Popular beliefs about found and lost knives. Sign: find a knife in the forest, on the road - what to do? I lost my knife, what should I do?

In a broad sense, any discovery is a joyful and promising event. After all, in this way you can purchase the necessary thing or even real value completely free of charge. However, the experience of our ancestors and esoteric experts advise treating any object discovered along the way with strong suspicion. After all, if you pick up useful property or jewelry, you run the risk of bringing a lot of problems and even real troubles on your head with it. You should be especially careful when handling such a dangerous thing as a knife. What does his discovery mean?

Good or evil acquisition?

Of course, not every knife is cause for concern. After all, most often it is an irreplaceable kitchen utensil, a wonderful assistant to a shoemaker, mechanic or draftsman. Sometimes he even replaces a brush for a cabinetmaker, helping to create real works of art. Such a weapon simply cannot carry negative energy or negatively affect life and health. It was often used as a talisman, placed under the pillow of a woman in labor or hidden under the threshold of a house.

However, there are completely different specimens, full of evil emanation. Found in the forest, field or on the road, the knife could take other people's lives in the hand of a robber or soldier. A thief could use it to break into other people's bags or homes, and a stupid youth could disfigure the beauty created by someone else's hands. In direct contact with the evil essence of an object, such a blade can bring illness and misfortune to the new owner, and if brought into the house, it can cause family troubles.

What do the circumstances and condition of the find mean?

To understand what to expect from an ownerless item, pay attention to where it was found and in what form.

  • If you find an abandoned knife on the street: in the forest, on the road, in a supermarket, then it is better to pass by to ward off trouble from yourself and your loved ones. If, out of greed or ignorance, you did not leave a useful item lying on the ground, get ready for a variety of problems from a slight runny nose and squabbles with family to a car accident and divorce. Financial losses and management dissatisfaction will not be spared.
  • It’s really bad if a sharp and unfamiliar blade is found in a secluded corner of your home. If in the first case everything can get by with one minor problem, then a home find speaks with certainty about the magical significance of the lining. It’s unpleasant, but you have to come to terms with the idea that among the people entering your house there is a secret envious person and ill-wisher. It is through his hands that damage is deliberately brought upon your family. Of course, if you are a convinced materialist or a Christian who does not accept superstition, then most likely there is nothing to be afraid of. After all, everything bad happens to those who sincerely believe in the meaning of negative signs, subconsciously attracting various troubles onto their heads. Mystically inclined natures must perform a cleansing ritual to avoid fatal consequences: take the lining out of the house, touching it only through the fabric, and bury it in a secluded place. Upon returning, it is useful to sprinkle the room with holy water and walk around it with a candle, burning out the remaining evil energy.
  • The condition of the find often indicates specific adversities that await the one who picks up the knife. A rusty blade predicts that you will soon have to part with a loved one. Perhaps the husband will go on a long business trip, the child will go to study at a foreign university, or the beloved will shift his attention to a more worthy object, in his opinion.
  • It's hard to resist picking up a brand new knife with a well-sharpened and sparkling blade. However, while rejoicing at the find, keep in mind that soon you will have to pay in full for the acquisition, having gone through the crucible of serious trials.
  • It often happens that after finding and opening a penknife, you experience acute disappointment, since its working part turns out to be broken. Not only is it impossible to use such a find, but the sign also promises the collapse of all plans and hopes, both in personal life and in the professional sphere.

What if it’s impossible not to pick?

Sometimes the intricacies of life lead to an encounter with knives that simply cannot be left where you found them. Economic and practical people will not be able to pass by a strong blade made of good steel, and connoisseurs will definitely pick up an antique dagger, and artistic people will not be able to resist a blade with a decorative, carved or inlaid handle. Someone will take the find home simply out of ignorance. What to do in this case? Is it really worth throwing up your hands and humbly waiting for trouble? Of course not!

  • The simplest manipulation that turns a find into a purchase is to replace it with a small coin, which must be left where the knife was found. This little trick not only cleanses the object of evil, but also turns it into a lucky talisman.
  • For especially superstitious people there is a real ritual. To begin with, the purchase should be kept in running water. It is best to lower it into a stream or river, but in their absence a water jet will also work. The blade is then sprinkled with holy water while the Lord's Prayer is recited over it.
  • If you find a lining in the house, then you should not leave it under any circumstances. Perform the cleansing ritual as described above. Then try to understand which of your friends wishes harm to your home, and stop communicating with him for your own safety.

If you don’t think about it, the word “find” sounds very promising. If you're lucky, you'll get something useful; no - you will stay with your own. Either way, you win! On the other hand, you can find a lot of troubles for your head, and adventures for your fifth point. Our ancestors were well aware of this and believed in omens, which is why they treated any finds with suspicion. Especially something as dangerous as a knife. What does it mean to find or, worse, lose it?

Signs about the found knife

Of course, not everything piercing and cutting carries a negative message. What's wrong, for example, with a small pocket knife, with which you can sharpen a pencil, pick out a rusty screw, and scrape tightly stuck chewing gum from the sole? Or a bread knife? Or a wood carver's tool? This one can actually be compared to an artist’s brush, what evil is that!

The ancestors understood this too. The “honest” blade, which faithfully served its owner in peaceful everyday affairs, was valued, respected and often used as a powerful amulet against evil. The knife was stuck into the wall of the barn to protect the livestock. Placed under the pillow of pregnant women to ward off evil spirits. They hid the baby in the cradle until baptism - if anyone cast an unkind glance at the child, he would immediately attack him! The knife hidden under the threshold was supposed to ward off all hostile energy from the house; and a circle drawn on the ground with an iron blade was found as reliable protection from sorcerers and witches.

During mushroom season, such finds are not uncommon.

A completely different emotion was caused by someone else’s knife found on the road, in a field or in the forest under a bush. Go guess who it used to belong to! Maybe a thief who cut other people's bags from their shoulders in the crowd? Or a robber-murderer? Or a soldier who earns his living through constant bloody battles? Such a thing will not bring any good, even if it is at least three times expensive and of good quality. If you pick it up, you yourself will begin to languish from remorse, not even knowing what oppresses you. If you bring it into the house, you will bring bad dreams, illnesses and misfortunes to your loved ones. In any case, the knife will take with it some of the black energy of the previous owner, and then anyone who happens to be nearby beware!

Where was someone else’s knife found: in the forest on the road or in an apartment/house

What exactly threatens the new owner with someone else’s knife?

  • Frivolously picked up outside the home - on the street, in a store, on the river bank - it foreshadows quarrels, illnesses, separations, problems and financial losses, in a word, a “full package” of troubles. One good thing is that until you pick up the blade, it is not tied to you. Avoid the dangerous thing and no harm will happen.
  • It’s much worse to find a knife blade in your own closet, behind your bedside table or under the rug in the hallway. Alas, such a find means that you have a hater who is eager to bring misfortune to your family. Even if you are accustomed to disdaining all kinds of “damage,” it is extremely unpleasant to realize that someone entering the house is casting a spell against you. And if we are talking about a suspicious person, the find can serve as a trigger for a whole avalanche of all kinds of troubles, because fear and uncertainty perfectly reinforce the effect of such linings. It is not for nothing that slander is often powerless against people who sincerely believe, as well as against seasoned realists who completely reject everything supernatural - their conviction itself serves as a shield that performs its protective function well. Can't you say that about yourself? Then carefully pick up the knife through a scarf or napkin, take your find away from the house without touching it with your bare hand, and bury it somewhere away. And when you return, wash yourself with holy water, sprinkle it on the walls and floor, or walk through the rooms with a burning candle, lingering in those places where the wick begins to hiss and “spit” - let it burn out the negativity completely.

New or old, rusty

  • Rust covering the blade promises tears due to parting with a loved one.
  • A sharp and brand new knife is a symbol of the difficult trials that life will soon throw at a person - “be careful not to cut yourself”!
  • A broken blade indicates that some of your current plans will not be realized.

Is it worth choosing

For some, searching for antique weapons is a way of life.

Following simple logic, it is better to stay away from a dangerous find. Of course, someone happens to find an ordinary bread knife, forgotten by the owners after a fun picnic. Most likely, his blade is not involved in “dark dealings” and does not carry any negativity. But think sensibly, do you really need this knife to risk your peace of mind for it?

However, there are times when it is really a pity to abandon a find. For example, if an ancient captured dagger from the Second World War unexpectedly falls into your hands. Or just a good, strong knife that can still serve a lot on the farm. And it also happens that someone in the family, unaware of the omen, brings home a “spicy” souvenir. How to be in this case?

What to do if you find it and want to keep it

Having picked up the knife from the ground, throw a coin at the place where it was lying. This is how you seem to “register” the transaction: there was no find, you decorously and nobly bought an item you really needed, which is now considered cleared of the past and begins a new story in your hands. For some peoples, this simple gesture not only completely removes the negative from the blade, but also immediately transforms the omen into the category of happy ones! It is believed that all the most ardent wishes of the owner of such a knife will be fulfilled, and all hopes will come true.

For the most suspicious people and perfectionists who want to protect themselves from other people’s energy as fully as possible, folk wisdom suggests performing a simple cleansing ritual. Read the Lord's Prayer over the knife, sprinkle the blade with holy water and ask higher powers to protect you from evil. You can also keep the find in a vessel with spring water for a while or lower it into a fast-flowing river.

How to neutralize the effect of the lining

If you are afraid that negativity is hanging over your home or your loved ones, carry out a universal cleaning. There are many options. For example, like this:

  1. Get into the bathroom and rub your entire body with salt (without extra zeal, all you need is irritation right now!), and then run the water. Stand in the shower, imagining how dark energy leaves your body and immediately flows down the drain.
  2. After getting out of the shower, put on clean clothes, open all the windows, light a sprig of St. John's wort on a plate and start cleaning.
  3. First of all, wipe all the mirrors - in a clockwise circular motion. Moreover, it is advisable to make as many waves with a rag over each one, for how many years it has served you.
  4. Did you manage? Move to the floor. There are some discrepancies here: some suggest spraying all corners of the house with melt water and rinsing your hands and face with it, while others wash the floor with a solution of sea salt, which copes well with foreign energies.
  5. Light a candle and pass it across the front door from right to left, first at the level of the peephole and then the handle. If you are not afraid that your neighbors will start calling the priest at the nearest church or, even worse, at a psychiatric clinic, try to treat the outside of the door in the same way. And then clockwise, sequentially walk around all corners of the apartment with a candle.
  6. Wash your hands with salt and stop thinking about bad things.

Signs about a lost knife

But this belief is very difficult.

For a man, the disappearance of a knife could actually end badly

  • Some interpreters regard the loss as a good sign: they say, your enemies sharpened a knife on you (they were preparing some kind of trick), but nothing worked out for them, live in peace.
  • But others consider the loss of a knife a warning about the danger threatening, no less, the life of its owner. Judging by the fact that this belief is especially widespread in the Scandinavian countries, it came from there to us. And there is nothing to be surprised that the stern Viking northerners, and after them the Russians, feared such a sign as fire! In former times, any weapon served as a direct guarantee of the life of its owner - if you are not at hand at the right time, you will become an easy prey for the enemy. Therefore, the loss of even a small belt knife was seen as a weakening of protection: therefore, there is now a “hole” in it!
  • It is also logical that more often this sign threatens men with death, while a woman can get away with a temporary loss of strength and a series of general troubles in life. Despite the fact that our ancestors knew how to stand up for themselves on occasion, they rarely took up arms in self-defense, leaving the role of protectors and breadwinners to men. It turns out that the sign had less significance for the girls.

Lost in the house

Do you think knives don’t disappear from an apartment for no reason? No matter how it is! Every year, almost hundreds of housewives are missing one or another “tool of kitchen labor”; they disappear without a trace. And it’s okay if the woman herself absent-mindedly throws the knife into the trash can along with the potato peelings or the husband sneaks the convenient blade into his toolbox! There are disappearances that are completely inexplicable, so that you involuntarily begin to look for hidden subtext in them.

The ancestors explained the loss simply: The brownie is playing pranks, you know, they have somehow angered a good household patron! The problem was solved by leaving a saucer of milk on the floor at night and saying: “Brownie-Brownie, play with it and give it back.”

Many fear that the knife is not lost itself, but that someone steals it from the house with the aim of committing a “slander”, but the likelihood of this is very low. A very difficult quest awaits your enemies: first steal the knife, then speak, then throw it back! And all this so as not to fall under suspicion yourself... Why give yourself extra trouble if you can plant someone else’s cursed blade? But for those who want to play it safe, there is a neutralization for this sign.

A folk way to leave an ill-wisher with his nose

Enhance the effect of salt with lavender or St. John's wort flowers

To get rid of the influence of bad omens, try taking a bath with sea salt every day or doing salt peeling every 3-4 days. From an esoteric point of view, they will regularly clear negative messages from your body, and according to doctors, they will perfectly calm your nerves and help you cope with anxiety. The ringing of bells also saves: its high-frequency vibrations destroy dark energy, set one in a positive mood and bring harmony to life. Buy yourself a bell with a melodic sound and “jingle” to your heart’s content as soon as dark thoughts overcome you. Or play recordings of bells ringing - a wonderful tool that helps even those who snort at the word "supernatural".

Should you pick up a found knife or pass by? Decide for yourself. But if you are afraid of bad omens, it is better to leave the find in place, “out of harm’s way.” The nerves will be intact.

A knife is a familiar object to everyone, but not everyone knows what mystical power it has.

This is a symbol of strength and power; it can be either a talisman and a protective talisman, or attract conflicts and misfortunes.

It is not without reason that this item was used in mystical rituals and cults, in magic and witchcraft. It must be treated correctly and respectfully, and be aware of the relevant ancient superstitions and traditions. And observe them so that there is peace in the house, and troubles and evil are avoided.

Different beliefs

The most common is a dropped knife. But that’s not all that can happen to this item! Not only traditional and well-known superstitions are associated with it, but also rarer ones.

Let's say this device not only sometimes falls on the floor, it can be accidentally broken, lost, found, given or received as a gift, and so on. What is worth knowing about this?

1. Many people know why a knife falls from the table to the floor. As you know, this is for a person’s visit to the house, and a male one at that.

2. If the device fell and hit the floor with its handle, it means that a close person whom you know well is coming towards you. This man is pleasant to you, has no negativity towards you, and the visit will most likely be pleasant.

3. If the device falls and lies on the floor with its tip in your direction, be on alert - the guest coming towards you carries some hidden evil motives within himself, he is not coming with good intentions. The meeting will not be pleasant for you, and may result in conflict.

If you want to get rid of the need to meet such a person at home, pick up the device and tap its handle on the edge of the table, and say quietly “stay at home,” then no one will come.

4. If this object fell with its tip in the other direction, the man’s visit does not bode well - just some man he knows wants to see you.

5. If the knife fell and stuck on the floor, a stranger is coming towards you. With good or bad intentions is unknown, so if you don’t want surprises, knock on the table with the handle.

6. It’s not good when a knife breaks - it’s unpleasant in itself, but it’s also a bad omen that can portend failure. But there is a way to avoid troubles.

If the device is broken, there is no need to try to fix it, even if your favorite item is broken. You need to throw it away, and at the same time say a conspiracy: “The knife breaks, grief does not concern me.”

7. If the device begins to rust, this means you should pay attention to your health - it has probably begun to deteriorate.

8. If suddenly, by mistake in a restaurant or at a party, you come across two knives instead of one cutlery, it means that you will be married twice - this is what the sign says.

9. Losing this item may be a shame, but it’s not scary. This is a good omen; you will get rid of some evil.

Useful knowledge

There are traditions that will help you avoid unpleasant quarrels, family conflicts and failures. A knife is an important item that must be handled correctly.

For example, if you happen to find a knife, don’t take it! It’s a bad omen, but only if you pick up the find. This will bring you troubles and failures, so if you manage to find even a very beautiful knife, refrain and pass by.

  • Many people know that a knife cannot be given as a gift - why is that? Because it is sharp and its blade will destroy friendships, such a gift can lead to conflict. But why not cheat? Since you can’t give it as a gift, you can buy it – for a symbolic five kopecks. Such a gift will not bring trouble.
  • You cannot leave it on the table - there is a belief that there will be quarrels in the family.
  • It is also forbidden to leave knives crossed on the table, or a knife and fork - this also leads to conflicts.
  • It is known that you cannot twist a knife on the table or play with it - this will bring trouble to the house.
  • You can't eat from the tip - it's a bad omen, and you can cut yourself.

Signs will help you avoid unpleasant surprises. It’s good to just know what the gift of a knife leads to, what will happen if it is left on the table, found or lost, dropped or broken, why it is undesirable to eat from the edge and cannot just be given as a gift - this knowledge will help in life and make your destiny happier.

Use signs wisely and without fanaticism - and let every gift of fate be only welcome, and let the surprises in life be the most pleasant. Author: Vasilina Serova

The key is not a simple subject, but a mystical one. Today we use it automatically, it is a simple and familiar object for everyone, and a person always has a lot of keys - to a house, an office, a car, a room, a locker, a safe, a garage, a gate...

In short, every day you have to open and close something without thinking. But in fact, the key is an ancient symbol of the possession of wealth, a powerful sign with which many traditions and rituals were associated.

The key is connected with the subtle world, and if something happens to it by chance, it would be useful to find out what it is for. This object sometimes falls, gets lost, is found - and such phenomena can mean something important.

These are not just empty folk superstitions, but rather serious signs that the universe sends us. And if you are able to notice and understand such signs, you can control your life and navigate it better, especially in future events.

What is it for?

It is important to take care of your keys and treat them with respect, understanding that this is not only a necessary and useful thing, but also a powerful mystical object that can become a talisman.

You can’t throw them anywhere at home or in your bag; you need to give them a special place in the apartment, and put them in a separate pocket in your purse. If something happened, it is not difficult to find out what it means.

1. Losing a key is a nuisance that can cause a lot of problems. But this is a very good omen.

It is believed that losing the key is a symbol of the fact that old boring problems will soon end, liberation from troubles, unhealthy relationships and even illnesses will occur. So if you happen to lose your keys, know that this is for good!

2. And with the found keys everything is a little more complicated. There is the most important sign: finding the key means getting rid of problems quickly. But it's not that simple!

If you find a new key on the road, this is a sign of favorable changes in the financial sector; soon your financial difficulties will end. But you should not pick up the key from the road, especially from an intersection.

And if an old, especially beautiful key is found, this is a very good sign that promises a bright streak of life and wonderful changes. You need to pick it up, rinse it at home in running water, hold it over the light of a church candle and ask a higher power for help.

Then you need to put the find under the pillow, and in dreams, according to legend, a solution should come. What to do in a difficult situation!

3. If the keys fall from your hands or from the table, this may portend a quarrel in the family. To prevent this from happening, you need to knock on the table with the key.

And in general, when the keys fall, this is a good reason to once again think about whether you are behaving correctly with your household, whether you are provoking empty conflicts. Maybe you should be more tolerant and resolve all issues peacefully?

4. Breaking a key is a warning that losses or even theft are possible. You need to take care of your property, keep an eye on things, and not be careless. Be careful in transport and crowded places, and check doors when leaving home.

What not to do

There are signs that tell you what not to do with keys - this mystical and important object. If you follow them, which is not difficult, then life will probably be happier.

  • Keys, as many people know, should not be placed on the table - this is a bad omen that can bring poverty into life. To ensure that you always have enough money, you need to keep your keys in a special place, preferably in a key holder, on a shelf, in a bag, but not on the table.
  • At home, they need to be placed or broadcast in the same place. If you are familiar with searching for keys throughout the apartment, and you often cannot remember where you left them, this is very bad. You need to give them a place and keep them there always.
  • There is a sign for husband and wife - when they come home, they need to hang the keys back quietly so that the husband does not hear. This is a sure sign that family life will be peaceful, and conflicts will cease to arise in the couple.

Believe in good omens and they will come true. Treat beliefs wisely, and let only the most pleasant signs come true in your life!

The meaning of the knife

Even in ancient times, our ancestors associated many signs with a knife, and if they came across such a find, they treated it with caution, because it could cause discord, discord and scandals in the family. Let's look at what it means to find a knife or, even worse, to lose it.

Why find or lose a knife?

Item energy

It would seem that why an ordinary knife, and even more so a pocket knife, is bad, because such a useful item in everyday life can be used in different ways: to sharpen something, pick something up, or tear it off. An equally useful and important attribute in any kitchen is a kitchen knife, and a wood carving tool is even more equated to an artist’s brush.

Our ancestors realized the powerful power of such an item, so they used it everywhere. It was placed under the pillow of a woman in labor to protect her from evil spirits. They hid it in a secluded place in a baby's cradle to protect the child from the evil eye before baptism. In a word, this item was a powerful amulet in the old days.

But finding a knife is not a very good omen for a person, because previously it could have belonged to anyone. Perhaps they killed someone with it or robbed someone with it. Even despite its special attractiveness and high cost, taking it is strictly prohibited. The alien energy that such an item stores is transferred to the new owner.


Depending on where the knife was found, the interpretation of the sign will be different. Let's consider each case in more detail.

Outside the home

Finding a knife on the street, in the forest, near a river, or in someone else's premises is a sign of trouble. Such a find promises disagreements, quarrels, scandals and swearing. Problems in financial matters and at work are also possible. To protect yourself, you need to walk around the find without touching it.

Finding a knife on the street or in the forest is not so bad, but what to do if such a find appears at home in a closet, under a nightstand, under a rug or under a bed? It’s worth thinking carefully about whether there are envious people or ill-wishers who want to do harm. Even if such people were not found from the entire list of acquaintances, most likely someone new appeared, about whom nothing is known yet.

Often such an item is used by magicians and sorcerers as a lining to cause damage. Only a person with strong spirit and faith who does not believe in the action of black forces can resist this. Faith is his own protection from evil. A suspicious person cannot fight this, so in this case, suspiciousness and self-doubt are a kind of fuel for spoilers and haters.

What to do with a knife found at home? To prevent a negative prediction from coming true, you need to take any fabric or scarf, carefully wrap the find without touching it with your bare hands, and take it away from the house. The item found earlier should be buried deeper in a vacant lot and returned home without looking back. You should light a church candle and go around all the corners in the house with it.

Item condition

A rusty knife will bring tears

It is important not only the location of the knife, but also the condition in which it was found:

  • the sign of finding a knife with an old blade and covered with rust promises a person grief, melancholy, sadness and tears due to parting with a loved one;
  • if you managed to pick up a new knife with a sharp blade, you need to be careful: the sign promises new life trials;
  • an object with a broken blade or handle is a sign that some plans will not be realized.

The sign of finding a knife, according to popular knowledge, is a bad sign. Possible interpretations of what this superstition means have evolved over centuries and been passed down from generation to generation.

Finding a knife: a sign that promises bad things

Since ancient times, such a find as a knife has been given special symbolic meaning. This is due to the fact that this item in many cultures was one of the main magical attributes possessing one or another power. Because of this, over thousands of years of human existence, folk superstitions have developed about a knife, which you should pay attention to in order to understand how to behave if you accidentally discover it.

Bad omens about a knife

Finding a knife is a sign that in most cases bodes ill.

This is due to the fact that a sharp blade can store the energy of those people who used it before. There are the following common beliefs that you should know about in order to avoid getting into trouble:

  • Finding a knife means separation.

This sign developed in the culture of Western Europe. They believed in it primarily when the blade of the weapon was rusty. It was believed that such a find would not only provoke separation from a loved one, but would also bring quarrels into the house along with financial losses.

  • Finding a knife means taking on someone else's sin.

Many people believe that the blade is good at absorbing negative information. This applies to both the evil thoughts of its previous owners and the actions they committed. A person who finds a knife in the forest often cannot sleep for a long time due to nightmares and a feeling of remorse for actions to which he has nothing to do.

  • Finding a knife means murder.

Old people assumed that a weapon, having tasted blood at least once, would always thirst for it in the future. Therefore, it is not uncommon for the new owners of a found item to commit brutal crimes that take the lives of even those closest to them.

  • Finding a knife means a scandal.

This belief is one of the most widespread throughout the world.

Many wise people believed in him, passing this knowledge on to their children and grandchildren. The sign says that a person who finds a knife will definitely soon find himself in some unpleasant situation. In addition, he may face public censure and even expulsion.
  • Finding a knife means death.

A person who comes across such a find needs to be careful and attentive. Soon he will probably have to face a murderer or a robber.

A well-known sign says that if a person manages to find a knife in the forest, he will not get rid of future problems.

These could be financial difficulties, health problems, disagreements at work, etc.

There are also other signs about the knife, which in one way or another have a negative connotation. Therefore, for centuries, many perceived such a find as a bad sign. There are often cases when the most incredible superstitions eventually come true.

Other beliefs about the knife

Most often, people were not happy about such a discovery as a knife. At the same time, in folk art there are many different beliefs about this subject of a positive nature:

  • A knife will always protect you.

That is why it was placed under the pillow of a baby who had not yet been baptized. It was believed that in this case, evil spirits would bypass his bed. The knife was also placed under the newlyweds’ mattress so that their family happiness would not be destroyed by enemies. In this case, the blade was wrapped in silk cloth.

  • The knife helps women in labor relieve themselves of their burden.

To do this, the object was placed under the bed where the woman was giving birth. Immediately after the birth of the child, the knife had to be removed. If this is not done, there is a risk of bleeding.

Many people heard in childhood that you should not eat from a knife. This is believed to lead to anger and bitterness.

In fact, in this way you can simply get hurt, which certainly will not make a person kind and happy.
  • At the same time, it is always worth remembering that the sign says that finding a knife on the street, in the forest, in the bushes or in the house always means trouble. Therefore, you should beware of such situations.

What to do when you find a knife

People often wonder what to do if they happen to find a knife.

Most beliefs say that it is better to pass by in such situations. Under no circumstances should you touch either the blade or the handle.

If the knife is broken, you need to walk around it without even approaching it.

Experts believe that objects are capable of storing the energy of their previous owners. That is why finds from the street must be treated very carefully.

If you happen to find a knife that you want to keep for yourself, before picking it up, you need to read the following prayers:

  • "Our Father";
  • "The purification of every thing."

It is believed that the blade will be cleansed only when it is immersed in spring or running water during prayer. Otherwise, the energy may remain.

Signs about the knife existed among different peoples independently of each other. This means that this subject really caused special interest, anxiety and concern. At the same time, people have learned to deal with the possible adverse consequences of such finds.