Electromagnetic pulse weapon. New physical principles: what Russian electromagnetic weapons will be capable of

The idea of ​​using electrical energy for shooting is not an invention of recent decades. The principle of throwing a projectile using a coil electromagnetic gun was invented in 1895 by an Austrian engineer, a representative of the Viennese school of astronautics pioneers, Franz Oskar Leo-Elder von Geft. While still a student, Geft “fell ill” with astronautics. Influenced by Jules Verne's novel From the Earth to the Moon, he began with a project for a cannon that could be used to launch spaceships to the moon. Geft understood that the enormous acceleration of a gunpowder gun prohibited the use of the French science fiction version, and proposed an electric gun: in the solenoid-barrel, when an electric current flows, a magnetic field arises, which accelerates the ferromagnetic projectile, “pulling” it inside the solenoid, while the projectile accelerates more smoothly. Geft’s project remained a project; it was not possible to implement it in practice at that time. Subsequently, such a device was called a Gauss gun after the German scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss, who laid the foundations of the mathematical theory of electromagnetism.

In 1901, physics professor at the University of Oslo Christian Olaf Berhard Birkeland received Norwegian patent No. 11201 for “ new method firing projectiles using electromagnetic forces" (on an electromagnetic Gauss gun). This gun was intended for firing at ground targets. In the same year, Birkeland built his first Gauss cannon with a barrel length of 1 m. With the help of this gun, he succeeded in 1901-1902. accelerate a projectile weighing 500 g to a speed of 50 m/s. The estimated firing range was no more than 1,000 m (the result is quite weak even for the beginning of the 20th century). Using a second large cannon (caliber 65 mm, barrel length 3 m), built in 1903, Birkeland accelerated the projectile to a speed of approximately 100 m/s, while the projectile penetrated through a wooden plank 5 inches (12.7 cm) thick ( the shooting took place indoors). This cannon (Fig. 1) is currently on display at the University of Oslo Museum. It should be said that Birkeland took up the creation of this gun in order to obtain significant financial resources, necessary for him to conduct scientific research in the field of such a phenomenon as the northern lights. In an effort to sell his invention, Birkeland gave the public and interested parties a demonstration of the gun in action at the University of Oslo. Unfortunately, the tests failed because an electrical short circuit in the gun caused a fire and caused it to fail. After the commotion, no one wanted to purchase either the gun or the patent. The gun could have been repaired, but Birkeland refused to carry out further work in this direction and, together with the engineer Eide, began producing artificial mineral fertilizers, which brought him the funds necessary for scientific research.

In 1915, Russian engineers N. Podolsky and M. Yampolsky created a project for an ultra-long-range cannon (magnetic-fugal gun) with a firing range of 300 km. The gun barrel length was planned to be about 50 m, the initial projectile speed was 915 m/s. The project didn't go any further. The project was rejected by the Artillery Committee of the Main Artillery Directorate of the Russian Imperial Army, which considered that the time had not yet come for such projects. One of the reasons for the refusal is the difficulty of creating a powerful mobile power station that would always be next to the gun.

What should be the power of such a power plant? To throw, for example, a projectile from a 76-mm firearm, a huge energy of 113,000 kgm, i.e. 250,000 liters, is expended. With. This is exactly the energy required to fire a 76mm non-firearm cannon (such as an electric one) to throw a projectile the same distance. But at the same time, significant energy losses amounting to at least 50% are inevitable. Consequently, the power of the electric gun would be no less than 500,000 hp. s., and this is the power of a huge power plant. In addition, to impart this enormous energy to a projectile in a negligibly short period of time, a current of enormous strength is needed, which is almost equal to the short circuit current. To increase the duration of the current, it is necessary to lengthen the barrel of the electric gun, otherwise the projectile will not be accelerated to the required speed. In this case, the length of the trunk can be 100 meters or more.

In 1916, the French inventor Andre Louis Octave Fachon Villeple created a model of an electromagnetic gun. Using a chain of solenoid coils as a barrel, to which voltage was sequentially applied, his current model successfully accelerated a projectile weighing 50 g to a speed of 200 m/s. Compared to real artillery installations, the result was quite modest, but demonstrated fundamental new opportunity creating weapons in which the projectile is accelerated without the help of powder gases. However, everything stopped there, since it was not possible to create a full-size copy due to the enormous technical difficulties of the upcoming work and their high cost. In Fig. Figure 2 shows a sketch of this unbuilt electromagnetic gun.

It was further found out that when a ferromagnetic projectile passes through the solenoid, poles are formed at its ends, symmetrical to the poles of the solenoid, which is why, after passing the center of the solenoid, the projectile, in accordance with the law magnetic poles, begins to slow down. This entailed a change in the time diagram of the current in the solenoid, namely: at the moment the projectile approaches the center of the solenoid, the power is switched to the next solenoid.

In the 30s XX century German designer and promoter of interplanetary flights Max Vallier proposed the original idea of ​​a ring electric accelerator consisting entirely of solenoids (a kind of ancestor of the modern hadron collider), in which a projectile could theoretically accelerate to enormous speeds. Then, by switching the “arrow”, the projectile had to be directed into a pipe of a certain length, located tangentially relative to the main ring of the electric accelerator. From this tube-barrel the projectile would fly out like from a cannon. So it would be possible to launch Earth satellites. However, at that time the level of science and technology did not allow the production of such an electric accelerator gun.

In 1934, American inventor Virgil Rigsby of San Antonio, Texas, produced two working electromagnetic machine guns and received U.S. Patent No. 1959737 for an automatic electric gun.

The first model received energy from a regular car battery and, using 17 electromagnets, accelerated bullets through a 33-inch barrel. The controlled distributor included switched the supply voltage from the previous electromagnet coil to the next coil (in the direction of the bullet) so that the pulling magnetic field always overtook the bullet.

The second model of the machine gun (Fig. 3) fired 22 caliber bullets at a speed of 121 m/s. The stated rate of fire of the machine gun was 600 rounds per minute, however, during the demonstration the machine gun fired at a speed of 7 rounds per minute. The reason for this shooting was probably the insufficient power of the power source. The American military remained indifferent to the electromagnetic machine gun.

In the 20s and 30s. last century in the USSR, the development of new types of artillery weapons was carried out by KOSARTOP - the Commission for Special Artillery Experiments, and its plans included a project to create an electric weapon using direct current. An enthusiastic supporter of the new artillery weapons was Mikhail Nikolaevich Tukhachevsky, later, from 1935, Marshal of the Soviet Union. However, calculations made by experts showed that such a weapon can be created, but it will be very large in size, and most importantly, it will require so much electricity that you will have to have your own power plant next to it. Soon KOSARTOP was dissolved, and work on creating an electric weapon ceased.

During World War II, Japan developed and built a Gauss cannon, with which it accelerated a projectile to a speed of 335 m/s. At the end of the war, American scientists examined this installation: a projectile weighing 86 g could only be accelerated to a speed of 200 m/s. As a result of the research performed, the advantages and disadvantages of the Gauss gun were determined.

The Gauss gun as a weapon has advantages that other types of weapons, including small arms, do not have, namely: the absence of cartridges, the possibility of a silent shot if the projectile speed does not exceed the speed of sound; relatively low recoil, equal to the impulse of the ejected projectile, the absence of additional impulse from powder gases or moving parts of the weapon, theoretically greater reliability and wear resistance, as well as the possibility of use in any conditions, including in outer space. However, despite the apparent simplicity of the Gauss cannon and the advantages listed above, using it as a weapon is fraught with serious difficulties.

Firstly, this is a high energy consumption and, accordingly, low efficiency of the installation. Only 1 to 7% of the capacitor charge is converted into the kinetic energy of the projectile. This disadvantage can be partially compensated for by using a multi-stage projectile acceleration system, but in any case the efficiency does not exceed 25%.

Secondly, this is the large weight and dimensions of the installation with its low efficiency.

It should be noted that in the first half of the 20th century. In parallel with the development of the theory and practice of the Gauss gun, another direction in the creation of electromagnetic ballistic weapons developed, using the force arising from the interaction magnetic field and electric current (Ampere force).

Patent No. 1370200 André Fachon-Villepleix

On July 31, 1917, the previously mentioned French inventor Fachon-Villepleit filed an application with the US Patent Office for an “Electric gun or apparatus for propelling projectiles forward” and on March 1, 1921 received patent No. 1370200 for this device. Structurally, the gun consisted of two parallel copper rails placed inside a barrel made of non-magnetic material. The barrel passed through the centers of several identical electromagnetic blocks (EMBs), placed along it at a certain interval. Each such block was an W-shaped core made of sheets of electrical steel, closed by a jumper made of the same material, with windings placed on the outer rods. The central rod had a gap in the center of the block, into which the gun barrel was placed. The feathered projectile was placed on the rails. When the device was turned on, the current from the positive pole of the constant voltage supply passed through the left rail, the projectile (from left to right), the right rail, the EMB switching contact, closed by the projectile wing, the EMB coils and returned to the negative pole of the power source. In this case, in the middle rod of the EMB, the magnetic induction vector has a direction from top to bottom. The interaction of this magnetic flux and the electric current flowing through the projectile creates a force applied to the projectile and directed away from us - the Ampere force (in accordance with the left-hand rule). Under the influence of this force, the projectile receives acceleration. After the projectile leaves the first EMB, its switching contact is turned off, and when the projectile approaches the second EMB, the switching contact of this block is turned on by the wing of the projectile, creating another force impulse, etc.

During World War II in Nazi Germany, the Fachon-Villeple idea was taken up by Joachim Hansler, an official at the Ministry of Armaments. In 1944, he designed and manufactured the LM-2 10mm cannon. During its tests, a 10-gram aluminum “shell” was accelerated to a speed of 1.08 km/s. Based on this development, the Luftwaffe prepared technical specifications for an electric anti-aircraft gun. The initial speed of a projectile containing 0.5 kg of explosives was required to be 2.0 km/s, and the rate of fire should be 6-12 rounds/min. To series this gun I didn’t have time to go - under the blows of the allies, Germany suffered a crushing defeat. Subsequently prototype And project documentation fell into the hands of the American military. Based on the results of their tests in 1947, a conclusion was made: for the normal functioning of the gun, energy was required that could illuminate half of Chicago.

The results of tests of Gauss and Hansler guns led to the fact that in 1957, scientists participating in a symposium on hyper-velocity strikes held by the US Air Force came to the following conclusion: “…. It is unlikely that electromagnetic gun technology will be successful in the near future."

However, despite the lack of serious practical results that meet the requirements of the military, many scientists and engineers did not agree with these conclusions and continued research into the creation of electromagnetic ballistic weapons.

Bus electromagnetic plasma accelerators

The next step in the development of electromagnetic ballistic weapons was made as a result of the creation of bus electromagnetic plasma accelerators. The Greek word plasma means something fashioned. The term “plasma” in physics was introduced in 1924 by the American scientist Irving Langmuir, who studied the properties of ionized gas in connection with work on new light sources.

In 1954-1956. in the USA, Professor Winston H. Bostic, working at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, part of the University of California, studied plasmas “packed” in a magnetic field, obtained using a special “plasma” gun. This “gun” consisted of a closed glass cylinder with a diameter of four inches, inside which two titanium electrodes saturated with heavy hydrogen were installed in parallel. The air from the vessel was removed. The device also included a source of an external constant magnetic field, the magnetic flux induction vector of which had a direction perpendicular to the plane of the electrodes. One of these electrodes was connected through a cyclic switch to one pole of a high-voltage high-ampere direct current source, and the second electrode was connected to the other pole of the same source. When the cyclic switch is turned on, a pulsating electric arc appears in the gap between the electrodes, the current in which reaches several thousand amperes; The duration of each pulsation is approximately 0.5 μs. In this case, deuterium ions and electrons seem to evaporate from both electrodes. The resulting plasma clot closes the electrical circuit between the electrodes and, under the action of the ponderomotive force, accelerates and flows down from the ends of the electrodes, transforming into a ring - a plasma toroid, the so-called plasmoid; this ring is pushed forward at a speed reaching 200 km/s.

For the sake of historical justice, it should be noted that in the Soviet Union back in 1941-1942. In besieged Leningrad, Professor Georgy Ilyich Babat created a high-frequency transformer, the secondary winding of which was not wire turns, but a ring of ionized gas, a plasmoid. At the beginning of 1957 in the USSR, a young scientist Aleksey Ivanovich Morozov published in the journal of experimental and theoretical physics, JETP, an article “On the acceleration of plasma by a magnetic field”, theoretically considering in it the process of acceleration by a magnetic field of a plasma jet through which a current flows in a vacuum, and six months later, the same journal published an article by Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Lev Andreevich Artsimovich and his collaborators, “Electrodynamic acceleration of plasma clots,” in which they propose using the electrodes’ own magnetic field to accelerate plasma. In the experiment they performed, the electrical circuit consisted of a 75 µF capacitor bank connected through a ball gap to massive copper electrodes (“rails”). The latter were placed in a glass cylindrical chamber under continuous pumping. Previously, a thin metal wire was laid across the “rails”. The vacuum in the discharge chamber at the time preceding the experiment was 1-2×10 -6 mm Hg. Art.

When a voltage of 30 kV was applied to the “rails,” the wire exploded, the resulting plasma continued to bridge the “rails,” and a large current flowed in the circuit.

As is known, the direction of magnetic field lines is determined by the right-hand gimlet rule: if the current flows in the direction away from the observer, the field lines are directed clockwise. As a result, a common unidirectional magnetic field is created between the rails, the magnetic flux induction vector of which is directed perpendicular to the plane in which the rails are located. The current flowing through the plasma and located in this field is affected by the Ampere force, the direction of which is determined by the left-hand rule: if you position your hand in the direction of the current flow so that the magnetic field lines enter the palm, thumb will indicate the direction of the force. As a result, the plasma will accelerate along the rails (a metal conductor or projectile sliding along the rails would also accelerate). The maximum speed of plasma motion at a distance of 30 cm from the initial position of the wire, obtained from processing ultra-high-speed photographic measurements, was 120 km/s. As a matter of fact, this is exactly the accelerator circuit that is now commonly called a railgun, in English terminology - railgun, the principle of operation of which is shown in Fig. 4, where 1 is the rail, 2 is the projectile, 3 is the force, 4 is the magnetic field, 5 is electric current.

However long time it was not a question of putting a projectile on the rails and making a weapon out of the railgun. To implement this idea, it was necessary to solve a number of problems:

  • create a low-resistance, low-inductance constant voltage supply source with the highest possible power;
  • develop requirements for the duration and shape of the accelerating current pulse and for the entire railgun system as a whole, ensuring effective acceleration of the projectile and high efficiency of conversion of electromagnetic energy into kinetic energy of the projectile, and implement them;
  • to develop a “rails-projectile” pair that, having maximum electrical conductivity, can withstand the thermal shock that occurs during a shot from the flow of current and friction of the projectile on the rails;
  • to develop a railgun design that would withstand the influence of Ampere forces on the rails associated with the flow of a gigantic current through them (under the influence of these forces the rails tend to “scatter” from each other).

The main thing, of course, was the lack of a necessary power source, and such a source appeared. But more on that at the end of the article.

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This book was written by dozens of authors who, in the media and online publications, strive to show that qualitatively new types of weapons have been created and really threaten humanity. Someone, not without humor, called some of them “non-lethal.” Sergei Ionin proposes a new term - “parallel weapons”, that is, weapons that are not considered on international conferences and summits, is not recorded in the restriction documents various weapons, but this is a weapon that, perhaps, will be more terrible than the existing one.

The publication is of interest to the widest range of readers: the question posed by the author is acute: with what and how will they kill us in the 21st century? - will not leave anyone indifferent.



Even during Operation Desert Storm, the Americans tested several samples of electromagnetic bombs. The use of similar bombs continued in 1999 in Serbia. And during the second Iraqi campaign, American troops bombed Baghdad in once again An electromagnetic bomb was used to suppress the electronic communications of the Iraqi state broadcasting station. Its strike paralyzed Iraqi television for several hours.

Electromagnetic bombs, emitting powerful pulses, are weapons designed to disable electronic communication and control systems, electronic components of all types of weapons, with minimal casualties among civilians and preserving infrastructure.

Computers used both in life support systems and those built into military equipment are potentially vulnerable to exposure to electromagnetic pulses.

The effect of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) was first observed during high-altitude nuclear tests. It is characterized by the generation of a very short (hundreds of nanoseconds) but intense electromagnetic pulse, which propagates from a source with decreasing intensity. This pulse of energy produces a powerful electromagnetic field, especially near the explosion site. The field can be strong enough to cause short-term overvoltages of thousands of volts in electrical conductors, such as wires or conductive traces of printed circuits.

In this aspect, EMR has military significance, as it can cause permanent damage to a wide range of electrical and electronic equipment, especially computers and radio or radar receivers. Depending on the electromagnetic immunity of the electronics, the degree of resilience of the equipment to EMP exposure, and the intensity of the field produced by the weapon, the equipment may be destroyed or damaged and may require complete replacement.

Computer equipment is particularly vulnerable to EMI exposure because it is primarily built on high-density MOS devices, which are very sensitive to high-voltage transients. MOS devices require very little energy to damage or destroy them. Any voltage of the order of tens of volts will destroy the device. Shielded instrument enclosures provide only limited protection since any cables entering and leaving the equipment will act like antennas, directing high voltage into the equipment.

Computers used in data processing systems, communications systems, information display systems, industrial control systems, including highway and railway signaling systems, and computers embedded in military equipment such as signal processors, flight control systems, digital engine control systems, - all of them are potentially vulnerable to the effects of EMR.

Other electronic devices and electrical equipment may also be destroyed by EMP. Radar and electronic military equipment, satellite, microwave, VHF-HF, low frequency communications and television equipment are potentially vulnerable to EMR exposure.

The main technologies in the development of electromagnetic bombs are: generators with compression of the electromagnetic flux using explosives, magnetohydrodynamic generators running on explosives or powder charges, and a whole set of high-power microwave devices, of which the most effective is an oscillator with a virtual cathode.

Explosive flow compression generators (FC generators) are the most mature technology in bomb development. FC oscillators were first demonstrated by Clarence Fowler at Los Alamos in the late 1950s. Since then, a wide range of FC generator designs have been created and tested, both in the USA and in, and later in the CIS.

An FC generator is a device in a relatively compact package that can produce electrical energy on the order of tens of megajoules in hundreds of microseconds. With peak powers ranging from a few to tens of TW, FC oscillators can be used directly or as a source of short pulses for microwave oscillators. For comparison, the current produced by large FC generators is 10-1000 times greater than the current produced by a typical lightning strike.

The central idea behind the FC generator design is to use a "fast" explosive to rapidly compress a magnetic field, converting the explosive's energy into a magnetic field.

The initial magnetic field in FC generators before the explosive is initiated is produced by the starting current, which is provided by external sources such as a high voltage capacitor, small FC generators or MHD devices. In principle, any equipment capable of producing an electric current pulse from tens of kA to several milliamps is suitable.

Several geometric configurations of FC regenerators have been described in the literature. Typically, coaxial FC generators are used. The coaxial arrangement is of particular interest in the context of this article, since the cylindrical form factor makes it easier to “package” FC generators into bombs and warheads.

In a typical coaxial FC generator, a cylindrical copper tube forms the armature. This pipe is filled with "fast" high-energy explosives. Several types of explosives were used, from Type B and Type C compositions to machined RVH-9501 blocks. The armature is surrounded by a spiral, usually copper, which forms the stator of the FC generator. The stator winding in some designs is split into segments, with wires branching at the boundaries of the segments, in order to optimize the electromagnetic inductance of the armature helix.

The intense magnetic forces produced during operation of an FC generator can potentially cause premature destruction of the generator if countermeasures are not taken. Usually they consist of supplementing the structure with a shell made of non-magnetic material. Concrete or fiberglass in an epoxy matrix can be used. In principle, any material with suitable mechanical and electrical properties can be used. Where structural weight is significant, such as in cruise missile warheads, glass or Kevlar epoxy composites are the most viable candidates.

Typically, the explosive is initiated when the starting current reaches a peak value. Initiation is usually accomplished using a generator, which produces a detonation wave with a uniform, flat front in the explosive. Once initiated, the front propagates through the explosive in the armature, deforming it into a cone (12–14° arc). Where the armature expands until the stator is completely filled, a short circuit occurs between the ends of the stator winding. A propagating short circuit has the effect of compressing the magnetic field. The result is that such a generator produces a pulse of increasing current, the peak value of which is reached before the final destruction of the device. According to published data, rise times range from tens to hundreds of microseconds and depend on device parameters, with peak currents of tens of milliamps and peak energies of tens of megajoules.

The current gain achieved (i.e. the ratio of output to start current) varies depending on the type of design, but values ​​as high as 60 have already been demonstrated. In military applications where weight and volume are significant, the smallest starting current sources are desirable. These applications can use cascaded FC oscillators, where a small FC oscillator is used as the starting current source for a larger FC oscillator.

The design of MHD generators based on powder charges and explosives is much less developed than the design of FC generators.

The principles behind the design of MHD instruments are that a conductor moving through a magnetic field will produce an electric current perpendicular to the direction of the field and the movement of the conductor. In an MHD generator based on explosives or a powder charge, the conductor is plasma - ionized gas from an explosive that moves across the magnetic field. The current is collected by electrodes that are in contact with the plasma jet.

Although FC generators are a potential technological basis for generating high-power electrical pulses, their output, due to the physics of the process, is limited to a frequency band below 1 MHz. At such frequencies, many targets will be difficult to attack even with very high energy levels, and furthermore, focusing the energy from such devices will be problematic. A high power microwave source solves both problems because its output power can be well focused. In addition, microwave radiation is better absorbed by many types of targets.

Oscillators with a virtual cathode are being developed, vircators - disposable devices capable of producing a very powerful single pulse of energy, simple in design, small in size, durable, which can operate in a relatively wide frequency band of the microwave range.

The physics of the operation of vircators is significantly more complex than the physics of the previously considered devices. The idea behind a vircator is to accelerate a powerful flow of electrons through a mesh anode. A significant number of electrons will pass through the anode, forming a space charge cloud behind the anode. Under certain conditions, this space charge region will oscillate at microwave frequencies. If this area is placed in a resonant cavity that is suitably tuned, very high peak power can be achieved. Conventional microwave technologies can be used to remove energy from the resonant cavity. Power levels achieved in vircator experiments range from 170 kW to 40 gW and in the decimeter to centimeter wavelength range.

New electromagnetic weapons can cause damage to electronic components even if the enemy's equipment is turned off, unlike electronic jamming equipment that is in service today. The electromagnetic wave of high frequency and gigantic power generated as a result of the explosion, while non-lethal, nevertheless “turns off” a person’s consciousness for a few seconds.

Other types of electromagnetic weapons.

In addition to magnetic mass accelerators, there are many other types of weapons that use electromagnetic energy for their operation. Let's look at the most famous and common types.

Electromagnetic mass accelerators.

In addition to “Gauss guns”, there are at least 2 more types of mass accelerators - induction mass accelerators (Thompson coil) and rail mass accelerators, also known as “rail guns”.

The operation of an induction mass accelerator is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. A rapidly increasing electric current is created in a flat winding, which causes an alternating magnetic field in the space around it. A ferrite core is inserted into the winding, on the free end of which a ring of conductive material is put on. Under the influence of an alternating magnetic flux penetrating the ring, an electric current arises in it, creating a magnetic field in the opposite direction relative to the field of the winding. With its field, the ring begins to push away from the field of the winding and accelerates, flying off the free end of the ferrite rod. The shorter and stronger the current pulse in the winding, the more powerful the ring flies out.

The rail mass accelerator functions differently. In it, a conducting projectile moves between two rails - electrodes (where it got its name - railgun), through which current is supplied. The current source is connected to the rails at their base, so the current flows as if in pursuit of the projectile, and the magnetic field created around the current-carrying conductors is completely concentrated behind the conducting projectile. In this case, the projectile is a current-carrying conductor placed in a perpendicular magnetic field created by the rails. According to all the laws of physics, the projectile is subject to the Lorentz force, directed in the direction opposite to the place where the rails are connected and accelerating the projectile. There are a number of serious problems associated with the manufacture of a railgun - the current pulse must be so powerful and sharp that the projectile would not have time to evaporate (after all, a huge current flows through it!), but an accelerating force would arise, accelerating it forward. Therefore, the material of the projectile and the rail must have the highest possible conductivity, the projectile must have as little mass as possible, and the current source must have as much power and less inductance as possible. However, the peculiarity of the rail accelerator is that it is capable of accelerating ultra-low masses to extremely high speeds. In practice, the rails are made of oxygen-free copper coated with silver, aluminum bars are used as projectiles, a battery of high-voltage capacitors is used as a power source, and before entering the rails they try to give the projectile itself the highest possible initial speed, using pneumatic or fire guns.

In addition to mass accelerators, electromagnetic weapons include sources of powerful electromagnetic radiation, such as lasers and magnetrons.

Everyone knows the laser. It consists of a working fluid in which, when fired, an inverse population of quantum levels with electrons is created, a resonator to increase the range of photons inside the working fluid, and a generator that will create this very inverse population. In principle, population inversion can be created in any substance, and nowadays it is easier to say what lasers are NOT made of. Lasers can be classified by working fluid: ruby, CO2, argon, helium-neon, solid-state (GaAs), alcohol, etc., by operating mode: pulsed, continuous, pseudo-continuous, can be classified by the number of quantum levels used: 3-level , 4-level, 5-level. Lasers are also classified according to the frequency of the generated radiation - microwave, infrared, green, ultraviolet, x-ray, etc. The laser efficiency usually does not exceed 0.5%, but now the situation has changed - semiconductor lasers (solid-state lasers based on GaAs) have an efficiency of over 30% and today can have an output power of up to 100(!) W, i.e. comparable to powerful “classical” ruby ​​or CO2 lasers. In addition, there are gas-dynamic lasers, which are least similar to other types of lasers. Their difference is that they are capable of producing a continuous beam of enormous power, which allows them to be used for military purposes. In essence, a gas dynamic laser is jet engine, perpendicular to the gas flow in which the resonator is located. The hot gas leaving the nozzle is in a state of population inversion. If you add a resonator to it, a multi-megawatt stream of photons will fly into space.

Microwave guns - the main functional unit is the magnetron - a powerful source of microwave radiation. The disadvantage of microwave guns is that they are extremely dangerous to use, even compared to lasers - microwave radiation is highly reflected from obstacles and if fired indoors, literally everything inside will be irradiated! In addition, powerful microwave radiation is fatal to any electronics, which must also be taken into account.

And why, in fact, exactly the “Gauss gun”, and not Thompson’s disc launchers, railguns or beam weapons?

The fact is that of all types of electromagnetic weapons, it is the Gauss Gun that is the easiest to manufacture. In addition, it has a fairly high efficiency compared to other electromagnetic shooters and can operate at low voltages.

At the next most complex stage are induction accelerators - Thompson disc throwers (or transformers). Their operation requires slightly higher voltages than for a conventional Gaussian, then, perhaps, in terms of complexity are lasers and microwaves, and in the very last place is the railgun, which requires expensive construction materials, impeccable calculation and manufacturing accuracy, an expensive and powerful source energy (a battery of high-voltage capacitors) and many other expensive things.

In addition, the Gauss gun, despite its simplicity, has incredibly large scope for design solutions and engineering research - so this direction is quite interesting and promising.

Used directly to hit a target.

In the first case, a magnetic field is used as an alternative to explosives in firearms. The second uses the ability to induce high voltage currents and disable electrical and electronic equipment as a result of the resulting overvoltage, or cause pain or other effects in humans. Weapons of the second type are positioned as safe for people and used to disable enemy equipment or render enemy manpower incapacitated; belongs to the category of non-lethal weapons.

The French shipbuilding company DCNS is developing the Advansea program, during which it is planned to create a fully electrified surface combat ship with laser and electromagnetic weapons by 2025.


Electromagnetic weapons are classified according to the following criteria:

  • use of a projectile or direct use of energy to hit a target for the second type
  • lethality of human exposure
  • focus on defeating manpower or equipment

Hitting a target with radiation

  • Microwave gun
  • An electromagnetic bomb using a UVI, VMGCH, or PGCH in its warhead.

See also

  • Electromagnetic accelerator


  • A super-powerful electromagnetic gun has been tested, cnews.ru, 02/01/08

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    ELECTROMAGNETIC (MICROWAVE) WEAPONS a powerful electronic pulse that covers an area within a radius of 50 km from the center of application. Penetrates into buildings through seams and cracks in the finishing. Damages key elements of electrical circuits, causing the entire... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS- a weapon whose damaging factor is a powerful, usually pulsed, flow of electricity. mag. radio frequency waves (see Microwave weapons), coherent optical. (cm. Laser weapons) and incoherent optical (cm.… … Encyclopedia of the Strategic Missile Forces

    - (English Directed energy weapon, DEW) a weapon that emits energy in a given direction without the use of wires, darts and other conductors, to achieve a lethal or non-lethal effect. This type weapons exist, but... ... Wikipedia

    Weapons of non-lethal (non-lethal) action (OND) conventionally called in the means mass media“humane”, these weapons are intended to destroy equipment, as well as temporarily disable enemy personnel, without causing... ... Wikipedia

    - (unconventional weapons) new types of weapons, the destructive effect of which is based on processes and phenomena that have not previously been used in weapons. By the end of the 20th century. genetic weapons were in various stages of research and development,... ...

    - (non-lethal) special types of weapons capable of briefly or for a long period of time depriving the enemy of the ability to conduct fighting without causing him irreparable losses. Intended for cases where the use of conventional weapons... ... Dictionary of emergency situations

    NON-LETHAL WEAPONS- special types of weapons capable of short-term or long-term deprivation of the enemy’s ability to conduct combat operations without causing him irreparable losses. Intended for those cases when the use of conventional weapons, and even more so... ... Legal encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Weapons ... Wikipedia

The second difficulty is the high energy consumption (due to low efficiency) and the rather long recharging time of the capacitors, which makes it necessary to carry a power source (usually a powerful battery) along with the Gauss gun. Efficiency can be significantly increased by using superconducting solenoids, but this will require a powerful cooling system, which will significantly reduce the mobility of the Gauss gun.

The third difficulty (follows from the first two) is the large weight and dimensions of the installation, with its low efficiency.

Gauss gun in science fiction

The Gauss gun is very popular in science fiction, where it acts as a personal high-precision lethal weapon, as well as a stationary high-precision and (less often) high-velocity weapon.

In addition, the Gauss gun appears in a number of computer games. The funny thing is that most weapons have special effects that shouldn't be there.

When people talk about electromagnetic weapons, they most often mean the destruction of electrical and electronic equipment by pointing at it electromagnetic pulses(AMY). Indeed, the currents and voltages that arise as a result of a powerful impulse in electronic circuits lead to its failure. And the greater its power, the greater the distance at which any “signs of civilization” become unusable.

One of the most powerful sources of EMP is nuclear weapons. For example, a US nuclear test in the Pacific Ocean in 1958 caused disruption to radio and television broadcasts and lighting in Hawaii and disrupted radio navigation for 18 hours in Australia. In 1962, when at an altitude of 400 km. The Americans detonated a 1.9 Mt charge – 9 satellites “died”, radio communication was lost for a long time over a wide area Pacific Ocean. Therefore, an electromagnetic pulse is one of the damaging factors nuclear weapons.

But nuclear weapons are only applicable in a global conflict, and EMP capabilities are very useful in more applied military affairs. Therefore, non-nuclear means of destroying EMP began to be designed almost immediately after nuclear weapons.

Of course, EMP generators have been around for a long time. But creating a sufficiently powerful (and therefore “long-range”) generator is not so easy technically. After all, in essence, it is a device that converts electrical or other energy into high-power electromagnetic radiation. And if a nuclear weapon has no problems with primary energy, then if electricity is used together with power sources (voltage), it will be more of a structure than a weapon. Unlike a nuclear charge, delivering it “at the right time, in the right place” is more problematic.

And in the early 90s, reports began to appear about non-nuclear “electromagnetic bombs” (E-Bomb). As always, the source was Western press, and the reason was the American operation against Iraq in 1991. The “new secret superweapon” was indeed used to suppress and disable Iraqi air defense and communications systems.

However, in our country such weapons were offered by academician Andrei Sakharov back in the 1950s (even before he became a “peacemaker”). By the way, at the top creative activity(which does not fall during the period of dissidence, as many people think), he had a lot of original ideas. For example, during the war years he was one of the creators of an original and reliable device for monitoring armor-piercing cores at a cartridge factory.

And in the early 50s he proposed to “wash away” east coast USA with a giant tsunami wave, which can be initiated by a series of powerful sea nuclear explosions at a considerable distance from the coast. True, the command of the Navy, having seen the “nuclear torpedo” made for this purpose, flatly refused to accept it for service for reasons of humanism - and even yelled at the scientist with a multi-deck foul language. Compared to this idea electromagnetic bomb- truly a “humane weapon”.

In the non-nuclear munition proposed by Sakharov, a powerful EMP was formed as a result of compression of the magnetic field of the solenoid by the explosion of a conventional explosive. Due to the high chemical energy density in the explosive, this eliminated the need to use an electrical energy source for conversion to EMP. In addition, in this way it was possible to obtain a powerful EMP. True, this also made the device disposable, since it was destroyed by the initiating explosion. In our country, this type of device began to be called an explosive magnetic generator (EMG).

Actually, the Americans and the British came up with this same idea in the late 70s, as a result of which the ammunition that was tested in combat in 1991 appeared. So there is nothing “new” or “super-secret” in this type of technology.

In our country (and the Soviet Union occupied a leading position in the field of physical research), such devices found application in purely peaceful scientific and technological fields - such as energy transportation, acceleration of charged particles, plasma heating, laser pumping, high-resolution radar, modification of materials, etc. d. Of course, research was also carried out in the direction of military use. Initially, VMGs were used in nuclear weapons for neutron detonation systems. But there were also ideas of using the “Sakharov generator” as an independent weapon.

But before we talk about the use of EMP weapons, it should be said that the Soviet Army was preparing to fight in conditions of the use of nuclear weapons. That is, under the conditions of the EMR damaging factor acting on the equipment. Therefore, all military equipment was developed taking into account protection from this damaging factor. The methods are different - from the simplest shielding and grounding of metal equipment casings to the use of special safety devices, arresters and EMI-resistant equipment architecture.

So it’s also not worth saying that there is no protection from this “miracle weapon”. And the range of action of EMP ammunition is not as large as in the American press - the radiation spreads in all directions from the charge, and its power density decreases in proportion to the square of the distance. Accordingly, the impact decreases. Of course, it is difficult to protect equipment near the detonation point. But there is no need to talk about an effective impact over kilometers - for sufficiently powerful ammunition it will be tens of meters (which, however, is greater than the destruction zone of high-explosive ammunition of the same size). Here the advantage of such a weapon - it does not require a precise hit - turns into a disadvantage.

Since the time of the “Sakharov generator”, such devices have been constantly improved. Many organizations were involved in their development: the Institute of High Temperatures of the USSR Academy of Sciences, TsNIIKhM, MVTU, VNIIEF and many others. The devices have become compact enough to become combat parts of weapons (from tactical missiles and artillery shells to sabotage means). Their characteristics improved. In addition to explosives, rocket fuel began to be used as a source of primary energy. EMGs began to be used as one of the cascades for pumping microwave generators. Despite limited opportunities in terms of hitting targets, these weapons occupy an intermediate position between fire weapons and electronic suppression weapons (which, in fact, are also electromagnetic weapons).

Little is known about specific specimens. For example, Alexander Borisovich Prishchepenko describes successful experiments in disrupting an attack anti-ship missiles P-15 with the help of detonating compact VMGs at distances of up to 30 meters from the missile. This is, rather, a means of EMP protection. He also describes the “blinding” of magnetic fuses of anti-tank mines, which, being at a distance of up to 50 meters from the place where the VMG was detonated, stopped working for a considerable time.

Not only “bombs” were tested as EMP ammunition - rocket-propelled grenades to blind the active protection systems (APS) of tanks! The RPG-30 anti-tank grenade launcher has two barrels: one main, the other small in diameter. A 42-mm Atropus rocket, equipped with an electromagnetic warhead, is fired in the direction of the tank slightly earlier than the cumulative grenade. Having blinded the KAZ, she allows the latter to calmly fly past the “thoughtful” defense.

Digressing a little, I will say that this is a fairly current trend. We came up with the KAZ (“Drozd” was also installed on the T-55AD). Later, Arena and the Ukrainian Zaslon appeared. By scanning the space surrounding the vehicle (usually in the millimeter range), they fire small destructive elements in the direction of approaching anti-tank grenades, missiles and even shells that can change their trajectory or lead to premature detonation. With an eye on our developments, the following complexes also began to appear in the West, Israel and Southeast Asia: “Trophy”, “Iron Fist”, “EFA”, “KAPS”, “LEDS-150”, “AMAP ADS”, "CICS", "SLID" and others. Now they are becoming widespread and are beginning to be routinely installed not only on tanks, but even on light armored vehicles. Countering them is becoming an integral part of the fight against armored vehicles and protected objects. And compact electromagnetic devices are ideally suited for this purpose.

But let's return to electromagnetic weapons. In addition to explosive magnetic devices, there are directional and omnidirectional EMR emitters that use various antenna devices as the radiating part. These are no longer disposable devices. They can be used over a considerable distance. They are divided into stationary, mobile and compact portable. Powerful stationary high-energy EMR emitters require the construction of special structures, high-voltage generator sets, and antenna devices large sizes. But their possibilities are very significant. Mobile emitters of ultra-short EMR with a maximum repetition frequency of up to 1 kHz can be placed in vans or trailers. They also have a significant range and sufficient power for their tasks. Portable devices are most often used for a variety of security, communications, reconnaissance and explosives missions over short distances.

The capabilities of domestic mobile systems can be judged by the export version of the Ranets-E complex presented at the LIMA-2001 arms exhibition in Malaysia. It is made on the MAZ-543 chassis, has a mass of about 5 tons, ensures guaranteed destruction of ground target electronics, aircraft or guided ammunition at ranges of up to 14 kilometers and disruptions in its operation at a distance of up to 40 km.

- “Sniper-M” “I-140/64” and “Gigawatt”

A little more should be said about electronic countermeasures. Moreover, they also belong to radio frequency electromagnetic weapons. This is so as not to create the impression that we are somehow unable to fight high-precision weapons and “almighty drones and combat robots.” All these fashionable and expensive things have a very weak point - electronics. Even relatively simple remedies are capable of reliably blocking GPS signals and radio fuses, without which these systems cannot operate.

VNII "Gradient" serially produces a station for jamming radio fuses of projectiles and missiles SPR-2 "Rtut-B", made on the basis of armored personnel carriers and standardly in service. Similar devices are produced by Minsk KB RADAR. And since up to 80% of Western field artillery shells, mines and unguided missiles are now equipped with radio fuses rockets and almost all high-precision ammunition - these fairly simple means make it possible to protect troops from destruction, including directly in the zone of contact with the enemy.

Concern "Constellation" RP-377 GPS

GPS When it is shown, every self-respecting Bedouin will be able to protect his settlement from “high-precision methods of democratization.”

Well, returning to the new physical principles of weapons, one cannot help but recall the developments of NIIRP (now a division of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern) and the Physico-Technical Institute named after. Ioffe. While studying the impact of powerful microwave radiation from the ground on airborne objects (targets), specialists from these institutions unexpectedly received local plasma formations. Upon contact with these formations, airborne targets underwent enormous dynamic overloads and were destroyed.

The coordinated operation of microwave radiation sources made it possible to quickly change the focusing point, that is, to retarget at enormous speed or to track objects of almost any aerodynamic characteristics. Experiments have shown that the impact is effective even against ICBM warheads. In fact, these are no longer even microwave weapons, but combat plasmoids.

Unfortunately, when in 1993 a team of authors presented a draft air defense/missile defense system based on these principles for consideration by the state, Boris Yeltsin immediately proposed joint development to the American president. And although cooperation on the project (thank God!) did not take place, perhaps this is what prompted the Americans to create the HAARP (High Freguencu Active Auroral Research Program) complex in Alaska.

The research carried out on it since 1997 is declaratively of a “purely peaceful nature.” However, I personally don’t see any civil logic in research into the effects of microwave radiation on the Earth’s ionosphere and airborne objects. We can only hope for the traditional American history of failed large-scale projects.

Well, we should be glad that the traditionally strong positions in the field basic research, the state’s interest in weapons based on new physical principles increased. Programs on it are now a priority.

US Air Force general who called for all-out confrontation with Russia leaves his post

IN The rhetoric of the “Cold War” was heard again in Washington today. Speaking to congressmen, Commander of US and NATO forces in Europe Philip Breedlove called To total confrontation with Russia.

"We are ready to fight and win"- said the Pentagon general. Breedlove has not tired of talking about the so-called “Russian aggression” for many years. Now he remembered that Moscow is strengthening its position in the Arctic - and, according to Breedlove, something needs to be done about this.

X Although the US commander does not yet have a specific plan. And even if he had, he still wouldn’t have had time to implement it. The 60-year-old general will soon leave his post. As specified in Congress, he will do “other things in another place.”

Original taken from geogen_mir V Weapons of the Gods. Electromagnetic weapons of Russia

Today is our "Alabuga"

Electronics jammer

Which were obtained at the intersection of radiation flows from several sources.

combat plasmoids.


21 trillion. rubles of the general budget of the State Program, 3.2 trillion


TK-25E .

Multifunctional complex "Mercury-BM" "Gradient" 80%

Concern "Constellation" produces a series of small-sized (portable, transportable, autonomous) jammers of the series RP-377. They can be used to jam signals GPS, and in a stand-alone version, equipped with power supplies, also placing transmitters in a certain area, limited only by the number of transmitters.

An export version of a more powerful suppression system is now being prepared GPS and weapon control channels. It is already a system of object and area protection against high-precision weapons. It is built according to a modular principle, which allows you to vary the area and objects of protection.

Among the unclassified developments, MNIRTI products are also known - "Sniper-M""I-140/64" And "Gigawatt", made on the basis of car trailers. They are, in particular, used to test means of protecting radio engineering and digital systems for military, special and civilian purposes from damage by EMP.

Educational program


Or the so-called “jammers” is a real type of weapon already undergoing testing Russian army. The USA and Israel are also carrying out successful developments in this area, but have relied on the use of EMP systems to generate kinetic energy warhead

We took the path of direct damage and created prototypes of several combat systems at once - for the ground forces, air force and navy. According to experts working on the project, the development of the technology has already passed the stage of field testing, but now work is underway to correct errors and try to increase the power, accuracy and range of radiation. Today, our Alabuga, having exploded at an altitude of 200-300 meters, is capable of turning off all electronic equipment within a radius of 3.5 km and leaving a military unit of the battalion/regiment scale without communications, control, or fire guidance, while turning all existing enemy equipment into a pile of useless scrap metal. There are essentially no options left except to surrender and give up heavy weapons to the advancing units of the Russian army as trophies.

Electronics jammer

For the first time, the world saw a really working prototype of an electromagnetic weapon at the LIMA 2001 arms exhibition in Malaysia. An export version of the domestic “Ranets-E” complex was presented there. It is made on the MAZ-543 chassis, has a mass of about 5 tons, ensures guaranteed destruction of the electronics of a ground target, aircraft or guided munition at ranges of up to 14 kilometers and disruption of its operation at a distance of up to 40 km. Despite the fact that the firstborn created a real sensation in the world media, experts noted a number of its shortcomings. Firstly, the size of the effectively hit target does not exceed 30 meters in diameter, and secondly, the weapon is disposable - reloading takes more than 20 minutes, during which the miracle gun has already been shot down 15 times from the air, and it can only work on targets in the open terrain, without the slightest visual obstacles. It is probably for these reasons that the Americans abandoned the creation of such directed EMP weapons, concentrating on laser technologies. Our gunsmiths decided to try their luck and try to “bring to fruition” the technology of directed EMP radiation.

A specialist from the Rostec concern, who for obvious reasons did not want to reveal his name, in an interview with Expert Online, expressed the opinion that electromagnetic pulse weapons are already a reality, but the whole problem lies in the methods of delivering them to the target. “We have a project in progress to develop an electronic warfare complex classified as OV, called Alabuga. This is a missile whose warhead is a high-frequency, high-power electromagnetic field generator.

Active pulse radiation produces something similar to a nuclear explosion, only without the radioactive component. Field tests have shown the high efficiency of the unit - not only radio-electronic, but also conventional electronic equipment of wired architecture fails within a radius of 3.5 km. Those. not only removes the main communication headsets from normal operation, blinding and stunning the enemy, but also actually leaves an entire unit without any local electronic control systems, including weapons. The advantages of such a “non-lethal” defeat are obvious - the enemy will only have to surrender, and the equipment can be received as a trophy. The only problem is the effective means of delivering this charge - it has a relatively large mass and the missile must be quite large, and, as a result, very vulnerable to destruction by air defense/missile defense systems,” the expert explained.

Interesting are the developments of NIIRP (now a division of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern) and the Physico-Technical Institute named after. Ioffe. While studying the impact of powerful microwave radiation from the ground on air objects (targets), specialists from these institutions unexpectedly received local plasma formations, which were obtained at the intersection of radiation flows from several sources. Upon contact with these formations, air targets underwent enormous dynamic overloads and were destroyed. The coordinated operation of microwave radiation sources made it possible to quickly change the focusing point, that is, to retarget at enormous speed or to track objects of almost any aerodynamic characteristics. Experiments have shown that the impact is effective even against ICBM warheads. In fact, these are no longer even microwave weapons, but combat plasmoids. Unfortunately, when in 1993 a team of authors submitted a draft air defense/missile defense system based on these principles to the state for consideration, Boris Yeltsin immediately proposed joint development to the American president. And although cooperation on the project did not take place, perhaps this is what prompted the Americans to create the HAARP (High Freguencu Active Auroral Research Program) complex in Alaska - a research project to study the ionosphere and auroras. Let us note that for some reason that peaceful project is funded by the Pentagon’s DARPA agency.

Already entering service with the Russian army

To understand what place the topic of electronic warfare occupies in the military-technical strategy of the Russian military department, just look at the State Armaments Program until 2020. Of the 21 trillion rubles of the total GPV budget, 3.2 trillion (about 15%) is planned to be spent on the development and production of attack and defense systems using sources of electromagnetic radiation. For comparison, in the Pentagon budget, according to experts, this share is much smaller - up to 10%. Now let's look at what can already be “touched”, i.e. those products that have reached series production and entered service over the past few years.

Mobile electronic warfare systems "Krasukha-4" suppress spy satellites, ground-based radars and aviation systems AWACS completely blocks radar detection for 150–300 km, and can also cause radar damage to enemy electronic warfare and communications equipment. The operation of the complex is based on creating powerful interference at the main frequencies of radars and other radio-emitting sources. Manufacturer: JSC Bryansk Electromechanical Plant (BEMZ).

The TK-25E sea-based electronic warfare system provides effective protection for ships of various classes. The complex is designed to provide radio-electronic protection of an object from air- and ship-based radio-controlled weapons by creating active jamming. It is possible to interface the complex with various systems of the protected object, such as a navigation complex, a radar station, automated system combat control. The TK-25E equipment ensures the creation various types interference with a spectrum width from 64 to 2000 MHz, as well as pulsed misinforming and simulating interference using copies of signals. The complex is capable of simultaneously analyzing up to 256 targets. Equipping the protected object with the TK-25E complex reduces the likelihood of its destruction by three or more times.

The multifunctional complex "Rtut-BM" has been developed and produced at KRET enterprises since 2011 and is one of the most modern electronic warfare systems. The main purpose of the station is to protect manpower and equipment from single and salvo fire from artillery ammunition equipped with radio fuses. Developer company: OJSC All-Russian Scientific Research Institute Gradient (VNII Gradient). Similar devices are produced by Minsk KB RADAR. Note that up to 80% of Western field artillery shells, mines and unguided rockets and almost all high-precision ammunition are now equipped with radio fuses; these fairly simple means can protect troops from destruction, including directly in the zone of contact with the enemy.

The Sozvezdie concern produces a series of small-sized (portable, transportable, autonomous) jammers of the RP-377 series. With their help, you can jam GPS signals, and in a stand-alone version, equipped with power supplies, you can also place transmitters over a certain area, limited only by the number of transmitters. An export version of a more powerful system for suppressing GPS and weapon control channels is now being prepared. It is already a system of object and area protection against high-precision weapons. It is built according to a modular principle, which allows you to vary the area and objects of protection. Among the unclassified developments, MNIRTI products are also known - “Sniper-M” “I-140/64” and “Gigawatt”, made on the basis of car trailers. They are, in particular, used to test means of protecting radio engineering and digital systems for military, special and civilian purposes from damage by EMP.

Educational program

The element base of RES is very sensitive to energy overloads, and a flow of electromagnetic energy of a sufficiently high density can burn out semiconductor junctions, completely or partially disrupting their normal functioning. Low-frequency EMF creates an electromagnetic pulse

radiation at frequencies below 1 MHz, high-frequency EMF is affected by microwave radiation - both pulsed and continuous. Low-frequency EMF affects an object through interference to wired infrastructure, including telephone lines and cables external power supply, feeding and retrieving information. High-frequency EMF directly penetrates the object's electronic equipment through its antenna system. In addition to affecting the enemy's electronic resources, high-frequency electromagnetic radiation can also affect the skin and internal organs of a person. At the same time, as a result of their heating in the body, chromosomal and genetic changes, activation and deactivation of viruses, transformation of immunological and behavioral reactions are possible.

The main technical means of producing powerful electromagnetic pulses, which form the basis of low-frequency EMP, is a generator with explosive compression of the magnetic field. Another potential type of low frequency magnetic energy source high level may be a magnetodynamic generator driven by rocket fuel or explosive. When implementing high-frequency EMR, electronic devices such as broadband magnetrons and klystrons, gyrotrons operating in the millimeter range, generators with a virtual cathode (vircators) using the centimeter range, free electron lasers and broadband plasma beams can be used as a generator of powerful microwave radiation. generators.

Electromagnetic weapons: where the Russian army is ahead of its competitors

Pulse electromagnetic weapons, or so-called. “jammers” is a real type of weapon of the Russian army, already undergoing testing. The United States and Israel are also conducting successful developments in this area, but have relied on the use of EMP systems to generate the kinetic energy of a warhead.

We took the path of direct damage and created prototypes of several combat systems at once - for the ground forces, air force and navy. According to experts working on the project, the development of the technology has already passed the stage of field testing, but now work is underway to correct errors and try to increase the power, accuracy and range of radiation.

Today is our "Alabuga", exploding at an altitude of 200-300 meters, is capable of turning off all electronic equipment within a radius of 3.5 km and leaving a military unit of the battalion/regiment scale without communications, control, or fire guidance, while turning all the enemy’s available equipment into a pile of useless scrap metal. Apart from surrendering and handing over heavy weapons to the advancing units of the Russian army as trophies, there are essentially no options left.

Electronics jammer

The advantages of such a “non-lethal” defeat are obvious - the enemy will only have to surrender, and the equipment can be received as a trophy. The only problem is the effective means of delivering this charge - it has a relatively large mass and the missile must be quite large, and, as a result, very vulnerable to destruction by air defense/missile defense systems,” the expert explained.

Interesting are the developments of NIIRP (now a division of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern) and the Physico-Technical Institute named after. Ioffe. While studying the impact of powerful microwave radiation from the ground on airborne objects (targets), specialists from these institutions unexpectedly received local plasma formations, which were obtained at the intersection of radiation fluxes from several sources.

Upon contact with these formations, air targets underwent enormous dynamic overloads and were destroyed. The coordinated operation of microwave radiation sources made it possible to quickly change the focusing point, that is, to retarget at enormous speed or to accompany objects of almost any aerodynamic characteristics. Experiments have shown that the impact is effective even against ICBM warheads. In fact, this is no longer even a microwave weapon, but combat plasmoids.

Unfortunately, when in 1993 a team of authors submitted a draft air defense/missile defense system based on these principles to the state for consideration, Boris Yeltsin immediately proposed joint development to the American president. And although cooperation on the project did not take place, perhaps this is what prompted the Americans to create a complex in Alaska HAARP (High freguencu Active Auroral Research Program)- a research project to study the ionosphere and auroras. Note that for some reason that peaceful project has agency funding DARPA Pentagon.

Already entering service with the Russian army

To understand what place the topic of electronic warfare occupies in the military-technical strategy of the Russian military department, just look at the State Armaments Program until 2020. From 21 trillion. rubles of the general budget of the State Program, 3.2 trillion. (about 15%) is planned to be used for the development and production of attack and defense systems using sources of electromagnetic radiation. For comparison, in the Pentagon budget, according to experts, this share is much smaller - up to 10%.

Now let's look at what can already be “touched”, i.e. those products that have reached series production and entered service over the past few years.

Mobile electronic warfare systems "Krasukha-4" suppress spy satellites, ground-based radars and AWACS aircraft systems, completely block radar detection at 150-300 km, and can also cause radar damage to enemy electronic warfare and communications equipment. The operation of the complex is based on creating powerful interference at the main frequencies of radars and other radio-emitting sources. Manufacturer: JSC Bryansk Electromechanical Plant (BEMZ).

Sea-based electronic warfare system TK-25E provides effective protection for ships of various classes. The complex is designed to provide radio-electronic protection of an object from air- and ship-based radio-controlled weapons by creating active jamming. The complex is designed to be interfaced with various systems of the protected object, such as a navigation complex, a radar station, and an automated combat control system. The TK-25E equipment provides the creation of various types of interference with a spectrum width from 64 to 2000 MHz, as well as pulsed misinforming and imitation interference using signal copies. The complex is capable of simultaneously analyzing up to 256 targets. Equipping the protected object with the TK-25E complex reduces the likelihood of his defeat by three or more times.

Multifunctional complex "Mercury-BM" developed and produced at KRET enterprises since 2011 and is one of the most modern electronic warfare systems. The main purpose of the station is to protect manpower and equipment from single and salvo fire from artillery ammunition equipped with radio fuses. Developer: OJSC All-Russian "Gradient"(VNII "Gradient"). Similar devices are produced by Minsk KB RADAR. Note that radio fuses are now equipped with up to 80% Western field artillery shells, mines and unguided rockets and almost all precision-guided ammunition, these fairly simple means can protect troops from destruction, including directly in the zone of contact with the enemy.

Concern "Constellation" produces a series of small-sized (portable, transportable, autonomous) jammers of the series RP-377. They can be used to jam signals GPS, and in a stand-alone version, equipped with power supplies, also placing transmitters in a certain area, limited only by the number of transmitters.

An export version of a more powerful suppression system is now being prepared GPS and weapon control channels. It is already a system of object and area protection against high-precision weapons. It is built according to a modular principle, which allows you to vary the area and objects of protection.

Among the unclassified developments, MNIRTI products are also known - "Sniper-M""I-140/64" And "Gigawatt", made on the basis of car trailers. They are, in particular, used to test means of protecting radio engineering and digital systems for military, special and civilian purposes from damage by EMP.

Educational program

The element base of RES is very sensitive to energy overloads, and a flow of electromagnetic energy of a sufficiently high density can burn out semiconductor junctions, completely or partially disrupting their normal functioning.

Low-frequency EMF creates electromagnetic pulse radiation at frequencies below 1 MHz, high-frequency EMF is affected by microwave radiation - both pulsed and continuous. Low-frequency electromagnetic radiation affects the object through interference to the wired infrastructure, including telephone lines, external power cables, and information supply and retrieval cables. High-frequency EMF directly penetrates the object's electronic equipment through its antenna system.

In addition to affecting the enemy's electronic resources, high-frequency electromagnetic radiation can also affect the skin and internal organs of a person. At the same time, as a result of their heating in the body, chromosomal and genetic changes, activation and deactivation of viruses, transformation of immunological and behavioral reactions are possible.

The main technical means of producing powerful electromagnetic pulses, which form the basis of low-frequency EMP, is a generator with explosive compression of the magnetic field. Another potential type of low-frequency, high-level magnetic energy source could be a magnetodynamic generator driven by rocket fuel or explosive.

When implementing high-frequency EMR, electronic devices such as broadband magnetrons and klystrons, gyrotrons operating in the millimeter range, generators with a virtual cathode (vircators) using the centimeter range, free electron lasers and broadband plasma beams can be used as a generator of powerful microwave radiation. generators.

Electromagnetic weapon, EMAND

Electromagnetic gun "Angara", tesT

Electronic bomb - a fantastic weapon of Russia