Wallet for Geminis according to the horoscope. Feng Shui secrets: which wallet attracts money

A wallet is a generator of monetary energy. To get rid of financial difficulties, you need to choose the right wallet, and first of all pay special attention its color.

Appearance and the condition of the wallet affect its energy, and it depends on whether your wallet will attract money or, conversely, scare it away financial luck. If you are thinking about replacing your wallet, experts at daillyhoro.ru recommend that you find out what color attracts finances. With the right wallet, you can get rid of financial problems once and for all.

What color of wallet attracts money?

Black. Many people believe that black color attracts negativity, but this is a wrong point of view. A wallet of this color will become your main assistant in getting rid of financial difficulties. Since ancient times, the color black was considered a symbol of fertility. It can not only attract money, but also increase existing income.

Red. This color has the strongest energy, which can attract not only money, but also good luck into your life. In addition, the wallet is bright red or fiery color gives its owner confidence. It is worth considering that red is the color of luxury. Therefore, if you want to buy a red wallet and use it to increase your income, then you should not save on your purchase.

White. This color symbolizes comfort, so there is money in your wallet white will be delayed for a long time. However, this accessory has a small disadvantage. Due to the fact that a white wallet can quickly get dirty, you need to constantly monitor its cleanliness. A dirty and unkempt wallet will repel financial success.

Silver, gold. Shades noble metals themselves are symbols of wealth, which is why with a wallet of one of these colors, you can get rid of material difficulties very quickly. To enhance the energy of a silver wallet, put a silver coin in it, and a gold coin in it. Do not under any circumstances spend these coins even if necessary, otherwise the energy in your wallet will become weaker.

Green wallet. The main magnet for monetary luck is considered to be green. Its harmonious energy enhances cash flows and does not allow money to leave your wallet forever. You can strengthen the biofield of such a wallet using paper dollar, but the bill should be kept separate from other money you might spend.

Which wallet attracts money

In order for a wallet to become a real magnet for money, it is necessary to take into account other nuances when choosing and using an accessory.

You should not buy a cheap wallet made of low-quality material. Firstly, such a wallet will not last long. Secondly, the place where you are going to store money should be of the highest quality, otherwise the finances will not stay there for long. An expensive wallet will allow you to attract money much faster.

If you want to save money to make your dream come true, put a photo of the desired item in your wallet. The energy in your wallet will help make your dreams come true.

Since ancient times, aromatic oils have been used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also to attract money. A few drops will boost the energy in your wallet. You can find out which essential oils attract wealth by following the link.

If your wallet is damaged, you should not continue to use it. Any defects destroy the energy of the item, which means that your wallet is more likely to scare away monetary luck.

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Do you dream of being rich? This is right. Everyone needs money. However, many choose the difficult path to wealth...

By choosing a wallet according to your zodiac sign, you find harmony and attract positive energy. In addition, the right color can “lure” money into your wallet.

Each wallet has unique ability- He can “attract” money. You can absolutely become “monetary” any wallet: large, small, bright or black, textile or genuine leather. Main - choose the right accessory for yourself according to your zodiac sign. This is a peculiar "the magic of wealth" V ancient teaching "Feng Shui", attracting money to the wallet.

In any case, it is best to give preference to wallet models made from natural materials: leather, nubuck, suede. Such accessories “attract” money and provide wealth to their owner.

How to choose a wallet so that you can “carry money” in it?

What color wallet should I buy for an Aries man and woman?

Aries– a purposeful zodiac sign. He should carefully choose his wallet, since its energy can only be supplemented by strong and bright color.

The perfect wallet for an Aries

What color wallet should I buy for a Taurus man and woman?

Taurus– one of the “strongest” signs of the zodiac. Taurus always know what they want and persistently move towards their goal. Taurus should choose a wallet of a color that would slightly “mute” the aggressive energy of this sign and attract money.

The perfect wallet for Taurus

What color wallet should I buy for a Gemini man and woman?

Twins– a cheerful, cheerful zodiac sign. Gemini people are always interested in something, learning something. They are always on the move, wise and experienced. This sign needs to choose the color of the wallet that would “feed” Gemini with positive energy and at the same time attract money.

The perfect wallet for Gemini

What color wallet should I buy for a Cancer man and woman?

Cancers wise and judicious. Cancers often exhibit excessive sensuality and emotionality. They have a “subtle soul,” as they say, and therefore they should choose a wallet of a color that would “calm them down” a little. When Cancers are calm and joyful, positive energy is attracted to them, including money.

The ideal wallet for Cancer

What color wallet should I buy for a Leo man and woman?

Lions very energetic, active and sometimes aggressive. With their strong energy they attract wealth and prosperity. Leo should choose a wallet of the same bright and powerful color. However, even dark color will not be able to “scare away” money.

The perfect wallet for Leo

What color wallet should I buy for a Virgo man and woman?

Virgo wise and judicious. They are constantly in love, very often with themselves. The same “deep” colors as theirs will help them achieve success and financial wealth. inner world. In addition, the shape of the Virgo wallet deserves a lot of attention. It must be original, or the wallet must have unusual decorative elements.

The ideal wallet for Virgos

What color wallet should I buy for a Libra man and woman?

Scales- the only sign of the zodiac that is in harmony with itself. Libras are calm, slow, sensitive, they have a rich inner world. At times they can be so organized and boring that they need a “spark” to ignite the flame within. A bright, rich color can attract money into Libra’s wallet.

The perfect wallet for Libra

What color wallet should I buy for a Scorpio man and woman?

Scorpion– one of the “strongest” signs of the zodiac. They are tongue-tied. They are always in the center of attention of others. At the same time, Scorpios are often rude and aggressive. That is why the color of a Scorpio’s wallet should be restrained and calm, capable of balancing the feelings of this sign, as well as attracting money.

The ideal wallet for Scorpio

What color wallet should I buy for a Sagittarius man and woman?

Sagittarius always active and energetic. They are inquisitive and sociable. Sagittarius should choose a wallet of a color that can keep their mental and emotional well-being in harmony. physical condition. Therefore, cool shades are suitable; they will not only “calm” Sagittarius, but will also attract money to them.

The ideal wallet for Sagittarius

What color wallet should I buy for a Capricorn man and woman?

Capricornscreative personalities. They have a deep spiritual world and many interests. A wallet with bedding and discreet colors will help attract positive energy and money for Capricorns. Original forms of products and an abundance of decorative elements are welcome.

The ideal wallet for Capricorn

What color wallet should I buy for an Aquarius man and woman?

Aquarius very calm and romantic. They need a very calm and deep color of the wallet, which could attract money and prosperity to this zodiac sign. Bright and “hot” colors, unfortunately, can “scare away” well-being. The same applies to non-standard product forms.

The perfect wallet for Aquarius

What color wallet should I buy for a Pisces man and woman?

Fish calm and wise, romantic and reasonable. They are silent a lot, think a lot and rarely take risks. A wallet for such zodiac signs should be chosen in a calm color that would be associated with water and depth. The design of the wallet must be discreet and classic.

The perfect wallet for Pisces

Video: “Money horoscope, how to choose a wallet according to your zodiac sign”

In this article you will learn:

A wallet is an item that is constantly in contact with money and valuables, which makes its selection and care especially important. According to Feng Shui, to attract money, a wallet must correspond to certain simple principles, which will bring wealth and prosperity to the life of its owner.

Shape of a suitable wallet

Practicing masters are unanimous in the opinion that it is better to choose a wallet according to Feng Shui from rectangular options. The most good choice there will be a form paper bill. Round (or with pronounced roundings) wallets are extremely undesirable, as they deprive the owner of financial stability. A wallet for attracting money should be as simple as possible, in terms of shape and outline.

Optimal product dimensions

Of considerable importance in the practice of Feng Shui are exact numbers, associated with the size of important objects in life. When choosing a Feng Shui wallet size, you can refer to imperial sizes: eight categories that can be used to calculate the correct length, width and thickness.

The most favorable segments are the following lengths:

  • from 0 to 5.4 cm;
  • from 16.2 to 21.5 cm;
  • from 37.5 to 43.2 cm.

A wallet should be abandoned if any of its sides fall within one of the following intervals:

  • from 5.4 to 10.8 cm;
  • from 10.8 to 16.2 cm;
  • from 27 to 32.4 cm.

Choosing the wrong size can lead to a number of negative consequences, including financial losses, problems with the law, clashes with deceivers and criminals, deprivation of a social circle.

It is not advisable to purchase a wallet that is too small, as it will not be able to store banknotes in proper form. Money should be well straightened, not bent. For the same reason, wallets that need to be folded in half are not recommended, because folding can disrupt the circulation of favorable energies.

Natural materials are the basis of wealth

The following principles will help you choose the right wallet, in terms of material and quality:

  1. Money should not be visible when the wallet is closed. Therefore, it is unacceptable to have compartments made of transparent materials (even pockets for coins).
  2. Natural base – best choice for a wallet, especially if it is genuine leather or suede. It is believed that due to its natural origin it is capable of transmitting energy through itself. If it is not possible to purchase a leather wallet, natural fabric is a good alternative. This option is always better than any artificial materials that can lead to stagnation of energy.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of tailoring: it should be as high as possible. No uneven seams, sloppy threads, loose or crooked elements. The coloring must also be durable. To know for sure whether a wallet has been painted correctly, just rub it.
  4. The wallet should not be cheap; it is better to give preference to an expensive model. Although if it is possible to purchase the product high quality with a discount, this is not forbidden.
  5. All available fittings must work properly. Before purchasing, you should make sure that all locks and fastenings function without difficulty.
  6. The wallet must be new; you cannot buy or accept as a gift a product that has already been in use, even for a very short time.
  7. Wallets with external trim are not the best option, but also acceptable.

Wallet color palette according to Feng Shui

Despite large number principles on which you can rely when choosing this product, there is one golden rule: best color According to Feng Shui, the wallet is red. It symbolizes wealth and great financial success. A red wallet should look luxurious and requires especially careful care. It is not forbidden to have any symbols of wealth on the purse, not necessarily related to Eastern teachings.

Also, a wallet can be selected in accordance with the element to which its future owner belongs from a Feng Shui point of view. This can be determined by the last digit of the year of birth:

  1. Metal (0 or 1): gray, white, silver, copper. It is important to consider that wallets of these colors are difficult to care for.
  2. Water (2 or 3): blue, light blue, purple, turquoise, black wallet.
  3. Wood (4 or 5): Any shade of green that encourages prosperity and growth.
  4. Fire (6 or 7): red, yellow, pink, orange and any shades thereof.
  5. Earth (8 or 9): all shades of brown, gold, beige. These are the colors of reliability and stability.

When choosing a wallet, it is better to give preference to bright, rich shades that lift your spirits and are pleasing to the eye. In addition, this approach increases security: a bright wallet is much more difficult to lose than a black or gray one.

What talismans can be stored in it?

After purchasing a new wallet, you can place a Feng Shui talisman in it, which will enhance the attraction of money. This is not necessary, but this approach is common and produces good results. As a talisman for well-being you can use:

  • three Chinese coins decorated with hieroglyphs and tied with a red thread - the most common symbol of wealth that can be carried with you everywhere;
  • a small bill or coin earned by the owner of the wallet;
  • one dollar bill: green currency best suits the principles of Feng Shui;
  • A mint leaf is a strong positive symbol.

You should always keep money in your wallet, and nothing extra. Acceptable is the presence bank cards, but they have their own section. Banknotes inside the wallet should be kept neat and clean, arranged in ascending order, face forward. Over time, this becomes a habit and does not cause any inconvenience, but the right approach brings more finances into life. It is important to ensure that banknotes do not wrinkle during storage.

What is harmful to keep in your wallet?

Having chosen a wallet to attract money, you should keep it clean and tidy. For many people, it is common to carry photographs of loved ones and family members inside their wallet.

  1. Receipts, checks, tickets and other similar garbage (which often includes various shopping lists). When you come home, you should check every time to see if there are any extra papers inside, move them to another place or throw them away.
  2. Dirty, shabby, torn money. It is recommended to spend them immediately, put them in a bank account or exchange them for cleaner ones.
  3. Discount cards. They do not carry monetary energy and can interfere with its circulation.
  4. SIM cards, memory cards and other plastic cards.

At the same time, the wallet should never be left completely empty, even if its owner practically does not use cash. The energy of money can leave it, so it is important to constantly keep at least one coin or bill of any denomination in your wallet.

You should carefully monitor the condition of your wallet to prevent damage to it. The condition of all locks and fittings is especially important. If you don’t keep your wallet in good condition, you can’t count on inflows of monetary energy.

The wallet requires replacement in two cases:

  • it is in normal condition, but does not bring financial well-being (or even prevents it);
  • it has served well, but has become worn out over time and no longer has a presentable appearance.

In the second case, you should leave one bill (of the smallest denomination) in your wallet and carefully put it in a secluded place, away from prying eyes. In the best possible way The wallet owner's personal mailbox is suitable for this. After a month, the bill is replaced with a larger one. The ritual is repeated monthly throughout the year; it must be performed in high spirits. It is believed that this approach will increase the chances of financial well-being so much so that the last bill no longer seems large to a person.

The bills in your wallet should be spent with a feeling of ease and gratitude: this approach will certainly bring financial well-being.

There are a number of rites and rituals to attract money. Nevertheless, you can attract financial flow into your life without any special actions, for example, by simply choosing the right wallet. What color should a wallet be to attract money? This question can be answered by astrologers, magicians and Feng Shui specialists.

Cash has always attracted the colors of wealth, that is, the colors of earth and metal

Few people know that an important role in a person’s life is played not only by the things with which he is surrounded, but also by the colors of these objects. Colors can create special vibrations that attract various events into a person's life. What kind of vibrations it will be, positive or negative, depends on the chosen color and what the person wants to receive.

For example, wanting to achieve financial well-being, a person can work long and hard, but the money will not stay with him for a long time. The reason for this phenomenon is often incorrectly selected things that create negative vibrations and send financial flow in the wrong direction. Of course, there are no absolutely good and absolutely bad flowers, but they all act differently. So, the color of the wallet for attracting money will not depend on the fact of receipt cash, but rather the speed of their receipt and the ability to manage funds.

It is quite difficult to figure out what color of wallet attracts money. In addition, it is recommended to focus not only on the color of the product, but also on your own astrological sign, because different signs Completely different colors bring luck and financial independence to the zodiac.

The main colors of wallets are red, blue and black. When choosing a wallet, it is recommended to give preference to these three colors. They are considered favorable for absolutely all people. However, this does not mean that wallets of other colors are prohibited. You just need to choose the right product.

How will the green wallet impact?

What color should a wallet be so that there is always money in it? Of course, green. The fact is that this color has long been associated with wealth and material well-being. Green items are widely used in various rites and rituals that are aimed at attracting financial well-being.

At the same time, a green or light green wallet has one significant drawback - the color increases the risk of being robbed. This is primarily explained by the fact that such a wallet is visible from a distance, and therefore attracts attention.

Green wallet can also incline a person to thoughtless spending. This is due to the fact that this color relaxes, so people part with money more willingly and without hesitation. Choosing a green wallet with multi-colored decorative elements will help reduce the negative vibrations of this color. Good decision would be to purchase a dark green wallet with red and black inserts. Such a spotted product will confuse potential robbers, and at the same time reduce the urge to waste.

Universal black color

The black color of the earth is a symbol of fertility, the beginning of all things, money will willingly come to such a call

For those who don’t know what color of wallet attracts money, experts recommend choosing a black wallet. Black color symbolizes wisdom, restraint and rationalism. It will protect a person from thoughtless spending. At the same time, black is a neutral color, therefore significant influence will not have an impact on financial flows.

Some experts note that black color increases the wisdom of the owner, as it does not distract thoughts. A wallet of this color is perfect for men and self-confident women.

Gold and silver color

It would seem that the most money-attracting color of a wallet is golden. However, experts do not agree with this. Such a wallet really attracts money, but it negatively affects a person’s character. Gold and silver products attract too much attention. A person begins to admire the sparkling shimmer of the sun on a brand new wallet and completely forgets about sound savings and respect for money. People who prefer products of such colors are prone to excessive boasting, which they often regret.

Money loves respect and counting. A gold and silver wallet makes a person wasteful and inattentive. In this case, attention is drawn to the wallet itself, and not its contents. Money may become “offended” in such a relationship, and as a result, the financial flow may be interrupted.

As with the green wallet, negative impact products made from iridescent golden material can be reduced by calm and restrained colors used for decoration.

Black wallets with sparkling gold or silver leather inserts will positive influence both on financial flow and on a person’s character. Such decorative elements will make it easier to part with money, but the overall black background of the wallet will not allow you to turn a person into a spender.

Red and pink shades

Red - perfect shade to quickly accumulate wealth

What color a money wallet should be depends on the person’s preferences. One of the most favorable colors is red and all its shades. Fuchsia-colored products and pink wallets fall into the same category.

The red wallet literally magnetizes money. At the same time, a wallet of this color makes a person more assertive and a little aggressive in business matters, resulting in improved professional acumen and skills. This wallet can be recommended to people who have long been eager to prove themselves at work and achieve a promotion.

Pink shades of a purse increase financial flow, but do not increase overall aggression. Products of this color can be recommended to emotional and vulnerable individuals.

Yellow and orange wallet

Yellow and orange are considered neutral colors when it comes to increasing material well-being. This color of a wallet or purse does not play a special role in attracting money, but due to its bright color it can attract pickpockets.

Increase the positive vibrations a little yellow suede will help. According to experts, a fleecy wallet will slow down the outflow of finances from the wallet. This applies to wallets of all shades of yellow, orange and even beige.

Blue shades

Blue wallet helps strengthen intuition

Those who are in doubt about what color to buy a wallet to attract money are advised to pay attention to bright and rich shades of blue. Experts say that this color increases intuition and has a beneficial effect on professional acumen. In order for a product to really attract finance into a person’s life, preference should be given to muted but rich colors. A blue wallet can be replaced with a purple one - the vibrations of these colors are the same.

But you shouldn’t just buy a pale blue wallet, except in cases where this color of the wallet suits a person’s horoscope. This is due to the fact that this shade makes a person overly vulnerable and impressionable, which negatively affects the handling of money.

How to choose the best wallet?

The choice of wallet, in addition to your own preferences, depends on several factors. For those in doubt, you can use the table below. It suggests the color of the wallet depending on the person's birthday. Moreover, the date of birth should be reduced to prime number. If a person was born on the 6th, you must choose a wallet of the appropriate color. If a person was born on the 21st, you need to add both numbers (2+1) and choose a wallet whose color corresponds to number 3 in the table.

If your date of birth falls on the 11th or 22nd, there is no need to reduce it to a simple number. The lucky ones born these days can choose a wallet of absolutely any color.

Each zodiac sign has its own lucky wallet color

A wallet whose color corresponds to the lucky colors of different signs will help you attract money according to your zodiac sign.

  1. Bags, clutches, purses and wallets in brown shades will help Aries get rich. You should give preference to soft leather products and avoid artificial materials.
  2. Taurus should pay attention to a wallet of any shade of green, both light and dark.
  3. Gray wallets will bring success to Gemini in financial matters. You can also pay attention to silver and purple colors.
  4. Cancers are advised to purchase white wallets. Good luck in financial issue will also provide a combination of white and blue.
  5. For Leos, exclusively red wallets are recommended - from muted to scarlet. It would be good if the product is decorated with gold fittings.
  6. Virgos are advised to pay attention to the universal black and brown.
  7. Blue and brown wallets will bring success to Libra.
  8. Scorpio should pay attention to all shades of red and yellow, and then success in financial matters is guaranteed.
  9. Astrologers recommend any shades of blue for Sagittarius.
  10. A black or gray wallet made of high-quality leather will suit Capricorn.
  11. Shades of blue, white and gray wallets are recommended for Aquarians, and a wallet made of high-quality suede will protect them from thoughtless spending.
  12. Pisces should choose among all shades of blue.

In addition to choosing the color of your wallet, you need to pay attention to its shape and size. According to Feng Shui, a wallet should be as thick and long as possible. Preference should be given to correct forms and quality materials.

brown wallet

One Latvian proverb says: “As much money as there is happiness.” But happiness does not always lie only in money. But whatever one may say, material wealth plays an important role in our lives. Money is, first of all, freedom, and every person wants to be free. Isn't it? We discussed how to attract wealth into your life in previous articles about Here, I would like to talk in more detail about Feng Shui of the wallet. What should a wallet be like according to ancient times? Chinese teaching so that money always “lives” in it. They “lived” because in feng shui wallet seen as a money house. They should be there all the time, and not “visit” from time to time. Let's take a closer look feng shui wallet and we’ll figure out how to attract the energy of wealth and make sure it doesn’t leave you.

The shape and size of a wallet from a Feng Shui point of view

feng shui wallet

The most important thing in this matter is that the money in your wallet feels comfortable and free. That is, they were not crushed, folded, bent, etc. Otherwise, their energy will be suppressed, and they will not be willing to “come” to you. To feng shui wallet was favorable, you should buy a rectangular wallet of such a size that the bill fits there completely, unfolded. From a Feng Shui point of view, the most favorable size for a wallet is from 17.55 to 18.90 cm. Coins should be kept separate from paper money.

Material and quality for feng shui wallet

feng shui wallet made of quality fabric

Of course, first of all, both in Feng Shui and in modern fashion, preference is given to natural materials rather than artificial ones. It is best if it is leather, but if choosing such a material for a wallet hits your budget, then more economical options such as suede or high-quality fabric are quite suitable. The most important thing is that the material of the wallet does not prevent monetary energy from “passing” inside. So if your wallet is made of leatherette, polyethylene or plastic, then they will act as a so-called screen, which in turn will reflect the flow of energy.

Buy only a high-quality wallet. Neat, with straight seams, without protruding threads, with properly functioning fasteners, with durable paint. In a word, your wallet should look “rich”, beautiful, so that the money wants to “settle” in such a “house”.

Wallet color according to feng shui

red patent leather wallet

According to Feng Shui, the most favorable colors for a wallet are the colors of the elements. Earth or Metal. These colors are brown, yellow, orange, beige, gold, silver, white, gray.

Red is also a very good color, even though it belongs to the elements Fire. This color in China is a symbol of energy, victory, and superiority. It will seem to mean the victory of prosperity over poverty. However, you should know that the red wallet requires special care. Such a wallet should look expensive and rich. The ideal option is a red wallet made of high-quality patent leather.

Here are the colors of the elements Water not favorable for the color of the wallet according to Feng Shui. These include light blue, turquoise, black, purple, blue. It is believed that money will “flow away” like water. According to another version, a black, blue or gray wallet is recommended for men, as they give courage.

As for the elements Trees, then the most wallet-friendly one is green. The color green in Feng Shui generally refers to growth and prosperity. Green is the color of money, the color of the dollar.

How to attract money to your wallet

talisman hieroglyph "pot of wealth"

In order to attract money energy, many people put various things in their wallets. talismans. These could be:

  • three chinese coins tied with red braid. They attract money like a magnet. Have you ever heard the expression: “money to money?” So this is exactly this case.
  • Unchangeable one dollar bill. It is considered a strong talisman.
  • You can put a mint leaf or a drop of mint oil in your wallet, put a cinnamon stick or a bean pod. If these attributes interfere or wrinkle the bills, you can put a picture of the above talismans in your wallet.
  • Of the purely Russian talismans, a piece of horseradish root or a heather leaf is very good for attracting the energy of wealth.
  • Pictures depicting various magic symbols, symbolizing monetary luck (hexograms, trigrams, runes, hieroglyphs).
Feng Shui wallet taboo

In conclusion, I would like to note that when you buy a wallet, listen inner voice, choose according to your feelings. The most important thing is that the wallet is attractive to you, and you feel comfortable taking it in your hand. If it seems like a good wallet, beautiful, but you feel that it’s not your thing, it’s better to refuse and look for another one. You will have to come into contact with this thing often, and the wallet should harmonize with you and not irritate you.