Nail care

To have a beautiful manicure, you need daily nail care at home. Unfortunately, we can’t always afford to visit a beauty salon to get a manicure, because such pleasure requires certain things from us.

Nail care: how to properly remove cuticles at home

592 02/13/2019 6 min. Every girl knows what cuticle is, trying to destroy it in every possible way. It itself performs a protective function, preventing the occurrence of infection in the nail tissue. Why then remove the cuticle, and what methods

Why the skin on the elbows peels: causes and treatment

Every woman dreams of looking perfect and is especially meticulous about caring for the skin of her hands, face, and neck. But not everyone pays as much attention to their elbows, and yet such a seemingly insignificant detail as peeling the skin of the elbows can

How to properly care for a girl?

Today you can hear from many girls that guys don’t know how to care. And, unfortunately, this is true. But in a relationship without courtship, there is no romance, which allows you to make the world around you more colorful during the period of love. This is exactly what the poet

Exercises to do at home

Here's the truth: There is no targeted way to lose fat, but in addition to healthy cardio exercises that burn fat, you can add exercises that will make you feel different - it will be noticeable even in the armpits. Each exercise is

Tools for manicure - how to choose professional sets based on material of manufacture, configuration and price

Well-groomed hands are the calling card of every beautiful woman. To tidy them up at home, you need manicure tools - special accessories for treating nails and cuticles. There are different types of procedures, for each of the

How to trim cuticles correctly?

One of the mandatory components of a manicure is the removal of the leathery cushion surrounding the nail. In this article we will tell you how to remove cuticles correctly and safely at home. Why is this procedure so important? An unambiguous answer to the question is necessary

We carry out paraffin therapy at home

Paraffin therapy is a natural and effective procedure that helps not only eliminate external defects and imperfections, but also has a therapeutic effect. The technique is based on the use of a special paraffin film, which creates a greenhouse effect

How to remove cuticle?

Girls want to have beautiful and healthy nails, and therefore, they have to pay no less attention than their facial skin or hair. The manicure procedure involves not only straightening the nails and nourishing the nail plates, but also removing the cuticle. Of this hundred

Dry skin on elbows: what is the cause and how to treat

Every representative of the fair sex wants to look at her best always and everywhere. Manicure, pedicure, hairstyle - all this has to be constantly and carefully monitored, but few people remember about elbows. But they are like that