Caring for violets at home

Caring for indoor violets begins with preparing the correct substrate and container for the plant. For planting, an acidic composition is taken, including peat, dried sphagnum moss, leaf soil, sand and charcoal. Moreover, moss and coal should not be a pain

Indoor geranium - photos, types, care, propagation, benefits of flowers

Geranium is a flower that in our time has come to be considered “grandmother’s” because it has been known for a very long time in indoor and garden floriculture, and it is mainly the older generation who are engaged in breeding and collecting these plants. Youth represent

Video: How to clean silver at home - 3 ways

14 best folk remedies for cleaning silver Every owner of silver jewelry, silverware, or even ancient silver coins is once faced with the need to clean these products. Silver darkens for a variety of reasons: incorrect

Bring back the shine: how to clean silver from blackness

Knowing how to clean silver from blackness will be useful to everyone. After all, there are silver things in every home. These are jewelry, clothing items, dishes, souvenirs, and interior items. Over time, silver items darken and become coated, regardless of

Crassula money tree medicinal properties and contraindications

Crassula (money or jade tree, tree of luck, crassula) is a well-known plant of indoor floriculture, a genus of succulents. Feng Shui lovers attach especially great importance to it, believing that it attracts wealth to the house and increases financial possibilities.

Money tree - growing and caring for home

The money tree is a plant that is covered in magical tales of wealth and success. Thick leaves that resemble coins are the main parameter why it is called that. Otherwise, this plant is called “Crassula” or “Crassula”. Thick trunk and densely dotted

Geranium - home care

The main advantage of pelargonium is its ability to bloom almost all year round. There are more than 250 varieties of this plant - there is plenty to choose from. For decorating rooms, the crossed type is most suitable, producing bright large flowers; that’s what it’s called - sang

How to clean silver at home

Every family has silver items. This can be various decorations, dishes and cutlery, as well as interior items. Unfortunately, these beautiful objects later begin to darken and have an unkempt appearance. And the decorations generally looked

How to care for a money tree

There is a belief that the money tree attracts money to the house and if the owner of the house has this flower and grows well, it means there is prosperity in the house. The scientific name of this flower is Crassula or Crassula. Caring for the plant is not difficult, the main thing is to do it

Crassula for luck, wealth and health

105 Health 02/09/2013 Irina 02/09/2013 Crassula for luck, wealth and health Dear readers, today I want to talk about the money tree. Probably many of you are familiar with this flower. In another way, the money tree is also called crassula. Flower