Flying fireball. Fireballs attack people

Ball lightning. This mysterious phenomenon nature is still very little studied. There are many cases when this clot of crushing energy enters our homes. It penetrates into the room through the slightest cracks, chimneys and even through smooth glass. Ball lightning is a fleeting phenomenon, but sometimes it can be observed within 20 seconds.

Ball lightning is considered special kind lightning, which is a luminous fireball floating through the air (sometimes shaped like a mushroom, drop or pear).

When ball lightning enters an apartment, it behaves differently: it either goes out or “splashes” with a crash. Its sizes vary. The most common lightning is approximately 15 cm in size. But there are cases when its diameter reaches 1 meter or more. When contacting a person, the matter usually ends tragically. But in rare cases this does not happen. Not long ago, such a contact occurred in China: surprisingly, having hit the same person twice, she did not kill him (the incident was shown on TV).

A case of such an encounter with ball lightning is described: in Zimbabwe (Africa), a young woman with such contact escaped with only the loss of her dress and hairstyle. In Pyatigorsk, a roofing worker burned his hands while trying to brush aside a small ball that seemed to be hovering above him. I had to undergo treatment for a long time, because such burns do not heal for a long time. But there are many more cases that end tragically. In the summer there was an incident when a young man was killed who was tending public cattle in a pasture. Ball lightning destroyed him along with his horse.

There have been cases where planes encounter these fireballs. But so far no deaths of the aircraft or crew have been recorded (only minor damage to the skin was noted).

What does ball lightning look like?

There are ball lightnings different shapes: round, oval, cone-shaped, etc. The color of lightning also has a full range of colors. There are red with different shades, green, orange, white. Some types of lightning have a glowing "tail". What kind of natural phenomenon is this? Scientists say that ball lightning is a plasma clot whose temperature can be 30,000,000 degrees. It's higher solar temperature at its center.

Why does this happen, what is the nature of its occurrence. Observations of these “balls” appearing out of nowhere were noted - on a sunny, clear day, mysterious orange balls moved close to the surface, in a place where there were no high-voltage wires or other types of energy sources. Maybe they arise deep in the bowels of our planet, maybe in its faults. In general, this mysterious phenomenon has not yet been studied by anyone. Our scientists know more about the origin of stars than about what happens under their noses from century to century.

Types of ball lightning

Based on eyewitness accounts, there are two main types of ball lightning:

  1. The first is red ball lightning descending from a cloud. When such a heavenly gift touches any object on earth, for example a tree, it explodes. Interesting: ball lightning can be the size of a football, it can hiss and buzz threateningly.
  2. Another type of ball lightning travels for a long time along earth's surface and glows with a bright white light. The ball is attracted to good conductors of electricity and can touch anything - the ground, a power line or a person.

Lifetime of ball lightning

Ball lightning lasts from several seconds to several minutes. Why does this happen?

One theory states that the ball is a small copy storm cloud. This is how it probably happens. There are always tiny specks of dust in the air. Lightning can tell electric charge dust particles in a certain area of ​​air. Some dust particles are charged positively, others - negatively. In a further light show lasting up to many seconds, millions of small lightning bolts connect oppositely charged dust particles, creating in the air the image of a sparkling fireball - ball lightning.


a large-scale diffuse flame of a burning mass of fuel or vapor cloud rising above the surface of the earth.

EdwART. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010


A large-scale diffuse flame of a burning mass of fuel or vapor cloud rising above the surface of the earth.

EdwART. Glossary of terms and definitions for security and fire protection equipment, 2010


See what “Fireball” is in other dictionaries:

    Lightning, glowing ball Dictionary of Russian synonyms. fireball noun, number of synonyms: 2 lightning (24) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    fireball- A large-scale diffusion flame of a burning mass of fuel or a vapor cloud rising above the surface of the earth. [GOST R 12.3.047 98] Topics: fire safety...

    fireball- 3.1.8. fireball: A large-scale diffuse flame of a burning mass of fuel or vapor cloud rising above the surface of the earth. Source …

    Fireball- 3.9. Fireball: large-scale diffusion combustion, realized when a tank with a flammable liquid or gas under pressure ruptures with ignition of the contents of the tank... Source: Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated March 25, 2009 N 182 (as amended on December 9, 2010)... ... Official terminology

    Tutankhamun s Fireball Genre documentary/ popular science film ... Wikipedia

    Formation of glowing hot explosion products. EdwART. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010 ... Dictionary of emergency situations

    fireball explosion- Formation of glowing hot explosion products. [GOST R 22.0.08 96] Technogenic topics emergency situations Generalizing terms for types of explosions... Technical Translator's Guide

    fireball explosion- 3.2.8 fireball explosion: Formation of luminous hot explosion products. Source: GOST R 22.0.08 96: Safety in emergency situations. Man-made emergencies. Explosions. Terms and definitions... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation


  • Fireball, . The book contains works of oral folk art of the Eskimos of Asia, Alaska, Canada and Greenland. Most of the texts in Russian are published for the first time. The collection is illustrated...

Flying fireballs look like ball lightning, but unlike them, they can travel through the air over very long distances and manifest themselves as intelligent beings.


The most curious incidents are associated with ghostly lights of Marfa(aka Marfa Lights) are named after the town of Marfa on Mitchell Flat in West Texas.

Marfa lights in Texas

One night, a certain Jeff Brady came here to see with his own eyes the wonders of Mitchell Flat. As soon as Jeff was in the darkness, a shining ball flew up to him and hovered twenty meters at head level. The brave explorer stepped forward. One more step, one more...

The ball turned red and split in two, as if showing its displeasure. Brady took another step forward and suddenly flew into the air! “It was as if some kind of energy threw me up a meter and a half and threw me back,” he later said, glad that he got off lightly.

Elton Miles in his book Stories great river” cites cases where encounters with the lights of Marfa ended much more pitifully. Cars that had just cut through the desert turned into a pile of charred iron and their passengers disappeared without a trace into a hellish furnace or went crazy No matter how hard they tried to get out of them what happened, only laughter or incoherent muttering was heard in response.

Most often they are seen from a distance: the lights fly away or disappear as soon as someone tries to approach them.

People tried to catch them on foot, on horseback, in jeeps and even on airplanes. Some chased them for more than forty kilometers, but at the most decisive moment the lights disappeared.

As soon as the disappointed researchers turned back, the balls lit up again behind them. Fritz Kahl, a Marfa resident, said catching them is like trying to catch a rainbow or catching a fleeing horizon.

“I saw colorful fireballs in the distance that flew into the sky, merged, separated again and rushed down,” said Alan Nichols. “They changed colors, became green, yellow, blue, sometimes orange. The balls shone brightly, dimmed, dissolved in the darkness and lit up again. They were the size of a volleyball. I spent many nights on Mitchell Flat watching the lights. Sometimes they were very active (especially when I didn’t have a camera), and sometimes they didn’t appear at all - when the camera was ready.”

These orbs also appear over Redford, a 50-mile stretch along the Prestidio-Laitas Highway. Local residents say that the lights of Marfa look very impressive after the rain, when their dance is accompanied by sheaves of blue and orange sparks. The balls confused even experienced border guards, who thought they were flashlights in the hands of smugglers or the lights of their cars.

It is very easy to make a mistake here, the balls have learned to imitate the headlights, staying in twos low above the ground. Only when the "headlights" flew into different sides, the border guards realized their mistake. Where the lights flew, tire tracks were never found.

Lights respect no boundaries. Manuela Jimenez once saw two lights merge over the Rio Grande River, one coming from the United States and the other from Mexico. On the other side of the river, where the Rio Conchos flows into it, they are also often seen.

The rationality of the fires’ behavior is no longer questioned by anyone.

Elvira Peña of Redford told scientists that the lights followed her car twice, imitating headlights, that is, flying in pairs low above the ground. Luckily, they didn't cause her any harm.

Illiterate Mexicans believe that at night witches turn into the lights of Marfa and look out for whose soul to steal. They say that in the Lomas de Arena area there is a place where young witches learn to fly. If a fireball crashes into a rock, the next day you need to carefully look at all the girls - the one who comes with bruises or scratches is a witch. It also happened that superstitious peasants set fire to the house of such a girl: as soon as she ran out, they shot at her with silver bullets...

Many of them believe that witches turn not only into lights, but also into owls, so as not to give themselves away by the light. Francisco Quiroz admitted that one night he noticed a bright yellowish ball over a nearby mountain. He flew, illuminating the ground, touched a tree, then flew to the second, third.

When the sun rose, Francisco saw a very ordinary owl among the branches. “I knew that a witch was hiding under this mask,” he said, “so I took a slingshot and killed her.” Skeptics suggested that the owl simply rolled out in the glowing rotten places

Of course, scientists do not believe local stories. But they also cannot explain what is flying over Texas.

“At first I thought that these lights were just the headlights of distant cars,” said physicist Edson Hendricks. “In August 1993, I had to change my mind. I saw two white fireballs. They changed colors - from red to yellow. Around one of them there was a halo of bright red sparks. Then the balls swapped places. In two or three minutes that ball. that was a hundred meters from me, flew up. It shone like a lump of burning magnesium, but did not leave a smoke trail behind it. I was blinded by its light. It was simply impossible to confuse this thing with any man-made fire.”

Exactly the same lights fly near Rtani, a hill in western Serbia. Dozens of local residents spoke about fireballs rushing over the fields.

The fires of Rtani are no less fierce than their overseas relatives. Twenty-eight years ago, Novica Milosevic, a lawyer from the city of Soko Banja, was walking in those places with his relatives. At this time they were overtaken by a fireball. Nowitsa's brother and uncle were burned alive in hellfire, and he himself was forever blinded. His fate still remains a formidable warning to people trying to penetrate the secret of the deadly lights.


It turns out that this was encountered more than once at the end of the last and beginning of our century. Some even hypothesized about regular visits from spirits and ghosts!

“The phenomenon has been observed for a long time almost every evening,” testified Captain Strombo from the local garrison, who was trying to unravel the mystery. “It is almost the size of a large lamp, but if you look at it closely, it increases so that it sometimes reaches 60-70 centimeters in diameter.

Moving it from the small village church of St. Bernard's movement towards the cemetery occurs as if in successive leaps. Around midnight, the flames return from the cemetery to the church. It is impossible to explain how the flames come out of the church. Apparently, no one has ever approached the luminous ball to examine it closely... They claim that this flame burned some objects."

Strombo noticed that some people could see the ball and others could not. By the way, sometimes this is exactly what happens during UFO sightings!

“This phenomenon, in my opinion, deserves attention,” noted Lombroso. “It needs to be investigated, and if to some extent it can be explained in summer time, then, in any case, I don’t see how it will be possible to find an explanation for it in winter and in a calm atmosphere.”

Dr. Ghirzino from the University of Turin also noted that not everyone is able to see the Carniento phenomenon.

Nearby, in the province of Padua, a mysterious ball used to appear every day.

“The light rises from the ground among the fields and quietly hovers in the air at a height of eight meters,” wrote Countess Ida Corer in the Genoese newspaper Veltro (1908, No. 8). “From time to time, however, it descends and often moves away or approaches with the speed of thought. It's the size of a large electric torch.

Last winter, some fools found nothing better than to shoot him with a gun. The ball disappeared; the next day it appeared again, but divided in two. In this way he appeared for several evenings, and then both parts united, and he became whole again.

But since then, the peasants say, it has not had the same size and its light is less bright. Nevertheless, last night I could admire it in all its splendor. He shone like a star. The whole area observed the phenomenon for several months. Every evening more than forty people admired this amazing phenomenon!”


In 1904-1905, the lights of the town of Egreen caused fear and religious awe in Great Britain. Priest A Freyer sent out a detailed questionnaire to all eyewitnesses and received the following responses:

“I saw the light every night for about six weeks,” said Mrs. Jones Aislewerford. “Sometimes it looked like a lamp, like a car light, and moved around without causing any harm to anyone. In other cases, it took the form of two lanterns surrounded by tongues of fire, appearing and disappearing. Sometimes he was imagined as lightning - it would flash and immediately disappear; it even happened that he took on the appearance of a very bright star.”

One of the residents of the village of Dolgau said that he saw the fire for eight nights in a row. The mysterious ball slowly moved along the chosen route, and one day it rushed with great speed! The eyewitness emphasized that this fire or light appeared in places where there could be no other lights.

A reporter from the London Daily Mirror came to Egreen to see the lights in person. After a long wait, the fire appeared, and not everyone saw it either!

After 1905, the lights began to appear less frequently, but did not disappear. During the First World War, they were reported by the military, who thought that they were spies signaling to German airships. On September 4, 1915, at 9:30 p.m., Lieutenant General W. Drury saw “a bright white light rising evenly over the meadow to a height of approximately 50-60 feet "

In his report, he wrote: “Its trajectory was clearly visible against the background of the dark forest and hills... We were within a mile of this source of light and clearly saw its rise.”

In 1923, lights appeared in Warwickshire. “It was about seven o’clock in the evening,” a local newspaper journalist described his observation. “We looked back and saw a strong flashing light 200 yards away, similar to the light of a motorcycle headlight. He simply fascinated us. It flickered on high speed passed through the bushes and gates, then, approaching us, flashed brightly and went into the ground.”


In Malaysia, there is a belief that women who die during childbirth turn into a luminous ball - a penangal, which sucks the life and mind out of random travelers. The English traveler George Maxwell recorded the story of one Begind Sutan, who stayed at night to work on a hill frequented by Penangal. When they came for him the next morning, they saw that Beginda had gone mad. He was never able to clearly tell what happened that night.

Maxwell decided to stay on the hill himself and saw two lights. They turned sharply, at an angle of 90 degrees, and rushed straight towards him. Without losing his presence of mind, Maxwell noticed that these were fireballs the size of a human head, which were moving at a monstrous speed. Fortunately, the balls rushed past fifty meters.

When Maxwell told one official about this, he replied that the Englishman was very lucky and that it was a miracle that he survived.

The same lights often appear in Australia. The first report about them appeared back in 1878. The Goulburn Herald newspaper published a note on March 16:

"IN lately superstitious people were overcome with great excitement. Many of them gather in groups, armed with weapons, in the pasture near Stewart Garden, where there is an unfinished stone house. It is said that a ghost appears here in the form of moving fire.

Sometimes the fire flies slowly, but more often very quickly - from the river bank up to the house. Having passed it, the fire diversifies the spectacle by flying among the trees. It is said that this continues from early evening until three o'clock in the morning; all attempts to get closer to the fire failed.”

Ransom Wett, in his book The History of Golbourne, writes that one settler claimed to have extinguished the fire with a shotgun blast.

In the 1890s, people often saw ghostly lights flying in singles, sometimes in doubles, over the roads and plains of South Australia. The farmers of Orroro and the miners of Munta often mistook single lights for the lamp of a distant cyclist; when the fire was seen close up, it was perceived as white light. All attempts to catch the lights, which were flying approximately at the level of the fences, were unsuccessful.


In France and some other European countries, such lights are called death candles according to legend; seeing them means someone’s death.

The following story was published: “Someone N. says that one evening in June 1899 at about 9 o’clock he was standing at an open window and suddenly noticed a light flying above his head. He slowly rose and flew, skirting walls and houses, towards one house where N.’s friend lived.

Here the light disappeared. N., despite the fact that he had been watching the light for at least a quarter of an hour, did not attach any importance to it, since he knew that his friend was in good health...

However, he slept very poorly at night and early in the morning he rushed to his friend, greatly worried about him. Imagine his amazement when his friend’s wife met him in tears and told him that the day before her husband had been thrown out of the carriage, crashed badly and died by the morning.”

As early as 1685, Nathaniel Crouch wrote:

“There is an unusual belief that on the eve of the death of an Indian or white, a fire appears over the wigwam at night; I was once woken up at about 12 o’clock at night, and I really saw a light slowly flying over the church towards the village. This means that in two or three days someone will certainly die.”

Already in our century, the famous collector of folklore W. Evans-Wentz recorded the story of a Welsh resident about death candles.

“They look like pieces of light,” said the peasant. “When they appear, everything around is illuminated with a bright light, and even at night it becomes as bright as day. The "candle" is not a real flame, but a glowing mass of light blue color that dances and moves as if someone is guiding it, and it often moves in a circle. And it’s not a candle at all, but someone’s soul.”

However, most serious researchers support another hypothesis - earthly lights. Geophysicists believe that above the faults earth's crust Luminous formations may appear that move along the fault line under the influence of telluric currents. However, no one knows how they arise.

“We don’t understand much about earth lights,” John Derr, head of the US Seismological Survey, recently admitted. “We don’t know exactly what the source of electricity is, how it is conducted to the surface of the earth, or how it is focused in the air in the form of these lights. We don't know why some of them live longer than others. We still have a lot of work to do."

Whatever they are mysterious lights, regularly flying along their chosen routes, one thing is clear: the solution to their visits will not come soon!

Recently, residents of Sweden and Latvia witnessed an unusual sight. Before their eyes, a large fireball flew across the sky. A little earlier, dozens of luminous balls were observed by residents of the states of Florida and Kentucky (USA).

Last year on this list was Altai region– Hundreds of residents of the village of Istimis, Klyuchevsky district, saw a huge fireball that hissed over the southwestern part of the region.

Experts are looking for the cause of this phenomenon in meteors or cosmic remnants. aircraft, burning in earth's atmosphere. However, these versions do not answer the question of why flying fireballs can travel through the air over very long distances and still behave like intelligent creatures?

Wonders of Texas

Very curious incidents are associated with the ghostly lights of Marfa - the so-called luminous balls in honor of the town on the Mitchell Flat plain in western Texas.

One night, American Jeff Brady came here to see the wonders of Mitchell Flat with his own eyes. As soon as Jeff was in the dark, a shining ball flew up to him and hovered 20 m away from him at head level. The researcher took a few steps forward. The ball turned red and split in two, as if showing its displeasure. Brady took another step forward and unexpectedly flew into the air! “It was as if some kind of energy threw me up 1.5 meters and threw me back,” he later said, glad that he got off lightly.

Elton Miles, in his book “Stories of the Great River,” cites cases where encounters with the lights of Marfa ended much more pitifully. Cars that had just cut through the desert turned into a pile of charred iron, and their passengers disappeared without a trace into a hellish furnace or went crazy. No matter how hard the experts tried to find out from them what had happened, only laughter or incoherent muttering was heard in response.

Most often, luminous balls are seen from a distance: the lights fly away or disappear as soon as someone tries to approach them. People tried to catch them on foot, on horseback, in jeeps and even on airplanes. They say that some researchers chased them for 40 km, but at the most decisive moment the lights disappeared to God knows where. As soon as the disappointed ufologists turned back, the balls lit up again behind them.

Fritz Kahl, a Marfa resident, believes that catching these spheres is the same as trying to catch a rainbow or catching up with a receding horizon. “I saw colorful fireballs in the distance that flew into the sky, merged, separated again and rushed down,” says American Alan Nicolet. - They changed colors, became green, yellow, blue, sometimes orange. The balls shone brightly, dimmed, dissolved in the darkness and lit up again. They were the size of a volleyball. I spent many nights on Mitchell Flat watching the lights. Sometimes they were very active (especially when I didn’t have a camera), and sometimes they didn’t appear at all - when the camera was ready.”

Fireball Invasion

Fireballs also appear over Redford, a 50-mile stretch along the Prestidio-Laitas Highway (USA). Local residents say that the lights of Marfa look very impressive after the rain, when their dance is accompanied by sheaves of blue and orange sparks. The balls confused even experienced border guards, who thought they were flashlights in the hands of smugglers or the lights of their cars. According to the researchers, it is very easy to make a mistake here: the balls have learned to imitate headlights, keeping two at a time low above the ground. Only when the “headlights” scattered in different directions did the border guards realize their mistake. Where the lights flew, tire tracks were never found.

The lights do not respect borders; they are often seen in Mexico. Mexican Manuele Jimenez once saw two lights merge over the Rio Grande River: one came from the United States, the other from Mexico.

Exactly the same lights fly near Rtani, a hill in western Serbia. Dozens of local residents saw them here. The fires of Rtani are no less fierce than their overseas relatives. 30 years ago, Novica Milosevic, a lawyer from the city of Soko Banja, was walking in those places with his relatives. At this time they were overtaken by a fireball. Nowitsa's brother and uncle were burned alive in the fiery flames, and he himself was forever blinded. His fate still remains a formidable warning to people trying to penetrate the secret of the deadly lights.

Another region of the planet known for the frequent appearance of mysterious balls is Thailand, where they are called Nagas. Every year, on the night of the October full moon, hundreds of thousands of people gather on the Mekong River near the city of Nong Hai (northern Thailand) to watch a mysterious phenomenon. Many red, pink and yellow fireballs appear on the surface of the water, which then rise into the air and disappear without a trace.

Locals attribute this mysterious phenomenon to the intervention of the mythical snake Naga, which thus marks the end of the Buddhist Lent, coinciding with the three-month rainy season, and pays tribute to the Buddha.

Scientists: No solution found

As for scientists, they have not yet been able to find an explanation for the phenomenon of Naga’s fire spheres. According to one hypothesis, they appear due to the happy coincidence of a number of factors: many small animals and plants die in the fall and decompose on the bottom of the Mekong under the influence of the sun, releasing flammable gases. On the night of the full moon, when the gravitational force of the Moon becomes maximum, gases concentrated at the bottom of the river rise to the surface, forming Naga fireballs.

In turn, ufologists tend to see intelligence in the behavior of fireballs, which, in their opinion, is further evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. Thus, American Elvira Peña from Redford told scientists that the lights chased her car twice, flying behind her in pairs not high above the ground. Luckily, they didn't cause her any harm.

But the Mexicans believe that it is witches who turn into the lights of Marfa at night and look out for whose soul they can steal. According to popular belief, in the Lomas de Arena area is a place where young witches learn to fly. If a fireball crashes into a rock, the next day you need to carefully look at all the girls: the one who comes with bruises or scratches is the witch. It also happened that superstitious peasants set fire to the house of such a girl: as soon as she ran out, they shot at her with silver bullets...

Of course, scientists do not believe local stories. But they also cannot explain what is flying over Texas. “At first I thought that these lights were just the headlights of distant cars,” said American physicist Edson Hendricks. “In August 1993, I had to change my mind. I saw two white fireballs. They changed colors - from red to yellow. Around one of them there was a halo of bright red sparks. Then the balls swapped places. After 2-3 minutes. that ball, which was 100 m from me, flew up. It shone like a lump of burning magnesium, but did not leave a trail of smoke behind it. I was blinded by its light. It was simply impossible to confuse this thing with any man-made fire.” So, the search for a solution continues.

Prepared by Oleg Lobanov,
based on materials from Pravda.Ru, Interesting and Educational,,

Seeing a balloon in a dream is a sign that unusual events or news await you. A balloon in a dream symbolizes your hopes or ambitious desires. If in a dream you are trying to inflate balloon, but nothing works out for you, then be prepared for the fact that your plans will fail and you should not console yourself with vain hopes.

If you dream that you are cheating balloon or see others doing it, then you are wasting your time on empty dreams.

If you dream that a balloon is falling, then your hopes for happy love will be darkened by the pangs of jealousy.

Seeing a balloon rise into the air in a dream is a harbinger of success in business. But if in a dream a balloon hangs in one place, then expect a stop in your business. See interpretation: balloon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Ball

Nostradamus interpreted dreams about the ball as follows.

If you saw in a dream a fireball flying towards the Earth - such a dream prophesies troubles for you.

If in a dream you saw a luminous ball on the surface of the earth, then such a dream warns that in the future you will encounter something hitherto unknown to you, which will cause you great fear.

A dream in which you ran away from a fireball in a dream foreshadows a major scandal.

Interpretation of dreams from