Why do you dream of thunderclouds in the sky? I dreamed of black clouds in a dream

In some dream books, a dream about black thunderclouds speaks of your experiences and worries about some unfinished business. This dream about clouds can be repeated over and over again until you complete the job.

In our dream book you can find out not only what dreams about clouds mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see clouds in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Are you dreaming about Clouds? Tell me your dream!

See also in the dream book


Dream Interpretation of Simon Canonite thick black - you are in danger of misfortune; light silver - life without hard work; fast swimmers - life full of changes; small curly ones - peace and happiness; yellow - bad things

Esoteric dream book Closing the sky - we need to mobilize our strength and be active. If you do this, you will get a very successful result. Not to be confused with "clouds". Frightening, thunderous - great luck is on the way. Don't frighten off with your impatience.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation dark, black, threatening - bad influence, danger; seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery; illuminated by the setting sun - an easy life.

Muslim dream book A cloud or cloud is a merciful and learned king or ruler, doing deeds worthy of the teaching of faith. A cloud with thunder and lightning is an angry and fearsome king. If someone sees in a dream that a cloud is a cloud, then to the one who saw such a dream Rain, if it is visible everywhere, means the mercy of the Lord, and if it happens only in one area or building, it means illness or unrest.

Star dream book

Dream Interpretation Cloud - anger and resentment of an important person. Boss. Capricorn.

Jewish dream book

Why do you dream about Clouds - Thundercloud? A dream in the spring means trouble; seen in summer, it warns of great danger; dreamed about in the fall - to quarrels and scandals; in winter - to trouble. Dispersing clouds A dream in the spring means an end to troubles and unexpected success in a difficult matter; in the summer - it means an incident that will dispel your doubts; in the fall - to reconciliation with friends; in winter - to changes in relationships with people. Warning: Caution is required.

Magic dream book

Why do you dream about Clouds - black, dark - a bad situation, solid clouds in the sky - an unpleasant discovery, illuminated clouds - lightness and carelessness. Light clouds in the light of the stars are fleeting joys. Those who float quickly - life is full of changes. Yellow clouds are a dubious glory.

Dream book of healer Akulina

Dream Interpretation Clouds - Danger or illness. : Imagine that the clouds clear, the sun comes out and warms you with its light.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dream Interpretation Clouds - You see black or leaden thunderclouds in a dream - some person will have a bad influence on you; you will be ashamed to admit to yourself that you are on someone’s leash; you will find yourself in a dangerous position. It’s as if you see clouds in the night sky - an unpleasant discovery awaits you; Don't look through the keyhole. The clouds seem to be illuminated from below - the dream promises you a pleasant and serene life.


All about dreams: dream book clouds rain in the simplest words.

Dream Interpretation Cloud, why do you dream about seeing a cloud in a dream

From this article you can find out what the Cloud dreams about from the dream books of different authors. The analysis of dreams on Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about Cloud: interpretation of dreams according to 75 dream books

Why do you dream of a cloud in the fall?

Cloud - A heaviness in your heart will torment you, but this too will pass.

Why do you dream of a cloud in the summer?

Cloud - To mother-in-law's or mother-in-law's tears.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about the Cloud, interpretation of the dream:

Cloud – Health // danger; stormy, dark - misfortune, misfortune, troubles; with lightning - judgment; a black, terrible cloud over housing - war, bad weather; light - vain worries, this is the interpretation of Cloud according to the dream book.

Why do you dream about Cloud, according to popular beliefs in Little Russia:

Cloud - How clouds dream - health. Clouds - changing events. . There is a black cloud and a terrible thunderstorm over the village - war or disaster. A cloud with lightning is a judgment. , this is how the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Cloud in your night dreams?

Cloud - Seeing dark black or thunderclouds in a dream means danger, illuminated by the setting sun - an easy life. Seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery.

Why do you dream of a cloud in spring?

Cloud - To a threat that will be replaced by mercy.

Why does a child dream of a Cloud, interpretation of the dream:

Clouds - Storm clouds and clouds warn you that the situation is out of your control and a big scandal will soon break out. Failure awaits you in business.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why do Clouds appear in dreams?

Clouds - Dark, black, threatening - bad influence, danger; seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery; illuminated by the setting sun - an easy life.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Clouds - Black - trouble, misfortune.

Why do you dream about Cloud according to the dream book:

Clouds - Dark, black, threatening - bad influence, danger; seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery; illuminated by the setting sun - an easy life.

Why do you dream about Cloud according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah:

Clouds - A cloud or cloud is a merciful and learned king or ruler, doing deeds worthy of the teaching of faith. A cloud in a dream, that a cloud has covered the sky, but a storm and thunderstorm do not accompany this cloud, then to the one who saw such a dream Rain, if visible everywhere, means the mercy of the Lord, and if it happens only in one area or building, it means illness or unrest.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of a Cloud, why?

Clouds - Thick black - you are in danger of misfortune; light silver - life without hard work; fast swimmers - life full of changes; small curly ones - peace and happiness; yellow ones are bad things.

What does a cloud mean in a dream, interpretation:

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Why do you dream about a Cloud - an astrologer’s interpretation:

Clouds - A cloud or a cloud seen in a dream symbolizes the magnanimous ruler of the country or your immediate superior, who is distinguished by his high intelligence and generosity. A cloud with thunder and lightning is an indication that the ruler of the country or your immediate supervisor is distinguished by an angry disposition and, as a rule, instills considerable fear in those around him. If someone sees in a dream that a cloud or a cloud has completely filled the entire sky, but a storm and thunderstorm did not follow this phenomenon, then the one who saw such a dream will be sent down great mercy from the Almighty God.

Clouds - Thick black - You are in danger of misfortune - light silver - life without hard work - fast floating - life full of changes - small curly - peace and happiness - yellow - bad things

Why do you dream about a cloud?

Interpretation of the dream in the dream book: Cloud – anger and resentment of an important person. Boss. Capricorn.

Azar's biblical dream book

Why do you dream about a cloud based on spiritual sources?

Clouds - Thundercloud A dream in spring means trouble; seen in summer, it warns of great danger; dreamed about in the fall - to quarrels and scandals; in winter - to trouble. Dispersing clouds A dream in the spring means an end to troubles and unexpected success in a difficult matter; in the summer - it means an incident that will dispel your doubts; in the fall - to reconciliation with friends; in winter - to changes in relationships with people. Warning: Caution is required.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Cloud in a dream?

Clouds - black, dark - a bad situation, solid clouds in the sky - an unpleasant discovery, illuminated clouds - lightness and carelessness. Light clouds in the light of the stars are fleeting joys. Those who float quickly - life full of changes. Yellow clouds are a dubious glory.

What do Clouds mean in a dream:

Clouds - Danger or illness: Imagine that the clouds are clearing, the sun is coming out and warming you with its light.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine II

Why do you dream about Cloud, meaning:

Clouds - You see black or leaden thunderclouds in a dream - some person will have a bad influence on you; you will be ashamed to admit to yourself that you are on someone’s leash; you will find yourself in a dangerous position. It’s as if you see clouds in the night sky - an unpleasant discovery awaits you; Don't look through the keyhole. The clouds seem to be illuminated from below - the dream promises you a pleasant and serene life.

Why do you dream about Cloud by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of a Cloud in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream about Cloud from Monday to Tuesday according to the dream book?
  • If you dream of a cloud from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of a Cloud according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about Cloud from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of a Cloud in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about Cloud in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

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Cloud in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Clouds interpretation of the dream book

What are dark storm clouds associated with? With foreboding, anxiety. Also in a dream - there is something that subconsciously haunts the sleeper. Small details of what you dreamed will help you understand exactly why you dreamed something like this. What is happening to you in reality now will also be of great importance. Only by comparing these facts can you turn to the dream book for an answer to the question - why do you dream about dark clouds?

How cloudy was it?

As the dream book of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima says, the thunderclouds that happened to be seen in a dream embody a conflict. He is about to make himself known, and if the sleeper does not want to ruin relations with colleagues and relatives, he should not rush headlong into a quarrel. You need to approach a difficult situation with sober calculation. Only by analyzing and eliminating the cause of misunderstanding will it be possible to extinguish the conflict.

The closer and darker the clouds are to you, the harder it will be to avoid difficulties. Do not panic, but resort to sober calculation, the interpreter advises. But you won’t be able to do this if in your dream clouds cover the sun - your mind won’t be able to cope with the emotions that roll in.

Miller's dream book gives a very detailed description of what various clouds mean in dreams. Gloomy, stormy - the sleeper is in danger of trouble. Rapidly sweeping across the sky bring changes to his life. Beautiful curly “lambs” promise a quiet, happy existence. Cirrus, as if airy, promise a comfortable existence, but yellow clouds warn of hard times.

The clouds in which the sun sets indicate that the life of the sleeper will not be full of worries. And, according to the Jewish Dream Book, if they found the moon, a major quarrel will occur between husband and wife. Is the sky overcast in a dream? The dreamer will be unpleasantly surprised by something in reality. But if he managed to see the stars through them, he will be inclined to a lyrical mood and thoughts about the eternal and vital.

In a dream, clouds hovered very low, almost above your head? The date you had planned will most likely fall through.

Storm clouds

The Islamic dream book says this: a cloud is a king. And a cloud covered in a thunderstorm is an angry king. But if you happened to see the sky covered with black clouds, but not a drop fell from them, you can expect grace from higher powers.

Happiness, both bright and fleeting, awaits those who dream of lightning, says Miller’s dream book. Was the lightning bright, and even against a background of black clouds? The sleeper will face difficult times, filled with grief and troubles, and they will drag on for a long time. Did a person involved in business dream about this? Don't trust business partners.

Why does a woman dream of lightning? She should pay close attention to her family - not only her children and spouse, but also her elderly parents.

It is not so easy to encounter lightning against a clear sky in reality, but if you observed such an amazing phenomenon in a dream, dream books advise you to come to terms with the circumstances. Even if it is very much against your gut, do not resist what fate has given you - the difficult period will someday end, and you will be able to enjoy life again.

Did you dream of a powerful downpour erupting from thunderclouds? It will wash away all the heaviness from the soul, drive away fears and doubts, allowing the sleeper to literally be reborn again. But looking at a thunderstorm through a window indicates that in reality the dreamer will become despondent.

What can you dream about if rain pours on a tiny area, and the ground around it is dry? Troubles, civil unrest and epidemics are coming, the interpreter Vanga predicts.

It is very good to see gaps of clear sky during a thunderstorm. All the problems that befell the sleeping person will not last long, having been successfully resolved, and ahead of him lies a time filled with good luck and joy.

It will last much longer if the dreamer's intentions are pure and noble.

Clouds according to the dream book

Dark clouds in a dream are a sign of anxiety that has taken over a person. Features, details, accompanying events can more accurately indicate the cause of anxiety, sometimes implicit, hidden in the subconscious. Explaining why these images were dreamed about, dream books predict how fate will turn out, and whether something can be done to make it more favorable.

Cloud character

According to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, seeing thunderclouds in a dream is the embodiment of an impending conflict. The accumulated irritation is ready to escalate into an open skirmish, unless you manage to soberly analyze the situation and discuss the claims in a civilized manner.

The closer and darker they are, the more difficult it is to avoid trouble - you just have to rely on reason and self-control. I dreamed that clouds were approaching the sun - emotions would prevail over reason.

Hasse's dream book gives a fairly detailed interpretation of what different types of clouds mean in dreams. Black thunderstorms - a person is in danger. Those flying quickly remind us that everything in the world is changing. Beautiful lambs predict calm happiness. Silvery lungs are a harbinger of a carefree existence, while yellowish ones promise sorrow.

Clouds at sunset are interpreted as a sign of a carefree life. If they covered the moon, the Jewish dream book promises a squabble between the spouses. Why do you dream of dark clouds that leave no clearing in the sky: the dreamer will make an unpleasant discovery for himself. Seeing stars peeking through them is a sign that you will be in a poetic mood and unhurried thoughts about the eternal.

If they hang directly over your head in a dream, this is a warning that the scheduled romantic date may not take place.

As they say in the Islamic dream book, if a cloud is a king, then accompanied by a thunderstorm, the king is angry. And if you dreamed that black clouds came into the sky, but did not bring a thunderstorm with them, the mercy of the Almighty will be sent to the dreamer.

Miller's dream book predicts bright, but short-lived happiness for those who saw lightning in a dream. Black lightning against the backdrop of hanging thunderclouds promises obstacles and sadness for a long time. A modern dream book warns: if a businessman dreams about her, he should not trust his partners; if a woman saw her in a dream, then she needs to be more closely monitored by her children and take care of her husband and parents.

Why dream of such a rare phenomenon as lightning between clouds against a clear sky? In this case, it is impossible to resist the blows of fate, and one can only hope that the streak of failures in life will end sooner or later.

I dreamed that clouds in a dream were bringing down rain on the ground: it would wash away all the dirt from the soul, relieve mental stress and revive it to life, emotional uplift would give strength to the dreamer. Looking at the clouds through the window means despondency.

If rain falls in a small area, interpreters foretell uprisings and epidemics.

It’s a good sign if the sun peeks through the gaps between the clouds and through the rain - then the adversity will not last long, and the problems will be solvable. Ahead of a person lies a bright, prosperous period, which can be extended by noble activities.

Why do you dream about clouds?

Why do you dream of clouds according to Miller’s dream book?

Looking at black and massive clouds in a dream is a symbol of collapse and misfortune. If it rains from the clouds, a streak of trouble awaits you ahead. Seeing numerous rays of the sun breaking through the clouds is a harbinger of prosperity. Your black streak of failures and worries will be replaced by constant luck.

Seeing the stars through the night clouds is a sign of fleeting joy or a minor victory in the professional sphere.

Clouds in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

A dream in which you saw a large number of clouds in the sky gathering over your head means that in reality you will have a conflict situation with your significant other or your superiors. Soon you will have to cope with all the difficulties and obstacles on your own in order to preserve your material well-being and excellent health.

Storm clouds seen in a dream in reality prophesy for you circumstances that make you think about future prospects, about your actions and about the meaning of life in general.

If in a dream you dreamed of how you disperse clouds with your hands or inflate them, expect positive updates in your destiny. For example, this could be the appearance of an important person in your life who will become an indispensable friend or advisor.

Dreaming of red clouds is a harbinger of grief, sadness or the death of a person close to you.

If rain or heavy downpour fell from the clouds while you were sleeping, it means that delight and relief await you ahead. However, they will come after you cope with all the hardships and problems that have fallen on your shoulders.

Why do you dream of clouds according to the modern dream book?

Looking at clouds in a dream is a sign of an approaching illness. A dream in which you dreamed of clouds of unusual shapes means that your plans and dreams are not destined to come true. For a woman, such a dream promises a deceitful and unreliable admirer. Watching a thundercloud in a dream means that misfortune is hanging over you.

Interpretation of sleep - clouds. Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Watching dark and gathering clouds in a dream means that you may soon be slandered by ill-wishers who create untrue gossip and intrigue behind your back. Also, such a dream can mean an imminent illness. Looking at black and threatening clouds is a sign of danger.

To see deep night in your dream, and there are many clouds in it, is a sign of annoying notices that will soon become known to those around you. A dream where you saw a cloud from which you can see the sunset will bring you an easy life. Dreaming about a cloud symbolizes unfinished business. You suddenly stopped there and stopped implementing your plans.

Dream book of esotericist Evgeniy Tsvetkov - why clouds dream

Black clouds are a symbol of an approaching threat. Looking at a cloud at night means unpleasant discoveries. If the clouds are illuminated by the setting sun, an easy and carefree life awaits you.

Why do you dream about clouds according to the Esoteric Dream Book

Looking at thunderous and frightening clouds is a harbinger of imminent good luck. If you dream of clouds that cover the sky, it means that you need to mobilize all your strength and direct it in the right direction. Be active where you are not expected to.

I dreamed about clouds - what does this mean according to Hasse’s Dream Book

Seeing thick and black clouds means failure; silver - to an easy life; small and curly clouds - to well-being; yellowish - to bad deeds; rapidly floating - to changes in life.

Why did you dream about the clouds?

at the Women's Club!

If you have used a dream book at least once, you know that every vision that can be in a dream has its own meaning and symbolism. Natural phenomena and everything connected with nature have a special place.

They are especially important for interpretation, and it does not happen that a thunderstorm, rain or bright sun is just a decoration for what is dreamed. Natural phenomena not only color dreams and give them a special atmosphere, but also indicate something important that is worth paying attention to in reality.

Clouds look threatening and often evoke anxiety and melancholy, covering the sun in the sky and foreshadowing a thunderstorm. In reality, thunderclouds always evoke not very pleasant and rosy emotions, but what do clouds mean in a dream, should we expect something bad in reality after this dream?

Stormy or cloudy skies

Let's consider several options when clouds cover the sky. What are they like, what is happening - the dream book will help us with this:

  • See clouds on the horizon.
  • An overcast leaden sky in a dream.
  • Black, heavy clouds.
  • Black clouds in fiery rays.

Each such “cloudy” dream has its own special meaning, choose yours and find out what it promises you!

What does fate have in store?

Do not rush to think that if you dreamed of clouds and bad weather, then this is bad. Symbols are often unusual and contradictory, so the dream book may surprise you with the answer!

1. As the dream book says, clouds on the horizon approaching from afar are a symbol of your fears that prevent you from living. The dream book claims that these fears and anxieties are completely unfounded, empty and meaningless, and there is nothing real underneath them!

You are completely in vain to be afraid; in reality you have nothing to fear. Trust the higher powers that gave you such a dream and fight your fears - then your life will become full and bright, new opportunities will open up!

2. If there was not a single clearing in the sky in your dream, it was all drawn out and gloomy - this is a call for patience. A difficult period awaits you, but in our lives, white and black stripes always change.

Higher powers advise you to take a wait-and-see attitude, not to actively try to change something, but simply to be patient. Contemplate from the outside, understand that everything happens in due time, listen to the lessons of fate and gain new experience.

3. You dream of black, heavy clouds as a symbol of the fact that in reality you are under the influence of bad, unkind people. You should look around and see who you obey, who has such influence and even power over you?

Doesn't this have a negative or even destructive effect on you and your destiny? Perhaps it’s time to free yourself and make all your decisions on your own, take life into your own hands and act according to your conscience?

4. If you happen to see scary heavy clouds in fiery rays in a dream, this is a good sign. Very favorable changes will soon come your way! But you may be afraid of them, perceive them as something frightening and repulsive, because any changes in life always frighten you and force you to leave your usual comfort zone.

Such dreams are dreamed with one purpose - to cheer you up, to convince you that any changes that open before you are simply vital for you, and under no circumstances close yourself off from them! On the contrary, open up to new things, and your life will become much happier!

Thunderstorms in dreams

It also happens that it comes to a thunderstorm! Do not rush to draw your own conclusion until you find out the answer from the dream book. But before revealing it, remember all the details of what you saw in the dream in order to get an accurate and truthful answer. What happened in the dream:

  • Storm clouds.
  • Overcast night sky.
  • I dreamed of rain.
  • Getting caught in a thunderstorm in a dream.

1. Seeing thunderclouds in a dark, cloudy sky is an auspicious dream. Luck is coming! Through obstacles, difficulties and a series of problems you will come to great success, the main thing is not to be afraid of anything, believe in the favor of your fate and in your own strength.

Success awaits you; soon everything will change for the better, in an unexpected and dramatic way. Don't miss the chance that comes your way!

2. It is also interesting to know why you dream of a cloud or clouds hanging in the heavens at night. This is a warning that a sad period awaits you, when you will be overcome by doubts, melancholy, and blues.

Don't give in to depression, it can drag you down for a long time! Remember that after any thunderstorm the sun will always appear, and you yourself can control the “weather” in your soul and life.

3. If it was not just cloudy in your dream, but it also started to rain, this is a wonderful sign. Rain is a symbol of cleansing and renewal, so this is exactly what you should expect in reality!

Difficulties will end, and even big troubles will help you become a new person. Everything that happens now is necessary for you to update and gain experience. Soon you will change, begin a new stage of your life, and everything around you will be renewed!

4. A large and strong thunderstorm, especially if you not only saw it, but also got caught in it, is also a good symbol, promising, according to the dream book. He says that you will not be left without attention, you definitely won’t face loneliness.

You will be in pleasant company, you will be loved, and you will be the center of attention. A turbulent period is expected, a bright and eventful life, you definitely won’t be bored!

Perceive dreams and the answers of the dream book correctly - think, maybe something should be changed in your waking life and in your behavior? Believe in the best, act according to your conscience, and build your own happiness!

And the most important advice

I dreamed of rain and clouds in a dream

SonMe.ru will tell you why this is a dream. See the meaning of the dream below:

If during sleep With clouds poured rain or heavy rain - it means that delight and relief await you ahead. However, they will come after you cope with all the hardships and problems that have fallen on your shoulders. For what dream clouds according to the modern dream book. Look in dream on clouds- a sign of an approaching illness. Dream in which you dreamed about it clouds unusual shapes - means that your plans and dreams are not destined to come true.

Warm Rain, which did not harm you in dream no inconvenience or harm, a very positive sign. Water has the ability to wash away everything in its path, including negative, unnecessary information that has begun to burden you. I dreamed about it rain And thunderstorm, rain and lightning, dark clouds the sky is covered and a storm is approaching, I dreamed about it strong rain with lightning and wind - an emotional outburst; otherwise – danger; unpleasant changes in life.

If anyone sees in dream, What cloud covered the sky, but storm and thunder do not accompany it cloud, then he saw such dream there will be mercy from the Almighty God. Rain, if visible everywhere, means the mercy of God, and if it happens only in one area or building, it means illness or unrest. See in dream Cloud. Clouds– Thick black – you are in danger of misfortune – light silver – life without hard work – fast swimming – life full of changes – small curly – peace and happiness – yellow – bad deeds.

I dreamed about it Cloud, but the necessary interpretation sleep dreaming Cloud in dream in dream have seen this symbol. My name is Irina, I dreamed about it strange dream, where I’m on the bus, rushing to be in time for a wedding (I work in the registry office and conduct ceremonies), I’m riding on the bus and I see fields around and suddenly it’s like black smoke in the uniform clouds ran everywhere, but rain did not have.

Interpretation sleep Rain: What does it mean in dream Rain– get very wet – cry. Rain large drops - big profits. Being suddenly caught in clear weather rain- find yourself in the thick of pleasures. Rain pours from the dark clouds– anxiety about the outcome of the case, time to hide from rain What means Rain in dream: To you dreamed about it Rain what is this for - Dream means material well-being. Imagine that you are standing under the warm summer rain, expose your face and palms to him, enjoying the feeling of freshness. English dream book.

Had a dream, How clouds in dream rainfall falls on the earth: it will wash away all the dirt from the soul, relieve mental stress and revive it to life, emotional uplift will give strength to the dreamer. Look at clouds through the window - to despondency. If rain spilled over a small area, interpreters foreshadow uprisings and epidemics. A good sign if there are gaps between clouds, through rain the sun is peeking through - then the adversity will be short-lived, and the problems will be solvable.

If the dreamer happened to fall under rain And get wet, this portends illness. But there are such dream and bright moments: if through the black clouds in dream the sun breaks through, then this is a good sign that foretells that the Dream, in which clouds fly quickly over the ground, indicates that the problems will soon be solved, and if dreaming that heavy black clouds hanging in place, this portends long-term troubles. Thus, dreamed black clouds are a very bad sign for the dreamer.

Cloud with thunder and lightning - there is an angry and fearsome king. If anyone sees in dream, What cloud covered the sky, but storm and thunder do not accompany it cloud, then he saw such dream there will be mercy from the Almighty God. Rain, if visible everywhere, it means Cloud– Seen in dream clouds warn that you are slightly carried away by dreams that distract you from real events and prevent you from establishing a relationship with a loved one. Dreamed clouds they talk about your frivolity, that you are superficial.

In dream It’s more pleasant for us to see blue skies and sunshine, so dreamed rain already subconsciously awakens a feeling of depression and negatively affects the emotional state. Miller's Dream Book: to see rain in dream. Gustav Miller believes that a good sign is dream, in which the dreamer fell under a warm rain- this promises a surge of vigor and strength. But if, raising his eyes to the sky, the sleeper sees black clouds, then bad news will come soon in reality.

For what dreaming rain- according to Miller's dream book. Get under the warm rain- a favorable sign, foreshadowing a surge of strength and energy. If the sky is covered in black clouds- expect bad news. hide from rain- means to avoid danger in reality. Hear in dream noise rain And severe thunderstorm - to an approaching illness, which will be accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

For what dreaming Cloud according to the dream book: Cloud- If you dreamed about it clouds in a dark sky - then lies, health problems and the machinations of your old enemies await you. If you saw in dream dark clouds- then you are in some kind of danger. If you saw in dream clouds, which were slightly illuminated by the sun at sunset - then you will have a wonderful, easy life. See also: why dreaming summer rain, for what dream clouds, for what dreaming dark sky.

I dreamed about it Rain, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Rain in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Try it! for me dreamed that I'm standing on the veranda and looking at the dark clouds. I'm not wet myself, but I'm cold. clouds enveloped the entire sky. small rain sometimes it goes, sometimes it doesn’t.

FOR WHAT DREAMING Clouds IN DREAM, DREAM Clouds DREAMED, INTERPRETATION SNA.Cloud with thunder and lightning - there is an angry and fearsome king. If anyone sees in dream, What cloud covered the sky, but storm and thunder do not accompany it cloud, then he saw such dream there will be mercy from the Most High God. Rain If it is visible everywhere, it means the mercy of the Lord, and if it happens only in one area or building, it means illness or unrest.

If dreamed about it rain, then it probably causes vague thoughts and helps in interpretation sleep maybe only a dream book as a reliable source. Let's find out together why dreaming rain, regardless of the time of year that is currently outside your window at home. Clouds see in dream. Numerous clouds, thickening above your head, reflect an anxious state that will haunt you for several days. But after this, new horizons and opportunities will open up.

if you will dream, What cloud in dream cloud clouds in your own time, i.e. during rain Clouds clouds

Cloud with thunder and lightning - there is an angry and fearsome king. If anyone sees in dream, What cloud covered the sky, but storm and thunder do not accompany it cloud- to someone who has seen this dream there will be mercy from the Almighty God. Rain, if visible everywhere - means Seen in dream clouds- warn that you are slightly carried away by dreams that distract you from real events and prevent you from establishing a relationship with a loved one. Dreamed clouds- they talk about your frivolity, that you are superficial.

if you will dream, What cloud presses on you, then you will have to endure great misfortune or the bitterness of bereavement. If in dream cloud lifts you up and carries you away, then expect some important events, changes, shocks. It is also said: if anyone sees clouds in your own time, i.e. during rain, he will achieve goodness, barakat, Allah's mercy and wealth. Clouds are also a sign of the disappearance of anxiety and unhappiness. Thunderstorms clouds, can also portend difficulties in business.

If dreamed about it clouds in sunset time, penetrated by the rays of the setting sun - an easy life awaits you in the future (of course, if the sunset looks beautiful, but not ominous.) If anyone sees in dream, What cloud covered the sky, but storm and thunder do not accompany it cloud- to someone who has seen this dream there will be mercy from the Almighty God. Rain If it is visible everywhere, it means the mercy of God, and if it happens only in one area or building, it means illness or unrest.

For what dream Clouds in dream: CloudsClouds And clouds above your head they say that you will have to experience some sad events, but you will not have to grieve for long. See. also: why dream clouds, for what dreaming rain, for what dreaming lightning. Dream book of S. Karatov. For what dream Clouds according to the dream book: Clouds- If you dreamed light, clear cloud- then honor and wealth await you.

What means Clouds in dream: To you dreamed about it Clouds what is this for - Clear ones - to success, thunderstorms - to danger. Imagine thunderstorms clouds dissipate, the bright rays of the sun break through them, and soon the sky becomes completely clear. Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great. For you dream dark pre-storm clouds- failures are coming in your life. From lead clouds falls on you raindream says you will become seriously ill.

For what dreaming Rain according to the dream book: Rain- If you dreamed, How rain comes from the dark lows clouds– then the state of your business will soon make you worry. Pouring rain in dream- this is a bad sign. Rain- get under rain- If you dreamed that you came under strong rain- this is to expose your secrets. Seeing in a dream rain- this means your wife is cheating. Get wet in dream under rain- you are loved very much. Dream book of Nostradamus. For what dreaming Rain according to the dream book

Dream Interpretation Online » Meaning dreams starting with the letter O » Dream Interpretation Cloud, cloud dreamed about it, for what dreaming Cloud, cloud in dream.Clouds– Single cloud floating in a clear sky in dream, - in reality a gift for you or someone’s gratitude. Beautiful, light clouds- a sign of success, recognition. Heavy, gloomy, running quickly - to worries, worries, mistakes. Rain cloud, rain from clouds- to illness or well-being (depending on what rain And which cloud: for example, blind rain).

Dream Interpretation – Cloud. if you will dream what you climbed into clouds, then wait for news. Light, almost transparent clouds in dream- this is a sign of cloudless happiness. Yellow clouds in dream portend empty troubles and failures in business. It is also said: if anyone sees clouds in your own time, i.e. during rain, he will achieve goodness, barakat, Allah's mercy and wealth. Clouds are also a sign of the disappearance of anxiety and unhappiness. Thunderstorms clouds, can also portend difficulties in business.

I’m walking down the street to attend some important business, suddenly black people come running clouds, pouring rain, thunderstorm, I’m scared, and now I’m thinking about quickly running away, but suddenly one of the lightning flashed and hit me in the forehead and I saw in front of me a white glowing small ball on a black background, just like in the picture .. this is where I woke up I had very strange emotions. ducklings in dream. Had a dream that I'm in my empty garage, goes rain. A small mouse jumped out somewhere, so small that I could barely see it.

This way you can easily find out what they mean dreams Clouds and wolves or maybe, or what does it mean in dream see Clouds and maybe wolves. I saw a good wolf in dream. With a large company we are sitting at a table somewhere in nature. A strange city, a wolf-man in dream. To me dreamed about it very strange dream. Dreaming I feel like I’m in a quarter of the city where all the residents were evacuated (maybe an epidemic, radiation, I don’t know in general), and I’m one of the military people who remained there.

In real life, people are not surprised to meet clouds bringing with them rain, hail, thunderclaps, since these are normal natural phenomena, but why dreamed about it cloud can be found in the article. From the above we can conclude that clouds in dream are not a very pleasant sign, so the dreamer after such a dream should be more careful in relationships with friends and colleagues, and also pay attention to his own health.

Dream Interpretation Cloud and on it dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Cloud and on it? To select an interpretation sleep enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get onlineIt is also said: if anyone sees clouds in your own time, i.e. during rain, he will achieve goodness, barakat, Allah's mercy and wealth. Clouds are also a sign of the disappearance of anxiety and unhappiness. Thunderstorms clouds, can also portend difficulties in business.

Cloud with thunder and lightning - there is an angry and fearsome king. If anyone sees in dream, What cloud covered the sky, but storm and thunder do not accompany it cloud, then he saw such dream there will be mercy from the Most High God. Rain, if visible everywhere, means the mercy of the Lord. If in dream If you manage to escape from her, this means that this enemy will not be afraid of you. You will become noticeably rich if you will dream that you are milking a cow. If a woman sees in dream As a cow calves, it is very possible that her own birth will be difficult.

Dream Interpretation Colored clouds dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Colored clouds?It is also said: if anyone sees clouds in your own time, i.e. during rain, he will achieve goodness, barakat, Allah's mercy and wealth. Clouds are also a sign of the disappearance of anxiety and unhappiness. Thunderstorms clouds, can also portend difficulties in business.


Autumn dream book

Why do you dream about Cloud in a dream?

What does Cloud mean - Heaviness in your heart will torment you, but this too will pass.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about Cloud according to the dream book?

Seeing a dream about Cloud means mother-in-law's or mother-in-law's tears.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why does a Cloud appear in a dream:

Cloud – Health // danger; stormy, dark - misfortune, misfortune, troubles; with lightning - judgment; a black, terrible cloud over housing - war, bad weather; light - vain worries, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book

What does it mean when you dream about Cloud?

According to the dream book Cloud - How clouds dream - health. Clouds - changing events. . There is a black cloud and a terrible thunderstorm above the village - war or disaster. A cloud with lightning is a judgment. , as the dream book - predictor reports.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Cloud?

To see a dream about a Cloud - To see dark black or thunderclouds in a dream means danger, illuminated by the setting sun - to an easy life. Seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery.

Spring dream book

Why do you dream about Cloud according to the dream book?

What does Cloud mean - To a threat that will be replaced by mercy.

Children's dream book

What does Cloud mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about Clouds - Storm clouds and storm clouds warn you that the situation is out of your control and a big scandal will soon break out. Failure awaits you in business.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Dream Interpretation: What does a cloud mean?

Clouds - Dark, black, threatening - bad influence, danger; seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery; illuminated by the setting sun - an easy life.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream about Black Clouds - trouble, misfortune.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about Cloud:

Clouds - Dark, black, threatening - bad influence, danger; seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery; illuminated by the setting sun - an easy life.

Muslim dream book

Why do you dream about Cloud:

Clouds - A cloud or cloud is a merciful and learned king or ruler, doing deeds worthy of the teaching of faith. A cloud with thunder and lightning is an angry and fearsome king. If someone sees in a dream that a cloud has covered the sky, but a storm and thunderstorm do not accompany this cloud, then the one who saw such a dream will receive mercy from the Almighty God. Rain, if visible everywhere, means the mercy of God, and if it happens only in one area or building, it means illness or unrest.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dream Interpretation: Cloud in a dream

Clouds - Thick black - you are in danger of misfortune; light silver - life without hard work; fast swimmers - life full of changes; small curly ones - peace and happiness; yellow ones are bad things.

Esoteric dream book

If you dream about a cloud:

Clouds - Covering the sky, we need to mobilize our forces and be active. If you do this, you will get a very successful result. Not to be confused with "clouds". Frightening, thunderstorms are on the way - great luck. Don’t frighten away with your impatience, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Persian dream book Taflisi

Cloud - interpretation of sleep:

What does Clouds mean - A cloud or a cloud seen in a dream symbolizes the magnanimous ruler of the country or your immediate superior, who is distinguished by his high intelligence and generosity. A cloud with thunder and lightning is an indication that the ruler of the country or your immediate supervisor is distinguished by an angry disposition and, as a rule, instills considerable fear in those around him. If someone sees in a dream that a cloud or a cloud has completely filled the entire sky, but a storm and thunderstorm did not follow this phenomenon, then the one who saw such a dream will be sent down great mercy from the Almighty God.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Seeing a cloud in a dream

In a dream, why do you dream about Clouds - Thick black ones - You are in danger of misfortune - light silver ones - life without hard work - fast floating - life full of changes - small curly ones - peace and happiness - yellow ones - bad things

Star dream book

Why do you dream about a cloud?

Interpretation of the dream in the dream book: Cloud - anger and resentment of an important person. Boss. Capricorn.

Jewish dream book

What do Clouds mean in a dream:

Clouds - Thundercloud A dream in the spring means trouble; seen in summer, it warns of great danger; dreamed about in the fall - to quarrels and scandals; in winter - to trouble. Dispersing clouds A dream in the spring means an end to troubles and unexpected success in a difficult matter; in the summer - it means an incident that will dispel your doubts; in the fall - to reconciliation with friends; in winter - to changes in relationships with people. Warning: Caution is required.

Magic dream book

In a dream, why does Cloud dream?

To see a dream about Clouds - black, dark - a bad situation, solid clouds in the sky - an unpleasant discovery, illuminated clouds - lightness and carelessness. Light clouds in the light of the stars are fleeting joys. Those who float quickly - life is full of changes. Yellow clouds are a dubious glory.

Dream book of healer Akulina

What do Clouds mean in a dream:

Clouds - Danger or illness: Imagine that the clouds are clearing, the sun is coming out and warming you with its light.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What do Clouds mean:

Clouds - You see black or leaden thunderclouds in a dream - some person will have a bad influence on you; you will be ashamed to admit to yourself that you are on someone’s leash; you will find yourself in a dangerous position. It’s as if you see clouds in the night sky - an unpleasant discovery awaits you; Don't look through the keyhole. The clouds seem to be illuminated from below - the dream promises you a pleasant and serene life.

As the dream books say, black clouds in a dream promise the dreamer quarrels and troubles. In order to correctly interpret what a dream like this could mean, you need to try to remember as many details of the dream as possible - they will help give the exact meaning.

According to Nina Grishina’s dream book, a sleeper who sees dark clouds subconsciously experiences fear. He is overwhelmed with anxiety and overwhelmed by a feeling of hopelessness. If you happen to see how the entire vault of heaven is covered with clouds, you should muster all your patience and willpower in order to withstand the current circumstances.

What were the clouds like?

The black, pre-storm clouds in your dream almost covered the sun? Negativity is accumulating in your soul, which is about to come out. Try to get rid of them so as not to spoil your relationships with others.

Miller’s dream book also has the meaning of this dream. In his opinion, dark clouds warn the sleeper about the danger that is already hanging over his head. In a dream, did a piece of the moon peek through the clouds? Personal life will be overshadowed by minor problems and quarrels, but they will not drag on for long and will be resolved successfully.

Did the edges of the clouds turn silver in your dream? Life will be easy and carefree, dream books promise. But if you see such clouds at night, you will learn news that will be unpleasantly surprising. Were you able to see the stars through the clouds in your dream? You will cope with all difficulties, achieving a lot.

Clouds of an unusual shape, according to the Modern Dream Book, indicate that the sleeper has a large amount of imagination, which, however, in real life only gets in the way. Why does a woman dream about this same plot? A gentleman will appear in her life who will lie at every step, posing as someone who he really is not, the interpreter warns.

Hasse’s dream book also explains why clouds appear in dreams. It promises imminent troubles. Were the clouds in your dream driven across the sky by the wind? Events in reality will unfold just as quickly, bringing changes to life. Small and curly ones promise a carefree life filled with happiness, but yellow ones speak of danger.

Bad weather

As the interpreter of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima says, black clouds reflect the dreamer’s painful forebodings. The blow of fate would be the stronger, the blacker and closer the clouds were to it. According to the interpreter’s advice, you should be prepared for difficulties in order to get out of them with the least losses.

There is an opinion that a thundercloud in the sky promises good luck and happiness, but you should be careful not to frighten it off with your haste. Dark clouds crawled onto the horizon in a dream? You should stop being passive and allow what is inside to be revealed.

Is there a dark, unkind cloud hanging over your home? This dream can mean both bad weather and an upcoming war. Are you seeing a cluster of clouds? A romantic date won't happen for some reason.

What thunderclouds can mean in dreams is also stated in Morozova’s dream book. Such a vision warns the sleeper about the intrigues that his enemies are weaving behind his back. Anyone who sees clouds should also check their health - it is likely that it has weakened.

A gloomy, depressing cloud indicates that the sleeper is under the influence of others, which does not bring him anything good.

Sometimes such a dream is seen by those who have given up and stopped moving towards achieving their goals. You should not give up and strive to achieve your plans with all your might.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 11/25/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeper. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload,...

If you have used a dream book at least once, you know that every vision that can be in a dream has its own meaning and symbolism. Natural phenomena and everything connected with nature have a special place.

They are especially important for interpretation, and it does not happen that a thunderstorm, rain or bright sun is just a decoration for what is dreamed. Natural phenomena not only color dreams and give them a special atmosphere, but also indicate something important that is worth paying attention to in reality.

Clouds look threatening and often evoke anxiety and melancholy, covering the sun in the sky and foreshadowing a thunderstorm. In reality, thunderclouds always evoke not very pleasant and rosy emotions, but what do clouds mean in a dream, should we expect something bad in reality after this dream?

Stormy or cloudy skies

Let's consider several options when clouds cover the sky. What are they like, what is happening - the dream book will help us with this:

  • See clouds on the horizon.
  • An overcast leaden sky in a dream.
  • Black, heavy clouds.
  • Black clouds in fiery rays.

Each such “cloudy” dream has its own special meaning, choose yours and find out what it promises you!

What does fate have in store?

Do not rush to think that if you dreamed of clouds and bad weather, then this is bad. Symbols are often unusual and contradictory, so the dream book may surprise you with the answer!

1. As the dream book says, clouds on the horizon approaching from afar are a symbol of your fears that prevent you from living. The dream book claims that these fears and anxieties are completely unfounded, empty and meaningless, and there is nothing real underneath them!

You are completely in vain to be afraid; in reality you have nothing to fear. Trust the higher powers that gave you such a dream and fight your fears - then your life will become full and bright, new opportunities will open up!

2. If there was not a single clearing in the sky in your dream, it was all drawn out and gloomy - this is a call for patience. A difficult period awaits you, but in our lives, white and black stripes always change.

Higher powers advise you to take a wait-and-see attitude, not to actively try to change something, but simply to be patient. Contemplate from the outside, understand that everything happens in due time, listen to the lessons of fate and gain new experience.

3. You dream of black, heavy clouds as a symbol of the fact that in reality you are under the influence of bad, unkind people. You should look around and see who you obey, who has such influence and even power over you?

Doesn't this have a negative or even destructive effect on you and your destiny? Perhaps it’s time to free yourself and make all your decisions on your own, take life into your own hands and act according to your conscience?

4. If you happen to see scary heavy clouds in fiery rays in a dream, this is a good sign. Very favorable changes will soon come your way! But you may be afraid of them, perceive them as something frightening and repulsive, because any changes in life always frighten you and force you to leave your usual comfort zone.

Such dreams are dreamed with one purpose - to cheer you up, to convince you that any changes that open before you are simply vital for you, and under no circumstances close yourself off from them! On the contrary, open up to new things, and your life will become much happier!

Thunderstorms in dreams

It also happens that it comes to a thunderstorm! Do not rush to draw your own conclusion until you find out the answer from the dream book. But before revealing it, remember all the details of what you saw in the dream in order to get an accurate and truthful answer. What happened in the dream:

  • Storm clouds.
  • Overcast night sky.
  • I dreamed of rain.
  • Getting caught in a thunderstorm in a dream.

1. Seeing thunderclouds in a dark, cloudy sky is an auspicious dream. Luck is coming! Through obstacles, difficulties and a series of problems you will come to great success, the main thing is not to be afraid of anything, believe in the favor of your fate and in your own strength.

Success awaits you; soon everything will change for the better, in an unexpected and dramatic way. Don't miss the chance that comes your way!

2. It is also interesting to know why you dream of a cloud or clouds hanging in the heavens at night. This is a warning that a sad period awaits you, when you will be overcome by doubts, melancholy, and blues.

Don't give in to depression, it can drag you down for a long time! Remember that after any thunderstorm the sun will always appear, and you yourself can control the “weather” in your soul and life.

3. If it was not just cloudy in your dream, but it also started to rain, this is a wonderful sign. - a symbol of cleansing and renewal, so this is exactly what you should expect in reality!

Difficulties will end, and even big troubles will help you become a new person. Everything that happens now is necessary for you to update and gain experience. Soon you will change, begin a new stage of your life, and everything around you will be renewed!

4. Big and strong, especially if you not only saw it, but also got into it - also a good symbol, promising, according to the dream book. He says that you will not be left without attention, you definitely won’t face loneliness.

You will be in pleasant company, you will be loved, and you will be the center of attention. A turbulent period is expected, a bright and eventful life, you definitely won’t be bored!

Perceive dreams and the answers of the dream book correctly - think, maybe something should be changed in your waking life and in your behavior? Believe in the best, act according to your conscience, and build your own happiness! Author: Vasilina Serova

Find out from the online dream book what the Cloud is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you see a cloud in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Cloud and what does it mean:

Cloud - Seeing dark black or thunderclouds in a dream means danger, illuminated by the setting sun - means an easy life. Seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Cloud in a dream?

Obesity - seeing oneself as obese in a dream - means for the one who sees this dream a significant increase in wealth, visiting favorite, always pleasant places. Seeing others as obese denotes unusual activity and a time of prosperity. People who see themselves as extremely obese in a dream should pay attention to their morals and their inclinations.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Clouds from your dream

Black clouds - trouble, misfortune.

Astrological dream book

Seeing clouds in a dream means

Cloud – anger and resentment of an important person. Boss. Capricorn.

European dream book

What does it mean to see a cloud in a dream

Danger or illness. Imagine that the cloud dissipates, the sun comes out and warms you with its light.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Clouds?

A cloud seen in a dream means a change in events. There is a black cloud and a terrible thunderstorm over the village - war or disaster. A cloud with lightning is a judgment.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dark, black, threatening clouds - bad influence, danger; seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery; illuminated by the setting sun - an easy life.

Children's dream book

Cloud in a dream, what does it mean

Cloud - Storm clouds and storm clouds warn you that the situation is out of your control and a big scandal will soon break out. Failure awaits you in business.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about a cloud?

Cloud – Health // danger; stormy, dark - misfortune, misfortune, troubles; with lightning - judgment; a black, terrible cloud over housing - war, bad weather; light - vain worries.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Clouds - Thick black - you are in danger of misfortune; light silver - life without hard work; fast swimmers - life full of changes; small curly ones - peace and happiness; yellow cloud - bad things.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Cloud - Covering the sky - we need to mobilize our strength and be active. If you do this, you will get a very successful result. Not to be confused with "clouds". Frightening, thunderclouds - great luck is on the way. Don't frighten off with your impatience.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Clouds - black, dark - a bad situation, solid clouds in the sky - an unpleasant discovery, illuminated clouds - lightness and carelessness. Light clouds in the light of the stars are fleeting joys. A rapidly passing cloud means life full of changes. Yellow clouds are a dubious glory.

Great modern dream book

Cloud - why does the dreamer dream?

Cloud - You saw black or leaden thunderclouds in a dream - some person will have a bad influence on you; you will be ashamed to admit to yourself that you are on someone’s leash; you will find yourself in a dangerous position. It’s as if you see clouds in the night sky - an unpleasant discovery awaits you; Don't look through the keyhole. The clouds seem to be illuminated from below - the dream promises you a pleasant and serene life.

Azar's Dream Book

Why did you dream about Cloud according to spiritual sources?

Thundercloud - A dream in spring means trouble; seen in summer, it warns of great danger; dreamed of in the fall - to quarrels and scandals; in winter - to trouble. Dispersing clouds A dream in the spring means an end to troubles and unexpected success in a difficult matter; in the summer - it means an incident that will dispel your doubts; in the fall - to reconciliation with friends; in winter - to changes in relationships with people. Warning: Caution is required.

Islamic dream book

What do clouds mean to the dreamer?

Cloud - a cloud or cloud is a merciful and learned king or ruler, doing deeds worthy of the teaching of faith. A cloud with thunder and lightning is an angry and fearsome king. If someone sees in a dream that a cloud has covered the sky, but a storm and thunderstorm do not accompany this cloud, then the one who saw such a dream will receive mercy from the Almighty God. Rain, if visible everywhere, means the mercy of the Lord, and if it happens only in one area or building, it means illness or unrest.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Interpretation of the Clouds

A cloud or cloud seen in a dream symbolizes the magnanimous ruler of the country or your immediate superior, who is distinguished by his high intelligence and generosity. A cloud with thunder and lightning is an indication that the ruler of the country or your immediate supervisor is distinguished by an angry disposition and, as a rule, instills considerable fear in those around him. If someone sees in a dream that a cloud or a cloud has completely filled the entire sky, but a storm and thunderstorm did not follow this phenomenon, then the one who saw such a dream will be sent down great mercy from the Almighty God.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Cloud - To a threat that will be replaced by mercy.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Cloud - To mother-in-law's or mother-in-law's tears.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Cloud - A heaviness in your heart will torment you, but this too will pass.

Why does a woman dream of clouds:

To mother-in-law's or mother-in-law's tears.

1 Clouds over Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing clouds in a dream means:

The heaviness in your heart will torment you, but this too will pass.

1 Clouds according to Azar's Dream Interpretation

Thick clouds - you are in danger; the moon is in the clouds - the dear ones scold; cloudy sky - overcome obstacles; silvery clouds - life without hard work.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Clouds over Modern dream book

Clouds in a dream mean:

Watching clouds in a dream - this dream foreshadows illness. Sometimes such a dream indicates that something will happen to you from which you will not be able to recover for a long time.

If in a dream you saw a cloud of a bizarre shape, this is evidence that you are a tireless dreamer and dreamer. But, alas, all your dreams are so hopeless that they are not destined to come true under any circumstances. For a woman, such a dream promises a fickle, deceitful admirer, who at first glance impressed her as a worthy and noble man.

Seeing a thundercloud in a dream is a sign that a serious danger is looming over you, which you will not be able to cope with on your own.

1 Clouds over Daniel's medieval dream book

Cloud dream meaning:

Seeing a cloud - to an honorable position or to expectations

1 Clouds over Russian dream book

A very black cloud is a sorrow that will not end soon; dark clouds - the threat of loss of position; with rain - grief, which will be replaced by joy.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Clouds over Tsvetkov's dream book

Dark, black, threatening clouds - bad influence, danger; seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery; illuminated by the setting sun - an easy life.

1 Clouds over Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Clouds in a dream mean:

Black clouds - trouble, misfortune.

1 Clouds over Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

In a dream, the sky above your head is covered with clouds - your planned love date will be disrupted.

1 Clouds over Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream of clouds:

Clouds - black, dark - a bad situation, solid clouds in the sky - an unpleasant discovery, illuminated clouds - lightness and carelessness. Light clouds in the light of the stars are fleeting joys. Those who float quickly - life full of changes. Yellow clouds are a dubious glory.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Clouds over Esoteric dream book

Why does a woman dream of clouds:

Clouds covering the sky - we need to mobilize our strength and be active. If you do this, you will get a very successful result. Not to be confused with "clouds".

Frightening, thunderous - great luck is on the way. Don't frighten off with your impatience.

1 Clouds according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

Seeing clouds in a dream means:

Seeing dark black or thunderclouds in a dream means danger; those illuminated by the setting sun mean an easy life.

Seeing clouds at night is an unpleasant discovery.

1 Clouds over Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Clouds in a dream in the dream book are interpreted as:

Health/Danger; stormy, dark - misfortune, misfortune, troubles; with lightning - judgment; a black, terrible cloud over housing - war, bad weather; light - vain worries.

1 Clouds over Danilova's children's dream book

Clouds in a dream mean:

Thunderclouds and clouds warn you that the situation is out of your control and a big scandal will soon break out. Failure awaits you in business.

1 Clouds over Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Cloud dream meaning:

To a threat that will be replaced by mercy.

1 Clouds according to the Dream Book of Tarot

What does it mean if a woman dreams of clouds:

In the Ten and Three of Swords, the sky is gloomy and gloomy, covered with clouds, which symbolizes suffering and pain.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Clouds over Muslim dream book

What clouds can mean in dreams:

A cloud or cloud is a merciful and learned king or ruler, doing deeds worthy of the teaching of faith. A cloud with thunder and lightning is an angry and fearsome king. If someone sees in a dream that a cloud has covered the sky, but a storm and thunderstorm do not accompany this cloud, then the one who saw such a dream will receive mercy from the Almighty God. Rain, if visible everywhere, means the mercy of the Lord, and if it happens only in one area or building, it means illness or unrest.

1 Clouds over Dream book of Nina Grishina

Clouds in a dream mean:

Clouds piling up on the horizon and advancing are your concerns/fears; feeling of anxiety.

A gloomy sky covered with clouds is a call for patience / temporary difficulties.

1 Clouds according to the Online Dream Book

If a girl dreams of clouds, it means:

According to the dream book, the cloud you see in the sky warns of possible health complications.

They look unusual - you have a very rich inner world and a rapid flight of imagination.

If it is dark and low, big troubles will arise, which it will simply be impossible to overcome alone.

The dream book interprets black clouds as the personification of superior persons who are ready to provide you with protection and assist you in every possible way in your affairs.

1 Clouds over Persian dream book Tiflisi

Why does a woman dream of clouds:

A cloud or cloud seen in a dream symbolizes the magnanimous ruler of the country or your immediate superior, who is distinguished by his high intelligence and generosity.

A cloud with thunder and lightning is an indication that the ruler of the country or your immediate leader is distinguished by an angry disposition and, as a rule, instills considerable fear in those around him.

If someone sees in a dream that a cloud or a cloud has completely filled the entire sky, but a storm and thunderstorm did not follow this phenomenon, then the one who saw such a dream will be sent down great mercy from the Almighty God.

1 Clouds according to Miller's dream book

Seeing clouds in a dream means:

Obesity - seeing oneself as obese in a dream - means for the one who sees this dream a significant increase in wealth, visiting favorite, always pleasant places. Seeing others as obese denotes unusual activity and a time of prosperity. People who see themselves as extremely obese in a dream should pay attention to their morals and their inclinations.

1 Clouds over Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of a dream about clouds:

Seeing looming clouds - a dream portends danger or illness.

Imagine that the clouds clear, the sun comes out and warms you with its light.

1 Clouds according to the Small Dream Book

Interpretation of a dream about clouds:

Seeing clouds in a dream is an unfavorable sign. If in a dream you see thunderclouds above you, then you should be prepared for the fact that your health is in danger. If you dreamed that a ray of sunshine was breaking through the clouds, then in real life you will have a chance that you should be able to take advantage of.

Gathering dark clouds are a sign of intrigue and slander from ill-wishers, illness.

Black, threatening - someone's bad influence on you or danger.

Night clouds or clouds - to unpleasant information that will suddenly become known to you.

Dreaming about clouds may also mean that you have stopped pursuing your plans: come to your senses and get down to business!

If you dreamed of clouds during sunset, pierced by the rays of the setting sun, an easy life awaits you in the future (of course, if the sunset looks beautiful, but not ominous).

1 Clouds over Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Dark, black, threatening - the influence of bad people, incomprehensible events, danger. Seeing clouds in the night sky is an unpleasant discovery; clouds at sunset mean an easy life. Clouds in fiery rays are good changes, to great joy; in red rays, crimson clouds - a serious illness, a quarrel.

1 Clouds over Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Clouds - You saw black or leaden thunderclouds in a dream - some person will have a bad influence on you; you will be ashamed to admit to yourself that you are on someone’s leash; you will find yourself in a dangerous position. It’s as if you see clouds in the night sky - an unpleasant discovery awaits you; Don't look through the keyhole. The clouds seem to be illuminated from below - the dream promises you a pleasant and serene life.

1 Clouds over Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Clouds - Thundercloud A dream in spring means trouble; seen in summer, it warns of great danger; dreamed of in the fall - to quarrels and scandals; in winter - to trouble. Dispersing clouds A dream in the spring means an end to troubles and unexpected success in a difficult matter; in the summer - it means an incident that will dispel your doubts; in the fall - to reconciliation with friends; in winter - to changes in relationships with people. Warning: Caution is required.

1 Clouds over Astrological dream book

Why do you dream about clouds:

Anger and resentment of an important person. Boss. Capricorn.