How can you train to be a flight attendant? All about the work of a flight attendant

One of the most romantic and sensual professions is the profession of a flight attendant. Many young women wonder: how to become a flight attendant? I want to visit different countries, see the world, get to know interesting people, even meet your love on the plane. In addition, the work seems dust-free. But few people know what this profession actually is, what hard work is hidden behind beautiful picture and what you have to pay for the opportunity to fly.

History of the flight attendant profession

The profession of a flight attendant dates back to the 30s of the last century. Someone had to take care of the passengers on board, and for advertising purposes they decided that they should be young and attractive women, although first of all the task was to relieve the co-pilot for safety reasons. There was no place to study to become a flight attendant at that time; a nurse's education was enough.

Flight attendants greeted passengers, checked tickets, weighed luggage, and cleaned the aircraft cabin. During the flight, they served food and drinks, cleaned passengers' shoes, and carried buckets of fuel during stopovers. The first flight attendants are young women no older than 25 years old with nursing degrees, and must be slim and short - no more than 160 cm and 52 kg. The term “flight attendant” appeared as recently as 1998.

What does it take to become a flight attendant?

The requirements of different airlines for applicants for the position of flight attendant are not very different. As a rule, they are as follows:

  • The average height is from 165 cm, but not too tall so that you don’t have to bend your head.
  • Excellent health. It is mandatory for flight attendants to undergo a medical examination. Good eyesight, absence of cardiovascular diseases, psychological health- all these are mandatory requirements for flight attendants.
  • Absence excess weight, tattoos, scars, piercings, noticeable flaws in appearance.
  • Good knowledge at least English language, and better yet German or French.
  • Higher education, competent speech, good diction.

Requirements for flight attendants

So how to become a flight attendant? Stewardess school is next step after passing the interview and medical examination. The training course is designed for a month or two. This is followed by a thirty-hour internship on board the aircraft.

It is generally accepted that flight attendants are required to have a model appearance. The requirements for a flight attendant's figure are not dictated by aesthetics at all, they are simply too short stature may interfere with helping passengers get things from the upper shelves, and heavy weight undesirable so as not to overload the aircraft.

If you want to acquire this profession and are interested in how to become a flight attendant, you will definitely have to improve your English. This job pays well and gives the opportunity to travel around the world. In addition, a flight attendant's paid vacation is more than 70 days. But it is hard work both physically and psychologically.

What is taught in the courses

Future flight attendants are trained in first aid, rules of conduct in emergency situations, passenger service. Flight attendants can even deliver a baby or calm a violent passenger. Girls are also taught to wear discreet makeup and hairstyles, as well as wear a uniform. Training takes place using simulator aircraft. At the end of the course, an exam is taken, part of which is a simulation of an airplane crash with the crew descending into a pool with cold water. How long to study to become a flight attendant depends on the airline, but typically four to seven weeks.

Work at Aeroflot

Aeroflot is one of the most desirable employer companies for flight attendants. Firstly, the salaries of flight attendants here are higher than in other airlines. Secondly, working for Aeroflot is prestigious, as it is a very respected organization. Thirdly, I am impressed by the huge number of international flights. What is needed to become a flight attendant in this company:

  • secondary education;
  • for those who have no experience, the upper age limit is 26 years old; experienced flight attendants can try their luck at Aeroflot even at an older age;
  • height from 160 to 175 cm;
  • clothing size up to 48;
  • good level of English;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • registration in Moscow or the Moscow region;

You can learn more about how to become an Aeroflot flight attendant on the airline’s website. If you meet all their requirements, then you can safely fill out the questionnaire posted here, which must be accompanied by a good photo with neat daytime makeup and hairstyle.

Applicants will be interviewed by a special commission. If, after an interview and testing, a decision is made in favor of the candidate, the applicant is sent to undergo medical flight training. expert commission. Based on the results of this commission and the results of the interview, the applicant is accepted into the position of a trainee flight attendant and sent to the Aeroflot Aviation School for training and further internship.

How much do flight attendants earn?

At Aeroflot, a flight attendant can earn from 40 to 90 thousand. The salary is not fixed, but depends on many factors:

  • the presence or absence of complaints and thanks;
  • grades at the next English language exam;
  • number of flight hours.

Flight attendants who perform well are transferred to long-haul flights. In this case, very decent travel allowances are also paid. You can also eventually become a senior flight attendant or instructor. To work on international charter flights, it is advisable to speak not only English, but also French and German. In addition, Aeroflot trains flight attendants in Japanese, Chinese and Korean.

The social package at Aeroflot is also good: insurance, pension contributions, discounted air tickets, sanatoriums, kindergartens, 74 days of vacation.

Where are Aeroflot flight attendants trained?

Where to study to become a flight attendant depends on which airline you interviewed with. Before becoming a flight attendant at Aeroflot, you need to graduate from the company's flight attendant training school - the Aeroflot Aviation School. The cost of training there is 45,000 rubles. For those who passed the interview and were hired, Aeroflot partially pays for the training, the rest can be deducted from the salary. You will have to study for 1.5 months. The course includes both theoretical training and practical training on an aircraft. The training uses a land-water simulator and a mock-up of the passenger cabin. During their studies, students master the skills of providing first aid medical care, undergo emergency rescue training and a course in organizing air transport. Flight attendants are taught to properly serve food and even open champagne, serve passengers, guess their wishes and smooth out conflict situations.

The price of the issue is motherhood

Changes in pressure, exposure to ozone and radiation, loud noise, vibration, change of time zones - all this cannot but affect health. For example, it is difficult for flight attendants to bear a pregnancy; it is often terminated at the most early stages. In the third or fourth week of pregnancy, rough laying of organs occurs, nervous system, brain. Under the influence of harmful factors, the natural development of the embryo may be disrupted, and a miscarriage occurs or the fetus freezes. This happens at a time when a woman may not even be aware of her situation. Occupational gynecological diseases among flight attendants, as well as dysbacteriosis, are also observed. In order to conceive and bear healthy child, the flight attendant needs to stop flying at the pregnancy planning stage.

Other disadvantages of the profession

Due to being on their feet for a long time, flight attendants often suffer from varicose veins, and they also often have problems with the spine. Life in constant stress leads to another occupational disease - insomnia.

Flight attendants work with people. Situations can be very different, conflicting, complex. A flight attendant must always remain calm, friendly and have a smile on her face. The situation is aggravated by the fact that many passengers' character deteriorates in the air. Fear and panic, multiplied by alcohol, lead to quarrels, whims, nagging, and sometimes fights. Thus, stress is eternal companion flight attendants. That’s why flight attendants retire at the age of thirty.

Often flight attendants do not have a good personal life. It just so happens that they fall in love with a beautiful stewardess, enchanted by the romance of the profession, but when the wife is away from home for weeks, this is a completely different matter. A flight attendant simply physically cannot take care of the house, everyday life, or fulfill all the duties of a good wife and mother. If she's even lucky enough to become a mother.

Nevertheless, this work is interesting, complex, responsible and well paid. If the sky and distant lands beckon you, then go ahead! Getting your dream job is quite possible.

The qualities that flight attendants must have include: personal characteristics, to appearance and acquired skills

Flight attendants usually hire people with certain external characteristics and between the ages of 18 and 35. The height of future on-board service employees is limited to the range of 165-190 centimeters. Girls' clothing size should not be larger than 46.

Airlines give preference to pretty people well-groomed people. There should be no visible tattoos or piercings on the body, at least in areas exposed while wearing the uniform. It is also preferable to have hair at least medium length so that they can be easily assembled into the hairstyles established by the corporate style.

Among the acquired skills, the most common requirement is knowledge of languages. A future flight attendant should master at least English. On international flights other languages ​​are often required. At the same time, you must speak clearly and distinctly; speech impediments and an unpleasant voice are unacceptable for a flight attendant.

A person must have a higher or at least secondary specialized education in the field of transport services or related ones. Experience in this area will not be amiss. During the training, you will also have to partially master the roles of a firefighter in order to be able to localize and extinguish a fire, a paramedic to provide first aid, a rescuer to evacuate passengers in emergency situations, and others.

In addition, the candidate for the position is an excellent swimmer and stays afloat. He has no criminal record, but he has a foreign passport, excellent health and an extensive list of positive personal qualities:

  • punctuality so as not to be late for a flight
  • stress resistance, which will allow you to maintain calm and a smile on your face in any situation, for example, when
  • attention to detail to maintain high level service and the ability to notice danger in time
  • tolerance and diplomacy, which guarantee equal treatment of all passengers and quick, painless resolution of conflicts for the company’s reputation

Airline requirements

The requirements for flight attendants by some airlines are strict and sometimes a little strange. Aeroflot in 2017, because of them, he even found himself at the center of a scandal, when one of the current employees accused the carrier of discrimination due to restrictions on clothing sizes. Currently, in job vacancies, the company only specifies that applicants have at least a secondary education, excellent oral and written English in addition to their native language, communication skills, responsibility, and the ability to discipline themselves and others. But among the unofficial requirements:

  • age restrictions - to start a career in this field, ideal candidates are considered to be people aged 18-26; experienced flight attendants are allowed to join the company up to 35. In fact, by the way, these limits are more flexible
  • good figure, which allows you to wear a uniform from sizes 42 to 48, and average height - 160-175 centimeters

Look at the review of training at the Flight Attendant School at. The author tells what subjects students master and how the process is organized.

S7 accepts people who have graduated from at least college for flight attendant training. Applicants must have advanced English Intermediate level and higher. And among the required personal qualities there are the same as those, plus resistance to stress and the ability to work together with a team.

British British Airways There are no age restrictions for flight attendants - such requirements for vacancies are prohibited in the country. But girls should not have visible tattoos, piercings or hair longer than shoulder length. The carrier also has strict requirements for the ability to float on the water - its onboard service employees swim at least 50 meters.

IN Emirates Previously, people who were born exclusively in the territory were hired. Applicants had to demonstrate knowledge of the history of their country and “fit” into breast size requirements. According to the rules of admission, it does not exceed 75C.

And this is not the most surprising thing that employers can demand. TAM Airlines accepts flight attendants with jungle survival skills. Jet Airways And Lufthansa prohibit newcomers to the field from tying the knot with anyone. But Aigle Azur refuses women whose hips exceed 100 centimeters.

How and where training takes place

Flight attendant training takes place directly at airlines and in specialized educational institutions. In state Russian universities and technical schools, the faculty is called in the spirit of “Service in Transport”, “Service in Air Transport” and involves obtaining higher or secondary specialized education in this field. You can master a similar profession in:

  • Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation
  • St. Petersburg State Civil Aviation Administration
  • St. Petersburg ATU GA and their branches throughout the country
  • Flight attendant school

In Belarus, such courses are organized by Belavia, and in Kazakhstan, Air Astana allows you to undergo training.

In terms of timing and cost of training, it is better to take courses with air carriers

You won't have to pay for airline courses. Admission to training guarantees employment. On it, according to the contract, in subsequent years you will compensate for the preparation costs. The duration of the courses is limited to 4-6 months, while in technical schools it takes 1-2 years, and in universities – 4-6 years.

Before starting training, future students, in addition to collecting standard documents, must undergo a medical and flight commission. It places quite stringent requirements on the health of flight attendants. Companies are looking for candidates without chronic diseases, with perfect teeth and vision, physically developed, resilient and able to withstand overload.

After enrolling in an educational institution, future specialists become familiar with the training process, which is divided into 2 blocks: theoretical and practical. Much more is allocated for the first time. During the course, flight attendants learn how to serve various types passengers, including rowdy or unaccompanied children, learn to evacuate people in all sorts of conditions, provide assistance and even deliver births. Also in schools, students are introduced to the art of makeup in order to always look presentable, and take express English courses with analysis of standard and conflict situations.

At the initial stages of practice, future specialists hone their skills on simulators that simulate real aircraft. At the end of the course, after passing the exam, flight attendants also train in real flights. As soon as a person accumulates 30 hours of test flights, he is transferred to the main staff of the company and sent into the skies as a more or less experienced employee.

How to arrange international flights

To fly abroad with a Russian airline, you will have to obtain a separate permit. Students receive a certificate of the ability to work on international flights after training on simulators of suitable airliners and simulators that test the body for endurance in an environment similar to the conditions of long flights. In some airlines you will take it right away, as part of the main course. If such a program is not provided, you will have to travel abroad and study there.

To learn the profession of a flight attendant for free, you need to contact any airline that conducts training courses. If admissions committee approves your candidacy, you will be enrolled in training. You will need to sign as payment. employment contract for three years. If you terminate the contract early, you will be required to reimburse the cost of training. Therefore, if you doubt what you have done right choice, it is better not to take on obligations.

If you want to independently choose where to work after receiving your specialty, you should pay attention to the highest government educational institutions. In addition to them, the profession of a flight attendant can also be obtained in some colleges.

But before you submit documents to an educational institution, you should evaluate yourself in accordance with the requirements:

  • age not younger than 18 and not older than 35 years;
  • height from 165 to 175 cm;
  • stress resistance;
  • good health;
  • competent speech;
  • communication skills;
  • knowledge of English.

Do you fully meet these parameters? Welcome to flight attendant school!

How long to study to become a flight attendant: duration and training program

Initial training usually lasts about 3 months. It includes both studying theory and training on a variety of simulators. After successfully passing tests and exams, students undergo 30 hours of flight practice. Then future flight attendants take state exams and receive a standard certificate.

The curriculum consists of a wide variety of subjects. These include catering and passenger service techniques, English, and emergency procedures. Experienced instructors will not only tell you, but also show you what to do if a special problem arises. difficult situations. A separate subject is professional makeup, because special attention is paid to the appearance of flight attendants.


Working as a flight attendant may be difficult, but it is very, very interesting. Where can you train to become a flight attendant, where do they study and how can you turn the dream of many into reality? Let's find out!

There are a number of reasons you can study to become a flight attendant. For example, what other profession opens great opportunities to visit different parts of the world and earn good money at the same time.

Most girls have thought at least once about whether to go to work in air fleet, where they teach to be flight attendants, let them teach me! Let’s say right away that there is no educational institution for flight attendants as such, but first things first.

Great news: to become a flight attendant you don’t have to have a university degree or specialized knowledge. The advantage of this profession is that you can master everything literally from scratch, make yourself independent, and even build a good career if you have the ability and some luck.

Where do you study to become a flight attendant in Russia?

Where to go, what to do for those who want to take a risk and conquer the sky? Is there an educational institution where you can train to become a flight attendant?

There are two options to become a flight attendant. The first, simplest and most popular option is courses from airlines. He has a lot of advantages, and it’s not for nothing that the majority of those who want to study to become a flight attendant choose him. This is, in many ways, an ideal solution.

It’s very easy to apply for flight attendant courses; just send your resume to the email address indicated on the company’s website. All air carriers regularly recruit staff, as they write about on their websites. Large ones, such as Aeroflot, conduct courses almost constantly.

First of all, it makes sense to think about which airline you would like to work for. Select several companies for yourself and carefully study what requirements they impose on candidates and what mode of work they offer.

The first step for you is to submit your application to the HR department. If your information suits the company, you will receive an invitation for an interview. Keep in mind that before you are accepted into flight attendant courses, you will have to go through a multi-stage selection process.

At the interview, you will be asked to answer various, often tricky, questions, go through psychological tests. So they check for the presence necessary qualities, emotional state. In addition, they also test their knowledge and take language proficiency exams.

Please note that success in the flight attendant profession most often depends on personal qualities. Of course, knowledge is also important, but first of all, it is qualities that will be useful to you.

Before you start training to become a flight attendant, you need to make sure that your health is in order. Pass a commission in corporate medical centers. The commission must be presented with a referral from the HR department, a passport, and a 3x4 cm photograph on matte paper.

You need to take care of documents from regional medical institutions in advance. You need an extract from the medical record about illnesses and vaccinations suffered over the past 5 years, certificates of absence of diseases from drug treatment and neuropsychiatric dispensaries. For men, you must present a military ID.

If VLEK is passed successfully, you will be enrolled in courses and now - you have every opportunity to become a flight attendant!

How long does it take to study to become a flight attendant?

Training lasts, on average, 2-6 months. Then the graduate passes the exam and begins practical work under the guidance of experienced colleagues.

Disadvantages of training in air carrier courses - multi-stage selection, large competition, compulsory service on the company over a period of time.

Pros: free training, guaranteed employment.

Where else do they train to become flight attendants?

The second way to become a flight attendant is to study on your own in courses called “Flight Attendant School” - an educational institution where they study to become a flight attendant in Russia. Such schools exist on the basis of some universities and commercial training centers. In Moscow it is:

  • School of Flight Attendants at the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation;
  • Aviation Personnel Company;
  • Simple Sky Flight Attendant School;
  • Business aviation flight attendant school "Jet Service".

These are the most famous educational institutions where you can study to become a flight attendant. The cost of training is about 40,000 rubles, but this investment in your own future quickly pays off.

Training to become a flight attendant includes such important subjects as aviation theory, aircraft design, first aid, psychology, and English. Attention is also paid to sports training, etiquette rules, training proper makeup and general external style. The rules of behavior in emergency situations are carefully studied.

Pros: comprehensive training, freedom to choose a company for employment.

Cons: tuition fees, the need to look for a job on your own after graduation.

If this profession is your calling, now you know where they train to become flight attendants and you can start acting.

When we talk about a flight attendant, the image that appears before our eyes is of a charming girl, petite, but at the same time bold, blue jacket and a nice tie. She meets us near the plane, discreetly tries to make our flight in the sky as comfortable as possible, and then, with the same mysteriously alluring smile as when entering the ramp, she sees us off.

Any of the girls has ever dreamed of becoming a flight attendant, the mistress of a large snow-white airliner, always under the gaze of admiring glances.

Some time ago, the duties of flight attendants included not only serving passengers on board during the flight, but also maintaining " appearance» aircraft (refueling, monitoring its transfer to the hangar, etc.). If we take into account that in those days the stewardess was much more strict about her figure (her weight should not exceed 45 kg), then one can only imagine how difficult it was for flight attendants in the old days.

In order to now try on the image of a heavenly queen, several prerequisites are necessary. Firstly, the age of the future flight attendant should not exceed 30 years. In this case we're talking about specifically about the age at which you started your career, since, having proven yourself with impeccable work and excellent shape and appearance, you can work in this field for much longer. Secondly, the height of a flight attendant should not be higher than 175 cm and not lower than 165 cm. In addition, this type of profession completely excludes the presence of any health problems, because it is associated with constant changes climatic conditions, pressure, time zones. It is very important to be able to recover for a new flight during short breaks between flights.

Next, note the level intellectual development future flight attendant. For example, large air carriers are increasingly including availability higher education from air personnel, including flight attendants. In addition, knowledge of English is required, and this applies not only to international flights, since there may be a foreigner on any flight, which requires complete absence language barrier.

If all these requirements do not scare you, then next you will need to pass an interview, which is a kind of selection for future training in flight attendant courses. Here you are given a chance to show yourself in all your glory - the emphasis is on correctly delivered speech, the ability not to get confused when large quantities others and stress resistance. Do not have too many illusions - since according to statistics, no more than 30% of the total number of applicants cope with this stage. After passing the medical examination, you will attend flight attendant school. Such schools exist on the basis of large airlines, which they strive to train their future employees, taking into account all their characteristics as much as possible. The training period, ranging from 2.5 to 6 months, is theoretical and practical courses, where you will learn interesting things: starting from the structure of the aircraft and methods of providing first aid in various emergency situations, downloading exercises that are as close to reality as possible, aimed at rescuing passengers in the event of an emergency landing of the airliner, for example, on water.

Based on the results of the training, an exam will be held, successful completion which gives you the right to be assigned a new profession - 3rd class flight attendant. If you studied for free on the basis of a certain airline, then, most likely, a contract will be concluded with you, obliging you to work on flights of this particular airline for several years.

Having flown at least 2000 flight hours (which is several years of hard work, subject to a monthly norm of 77 flight hours), a flight attendant is assigned 2nd class. Such specialists are already in greater demand, and, as a rule, begin to fly international destinations. Another 1000 hours of flight time entitles the flight attendant to receive 1st class qualifications.
This surprisingly romantic and “airy” work is fraught with many positive aspects, such as: stable wages and business trips, the opportunity to see countries and continents, long vacations (45 calendar days), a reduction in the retirement age by 10 years due to the difficult nature of the work, and a huge number of difficulties in the form of the negative impact of penetrating radiation at high altitudes, shifts blood pressure, and constant absence from home with family.

To decide to become a flight attendant, you need to be a notorious romantic, an adventurer, and, of course, love the sky, heights and airplanes. All this gives enormous potential and aspirations, necessarily becoming the key to success in development in the field of a difficult, but no less beloved profession.