Seven amazing facts about the Belogorsk monastery - the Ural Mount Athos. Seven amazing facts about the Belogorsk monastery - the Ural Athos When will the 100th anniversary of the Belogorsk monastery

The celebration of the 120th anniversary of the Belogorsk St. Nicholas Monastery and the 100th anniversary of the consecration of the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross on White Mountain showed that history is made every day

The holiday opened with a thematic theatrical concert-requiem IN MEMORY OF THE HOLY NEW MARTERS AND CONFESSORS OF RUSSIAN, in which took part: the choir of the Athos Metochion in St. Petersburg; State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble "Russia" named after. Lyudmila Zykina; full member of the Association of Bell Art of Russia, Master of Bell Ringing Vladimir Petrovsky; Metropolitan Choir of the Perm Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church; and also - a direct connection from the ISS in connection with the pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of Russia Fedor Yurchikhin and the presentation of the film “About the New Martyrs of Belogorsk” with the participation People's Artist Russia Alexey Petrenko. Among the guests of honor of the holiday: Metropolitan MEFODIY of Perm and Kungur, ex-governor of the Kama region Gennady IGUMNOV, adviser to the acting governor Perm region Anatoly MAKHOVIKOV, Commissioner for Human Rights in the Kama Region Tatiana MARGOLINA, the head of the city of Perm Dmitry SAMOILOV and others, who worthily included their speeches in the outline of the review of the significance of the historical and cultural heritage of Belogorye.
- History is not just the affairs of bygone days. The story goes on and on. And, to the extent that we perceive the events of past years correctly, rejecting the bad and accepting the good, life will be so truthful and kind to us,” he emphasized Vladyka MEFODIUS.
Throughout the concert, the presenter (also director-producer Konstantin KHARALAMPIDIS, Honored Artist Russian Federation) persistently pursued the idea that the turmoil that happened in Russia in 1917 did not happen overnight. Russian churches were destroyed not by foreigners, but by those who were once baptized in these churches. All this is the result of an underlearned history lesson, an underestimated dignity of Holy Rus'. If only it wouldn't happen again...
Guest of the holiday from Santiago (California) father ALEXANDER, who came to Perm with his own father in search of the remains of Mikhail Romanov, said a very correct phrase:
- Our grandparents suffered a lot for Orthodox faith. And if our generation does not take this lesson and pass it on to its children, it will turn out that our grandparents suffered in vain.

Belogorsky St. Nicholas monastery was built right here, in the center of schismatic communities, to unite Orthodox believers. And he has completed this mission twice already. A hundred years ago and at the end of the twentieth century.
- In the difficult nineties for our country, when there were delays in payment wages and pensions, when striking miners blocked railway communications, the regional authorities under the leadership of Gennady Vyacheslavovich Igumnov decided to build a road to Belaya Gora, establish communications, and provide gasification, - he began his speech with memories Head of Perm Dmitry SAMOILOV.– Today, many of those who started the revival of White Mountain are no longer with us. Leonid Ivanovich Kel (designed and built the road), Valery Stepanovich Sazanov (carried out gasification and headed the White Mountain Foundation). But since then it has become a good tradition and an honorable mission to participate in the restoration of Belogorye. It is in this vein that the acting governor of the Kama region, Maxim Reshetnikov, works. If you paid attention to the road leading to the monastery today, you will understand the attitude of the regional authorities towards the main Kama shrine. Belaya Gora is the soul and heart of the Perm region. Each of us, coming here, finds spiritual harmony and spiritual salvation. That is why dozens of Perm enterprises have been providing assistance in the revival of the monastery for many years. The restoration of Belogorye has become a serious unifying matter for many, many thousands of Perm residents. If a hundred years ago everyone was busy doing this, then the events of 1917 probably would not have happened.
Today, the Holy Cross Church, like a hundred years ago, shines with the latest domes, pleases the eye with its snow-white whitewash, and attracts with its landscaped grounds. And inside the temple - miraculous icons and the relics of the new martyrs of Russia and Perm, strengthening everyone who flows to them and asks for God’s help. Truly, Christians fall here to the life-giving source, being filled with strength and grace.
“Every year, when I come to Kungur to visit my parents, I always go to White Mountain,” said Hieromonk of the Trinity-Sergius Primorsky Hermitage Andrey BARTOV. – To pray on the Belogorsk land, sprinkled with the blood of the suffering brethren. Remember the first abbot of the monastery, Father Varlaam Peredernin, to whom people were drawn. See how the reviving monastery is being built. History is being made every day and every hour. And it is very important, in my opinion, to record it accurately and in a timely manner.

Residents of the Perm region and guests from other regions of Russia who came to the holiday after the requiem concert dispersed to other venues. We shot archery with interest, excitedly cheered for the participants in the Russian strongman competition, walked through the shopping and craft rows, and listened to the ringing of bells. The parking lot near the monastery was not empty until late in the evening.
- Wonderful! How wonderful it is here! – one woman exclaimed. And it was difficult to disagree with this.


See photos from the celebration on our website

Belogorsky St. Nicholas missionary monastery, which is also called the Ural Athos - for special meaning monastery, the strictness of the charter and location on beautiful mountain, - this year marks two milestone dates at once.

120 years ago, in 1897, the Holy Synod issued a decree on the establishment of the Belogorsk Monastery. And 100 years ago, in 1917, the largest Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross in the monastery was consecrated in the Urals. The anniversary of the consecration will be celebrated in early June, preparations for the celebration are under the leadership of the head of the Perm region Maxim Reshetnikov. Ceremonial and cultural events, repair work in the monastery, publication of a two-volume encyclopedia on the history of Orthodoxy in the Kama region.

The centenary of the consecration of the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Belogorsk Monastery is a significant event for believers of the Kama region and all of Russia, therefore the event should be organized at an appropriate, worthy level. I am sure that the anniversary will attract many guests and pilgrims from other regions,” noted Maxim Reshetnikov at a meeting of the organizing committee to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the consecration of the cathedral.

White Mountain I am not only a church monument with hundred years of history, but also the most important cultural heritage the entire region, emphasized Metropolitan Methodius of Perm and Kungur. By the way, a decision was recently made to develop a plan for the further restoration and development of the monastery over the next 5 years.

The anniversary will also contribute to the real development of domestic tourism. The Ural Athos is becoming more and more popular among the residents of the Kama region ( religious procession every year attracts several thousand people), and among tourists coming to the Perm region. Thanks to the celebrations, even more Russians will learn about it and will want to visit the monastery.

“KP” has collected amazing facts about the history and shrines of the Belogorsk St. Nicholas Monastery, as well as about pilgrimage and excursion trips to the monastery.

✔ Several years before the appearance of the monastery, in 1891, a cross was erected on White Mountain in honor of the miraculous deliverance of the heir Russian throne Tsarevich Nicholas from danger in Japan. The people called him Tsarsky.

What kind of danger threatened the future Emperor Nicholas II in the Country rising sun? The 22-year-old heir went on an eastern journey to find out the features government structure other countries. In Japan, during an excursion to the city of Otsu, an attempt was made on his life - a samurai fanatic who served in the police attacked Nikolai Alexandrovich with a saber and struck several blows. Everything went well, the wounds turned out to be harmless. The Tsarevich returned to his homeland.

Soon the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra was brought to the White Mountain, and in 1894 the first wooden St. Nicholas Church was built - also in memory of the miraculous saving of the life of the Tsarevich (the temple burned down in 1897). In 1901, a terrible storm demolished the Royal Cross on White Mountain. The merchant Pavel Stepanovich Zhirnov, a benefactor of the Belogorsk Monastery, donated funds for the restoration of the monastery symbol. On the edge of the mountain, next to the Iversky Church, they placed a gilded cross about 10 meters high with an image of the crucifixion. The cross stood there until 1918.

✔ The founder of the Belogorsk monastery was not a monk, as in most monasteries, but missionary Stefan Lukanin. He came to these parts to talk with local residents - Old Believers, and when he first climbed the White Mountain at dawn, he had no doubt: the place had been created for a monastery. In 1893, Stefan Lukanin was appointed head of the construction committee for the construction of the Belogorsk monastery; he himself designed and built the Iversky Church of the monastery. For the establishment of the monastery, he was elevated to the rank of archpriest.

✔ The first rector of the Belogorsk monastery is the Venerable Martyr Varlaam (Konoplev). Before converting to Orthodoxy, Vasily Efimovich was an Old Believer, and a very respected theologian-reader. Diocesan missionary Stefan Lukanin set himself a goal: to convert the schismatic Vasily Konoplev to Orthodoxy. After numerous conversations, Vasily Efimovich converted to the Orthodox faith, took monastic vows with the name Varlaam, settled on White Mountain, became the builder and first abbot of the new monastery. In 2000, Hieromonk Varlaam was canonized as a saint of the Russian Orthodox Church as a venerable martyr.

✔ One hundred years ago, June 7 - 9, 1917, a significant event happened for the Belogorsk monastery. The cathedral Church of the Exaltation of the Cross, the largest in the Urals, was consecrated. The cathedral was erected in memory of the miraculous rescue from the danger that threatened Emperor Nicholas II in Japan. The cathedral was consecrated a few months before October Revolution, When Russian monarch was still on the throne.

The Belogorsk Cathedral was built in the Byzantine style and resembles the architecture of the Vladimir Church in Kyiv. The temple was built over 15 years. At the same time, the main supplier building materials there was... the monastery itself! More precisely, the monastery brick factory. The icons for decorating the cathedral were made in the icon-painting workshop of the monastery. The temple was equipped with steam heating and the latest ventilation system at that time, and the floor was paved with Metlakh tiles.

The consecration ceremony was grandiose. It was attended by about 30 thousand people, including 2.5 thousand representatives of the clergy.

✔ After the revolution, the monastery suffered the fate of many Russian shrines. The monastery was closed and destroyed. In 1930, a camp for repressed and special settlers was opened on Belaya Gora, and in 1931, a Belogorsk home for the disabled was opened. A monument to Lenin was erected on the site of the Tsar's Cross. The cathedral church was turned into a club.

In 1941 - 1945, a rehabilitation center for wounded and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War was located on Belaya Gora. Patriotic War, and until 1986 - a home for disabled people of war, labor and childhood.

✔ In 1991, monastic life was resumed in the St. Nicholas Monastery on White Mountain, and the first divine service in the reviving monastery was held in the upper church of the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross. In 1998, the Royal Cross was re-erected and consecrated.


Temples of the Belogorsk Monastery:

Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Church of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker at the source

Chapel-font by the pond

Chapel "Seeking the Lost" Icon of the Mother of God

Compound of the Belogorsky Monastery - Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

From August 5 to 6, 2017, as part of the implementation of the plan of main events in preparation for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the consecration of the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Belogorsk St. Nicholas Missionary Monastery (hereinafter referred to as White Mountain), a Spiritual and Patriotic Festival will be held on White Mountain “Belogorye” ( hereinafter referred to as the Festival).

The Festival program includes performances by the Patriarchal Choir, the choir of the Metochion of the Athos Monastery, the Russian folk ensemble "Russia" named after Lyudmila Zykina, soloists of the Alexandrov Choir and many of the best groups from Perm and the Perm region. In addition, creative groups of Cossack societies of the region and the Union of Strongmen of the Perm Territory will perform concerts.

During the event on August 5, 2017, it is planned that Hero of Russia pilot-cosmonaut Fedor Yurchikhin will address the International space station to the participants and guests of the Festival.


Orthodox events dedicated to

100th anniversary of the consecration of the Holy Cross Cathedral

Belogorsky Monastery,

as well as the 120th anniversary of the founding of the Belogorsk Monastery,

aimed at support

and strengthening spirituality and Orthodox culture.

Venue: Belogorsky Monastery

First day of Orthodox events, 08/05/2017


Description of the action

12:00 -13:30

I Block.

Thematic theatrical Concert-Requiem

IN MEMORY OF THE HOLY NEW MARTERS AND RUSSIAN CONFESSORS. (Producer: Konstantin Charalampidis, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation)

Taking part in the concert:

-The Choir of the Athonite Metochion in St. Petersburg, under the direction of Alexei Zhukov.

- State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble "Russia" named after. Lyudmila Zykina. Leader and conductor - Dmitry Dmitrienko.

-Full member of the Association of Bell Art of Russia. Master of bell ringing - Vladimir Petrovsky.

- Main soloist of the Song and Dance Ensemble Russian army named after A.V. Alexandrov - Boris Dyakov.

-Metropolitan Choir of the Perm Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

-Live connection from the ISS pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of Russia Fedor Yurchikhin

-Presentation of the film"On the New Martyrs of Belogorsk" with the participation of People's Artist of Russia Alexey Petrenko.



Bells are ringing. The presenters invite the guests of honor to the stage:

-Head of the Perm Territory Reshetnikov Maxim Gennadievich

-Metropolitan Methodius of Perm and Kungur




- Performance Choir of the Athonite Metochion in the city of St. Petersburg, under the direction of Alexei Zhukov.

14:05 -16:00

III Block.


“Our fathers did not want to accept the grace of the evening light in silence, but the moment it came, they brought praise in music...” - Saint Basil the Great.

Participating in the block:

-Show group “Russians”, Perm with a program "Cossack Razdolnaya"

-Folk - group "Sunday", Perm with a program "Live Russia"

-Dance ensemble “Solar Rainbow”, Perm




There is a legend that the Strogonovs built temples along the banks of the Kama in such a way that their ringing, picking up each other, floated along the entire length of the river, merging into a powerful melody. And the whole district would echo the bells!

It is bell music that will become the “connecting thread” with the history of the formation of Orthodoxy in Perm the Great.

Participating in the block:

Masters of bell ringingVladimir Maryanovich and Vladimir Vladimirovich Petrovsky with a special program"The connecting thread of centuries." ( performance of bell ringing from the main stage and from the belfry of the monastery)


V Block.

(The theme of continuity and transmission of Orthodox traditions from generation to generation...)

Participating in the block:

- Art center “Cool Musical”, Perm.

- The best bell ringers of Russia under the leadership of Vladimir Petrovsky, a member of the Association of Bell Art of Russia.

The finale will be a joint bell ringingsuiteperformed by all program participants.

On August 5-6, 2017, with a blessing, in the “Ural Athos,” as the Belogorsk Nikolaev Missionary Monastery was once called, celebrations were held on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the founding of the monastery and the 100th anniversary of the consecration of the main monastery church, the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross. Assisted in organizing the “Light of Belogorye” holiday.

The festive event began with a live broadcast from space - the commander of the 52nd Expedition of the International Space Station, Fyodor Yurchikhin, congratulated those gathered on the holiday.

On behalf of the acting Governor of the Perm Territory Maxim Reshetnikov Anatoly Makhovikov addressed the audience.

“Dear friends! Congratulations on the significant event that we are celebrating this year. We know that the Belogorsky Monastery was created by the whole world and its construction was not easy, and the work on its restoration was also not easy. Today we see its updated appearance and say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed their resources and efforts to its restoration! As at all times, Belogorye remains a center of spirituality, a source of strength and inspiration for good deeds. Happy holiday to you!” - said, in particular, Anatoly Makhovikov.

Then Metropolitan Methodius of Perm and Kungur addressed those present.

“100 years have passed since the time when this wonderful, magnificent Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross was consecrated and a monastery developed on this site,” said the bishop, “but today we remember another 100th anniversary. The fact is that quite a short time after the consecration of the Holy Cross Cathedral, its destruction began. The destruction of this place and this monastery began, just as throughout the country the expulsion of monks, clergy and the destruction of the churches of God began. This is the sad story of our Fatherland."

“In everything that happens in the world, we must always see the will of God,” the bishop continued. - We must understand: what happened 100 years ago, and the fact that today we are freely and calmly, with joy, talking about the revival of this monument, about the revival of many churches, about the revival of the free spirit - in all this there is great and good the will of God. On this festive day, when for the first time in the history of the revived monastery we are present at such large-scale festive events, I would like to cordially congratulate you all on this event and wish that, remembering our history and celebrating solemn events, we do not forget those who created this beauty. After all, there were no such mechanisms as today, there were no technical equipment, but the love and heartfelt faith of our predecessors contributed to the erection of such a magnificent cathedral, which stood in this place through hard times, whirlwinds, destruction, and ridicule. He endured everything and shows us an example of perseverance, because this is truly the house of God, and prayer was and is being done here today.”

“Not only engineers and clergy took part in the restoration of this temple, but all those who with good will and desire came here and helped so that this temple would shine in its beauty. This spirit of unity, the spirit of brotherly understanding of beauty should unite us in our upcoming affairs, so that the future never repeats the mistakes that ours has accumulated. national history“, emphasized the head of the Perm Metropolitanate.

Bishop Methodius spoke about a film dedicated to the Belogorsk monastery. Later, during the concert program, several excerpts from this film were shown. The film will be one of the first in a series of films about new martyrs and confessors of the 20th century. The Bishop noted high level the work of the film's director, Konstantin Charalampidis, who also directed the festive concert.

The guests of the event were also congratulated by the head of the city of Perm Dmitry Samoilov, the chairman of the Perm City Duma Yuri Utkin, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Perm Territory Tatyana Margolina, as well as a direct participant in the transfer of the Belogorsky Monastery to the Russian Orthodox Church and restoration of the monastery, governor of the Perm region in 1996-2000. Gennady Igumnov.

The former governor spoke about the deplorable state in which the “pearl of the Urals” was. “We called on everyone to help restore the monastery, and little by little everyone began to respond. There was no road, electricity or gas here, but we knew that we had to gradually revive the temple,” Gennady Igumnov shared his memories. The power changed, and the monastery was handed over from governor to governor, but still, what was done at the very beginning of the restoration of the shrine, without a doubt, became a significant step. Bishop Methodius thanked Gennady Igumnov for his work for the benefit of the Holy Church and presented him with the first volume of the historical and artistic album “Those who consecrated the Perm Land with prayer.”

The subsequent concert, dedicated to the history of Russia in the 20th century, was attended by the choir of the Athos Metochion in St. Petersburg (regent - Alexey Zhukov), the State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble "Russia" named after L.G. Zykina (regent - Dmitry Dmitrienko), the choir of the Perm Metropolitanate (regent - Alena Kalinskaya), main soloist of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrov Boris Dyakov and others.

Perm diocese/

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Labyrinths of history

On April 29, 1891, an assassination attempt was made on Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich (the future Nicholas II), who was visiting Japan as a traveler. A fanatic, a samurai who served in the police, hit Nikolai with a sword. However, the blow fell casually, and the heir to the throne remained alive. The news of this event shocked Russia. In June 1893, on White Mountain, not far from the city of Kungur, Perm province, a place was consecrated for the foundation of a temple in memory of the miraculous saving of the life of the Tsarevich.

In November 1893, a construction committee was created for the construction of the Belogorsk monastery, and four years later it was approved as a cenobitic monastery. In June 1917, the consecration of the largest cathedral Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in the Urals, which could accommodate up to 8 thousand people, took place at the monastery. However, then the joy of the believers was short-lived - a whirlwind of revolution was approaching the province. During Civil War The monastery was destroyed, many of the monastery brethren were shot by the Bolsheviks. Monastic life on White Mountain was resumed only in 1991, when the complex of monastery buildings that had fallen into disrepair was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Today the monastery is being restored the same way it was built in its time - by the whole world. In September 1998, a Non-Profit Fund was created to support the reconstruction of the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Belogorsk Monastery "White Mountain".

“In almost 20 years of work, including thanks to private donations, we have managed to do a lot,” says Alexey Zolotarev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the White Mountain Foundation, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory. - So, we built a road with asphalt concrete pavement to White Mountain, water intake structures, and a gas pipeline. The domes, roof and outer walls of the temple, the buildings of the fraternal buildings, and the hotel for pilgrims and tourists have already been restored. In short, every year they perform large volume works For example, only in 2016, with money from the foundation and benefactors (more than 4 million rubles), they continued to equip the Central iconostasis in the upper church of the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross, manufactured and installed an external metal fencing of the monastery territory. In addition, the construction of the main staircase on the northwestern side of the cathedral was completed. Today the lion's share of everything that needed to be done has been completed. The monastery is preparing to receive numerous guests, pilgrims and tourists who will visit it during the anniversary celebrations.”

Renaissance Center

According to Alexey Zolotarev, today the Belogorsky Monastery, as at the beginning of the twentieth century, has again become a major spiritual center of the Kama region. The monastery regularly hosts conferences and seminars on religious topics with the participation of cultural figures, scientists and the public. The annual charity concerts “The Light of the White Mountain” have become widely known and popular.

“The Belogorsk monastery makes a huge contribution to the revival and preservation of spiritual and moral traditions,” says Alexey Zolotarev. - This is very important for each of us today. Therefore, the state and citizens will continue to help in the restoration of our common heritage - the Ural Athos."