Training to pilot a civil aviation aircraft. Starting to become a pilot: advice for applicants and addresses of educational institutions

Many people dream of being brave pilots from childhood. Sometimes this dream becomes life goal. True, not everyone knows how to become a pilot. We'll tell you what it takes to become a pilot and how difficult it is to do so.

Path to civil aviation usually goes through special universities, because the profession of a pilot requires no person only the ability to fly an aircraft, but And teaches you to have responsibility for life and the health of other people. Therefore, only a person can become the manager of a passenger aircraft whose appropriate education.

How to become a pilot if you have no money? IN There are several universities in Russia that teach pilot training for free, for example, State University civil aviation V St. Petersburg. You must graduate 11 to enroll. classes and have high results in independent exams. The future conqueror of the sky needs to pass several exams: mathematics, physics, and the state language.

Applicants usually choose their own direction. You can become a regular pilot or a pilot engineer. Often potential pilots choose "Aircraft Operation and air traffic organization." For applicants, no admitted to budget, you are given the opportunity to learn the basics of your specialty on a paid basis.

Even a person can become a commercial pilot, not admitted to university, or students with incomplete secondary education. Like after 9 class to become a pilot? Go to school. Less than 3 professions are taught there years. For admission you need to pass mathematics, physics and languages.

For Over a long period of time, each student of the school fully masters the basics of the flying specialty, undergoes an internship, and receives a commercial pilot diploma. IN flight organizations provide students with everything they need. You can learn to become a pilot here for free.

There is another way to become a commercial pilot. This method - private school. IN There is no competition for admission to such schools. To obtain a diploma, only secondary general education is required and money because the cost of training in private schools is quite high. By After graduating from school, a person becomes an amateur pilot with corresponding certificate. WITH With this document you can easily find your place in small aviation.

Many don't just want to fly a helicopter in within the specialty, but And sometimes they are the owners of such a device. To sit down helicopter helm, you also need to get the appropriate education, because law govern it Only persons with a diploma can. Therefore, many people want to know where to go to become a helicopter pilot. This can be done by enrolling in flight school or private aviation school.

This profession - Not just a certificate and specialized education. A person who dreams of mastering this specialty must have nerves of steel and impeccable physical fitness - the sky is not tolerates weak people.

Maybe can a woman become a pilot?

Of course it can. This proves world practice. For women aviators abroad - not at all rarity. IN in our country now few girls dream of rising to the top heaven and connect your life with aviation.
How can a girl become a pilot? Civil Aviation Flight Academy - here is the answer to this question. Enter This institution is now difficult even for men, but even a fragile girl can become a student at the academy. On in extreme cases, a persistent young lady can always turn to certificate in private flight school.

To what age can you become a pilot

Often people are for 30 years decide to change of profession. Some people remember their childhood dream, others find out that pilots get paid well. Can whether in 30 years or after 40 become a pilot? Now at flight schools have no restrictions on age, anyone can become such a student. The main thing is that he Not had health problems.

The most common reason for refusal is obtaining a flight certificate becomes difficult eyes. Can whether with poor eyesight become a pilot? Yes, and V Russian aviation V including. True, for this not you there must be chronic diseases eyes or vision changes greater than 4 diopter. Wearers of contact lenses and points can obtain an aviator's license in any private institution.

It is possible to become a pilot V 35 And V 40 years. However, older flight school students need to remember that they are less likely to be found good job By completion of the training course, because large airlines and small private owners with look at with doubt such graduates. They prefer to take job of younger applicants. On Such organizations will pay attention to a mature applicant only if there is a shortage of personnel.

Become a pilot after 30 almost impossible for free. To obtain a pilot's diploma, older students are required to pay money for education. Education and aviator skills for adult men can be obtained at state flight schools contract, and also in many private schools.

Learn on a pilot can for border. However, far from all officials of our state recognize diplomas from foreign schools - keep this in mind when making a decision.

The pilot profession is one of the popular professions, but difficult to obtain. People seeking to fly aircraft are subject to strict requirements and conditions for their fulfillment. But there are no impossible things, which means becoming a pilot is quite possible.

How to become an airplane pilot - what to take and where to study

What requirements are put forward to future pilots and where to undergo training?

Before you start mastering this profession, you need to know that only having a flight certificate gives you the opportunity to fly an airplane. There are three categories of “flying” rights – private pilot, commercial pilot and line pilot. The assignment of each subsequent category occurs gradually, so it is not possible to get a “line pilot” right away.

There are three main places where pilot training and the issuance of flight certificates (licenses to fly an airplane/helicopter) are provided. These are a flight school, a civil aviation academy and commercial flying clubs.

To enroll in the first two educational institutions, you must pass an exam physical training, namely, to prove oneself in running at distances of 100m and 1000m, and also pass the standards in pull-ups.

If the results satisfy the commission, then the person is “recommended for training.” It is important to understand that if a student’s health deteriorates throughout his entire period at school or academy, then there is a possibility that he will ultimately not become a pilot.

Flying clubs are more loyal to their potential students, but upon completion of the training course, the pilot receives only the first category of “flying license” - a private pilot (amateur pilot), which makes it possible to fly only for his own pleasure.

How to become a civil aviation pilot

After completing training at a flight school or civil aviation academy, the graduate receives the category of commercial pilot, which gives him the opportunity to fly commercial flights. But if the crew of the aircraft consists of more than two people, then such a pilot can only be the second.

Procedure for hiring a pilot:

  1. Completed education and possession of a flight certificate of the required category (for civil aviation this is the category of commercial or line pilot).
  2. Passing a medical commission.
  3. Successful passing theoretical and practical exams.
  4. Flight time is a certain number of hours spent flying an aircraft in various conditions.

To obtain the last category - line pilot - and to be able to work for a large airline, you must have extensive flight experience in commercial flights, both as a co-pilot and as a commander.

How to become an Aeroflot pilot

Aeroflot is a world-famous leading company that provides its employees favorable conditions, stable jobs and confidence in the future.

To have complete confidence in its pilots, the company opened its own flight school, where all qualified cadets will be able to undergo training.

The cost of completing this course is about $27 thousand.

An agreement is signed between the future pilot and the company, according to which Aeroflot issues a loan to the cadet for training. For his part, after graduating from flight school, he must work for the company for at least five years, while deducting $450 from his salary every month (this is 5-6% of the co-pilot’s income).

Additionally, the company offers accelerated flight training courses for graduates of technical universities, the cost of which reaches $100 thousand, provided that the first payment in the amount of $55 thousand is provided by the cadet himself, and the remaining amount will be given to him in installments (subject to the conclusion of an employment contract for five years).

How to become a helicopter pilot

To be able to fly an aircraft such as a helicopter, you must also obtain a flight certificate in the “private pilot” or “commercial pilot” category. They are provided by special flight schools.

When completing additional courses, certain permits may be added to an existing license, giving the right to fly a helicopter in non-standard situations (at night, in difficult weather conditions etc.).

MSTU GA has begun training pilots for civil aviation in Moscow in 2018. Moscow State technical university civil aviation (MSTU GA) in accordance with the Development Strategy for 2016-2030. plans to open a new direction of training in the bachelor’s program “Flight Operation of Civil Aircraft” in 2018. MSTU GA has everything today required licenses and permission to begin pilot training. Theoretical classes will be held at the university based on their own educational programs, which the first two years of training will largely coincide with air traffic controller training programs. To provide simulator and flight practice, the university will use the educational facilities of a reputable foreign educational institution.

Where can I get training to become a civil aviation pilot in Russia?

Bugaeva Personally, it was difficult for me to get into this institute. I went through the “second wave”, and there were health difficulties upon admission: I have flat feet.

The surgeon didn’t want to let me through and sent me to do an x-ray of my foot. Basically, applicants are found to have vision problems and a deviated nasal septum: because of this, they are most often not allowed to enter.
A history of severe concussion may also cause failure. At first glance, a deviated nasal septum is not a problem.
However, at high altitudes, the pressure on all organs increases (it’s no coincidence that your ears are blocked there), and with a curvature you will not be able to breathe through your nose. That is, you won’t be able to breathe properly at work at all.

Studying at the UI GA, in general, seems satisfactory to me. Since the beginning of training, about 60 people have already been expelled due to poor performance.

Tuition fees

For those who dream of working in the sky, there are two options - flight school and private pilot school. Aircraft control refers to the section " technical operation", which means to receive higher education not necessary - intermediate specialization is sufficient.


Nevertheless, educational institutions impose strict requirements on applicants, which not all applicants meet. For example, before admission you need to undergo a mandatory medical examination, just like a real pilot before his conclusion employment contract or contract (we're not kidding), and check your fitness level.

The standards depend on age and gender, the program includes short and long distance running, pull-ups or push-ups, jumping and exercises for the abdominal muscles. The Medical Flight Expert Commission (VLEK) evaluates the state of not only physical but also mental health.

Initial training for amateur pilots at the Stork flight school

In total, to complete the course you need to fly at least 40 hours. One of the main advantages of being a pilot is the high wages.


The second pilot receives on average 150 thousand rubles. per month, and the first one - from 300 thousand rubles, and you can become one at the age of 26-27, with two thousand hours of flight practice as a co-pilot under your belt. In addition, pilots will receive many pleasant bonuses: 70 days of vacation per year, corporate air tickets for themselves and their family members, and housing if they have to work in another city.

The Aeroflot company, for example, promises pilots a salary of up to 400 thousand rubles. per month (a crew commander - a highly qualified commercial pilot) can count on such a salary, as well as social package(up to 300 thousand rubles per pilot annually).

How to become a passenger plane pilot

Only those whom she recognizes as suitable can become students. Psychological testing means a lot: if two applicants have the same grades in the certificate, the commission will make a choice in favor of the one who passed it better.

Students should not forget about their health even after admission: if it worsens during their studies, the matter may end in expulsion. An undoubted advantage of state flight schools is the opportunity to study for free.

Upon completion of the course, their graduates are awarded the commercial pilot qualification (the second of three possible ones: private pilot, commercial pilot and airline pilot), while private aviation schools can only offer the private pilot qualification. It will not allow you to find a job in your specialty, but it will allow you, in fact, to learn how to fly an airplane.

However, studying at a private school is expensive: a theoretical course will cost 45 thousand.

Aeroflot Flight School: Training Center

It is interesting that in this test the questions are repeated several times: only the wording changes. After the test you must undergo a medical flight certificate expert commission, which very carefully check your health, and then pass physical standards: pull-ups, 100 and 1000 m running. If all tests are passed successfully, enrollment is based on the results of the Unified State Exam (physics, Russian language and mathematics). The advantages of studying at the UI GA are state support (uniform, food, dormitory with an additional payment of only 700 rubles per year), interesting program and great practice. The disadvantage for some may be the difficulties in studying, but this is required by the profession, so I do not consider this a disadvantage. Many guys are expelled due to poor performance in aerodynamics, navigation, meteorology, but if you try, everything will be fine.

Flight school "Aeromag" airfield "Aerograd Kolomna"

Read more] If you dream of learning to fly an airplane on your own and starting training to become a private pilot, the Aeromag flight school, located near Moscow, is open to you. Learning to fly an airplane and becoming a pilot is actually very simple, no more difficult than learning to drive a car! Get your Private Pilot License (PPL) by training at our pilot school on the C-172S glass cockpit or master a new type of C-172S aircraft. After this you will be able to fly all over Russia! With the introduction of the flight notification system, it is enough to inform the dispatcher about your route an hour before departure via the Internet. Aeromag ATC was founded in January 2011 under the most experienced aviation club of the same name in Russia, which traces its history back to 1934. AUC works closely with Sasovskoye named after Hero Soviet Union Tarana G.A.
Accordingly, saving on training costs will not allow you to gain full experience in negotiations with dispatchers. Is it possible to count the existing flight time? Most of the cost of training is due to the need to fly practical program, gain raid. There are times when a student already has flight time and wants to count it, so as not to pay twice for hours already flown. Unfortunately, most often such a raid will not be counted. Military aviation and DOSAAF (ROSTO) Plaque received during service in armed forces Russian Federation cannot be counted towards civil aviation pilot training programs. Any certificates of state aviation (i.e. military) are not recognized in civil aviation. Therefore, in addition to military pilots, those who flew in the DOSAAF/ROSTO system cannot count their flight time and certificates, because it is subordinate to the Ministry of Defense.
We can practice on two types of aircraft: Diamond DA 40 (initial training aircraft) and Diamond DA 42 (graduation aircraft). On the DA 40, cadets mainly learn to fly: take off, land and visual flights. Everyone must fly it for 100 hours. On the DA 42, flights are carried out on instruments and air routes to neighboring cities - Samara, Kazan, Penza, Saransk and Cheboksary. It requires 50 hours of flight time. The period during which you fly this number of hours depends on the instructor and the time of year: there were guys who “flyed off” the initial plane in two months. And on DA 42 the raid always goes quickly, since flights are carried out both day and night. In addition, this aircraft is not so dependent on the weather. Usually you can fly the required number of hours in a month or a month and a half. The flight schedule is prepared by the instructor.

Civil aviation pilot training in Moscow price

You should not overpay for ratings that will not be useful to you in the near future. They will be available later. Organization of training In flying clubs, where training is the main activity, prices are lower due to economies of scale and streamlined business processes.

In a flying club with a couple of planes and instructors, training will cost much more (which is what we see in Russia). Also, the cost of training depends on what kind of instructors they are.

In the United States, it is a common practice to hire newly graduated pilots who were still studying a month ago as instructors. In such schools, the cost of education is much lower, but the quality is appropriate. Distance of the airfield from large city The more remote the airfield is from a large city, the cheaper the training, as a rule. Moreover, the airfield is often located in uncontrolled airspace.

A commercial pilot license is approximately 4.6 times more expensive. A flight pilot's license is about 6 times more expensive than a PPL, and about 30% more expensive than a CPL.

The integrated ATPL course involves obtaining a “frozen” license. This means that at the end of the program you will have approximately 250 hours of flight time.

And for the ATPL license to come into force, 1500 flight hours are required. Accordingly, you will need to get a job as a commercial pilot or pay an additional 1250 hours to gain the missing flight time.

It is not necessary to immediately complete the integrated course from zero to ATPL. You can study gradually over several years. First PPL, then approvals for flights on multi-engine aircraft and instrument flights. Then CPL, ATPL. It will be more expensive than an integrated course, but you don’t need to immediately allocate a large amount and take a year away from family and work.
Words cannot express what I experienced during my first training flight: euphoria, joy and anxiety at the same time. If we talk about practical training, then, if you combine practice with studying at the institute, it’s not easy to get used to the regime: getting up at 4:00, leaving at 5:00, after lunch you arrive from the airfield squeezed like a lemon, and you still need to make up for missed lectures and prepare for tomorrow. After all, you need to prepare for every flight day. I also had additional classes in English language. There was little free time - that was the main difficulty. But these are really minor things. After all, after graduating from university, I will immediately be able to get a job at an airline in my specialty, although there I will need to undergo retraining on a new type of aircraft, which lasts about a year. Alexander Molostov, 4th year student at the Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation. Air Marshal B.P.

Inspired by the heroic biography of the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, you can forever become infected with the dream of becoming a pilot. Making a dream come true is a feasible idea.

Average salary: 194,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier


Perhaps many people in childhood dreamed of becoming a pilot - they wanted to fly a passenger, commercial and cargo, military, or even a small private two-seater aircraft. But the reality, of course, is not as cloudless as it seems to us in childhood.


People have wanted to fly like birds for a very long time. In ancient Greece, many myths were created about human flight. Until now, many are sure that especially enlightened Indian yogis and Tibetan monks capable of levitating, i.e. rise into the air without any aircraft. And, of course, in fairy tales and legends of many nations there are flying characters: the Russian Baba Yaga, European witches on brooms, oriental peris. The greatest Italian scientist Leonardo da Vinci was developing a project to create artificial wings with which any person could fly.

Later, he abandoned this idea and began to develop the design of an aircraft, which, according to the description, is very reminiscent of the first airplanes. The founders of the profession of “pilot” can be considered the Montgolfier brothers, who made the first successful flight on hot air balloon. But the first pilots in the modern sense of the word should be called the Wright brothers, who, after decades of testing and calculations, in 1903 made their debut airplane flight in the history of mankind.

Description and characteristics of the profession

A pilot, with the exception of racing drivers, who are also called that way, is a person who controls an aircraft for any purpose. This profession is more than responsible: situations often arise in which the pilot has no right to make a mistake, because too much depends on his actions - the integrity of the cargo, the aircraft itself, the lives of passengers and crew members. It is also considered one of the most technically complex, since the pilot must monitor the readings of a huge number of instruments and, based on them, make decisions. At the same time, he needs to coordinate his actions with the co-pilot, the airport dispatcher and the pilots of other aircraft located nearby.

The crew usually has two pilots - a commander and an assistant. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the co-pilot must be prepared to take full control of the aircraft.

The assistant, like the commander, must know everything about the structure of the aircraft, its behavior in any conditions and safety rules during its operation. Immediately before the flight, the pilot carefully studies the route of the upcoming flight, consults with specialists, checks the results of maintenance, and sets up the operation of radio communications.

As with any profession, there are pros and cons to being a pilot. Official employment, high salaries, good social security, early retirement - these are not all the advantages of the profession. It makes childhood travel dreams come true. You are guaranteed to see many countries. Pilots flying international flights usually have time to walk around the city, see the sights, and have a good rest. Rest is a separate plus: airlines scrupulously monitor the physical and moral condition of their pilots, because in order to receive right decisions, the pilot must feel impeccable.

The list of disadvantages is small, but they are significant:

  1. Firstly, pilots are extremely rarely at home. In this sense, they are like long-distance sailors.
  2. Secondly, constant emotional stress: to control such a huge and complex apparatus, to keep in mind a lot of numbers and data, realizing that you have passengers in the cabin, whose lives are in your hands - this requires a lot of mental effort. Therefore, pilots have to undergo comprehensive medical examinations, including communication with psychiatrists, more often than many other people.

Directions, specialties and educational institutions according to the profile of training

In the Russian Federation, you can become a professional pilot by receiving an education in flight school or one of the following universities:

  1. St. Petersburg state university civil aviation (UGAvSP). The duration of study is at least 5 years.
  2. Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after B.P. Bugaev (UI GA), also known as the Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation. The duration of training is four years.

For admission you will need Unified State Exam results in physics, specialized mathematics and Russian language. In addition, applicants pass physical training standards.

Specialties that give the right to be a pilot:

  • aircraft testing,
  • operation of aircraft and air traffic management,
  • aircraft control systems,
  • application aviation complexes and flight operation,
  • air navigation.

However, becoming a pilot is not so easy. The main document that gives the right to fly an airplane is not a university diploma, but a flight certificate. Profile education is only the first stage of obtaining it. Next, you will need to pass theoretical and practical exams, pass a medical examination and fly at least 150 hours.

Professional responsibilities

The main responsibilities of an aircraft commander are:

  • Organization of crew preparation for flight;
  • Ensuring flight safety;
  • Flight in adverse weather conditions, in case of failures automatic system and in other non-standard situations;
  • Fuel level control;
  • Analysis of meteorological and ornithological conditions;
  • Suppression of actions of passengers that threaten safety on board;
  • Filling out documentation;
  • Flight debriefing with crew members.

Duties of the co-pilot:

  • Preparing for flight;
  • Selection and study of flight documentation;
  • Studying the flight plan and informing the crew about it;
  • Checking flight and navigation equipment;
  • Performing a flight using automatic systems;
  • Performing the duties of a navigator in the absence of one.

Who is it suitable for?

The profession of a pilot is not suitable for any person, but only for those with the following qualities:

  • iron self-control, the ability to control oneself, not to panic in any situation;
  • cold, clear mind, penchant for analytical thinking;
  • high intelligence and good memory;
  • impeccable health, one hundred percent vision and color vision;
  • attentiveness, pedantry, rationalism.

Visual acuity, depth of eye, ability to long time perform monotonous actions, emotional stability, accuracy.

This work is contraindicated in cases of visual impairment, vestibular system disorders, nervous, mental and cardiovascular diseases, diseases associated with loss of consciousness, and impaired coordination of movements.

It is also not allowed to have a criminal record for intentional crimes and administrative penalties for drug use.


Pilots in any country are paid very well. In the USA, at Delta Air Lines - $212 per hour with a mandatory flight time of 65 hours. In the Russian Federation it is an order of magnitude less, but by our standards it is also excellent. Aeroflot pilots, net, excluding bonuses and bonuses, earn 290,000 rubles per month with a mandatory flight time of 85 hours. With excess flight hours, the pilot's salary increases significantly. Thus, for 90 hours, Aeroflot pilots are already awarded 340,000 rubles.

How to build a career

As for a career, the fate of a pilot is guaranteed to almost any graduate of the relevant university. True, it is unlikely that a young pilot will be hired immediately into a serious company, since his flight hours will be minimal. You can gain experience in small companies, on commercial routes and in light aviation. No more than two years will pass, and it will be possible to apply for the position of aircraft commander. In the future, quite a lot of opportunities for promotion will open up. career ladder: from the position of chief pilot to manager structural unit airlines.

Prospects for the profession

In our country, transport as a sector of the economy for a long time was in a dilapidated state. Its restoration requires more and more new personnel, so the pilot profession has good prospects.

If you still have the slightest doubt that the profession of “Pilot” is your calling, do not rush. After all, you can spend your whole life regretting the years you lost studying and working in a specialty that simply doesn’t suit you. To find a profession in which you can maximize your talents, go through online career aptitude test or order consultation "Career vector" .

Boris Tylevich

How to become a pilot after 30 years

One day I told my girlfriend, my future wife, that I had a dream to one day learn to fly. I was 30 years old, I wouldn’t be upset if it didn’t work out because it seemed unrealistic to me. She gave me a flight for my birthday - “rides” in the Moscow region on a Yak-18T. This is a legendary Soviet flight training aircraft with a powerful engine.

They let me steer in the air - and that’s it, I was hooked. The instructor said that if you like it, you can learn to fly from them. Since then, every weekend I went to the airfield: studied, flew, communicated with experienced comrades. So I trained to be an amateur pilot - I passed tests and test flights, and received a license. After that, I began to spend even more time at airfields, flying with friends around the Moscow region and the country.

Gradually, I noticed that I was sitting in the office (at that time I was still working at Slando) and thinking only about flights the next weekend. Then we learned that the project was being closed - the work no longer aroused enthusiasm. This coincided with a loss of interest in Internet projects. But I read a lot and with enthusiasm about aerodynamics, meteorology, and aviation. It turned out that this is very close to my education - this is where real physics is.

I decided to change my profession because: I was tired of everything at my job, after the closure of the project we were paid bonuses, and I also found out that there are several pilots who completed their studies in the USA at about my age, and they were hired by Transaero. I decided to become a professional pilot. Then it seemed that now I would live a little frugally, on savings, and then I would get a job at Transaero, and everything would be fine. It all turned out completely wrong, but I haven’t regretted a single day.

I studied to become a commercial pilot with instrument ratings on single-engine and multi-engine aircraft in the USA. I found the school through a recommendation on Russian forums.

The USA has good infrastructure: hundreds of thousands of aircraft, tens of thousands of airfields, the rules are logical and understandable. It is cheaper to study there than in Europe. Europe is more regulated, the theoretical requirements are much higher. For a novice commercial pilot, they are, in my opinion, overpriced. Roughly speaking, in the USA you need to pass one exam out of 1.5 thousand questions, and in Europe there are 14 exams, where there are a thousand questions in each subject. In Europe, in terms of theoretical training, a beginner is immediately required to be a line pilot, and this is the next level after a commercial one. In my opinion, the training system in the USA is the most convenient and logical.

To become a pilot, you not only need to learn how to fly, but also learn many things. In the USA they just give you a book - go study, if you have questions, ask. That is, no one invests any knowledge in you. But you can study in a convenient way: for some, 4 months is enough, while others need a year to obtain a commercial pilot’s license with the necessary permits. Patriots of the Soviet school will say that this is not serious. Probably the truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle.

My “classmates” in the USA were former IT specialists, lawyers, flight attendants, managers - people of completely different specialties and ages. We all trained to be commercial pilots to later work in aviation.

It was not possible to get into Transaero after studying. The company closed, the market shrank: there was little work, a lot of competition. For another year I continued to live mainly on savings.

To strengthen my skills, I looked for opportunities to fly for free. I attended instructor courses and worked for pennies just to fly. This allowed me to gain experience in flight hours (“flying hours”) and establish myself in the community, where I made many good friends, including students.

There was a time when I almost despaired: the crisis does not end, aviation work no, I started discussing with old colleagues in the Internet industry the possibility of freelancing or part-time work, I worked remotely for a couple of months.

And then, thanks to the recommendation of my boss at the flying club, I became a small jet pilot in business aviation. My partner is 55 years old - he has 30 years of experience and 15 thousand flight hours. different techniques. In aviation, it often happens that an experienced and less experienced pilot work together.

A year later, our plane was sold and a little more was taken. I was sent for training, and now I fly on a medium jet. You always want to master a bigger plane. Three years ago I was able to fly a twin-engine propeller plane weighing 4 thousand kilograms. Two years ago I learned to fly a 6 thousand kilogram jet. Last winter I learned on the 13-ton. I have room to grow.

About flight safety

Aviation is the most safe look transport, and I don’t know of another industry where disasters and their causes were investigated in such a way, and information about them was disseminated throughout the entire aviation industry. Manufacturers, airlines and pilots - the whole world is learning from one case. In general, one mistake does not lead to disaster. Disaster happens when errors accumulate. Prevention of errors begins not with the night before the flight, but with training, with annual advanced training, with the airline management, which is sensitive to the maintenance of the aircraft.

However, sometimes attempts to prevent disasters lead to excessive regulation of the industry, which may even have a negative impact on flight safety and deprives those who decide to do so from the opportunity to enter aviation. mature age. This is exactly how the situation developed in Russia.

Let me explain. There is a standard path to aviation - to study for three years at school at the expense of the state. But not everyone, especially as adults, is ready to live in barracks for three years. Such candidates are highly motivated. They, like me, trained at their own expense to become commercial pilots in independent training centers in Russia or the USA. Many, like me, received a second higher education at the University of Civil Aviation.

But a couple of years ago, the Federal Air Transport Agency began to believe that such pilots were not real and began to deprive them of their licenses, instead of carefully studying their experience when in doubt. And many people have very good experience. Let’s say, just last year I single-handedly transported five training aircraft from the USA to Russia, by the way, for Russian schools. But for the Federal Air Transport Agency I am an under-pilot, since I did not graduate from college, and it does not matter what real experience and knowledge I have. This is sad.

However, I am confident that those who want to fly will still be able to do so. I advise all readers to come to the flying club for an introductory flight. Starting to fly is much easier than it seems.