Lucky numbers: do they exist? Studying the exact subject: natural numbers - what are numbers, examples and properties.

If you ask someone to name any number in the range from 1 to 10, then in most cases the interlocutor will name the number seven. Recently, mathematician Alex Bellos tried to verify this fact by collecting statistical data, and at the same time figure out why people most often choose certain numbers and why for different numbers different people react differently.

More than 44,000 people took part in the online survey conducted by the scientist. Bellos asked them which number was their favorite. Almost 10 percent named seven as such. 7.5 percent - three. 60 percent preferred odd numbers. The number 110 turned out to be the most “least favorite”: no one named it.

The easiest way, according to Bellos, is to explain the popularity of the seven. The researcher believes that this is the most “isolated” single-digit number. “Of the first ten integers, seven is the simplest,” he says. “It cannot be doubled within the top ten, or divided by two or three.”

Bellos also found that the choice of numbers is influenced by emotional associations. Thus, respondents characterized number one as “independent, strong and courageous.” The two were called "cautious, wise, gentle and pleasant." Three - “luxurious and imagining a lot about itself.” And four is the number “calm and mischievous.”

In addition, "in human culture it is customary to associate certain numbers with numbers mystical properties", adds the author of the study. Thus, people more often choose odd numbers, since they associate even numbers with death - after all even number flowers, for example, are placed on the grave, “hinting” that the days of the deceased are numbered...

Only some adherents of the occult love the numbers 6, 66 or 666, because these are the “numbers of Satan.” Even a non-superstitious person is unlikely to choose such a number of his own free will... The number 13 is feared by very, very many people. If you offer to choose between 12 and 13 or 13 and 14, then most likely the person will choose 12 or 14, despite the unpopularity of even numbers...

As for the number 3, beloved by many, in religion and esotericism it symbolizes the Trinity, or Trinity, a symbol of the unification of the physical and spiritual principles. There are many sayings associated with the "three". For example: “God loves the Trinity,” “They wait three years for the promised one.”

Seven is the number of wisdom, a symbol of the seven elements. Used in many magical and esoteric traditions. So, in Ancient Greece he was called the “number of Apollo,” the most beautiful of the Olympian gods. It symbolized perfection. At the same time, the ancient Greeks believed that the River Styx flows around hell 7 times, by the way, in Virgil it was divided into 7 regions - “the seven circles of hell.”

According to Islam, only in the seventh heaven can the soul experience the highest bliss. And Christians adopted from Buddhists the custom of giving seven elephants for good luck.

Seven is used in many proverbs and sayings: “Seven spans in the forehead”, “Measure seven times, cut once”, “Seven troubles - one answer”, “Seven nannies have a child without an eye” etc.

Favorite numbers are often single or double digit. Less often - three-digit or more... Often the choice of a favorite number is determined by some events in a person’s life. Let's say he was born on the 9th, and therefore his favorite number- 9. Or on the 17th, some joyful event happened in his life, and his favorite number becomes 17...

There are also “fatal” numbers that a person is afraid of because they bring him misfortune. So, in the family of the Russian princes Yusupov they were afraid of the number 26. The fact is that the Yusupovs came from the family of the Khan of the Nogai Horde, Yusuf-Murza. Wanting to make peace with Moscow, he sent his sons to the court of the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

People try to catch luck by the tail in any way. There are a huge number of options for this. One of them is to find your secret, lucky number and thanks to it always be on top.

Folk wisdom

It should be noted that some nations have their own unlucky and lucky numbers. For example, quite a lot of people in the world are afraid of the number 13. In some countries there are no floors with this number, houses or even apartments. As a counterbalance, seven or even three sevens are often considered a lucky number. Why this is so, no one knows for sure. But one thing can be said: this number is mentioned quite often in the Bible - almost 400 times. There are a huge number of sayings and proverbs where this figure appears. And magicians consider seven to be the number of enlightenment. Therefore, 7 can easily claim the title of the luckiest number.

Memorable dates

Lucky numbers a certain person may also reflect certain events in his life. So, very often they use various memorable dates- birthday, wedding day, etc. This method is most often used by people who gamble. And as a result, they often win. Why this happens, no one knows for sure. But the fact that an important date for a person has a magical meaning is a fact!

Selection method

You can find out which numbers are lucky for a particular person simply by selection or analysis. So, you should think carefully before drawing conclusions. After analyzing your life, you can see that a certain number occurs more and more often than usual. So it risks becoming happy for the owner. By the same principle, one can trace warning numbers that can signal a person about impending trouble.

Zodiac sign

Lucky numbers for a particular person can be determined by their own zodiac sign or by a science such as astrology. So, Pisces, for example, are helped by sevens and twelves, Leos by fives, and Scorpios by the numbers eight and twenty-one. You can also focus on your helping planet and thus designate your lucky number. People of the Sun will take one as their assistant, “lunar” representatives will take two, “Martians” will take four, etc.


How to find out your lucky number? There is a method for this, described in numerology. You will need a special table, thanks to which a person will have to convert the letters of his full name into numbers. Then flatten everything. Add the numbers of your birthday to the result obtained, and voila! - personal lucky number found. It is believed that it will help a person and guide him throughout his life.

Life is a game

There are also certain lucky numbers in some games. So, in roulette, a seven is considered successful, or more precisely, “7 is red.” In poker, the favorite is the eight. B is again the number seven.


Knowing your lucky numbers is very good, but you shouldn't get hung up on it. This is especially true for people who like to gamble. After all, there are not many situations when a lucky number helps in a casino. But there are many stories about the complete bankruptcy of individuals who wanted to catch luck with the help of numbers.

Numbers are an integral part of the life of each of us. We encounter them all the time. There is even a separate science, whose representatives study numbers and decipher their meaning. It's called numerology. Specialists, knowledgeable in numbers, we are sure that with their help you can find out any information about a person, determine his fate, attract good luck and protect himself from troubles.

Numbers in numerology are usually divided into lucky and reverse. We - ordinary people we are accustomed to thinking that the following numbers are lucky: 5, 7, 9, and unlucky, in turn, are: 13, 666 and the like. Why do individual numbers have special power? In this article we will understand the principles of numerology, and also try to understand how numbers affect our lives.

Numerology is a simple, at first glance, science

The basic laws of numerology, which are still relied upon today, appeared in the sixth century BC. They were developed by the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras. He developed the main principles of numerology over many years, combining various sciences about numbers. The main principle of numerology today is the transformation of multi-digit numbers (which have several digits) to single-digit numbers (one digit). Simply put, to determine your number, you need to add up the numbers of your date of birth, for example, after which you get a two-digit number. Then the components of this number are also added up, after which a single number is obtained. For example, after adding the date of birth, the result is 15. Next, we take and add 1+5+6 - this will be your number. If, after adding the above numbers, a two-digit number is obtained again, the action must be repeated until the number from 1 to 9 comes out.

Each number from 1 to 9 contains a special meaning:

  • 1 – internal energy, determination;
  • 2 – reliability, peacefulness;
  • 3 – determination, movement;
  • 4 – organization, patience;
  • 5 – leadership qualities, influence;
  • 6 – responsibility, decency;
  • 7 – creativity, individuality;
  • 8 – instability, changeability;
  • 9 – strength, dedication.

An example of how to calculate your number based on your date of birth: for example, a person was born on January 1, 1980. This means that he needs to count as follows: 0+1+0+1+1+9+8+0=20, and then 2+0=2. It is the two that will be his number, indicating his character. In addition, this number can bring happiness to its owner.

Negative, disastrous numbers

One of the main numerological theories of Pythagoras states that two-digit simple numbers (which can only be divided by themselves or 1) can have negative qualities. Consequently, they have a detrimental effect on humans. Such numbers, for example, are: 11, 13, 17, 19, 23. The number 13 has special meaning, as it symbolizes disorder. Perhaps this also affected the perception of Friday 13. In addition, religion considers the number 13 negative, since thirteen persons were allegedly present at the “Last Supper”. The last (13th) was Judas - the traitor.

In the Middle Ages, Europeans believed in the superstition that when thirteen people gather at a table, the first one to leave the feast would soon die. In many countries, even in our time, they try to omit this number when numbering hotel rooms or residential apartments/houses. Some numerologists claim that it is on the thirteenth day of the month that the risk of getting into an accident or other misfortune increases. Even space agencies believe in the negativity of the number 13. The reason for this is the failure of the Apollo 13 spacecraft, which took off only 1 time. At the same time, the oxygen storage facility on board exploded on April thirteenth, and the rocket launcher itself, which sent the device, launched at 13:13. Coincidence? Most likely, yes, but very unfortunate and instructive. To this day, ships do not depart on the thirteenth, because they believe that they can repeat the fate of the thirteenth Apollo.

Fridays that fall on the thirteenth or 26th have a particularly negative reputation. The point is that last number is the sum of the previous one, so it supposedly affects twice as harmful. Proof of this can be considered the event that occurred on January 26, 2001. On that day, the TU154 plane, heading from Kemerovo to the capital, was forced to make an emergency landing in Novosibirsk. Only the skill of the pilots, who managed to cope with the falling plane, saved people from a terrible painful death.

At the same time, a ship sank in the Black Sea Ukrainian origin“Memory of Mercury”, as well as a private plane crash in New Zealand. In addition, on the same day in Sevastopol, residents of a high-rise building in which a domestic gas explosion occurred died. But the most terrible disaster of a given day connected with India and Pakistan - a powerful earthquake occurred there, killing more than one hundred thousand people.

It should be noted that in some countries the number 13 is considered lucky and brings life. For example, Chinese character, by which it is designated, is translated as “giving life.” Numerological horoscope claims that this number gives a person creative abilities and enhances his intuition.

"Devil's Number"

Oddly enough, this number is not the ominous “three sixes”. This is the number 23, which, by the way, is also simple, like the one described above. A huge number of tragedies are associated with this number, and it has also been negatively “lit up” in history.

It is known that Yu. Caesar received 23 wounds with a knife before his death. Rome fell on August 23rd in 467. 01/23/1556 China felt a super-powerful earthquake that killed a lot of people. On May 23, 1618, the Thirteen Years' War began.

There are also events closer to modern times associated with the “devilish number” 23. In November of this number (1962), a terrible crash of a Hungarian plane occurred in France, during which more than twenty passengers died. On the same day a couple of years later in Rome, a plane collided with an asphalt paver, killing five dozen people. In June (06/23/1985) the largest terrorist attack in the air - terrorists detonated a bomb on board a passenger plane, killing more than three hundred people.

Unlucky number 11

09/11/2001 - the most terrible and large-scale terrorist attack in the world took place in New York. Later, numerologists found out that more than one number 11 was present in this event. The name of the city (New York City) has eleven letters. The name of the terrorist who committed a terrible crime is also made up of eleven letters. In addition, New York is the eleventh state of the United States.

The first plane (of those that crashed into the tower) carried 92 people. Therefore, 9+2=11. In the second, in turn, there were 65 people: 6+5=11. The eleventh day of September is the 254th day of the year. If you add 2+5+4, you get the same number eleven. What kind of coincidences are these? Accident? Mysticism? Everyone thinks differently.

Lucky numbers that bring wealth and good luck

Pythagoras considered seven to be the luckiest and “correct” number, which is why it is still a lucky number today. Those people whose name has 7 letters, according to ancient mathematician, must be incredibly lucky. Sociological research determined that the majority of the inhabitants of our planet believe in positive qualities the number 7. Perhaps its lucky meaning is supported by popular belief, but it should be noted that since ancient times it has been known that seven is not a prime number.

By the way, the figure described above also has negative abilities. It goes very poorly with finances. Businessmen believe that it is impossible to store, borrow, or give away amounts associated with the seven: 700, 7000, 70000. These amounts can bring poverty.

Numerologists are sure that each of us has a money number - a number that attracts money to us:

  • For those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th financial luck brings the number 1;
  • 2, 11, 20, 29 – 2;
  • 3, 12, 21, 30 – 3;
  • 4, 13, 22, 31 – 4;
  • 5, 14, 23 – 5;
  • 6, 15, 24 – 6;
  • 7, 16, 25 – 7;
  • 8, 17, 26 – 8;
  • 9, 18, 27 – 9.


To calculate the number of individual life path And numbers secondary life path, write down your date in mm/dd/yy format. You will get 8 digits, including 0. So, if your date of birth is 29, 1985, then you should write: 04/29/1985.

Sum up all the numbers included in your date of birth: 0 + 4 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 38. If the resulting number is greater than 10, then continue adding its constituent numbers until you get the number consisting of one digit: 3 + 8 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2. This number is the lucky number of your life path.

Happy numbers secondary life path are obtained by adding numbers life path and number 9 until the sum is less than 100. For our example, these are: 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92. These numbers will always bring you.

The calendar day of your birth, 29, will also be considered a lucky number for you.

The lucky number can be obtained by first and last name. To do this, assign each alphabet its own serial number. The numbers in the Russian alphabet are as follows: A - 1, B - 2, C - 6, G - 3, D - 4, E - 5, F - 2, Z - 7, I, J - 1, K - 2, L - 2, M - 4, N - 5, O - 7, P - 8, R - 2, S - 3, T - 4, U - 6, F - 8, X - 5, C - 3, H - 7 , Ш - 2, Ш - 9, И - 1, Л - 1, E - 6, У - 7, И - 2. If you are Ivan Ivanov, then by writing down the corresponding numbers instead of the letters of the name and surname, you will receive: 1 + 6 + 1 + 5 + 1 +6 +1 + 5 + 7 + 6 = 39; 3 + 9 = 12; 1 + 2 = 3. This is the lucky number for your name.

There is another personal lucky number called the Gua number. To calculate it, add the last two digits of the year in which you, if 1985, then the sum of the last two digits: 8 + 5 = 13, 1 + 3 = 4. If you, then subtract the resulting number from 10, the remainder - 6, is your gua number. The woman must add the resulting number to 5 and, if the result is a two-digit number, then add the numbers that make it up again until an unambiguous result is obtained. This will be happy gua number. In our example it is 9.


  • lucky numbers of birth date

Encrypted numerical codes, which are the object of study of numerology, in a certain way influence what happens in people's lives. They can help you stay healthy, get rich, or stay out of trouble. Calculate your lucky number and try your luck.


Make a table of the relationships between numbers and letters of the alphabet. Each of the 9 columns with numbers from 1 to 9 will correspond to several letters. The first line of the table will consist of letters from A to Z, the second will begin with the letter I and end with the letter R. Number 1 in the third line will correspond to the letter C, number 9 - the letter Sh. The letter I will be located in the fourth line in the 6th column.

Write your first, middle and last names on paper in block letters on separate lines. Using the table, write the corresponding number under each letter. Add the resulting numbers on each line to get 3 two-digit numbers. Now add together the digits that make up these numbers. For example, in front of you are the numbers 23, 11 and 35. This means that you need to add the numbers as follows: 2+3+1+1+3+5. The number 15 obtained in our example must be brought into its final unambiguous form by adding the numbers 1 and 5. This will give the number 6.

Calculate your lucky gua number using another technique. Add the last 2 digits of your year of birth. Upon receipt double digit number repeat the addition again. To find a lucky number, men must subtract the single-digit number obtained by addition from 10. Women must add the number 5 to the calculated number. If a two-digit number is obtained, it will also need to be reduced to a single-digit form.

Copyright site - Oleg "Solid" Bulygin

1. Pi (3.14...)
One of the most important numbers in history, which will be used in completely different branches of knowledge. This is the most famous mathematical constant in the world and expresses the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the length of its diameter. Also the sixteenth letter in Greek and English alphabets.

2. Euler number (2.718...)
The number e, like π, is irrational and transcendental, and is also used for various calculations in many sciences. It is a mathematical constant and denotes the base of the natural logarithm. It is named after Leonhard Euler, but this constant was first calculated by the mathematician Jacob Bernoulli while solving the problem of limit value interest income.

3. Euler's constant (0.577...)
It should not be confused with Euler's number. Sometimes it is also called the Euler-Mascheroni constant. It expresses the limit of the difference between the partial sum of the harmonic series and natural logarithm numbers. Has wide application in number theory and engineering calculations and formulas.

4. Feigenbaum constant (4.669...)
This constant characterizes (get ready!) an endless cascade of period doubling bifurcations during the transition to deterministic chaos. Check out how it sounds! It was discovered by Mitchell Feigebaum in 1975. He also showed that this constant was present in many mathematical functions associated with chaos theories.

5. 666
Besides being known as the Number of the Beast in Christianity, this number has several other important meanings for those interested in conspiracy theories and alternative approaches to history. For example, it is believed that the Assyrian Empire lasted exactly 666 years before it was captured by Babylon.

6. Googol
A number represented by a one followed by 100 zeros. This is what inspired the creators of the search engine. Google service call it that way.

From it also comes the word googolplex - ten to the power of googol, this word is also called the central office of Google.

7. Zero
This number is the basis of the decimal number system. Adding or subtracting it from any number will not change that number, and anything you multiply by zero will become zero.

8. Unit
Whether in academics, sports or competition, this number almost always denotes superiority over others.

9. Seven
The happiest number is seven, it means the number of days in a week, and the number of mortal sins, and the number of continents, and the number of colors in the rainbow, and the number of notes, and much more. In Europe there was a belief that the seventh daughter or son of the seventh daughter or son would have magical abilities, and in Latin America believed that he/she would become a werewolf. There is a phenomenon called “seven-blue”, according to which, people whose favorite number is 7 often have a favorite color of blue.

10. Golden ratio
Also known as golden ratio, it describes perfect proportions in sciences such as architecture and anatomy. This constant is approximately equal to 1.6180339887 and shows the division of a quantity into two parts in such a way that the ratio of the larger part to the smaller is equal to the ratio of the entire quantity to its larger part.

11. Five
According to Pythagoras, the number five is ideal for the human microcosm. Aristotle added a fifth element to those already used in ancient Greek teachings and called it “ether.” Subsequently, this element became the basis for many alchemical practices. This number is also important in Japanese and Chinese Buddhism. In addition, the number five is the basis for a parodic religion - “Discordianism”, according to which everything in the world is connected with the number five.

12. Eight
This is a number symbolizing perfection and infinity. The ancient Egyptians believed that this number symbolized balance and cosmic order. The Japanese associate it with multiplicity, and the Pythagoreans believed that it was a symbol of love and friendship and called it the Great Tetractys.

13. 43252003274489856000
If you're into puzzles, you probably know that this is how many different states a Rubik's Cube can have, a puzzle that was invented in 1974 by Ernő Rubik.

14. Thirteen
Counts bad number(here you have Friday the thirteenth, and thirteen black cats, and many other bad omens). Even now, many high-rise buildings lack the thirteenth floor. This number is also avoided in flight numbers. It is also mentioned in Christianity - Jesus said at the Last Supper that one of the thirteen apostles would betray him.

15. Eighteen
In many countries, all children wait until this age because 18 is the age of majority at which adult status is granted by law. In some countries, at the age of 18 you can get driver license, and some legal restrictions related to age are lifted.

16. 911
This is the number emergency assistance in the North American numbering plan. The number was approved in 1968 and can be used to call ambulance, police and firefighters. In Canada alone, there were absolutely 12 million calls to this number. These numbers also refer to the terrorist attack that occurred on September 11, 2001 in the United States.

17. Fifteen
In Latin America, girls officially become women at the age of 15. This event in the life of every girl requires a lot of preparation and includes many rituals and ceremonies.

18. Twelve
Number twelve is very popular in sports; in the NBA alone, 327 athletes played under this number. Also, many famous NFL players played under this number.

19. 10:10
This is the default time the clock shows before it starts because it looks aesthetically pleasing and symmetrical. Sometimes the default times were 8:20, 8:18, and 2:50. But the most popular option is 10:10.

20. Twenty three
This number was popularized by the famous Michael Jordan. Thanks to his fame, a huge number of T-shirts and shoes with this number were sold.

21. 555
Before the advent of cellular communications, people had to exchange home phone numbers when meeting each other. And if a girl dictated a number starting with 555 to a guy, then he would be disappointed - telephone numbers starting with these numbers never existed. This “joke” became popular after numerous uses of these numbers in telephone numbers in cinema and literature.

22. Ten
If you spend a lot of time on the Internet, then you must often come across various “top 10” lists. Starting from the “top 10” methods for losing weight, ending with various interesting stories. The decimal number system is also based on this number, so its importance should not be underestimated.

23. 365
Besides being the number of days in a year, it has a specific meaning in some religions. For example, in Judaism there are 365 prohibitory commandments. Also, because it represents the number of days in a year, this number has great value V computer systems, business and financial systems.

24. 867-5309
Tommy Tuton's song "Jenny 8675309" is a real hit of the 80s. Numerous calls to this number have spoiled a lot of nerves for telephone companies. According to the lyrics of the song, the liberated girl Jenny will answer the phone if you call this number. After this hit telephone number became quite expensive and was sold on eBay in 2004 for $2,025.

Copyright site - Oleg "Solid" Bulygin

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