US military planners. There would have been much more concern if Soviet planners had been given the green light to field one version of this missile, which would have had 38 250 kt warheads. Russia plans to retire all of these missiles by 2019.

In continuation, visit a selection of the most powerful weapons in history, which contains not only missiles.