How to make a weapon from wood. Weapons from improvised means A simple homemade weapon that shoots iron balls

In our turbulent times, the need for self-defense is simply enormous. Some may say that special government services should protect citizens. This is true.

But such protection is not always effective. Alas, very often people have to take care of themselves. There are situations from which it is simply impossible to get out of it in any other way except to respond to the attack.

Perhaps such actions may not always completely coincide with the letter of the law, but life and health are more important than any laws. Therefore, every person should have something with him. Or be able to make it in time from available materials. Read this article on how to make a self-defense weapon with your own hands.

Which weapon is better to choose for defense?

In some cases, you can use improvised means to fight off the enemy. It could be a stone, a stick, or just a pile of sand thrown into your eyes.

But such means are not always available right moment. In addition, a person may simply get confused and forget about everything.

It’s another matter if a person is already prepared for self-defense. He has a developed plan for such incidents and defensive means at hand. In a world where danger can be found anywhere, you just need to be prepared.

And, above all, a person must have means of protection. Such, for example, as or , or . You can buy them in a store, but it is much more profitable and reliable to use homemade self-defense means. This type of weapon does not need to be registered anywhere, hidden securely and there is no fear of losing it. And it’s quite possible to do it yourself.

Making a baton

A baton is the simplest and most reliable means of defense. It’s impossible to imagine anything simpler. It can be made of wood, rubber or any other material.

This is a pretty accurate weapon. It can be used to deliver quick and powerful strikes.

As a result, severe damage may be caused to the enemy. The main disadvantage of this means of self-defense is the size of the baton. It is inconvenient to carry with you.

Accordingly, use it better at home, protecting housing and its inhabitants from intruders.


Nunchakus are the most common DIY self-defense weapon made of wood. Using the nunchuk requires certain skills.

They are unlikely to help the person who picked them up for the first time. But a little training will fix everything. Nunchucks are superior to batons due to their convenience. They are smaller and lighter. They are easier to carry with you.

Making nunchucks with your own hands is quite simple. You only need two wooden sticks. Their size can vary from 15 to 30 centimeters.

You need to make a hole at their ends and connect them with a rope or chain. Due to the fact that they are made of two parts, there is almost no shock absorption.

Please note: In addition to striking, you can also defend yourself with nunchucks. They will be able to avert a blow from a knife or other object.


This is very ancient look weapons. Memories of him can be found in the legend of David and Goliath. But you can defend yourself with this remedy even now.

To make it you need a simple cord. At one end you need to make a loop. Make a bed for the projectile in the middle. Any small projectile can serve as a projectile. solid object. Even a simple pebble.

The sling is used as follows. We put the loop on the hand, insert the projectile into the stock. The other end of the rope must be held tightly in the same hand. After the sling picks up speed, the free end must be released.

The projectile will take off and fly in the direction in which the hand is pointing. Moreover, such a blow will have much more power than if the stone was simply thrown. If you don’t have a sling at hand, you can use a T-shirt or belt as a sling.

You should always think about safety. Moreover, making self-defense means with your own hands is not at all difficult. Watch a video on how to make homemade nunchucks for self-defense and training using improvised materials with your own hands:

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Prepper's Sling

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Russian Simbirsk5 Mar at 0:27

March 4, 2016 at 10:01 pm
Weapons from improvised means

At the market you can find a “rubber hose, high pressure". This is a rubber hose with very thick walls and a small internal diameter. Massive metal nuts dangle at its ends, and the total length can vary from 40 to 100 cm. You can’t imagine how effective this thing is! And the nuts give the projectile a unique charm. It can be used like an ordinary baton or with the help of a “nunchuck” technique. But the most important thing is that carrying such a hose on the street is not a crime! In terms of efficiency, a “high-pressure rubber hose” is much superior to a police baton and nunchucks. We must live in step with our urbanism. century!

And now about the illegal stuff. Find a steel cable with a diameter of 10-15 mm, similar to the one used to clean the sewer. Cut a suitable piece from it and put it inside the “high pressure rubber hose”. Secure. You have created a truly killer projectile! The cable in the middle will give it additional elasticity upon impact.

Let's say you were unable to get a “high pressure rubber hose”. Then cut a piece from a regular rubber garden hose and stretch it over a piece of regular water pipe. It will also be a very good device.

There is another very interesting device called a “baton with a shifting center of gravity.” Take a piece of water pipe 50 cm long and stretch a rubber garden hose of a suitable diameter onto it. Plug the ends of the pipe with metal plugs on the threads - any mechanic can do this. Now the essence of this project: fill the inside of the pipe with the smallest shot to 1/3 of the volume. If you pour more or less, the weapon will lose its effectiveness. During the swing, the shot moves into the handle, and the swing itself is performed almost effortlessly. When struck, the shot rushes to the end of the baton, giving it additional inertial mass. It is very effective and dangerous weapon! A blow from an inertial baton will likely fracture the skull and break the bones of an opponent.

Another device, as old as time. Previously, saboteurs used it with pleasure, and it is called “Black Jack”. Find a piece of good durable tarpaulin and stitch it to make a kind of hose, 35-40 cm long. You need to stitch it with very strong synthetic threads, using a triple seam. Sew one end of the hose in the same way. Turn it inside out. You have got something like a large tarpaulin condom, but do not rush to pull it over your penis, but fill it completely with a mixture of sand and small shot in a 50/50 ratio. Tie the end tightly so that the mixture does not spill out, and tie a loop of durable material to it. leather strap to wear on your wrist. A blow from Black Jack to the back of the head can “turn off” the victim for several minutes, and, unlike an inertial baton, without serious traumatic consequences.

If you really have nothing at all, but need to act impromptu, then take your sock, fill it with sand, tie it and act in the same way.

An ancient weapon of shock-crushing action. The flail is easy to make from available materials, and it has high impact efficiency, even compared to a baton.

The greater impact force is provided, again, by the inertial effect.

First make the handle. Make something like a wooden baton from bog oak, 40 cm long. If you are too lazy to tinker, then just take a piece of steel water pipe of the same length. Be sure to fit a durable leather loop on the handle to attach it to your wrist! Attach a piece of strong and thick synthetic cord, 30 cm long, to the striking end. If the baton is wooden, then it can be attached using a thick and long screw or as in nunchucks: through one longitudinal and two transverse holes.

In ancient examples, leather straps or chains were used for this purpose. This is the most reliable solution. Just make sure that the links of your chain are strong and welded, and not just riveted.

We put a weight on the free end of the chain or rope, which is the main impact projectile. It's a matter of taste! I will only say that the optimal weight of the load for the dimensions I have given is approximately 500-700 g. Then decide for yourself. I took a ball from a large bearing with a nut welded to it (for fastening the chain). You can also take just a large heavy nut or even an ordinary stone braided with leather straps. But the classic form is still a steel ball. Gourmets weld small blunt spikes onto it or grind out polyhedrons instead of a ball. Both are very harmful to the health (of the victim). The brush I described is portable enough to be carried under a blanket and used even in small spaces.

The handle and chain serve as an additional lever arm, which accelerates the ball, giving it great acceleration for impact. You will never achieve this effect with a simple baton.

Have you noticed that in our book we constantly maintain a section “for the laziest”?

Take a piece of strong chain 70-100 cm long and attach any weight weighing up to 1 kg to its end. The free end is wrapped around the brush. This semblance of a flail is somewhat less effective and convenient than classic version, but much easier to manufacture.

It couldn’t be simpler... Such a brush can be made in literally half a minute from scrap materials. Take a large towel, tablecloth or piece of sheet. Place any heavy object in the middle (It seems that somewhere Stephen King even used a toaster in this capacity). Twist the towel into a rope so that the heavy object is wrapped inward, in the middle. Now fold the ends of the towel and hold them tightly in your fist. Here's a homemade flail for you! Despite its simplicity, it is very highly effective and can be used in various crisis situations when no other weapon is at hand.

Chemical flail

What can people not think of! Take a glass bottle of lotion or triple cologne. These bubbles are made of thick glass and have a narrow neck. Fill the bottle with battery electrolyte and close tightly. If you do not want to cause serious bodily harm to your enemy, then fill it with “Commercial ammonia alcohol 25%”, which is sold in hardware stores as a detergent - the enemy will be in deep shock and knee-deep in snot!

Tie the bubble into a piece of mesh (fishing, household, homemade, etc.) and attach this “knot” to a meter-long rope with a loop at the end. Now all you have to do is spin this projectile well and break the bubble on the enemy’s head! Think about the consequences for yourself...

Brass knuckles are perhaps the most common folk weapon, after the knife. A punch is more natural than a knife, and a reinforced one with brass knuckles can cause terrible damage! Additionally, brass knuckles make the fist heavier and thereby also increases the force of the blow. Brass knuckles are made mainly of metal. Simple "fist amplifiers" are cast from lead.

Hitting with brass knuckles has always been considered dishonorable. It can crack a skull like a nut, break a jaw or forearm bones if the opponent tries to defend himself with his hands, as in boxing. Add to this the torn muscles and crushed soft tissues, and the effectiveness of brass knuckles will become clear to you.

The simplest brass knuckles are ordinary “fist amplifiers”. This is something like an oval rod or plaque that is held in the hand. Such brass knuckles protect the finger joints from being knocked out when hit, say, in the jaw. More dangerous brass knuckles protect fingers and cause heavy lacerations. They are made in the form of characteristic “frames” adjusted to the brush.

Even more dangerous are brass knuckles, in which the striking surface is equipped with spikes, protrusions or blades. You will laugh, but an ordinary pocket knife can be used as a brass knuckles.

Stiletto file (sharpening)

Choose a small triangular or round file. Sharpen its shank like an awl using another file. Place a wooden handle on the shank. It should fit tightly enough so that it does not accidentally fall off. Outwardly, it looks quite harmless, but just remove the handle, and you have a stiletto in your hands!
Weapon. Weapons from improvised means

Take a knitting needle with a diameter of 1.5-2 mm made of elastic steel wire. Aluminum and other “soft” knitting needles will not suit you. Sharpen it as sharp as possible. To the end where the knitting needle has a “knob” or loop, firmly tie a loop of leather strap or synthetic cord. In the place where the handle will be, evenly wind several layers of thick thread, soaking it with glue.

This is a very convenient weapon. Place the loop around your wrist and pass it along the back of the hand between the middle and ring fingers so that it passes onto the palmar surface. Here you need to choose the length of the strap.

The knitting needle is clenched in a fist. Now it's enough to do a little rotational movement brush and the knitting needle itself will jump from a direct grip to a reverse one. From the outside it looks very impressive, especially if there are two knitting needles: one in each hand.

The knitting needle is very comfortable to wear. It is enough to pierce the lining of the jacket from the inside and insert it there, and the head with the strap will remain outside. Or pierce the inside of your trouser pocket and push the knitting needle through it inside onto your thigh, and the head and strap will be in the pocket. Due to the fact that the knitting needle is thin, the blow is strong and penetrating. This weapon can kill when hit in the neck or eye. A blow to the stomach causes a painful shock, and a blow to the limbs is very painful!

Take a regular measuring tape, but be sure to have a steel tape. Sharpen both edges of the tape on a knife sharpening stone. The sharpening length is 1-1.5 m. Tie a fishing sinker weighing 20-50 g to the end of the tape. You have a very dangerous whip. When struck, the edges of the tape will cut like blades. The technique is the same as with a whip.
Weapon. Weapons from improvised means

The device is familiar to everyone, but underestimated by many. A projectile fired from a powerful slingshot is only slightly inferior in strength to a rifle bullet.

In stores like "Sporting Goods" or "Hunter" you can now buy a real hunting slingshot. It is an exotic-looking frame with a handle and a wrist rest. Instead of ordinary rubber bands there are rubber tubes. Shoots steel balls, which are sold with it. From a distance of 20-30 m, such a slingshot can shoot a rabbit in the head or lay it flat. The weapon is silent and absolutely legal! It's just expensive.

Shock Flashlight

An original thing can be made from an ordinary flashlight. Take a long flashlight with round batteries. The flashlight must have an additional locking switch, and not just one button. Take out the glass and unscrew the light bulb. Carefully break the bulb cylinder so as not to damage the spiral. Glue a small paper bag in the form of a wide cylinder and fill it with aluminum gunpowder

Carefully screw the light bulb without the cylinder into place. Place the cylinder with the mixture on the light bulb so that the spiral is inside. Secure with glue. When assembled, the paper bag is located inside, in the cavity of the reflector and should not protrude outward.

Do not insert glass! Instead, put on some suitable plastic cap. The result was a completely harmless-looking weapon. If necessary, remove the cover, turn on the switch, point the flashlight towards the enemy and press the button...

The current from the batteries instantly heats up the coil of the light bulb and ignites the gunpowder. The bag explodes with a blinding flash. This fiery jet, concentrated by a reflector, flies into the enemy's face. A burn and long-term blindness are guaranteed for him! The device is effective at a distance of no more than a meter.

Thermite match

Winked signalmen have special thermite matches that they use to weld overhead line wires. This match is similar to a hunting match, but with thermite coating. Tie several small fishing hooks tightly to the match shaft and put a suitable cap on them so as not to get caught yourself. Place this design in a box, along with the grater, and carry it with you.

When asked: “Let me light a cigarette!”, you slowly pull out a match, remove the cap, strike it and hang it on the person asking for it. The hooks cling tightly to the fabric. The match begins to burn and burns a decent hole in the surrounding material. When trying to shake it off, the enemy will receive nothing but a severe burn on his hands. I do not recommend that you stand like an idol and watch his coat burn with a sad fire. Better hit him on the head with something heavy...
Sugar, of course, is not harmless anyway, but this method of use makes it completely terrible weapon. Any confectioner will tell you that boiled sugar can cling to anything, and its contact with the skin results in unpleasant burns, while the caramel can continue to burn. Even though sugar is not cheap product, in the 17th century it was used out of desperation as a weapon. The defenseless Chinese ship Sapman was able to repel the Dutch pirates by throwing boiling sugar at them. At least 14 people suffered a “sweet” death, and the Dutch lost the battle. Today, boiling sugar is often used in prisons in prisoner fights.

Every self-respecting country that wants to have weight on the world stage spends almost the lion's share of its budget on the development of the military-industrial complex. Target factories are being built, new ultra-modern types of weapons are being developed. However, you can effectively destroy enemy combat forces in another way - using homemade weapons. This, of course, is not as effective, but it works great in conditions guerrilla warfare. And exactly about homemade weapons we'll talk today.

1. Pit trap

Perhaps the most primitive example of a homemade weapon. The soldier does not see the hole, falls into it, runs into stakes or spikes, and loses his combat effectiveness. What could be simpler? Even ancient and primitive hunters used pit traps for hunting wild and large animals. But people are much smarter than animals, so main problem is an effective camouflage of such pits. Best example tactics for using this homemade weapons demonstrated to us.

For those who don't know - Vietnam War, in which licensed peddlers of democracy massively sucked in the semi-savage Vietnamese people, partially sponsored Soviet Union. The very conditions of Vietnam completely neutralized the fierce superiority of the democratizers in armored vehicles and aviation, and the American infantry, as we know, sucks without support. And then she sucked especially hard - the jungle, high humidity, regular flooding of the territory, tropical diseases, mosquitoes, poor mobility - all this played against them. And then there are the evil Vietnamese, for whom “democracy” did not give in at all and who made life difficult with all their might American army. And it's not even about classic guerrilla tactics, speech and “quiet” war.

The fact is that digging holes in the ground, sticking them with stakes smeared with, excuse me, shit, and waiting for the water to fill them itself is as easy as shelling pears. And a soldier who is blindly wandering along a half-flooded path discovered with such difficulty will obviously not be happy to fail and run into these surprises with all his weight. There is also a more complicated version - in addition to the stakes at the bottom, spikes were installed on the sides, directed diagonally down. If a soldier tried to pull his leg out, he also ran into these spikes. And a very difficult option - two logs studded with nails. The soldier steps on their joint, falls down, the drums rotate, the nails stick in...

2. Molotov cocktail

This homemade weapon has already become a classic for most modern riots. And all because it is extremely simple.

The first to do this effective remedy The destruction of manpower and armored vehicles was thought up by hot Finnish guys during the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. And it was they who called these cute bottles “Cocktail for Molotov”, since Comrade Molotov was at that time the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and was, in principle, responsible for starting the war.

However, this one has homemade weapons and obvious shortcomings. The first and main thing is that a set fire to a rag unmasks a fighter, putting his life at risk. The solution was found using chemistry - a mixture of some chemicals ignite upon contact with air, so the ampoule with reagents began to simply be placed in bottles with Molotov cocktail.

3. Samopal

Or in other words - homemade firearms . Honestly, it is worthy of a separate article - there are so many various options was invented, created and tested by local “Kulibins” of various nationalities. So for now we will stop at the actual simple version— self-propelled gun of the “ignition” type.

According to modern weapons classification, this is a single-shot ramrod-type pistol. That is, the charge and bullet are placed from the muzzle opening. On the opposite side, accordingly, there is an igniter hole. The barrel is a metal tube that is attached to an improvised butt. The charge is directly ignited either manually or using a trigger mechanism.

Despite the extremely simple principle, this homemade weapon quite effective. It can even kill at close range, especially if you hit something vital organ.

4. Kassam missile

This homemade weapon- in fact, a solid-fuel unguided surface-to-surface missile. It is still being actively carried out in the Gaza Strip with the aim of shelling Israeli territory.

The point is simple. The simplest and most accessible ingredients are taken, which we will not list here, but which can be found in any agricultural or hardware store. All this is combined in the correct proportions, and then the homemade rocket is installed on launcher and is launched towards the enemy.

During the period from 2001 to 2012, 27 people were officially killed, and another 700 were injured of varying degrees of severity. Actually, this is not an offensive weapon - low accuracy, low explosive power and heavy weight make it ineffective in active combat operations. But as a weapon of terror, it’s just right. Produced literally on the knee, inexpensive, unnoticeable. And not so long ago, a Palestinian garbage truck converted into a system was detained in the Gaza Strip volley fire with the help of the Kassams. No, this is truly brilliant - you can move around the territory unnoticed, in a matter of minutes prepare a salvo, shoot and hide just as unnoticed. In short, simple and effective in its own way homemade weapon.

5. “Shushpanzers”

Underneath this funny name, which originated in 2007 at thematic forums dedicated to military equipment, hiding any modern vehicle, covered with improvised armor. It was used wherever - during the Second World War, when the USSR had huge problems with armored vehicles, so armor and weapons were even installed on tractors, and during the first Arab-Israeli conflict, when the Jews did not yet have their own Merkavas, and on eastern Ukraine, and from both sides of the conflict.

And all because this homemade weapons an extremely simple principle. A powerful wheelbase is taken (truck, tractor, anything that can pull a lot of weight) and sheathed with thick metal sheets. The thicker it is, the more reliable it is. Actually, that's all. From shrapnel and bullets it homemade weapon will protect, deliver the soldier to his destination. And if you install a machine gun, it will cover you with fire. In a word, simple and effective.