Color denoting knowledge. The magic of color: mystical meaning and properties in esotericism

Feng Shui captivates Russian people with its Chinese mysteries. How to arrange the furniture correctly, in which direction to place the bedroom, in what colors to decorate the kitchen, and how many candles to put in the living room. It would seem that there is a great science - where and how to locate zones.

But no, everything has its own rules and taboos. Harmonization of human life in accordance with natural forces is the basic principle in Feng Shui. Today, on the pages of the online magazine, we will be able to check whether this is so by studying the zone of wisdom, knowledge and study.

Characteristics of the knowledge zone

So, first, let's figure out why this zone is needed. The zone of wisdom and knowledge in Feng Shui is responsible for the mental, moral and spiritual development of a person. The natural thirst for knowledge is enhanced significantly thanks to this wonderful zone. Of course, this sector provides good education for both schoolchildren and students.

Helps during exams and sessions. However, the wisdom zone also has the potential to help an adult receiving a second higher education, or even studying independently: foreign languages, distance courses, culinary school, cutting and sewing club. The main thing would be the desire.

How to find a zone of wisdom and knowledge in an apartment

Do you want to activate this zone in your apartment or room? No problem! The Feng Shui knowledge zone occupies the northeastern sector along the Bagua octagon. To correctly determine the cardinal directions indoors, use a good old compass and a Chinese Bagua grid: then everything will fall into place. Read more in our article.

However, remember that heavy iron items will interfere with the compass and may cause incorrect readings. To avoid errors, double-check measurements. It is better to take several “readings” from different points than to regret later the wasted effort for a non-working zone. Like this.

Colors and elements of the knowledge and wisdom sector

Follow the knowledge sector rule:

  • main element – Earth
  • generative – Fire

Therefore, the design of the zone must include colors such as brown, terracotta, sand, yellow, red, and orange.

Of course, you shouldn’t headlong into completely redoing the existing interior, but you still need to pay attention to the presence of individual elements of this palette. Ceramic, porcelain, glass products are welcome: bowls, vases, symbols.

It is important to know that:

  • the weakening element is Metal
  • destructive – Tree

Needless to say that the presence of white, silver, golden, green colors will significantly weaken the zone? If it doesn't ruin its effect completely. Then you will have to rely only on your own strength J

Well, you'll have to remember how to student years, exactly at midnight before the exam, they stuck an open record book through the window and loudly exclaimed “Freebie come!” IN winter session, however, my hands were freezing *wink* Eh, actually, let's go back to activating the zone.

Activation of the zone of wisdom, knowledge, study of Feng Shui

Metal and wooden furniture will definitely not help to activate the knowledge zone. The masters say: “That’s what you want, just make sure there are no such things in the zone of wisdom!” At least buy yourself a bean bag chair and a ceramic tray for your laptop... Or sit in the knowledge sector, Turkish style, on a woolen rug... The question is, should we place the area itself on the bare floor??? Just right, if not wooden

Well, now about the serious stuff. Avoid difficulties in studying, get wise advice from Higher powers, or learn quickly foreign language Symbols of wisdom such as a crystal pyramid, a crystal globe or an image of a world map will help. By the way, the masters assure that the globe is generally an excellent and win-win option. In many cultures, it is the globe that personifies knowledge, wisdom and breadth of thinking.

Sector symbols

You can place gems in a crystal vase, because, as you know, they embody the power of the Earth. Candles and a fireplace are also suitable. Just don't forget to light them.

Otherwise, their decorative purpose will lead to the same superficial metaphorization of your hopes for receiving wisdom and knowledge. But you don’t want to be branded as a “fraudster” (see Russian spelling dictionary: fraudster - show-off, charlatan), right?

Sector mascots

In addition to symbols, there are also talismans of wisdom - a purely Chinese “trick”:

Here are the main “activators” of the wisdom sector. As always, the masters call for cleanliness and order, lack of clutter and getting rid of old and broken things.

Well, why not? Why store junk? Unless you are going to leave these “antiques” and “rarities” as an inheritance to your children and grandchildren... There, lo and behold, they will activate their “wealth” zone, years later, by profitably selling your carefully accumulated “stuff” *wink*

Every step, every obstacle we overcome opens the way to new opportunities, unforeseen in advance.

By studying the colors of the aura, the colors of a person’s soul with the help of the Aurabook device, everyone will be able to look into the depths of a person’s soul and help him find his inner “I”. This kind of self-knowledge has a huge positive effect.

By working on raising the vibrations of your soul, you will notice how your perception and your own scale of views will change, you will begin to understand your immediate surroundings better, you will hear more and be better aware of what is happening around you.

The life of each of us is an amazing colorful journey and adventure, full of challenges and pleasant surprises, and the colors of nature show us the way...

The color index makes it possible to assess where everyone is at the moment.

Red is life.

Red gives an impetus to action and stimulates the appetite. Awakens desires and increases blood pressure. Seeks attention, attracts the gaze of others. Contains powerful energy. The color of courage. Red is lively, hot, active, strong, passionate, daring. Gives stamina, awakens emotions. The color of birth, life and death. The essence of life, the color of blood. Decisive, willful, spontaneous.

Positive: active, dominant, strong, determined, long-lived, sexy, passionate, persistent.

Negative: Restless, easily distracted, can be violent, argumentative, loses his temper easily, hotheaded.

Orange - health.

Awakens inner potential, inspires creativity, gives confidence, encourages frankness. The color of health, humor, joy, play, orange liberates, it is the friendliest color of the spectrum. Helps to open up to inner potential. The color of laughter and love of life. The color of connections and relationships.

Positive: active, empathetic, creative, confident, sociable, cheerful, extroverted, exhibitionist, can rely on others.

Negative: proud, desperate, lazy, destructive.

Yellow - mind.

The color of the sun and spring. Warm color, most often associated with the mind. Opens us up to new ideas. The color of clarity, awareness and alertness. Knows no boundaries, abuse of yellow sometimes causes overexcitement. Can be the color of controllers and underpants. The color of optimism, memory and mental alertness.

Positive: bursts of energy and struggle. Expansive, alert, joyful, self-confident, optimistic.

Negative: Critical, sarcastic, prone to exaggeration, harsh, going astray.

Green - harmony.

Not cold and not warm, a wonderful regulator, the middle of the spectrum. Soft, open and compassionate, harmonizing and balancing. The color of abundance, nature, serene freedom and hope. The color of meditation, adaptability, peace, relaxation, empathy. The color of the heart center.

Positive: open, hospitable, determined, calm, nature lover, needs freedom.

Negative: uneconomical, envious, restless, jealous, possessive.

Sky blue - communication.

The color of the sea and sky. The color of self-expression and trust, healing. Calm, serene, soothing. The most popular color. Soothes and cools. The color of honesty, truth, faith in higher ideals. Blue, however, can make us cold and aloof: in this case, we need the warm colors of the magnetic spectrum.

Positivity: maintains self-control, connoisseur of beauty, spiritual, adaptable, reliable, loyal.

Negative: talks too much, fearful and restless, selfish.

Blue - integrity.

The color of the night sky, reason, devotion to higher ideals. Calm and inspiring, most often associated with intuition. The color of the higher mind, when combined with orange or pink, can be used to release fears. It can strengthen and strengthen our determination, gives us strength to continue our path, and clears our mind.

Positive: courageous, decisive, courageous.

Negative: impractical, needs care, absent-minded, inattentive, timid.

Purple is higher consciousness.

Inspires to create masterpieces. The color of spiritual aspirations. With its help, standing on the ground, we reach the stars. The color of loyalty and devotion to higher ideals, enlightenment and service for the benefit of all. Possesses highest frequency vibration, ideal for cleansing space.

Positive: clear-headed, focused, purposeful, committed to higher ideals, inspiring, persuasive.

Negative: arrogant, peremptory, scolds the authorities, prone to depression, painful.

Crimson - respect.

Raises the spirit, demands and gives respect. Connection with the earth and with a powerful spiritual consciousness. Inspiring, ambitious, fearless. It gets rid of the ghosts of the past - everything that pulls us back. Encourages us to balance our emotions. The color of spiritual knowledge and worldly wisdom. The color of memories and discoveries.

Positive: Committed to higher ideals, organized, reliable, mature.

Negative: snobby, arrogant, despises authority, irritable, tyrannical.

Black - retreat.

The color of rebirth, a harbinger of new prospects. Gives you the opportunity to step aside and think things through. Renewal brings reflection.

The first color we see when we close our eyes. The color of new opportunities. We find it a solitude that allows us to think about new paths. The message of black is to step aside, calm down, immerse yourself and think everything through. This is a springboard pushing us in a new direction.

Positive: solid, reliable, color of life.

Negative: despondency, despair.

White - enlightenment.

Contains all the colors of the rainbow, brings with it purity. Reflects what we are. Gives crystal clarity of vision, enlightens thoughts: gives great new ideas and bright inspiration. Qualitatively increases the level of all-consciousness and all-vision. The color of perfection, the dove of peace.

Positive: resourceful, open-minded, attractive, pure, natural leader, reliable, loyal, peacemaker, easy-going, blank slate, unites, inspires others.

Negative: stubborn, perfectionist.

Pink is love.

Supports sensation unconditional love, gentleness and forgiveness. Dispels anger, aggression in difficult situations. Pink soothes and relaxes muscles, enhances the feeling of love and support. Rules a strong and deep sense of “right” and “wrong.” This is the voice of your heart.

Positive: patient, loving, kind, supportive, comforting.

Negative: easily wounded, excitable.

Golden - completion.

Higher vibration meaning higher wisdom and knowledge. A color that should always be present in our aura. It’s not for nothing that gold is so expensive—we instinctively understand its value. Gold is the pinnacle, recognition of our spiritual achievements accumulated over many lives. This is dedication to the highest service, complete acceptance, complete completion, spiritual abundance, the bliss of true knowledge. With this color we complete the cycle, gaining the spiritual recognition that our efforts deserve.

Gold color is the color of completion.

"Wishes everyone a good weekend! Wonderful outside the window spring weather, however, for us it still smells like frost. The snow doesn’t seem to be melting anytime soon, and only green shoots remind us of the approaching spring. I looked at them and remembered the woman I ran into near the mirror in the locker room when I went to scientific and practical conference just a couple of days ago. Her colleagues were with the woman, and they were amicably discussing the amazing shawl she had knitted. The work was indeed completed impeccably. It’s just that the color – emerald green – one of her friends didn’t really like. The owner of the shawl, in defense of her creation, without leaving the spot, as they say, gave a lecture on the meaning and symbolism of this color, so that all those present first opened their mouths in amazement, and then closed them in embarrassment.

I remembered one of the phrases said verbatim: “ Green color is a symbol acceptance of universal wisdom." I put it in the title of today’s article and I want to devote a few lines to this truly magical color.

Here's what I found about the color green in books M. Cooper, A. Matthews “How to understand the language of color”, M. Minnart “Light and color in nature” and B. A. Bazyma “Color and psyche”:

  • Green comes from the fusion of yellow and blue.
  • It contains potential vital energy, and therefore among positive characteristics We can especially highlight stability, commitment, and progress.
  • Excessive abundance of green color gives birth to negative manifestations, such as boredom, hypochondria, selfishness and jealousy.
  • Green color – and new beginnings. In psychology it is associated with creativity, stability, awakening.
  • Used in the treatment of claustrophobia, migraine, and shock. Normalizes blood pressure, strong heartbeat. Helps dissipate negative emotions, bring peace and has a hypnotic effect.
  • There are many shades of green: turquoise, emerald, olive, grass, pistachio, linden, tourmaline, khaki, pea, marsh, aquamarine, eucalyptus, jade, cypress, jadaite, corduroy and many others.
  • The angels of Allah and the banner of the Prophet Mohammed are dressed in green silk fabrics.
  • Among the Orthodox green- symbol of the Holy Trinity.
  • Seeing something green in a dream is good.
  • This is national.
  • On national flags Mozambique and Libya have this color.
  • In England, on the contrary, they believe that the presence of green in the wedding dress of the bride or groom predicts misfortune. The British believe that any greenery on stage leads to the failure of the performance.
  • Many literary associations are associated with negative perceptions: jealousy is a monster with green eyes, green melancholy, alcoholism a green serpent.
  • A green traffic light means traffic is allowed. Green flag on the ship - wreck.
  • Green candles are used in rituals. It's better to light them on Fridays.
  • It is believed to be the color of fairies and elves. It is useful to use, increasing magical abilities and attractive.

Read about other colors.

Fans of Feng Shui believe that color has a strong influence on a person's life. Each paint not only has some meaning, but is generally full of meaning. The meaning of color in Feng Shui is much more than colorism. Today on HoroscopeGuru we will talk about what energy each shade of the color scheme has!

In Feng Shui, each color represents one of the key elements: Fire, Metal, Water, or Earth. Fire is passion and emotionality, Metal is clarity, Water is lightness and freshness, Wood is health and vitality, Earth is stability. Let's take a closer look at how a certain color affects us.

The meaning of color in Feng Shui is red

Red is the most powerful and energetic color. It excites a person, motivates him to do great things and do passionate, impulsive things. In the east, this color is a symbol of happiness and prosperity. This is why there is so much red in Feng Shui! But his power can be dangerous. For example, in the bedroom, the color red can not only increase the degree of relationship, but also provoke and conflicts. It is better to use it where you are usually awake - for example, in the living room or kitchen.


Black color is usually considered gloomy and mournful, although in fact it is calming and helps to feel lightness. This is the personification of wisdom, sophistication and modesty. Black color will help you achieve stability - both emotional and material, and will create a restrained and calm atmosphere. It pacifies a person and relieves him of any unnecessary worries.


Its energy is balance and purification. Gray is a color , one of the five main elements in feng shui. It will help you focus and relax. But if there is too much of it, then you may feel bored, melancholy and despondent. So you can’t go overboard with it – neither in the interior nor in your appearance.

The meaning of color in Feng Shui is blue

Blue is very similar in its energy content to gray - it also calms and helps a person focus. Although there is much more creativity and spirituality in it. He is very inspiring! But if there is too much blue, then it can, on the contrary, depress you.


White color is one of the most important colors in Feng Shui. He personifies everything positive that exists in life - purity, peace, ideal, absolute. These values ​​are universal for all people, just like color itself. In addition, it invigorates and motivates a person to be active. White does not clog our energy space, but rather cleanses and refreshes it.


Purple is the color of creativity, riddles and secrets. And also power, nobility and power. This, by the way, is Cleopatra’s favorite color, and that already says a lot! It also perfectly accumulates favorable , which is considered the beginning of all living things. Yes, color in Feng Shui is some kind of higher mathematics!

The meaning of color in Feng Shui is yellow.

In the East, yellow is considered the color of wisdom. It represents love of life, optimism, artistry and understanding. If you surround yourself with this color, you can finally understand yourself and understand your desires and dreams. In it you will feel peaceful and confident. Moreover, positivity will flow from you like a real raging river!


If the feeling of euphoria had a color, it would definitely be orange! He is one of the most joyful flowers. Orange carries happiness, creativity and ecstasy. This is a symbol of freedom and openness. He heals people from all sorts of things , depressive state and releases them creativity. Orange is also a great motivator, making a person more courageous and relaxed. It also encourages communication, so you should wear clothes in shades of orange to all sorts of friendly meetings, parties and other social events.


Green color is very useful for humans. It's very calming nervous system, makes the perception of the world more harmonious and cheerful. It is also a symbol of the beginning of something new, real and beautiful. By the way, it has the fewest contraindications! Most people like him.

By the way, colors work not only with matters of a higher order, but also with our material assets, namely with money. If you want to attract them into your life, then choose green. But it’s better to choose in shades of gold, silver or brown. Financial well-being– this is very important, as it gives us an amazing feeling of safety and security. Just like the color blue, which symbolizes wisdom and peace. He will give you hope for better times, will relax and give that very confidence that we so lack in the bustle, haste and stress of everyday life.

Each color has its own energy. Don't underestimate the power of this energy! After all, you've probably noticed how you unconsciously put on red clothes when going through periods of increased aggressiveness. Or yellow clothes when you feel joyful and cheerful. Now you know how to control your life with the right shades! Good luck to you.

Much literature has been written about the influence of color on a person. I don’t want to go deep into color therapy, since it is difficult to make this direction an alternative to the main method.

The main method of healing is working with consciousness. This work can only be replaced by active, hard, daily physical labor with discipline, optimism and obedience.

Since we get two effective methods working with yourself and your life, it is easy to choose what is easier for you - and follow that path.

All other practices give temporary results if they do not contain the main method - the key - of working with consciousness.

We need to know very little about flowers. This will help us in work, in relationships, in diagnosis.

White- a symbol of purity, wisdom, Divine presence. Therefore, any animal or bird of white color, seen by chance, carries a good sign, approval for you.

Color has a powerful effect on a person: it dilutes energy, carries a life-giving current, protects against negative vibrations, and helps to tune in to God. It is not recommended to paint walls inside the house in white. Life consists of small and sometimes major mistakes. They will be shown on the white wall inside the apartment as stains of dirt. But the external walls of the house can be painted white or trimmed with materials of this color.

Clothing, white scarves, scarves, handkerchiefs, underwear are very good white. White lingerie and a dress should be worn by the bride.

Yellow - the energy of knowledge, learning. Yellow is good for home and clothing in limited quantities.

Those who have apathy or no willpower need to look at a large yellow spot, a composition of warm yellow tones. Yellow color in clothes is loved by people full of complexes. If a child draws a lot with a yellow pencil, this indicates increased anxiety and that he is being discriminated against at home.

Blue calms the nervous system, brain, muscles. This is energy, the color of Divine power, the Divine Spirit. What is the strength? In spirit. This is the color of masculine, positive (male energy is all positive) energy.

This is the only one! a color that has no contraindications. This is the only color that can be used to treat everyone and everything without exception.

Of course, this color won’t work in the office, as everyone will be too calm. And in the kitchen, in the bedroom, if there are other bright colors, it’s very good. If you feel great and with pure blue, without accents of another color - very good - you can leave it like that in the kitchen. You still need to have something igniting in the bedroom for the relationship to be dynamic.

Blue- the color of wisdom and faith. It has a calming effect. The color I often use to test people. Material people devoid of spirituality blue do not like or are indifferent to him. Blue is good at calming nervous children and adults. Lighted blue candles have a very good effect on a person. If a child draws his parents blue or blue, this means that he is safe and comfortable with his parents. Blue color also protects secrets. It is considered a symbol of the birth of the world.

Purple- the energy of compassion, affection, unity, forgiveness, understanding. When a person lacks this, he loves to paint with this color. When a person is ripe for such feelings, he is attracted to purple in his clothes. It is not recommended to use color in large quantities. That is, if you want curtains of a similar color, then it is better to dilute the purple to amethyst, lilac, light lilac. If you see the upper chakra, then in its harmonious version it is amethyst.

Red- a symbol of power and aggression. People who use it in advertising understand perfectly well how this symbol will work. How do we react to red? How do we respond to a symbol of power? We want to conquer the strongest. It's instinct. The leading telephone network has an excellent bait for the people: Red is a symbol of overwhelming power and white is a symbol of purity, and even an egg is a symbol of emerging life, a symbol of strength and rebirth. This advertising has the same effect on all people: there is a natural desire to use the services of this network.

Red in clothing states the same as the advertisement: I am a cool creature, I am the first and only. And now the secret. Red is instability and aggression, and people who stand on the ground very insecurely declare themselves with this color. That is, the woman dressed in red has big problem with self-esteem and she clearly doesn't have that much energy to really be a leader, so she's trying to add color to it. Another very interesting observation: a woman who adorns herself with red accessories or clothes has an aggressive attitude towards a man and at the same time, does not have the opportunity to actively communicate with him, but tries her best to find this opportunity; having found it, she pushes him away again. This is such an interesting lady in a red skirt.

By the way! I remembered this thing now! I went for additional training in 2008. And among the students there was a unique lady of about 40 years old.

When she found out that a group of people came from Krasnodar, her reaction was: “What?.. you have there, in Krasnodar. No good teachers?. If we consider that this was the first thing we heard from her, then in general the attitude and impression is already formed.

One man decided not to record everything, but turned on the recorder. The lady reacted again: “These men... What would they not do, just not... write.”

She also said the following phrase: “My daughter and I were in Rostov. A big village.” At this point I was openly laughing. This could especially be said to her, living in a city that doesn’t even have a sewer system.

I liked her statements so much that I decided to write them down. To clearly see the type. The lady gave all this out in less than 24 hours.

So here it is. She complained to the Teacher that she could not make out the image: she saw her big-big head. Of course, you guessed what this means. The lady came on the second day in a red skirt, a red jacket, red earrings, and a red ring. I liked it. Pure type. Very pure without impurities. No spirituality, intelligence, materialism, calculation for you, only aggression, unstable position, denial of men, desire for them and a feeling of defenselessness.

Have I well explained the character of a person who loves a lot of red in his clothes? A company that advertises itself with the same advertising does not have as many strengths and reserves as it claims. (I wrote in 2009 and we have already become convinced of the veracity of these words. By the way, in some places since 2009 they began to repaint the walls of branches and remove excess red).

Red is good in small quantities. In the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the office. Almost everywhere.

If a child draws something red, this is the color of aggression, the color of a problem that comes from aggression. If a child draws you a red face or a very red, highlighted mouth, this means that you should think about what and how you tell your child.

Orange- a symbol of real power, firmness, confidence. If a person puts on orange things, he is quite confident in himself. It has something like a steely note to it. If a child is drawn to orange things, this indicates the unusual fate of the child, his special spiritual merits.

Orange is the color of support, stability, reliability, a symbol of real power. But in order for you to feel comfortable within the walls of such a home or office, you should also acquire such traits as reliability, the ability to work, the desire to work on yourself, or at least the ability to question yourself. Then everything will be harmonious.

Orange, however, is a complex color. Just as a coin has two sides, just as a virtue that lasts too long turns into a disadvantage, so for a dishonest person this color will mean exactly the opposite.

Interestingly, some sources believe that Divine love orange symbolizes the human soul. In addition, orange is a symbol of a lasting marriage.

And at the same time, it is the color of hypocrisy, lies, and betrayal.

Red-haired people, as a rule, are also either infinitely pure or just as elusively insidious and vicious. Therefore, do not judge the red-haired person quickly. He usually doesn't even know himself. Definitely seeing a red-haired man in a dream means treason, betrayal.

Falsehood is also occasionally orange.

What you can definitely be sure of here is that the owner of orange has huge reserves of sexual energy + the desire for sexual satisfaction + the desire for the natural process of reproduction of his offspring.

And only a person’s spiritual and cultural growth will show what level of orange he is at.

The study of color is in this order among magicians: White, Yellow, Light Blue, Blue, Violet, Red, Orange. There are reasons for this, and I will reveal one of them. Orange matches purple. In many ways. But between them stands red. The rest is your own mind. Well, if someone is lucky with the Teacher, then other reasons will be discovered.

By the way. For a sense of stability, it is very useful to stick an orange and gold piece of paper in a prominent place at work or at home. It greatly contributes to expanding the scope of its application.

Brown. It is possible that someone will say that brown is calming and all that. And it’s so useful that it’s already been checked and rechecked. So here it is. This is the most unfavorable color. Most. Adverse. If you don't have problems, he will give you them. If there is one, it will root it more strongly. It blocks everything that can be blocked. If a person wears a crisp brown robe, it means he is so depressed that he no longer even sees a way out and does not see that he is depressed. Regular brown and dark brown are not very different from each other. And if your child draws in brown, it is no longer even a signal that is drawn in red. This is an already formed problem, embedded deep in the child’s subconscious. Don't wear brown. Reupholster brown furniture. And don't light brown candles. It is good to make only coffins brown. And this will accurately reflect the situation. By the way, the color of chocolate is brown. Decay, blocking of all energies.

Now it's time to figure it out in black. Black, like white, contains more than you can see and understand. And you will never comprehend everything that can come under the influence of black. Black is emotions, it is birth, it is feelings in their initial stage, it is seeds, it is sensuality. Sometimes even some beginners in magic, when considering a person’s field, perceive the black color as damage, black magic against the patient. And this is not at all true. Black is the color of life. The color of the beginning of certain events, emotions, the color of the birth of something. And this color very quickly turns into another, since what was born has certain directions, values, sensations, emotions. And at the same time, black is a withdrawal into oneself. Deep. Therefore, there is a rejection of the outside world, its rejection.

I love black because I can do tricks with it that you can’t do with any other color! Black color always helps all people. And in magic, any black color is just a magic wand.

Black is labeled only by those who know it superficially. The color of the devil is supposedly the color of death, the color of base desires.

But excuse me, doesn’t yellow mean pronounced selfishness? Doesn’t red carry the energy of strength and life?

This mysterious color is associated with water. Water absorbs information and serves as a source of life. We all come from this energy. How can we deny it now?

Green- the only color! that does not give side effects in the form of hypertonicity, tingling, despondency, a problem that urgently formed before the eyes, no harmful side effects at all.

Green, unless it is poisonous, always works equally well on all people, of any age, status, in any physical condition. Green is our protection, harmonization, health, self-confidence. Maybe that's why we like green grass so much.

A person is instinctively drawn to the color green. And here it is very important to be able to examine the drawings of an adult or child. What does an adult wear? How he decorates his home. What kind of patterns does he draw for himself, what kind of desk does he use? The more often a person uses the color green in everyday life, the more harmonious it is. Usually, any law works at both ends. Use green more often and you will feel how harmony enters your life deeper and deeper. How did you spontaneously decide to rearrange the furniture and it turned out to be very convenient and comfortable and you wonder why I didn’t think of putting it this way before. And this has already become a feeling of harmony and disharmony.

Gradually, harmony will crowd out everything else. The main thing is not to disturb the harmony with harsh sounds and ugly words and emotions.

And you should also remember that in the west, north and north-west of your apartment, house, summer cottage green will definitely be superfluous.

In an office, green would be appropriate as one wall or a large painting in green tones.

And this color has nothing to do with money. When they tell me that they see the egregor of money as green, I believe it. I believe they see it that way. But as long as they see this way, they are unlikely to be able to actually view energies. This means that these people cannot diagnose, treat, or make corrections.

Money has energy of a completely, completely different color. Definitely not green. Just once! I heard a person’s opinion about the color of money and this opinion coincides with the knowledge that I have.

Unfortunately, I had no opportunity to know that person, much less communicate. It’s just that one of his conclusions was relayed to me by a person who communicated with him.

And no one else ever told me it looked like this. It’s a pity - it’s like self-hypnosis when the vast majority see a tomato instead of a cucumber. Or it’s like the fairy tale “The Naked King” - no one wants to look like a fool, so everyone says: “oh yes!, beautiful fabric! Wonderful outfit!”

Let's focus on the purity of the green color and never assume that green pieces of paper add money. Vice versa. It’s a shame that the Americans painted their dollar green. Now, if they recolor their dollar, then their country will not only rise, but their mentality will also change to a higher one.

Gray. Have you seen the walls of the FSB building? It. Saturn gives us the color Gray. This is limitation, discipline, seriousness.

If you want your child to immerse himself in himself, buy him outerwear gray. It is impossible to say unambiguously that this is harmful or beneficial. Sometimes this is useful. When a child withdraws into himself, it is definitely harmful.

If something oppresses you, presses you, if you are overcome by boredom, then everything gray is removed. They wear yellow and eat oranges cut into circles.

Gray is oppressive and shows oppression. If you are given an item wrapped in gray, or a card with an explicit gray element, this means that the person treats you with a degree of aggression or is tired of experiencing your aggression on himself and wants you to be smaller than you are now. The person sees that you are now in a more advantageous position and he feels discomfort about this. Therefore, he wants you to soften.

Silver color. Silver is chosen by people who love order. And for them, polish is order. As a rule, these people are decent and hardworking. The silver color itself prevents anyone from being lazy. He makes you work, invent something, improve something. This color improves, oddly enough, the state of the blue, blue, and violet chakras. But the impact should be very mild. That is, if your sofa in the living room has silver legs, then this will be quite enough.

Silver increases creative impulse. Therefore, creative people should be given a silver pen. By the way, although it looks more modest than golden, its benefits are immeasurably greater.

Silver is a symbol of human purity. But if there is too much of it, then people will close themselves off from each other in such a room. They will hide the truth so as not to violate the visible union.

Business people who are quick-witted usually like silver in small details.

Golden color we cannot perceive, so it is better not to use it at all. Golden can only be assimilated by a person with a pure, beautiful soul. In other cases, it breeds posturing and self-confidence. An example of this is gold.

Once upon a time, not knowing about the properties of color, I really wanted a pen with a gold nib. One magazine had a competition: “Letter of the month” and for it they were given a Parker pen with a gold nib. I walked around and thought all day long: “What could I write for a magazine so that their team would appreciate me and give me a Parker pen.” I never came up with an idea. But I looked at the pen and at this golden nib as if spellbound: “I want that and that’s it.” .

And now I understand that it is the small golden part of the pen (whether it’s a fountain pen or a ballpoint pen, it doesn’t matter) that allows you to express yourself beautifully and be delicate. And since my diplomatic qualities are clearly relegated to the background, I automatically wanted healing for myself with the necessary tool.

It is better to avoid golden color in outfits. Exception: occasionally small sparkles. If a person has not grown in soul to the point where the golden one evokes inner nobility, then the golden one will only spoil the person.

If someone gives you a gift wrapped in golden paper, this means only two options: a habit of gloss and swagger, or this person is ready to give you a lot. The same applies to gifts with gold details. Be careful. The gold rush can be hidden.

The main flow of each color in a brief description:

1. White - connection with your higher self, with God.

2. Yellow - the energy of information that longs to become your wisdom, your experience.

3. Blue - male Divine energy with a plus sign.

4. Blue - the energy of understood information, acquired wisdom, Knowledge that has become Yours, the energy of Faith.

5. Purple - the energy of compassion, forgiveness, healing.

6. Red - aggression - hence the uncertainty, the desire to be the very first and the best, the inability to be one, because - look from the beginning and so on in a circle. Like a woman in red: “I want to be with you - get away from me, you vile man!”

7. Orange - strength, power, huge potential of mental and physical energy.

8. Brown - decay, decomposition, heavy information that a person could not “digest”; a problem, a complex, remained. Only yellow and red can turn into brown.

9. Black is emotions, it is birth, it is feelings in their initial stage, it is seeds, it is sensuality.

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