Rejuvenating collection of Tibetan monks. Elixir to strengthen the body. Anti-aging recipes from Tibet

Humanity is increasingly returning to ancient times known methods treatment. Certainly, modern technologies and knowledge in the field of medicine has greatly improved our lives and provided good health the majority of the planet's citizens. Nevertheless, herbal preparations, tinctures and other products based on natural ingredients even today help people strengthen physical condition body, give longevity and prolong youth. In addition, there are many known cases when folk recipes turned out to be more effective medicines. Special attention lately focuses on Tibetan healing methods.

Five golden balls are ceremoniously loaded onto a ship, which then symbolically crosses the ten largest settlements lying on the lake. However, political propaganda cannot be avoided even in this holy place. In addition to traditional images of the Buddha's life, pagodas and allegorical scenes of his struggle with the demons of communism, capitalism and fascism hang on the walls of the pagoda. The lake is inhabited by Indians, the “sons of the lake,” who came here six centuries ago and are ideally adapted to life on the water. They live in houses built just above the water, often hours away from the shore.

Why are the recipes of the youth of Tibetan monks attractive?

The average life expectancy of a Tibetan is 80–100 years, and some even exceed the 120-year mark. Moreover, in their advanced years they look much younger. Of course, their longevity is based on a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and mentality, but Tibetans have also learned to use the gifts of nature to prolong youth. Thanks to unique rejuvenation recipes based on natural ingredients, metabolic processes in the body are improved, the immune system is strengthened, blood vessels are cleansed, and even vision can be restored. It is equally important that, using Tibetan techniques, you will not only become healthy, but also gain vigor, peace of mind and harmony.

Their huts are surrounded by floating gardens. The Sons of the Lake paddle their long, slender boats with their legs so they can have their hands free so they can do full time fishing and collecting aquatic algae, which they then use to create humus in their special gardens. Our place in the nearest golden country is pagan. The history of this gemstone on the banks of the Irrawaddy dates back to the third century. There are reports of more than 13 thousand pagodas, monasteries, beehives and shrines that once graced the area.

Currently there are just over two thousand. We lived in a small monastery in Nyaung U, a town just 7 kilometers from the center of Old Pagan. We entered the city after breakfast, spent the whole day there browsing around the pagoda and the evening sunset abducted, remained in meditation on the hot pagoda, where we spent the night and morning, and then watched the slow dawn.

Tibetan monks are famous for their good health and longevity

General Health Principles

Tibetan medicine is based on the following components:

  • reflexology;
  • Indian Ayurveda;

    Ayurveda translates as “the knowledge of long life”, “the science of life” and is an ancient teaching based on alternative healing methods. It is based on an integrated approach to human health, takes into account its physical, mental and spiritual components, and also uses therapeutic, preventive, hygienic methods and means.

    We spent the whole day in the country, where we walked and absorbed the unique atmosphere of this place. The priest, located not far from the pagan, is the sacred mountain of natism - centuries-old beliefs older than the state religion of Buddhism. NATO are little bisexuals who belong to various types activity or environment in the life of the Burmese people. Naturally talented men have large number tattoos, most often in the form of tables of holy figures tattooed on the arms or chests.

    These numbers are assigned to them by their native clergy, including based on their birth dates, to ensure longevity, happiness and strength. Other, more decorative tattoos are to protect them from injury, bruises and evil spirits. In the royal city of Amarapura, the annual religious festivals of the natural gods have just begun. A transvestite with shaved eyebrows and colorful makeup began to dance wildly in front of us. The Burmese spectators danced their money on their clothes in a dynamic dance, expressing their admiration. The performance experience was then absorbed in the shaded sanctuary, where little nuns shouted prayers in the language of fir trees and they smoked incense sticks everywhere.

  • herbal medicine;
  • healthy eating;
  • stability emotional state person;
  • spiritual and intellectual enlightenment.

In order to feel happy, we need to be aware of what values ​​we strive for. How to greet every day positively, with a smile and achieve what you want? What is the secret of longevity? Tibetan monks have found answers to these questions and follow special rules that help them stay young, healthy, happy and always satisfied with the reality around them. .

The mosquitoes, tired of their smells, got into our cups of coffee, which we couldn't drink quickly enough. Tibetan medicine is the oldest continuously operating medical system in the world. This unique combination a simple system of diagnosis, treatment and prevention aimed at achieving optimal balance of body, mind and spirit. Tibetan doctors have in-depth knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology, as well as effective diagnostic and therapeutic methods. This holistic approach to the patient is very effective, which is why Tibet is called the “land of medicine” in Asian, Middle Eastern or even Asian cultures.

Rules of life of Tibetan monks

Anti-aging recipes from Tibet

There are many natural remedies and recommendations for their use. Three Tibetan recipes received particular trust and popularity: garlic tincture, “royal” herbal mixture and a composition of lemon, garlic and honey.

Tibetans practice primarily natural medicine, believing that only nature can restore balance to the body, although many Western doctors see Western medicine as a complement to their own system and seek to work with Western medicine, but mainly in emergency situations, for example, when surgery is required. They criticize chemical drugs that have many side effects. But they are true experts in natural remedies.

Therapeutic drug therapy in Tibet has not changed for thousands of years and is just as effective and safe. Unlike the last 100 years in Western civilization, where almost every day they are withdrawn from pharmacies, the drugs they were supposed to treat turned out to be dangerous, in turn, dietary recommendations change like a kaleidoscope. Once an egg or butter is usually a threat because the "healthier" margarine and refined oils again.

Garlic in alcohol to cleanse the body

The tincture consists of garlic, which in itself is a powerful natural remedy, and 96% ethyl medical alcohol. Everyone knows that after a few months a fresh vegetable becomes unusable and loses vitamins and beneficial properties, at the same time, alcoholic garlic tincture turns out to be only more useful every year. The three-year-old is considered the most healing.

However, it's worth trying something that has been used consistently for thousands of years. Pour in the juice of 10 lemons, mix well 1 liter of honey and 10 pressed garlic cloves. Seal tightly in a glass jar and set aside in a dark place for 8-10 days. Take a spoonful of the potion twice a day - before breakfast and before dinner. It is a very effective immunotherapy agent, so it is worth trying in early fall before flu and cold season. Tea for stress: 2 liters of water are prepared for five minutes.

Leave to cool and add the following ingredients: 2 tablespoons honey, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 5g fried ginger, a pinch of anise and fresh chilli. The tea is ready to serve. Drink a cup before eating. Relieving stress, tension, silence, “chasing thoughts” relaxes and calms.

Garlic is truly a cure for a hundred diseases

Healing properties

  • the product cleanses the body of lime deposits and excess fat;
  • it removes waste, harmful substances and toxins from the body;
  • metabolism improves;
  • the composition has a positive effect on the vascular, circulatory and nervous systems, thins the blood;
  • The use of garlic alcohol tincture is a prevention of heart attack, stroke, sclerosis, angina, and it also has antitumor properties and helps improve vision.

Cooking recipe

  1. Prepare 350–400 g of fresh garlic with a shelf life of no longer than 4 months. Grind it up. You can grate it on a fine grater or chop it.

    In the original recipe, the garlic should be crushed in a wooden, porcelain or glass bowl.

    Potion for blood vessels and heart Mix a kilogram of thoroughly washed lemons with the peel of 300 g of garlic, pour in 1.5 liters of boiling water, previously boiled for 15 minutes. Let cool, close tightly in a glass jar. Consume 50 ml daily before meals. Full treatment lasts about 25 days, then a 10-day break when needed. Use as a preventive measure once every 6 months. Eucalyptus cleanses blood vessels, prevents strokes and heart attacks, has beneficial influence for the whole body. improves vision.

  2. Take a bottle or any other container made of dark glass (the product must be infused and stored away from light and sun rays). Before adding the contents of the tincture, the container should be slightly warmed up.
  3. Take 200 g of the resulting garlic mass and put it in a bottle. Try to work the mixture from the bottom, collecting more garlic juice. It is in order to obtain a more juicy ingredient of garlic that a little more is taken than is needed for the recipe. Pour 200 ml of ethyl alcohol into this mixture, close the lid tightly and leave to infuse in a dark, cool place for 10 days.
  4. After this period, strain the mixture (for example, use gauze) and pour the resulting oily infusion back into the bottle, tightly sealing it with a lid or cork, and again leave for 3 days. Now the tincture is prepared.

Interestingly, Tibetan healers, when making this medicine, also adhere to lunar calendar. It is necessary to start making the composition on the new moon, and consider it ready when the moon is full.

How to take the tincture

Important! The resulting drug must be taken strictly in accordance with the special dosage regimen. To dose the product, use a regular pipette.

These three main ingredients are already independent, but in the right combination of multipliers. Garlic is very popular due to its numerous medicinal properties and undeniable importance for human health. It cleanses and regenerates the blood system, represents natural antibiotic, antiviral, antimicrobial, fungi, parasites, anti-fatigue, rejuvenation. It restores intestinal microflora, kills pathogenic flora of the digestive and respiratory system, strengthens the immune system.

It regulates the quality of cholesterol, disinfects the urinary tract, destroying bacteria resistant to antibiotics. It reduces heart pressure and slows down the aging process. It has an anti-allergic effect and is also useful for heavy metal poisoning. Contains flavonoids, flavones, B vitamins, mineral salts, selenium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, german and many others.

The tincture is consumed 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals, dissolving it in 50 ml of milk. You need to start with 1 drop, adding one more at each new dose until the number of drops is equal to 15 (on the 5th day). Then the countdown begins, only now one drop at a time is removed. This will also take a full 5 days.

In the future, garlic tincture continues to be consumed 25 drops per 50 ml of milk 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The entire course continues until the product runs out, and the next time this method of rejuvenation and cleansing is recommended to be used only after 5 years.

Honey is a natural antibiotic and antioxidant, has antimicrobial properties, removes toxins from the body, strengthens the heart and nervous system, nourishes the brain, strengthens the body, removes toxins. It is more effective when combined with herbs or fruits.

Tibetan mushroom is beneficial to the body in many ways. This makes regular milk a healthy elixir. Kefir, which is made with its share, is one of the oldest and healthiest fermented drinks. You should drink it regardless of age, gender or health. And most importantly, growing Tibetan mushroom is very simple.

If you don’t like the smell of garlic, after taking the product, eat a sprig of parsley, which should kill the aroma

Table: example of taking garlic tincture by day

Day 1 Breakfast - 1 drop lunch - 2 drops dinner - 3 drops
Day 2 Breakfast - 4 drops lunch - 5 drops dinner - 6 drops
Day 3 Breakfast - 7 drops lunch - 8 drops dinner - 9 drops
Day 4 Breakfast - 10 drops lunch - 11 drops dinner - 12 drops
Day 5 Breakfast - 13 drops lunch - 14 drops dinner - 15 drops
Day 6 Breakfast - 15 drops lunch - 14 drops dinner - 13 drops
Day 7 Breakfast - 12 drops lunch - 11 drops dinner - 10 drops
Day 8 Breakfast - 9 drops lunch - 8 drops dinner - 7 drops
Day 9 Breakfast - 6 drops lunch - 5 drops dinner - 4 drops
Day 10 Breakfast - 3 drops lunch - 2 drops dinner - 1 drop
Day 11 onwards Breakfast - 25 drops lunch - 25 drops dinner - 25 drops

Be careful! There are some contraindications for using this elixir of youth. The product should not be used in the following categories:

It was discovered by chance by mountaineers from Caucasus Mountains in the production of condensed milk. Exactly when is unknown, although the history of mushrooms probably goes back several centuries. IN scientific literature There appears a description of kefir mushrooms made from pasteurized milk with the addition of sheep intestinal flora, placed in the skin bag of a goat. It was then placed in pasteurized cow's milk, where kefir seeds developed.

It is reported that the Tibetan mushroom came to Poland from a professor Polytechnic Institute Gliwice, who lived in India for several years. When he was diagnosed with liver cancer, he was cared for by a Tibetan monk. He approached the professor with milk from the Tibetan mushroom. The pole returned to health and a strain of healing organisms arrived in our country.

  • children, pregnant and lactating women;
  • with intolerance to certain ingredients;
  • people with chronic kidney, heart, liver diseases and patients with epilepsy;
  • in acute forms of gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  • The tincture should also be used with caution by people with intestinal or stomach ulcers, prostatitis and gallbladder diseases, and disorders of the urinary tract. Before starting use or if you experience discomfort, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Some healers claim that when consuming garlic tincture, the body is deeply cleansed, so unpleasant but temporary side effects may occur:

Tibetan mushroom is a kefir grain that is a natural cluster of many populations of symbiotic microorganisms with specific properties. It has been used for centuries in the production of kefir. The grain contains many types of lactic and acetic acid bacteria and yeast. Tibetan white mushroom, reminiscent cauliflower. Its cultivation is very simple - just pour it with milk, which is fermented during the day. Thus, the healing of kefir.

The mushroom is considered one of the medical phenomena. It is probably thanks to him that Caucasian people live very old - even 115 years. Currently, kefir grains are used in many countries around the world, most often in Asia and Eastern Europe. The therapeutic properties of these microorganisms are many. Drinking fermented milk regulates metabolism and prevents constipation, improves heart function, strengthens the immune system, reduces “bad” cholesterol, helps fight insomnia, provides the body with vitamins, slows down the aging process, relieves stress, increases libido, eliminates fatigue and fatigue, treats diseases of the kidneys, liver and spleen and stimulates the production of safe immune antibiotics, so that it treats inflammation, decomposes deposits in blood vessels, preferably acts on the kidneys and bladder, strengthens joints and muscles, and also because it contains lactic acid bacteria, then drink it in gynecological diseases, preferably also affects the skin, hair and nails.

  • skin itching (its cause is considered to be cleansing of the lymphatic system);
  • discomfort in the liver area (due to the fact that stagnant bile begins to move);
  • heat in the head (as evidence of cleansing of the blood vessels in the brain).

Tibetan herbal recipe for youth

Another well-known recipe for longevity from Tibet was a herbal mixture of four components: St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, immortelle and birch buds.

Tibetan mushroom treatment is very simple. If we want to start it, we will need a transplant. We can buy it online or ask friends. Mushrooms grow very quickly, so you can easily share it. Place the mushroom in a tall jar. Then pour it with whole milk - perhaps soy or goat - in the proportion: a glass of milk for two teaspoons of mushroom. The milk should not be heated, it should be cold. The top of the jar is covered with gauze. Store at room temperature.

After 24 hours, the mushroom should be mixed with a wooden or plastic spoon. Fermented milk must be filtered through a sieve, such as into a bowl or glass. Instead, rinse thoroughly cold water until it becomes completely clean. We throw it into a rinsed jar and repeat the procedure.

Tibetan herbal collection is a real elixir of youth and health. Even the Rurik dynasty accepted it, which is why it received the name “Tsarsky”

Drink the drink every day until the herbal mixture runs out. It will take about three months. After each month of drinking herbal infusion, some experts advise taking a break for 7 days. This method of rejuvenation and cleansing is used once every 5 years.

Please note that there are contraindications for the use of each herb. For example, immortelle is not recommended for patients with hypertension

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindicated for use:

  • children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons who are intolerant to one of the components of the herbal mixture;
  • if there is chronic diseases during the period of exacerbation.

Since the composition of the herbal collection is very strong and effective, it can cause some side effects. The following phenomena sometimes occur:

  • pain in the liver area (due to the fact that bile begins to be excreted from the body);
  • dizziness, mild nausea and weakness (due to the removal of toxins);
  • itching and rashes on the skin (do not appear immediately, but approximately in the fourth to sixth week of treatment, when the lymphatic system begins to clear). During this period, it is recommended to take a shower more often in order to promptly remove toxins released from the skin along with sweat.

When consuming Tibetan herbal tea, limit your intake of medications, as they may negatively interact with the composition.

Rejuvenation recipe with lemon, honey and garlic

A Tibetan recipe for rejuvenation with lemon, honey and garlic will help strengthen the immune system in autumn-winter period

Cooking steps

  1. To start, take 10 lemons, 10 heads of garlic and 1 kg of honey.
  2. Grind the lemon in a meat grinder along with the peel. Grate the garlic on a fine grater.
  3. Combine grated garlic with chopped lemon and add 1 kg of honey to the mixture, mix thoroughly.

Store the resulting mixture in a cool place. Take the product 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon before meals.

The course lasts until the prepared mixture is completely used, after which a break is taken for 7 days, and then the course is repeated.

Result of use

  • the immune system is strengthened, especially in the autumn-winter period and in the spring with vitamin deficiency;
  • Fatigue and migraine will go away;
  • the condition of the skin and hair will improve;
  • Potency will increase in men.

Despite all the advantages of using the product, it is worth remembering contraindications, including individual intolerance, chronic diseases kidneys and pregnancy.

Additional methods of rejuvenation

When using recipes, do not forget about the main thing - the health of the soul. To achieve a rejuvenating effect, a complex effect is necessary. Using the methods listed below, you can achieve your goal faster.


Mantras are considered another secret of Tibetan monks. They contain a sound message that reflects the hope of realizing what you want. And here, of course, the main thing is faith in their effectiveness.

Often, reading a mantra can turn into chanting. There is nothing bad here: find your calm rhythm and perform it for the benefit of your health and youth

The use of Tibetan mantras is another recipe for rejuvenation. Thanks to their vibrations, the reserve energy forces of our body are activated, as a result of which the body is able to resist aging.

  1. There are many mantras, but the following is considered the most effective for rejuvenation:
    This mantra is read in the morning, facing the East, 108 times. This mantra is read on the waxing moon.

    If a mantra is used to attract something into life, then it is read on the waxing moon. If a person wants to get rid of something, a descending reading is necessary.

  2. The following Tibetan mantra, in addition to its focus on prolonging youth, is a powerful protection against accidents, sudden death and disasters. It also promotes well-being and health. Here is its text:
    Tibetan monks advise starting reading on your birthday, repeating the text 108 times a day for at least two months.
  3. Also, to prolong youth, it is important to get rid of excess weight. Among the Tibetan mantras there are also those that promote weight loss. Choose any one you like and read it a number of times that is divisible by 3, but preferably 108.
    Since we want to get rid of unnecessary volumes, it is recommended to read these mantras during the waning moon.


To increase the impact of mantras, read them while performing asanas, which increase blood flow to the head and promote rejuvenation. These, for example, include:

  • viparita-karai (reversed action). Lying down, arms along your body, slowly raise your bent legs and pelvis, pulling your knees towards your stomach. Then use your palms to support your pelvis without spreading your elbows to the sides. The back does not come off the floor, except for the lower back and pelvis;
  • sarvangasana (“birch tree”). A more difficult option, when it is necessary to tear off the back to the cervical spine and bring it straight vertical line torso and pelvis;
  • halasana (“plough”). Lying on your back, slowly raise your straightened legs until your toes touch the floor behind your head.

Please note: for training correct execution Some asanas take a lot of time, so you shouldn’t try to do all the intricate poses you like at once

Rejuvenating meditations

Meditation is also an excellent way to self-program. With their help, you can enhance the effect of rejuvenation and reduce the impact of stress in our lives. One example of meditation is Fire. Imagine that you are standing near the mouth of a volcano. The air you breathe in is hot and red. Fire penetrates all your vessels, muscles and cells of the body. Blood begins to move faster. Warmth spreads into the area of ​​the heart and lungs. Your face and neck are warming up, the fire inside you is burning more and more. You too become fiery color. If you succeed in mentally warming up your face, you have mastered meditation.

Exercises of Tibetan monks

There is also a special set of exercises by Tibetan monks, consisting of only 5 techniques. They will not only help slow down aging, but will also help rejuvenate the body.

The exercises are simple, but very effective. You will spend only 15–20 minutes a day on them, and in return you will feel great. At first, the number of approaches in each exercise is three. Add 3 new approaches weekly. As a result, you should repeat each exercise at least 21 times, but you don’t need to do more.

Immortality... Perhaps this is what humanity has been dreaming of throughout the history of its existence. Unfortunately, the legend of the eternally living highlander remains a legend - there are no facts confirming at least one case of such longevity, but this does not mean that we are beyond the control of time! We have the power to extend our lives to a hundred or even more years while remaining in good health and a clear mind. Tibetan elders know a unique recipe for longevity.

Why are there so many centenarians in Tibet?

There are the most incredible rumors about the inhabitants of Tibet, but most of the legends can be heard about the Shaolin monks. The servants of the monastery, located in the very heart of Asia, developed a recipe for longevity a thousand years ago and passed it on from generation to generation, but one day the secret leaked beyond the walls of the monastery and became available to mere mortals...

Recipe eternal life It turned out to be simple! To keep body and spirit healthy, Tibetan monks follow the 10 commandments of longevity:

  1. Always be in good mood, do not become depressed or despondent.
  2. Eat in an orderly manner - give preference to plant foods, avoid excesses in food.
  3. Go to bed early and get up with the first rays of the sun.
  4. Do physical labor.
  5. Don't drink alcohol.
  6. Know the limits in sexual pleasures.
  7. Have something you love.
  8. Love your family, be open to friends.
  9. Prevent diseases rather than treat them.
  10. Do not accept medicines without appointment.

It seems that there is no secret - any doctor will give similar recommendations. So it is - all modern medicine “grew” from folk medicine, so most of the advice is familiar to us. Moderation in food and exclusion of alcohol - basic principles healthy eating, a beloved job and family are the best cure for stress, which can literally kill, the main thing is to follow these commandments, then the chances of a high life expectancy will undoubtedly increase.

Only after joining healthy image life, you can start using Tibetan recipes for longevity.

Elixir for cleansing the body

Cleansing from toxins and waste is the key to the proper functioning of all organs and systems of the body. The greatest “trash” is usually observed in the intestines, so the Tibetan elders begin cleansing precisely from the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipe for a miraculous infusion


  • 100 grams of immortelle (this is medicinal plant It is no coincidence that the extract has this name - the extract is rich in antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and fight the aging of body tissues);
  • 100 grams of St. John's wort;
  • 100 grams of chamomile flowers;
  • 100 grams of dry birch buds.


If you are not allergic to any medicinal plant, then you can safely make a mixture from the listed herbs. A tablespoon of the resulting mix should be poured into half a liter hot water and leave for about 40 minutes. You can use a thermos - the drink of immortality will always be hot in it.

The infusion should be taken every evening, one glass before bed. The drink has a mild laxative effect, choleretic and diuretic properties. After just a few days of use, bowel problems will disappear, you will feel light in the morning, your skin will become fresh and elastic. A course of infusion is recommended - 10 days with a break of a month.

Elixir to protect blood vessels

Heart attack and stroke - these insidious killers annually cause the death of very young and healthy people. Main reason the occurrence of these diseases - unsatisfactory condition of the blood vessels. Veins and arteries become less elastic over time and their throughput. Sometimes atherosclerotic plaques form on the walls of blood vessels, which can cause sudden death.

A Tibetan infusion based on garlic will help cleanse blood vessels and restore their elasticity. This product is powerfully effective, so you should consult a doctor before using it.

To prepare the infusion you will need:

  • 350 grams of garlic;
  • 200 grams of medical alcohol.


Grind the garlic (it is better to use a ceramic mortar instead of a grater to avoid contact with metal and oxidation of the spice) and pour alcohol into it. The mixture should be infused in a dark place for 10 days. After this, strain the infusion and pour into a small bottle.

You need to take the garlic elixir with milk (50 grams in total) according to the following scheme:

  • Day 1: 1 drop - in the morning, 2 drops - at lunch, 3 drops - during dinner;
  • Day 2: 2 drops - in the morning, 3 - for lunch, 4 drops - at the last meal.

You need to increase the number of drops over 9 days, the maximum dose will reach 25 drops. You need to take them until the entire infusion is finished. Such cleansing is allowed once every five years.

Elixir to strengthen the body

Colds cause a significant blow to the immune system. You can protect yourself from them with healthy and tasty tea.


  • goji berries - a tablespoon;
  • hawthorn fruits - a tablespoon;
  • ginseng root - half a teaspoon.


Mix all ingredients, pour two cups of boiling water. It is best to drink tea in the morning, as the drink has a tonic effect.

Now the secrets of longevity of Tibetan monks are available to you. Enjoy it for your health!