Wrangel short biography. Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel in the Civil War

Death was on his heels. But he was brave, successful and courageous, he endlessly loved his homeland and served it honestly. It is no coincidence that he bore the title “The Last Knight of the Russian Empire.”

"Black Baron"

This nickname was given to the person we want to talk about. This is Wrangel Petr Nikolaevich. A brief biography of him will be presented in the article.

He is actually a baron by birth. Born in the Kovno province of Russia, in the city of Novoaleksandrovsk (now Kaunas). The family is from the nobility, very ancient family. It is from the 13th century. From Henrikus de Wrangel - a knight of the Teutonic Order - he traces his genealogy.

And the general was nicknamed “black” because since 1918 he constantly wore a Cossack Circassian coat of this color. And even decorated with gazirs. These are small cylinders made of bone or silver, where they were placed powder charges. Gazyrs were usually attached to breast pockets.

Pyotr Nikolaevich was a very popular figure. Mayakovsky, for example, wrote: “He walked with a sharp step in a black Circassian coat.”

Descendant of glorious military men

He is an engineer by training. Graduated from the Mining Institute. His father, Nikolai Yegorovich Wrangel, was an art critic and also a writer. Also a big collector of antiques.

This is probably why my son never thought of becoming a professional soldier. But the genes apparently did their job. But the fact is that General P.N. Wrangel is a direct branch from Herman the Elder. There was such a field marshal in Sweden (XVII century). And his great-grandson named George Gustav served as a colonel under Charles XII himself. And already the son of the latter, whose name was Georg Hans, became a major, only in the Russian army. Not only grandfathers and fathers, but also uncles and nephews were military men and fought in the battles that Russia often waged. Their family gave Europe seven field marshals, the same number of admirals, and more than thirty generals.

Therefore, young Peter knew all this, understood, and could follow the example of his ancestors. The same Russian officer, whose name is inscribed not just anywhere, but on the wall of one famous temple in Moscow. He is listed among those who suffered in the war of 1812. Another brave relative captured Shamil, the elusive leader of the highlanders. The Arctic explorer and also an admiral are also famous. The island is named after him. And Pushkin is a relative of the “black baron” through his grandfather Hannibal, an arap

It is very difficult to briefly present an interesting, voluminous topic dedicated to such an outstanding personality as Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel. It contains many facts that most fully convey the image of this exceptional person. Take just one motto of this kind - “I’m dying, but I’m not giving up!” But the hero of our essay followed him all his life.

War with Japan

So, the newly minted engineer Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel did not see any connection between himself and the army in the future. True, I studied for another year in the Horse Regiment. But the new cornet was recorded... as a reserve. And he went far away to work - to Irkutsk. And not at all a military man, but a civilian official.

All the cards were mixed up by the outbreak of war. Wrangel volunteered for it. And at the front he showed his innate military qualities for the first time. This became his real calling.

By the end of 1904 he was promoted to centurion. Two orders were awarded: St. Anne and St. Stanislav. They became the first “instances” in his large collection of awards.

When the end of the war came, the engineer could no longer imagine himself without the army. He even graduated from the Imperial Academy of the General Staff in 1910.

Cavalry squadron

Wrangel Pyotr Nikolaevich met the First World War with the rank of captain. Commanded a unit

He already had a wife and 3 children. I might not have gone to the front. But I didn’t allow myself to do that. And in reports from the front, the authorities again wrote about the outstanding courage of Captain Wrangel.

Only three weeks have passed since the beginning of this massacre, and his detachment managed to distinguish itself. The cavalrymen dashed forward. The enemy battery was captured. And Wrangel was noted for such a feat (among the first). Received the Order of St. George. Soon he rose to the rank of colonel. In January 1917, he became a major general. He is valued as a very promising military man. In the description they wrote that Wrangel had “outstanding courage.” He deals with any situation quickly, especially in a serious one. And also extremely resourceful.

In the summer of the same year - the next step. Wrangel Pyotr Nikolaevich is now the commander of a large cavalry corps. But again it abruptly changed the trajectory of his life.

Gather into a fist

Her hereditary baron and important general could not accept her for obvious reasons. Left the army. He moved to Yalta and lived with his family at his dacha. Here he was arrested by local Bolsheviks. But what could they show him? Noble origins? Military merits? Therefore, he was soon released, but hid until german army did not enter Crimea.

He left for Kyiv. I decided to enter the service of Hetman Pavel Skoropadsky. However, he was soon disappointed. The Ukrainian government (new) turned out to be weak. It held on only thanks to the bayonets of the Germans.

Wrangel goes to the city of Ekaterinodar. As a commander (1st Cavalry Division) he joins the volunteer army. Thus began the baron’s new service in the White Army.

Experts still say that its successes are largely the merit of Wrangel and his cavalry. After all, he always has his own tactics. For example, he was against fighting along the entire front. He preferred to gather cavalrymen into a fist and throw them into breaking through one sector. The blow was always so powerful that the enemy simply ran away. These brilliant operations, which were developed and carried out by the “black baron”, ensured the victories of the army both in the Kuban and in the North Caucasus.

Out of favor with Denikin

The city of Tsaritsyn was captured by Wrangel’s cavalry in June 1919. And just like that, it happens! After such success, the baron fell into disgrace. Anton Denikin, commander in chief of the volunteer army, was angry with him. Why? The fact is that both of them - major military men - had opposing views on further measures. Denikin aimed to go to Moscow, while Wrangel - to unite with Kolchak (in the east).

The biography of Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel shows that he was one hundred percent right. For the campaign against the capital was a failure. But the rightness of his opponent infuriated Denikin even more. And he removed the general from business.

Wrangel retired (February 1920). Left for Constantinople.

New hope

So, is a brilliant career over? No, heaven decreed otherwise. A few months later Denikin left. He himself resigned. A military council was convened in Sevastopol. Wrangel was elected commander in chief.

But what did he hope for? After all, the situation of the “whites” - and this is very clear - was simply sad. The army kept retreating. Complete destruction was already looming on the horizon.

However, having nevertheless accepted the army, Wrangel performed an incredible miracle. He stopped the advance of the “red” fighters. The White Guards settled firmly in Crimea.

King for a day

During these six months, the last Russian knight did a lot. Given the mistakes, he made incredible compromises. I wanted to make my supporters people from all walks of life. He developed a plan for agrarian reform, which involved allocating land to peasants. Also adopted draft socio-economic measures. They had to “defeat” Russia, but not with weapons at all, but with their successes.

The baron also envisioned countries and proposed recognizing the independence of both the highlanders and Ukraine.

But by the time he came to power, the White Guard movement had been lost - both internationally (the West refused to help them) and domestically. The Bolsheviks controlled most of Russia with far greater resources.

In the spring of 1920, Wrangel again had to raise troops to repel the attack of the “Reds”. This was possible in the summer. The "Whites" entered the territory of Northern Tavria. They needed to stock up on food. However, then there were no more successes.

The main thing is that we wasted time. IN Soviet Russia people have not even heard about Wrangel’s proposed reforms. For them, he is always just a “black baron” who strives to return the “royal throne.”

Yes, the general did not hide his sympathies. Being politically flexible and smart, he did not focus on this in his program. And he definitely didn’t insist at all, which, unfortunately, no longer mattered.


It is impossible to tell everything about the life of Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel in one article. Volumes could be devoted to the period of his stay abroad alone.

In November 1920, the Red Army broke into Crimea. And in this situation, General Wrangel again showed himself perfectly. He managed to organize the evacuation of the White Army and civilians abroad in such a way that there was no confusion or chaos. Everyone who wanted to left left. Wrangel personally controlled this when he toured the ports on a destroyer.

It was simply a feat. Only Wrangel can do it. After all, the general took out from Crimea (in November 1920), no less than 132 ships, loaded to the very limit! Refugees sailed on them - 145 thousand 693 people, as well as ship crews.

The organizer himself also left. There, far from his homeland, he founded the Russian All-Military Union (1924), which was ready at any moment to enter into an armed struggle against Bolshevism. And he was able to do it. The entire backbone was former officers. It was the largest and most powerful organization of white emigrants. There were more than one hundred thousand members registered.

The Bolsheviks treated them with great caution. It is no coincidence that many leaders were either kidnapped or killed by the Soviet secret services.

In the fall of 1927, the baron, who really dreamed of revenge, had to remember what he had in his hands big family. Need to feed. From Constantinople he moved with his family to Brussels. How an engineer got a job at a company.

On the battlefield

Every day of military everyday life, of which the military general turned out to be a lot, he was very brave. The story alone, which happened back in the First World War, is worth it. The commander of the cavalry squadron was, as always, brave and impetuous. In one place in what is now the Kaliningrad region, Captain Wrangel, having obtained permission to attack an enemy battery, carried out the attack with lightning speed. And captured two guns. Moreover, they managed to fire the last shot from one of them. He killed the horse on which the commander was sitting...

While in Constantinople, Wrangel Pyotr Nikolaevich lived on a yacht. One day it was rammed. It was an Italian ship, but it came from our Batumi. The yacht sank before our eyes. None of the Wrangel family was on board at the time. And three crew members died. The strange circumstances of this incident raised suspicions of a deliberate collision with the yacht. They have been confirmed today by researchers of the work of the Soviet special services. Olga Golubovskaya, an emigrant and agent of the Soviet authorities, is involved in this.

And one more fact. Just six months after arriving in Brussels, Pyotr Nikolaevich unexpectedly died (from tuberculosis infection). However, his relatives suggested that he was poisoned by the brother of a servant who was assigned to the baron. He was also an NKVD agent. This version is confirmed today by other sources.

Stormy life! Interesting fate. There is a book, the preface to which was written by the prose writer Nikolai Starikov, “Memoirs of Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel.” It's worth reading. Provokes deep thought.

04/25/1928. - Died in Brussels (probably poisoned) white general Petr Nikolaevich Wrangel

“Preserve the honor of the Russian banner entrusted to the army”

Petr Nikolaevich Wrangel (15.8.1878–25.4.1928) was born in the city of Novo-Alexandrovsk, Kovno province, into a noble family of barons of an old Baltic family, in which military service was the main occupation. In Russian service, the Wrangels reached the highest military ranks during the reign. But his father, Nikolai Georgievich, did not choose a military career, but became the director of an insurance company in Rostov-on-Don. Peter spent his childhood and youth in this city.

Having graduated from the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg in 1900, young Wrangel was also very far from a military career. After graduating from the institute, he underwent compulsory military service as a volunteer of the 1st category in the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment. Having risen to the rank of estandard cadet and passing the test for the rank of cornet, he was enlisted in the guards cavalry reserve in 1902. Receiving his first officer rank and serving in one of the oldest guard regiments changed his attitude towards a military career.

Overview of the main stages White movement and the reasons for his defeat, see the book.

Discussion: 33 comments

    Thank you for your work!

    Thank you! We must not forget our warriors of the Spirit! And our children will not forget....

    A real Officer.....nowadays there would be more of them...

    It is very important for our people not to forget their heroes. after all, there is no future for the people who do not know their past.....

    The elite of the Russian people was brought up and cultivated for centuries. The nobles cherished the honor of their family name and rarely in history can you find any clan where there were many scoundrels and traitors. For the most part, the nobility chose military service and concepts Honor and the Motherland were sacred to him. The tragedy of the Civil War was that each side fought for its truth and its Russia. Baron Wrangel was a patriot and hero of his Russia

    Thank you, this is exciting and we should never forget it, if it were done for us, for the sake of our future. So many people died for our freedom and we must remember this.

    Thank you for helping me prepare the report!!!

    Eternal memory and the Kingdom of Heaven to the Russian hero-military leader Baron Wrangel, who until the last defended the honor of his Motherland from desecration.

    I really liked it, but not that (((But very interesting)))

    I advise you to completely re-read the Memoirs of P.N. Wrangel!!!

    I read it. There were more questions than answers. I read it this topic after a short conversation with Father Alexander.

    General Wrangel is a faithful son of Russia, and remained faithful to it to the end. His feat, his service to the Motherland, is to this day an example for all patriots of Russia. Lord rest the soul of your servant Peter, and forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven!

    Interesting, but they made the material too neglectfully, but +++++++

    The article is certainly heart-warming, there is no information on economics and finance, because any army requires huge supply costs, so it would be interesting to know how much and what was sold in absentia to the Entente for weapons and food supplies for the volunteer army? even if Ukraine and the Caucasus were granted independence, then I’m even afraid to imagine what the Western “allies” “grabbed”, I read somewhere that Wrangel sold Russian railways, is this true?

    But I read somewhere that all Marxists come from monkeys. Is this true?

    One of outstanding people history of Russia, whose family, like himself, put service to the fatherland above all else! his main character traits are valor, honor, pride, integrity and courage, which he shared with his soldiers! during the civil war, he sided with the white movement and did everything possible to ensure that Bolshevism was defeated! During the war years, I admire the feat of his wife, who looked after ordinary soldiers of the White Army, who was always next to her husband. Many people said about him that he was noble and could sit at the same table with ordinary soldiers and was like a father to them! during the time of the white occupation zone, in which Crimea was located, people there did not starve; under the control of Wrangel, white Crimea was prosperous, there was a real market economy and democracy in the most positive relationships! but a tragedy happened and the Reds defeated the Whites, alas and ah, we were mired in terror and famine with the collective farms that the Bolshevik government arranged for us, claiming millions of lives and instilling fear in the people! if the whites had won, then it seems to me that Hitler would hardly have attacked us, since the white army is the heirs of the RIA and there would have been a strong, philanthropic government and smart military leaders like Suvorov, Kutuzov, Ushakov, Yudenich, Wrangel, Kolchak, Nakhimov, that is great heirs of the imperial martial art, smart and strong in strategy and tactics!

    In order not to say anything special, I will present a slightly different view of a famous scientist and historiographer, who also has admirers of his talent, like the respected MVN.
    And to believe or not to believe in the “holy cause of the white movement” is everyone’s business.
    Here is an interesting opinion (of course, if censorship allows):
    "V strategic plan"red", thanks to cooperation former leaders Imperial Headquarters were incomparably superior to the “whites”.
    “if we look at the composition of Wrangel’s government, we will see in it such personalities as the legal Marxist Freemason P. B. Struve, the former Minister of Agriculture, the great Freemason A. V. Krivoshein. Krivoshein was Wrangel’s head of government, and Struve was actually the Minister of Foreign Affairs Wrangel's Minister of Finance was the former Minister of Finance of the Provisional Government, freemason M. V. Bernatsky. Wrangel's confidant in Paris was N. A. Basili, one of the main executors of the conspiracy against Emperor Nicholas II. This was the “right-wing” government of Baron Wrangel. with whose name for some reason monarchism and right-wing radicalism are associated. V. A. Maklakov wrote on October 21, 1920 in a letter to B. A. Bakhmetyev that Wrangel has no ideology at all “and if skeptics, undermining Wrangel, reproach him for restoration plans, then they were deeply mistaken in essence."
    “And these are Kornilov’s statements: “I believe that the revolution that took place in Russia is a sure guarantee of our victory over the enemy. Only a free Russia, which has thrown off the oppression of the old regime, can emerge victorious from the real world struggle.”
    Author: Peter Multatuli

Pyotr Wrangel was born in 1878 into a noble family. The Wrangel family went down in history back in the 13th century - in those days there lived Henricus de Wrangel, a Teutonic knight famous for his exploits in the military field. The future “white” commander-in-chief was a direct descendant of Herman the Elder, a military man who lived in the 17th century. Almost all of Peter Wrangel's male relatives were involved in military affairs - they participated in almost all the wars waged by Russia. Representatives of the Wrangel family became famous public figures, government officials, and had extensive family connections.

The Wrangel estate was located in Rostov. Nikolai Wrangel, the father of the future “white” commander, worked in the shipping and trade society. Pyotr Wrangel's childhood years were spent in Rostov - a boy with early age showed interest in hunting, was an excellent shot, was distinguished by agility, good reaction, and strength.

In 1895, a misfortune occurred in the family - tragic death youngest son, which forced the Wrangels to move to St. Petersburg. There at famous family There were also connections - Nikolai Wrangel began working in the financial circles of the city, and Peter entered the Mining Institute. At that time it was educational institution was considered one of the most prestigious. Wrangel stood out from total mass students with his views and upbringing, had an extraordinary aristocratic appearance - he was quickly accepted into high society cities. In 1901, Pyotr Wrangel brilliantly completed his studies at the institute. IN student years His political views finally took shape - Wrangel was a convinced monarchist.

After training, Wrangel ended up in the Cavalry Regiment, which was traditional for men of his kind - this regiment was considered one of the elite, since the commander-in-chief was himself Russian Emperor. A year later, the future commander-in-chief received the rank of cornet. However, his character played a cruel joke on him. Wrangel’s drunken antics aroused the interest of the regiment officers, since commander Trubetskoy himself became a witness. The prank closed all paths for development and career growth in the Cavalry Regiment for young Wrangel.

Wrangel becomes an official under Governor General A. Panteleev. However, two years later it begins - Pyotr Nikolaevich volunteers for the Manchurian army. Here Wrangel will make many useful contacts that will help in his future career.

During the military operations, Wrangel repeatedly distinguished himself, showing courage and valor. During the war, he received the rank of centurion of the Cossack troops, and after the hostilities he became a captain.

After the Russo-Japanese War, he entered the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff, from which he graduated brilliantly in 1910, but did not want to develop as a staff employee, so he went to cavalry school, and two years later he entered service in his regiment.

During the First World War, he proved himself to be a valiant warrior - Wrangel’s feat is known when he managed to attack the enemy with a mounted army and capture their guns. This happened in the Kaushensky battle - the maneuver was not only heroic, but also the only cavalry battle during the war. For his feat, Wrangel received the Order of St. George. In 1915 he was awarded the Arms of St. George.

After the First World War, he received the rank of major general for his services. Wrangel was appointed commander of the Cavalry Corps, but as a result of the revolution in the country he did not take command. Wrangel considered the Bolshevik revolutionaries to be enemies of the Motherland and refused to serve them.

Wrangel was offered to enter the service of Hetman Skoropadsky, the leader of the Ukrainian state. In fact, Skoropadsky's rule was completely subordinated to the German administration, which held real power in the Ukrainian territories. Wrangel refused to serve the Germans, against whom he fought during the First World War. In 1918 he went to the Don, where the Volunteer Army was being formed at that time.

Wrangel is one of the most famous leaders of the White Movement - he personified the ideals of most “white” officers: a nobleman, a monarchist, who received an excellent education and extensive experience in military operations. At the second stage of the Civil War, Wrangel led the Caucasian army. It was thanks to the decisive actions of Wrangel that Tsaritsyn was captured in 1919.

Wrangel was the commander of the cavalry detachments. Initially he developed difficult relationship with Denikin - their views on combat were radically different. Wrangel criticized Denikin’s “Moscow Directive”, considering it destructive for the army. He believed that the Volunteer Army of the South should unite with Kolchak’s troops. In 1919, for some time he commanded troops operating in the Moscow direction, but he did not stop disagreements with the command and was removed from command.

In 1920, A. Denikin left the post of commander-in-chief of the Volunteer Army, and Wrangel, who at that time was in Constantinople, was chosen in his place.

Wrangel became commander-in-chief during a difficult period - the “whites” were losing not only at the fronts, but also in foreign and domestic policy. Pyotr Nikolaevich tried to strengthen the support of the “whites” among the population. He tried to conclude a peace agreement and get support from the leader of the UPR Directory, S. Petlyura, promising recognition of the independence of Ukraine. However, by that time Petliura himself had lost control over the territories. It was also not possible to establish contacts with the rebel formations - the Makhnovists shot the negotiators sent by Wrangel. During the period of leadership of the White Army, Wrangel attempted to create a state entity in Crimea, but already in 1920 the Bolsheviks drove the “whites” out of Crimea.

Like many other “white” commanders, Wrangel ended up in exile. Lived in Belgium, Yugoslavia, Turkey. Died in Brussels in 1928.

People of the older generation well remember the famous Bolshevik hit “White Army, Black Baron,” but not everyone knows that it so darkly referred to Wrangel Pyotr Nikolaevich, whose biography formed the basis of this article. And few people know that he received this nickname during his lifetime not for any dark deeds, but only because of his passion for the black Circassian coat, which he preferred to an ordinary uniform.

Famous graduate of the Mining Institute

Wrangel Pyotr Nikolaevich was born on August 15, 1878 in the city of Novoaleksandrovsk, Kovno province. He inherited his baronial title from his ancestors, whose names appear in chronicles dating back to the 13th century. Representatives of the Wrangel family also occupied a worthy place among statesmen and scientists of subsequent centuries.

In his youth, Pyotr Nikolaevich hardly thought about a military career; in any case, in 1896 he entered the St. Petersburg Mining Institute, after graduating from which he became an engineer. However, belonging to the highest aristocratic circle implied the presence of an officer rank, and in order not to break tradition, he served for two years as a volunteer in the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, after which, having successfully passed the exam, he was promoted to cornet.

Official career and happy marriage

Having resigned, Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel went to Irkutsk, where he was offered a very promising position as an official on special assignments under the Governor General. That's how he would live, rising to set time along the steps of the career ladder, if not for the Russo-Japanese War. Without considering oneself the right to remain aloof from the events that took place on Far East, Pyotr Nikolaevich returns to the army and takes part in battles, where for his heroism he is awarded a number of awards and promoted to lieutenant. From now on, military service becomes his life's work.

Soon another important event occurs - he marries Olga Mikhailovna Ivanenko, the daughter of one of the dignitaries of the Highest Court. This marriage, the fruit of which was four children, was a true gift from heaven for both, and, having gone through the trials of the most difficult years together, the couple did not part until the death of Pyotr Nikolaevich.

New war and new differences

Returning to the capital, Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel continued his education, this time within the walls of the Nikolaev Military Academy, after graduating from which he met the First world war squadron commander of the Horse Regiment. The next three years became a period of amazing growth in his officer's career. Having served at the front as a captain, in 1917 he returned with the rank of major general - holder of most of Russia's highest military awards. This is how the Motherland celebrated the battle path of its devoted soldier.

The path to the Volunteer Army

He perceived the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks and the violence they committed as a crime, and, not wanting to participate in them, he and his wife left for Yalta, where at a dacha they owned he was soon arrested by local security officers. The Red Terror had not yet been unleashed, and people were not shot just for belonging to the noble class, therefore, not finding a reason for further detention, he was soon released.

When German units entered Crimea, Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel received relative freedom of movement, and, taking advantage of it, left for Kyiv, where he hoped to establish cooperation with Hetman Skoropadsky. However, having arrived there and familiarized himself with the situation, he soon became convinced of the weakness and unviability of his pro-German government and, leaving Ukraine, departed for Yekaterinodar, which was occupied at that time by the Volunteer Army.

In August 1918, Lieutenant General Wrangel took command of the 1st Cavalry Division of the Volunteer Army. In battles with the red units, he showed the same extraordinary leadership talent as he once did on the fronts of the First World War, only now his compatriots became his opponents, which could not but affect the general morale of the commander.

Nevertheless, putting above all else the duty of a soldier who has sworn an oath of allegiance to the Tsar and the Fatherland, he devotes himself entirely to the fight, and soon his military labors receive due appreciation - a new promotion in rank, this time he becomes a lieutenant general and a cavalier of new military awards

The tactics he developed have gone down in the history of military art, in which cavalry units are not dispersed along the front line, but gathered into a single fist inflict a crushing blow on the enemy, which in most cases decides the outcome of the entire battle. This is how he managed to win a series major victories in the North Caucasus and Kuban.

Master of the south of Russia

Despite the success that invariably accompanied his units, Wrangel was forced to resign at the height of the war. The reason for this was his disagreements with the commander of the Southern Front, General A.I. Denikin, only after whose departure he again continued his activities, taking his place.

From now on, Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel became the sovereign master of the south of Russia. The white movement, which had previously swept the entire country, was practically suppressed by the beginning of 1920, and the capture of Crimea by units of the Red Army was essentially only a matter of time. Nevertheless, even in such a situation, when the outcome of the war was already a foregone conclusion, for six months he retained in his hands this last stronghold of the former Russia.

Latest efforts

Pyotr Nikolaevich is trying to turn the tide of events by attracting to his side the most diverse segments of the population of the southern regions of the country. For this purpose, he developed an agrarian reform, if adopted, the bulk of agricultural land would become the property of peasants. Changes were also made to labor legislation to provide workers with increased wages. However, time was lost, nothing could be changed.

In the current situation, the only realistically feasible task was to ensure evacuation military units, and also civilian population who did not want to be under the rule of the Bolsheviks. Wrangel coped with this task brilliantly. Under his leadership, in November 1920, more than 146 thousand refugees were transported from Crimea to Constantinople. Together with them, Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel left his homeland forever.

They deserve special attention, after all, they indicate that, once abroad, Wrangel did not fall out of the sight of the Russian special services; a real hunt was organized for him. The first link in this chain of events was an incident that occurred in the roadstead of Constantinople, where the yacht “Lucullus” was moored, on which Pyotr Nikolaevich lived with his family. One day she was sunk by a ship that came from Batum that crashed into her for no apparent reason. Then, fortunately, the couple were not injured, as they were on the shore.

Having moved to Europe and leading the union he created, which united more than 100 thousand. former members White movement, Pyotr Nikolaevich began to pose a real danger to the Bolsheviks, and on April 25, 1927, he was poisoned by a specially sent OGPU agent. Death overtook him in Brussels, where he worked as an engineer at one of the companies. His body was buried there.

How this and a number of other special operations to eliminate Wrangel were developed became known only during the years of perestroika after part of the archives of the special services were declassified. In subsequent years, the descendants of Wrangel Peter Nikolaevich transferred his ashes to Belgrade, where he was reburied in the fence of the Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity.

His children Elena (1909 - 1999), Natalya (1913 - 2013), Alexey (1922 - 2005) and Peter (1911 - 1999), unlike their father, turned out to be long-lived, but none of them returned to Russia. The current generation of Wrangels also has no connection with their historical homeland.

Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel(August 15 (August 27), 1878, Novoaleksandrovsk, Kovno province, Russian Empire- April 25, 1928, Brussels, Belgium) - baron, Russian military leader, participant in the Russo-Japanese and First World Wars, one of the main leaders of the White movement during the Civil War. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in Crimea and Poland (1920). General Staff Lieutenant General (1918).

He received the nickname “black baron” for his traditional (since September 1918) everyday uniform - a black Cossack Circassian coat with gazyrs.

Origin and family

Came from home Tolsburg-Ellistfer the Wrangel family is an old noble family that dates back to the beginning of the 13th century. The motto of the Wrangel family was: “Frangas, non flectes” (from Latin - “You will break, but you will not bend”).

The name of one of the ancestors of Pyotr Nikolaevich is listed among the wounded on the fifteenth wall of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, where the names of Russian officers who died and wounded during Patriotic War 1812. A distant relative of Peter Wrangel, Baron Alexander Wrangel, captured Shamil. The name of an even more distant relative of Pyotr Nikolaevich - the famous Russian navigator and polar explorer Admiral Baron Ferdinand Wrangel - is named after Wrangel Island in Northern Arctic Ocean, as well as other geographical features in the Arctic and Pacific oceans.

Father - Baron Nikolai Egorovich Wrangel (1847-1923) - former military man, entrepreneur, public figure, writer and famous collector of antiques. Mother - Maria Dmitrievna Dementieva-Maikova (1856-1944) - lived throughout the Civil War in Petrograd under her last name. After Pyotr Nikolaevich became Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia, her friends helped her move to a refugee hostel, where she registered as the “widow of Veronelli,” but continued to go to work in the Soviet museum under her real name. At the end of October 1920, with the help of Savinkovites, her friends arranged her escape to Finland.

The younger brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich Wrangel, is an art historian, employee of the Hermitage, editor of the magazine “Old Years”.

Second cousins ​​of Peter Wrangel's grandfather, Yegor Ermolaevich (1803-1868), were Professor Yegor Vasilyevich and Admiral Vasily Vasilyevich.

In August 1907, Peter Wrangel married a maid of honor, the daughter of the chamberlain of the Supreme Court, Olga Mikhailovna Ivanenko, who subsequently bore him four children: Elena (1909-1999), Peter (1911-1999), Natalya (1913-2013) and Alexei (1922- 2005).


In 1896, Pyotr Nikolaevich graduated from the Rostov Real School, where he studied in the same class with the future architect Mikhail Kondratyev. In 1901 he graduated from the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg. He was an engineer by training.

He entered the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment as a volunteer in 1901, and in 1902, having passed the exam at the Nikolaev Cavalry School, he was promoted to cornet of the guard and enlisted in the reserve. After this, he left the ranks of the army and went to Irkutsk as an official of special assignments under the governor general.

Participation in the Russo-Japanese War

After the start Russo-Japanese War enlists in military service again, this time for good. The Baron volunteered for active army and was assigned to the 2nd Verkhneudinsk Regiment of the Transbaikal Cossack Army. In December 1904 he was promoted to centurion " for distinction in cases against the Japanese"and was awarded the Order of St. Anne, 4th class, with the inscription “for bravery,” and St. Stanislaus, 3rd class, with swords and a bow. On January 6, 1906, he was assigned to the 55th Finnish Dragoon Regiment and promoted to the rank of captain. On March 26, 1907, he was again appointed to the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment with the rank of lieutenant.

Participation in the First World War

Graduated from Nikolaevskaya in 1910 military academy, in 1911 - course at the Officer Cavalry School. He met the First World War as a squadron commander of the Cavalry Regiment with the rank of captain. Was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th degree

For the fact that in the battle of August 6th near Kraupishken, having asked for permission to rush with a squadron against an enemy battery, he quickly carried out a horse attack and, despite significant losses, captured two guns, and the last shot of one of the guns killed a horse under him.

On December 12, 1914, he received the rank of colonel with seniority from December 6, 1914. On June 10, 1915, he was awarded the St. George Arms:

Because on February 20, 1915, when the brigade was moving around the defile near the village. Daukshe from the north, was sent with a division to capture the crossing over the river. Dovin near the village of Danelishki, which he completed successfully, delivering valuable information about the enemy. Then, with the approach of the brigade, he crossed the river. Dovinu and moved into the cut between two enemy groups near the village. Daukshe and M. Lyudvinov, overturned two companies of Germans covering their retreat from the village from three consecutive positions. Dauksha, having captured 12 prisoners, 4 charging boxes and a convoy during the pursuit.

In October 1915, he was transferred to the Southwestern Front and on October 8, 1915, he was appointed commander of the 1st Nerchinsky Regiment of the Transbaikal Cossack Army. Upon transfer, he was given the following description by his former commander: “Outstanding courage. He understands the situation perfectly and quickly, and is very resourceful in difficult situations.” Commanding this regiment, Baron Wrangel fought against the Austrians in Galicia, participated in the famous Lutsk breakthrough of 1916, and then in defensive positional battles. He placed military valor, military discipline, honor and the intelligence of the commander at the forefront. If an officer gives an order, Wrangel said, and it is not carried out, “he is no longer an officer, he does not have officer’s shoulder straps.” New steps in the military career of Pyotr Nikolaevich were the rank of major general, “for military distinction,” in January 1917 and his appointment as commander of the 2nd brigade of the Ussuri Cavalry Division, then in July 1917 - commander of the 7th cavalry division, and after - Commander of the Combined Cavalry Corps.

For a successfully carried out operation on the Zbruch River in the summer of 1917, General Wrangel was awarded the soldier's St. George Cross, IV degree with a laurel branch (No. 973657).

For the distinctions he showed as the commander of the consolidated cavalry corps, which covered the retreat of our infantry to the line of the Sbruch River in the period from July 10 to July 20, 1917.

- “Service record of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army
Lieutenant General Baron Wrangel" (formed on December 29, 1921)

Participation in the Civil War

From the end of 1917 he lived at a dacha in Yalta, where he was soon arrested by the Bolsheviks. After a short imprisonment, the general, upon release, hid in Crimea until the German army entered it, after which he left for Kyiv, where he decided to cooperate with the hetman government of P. P. Skoropadsky. Convinced of the weakness of the new Ukrainian government, which rested solely on German bayonets, the baron leaves Ukraine and arrives in Yekaterinodar, occupied by the Volunteer Army, where he takes command of the 1st Cavalry Division. From this moment on, Baron Wrangel’s service in the White Army begins.

In August 1918 he entered the Volunteer Army, having by this time the rank of major general and being a Knight of St. George. During the 2nd Kuban campaign he commanded the 1st Cavalry Division, and then the 1st Cavalry Corps. November 28, 1918, for successful fighting in the area of ​​the village of Petrovskoye (where he was located at that time), he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general.

Pyotr Nikolaevich was opposed to the conduct of battles along the entire front by mounted units. General Wrangel sought to gather the cavalry into a fist and throw it into the breakthrough. It was the brilliant attacks of Wrangel’s cavalry that determined the final result of the battles in the Kuban and North Caucasus.

In January 1919, for some time he commanded the Volunteer Army, and from January 1919 - the Caucasian Volunteer Army. He was in strained relations with the Commander-in-Chief of the AFSR, General A.I. Denikin, as he demanded a speedy offensive in the Tsaritsyn direction to join the army of Admiral A.V. Kolchak (Denikin insisted on a speedy attack on Moscow).

The baron's major military victory was the capture of Tsaritsyn on June 30, 1919, which had previously been unsuccessfully stormed three times by the troops of Ataman P. N. Krasnov during 1918. It was in Tsaritsyn that Denikin, who soon arrived there, signed his famous “Moscow Directive,” which, according to Wrangel, “was a death sentence for the troops of the South of Russia.” In November 1919, he was appointed commander of the Volunteer Army operating in the Moscow direction. On December 20, 1919, due to disagreements and conflict with the commander-in-chief of the AFSR, he was removed from command of the troops, and on February 8, 1920, he was dismissed and left for Constantinople.

On April 2, 1920, the commander-in-chief of the AFSR, General Denikin, decided to resign from his post. The next day, a military council was convened in Sevastopol, chaired by General Dragomirov, at which Wrangel was chosen as commander-in-chief. According to the recollections of P. S. Makhrov, at the council, the first to name Wrangel was the chief of staff of the fleet, captain 1st rank Ryabinin. On April 4, Wrangel arrived in Sevastopol on the English battleship Emperor of India and took command.

On April 4, 1920, Denikin transferred the post of Commander-in-Chief of the AFSR to P. N. Wrangel and on the same day he left for England. Wrangel accepted the appointment and issued an order to take office. On April 6, the Governing Senate, meeting in Yalta, issued a decree in which it stated that the “new people’s leader” from now on “belongs to all the power, military and civil, without any restrictions.” On April 11, P. N. Wrangel accepted the title of “Ruler and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in the South of Russia.”

Wrangel's policy in Crimea

Order of the Commander-in-Chief Armed Forces South of Russia, General P. N. Wrangel on the entry into force of the “Land Law” on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula and Northern Tavria, adopted by the Government on May 25, 1920.

For six months of 1920, P. N. Wrangel, Ruler of the South of Russia and Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, tried to take into account the mistakes of his predecessors, boldly made previously unthinkable compromises, tried to win over various segments of the population to his side, but by the time he came to power, White the fight was actually already lost both in the international and in the domestic aspects.

From left to right: Head of the Government of the South of Russia A.V. Krivoshein, Commander-in-Chief P.N. Wrangel, Chief of Staff P.N. Shatilov. Crimea. Sevastopol. 1920

advocated federal structure future Russia. He was inclined to recognize the political independence of Ukraine (in particular, according to a special decree adopted in the fall of 1920, Ukrainian recognized as national on a par with Russian). However, all these actions were aimed only at concluding a military alliance with the army of the UPR Directory, headed by Symon Petlyura, who by that time had almost lost control over the territory of Ukraine.

Recognized the independence of the mountain federation North Caucasus. He tried to establish contacts with the leaders of the rebel formations of Ukraine, including Makhno, but was unsuccessful, and Wrangel’s parliamentarians were shot by the Makhnovists. However, the commanders of smaller “green” formations willingly entered into an alliance with the baron.

With the support of the head of the Government of the South of Russia, the prominent economist and reformer A.V. Krivoshein, developed a number of legislative acts on agrarian reform, among which the main one is the “Land Law”, adopted by the government on May 25, 1920.

The basis of his land policy was the provision that most of the land belonged to peasants. He recognized the legal seizure of landowners' lands by peasants in the first years after the revolution (albeit for a certain monetary or in-kind contribution to the state). Spent a series administrative reforms in Crimea, as well as the reform of local self-government (“Law on volost zemstvos and rural communities”). He sought to win over the Cossacks by promulgating a number of decrees on regional autonomy of Cossack lands. He patronized workers by adopting a number of provisions on labor legislation. But despite all the measures taken, the material and human resources of Crimea were depleted. In addition, Great Britain actually refused further support for the whites, proposing to turn “to the Soviet government, with a view to achieving an amnesty,” and saying that the British government would refuse any support and assistance if the white leadership again refused negotiations These British actions, regarded as blackmail, did not affect decision made continue the fight until the end.

Leader of the White Movement

When taking office as Commander-in-Chief of the AFSR, Wrangel saw his main task not as fighting the Reds, but as the task of “ lead the army out of a difficult situation with honor" At this moment, few of the white military leaders could imagine the very possibility of active military action, and the combat effectiveness of the troops after a streak of disasters was called into question. The British ultimatum about “ termination unequal struggle " This message from the British became the first international document received by Wrangel in the rank of leader of the White movement. General Baron Wrangel would write later in his memoirs:

The British refusal to further help us took away our last hopes. The army's position was becoming desperate. But I've already made my decision.

General Wrangel, upon assuming the post of Commander-in-Chief of the AFSR, realizing the full extent of the vulnerability of Crimea, immediately took a number of preparatory measures in case of evacuation of the army - in order to avoid a repetition of the disasters of the Novorossiysk and Odessa evacuation. The Baron also understood that economic resources Crimea is insignificant and incomparable with the resources of the Kuban, Don, Siberia, which served as bases for the emergence of the White movement, and keeping the region isolated can lead to famine.

A few days after Baron Wrangel took office, he received information about the Reds preparing a new assault on the Crimea, for which the Bolshevik command gathered a significant amount of artillery, aviation, 4 rifle and cavalry divisions here. Among these forces were also selected Bolshevik troops - the Latvian Division, the 3rd Infantry Division, which consisted of internationalists - Latvians, Hungarians, etc.

On April 13, 1920, the Latvians attacked and overthrew the advanced units of General Ya. A. Slashchev on Perekop and had already begun to move south from Perekop to the Crimea. Slashchev counterattacked and drove the enemy back, but the Latvians, receiving reinforcements after reinforcements from the rear, managed to cling to the Perekop Wall. The approaching Volunteer Corps decided the outcome of the battle, as a result of which the Reds were driven out of Perekop and were soon partially cut down and partially driven away by the cavalry of General Morozov near Tyup-Dzhankoy.

On April 14, General Baron Wrangel launched a Red counterattack, having previously grouped the Kornilovites, Markovites and Slashchevites and reinforced them with a detachment of cavalry and armored cars. The Reds were crushed, but the approaching 8th Red Cavalry Division, knocked out the day before by Wrangel's troops from Chongar, as a result of their attack restored the situation, and the Red infantry again launched an attack on Perekop - however, this time the Red assault was no longer successful, and their advance was stopped at approaches to Perekop. In an effort to consolidate the success, General Wrangel decided to inflict flank attacks on the Bolsheviks, landing two troops (the Alekseevites on ships were sent to the Kirillovka area, and the Drozdovskaya division was sent to the village of Khorly, 20 km west of Perekop). Both landings were noticed by Red aviation even before the landing, so 800 Alekseevites, after a difficult unequal battle with the entire 46th Estonian Red Division that had arrived, broke through to Genichesk with heavy losses and were evacuated under the cover of naval artillery. The Drozdovites, despite the fact that their landing also did not come as a surprise to the enemy, were able to carry out the initial plan of the operation (Landing Operation Perekop - Khorly): they landed in the rear of the Reds, in Khorly, from where they walked along the enemy’s rear more than 60 miles with battles to Perekop, diverting the forces of the pressing Bolsheviks from him. For Khorly, the commander of the First (of the two Drozdovsky) regiments, Colonel A.V. Turkul, was promoted to major general by the Commander-in-Chief. As a result, the assault on Perekop by the Reds was generally thwarted and the Bolshevik command was forced to postpone the next attempt to storm Perekop to May in order to transfer even larger forces here and then act for sure. In the meantime, the Red command decided to lock the AFSR in the Crimea, for which they began to actively construct barriers and concentrated large forces of artillery (including heavy) and armored vehicles.

V. E. Shambarov writes on the pages of his research about how the first battles under the command of General Wrangel affected the morale of the army:

The assault was repelled great value for whites. Despite the losses suffered, it raised the general spirit of the army, the rear, and the population. It showed that Crimea is at least able to defend itself. The troops regained self-confidence...

General Wrangel quickly and decisively reorganized the army and renamed it “Russian” on April 28, 1920. Cavalry regiments are replenished with horses. He is trying to strengthen discipline with harsh measures. Equipment is also starting to arrive. The coal delivered on April 12 allows the White Guard ships, which had previously been standing without fuel, to come to life. And Wrangel, in his orders for the army, already speaks of a way out of the difficult situation “ not only with honor, but also with victory».

The offensive of the Russian army in Northern Tavria

Having defeated several Red divisions, which tried to counterattack to prevent the White advance, the Russian Army managed to escape from the Crimea and occupy the fertile territories of Northern Tavria, vital for replenishing the Army’s food supplies.

Fall of White Crimea

Having accepted the Volunteer Army in a situation where the entire White Cause had already been lost by his predecessors, General Baron Wrangel, nevertheless, did everything possible to save the situation, but in the end, under the influence of military failures, he was forced to take out the remnants of the Army and the civilian population who were not wanted to remain under Bolshevik rule.

By September 1920, the Russian army was still unable to liquidate the left bank bridgeheads of the Red Army near Kakhovka. On the night of November 8, the Southern Front of the Red Army under the overall command of M. V. Frunze launched a general offensive, the goal of which was to capture Perekop and Chongar and break through to the Crimea. The offensive involved units of the 1st and 2nd Cavalry armies, as well as the 51st division of Blucher and the army of N. Makhno. General A.P. Kutepov, who commanded the defense of Crimea, was unable to hold back the offensive, and the attackers broke into the territory of Crimea with heavy losses.

On November 11, 1920, the Revolutionary Military Council of the Southern Front addressed P. N. Wrangel on the radio with a proposal “immediately stop fighting and put down your weapons” With "guarantees" amnesty “...for all offenses related to the civil struggle.” P. N. Wrangel did not give an answer to M. V. Frunze; moreover, he hid the contents of this radio message from the personnel of his army, ordering the closure of all radio stations except one served by officers. The lack of response allowed the Soviet side to subsequently claim that the amnesty proposal had been formally annulled.

The remnants of the white units (approximately 100 thousand people) were evacuated in an organized manner to Constantinople with the support of transport and naval ships of the Entente.

The evacuation of the Russian army from Crimea, much more difficult than the Novorossiysk evacuation, according to contemporaries and historians, was successful - order reigned in all ports and the bulk of those wishing to get on board the ships. Before leaving Russia himself, Wrangel personally visited all Russian ports on a destroyer to make sure that the ships carrying refugees were ready to go to the open sea.

After the capture of the Crimean peninsula by the Bolsheviks, arrests and executions of the Wrangelites remaining in Crimea began. According to historians, from November 1920 to March 1921, from 60 to 120 thousand people were shot, according to official Soviet data from 52 to 56 thousand.


Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) - First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, General P. N. Wrangel with his wife Olga Mikhailovna, Russian clergy and military in Yugoslavia. April 1927

Since November 1920 - in exile. After arriving in Entente-occupied Constantinople, he lived on the yacht Lucullus.

On October 15, 1921, near the Galata embankment, the yacht was rammed by the Italian steamer Adria, coming from the Soviet Batum, and it sank instantly. Wrangel and his family members were not on board at that moment. Most of the crew members managed to escape; the ship's watch commander, midshipman P.P. Sapunov, who refused to leave the yacht, the ship's cook Krasa, and sailor Efim Arshinov died. The strange circumstances of the death of the Lucullus aroused suspicion among many contemporaries of a deliberate ramming of the yacht, which is confirmed by modern researchers of the Soviet special services. The Red Army Intelligence Service agent Olga Golubovskaya, known in the Russian emigration of the early 1920s as the poetess Elena Ferrari, took part in the Luculla ram.

P. N. Wrangel (center) at Zeon Castle. Standing from left to right: 2nd from left - N. M. Kotlyarevsky (Wrangel’s secretary); N. N. Ilyina, S. A. Sokolov-Krechetov, philosopher I. A. Ilyin

In 1922, he moved with his headquarters from Constantinople to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, to Sremski Karlovtsi.

In 1924, Wrangel created the Russian All-Military Union (ROVS), which united most of the participants in the White movement in exile. In November 1924, Wrangel recognized the supreme leadership of the EMRO as Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich (formerly the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army in the First World War).

Wrangel was related to Vasily Shulgin’s illegal travel across the USSR in 1925-1926.

In September 1927, Wrangel moved with his family to Brussels. He worked as an engineer in one of the Brussels companies.

On April 25, 1928, he died suddenly in Brussels after suddenly contracting tuberculosis. According to his family, he was poisoned by his servant's brother, who was a Bolshevik agent. The version about the poisoning of Wrangel by an NKVD agent is also expressed by Alexander Yakovlev in his book “Twilight”.

He was buried in Brussels. Subsequently, Wrangel’s ashes were transferred to Belgrade, where they were solemnly reburied on October 6, 1929 in the Russian Church of the Holy Trinity in the Serbian capital.

The main part of the archive of P. N. Wrangel, according to his personal order, was transferred for storage to the Hoover Institution at Stanford University in 1929. Some of the documents sank when the yacht Lucullus sank, some were destroyed by Wrangel. After the death of Wrangel’s widow in 1968, her archive, where her husband’s personal documents remained, was also transferred by the heirs to the Hoover Institution.


  • Order of St. Anne, 4th degree “For bravery” (07/04/1904)
  • Order of St. Stanislaus, 3rd class with swords and bow (6.01.1906)
  • Order of St. Anne, 3rd degree (05/09/1906)
  • Order of St. Stanislaus, 2nd degree (12/6/1912)
  • Medal “In memory of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the House of Romanov” (1913)
  • Order of St. George, 4th class. (VP 10/13/1914)
  • Order of St. Vladimir, 4th class with swords and bow (VP 10/24/1914)
  • St. George's weapon (VP 06/10/1915)
  • Order of St. Vladimir, 3rd class with swords (VP ​​8.12.1915)
  • St. George Cross, 4th degree with laurel branch (07/24/1917)
  • Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, 2nd degree (11/15/1921)
  • Pontifical Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem (1920)


In 2007, the Serbian city of Sremski Karlovci erected a monument to P. N. Wrangel by the Russian sculptor Vasily Azemsha.

In 2009, a monument to Wrangel was unveiled in the Zarasai region of Lithuania.

The Wrangel House in Rostov-on-Don is an object cultural heritage regional significance, in 2011 it was planned to create a museum of A. I. Solzhenitsyn, the exhibition of which would be dedicated to the era consonant with both figures. However, in 2013, Wrangel’s anniversary year, the building was in dilapidated condition and needed restoration.

In 2013, on the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the birth and the 85th anniversary of the death of P. N. Wrangel, a round table “The Last Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army P. N. Wrangel” was held at the A. Solzhenitsyn House of Russian Abroad.

In 2014, the Baltic Union of Cossacks of the Union of Cossacks of Russia in the village of Ulyanovo, Kaliningrad Region (near the former Kaushen of East Prussia) installed a memorial plaque to Baron Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel and the Horse Guards soldiers who saved the situation in the Battle of Kaushen.

On April 4, 2017, the Literary and Artistic Prize named after. Lieutenant General, Baron P. N. Wrangel (Wrangel Prize)

In works of art

  • P. Wrangel is mentioned as the “black baron” in the famous Red Army song from the Civil War, “The Red Army is Strongest of All.”
  • The chapter of M. Tsvetaeva’s poem “Perekop” and I. Savin’s story “Portrait” are dedicated to Wrangel.
  • In V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Good!” (Chapter 16: “The Quiet Jew Told Me...”):

...Looking at my feet,


in a black Circassian coat...

  • The 16th chapter of V. Mayakovsky’s poem is also used by G. Sviridov in the “Pathetic Oratorio” (II. The story of the flight of General Wrangel).
  • The general’s name also appears in V. Mayakovsky’s poem “The Story of How the Godfather Interpreted Wrangel Without Any Mind.”
  • Wrangel is one of the characters in the cycle of science fiction novels “Odysseus Leaves Ithaca” by V. Zvyagintsev.
  • In V. Aksenov’s novel “Island of Crimea”, Baron Wrangel is the founder of the state “Temporary Evacuation Base”, in which the main events of the novel take place.
  • Wrangel is present in M. A. Bulgakov’s play “Running” (Second Dream).

Film incarnations

  • Mikhail Pogorzhelsky - “Operation Trust” (1967)
  • Bruno Freundlich - "Running" (1970)
  • Nikolai Grinko - “Rudobel Republic” (1971)
  • Emmanuel Vitorgan - “Emissary of the Foreign Center” (1979)
  • Anatoly Romashin - “Marshal of the Revolution” (1978)
  • Nikolay Olyalin - “Shores in the Fog” (1985)
  • Alexey Vertinsky - “The Nine Lives of Nestor Makhno” (2007)


  • Wrangel, P. N. Notes.
  • Service record of Lieutenant General Baron Wrangel
  • Trotsky, L. To the officers of Baron Wrangel's army (Appeal)
  • Wrangel, P. N. Southern Front (November 1916 - November 1920). Part I // Memoirs. - M.: TERRA, 1992. - 544 p.
  • Krasnov, V. G. Wrangel. The tragic triumph of the baron: Documents. Opinions. Reflections. - M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2006. - 654 p. - (Riddles of history).
  • Sokolov, B.V. Wrangel. - M.: Mol. Guard, 2009. - 502 p. (series “Life of Remarkable People”)
  • Shambarov, V. E. White Guard. - M.: EKSMO; Algorithm, 2007. - (History of Russia. Modern view).
  • Turkul, A. V. Drozdovites on fire / Novel. - [Rep. ed. 1948]. - L.: Ingria, 1991. - 288 p.
  • Giatsintov, E. N. Notes of a white officer / intro. Art., prepared. text and comment. V. G. Bortnevsky. - St. Petersburg: “Interpoligraphcenter” SPbFK, 1992. - 267 p.
  • Bortnevsky, V. G. The mystery of the death of General Wrangel: Unknown materials on the history of Russian emigration of the 1920s. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Publishing House, 1996. - 168 p. - (B-magazine “New Sentinel”). - 1000 copies.
  • Ross, N.G. Paths of the Volunteer Movement 1918-1919. - Los Angeles: Publishing house. Ch. ORYUR apartments Western American department ORYUR-NORS, 1996. - 96 p.
  • Ross, N.G. Wrangel in Crimea. - Franfurt a/M.: Possev-Verl., 1982. - 376 p.
  • Chebyshev, N. N. Close distance. - Paris, 1933.
  • Barons Wrangel: memoirs: collection / edited by. ed. V. A. Blagovo, S. A. Sapozhnikova; comp. appl. V. G. Cherkasov-Georgievsky. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2006. - 527 p. - (Forgotten and unknown Russia. People and times).