Vertical line under the ring finger. The meanings of the lines on the hands in palmistry with a detailed description

How to determine whether you know how to earn and save money, or vice versa - do you tend to spend more than you receive?

Below are signs that may suggest the answer:

Little finger length (Mercury finger)- to do this, you need to close your fingers and see how long your little finger is:
The little finger reaches the beginning of the nail phalanx of the ring finger: this is the most optimal option, it reflects average commercial abilities, at least such a person will not work at a loss.
The little finger ends below the beginning of the nail phalanx of the ring finger: such a person is inclined to work at a loss, commerce is not his calling, so he should not engage in activities aimed at making money or making a profit.
The little finger ends above the beginning of the nail phalanx of the ring finger: the most favorable ending - this length of the smallest finger - gives the ability to make money and profit from almost anything. However, nature compensates for these advantages with some disadvantages - such a long little finger makes a person extremely sociable and relaxed.

Money slips through your fingers -many people know this expression, but few know where it comes from - to do this you need to close your fingers together and see if there are gaps between the bases of the fingers:
Gaps between the fingers are visible - the most disappointing sign that a person spends money very easily and quickly; it literally slips out between his fingers (this is especially pronounced when a gap is visible between the little and ring fingers).
There are no gaps between your fingers - you not only know how to earn money, but also how to save it and spend it wisely.

Line of fate (Saturn)- clear indicator of availability life goal and the ability to achieve set results: Having a clear, direct and deep line directed to the base of the middle finger - indicates the ability to concentrate internal and external resources to achieve a goal, makes a person a professional in his profession and gives gradual growth social status(all this applies to a line without defects).
The absence of a fate line (its insufficient length) is the most common option, when a person does not know what he needs from this life, and if so, then why does he need money? He manages without them, and nature makes compensation here too: as a rule, such people are happier than others.

Money triangle-formed by the lines of mind, fate and a short closing line: the presence of a triangle already implies the presence of a line of fate. Such a sign shows that its owner will never need money, and knows how not only to earn money, but also to save and increase it. If the triangle does not have one side (short circuit line), then a person cannot save earned capital.

Branch from the line of fate to the little finger(Mercury area) - here it is necessary to clearly distinguish the concept of a branch - this is a line extending from the line of fate, it can easily be confused with the line of mercury, which on most hands crosses the line of fate (3) and goes to the little finger (and has no such meaning). This indicator indicates a sharp, immediate rise in material well-being and its subsequent growth. This drawing can be seen on the hands of Bill Gates.

A quadrangle formed by the lines of mind, heart, fate, mercury.The presence of this indicator is a sign of material success; this is due, first of all, to the fact that it must be formed by clear lines of Mercury and fate, which may be absent, and since the sign is there, then there are lines that form it. The Mercury line provides additional commercial potential (its interpretation is not limited to commercial abilities alone, I am only describing its meaning within the framework of the article).

Short vertical lines between the little and ring fingers. This sign reflects constant but small earnings.

Concentric capillary patterns on all fingertips. On Capillary patterns are located on the upper phalanx of each finger. They are being studied a whole science- dermatoglyphics and law enforcement agencies(fingerprinting). There are three types of patterns - arc, loop and curl. The curl is a concentric, twisting spiral, the presence of such a pattern on all (ten) fingers indicates a person to whom money simply sticks. Everything can be taken away from such a person, but after a while he will easily restore his financial situation(unless other indicators on the hand contradict this).

The presence of an Apollo line ending in a fork.The sign is very rare, but if you find it on your hands, then know that there are only a few such people, they are among the richest people in the world according to Forbes magazine.

Direct completion of the line of the mind.This is the most common sign, indicating a person who not only loves money, but is obsessed with the idea of ​​earning it to such an extent that with the accumulation of money, his needs grow exponentially

If you have not found a single such sign on your hands, there is a will, using which you can change your future. But if you are very lazy, then there is only one thing left to do - stop letting money slip through your fingers, just remember - Everything is in your hands.

"Money Triangle"

- Main sign material well-being is the so-called “money triangle,” chirologist Boris Akimov assured us. - It is formed by the lines of Fate, Head and Mercury (Health). The larger and clearer it is, the better. If the angles at the “tops” of the Fate and Head lines are unclear, then this person is not using his full potential. He clearly can earn more, but he is lazy. If there is a “weak angle” between the Head and Mercury lines, then this person does not know how to save money. They quickly disappear over little things.

If inside this large triangle there are additional lines and small triangles, it means that a person will always have different and numerous sources of income in life. And sometimes, as a rule, their money comes from, as they say, no one knows where.

With a very well-defined Head line going to the Mount of the Moon, and the absence of a Mercury line, the owner can quickly get rich solely thanks to his mind. If, at the same time, all the main lines on the hand are well expressed, but there are no small signs, then this is another pointer to a successful person.
Sometimes branches extend from the Head line towards the Mount of Mercury - these are the so-called “scoops of money”. Their owner knows how and what to do to make a good profit.
On the Life line there are small triangles directed acute angle to the thumb - this is a sign of easy money.
If you find a line between the little finger and ring finger directed towards the middle of the palm, rejoice! This is a sign of a great inheritance. (picture 1)

Who holds the hands of fortune's favorites?
Guus Hiddink, Honored Coach of Russia
- Gus has a powerful spade-shaped palm with straight and hard fingers, which characterizes him as a strong, energetic personality, capable of making any of his dreams come true. The mount of Jupiter is very convex - it is sure sign power and ambition. Also, the lines of Saturn and Apollo start from the line of Life and touch the lines of Luck on the Mount of Apollo. The owner of such an extraordinary pattern achieves success and wealth in any field. (Figure 2)

Roman Abramovich, billionaire (Figure 3)
- Abramovich's line of the Sun on right hand starts from the Heart line and ends with a fork on the hill. This means that the greatest desire of this person all his life was fame and money.
Two lines of Fate come from the hill of the Moon - this is a sign of a correctly chosen field of activity that brings him maximum income. And the very straight line of the Heart reveals him as a cold and selfish person who does not spare anyone in business.

About those who were born into the family of an oligarch they will say: “It was destined for him to be rich.” What can we say about such lucky ones? Comments are unnecessary. Although if you dig deeper, it will become clear that this could hardly have happened without the influence of karma, and, as we know, we create karma with our own with my own hands and not only with our hands, but also with other parts of the body, and then we reap the fruits of our hard labor.
But our conversation will focus on another category of people who are written not in their blood, but in their hand, to be rich and famous. And what are these mysterious signs that indicate that fate has prepared for their owner the difficult fate of being a billionaire, or at least a millionaire?

And we will talk about the line of the Sun or Success.

The line of Success (Apollo) is associated with a judgment about a person’s material well-being and his position in society.

The Line of Success indicates the degree of success of our actions; it emphasizes the significance of success determined by a good line of Fate. This line also shows how strong a person’s self-confidence is and any damage to it indicates a weakening of this quality.

Palmists consider the line of Success to be the line that lies on the hillock of the ring finger, no matter where it comes from.

The Line of Success lies in the lower part of the palm, but it is fickle: it starts from the line of Life, and from the hill of the Moon, and from the space between them, and goes to the finger of the Sun (Apollo).

The Line of the Sun or Luck is one of the most mysterious and enigmatic lines on the hand. People who have this line on their hand are accompanied by success and good luck in all endeavors and affairs. It seems to push and direct a person’s actions, regardless of his social status and worldview, helping both respectable citizens and scoundrels, but at the same time it cannot be found in every person.

The line of the Sun, which brings a person good luck in all his endeavors, must be clean, without damage, intersections, crosses and islands under the Ring finger. Any damage or intersection weakens the effect of the Luck line. And the presence of a cross touching the line of the Sun, or an island on it, sometimes introduces insurmountable obstacles to achieving success.

Sometimes she speaks of special love and care on the part of the Divine forces, sending the Guardian Angel for protection in dangerous situations.

Often, from the beginning of this line one can tell about the fulfillment of desires and the emergence of a new happy life.

If this line branches into three branches, then this means honors, wealth, glory.

A short line of Success that does not cross the line of Mind, but ends on it, foreshadows clear chances of achieving success in life, despite numerous delays and obstacles.
Double line Success, consisting of a number of small lines, indicates a well-rounded person who can have success in various fields.
A star on the line of Success is the happiest sign of the fulfillment of all desires and plans.

The line on the hand from the little finger is the line of the heart. This strip is of greatest interest, as a rule, to young girls. After all, it is from it that you can predict how your personal life will turn out.

This is one of the main stripes on the hand in palmistry. This line talks about the emotional and sensual side of a person.

What does this line look like?

You cannot predict a person’s personal life only by the right or left hand. When making prophecies, you need to take into account what the heart line looks like on both the right and left hands. At the same time, the right hand will tell more about how the person’s personal life and emotional sphere are now, what he has already experienced today. The left hand can tell you that such a strip predicts a person in the future what to expect.

The heart line extends from the edge of the palm, encompassing the little finger, and ends somewhere between the index and middle fingers.

Characteristics of the Heart Line

Take a closer look at the line on the hand under the little finger, first on the right and then on the left hand. Notice how the moving line tends upward. You can also trust your feelings when looking at this line on your hand; they will also tell you its meaning.

If this stripe is characterized by clarity and depth, then this speaks of the generosity of its owner. Such a person is distinguished by loyalty. For this individual interpersonal relationships Stability is extremely important. This is his fulcrum. It is clear that the partner of such an individual can also calmly count on reciprocal stability and fidelity in a couple.

Strong marriage line. Palmistry




It happens that this stripe, running from the little finger to the index finger, is very weakly visible on the hand. This suggests that the emotional and sensual sphere of a person is not very developed or it does not have any meaning for him. great importance. It speaks of the practicality of an individual who evaluates everyone around him, first of all, by their deeds. It often happens that such people deliberately block feelings in themselves, perhaps they are afraid of them.

The line from the little finger to the index finger may be short or broken. In this case, its meaning is interpreted as the fact that a person is able to use violent methods to achieve mutual feelings from another person. There is assertiveness in the character.

If the line is curved

By how curved such a line is, one can also judge a person’s sensory sphere. As a rule, such a line on the hand is very curved if its owner is a woman. This indicates instability in the emotional sphere, which is very typical of female nature. If, in addition, the running line is facing upward, then this indicates that such a person can hide his emotions. By appearance For such an individual you will never understand what exactly is going on in his soul. He may look very calm.

Too much curved line walking along a curve also speaks of a person’s romantic nature. Such an individual decides to marry only if he has real mutual love feelings. Sincere feelings play a huge role in his life.

Is there an ideal heart line?

In palmistry there is such a thing as the ideal heart line. What does it mean? This is a strip that is characterized by smoothness and evenness. This stripe begins exactly on the edge of the palm and ends right between the index and middle fingers.

The meaning of the ideal heart line is that with this placement in a person’s life there is a balance between how much he shows his feelings and how much people show them to him in return. This is a sign of a happy love destiny.

Nature of the location

In palmistry, a person’s sensual and emotional life is also judged by how his heart stripe ends on the palm. Here are transcripts of some of the endings:

  • If there is a bend at the heart line, where the Mount of Saturn is located, this is in the area of ​​the middle finger, then this indicates a high degree of rationality in the individual. It is extremely difficult for such a person to completely surrender to his feelings.
  • If the bend is present where the Mount of Apollo is located, this is the area of ​​the ring finger, then this, on the contrary, speaks of the emotionality of the person. He expresses his emotions easily and with pleasure. Such a person deeply experiences all the feelings in his life: love, happiness, joy, anger, loss. On the one hand, this makes a person’s life very rich, but on the other hand, he himself can sometimes suffer from his excessive emotionality.
  • This line may end or have a bend where the Mount of Jupiter is located, this is the area of ​​​​the index finger. Such a personality is characterized by narcissism and egocentrism. Such a person loves himself very much. Actually, this is what attracts those around him, and on the other hand, what can push them away from him. And the owners of such a streak are terrible owners; they cannot stand it when their love object belongs to someone other than themselves.
  • It is believed that the most the best option, this is when the strip of the heart ends clearly between the place where the Mount of Jupiter and the Mount of Saturn. In palmistry it is believed that such a person will be happy in love, he will find an understanding soul mate.
  • It also happens that the line at the end seems to bifurcate. This characteristic suggests that the personality has a complex mental organization. Such an individual does not always find mutual language With myself. He has to spend a lot of mental strength to achieve spiritual harmony. But, if he succeeds, then in the future it will be much easier for him to understand the complex sides of his beloved half.

How does the heart line interact with the fate line?

A true palmist judges the life of an individual, his personal life in general, not only by the stripe of the heart, but rather by the combination of this stripe with the line of fate. Let's consider some combination of these lines:

  1. If there is not much space between the line of fate and the heart, then we can assume that the individual is rather passive in the love sphere. Such a person would rather wait until he is chosen; in order to take initiative towards the opposite sex, he will need a lot of energy.
  2. If there is a lot of space between the stripes of fate and heart, then this indicates that the person is not fixated on the love sphere as a source of pleasure. Such an individual values ​​life in general and knows how to enjoy life different ways, so love is only one of these areas.


Of course, the signs on the secret line will help you get a complete picture of a person’s personal life and his sensual side:

  1. The islands or voids that exist indicate that there will be love turmoil and disappointment in the person’s life. But on the other hand, this also means that a person will love more than once.
  2. Dashes, especially if not one, but three or four, speak of episodic novels in a person’s life, such ex-lovers then they can take the place of a friend in his life.
  3. A triangle may indicate that a person is not far-sighted in love. He does not make long-term plans for the future; rather, he lives for today. The triangle may be located slightly below the line.
  4. Breakups indicate that the person has experienced or may experience periods of deep loneliness.
  5. The asterisk may indicate that the individual will have to experience a very strong shock in the love sphere, which will then affect his future life.

The pattern of lines on a person's palms is unique and mysterious. Recognizing and interpreting these curves is the basis of palmistry. There are many manuals for mastering this area of ​​esotericism that explain its key concepts. Studying the meanings of ​lines​ ​on​ ​hands​ ​in​ ​palmistry​ ​with​ ​detailed​ ​description helps to determine the present and future of a person, to describe the characteristics of his personality.


To read the lines on the hand and their meanings in palmistry, first of all, choose the palm: right or left. In this case, the right-handed or left-handed person who is being told fortune-telling is taken into account. In the first case, the right hand is the active hand, and the left is the inactive hand. For left-handed people it's the opposite.

If we consider right-handers, the meanings of the lines in the palm of the left hand are determined as the potential inherent in a person from birth. They come from the heart and soul. The meanings of the lines in the palm of the right hand determine the options for fate that have developed under the influence of life events. At the same time, the bends in the hands may vary, indicating deviations from the predetermined “scenario”, which indicates the person’s work on his personality.

In palmistry, there are 4 types of main lines that reveal the spiritual and practical essence of a person. They show a person’s abilities and determine the extent to which he uses them. The fewer breaks and branches there are at the bends, the more positive their interpretation. Many lines on the palm are a sign of a person’s complex and winding fate. Some bends are missing or merge into one.

  • faded ones indicate health problems, personality passivity;
  • reddish ones are found in optimistic people with positive energy;
  • yellow color is present in closed ones, selfish individuals, for liver pathologies;
  • a dark shade of curves (blue or dark yellow) is characteristic of vindictive, arrogant, reserved and overly serious people.

With the acquisition of experience, everyone develops their own method of interpreting the results.

Reading in palmistry the meanings of the lines on the hand for beginners is carried out from the line of the heart (to determine the mental organization), then the line of the head is studied ( intellectual abilities), then the life line (concentration of vital forces) and the fate line (path of life). The bends are considered as a whole and only after that a conclusion is made about current events and the future of a person.

Heart line

Determines the emotional component of the personality. It represents the upper horizontal line from the outer edge of the palm under the little finger (from the beginning of the life path) to the inner.

  • A clear, clear, arched line ending between the middle and index fingers is a sign of stability emotional state, indicates the responsiveness and rationality of a person.
  • The location of the bend near the line of the mind indicates a restrained character, a predisposition to strong feelings.
  • A short line that breaks under the middle and ring finger indicates difficulties in expressing emotions and alienation.
  • The intersection of the entire palm straight is a sign of a sympathetic person who empathizes with other people.
  • Twisting curves indicate the emotionality of nature.
  • The connection of the heart line with the lines of the head and life warns of the risk of fatal consequences, murder out of jealousy.
  • A clear red bend means passion, without branches or a weak manifestation - callousness and dryness of nature. The double line indicates the reliability of a person in marriage. The same curve on both palms speaks of selfishness, a long one on the left hand indicates emotional shock that left a mark that will last a lifetime.

Life line

Indicates the vitality and energy of a person. The curve runs across the palm, as if separating the thumb. The sharper, clearer and longer the line, the more resilient and stable the person. However, life expectancy, contrary to popular belief, is not determined by this bend. Man with short line will live well into old age. In addition, the length and type of bend can change over time.

The life line indicates the concentration of the vital forces of a particular person.

  • The beginning of the bend at the edge of the palm indicates a decisive character, if it is presented in the form of a chain - this is a sign of dependence on others.
  • The connection of the initial segment with the head line indicates caution, lack of confidence in oneself and one’s strengths.
  • Sometimes a parallel line is marked next to the life line - the sister line or guardian angel. The meaning of the guardian angel line on the hand is determined as auspicious sign, luck, happy changes.
  • A break in the life line predicts changes in it. If it is noted on both palms, it warns of a serious illness or injury. A fatal result is possible when this bend intersects the line of the head and heart.
  • The meaning of 2 life lines on the hand (with their almost identical thickness) is defined as the combination of 2 values ​​(family and career).
  • If this curve does not intersect with the line of the head, this indicates the courage and talent of the person.

Mind line

The meaning of the head line on the hand, or mind, determines the intellectual level of the individual, the power of thinking. The curve runs horizontally from the edge to the middle of the palm, starting between the bases of the index and thumb and moving towards the ring finger.

  • The longer the line, the higher the intellectual abilities. If it reaches almost to the edge of the palm or ends under the little finger, the person is insightful and has the gift of foresight. A short bend (the end under the middle finger) indicates a low inclination of the individual to analysis and concentration on current events.
  • The branching of the end of the head line indicates creative thinking(“writer’s fork”).
  • A slight, intermittent bend indicates slowness, weak memory, thinking and attention; a straight line indicates logical judgment; a curved line indicates intuition and subjective perception of the world.
  • A significant distance between the beginning of the head and life lines means ambition and independent thinking.
  • The meaning of the double line of the mind on the hand is interesting, indicating the versatility of the personality, its psychological split. It's creative, talented person, but at the same time being in constant conflict with himself. The meaning of the two lines of the mind on the hand is determined by the 2 lives of the individual, in which he plays different roles (sociable at work, but withdrawn at home, etc.).
  • The connection between the curves of the mind and the heart is called the “monkey line,” which shows the subordination of the mind to the feelings or vice versa.

Line of fate

It is considered the most changeable of the main lines on the palm. It is located vertically in the middle of the palm, under the middle finger. This bend characterizes life values, a person’s career, his conscious goals, and allows him to accept right choice. It can be clearly or poorly expressed, sometimes absent.

  • A long straight line from the base of the palm indicates a person’s courage, independence, longevity, and stability of fate.
  • The broken line indicates frequent changes of professions.
  • In self-sufficient individuals, its beginning is noted in the middle of the palm. The end of the line is at the Mount of Jupiter (under index finger) portends wealth, success, near the hill of Apollo (near the ring finger) - achievements in creativity, near the hill of Mercury (under the little finger) - failure, bankruptcy, however, such people are sociable and they are recommended to choose a profession taking into account this quality.
  • The branched end of the bend speaks of joy, pleasure from life. If a line is found from the edge of the palm to the line of fate, this indicates a couple psychological abilities personality.
  • The absence of a fate line occurs in people without individual characteristics, spineless individuals, in patients with alcoholism and drug addiction.

The line of fate is considered unstable, capable of appearing or changing direction when life circumstances change.


Such lines are considered additional, detail the information received, report important events, health, human inclinations, etc. Accessory curves also change over the course of life and may be absent. A large number of such traits indicates a rich emotional life, a thirst for variety and impressions. The clearer and more pronounced the bends, the more reliable the information obtained from them.

Line of health (line of Mercury)

The value of the health line on the hand determines the physical, psychosomatic well-being of a person. The curve runs from the little finger down the palm towards the thumb. Possible contact with the life line.

  • There is a lack of a health line. This indicates the strength of the body, healthy condition organs and systems.
  • The clarity and continuity of the trait indicates poor physical endurance, fatigue, or the individual’s persistence in business.
  • If the line begins to squirm, this indicates problems with the digestive system and increased anxiety.
  • Merging with the line of the mind and heart or excessive depth indicates a risk of brain inflammation.
  • A broken line indicates poor health and business failures. When crossing it, short lines indicate the risk of accidents.
  • If a triangle is formed in the palm of the hand from the lines of life, head and health, this is a sign of luck.
  • You can find a “satellite” near this line ( Milky Way) from dashes closer to the edge of the palm. It foretells a happy life.

Line of ​Glory

The line runs from the bottom of the wrist vertically across the palm to the ring finger. Evaluates the success of an individual, the possibility of receiving awards, achievements, and public fame.

  • A pronounced, clear line indicates a successful working career and enjoyment from it.
  • In the absence of a line, a person can achieve success, but without social recognition.
  • A broken line means alternating successes and failures in your career.
  • If the line passes under the index finger, success is expected in art. This also foreshadows its ending under the ring finger in the form of a triangle or asterisk; the square at the end marks the help of the patron.

Marriage line

The meaning of the lines of marriage and children on the hand characterizes emotions, feelings for to a loved one, according to their ratio, it is determined from which union the child will appear, how many of them will be born in total. Perhaps several dashes. The marriage line runs under the little finger; the closer to the base, the later the relationship will arise.

  • Weak lines are romances, pronounced ones are signs of marriage.
  • Many intersecting lines indicate a person’s predisposition to cheating.
  • A perpendicular line that does not intersect with the marriage line indicates a child. The meaning of the lines of children on the hand determines their gender ( weak point- girl, clear - boy), as well as a miscarriage or abortion (broken lines). Gemini in palmistry is marked with the V sign.
  • The meaning of love lines on the hand, if they continue on the edge of the palm, indicates the duration of the relationship; their branching downwards foreshadows separation.
  • An interruption of the bend by a dash indicates a break in the relationship due to divorce or death. Its renewal predicts the reunification of relationships.

money line

Based on the direction, it indicates the possibility of generating significant income.

  • If the line comes from the base thumb and tends to the index finger, ending there in the shape of a star - this is a sign of ability to make money.
  • If the bend is directed from the base of the thumb to the middle finger, this indicates earnings in business.
  • The end of the money line under the ring finger with the intersection of the fame line predicts unexpected financial success.
  • The line from the base of the thumb to the little finger indicates financial assistance from relatives. From this position the line of inheritance is considered. It is located between the ring finger and little finger. The value of the line of inheritance on the hand allows you to find out the degree of wealth. A long and thin line means high profitability.

Line​ ​travel

Characteristic of people seeking a change of scenery and life changes. Located on the edge of the palm in the form of horizontal lines. These lines reflect trips that influence the individual's life path.

  • The intersection of the line with the life line indicates that the trip is associated with health problems (treatment).
  • The intersection of the travel line with the fate line means changes in life.
  • The intersection of several travel lines indicates dangers on the trip. If the lines run inside the square, it acts as a symbol of amulet.
  • Interruption of dashes means that the journey is postponed or delayed.


With the help of minor lines in palmistry, information is obtained about details that influence a person and his life path. These curves are optional; they are absent or in excess on the human palm. Their number is individual for the individual. In this case, the lines are assessed not only on the palms, but also on the fingers themselves. They are also available in individual quantities.

The meaning of the lines on the fingers determines the character of the individual, her abilities, and destiny. A cross on the upper phalanx of the thumb means poverty, a star on the lower one is a sign of wealth. A horizontal line on the lower phalanx of the index finger indicates inheritance, a cross on the middle finger on the nail phalanx indicates the woman’s infertility.

A small number of minor lines on the hands speaks of a person’s stability and perception of life as it is. A significant amount of bending is a sign of a nervous-irritable personality.

Line of intuition

Located on the edge of the palm under the little finger, it is also called the line of the medium. This trait is rarely observed and indicates extrasensory, psychological, personality abilities, and developed intuition.

  • The bend of the line to the sides does not matter.
  • A pronounced and clear line speaks of a person’s ability to manage the gift.
  • A dashed line indicates that abilities need to be developed.

Line of confrontation

It consists of horizontal lines located at the outer edge of the palm (almost on its edge) between the lines of the heart and head. They may be present on both hands. They are often subtle and barely visible.

Such lines mean obstacles, interference on life path in achieving the plans and goals of the individual.

Line of flight

The line is located in the lower part of the palm, near the wrist. When doing fortune telling, decoding such a line indicates an escape from problems into your own world.

  • Often the line crosses the life line. This indicates a time period when the individual is escaping from the world.
  • Such an intersection can also mean suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction.

Line of influence

These horizontal and vertical lines are located on the Mount of Venus (the area at the base of the thumb). Lines mean the influence of loved ones, significant people on the life of the individual.

  • Horizontal lines when fortune telling by hand mean negative, hostile influences on a person’s life, vertical lines - a sign positive influence, mutual assistance.
  • Many dashes indicate dependence on others. They often talk about large number sexual partners. Such people are overly susceptible to outside influence and are sensitive.
  • A small number of lines indicates independence of actions and thoughts, life without attachments.

Line of the Sun

The most favorable trait in palmistry. The meaning of the line of the Sun on the hand is defined as a sign of success, happiness, an easy life, while a long and clear one is rare. It runs from the wrist to the ring finger or appears as a segment at its base, at the line of the heart, and sometimes comes out from other lines on the palm.

  • A straight line speaks of optimism, a cheerful personality, and happiness.
  • Absence indicates failure, but is usually combined with the talent of the individual.
  • A weak line means a waste of energy.
  • The line does not reflect family relationships; it is often found on the palms of famous people.

Line​ ​Mars

It takes place on the Mount of Mars (near the thumb) and has a curved appearance. The meaning of the Mars line on the hand is reliable only if the length of the line is more than 2 centimeters and it is clearly defined.

  • It indicates vitality, passion. Often observed in people who are professionally involved in sports. Indicates the activity of metabolic processes in the body.
  • If the line runs parallel to the life line, it provides it with strength and protection, especially when the latter is intermittent.
  • People with the Mars line are less susceptible to diseases and are lucky, including in accidents.

Line of Neptune

Often called the line of voluptuousness. Mysterious and mystical trait. It is located in the lower part of the palm, at the wrist, and its different directions and appearance are noted. Characterizes a person’s abilities, including extrasensory, his character, passion, state of health, etc.

  • The presence of this line on the hand can warn of the presence of poisons in the body; its curvature is a sign of allergies.
  • The direction from the Mount of Uranus to the wrist indicates a person’s interest in parapsychology and other similar sciences.
  • When the line moves from the wrist to the Mount of Venus, passion and thirst for pleasure of the individual are noted. Characterized by rich imagination and the ability to mysticism.
  • People with the Neptune line are prone to the gift of prophecy, clairvoyance, prophetic dreams. A cross or star at the end of the line portends danger during sea voyages.

At the very beginning of the book, in the chapter devoted to the general classification of hands, we already talked about the length of the fingers. But before we begin to describe each of the fingers, I would like to say a few words about their general characteristics.

First, you need to pay attention to how the fingers are positioned when the client extends his hand to you for interpretation. If the fingers are closed (see Fig. 16), this indicates his caution and timidity. If the fingers are spread apart (Fig. 109), this indicates openness and self-confidence.

Sometimes thin vertical lines can be seen on the base phalanx, located closest to the palm (Fig. 110). These are known as stress lines. They appear when a person begins to urgently need a few days of rest.

Interestingly, even one night of good, sound sleep can significantly affect the condition of these lines. They are formed under the influence of several factors: stress, lack of rest, excessive fatigue and increased activity, leading to physical and mental exhaustion. To the person on whose hand I find these lines, I always recommend taking a short vacation and trying to make it relaxing and calm, because some people tend to work more intensely during vacations than on normal days. working days!

Horizontal lines on the upper, or nail, phalanx are called stress lines (Fig. 111).

Stress lines appear quickly and disappear just as quickly, while stress lines form slowly but are much more difficult to get rid of. They arise under the influence of prolonged stress. The presence of stress lines indicates that it is time to resolve difficult situation, reconsider your life and go on a long vacation. These lines can also indicate health problems in the near future caused by stress. If stress lines are pale and thin, this means they are either in the process of forming or are slowly disappearing. Having noticed such lines, you can conclude that the person has experienced a difficult stressful situation in the recent past or is currently experiencing it.

Fingers should be straight. If they are crooked, this indicates low self-esteem in that area of ​​​​life, which is indicated by crooked fingers.


The fingers are divided into three parts (phalanxes). Ideally, all phalanges of one finger should be equal in length. If one of the phalanges is longer than the others, this means that a person will use its energy at the expense of the remaining two. If the phalanx is very short, this indicates that the energy is inactive, dormant and not used for its intended purpose. As with everything, in palmistry you need to strive for balance and balance.

upper phalanx - intuition and spirituality

middle phalanx - intelligence

lower phalanx - material world

The upper phalanx is associated with intuition and spirituality (Fig. 112). If the upper phalanges of all fingers of the hand are long, this indicates a person who is thoughtful and interested in the meaning and purpose of life.

The middle phalanx is associated with the intellect. If all the middle phalanges on a person’s hand are long, this indicates that he can become a successful entrepreneur or businessman.

The lower, or basic, phalanx is associated with the material aspects of human life.

If it is long, wide and looks swollen and bloated, it indicates a greedy and self-indulgent person. Try not to confuse such a phalanx with the cushion or fleshy phalanx, which seems springy to the touch. This type of phalanx indicates a person who loves to eat delicious food and in most cases is an excellent cook. Even if this person doesn't like to cook, he still does it better than the vast majority of people.

He is able to appreciate and always praises skillfully prepared, tasty dishes.


The joints of the fingers are smooth and knobby. A person with knobby joints (with fingers on which the joints are very noticeable, (Fig. 113) is prone to analytical thinking and detailed planning. He first carefully thinks through each step and only then takes it. Some authorities in palmistry correlate knobby joints with concentric circles. If we draw an analogy, the thought, as if descending from the tip of the finger, circles the knotted joint several times before continuing its movement downwards.

If you know someone who likes to argue and subject even the most insignificant issues to thorough discussion, you can be sure that he has knobby knuckles.

Smooth joints are outwardly invisible (Fig. 114). A person with such joints is not inclined to analysis to the same extent as a person with knotty joints. In contrast, people with smooth knuckles rely more on intuition, inner voice and inspiration. By the way, there are much more people in the world with smooth joints than with knobby ones. This is directly related to how a person uses his brain and intellect.

The knot on the joint between the upper and middle phalanges is known as the philosopher's knot. A person who has such a nodule on each finger never takes anything for granted and draws conclusions only after a long period of reflection.

The knot on the joint between the middle and lower phalanges is known as the order knot.

A person who has such a knot on his fingers is distinguished by systematicity and love of order; he has his own place for each item. Sometimes, paradoxically, such a person, for example, may turn out to be sloppy in everyday life and at the same time demand that work documents be filled out in strict accordance with the rules.


Fingers can be placed on the hand in four different ways.

If the line of the base of the fingers forms a gently curved arch (Fig. 115), this indicates a balanced person who does not consider himself an extraordinary person. This person does not put himself above or below other people.

If the line, or arch, of the base of the fingers has a roof-shaped shape (Fig. 116), in which the index finger (finger of Jupiter) and little finger (finger of Mercury) are lower than the others, this indicates a person who is not confident in himself.

Fingers placed along a straight line indicate an extremely confident person, very proud of his abilities and merits. If the index finger and little finger are the same length, this indicates a person who is arrogant, vain, arrogant, arrogant and extremely ambitious. Nothing will stop him on the path to success.

If all the fingers are located along a gently arching arch, but the little finger is noticeably lower than the other fingers (Fig. 117). This is a very common finger placement. It is known as the “furred” little finger and indicates that a person will face serious obstacles along the path of life and each time get out of a difficult situation on his own. For a long period, things will go well, but after a certain time, a person will completely unexpectedly encounter troubles that could not be foreseen. The “lowered” little finger symbolizes the fact that life science will be difficult for a person.


When you ask a person to show their palms and they offer them to you, in most cases their fingers do not touch each other. This suggests that your client is an independent, thinking person.

If a person’s fingers are tightly closed, you can be sure that in front of you is a conformist who knows how to adapt to any situation and does it with everyone accessible ways. Such people, with rare exceptions, are not capable of generating an original idea.

A person whose fingers are far from each other does not tolerate opportunism, but loves to surprise and even shock those around him.

If there is a noticeable gap between the index and middle fingers (Fig. 118), this indicates a sober thinker and responsible person capable of making decisions independently. This combination is most successful for managers and managers.

Quite rare, but still there are hands with a noticeable gap between the middle and ring fingers (Fig. 119). This indicates a person who values ​​independence and freedom, who is very difficult to subjugate and persuade to do anything.

A noticeable gap between the ring finger and the little finger (Fig. 120) reveals a person who always prefers to make decisions on his own. This individual is most likely quite unconventional in his views and approaches, which entails troubles and complications in his personal life.


The classification of finger shapes coincides with the general classification system of hands by D'Arpentigny. There are three main forms: square, scapular And conical(Fig. 121-123). Often the shape of the fingers coincides with the shape of the hand.

For example, conical fingers are most often found on conical hands. However, in most cases the hand elements have different shape. So, the index finger can be square, the middle finger can be conical, and the ring finger can be scapular.

If the fingers have a conical shape, this indicates a person who is practical but inclined to idealism. He is smart, sensitive and open to communication.

The pointed shape of the fingers is an extreme manifestation of the conical shape. A person with such fingers is very impressionable and has subtle intuition. He can be described as a spiritual, temperamental and nervous personality.

The square-fingered person is practical and likes to work to a predetermined, consistent schedule. He is used to thinking methodically, sequentially and slowly, and he likes order. Such a person always prefers the long-tested and proven to the new and unusual.

Scapular fingers, flat at the tips, indicate a practical and inventive person. He is tireless, energetic, does not like to rest, is constantly on the move, welcomes change and opens up new, unexplored horizons.

This person is smart, unconventional, original and readily discusses any new ideas and trends.

Man with fingers different shapes on one hand is versatile and has wide range interests. It easily adapts to any conditions and fits into any situation just as easily. You will definitely notice that even with mixed hands, one of the forms is dominant, and the person will have characteristic features this form in to a greater extent, rather than the features of other forms.

People with mixed fingers often choose an orthodox profession that matches their dominant finger shape, while the shapes of other fingers indicate their hobbies.


While examining your hand carefully, apply gentle pressure to the pad of your finger to check whether it is flexible or rigid. As always, we're aiming for balance, so ideally your fingers should be moderately flexible.

If the fingers are stiff, this indicates that the person tends to block energy and suppress himself or others. If the fingers are too mobile, this indicates a compliant person who gives up quickly and easily. Completely inflexible, ossified fingers belong to a person who is firm, unshakable in his principles and beliefs. Moderately flexible fingers indicate a balance of the above qualities. Such a person is capable of giving in on small things, but when necessary, he will be able to stand up for himself and his principles - and not give up even under strong pressure.

Fortune tellers and palmists claim that a person’s fate can be read from his hand. The lines on the palms represent marks of fate that can change over the course of life. In addition to lines, palmistry also studies signs. These are special marks by which one can determine a person’s luck. We invite you to take a close look at your palms and see if you have any lucky signs on your hands.


Several small crossing lines that look like a star are a sign of good luck. Wherever the star is located, it always portends goodness and success. This hand sign is usually found on the hills. The star on the Mount of Apollo (the base of the ring finger) indicates fame and success in everything, as well as acting ability. An asterisk on the Mount of Mercury (the base of the little finger) speaks of good luck in science and entrepreneurial activity. A star on the Mount of Venus (base of the thumb) is a sign of good luck in love.


A square on the palm is a sign of protection. In fortune telling by hand, owners of such a mark have the strong protection of their guardian angel. If the square is on the heart line, then it protects against failures in your personal life. If it is located on the line of fate, it protects you from money problems.

A square on the mind line keeps your emotions under control and protects you from nervous breakdowns. A square on the life line is the most strong amulet. It protects you from sudden death. If the square is located on the Mount of Saturn (the base of the middle finger), then your guardian angel protects you from illness.

Sign of wealth on hand

Short strokes between the little finger and ring finger indicate monetary luck. There is another sign of wealth in palmistry - this is a winding line of the mind that first goes down, then goes up.

Sign of the mind

If the palm is cut with lines, this indicates wealth. inner world and high human potential. It is believed that the more lines on the palm, the smarter and happier person. A small number of lines on the hand most often indicates a narrow mind or a passive lifestyle.

Leader's sign

A long index finger on the hand indicates a domineering nature. As a rule, people with a long index finger (if it is longer than all the others) quickly become successful in the most various fields activities. Thanks to the desire for leadership and independence, they make their way to success and fame.

All these signs on the palm in palmistry speak of a person’s luck, given to him from birth. If you see at least one mark on your hand, then you are lucky! Use all your strengths character to achieve success and do not be afraid of anything. If you don’t have such signs of luck, don’t be upset! You must have something else that can lead to success. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.05.2014 13:00

In palmistry, moles on the hands are given no less importance than lines. It is believed that moles...

You can find out how many children you will have using palmistry. There are special lines...