Riddles that no one knows. A riddle from the USSR that no one can solve!!!! This is just a brain explosion for the current generation! Mysterious lights of Hessdalen

Today the editors of “I and the World” have prepared for you 10 mysteries that remain unsolved. There are still so many mysterious mysteries in the world. They attract scientists with their obscurity and are the cause of much controversy. We present to you 10 mysteries that defy explanation. Maybe you will be able to reveal their secret?

1. Uffington White Horse

Today, in the beautiful county of Oxford, England, carved into the steep hillsides is a huge image of the Uffington White Horse. The length of the white horse reaches approximately 110 meters, and the width of this phenomenon is 30 meters.

The strangest thing about this image is that the horse has a beak-like face and has limbs that are far from resembling those of a normal animal. The image of the Uffington horse is considered one of the monuments of antiquity and is observed state security.

Historical accounts from the 1070s contain records of the Uffington Horse. The Uffington White Horse is believed to have been carved in the late 5th century because at that time the white horse was a symbol of the Saxon conquerors, although other scholars argue that this exclusive painting appeared after the victory over the Danes in 871.

2. Synchronized fireflies

Fireflies can be found in many parts of the United States, but Tennessee has a special firefly. Every year, during the month of June, certain fireflies meet to perform their particular evening light show, only instead of each one glowing whenever it wishes, they all light up at the same time, every second or two.

They are in sync. Jonathan Copeland, a firefly specialist at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, believes this could be a mating ritual. However, no one knows for sure.

3. Seismic flares

Scientists have noted for many years that mysterious flashes are observed in the sky before volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. It is still unclear how this light phenomenon is related to two such different natural disasters.

In 1960, this phenomenon was captured on video, and scientists analyzed the footage. According to one theory, a volcanic eruption affects electric charges in geological formations, which leads to visible flashes, but this is just a version.

4. Stonehenge

This is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world and one of the most mysterious. "Stonehenge" roughly translates to "hanging stones" in Old English, but who "hung" them and why? According to legends, Stonehenge is associated with the name of Merlin.

In the Middle Ages, some scientists believed that it was built by the Germans or the Swiss, and in the 17th century a popular hypothesis was that Stonehenge was the work of the ancient Romans. At the beginning of the 19th century, everyone came to the conclusion that this was a Druid sanctuary. However, later excavations and modern research Using the radiocarbon method, the time of creation was pushed back to the New Stone and Bronze Ages.

One of modern hypotheses suggests that Stonehenge is something like an ancient observatory that served for prediction space disasters. It is also sometimes claimed that this place was used for burials, as a special area for burying the dead.

5. The storm destroyed the beach and then returned it to its place

This strange event happened recently in Porthleven (Cornwall, UK). A sudden tide swept away all the sand from the beach.

A few hours later, another tide completely returned the sand to its place, restoring the beach. When the first tide washed away the sand and rock deposits, scientists said it would take years to bring back tons of sand.

However, in reality it only took a few hours! This strange incident has left locals and scientists scratching their heads in confusion.

6. Great Sphinx

Probably each of us has heard about the Sphinx at least once. Legendary creature with the head of a woman, the body and paws of a lion, the tail of a bull and the wings of an eagle, the sphinx is present in the mythology of many countries. The most famous sculpture throughout the world is the Great Sphinx in Egypt.

This grandiose stone sculpture is shrouded in secrets, legends and myths. Who, when and why built the Great Sphinx still remains a mystery. Perhaps that's why Great Sphinx attracts the attention of not only scientists, historians, connoisseurs of antiquity, but also ordinary tourists.

7. Mysterious lights of Hessdalen

Hessdalen contains several settlements, the number of inhabitants of which barely exceeds two hundred people. The elders note that they have been watching the events taking place all their lives. They say that strange and unusual light rays were first seen several years before the start of the war in the forties. But residents reported that this was infrequent.

Later, in the early eighties of the last century, lights increasingly illuminated the sky above the valley, which greatly disturbed people. The mystery of the Hessdalen lights has remained unsolved for many decades. One Italian researcher believes that sulfur fumes create bubbles of ionized gas that react with moist air and forms light spheres, but research has not yet been completed.

8. Red glow over the Pacific Ocean

This strange red light was spotted over the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula by J. van Heijst. He was flying a Boeing 747-8 from Hong Kong to Alaska when he noticed a red glow below.

The glow appeared after lightning was seen in the distance. Since there was no thunderstorm anywhere along the route, the lightning was clearly not caused by a storm.

This phenomenon remains unexplained; Scientists believe the red glow may be a reflection volcanic eruption at the bottom of the ocean.

9. Annual Animal Migration

Animal migration is a natural phenomenon where animals travel from one place to another, usually at certain times of the year.

However, scientists still do not understand how such complex movements can be embedded in the brain. different types birds, fish, insects and mammals.

10. Stone balls of Costa Rica

Throughout the area you can find many stone balls that range in size from a small bowling ball to a ball reaching 2.5 meters in diameter.

These balls are scattered throughout the country, and their perfect shapes they say that they were unlikely to have been made local peoples using rough tools. Nobody knows where they came from or how they got there.

Incredible facts

Do you like mysteries and detective stories? Then these puzzles are for you.

You need to have good wits to solve these crime riddles.

Will you be able to find the killer or catch the criminal?

Test yourself how quickly you can solve these crimes.

You will find the answers at the very end of the article.

Murder mysteries

1. Iced tea

Two girls were having lunch. They both ordered iced tea.

One girl drank tea very quickly and was able to drink 5 cups in the time it took the other to drink only one cup.

The girl who drank one cup died, but the other survived. All drinks were poisoned.

How could the girl who drank the most tea survive?

2. Cassette

The man was found dead with a cassette recorder in one hand and a gun in the other. When the police arrived, they immediately pressed play on the tape.

On the recording they heard: “I have no reason to live anymore. I can’t do this anymore,” and then the sound of a gunshot.

After listening to the tape, the police knew what it was not suicide, but murder. How did they know?

Crime mysteries

5. Car, knife and wife

The man killed stabbed his wife in the car. No one was around to see it.

He threw her out of the car, making sure he didn't leave any fingerprints on her body. Then he threw the knife off the cliff into a ravine where no one would find it and went home.

An hour later the police called him and told him that his wife had been killed and he needed to come forward immediately. b to the crime scene.

As soon as he arrived, he was immediately arrested. How did they know what happened??

Read also:The most terrible serial killers of the 20th century

6. Coin

A dead body was found downstairs at multi-storey building. Seeing the position of the body, it became clear that the person jumped from one of the floors, committing suicide. A detective was called in to investigate the case.

He walked to the first floor and entered a room that was located in the direction where the body was found.

He opened the window and threw a coin down . Then he went to the second floor and repeated the same thing. He did this until he reached the last floor.

He then went downstairs and reported that it was a murder, not a suicide. How did he come to this conclusion?

9. Court

The man was accused of killing his wife, but her body was not found. In court, his lawyer states that she simply disappeared and will enter the courtroom in 30 seconds.

“no one scares, but everyone trembles” (riddle)

Alternative descriptions

Poplar tree

Tree middle zone with constantly trembling leaves

Wood from which a stake was made in the past - an instrument of execution

The tree is the owner of trembling leaves

Trees and shrubs

Trembling Tree

Judas tree

Deciduous tree from the willow family

Deciduous tree related to poplar

Nature painted the wings of the moth butterfly to match the color of the bark of this tree.

Cool vampire tree

Tree of Judas

Type of poplar

Gallows for Judas

Tree above redhead

The scientific name of this plant is populus tremula - shaking poplar

According to legend, the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified was made from this tree

On which tree did Judas hang himself?

Cool tree (for funny vampires)

Wood for making anti-vampire weapons

Tree fluttering in the dark blue forest

Match tree

Tree for the ghoul

What kind of wood should you make a stake from to kill a vampire?

Tree with trembling leaves

Related to poplar

Poplar Kin

Its leaves are red in autumn

Blushing tree in autumn

Red tree in autumn

Poplar's relatives

Tree with foliage

No one is scared, but everyone is trembling

Trembling Tree

Wood to impale a vampire

What tree do vampires not like?

Material for anti-vampire stakes

deciduous tree

Woody delicacy for the beaver's table

Tree with leaves trembling in fear

Cool tree for a vampire

Wood shudder measure

Trembling in the dark blue forest

Beaver's favorite tree

Anti-vampire tree

Tree - beaver delicacy

The trembling poplar sister

Wood for openwork carving

Forest sister of poplar

. "shaking" tree

Wood for stakes

Witch Tree

Doom Tree of Judas

Tree of the poplar genus

. "...doesn't burn without kerosene"

Tree with trembling leaves

Deciduous tree of the willow family with leaves on long stalks that move very easily

. "...doesn't burn without kerosene"

. "Trembling" poplar sister

. "Shaking" tree

Tree - beaver delicacy

Tree with trembling leaves

F. tree Poppulus tremulus; most of all it is used for chipped (carved and turned) wooden utensils, which is why it is also called baklushey, lower. Bitter aspen, in the song. The aspen is a cursed tree, Judas hanged himself on it, and since then the leaf on it has been trembling. There is blood under the bark on the aspen; the bark, under the skin, is reddish. One berry, bitter rowan, one tree, bitter aspen! They say fever and teeth on aspen: having cut out a triangle from the bark (in the name and union and the Holy One, they rub their gums until they bleed, I put it back in its place. If your legs are cramping, then they put an aspen log in your legs, and for headaches in your head .. To strangle him on the aspen. The wicked greyhounds and hounds are hanged on the aspen. If they are wandering around in death, they are turned over on their faces and pierced with an aspen stake, so that the cabbage does not become sour, they put an aspen sable in it. . low analysis. Trembling like an aspen leaf. I’m strangling myself on the bitter aspen tree, even without the wind the aspen is still whispering, but the damned aspen tree is growing, but it’s not crazy. I wish I could take you out to the aspen! Just as the aspen trembles, the cattle in the field are well fed. The aspen has large buds for the barley harvest (that is, it blooms richly) and kill it for oats (orenb.). Aspen stake he will keep saying: straw! Aspen grove, aspen forest, alive with the spruce and aspen forest, Nizh. where bread is not born, but they earn money in spoons and cups. Heat with aspen wood, aspen wood. Aspen mushroom, boletus mushroom or red mushroom, Boletus auratiacua. Osinnik, Nov. aspen, aspen w. arch. hollow, single-tree aspen, boat, canoe, shavings, sometimes with beatings, nozzles. Osipovka, aspen basket, bent box

What tree do vampires not like?

Kin to the poplar

. “no one scares, but everyone trembles” (riddle)

On which tree did Judas hang himself?

What kind of wood should you make a stake from to kill a vampire?

In the USSR, every pioneer (and not only) would be surprised at the ease of questions. In addition to studying at school, we ourselves tried to learn new things. I don't remember anyone who didn't love newsreel "I want to know everything". This is a mystery for a fifth-grader of those times. The student received all the answers at school. They taught things differently then than they do now. This is what they do in schools now, not potential ones. scientists, A "professional consumers", as our “minorbrazin” said. So, Soviet riddles forced THINK. Today's excellent students at that time would have beenDOORS ! As a last resort - C students.

I became fundamentally interested in solving it. Let's think together about the solution to this riddle. You can play my discussion by clicking on the player.

You can first try to answer all the questions yourself, and check their correctness later by turning on the recording.
1. How long have the guys been involved in tourism?
2. Are they familiar with home economics?
3. Is the river navigable?
4. In what direction does the river flow?
5. What is the depth of the river at the nearest riffle?

6. How long will it take for the laundry to dry?

7. How much will a sunflower grow?
8. Is the tourist camp located far from the city?
9. What kind of transport did the tourists use?
10. Do people like dumplings in these places?
11. Is the newspaper fresh?
12. What city is the plane flying to?