Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the New Martyrs. Patriarch Kirill thanked Sergei Sobyanin for his help in creating the temple on the territory of the Sretensky Monastery

The photograph shows the Moscow church in honor of the new martyrs and confessors of Russia, hereinafter called the new church.

Its consecration was performed on May 25, 2017, on the Feast of the Ascension, by Patriarch Kirill. Putin was present at the ceremony, and therefore the presidential pool of journalists. Therefore, leaving the Lipetsk hotel on the morning of May 28, where I spent the night as part of our community’s blog tour, I took with me on the bus to the city of Chaplygin, a fresh Kommersant, in which Andrei Kolesnikov, with his usual sarcasm, talked about that event. Then I savored his article on the long road, hoping to see this building with my own eyes. And it finally happened.

Cathedral of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon Mother of God, hereinafter called the old temple, built in 1679.

In church architecture, if anyone doesn’t know, the five-domed temple symbolizes Christ and the four evangelists.

None of the bells of the old temple were here before the revolutionary destruction. And the only surviving former monastery bell was given to the new church. Well, the bell tower itself is also a remake.

They continue to apply veneration to the old (now empty) shrine of Hilarion Troitsky. And who dares to mock this? Although I took this photo without flash and will leave it small.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God - cell room icon of Archimandrite John Krestyankin, transferred by Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) from the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery.

A unique icon “The Opening of the Seal”, painted in the 90s, when royal family She had not yet been canonized, but she really wanted to have her image in the temple. They found a way out of the situation by drawing an icon based on the events of the book “Apocalypse”, where the righteous of different centuries are present during the opening of the seals.

While photographing, I thought it was a stasidia. But perhaps it’s just a place of honor.

Photo taken in the crypt of the temple. Now that you often hear talk about cryptocurrencies in the media, you can already guess from the name that “crypto” is literally a “secret place.” Well, in fact, it is a symbolic analogue of the cave in which the crucified Christ was buried.
In this context, the angel depicted on the wall of the crypt represents the angel who rolled away the huge stone from the entrance to this cave - so that at the sight of it the guards posted by the Romans fled.
In general, the decoration of the crypt (with the chapel of the Resurrection of Christ) is reminiscent of ancient Christian catacomb churches.

In the crypt of the cathedral there is exact copy Life-size Shroud of Turin (negative and positive, with contact access only to the negative). It was consecrated by Patriarch Alexy II as the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. And since this is a shrine, I kissed it, though not with my lips, but with my forehead.

Sretensky Theological Seminary is actually located on the territory of the monastery, but the entrance to it is guarded by a separate guard in a booth on the street.

There is a huge mural in the foyer.

I saw the lower new temple as if through a dark glass, fortune-telling.

The top one also looked only from the edge, but not through the window, at least.

New shrine and relics of Hilarion of the Trinity. The wiki article about him also contains my paragraph contribution. In the 20s, Hieromartyr Hilarion re-consecrated the temple of the Sretensky Monastery, expelling the renovationists from it. In general, they claim the memory of such a joyful saint both in Butyrka, where he was imprisoned for only a few months, and in Solovki, where he was imprisoned for a long time.

In general, the excursion was important for me as the logical conclusion of the Lipetsk trip, which I mentioned in the first lines. I will present the essence in a telegraphic style, but behind this lies the miracle of saving Moscow from the Tatar-Mongol hordes. When we were in Yelets, we were shown from a distance the mountain (hill), where in 1395 the Mother of God visited Tamerlane, who had invaded Rus'. After standing near Yelets for two weeks, Tamerlan unexpectedly turned back. He was afraid of the Mother of God who appeared to him in a dream and took Rus' under her protection. But this was the end of the whole story. And it began with the fact that Tamerlane and the Khan of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh grappled for power over the territories of Eurasia. And Tamerlane (by the way, better known to us as Timur) decided to strike at Tokhtamysh’s sponsors - at Muscovy, which paid tribute to him. Moscow was unable to resist Timur militarily. And the prospect of destroying the country to the ground was very frightening (Vereshchagin’s painting “Apotheosis of the Wave” is precisely about Timur). And then a religious procession with the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God went to Moscow from Vladimir. In Moscow itself, the people accepted a general fast for this time, including youths and cattle.
The move was completed in ten days. The Muscovites met the icon approximately in the place where the old church is now located (and “meeting” in Old Church Slavonic is “contemplation”). And soon the Yelets part of this story described above happened. Moreover, our guide Maria found out somewhere that it was Mary the Most Pure who told Timur in a dream. I can’t even imagine where she got this from. But according to her, Timur was told that you may occupy Moscow, but you definitely won’t come out of there alive.
At the meeting place of the icon, the Cathedral of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and the Sretensky Monastery were built.

I attended a tour of the Sretensky Monastery conducted by

The temple in honor of the Resurrection of Christ, the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church on Blood was erected on the territory of the Sretensky Monastery on the site of several demolished buildings.

Since 1397, the monastery occupied vast lands on Kuchkovo Pole, which over time turned into Moscow's Sretenka Street. The word “meeting” means meeting. It was here that Muscovites of the 14th century met the delivered procession of the cross from the city of Vladimir miraculous icon Mother of God. The times were troubled - the army of the Horde king Tamerlane stood on the threshold of defenseless Moscow. According to legend, when the image was delivered to the city, the commander had a vision of a woman surrounded by angels and Tamerlane considered this sign a harbinger of defeat. The enemy army left Moscow, the icon took pride of place in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, and a monastery was founded at the site of the “meeting”.

In the early years Soviet power the monastery lost its valuables and ancient icons, and in the 1930s almost all historical buildings were demolished to expand the Sretenka roadway. Only the fraternal cells and the Vladimir Cathedral, rebuilt as a dormitory for NKVD commanders, survived. The sinister department was located next door, and during the years of Stalin’s terror, executions took place here, and those executed were buried here in the monastery cemetery. In memory of everyone innocent victims a new temple built literally “on blood” was dedicated.

Here is just one name from the Soviet-era martyrology. In the old Vladimir Church there are the relics of St. Hilarion of the Trinity, canonized relatively recently. Bishop Hilarion repeated the fate of many priests who continued to serve God despite the obstacles of the authorities. In 1921, the bishop asked for one day Tretyakov Gallery the same one stored in the museum Vladimir icon and brought it to Sretenka. The extraordinary pilgrimage of believers could not pass unnoticed by the punitive department at Lubyanka. Hilarion Troitsky was arrested by security officers, sent to the Solovetsky camp, then to Kazakhstan and died of typhus, saying before his death that he had now gained freedom.

The temple in memory of the New Martyrs of Russia is larger than the Vladimir Cathedral. The design of the domes of the new church looks unusual; the oldest surviving bell of the Sretensky Monastery is installed on its belfry. The project caused a mixed reaction from the public: on the one hand, the new temple is located on monastery land and the church may well dispose of it, but on the other hand, several historical buildings were intended for demolition. The issue was resolved by high level in favor of the temple, which was built on Rozhdestvensky Boulevard and consecrated in 2017 His Holiness Patriarch. Although finishing work is nearing completion, it is still ongoing, and the photographer was not allowed to walk on the freshly laid marble floors, sit on benches or lean against the walls.

But it turned out to be possible to get acquainted with the decoration of the Vladimir Church and the premises of the Sretensky Theological Seminary, where about 200 students study three dozen different disciplines. The Presentation Cathedral (Vladimir) was built in 1679. From those stored in it Orthodox shrines we must mention the ark with particles of the relics of the Venerable Mary of Egypt and a copy of the Shroud of Turin - the shroud in which the body of Christ was wrapped after death. Restorers restored frescoes dating back to the beginning of the 18th century on the walls and columns of the cathedral.

The facade of the seminary building is richly decorated with stucco and ceramics with biblical scenes, but something about it seemed surprisingly familiar. Why, this is a “French” school, which I had a chance to visit as a child as a participant in the regional pioneer song show! Indeed, this is a typical brick school building from the middle of the last century. In 2010, the general education institution was moved from the center to Proletarka and, after a large-scale reconstruction, it was given to the seminary. Its classrooms are on par with any other university in terms of technical equipment; there are computer classes, a rich library collection, and lectures are given by professors and doctors of science.

Muscovites who visited Trubnaya Square for the first time this year say with very different intonations: “Wow!” - area in Once again changed. In 2017, developers will present us with two seemingly dissimilar objects: a shopping center with the proud self-name “Central Market” and the Church of the New Martyrs of Russia in the Sretensky Monastery. The new buildings stand at the beginning and end of the boulevard that goes up the mountain, but when viewed from Trubnaya Square, the shopping center looks like the pedestal of a temple, combining with it not only aesthetically, but also due to the related circumstances of its appearance.

It’s funny to imagine that he spent the last quarter of a century on some mysterious cryogenic expedition, in complete isolation from news from his homeland. And then you arrive at today, knowing nothing about the fact that you died, or about the fact that Meadow was trampled, or about the fact that the pager is out of fashion. It seems to me that a careful look at the architecture would be enough to immediately understand a lot. She speaks more truthfully about time than crafty textual sources. The surroundings of Rozhdestvensky Boulevard have changed in a rather fatal way, but in order to appreciate these changes, we must remember what happened before them.

View of Rozhdestvensky Boulevard from Trubnaya Square. 2017 version

I first came here in the early 80s - back then it was still necessary to say “on Zhdanov Street”. My mother and I turned into a random corner of the Nativity Monastery - then it was still necessary to add “former”. There were apartments and amazing post-war Moscow comfort, already rare in those years: all these benches at the entrances, greenery, domino tables, dozens of gateway cats. We walked past the gates of the Architectural Institute; at the fountain, some young people were diligently smoking the sky. Mom did not know about the rich alcoholic traditions of the Moscow Architectural Institute and said: “If you study well, you will become the same.” Well, I did.

Having entered the institute, I firmly settled on Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, on the bench closest to the beer stall, so the changes that began in the mid-90s took place before my eyes. By that time, the number of cats in the gateways had diminished, but in general in this district Moscow was still that reserved. From Petrovka to Lubyanka it stretched Old city, which has not changed since the beginning of the 20th century. There were some knocked-out pieces in the streets, there were some discreet Soviet buildings, but overall the area was established, understandable and cozy. The author does not have the strength to once again enter into controversy on the issue of the importance of the predominance of historical buildings in historical city and simply takes it as an axiom: it was very good here. As they say, if you wash it, you can live with it.

Market on Trubnaya Square, 1890–1910s

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Trubnaya Square, 1902

© M. Scherer/

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The mansion where the City District Committee of the RKSM was located in 1921–1922

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Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 1940–1947

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Still from the film “I’m Twenty Years Old,” directed by Marlen Khutsiev, 1964

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Trubnaya Square, 1982–1984

6 out of 8

Beer stall on Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 1993

© R. Tsekhansky/

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“House with Caryatids” in Pechatnikov Lane. Frame from feature film“Iron Curtain”, director Savva Kulish, 1994–1996

8 out of 8

But it was especially good at the beginning of Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, at the famous stall that stood under huge, perhaps the most luxurious poplars in Moscow. While studying at the institute, it took a lot of work on the way from the metro not to miss the end of Rozhdestvenka and not wake up with your nose buried in a pub: it was so wonderful to live under these poplars, at the intersection of four boulevards.

Many cozy drinking spots concealed and former monasteries on the south side of the boulevard, Rozhdestvensky and Sretensky. In my memory, no one danced breakdancing on the ruins of the chapel - it was more like romantic sketches from the cycle “Where the Motherland Begins.” For example, an unforgettable viewing platform on the roof of the current Rector's building - nearby there was a gap in the fence and a staircase down, straight to the stall. And you, of course, remember that at the kiosk they poured it strictly into the glass jars they brought: they always had to be obtained somewhere, including asking from apartment to apartment. So the guy, over whose room we used to have fun, always gave us a container and asked us to speak in a whisper during the hours when his children were sleeping. Lived according to conscience.

On March 15, the first service was held at the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia on Lubyanka. They continue to finish painting and decorating it - for Easter

It was obvious that all this was just a lull, that the changes that we had been waiting for and hoping for were coming. But it was still assumed that the people who would begin to change the city would not be so stupid and greedy, and their fellow architects would not be so helpful and handy. The new buildings hid the best panoramic views: from Petrovsky Boulevard to the Nativity Monastery and from Rozhdestvensky Boulevard to the Petrovsky Monastery.

Rozhdestvenka’s prospects were monstrously cluttered by the “Legend of Tsvetnoy,” a property named after Naomi Campbell - remember, her oligarch husband once gave her an apartment in his new building? (in 2013 a couple. - Note ed.) Half of the old houses have disappeared, entire blocks of dusty but wildly interesting courtyards have disappeared, turning into a “solid spot” of office, residential and retail real estate. Walking along the street, you can only turn into the doors of various kinds of establishments: they are abundant and beautiful, but something is missing.

The main problem of Rozhdestvensky is the Central Market shopping center, which has become famous among the people under the name of the Dung Beetle. It was approved in 1996 as a glass cafe on the site of the old public toilet and began construction in 2004. It’s quite an allegory of time: the object obviously has no right to be here, since the Boulevard Ring is a monument of landscape gardening art, the construction of permanent buildings across it is legally impossible. However, the facility gradually grew to 3300 sq. m, for its sake, one hundred meters of the boulevard were cut down, including those same poplars, and its construction has kept the boulevard in a state of severe devastation for 10 years, easily blocking half the lanes on the outer passage of the Boulevard Ring with a technical site.

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ABOUT exact date The opening of the “market” has not yet been announced, but the outside is finally finished. The object visually blocked the boulevard and enclosed Trubnaya Square, clearly not having a calling for this. The situation is saved as if by a cathedral standing on its roof, which rose three hundred meters from here last year. The new buildings are quite compatible stylistically - a kind of pseudo-traditional architecture, somewhat ridiculous in its demonstrative importance. At the shopping center there is a generous abundance of balusters, at the temple there is overflowing decorativeness of the facades. In fact, the cathedral is the same legalized unauthorized construction: major new construction in security zone An ancient monastery is in principle unacceptable. But the Sretensky Monastery has long existed according to separate rules.

Looking back to the 1990s again, it should be noted that in the Nativity and Sretensky monasteries the future arrived in different ways. Both of them had standard school buildings in their backs, built on the site of monastery gardens. Rozhdestvensky got rid of excess real estate in order to revive the garden, and Sretensky, using the powerful administrative resource of Vladyka, took the opposite tactic. He added an attic and adapted it for a seminary to the building of the school that had been expelled from the territory, added three floors to the old empire-style cells, and placed several thousand square meters of utility space and a two-story parking lot under the new cathedral.

Orthodoxy also has its own pop, its own rock and its own underground. Father, they say, Tikhon is one of those stars who pack stadiums - it’s ridiculous to offer him a tour of the Moscow Palace of Culture

Looking at the cathedral from afar, it seems that the golden domes have become peeling. Only when you get closer do you realize that these are ornaments made of silver on gilding. The new building stands on a hill and at the same time is crushed in detail like a thing designed for viewing at close range. But there is no space nearby to admire the elaborate decoration, the old houses on the boulevard crowd the cathedral, and there is a fear that this is not yet the final stage of the formation of the ensemble. house of Clara Kirchhoff. Muscovites know the unique “house with caryatids”, saved from death by a businesswoman from Syktyvkar ( private business on Truba also walked into the future along different paths). The Kirchhoff house is a twin brother fused with it by a wall, whose ivy-covered courtyard was one of the best patriotic and educational centers in the area. The guys and I conventionally called it the heart of Moscow, and those who were ordered to take two and pull themselves up to the named place, as a rule, immediately understood what kind of heart it was. we're talking about . So it’s typical: 20 years later, the destruction is continued not by a mysterious LLC in crimson suits, but by an interregional public organization historical and cultural heritage

"Noble Union" As they say, I’ll just leave it here - on the tablets of the capital’s local history.

Again, the guys and I once gathered the press, trying to draw attention to the disasters of the best Moscow boulevard, and I suggested drawing a dotted separation line across the road: here, where the courtyards and houses are, Moscow will be, and here, where the plastic office and the deeply respected Naomi, I don't understand why. But one smart girl said: “You see, Sasha, the problem is that Moscow is everywhere.” And when you understand that there is no magic line behind which you can hide from manure urban planning and everything else that each of us is not entirely to our liking, it becomes, oddly enough, easier.

On the territory of the Sretinsky Monastery, a “temple on blood” was erected in honor of the new martyrs and confessors of Russia. The temple is simply grand. The decision to build the cathedral was made at a meeting of the Board of Trustees on March 3, 2011. In December 2012 it was held open competition

Before construction of the temple began, thorough archaeological excavations were carried out. Construction of the cathedral and reconstruction of the monastery territory began in early 2014 and took 866 working days.

On May 25, 2017, on the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, Patriarch Kirill performed the great consecration of the temple. Russian President Vladimir Putin was present at the consecration ceremony.

The height of the temple is 61 meters. In its construction the most modern technologies. To ensure a microclimate, a ventilation and air conditioning system is equipped. Lighting, heating, audio and video broadcasting systems are controlled using digital equipment.

At the same time, the temple is very traditional. In his outer architectural decoration there is a Russian style, in interior decoration- elements of Byzantine art. The cathedral is lined with stone carvings made of white Vladimir limestone. The ancient white stone cathedrals of Vladimir, Suzdal, and Moscow were built from the same stone. To perform such a thread, it was necessary to produce 29,000 parts with a total volume of 910 m3. The temple is decorated with carvings not only outside, but also inside. For the interior decoration, 4,500 pieces of stone with a volume of 230 m3 were used.

The temple complex has several floors. The upper church is in honor of the Resurrection of Christ and the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church. The painting of extraordinary beauty captivates the gaze of those entering. In the central dome is the Lord Almighty, around is a host of saints, among whom are not only the new martyrs, but also other beloved saints in Russia.

It is no coincidence that the lower church of the new cathedral is dedicated to St. John the Baptist and the twelve apostles. In its center is the baptistery - a baptismal font, decorated with unique mosaics modeled on ancient Byzantine temples. Here, around the font, classes on the basics will be held Orthodox faith for those preparing for baptism. Lectures on Christian life at the Sretensky Monastery have long been popular among students of secular universities and the capital's youth. Up to 350 students gather weekly in the assembly hall of the Sretensky Seminary, located in the monastery. Each lecture is viewed via the Internet by about 35 thousand people.

On two floors in the lower, stylobate part of the new temple, auditoriums for educational and youth centers will open. Two museums will be created at the temple: the new martyrs and the Shroud of Turin.

On May 25, 2017, during the great consecration, the holy relics of the Hieromartyr Hilarion - the spiritual patron of the Sretensky Monastery and its abbot in the twenties, post-revolutionary years - will be transferred from ancient cathedral, in which they have been located since 1999, to a new temple - to an ark installed on stones brought from the Solovetsky Islands, where Hieromartyr Hilarion was imprisoned from 1924 to 1929.

Particularly interesting is the huge fresco of the apse above the altar of the upper temple. The depiction of the Last Supper is not entirely traditional: in addition to the twelve apostles, there are images of the holy new martyrs of the 20th century. It is like the Last Supper taking place in the Kingdom of Heaven. Rising only four meters high, the carved stone iconostasis does not block the apse and makes it possible to examine this magnificent altar painting in detail.

The total area of ​​the cathedral's frescoes is 6530 m2. 47 icons were painted especially for the new temple, most of which are in Russian-Byzantine traditions. Mosaic icons and a mosaic baptistery are made in the rare style of Lomonosov mosaic made of drawn smalt.

The square in front of the cathedral is designed like a temple under open air. The patriarchal porch can serve as an altar. All possibilities are provided for holding services in the warm season so that up to 5,000 people can participate in it and clearly hear the singing of the famous Sretensky choir.

The seven golden domes of the new temple, decorated with an arcature belt, are clearly visible from different points in Moscow. The new Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church, according to famous artists and architects of Moscow, has become one of the dominant features of the old part of the capital, continuing ancient traditions and connecting the past and present of our Fatherland.

(Material taken from the website “Pravoslavie.Ru”)

On the territory of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery, a new temple was consecrated today - the Resurrection of Christ and the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church.Believers had been waiting for this event for more than three years, while construction was underway.

Today is a special day - the celebrations coincide with one of the main church holidays, Ascension. The lighting ceremony of the cathedral was conducted by Patriarch Kirill. It was largely thanks to him that the cathedral appeared in the capital. It was erected in memory of Orthodox Christians who suffered for their faith

The new cathedral church of the Sretensky Monastery is clearly visible from different points in Moscow. The height of the temple is 61 meters. According to the architects, it has become the architectural dominant of the old part of the city.

Believers began to gather at the temple early in the morning. Several hundred people gathered on the monastery square. Everything that happened in the temple was broadcast on large screens.

The solemn ceremony of consecrating the new temple was performed by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'. All the priests were in white festive vestments. The relics of the holy martyr Bishop Hilarion, who in the 1920s was the rector of the Sretensky Monastery, but was arrested and died in prison, and is now considered the heavenly patron of the monastery, were solemnly transferred to the new church. The ark with the relics was mounted on stones brought from the Solovetsky Islands, where the bishop was imprisoned.

The new cathedral church was built in honor of the new martyrs and confessors of Russia - those who did not betray the faith, those who remained true to themselves and their ideals during the years of fighting against God.

The place was not chosen by chance. In the 20s of the last century, the Sretensky Monastery was closed, and on its territory there was a prison where the clergy were kept. People were shot and buried in unmarked graves, so the new cathedral can be called a temple on blood. Portraits Russian new martyrs people held it today and during the consecration of the temple.

“This is an event of my entire life, because we know so many innocent people killed and tortured. And now the moment has come to collect and recreate such wonderful memorable places where the soul simply asks to come and worship,” the woman said.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill served in the church divine liturgy. The famous choir of the Sretensky Monastery also performed. And the first to serve in the new temple were its creators: architects, workers, icon painters, masters of stone and wood carving. This is the tradition.

The temple took more than three years to build. Now it is one of the largest and most beautiful cathedrals in Moscow. It is decorated with stone carvings outside and inside, and was built in the likeness of the ancient white stone cathedrals of Suzdal and Vladimir. 47 icons were painted especially for the temple, and total area frescoes amount to six and a half thousand square meters. Among them, the fresco “The Last Supper”, located above the altar, stands out. In addition to the apostles, it also depicts canonized and Russian new martyrs.

And, of course, one cannot help but recall today another memorable event that is being celebrated these days - the tenth anniversary of the reunification of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church abroad. On this occasion, a delegation of foreign hierarchs arrived in Moscow, which also participates in the celebrations at the Sretensky Monastery.