Ksenofontova's drama: what really happened. Elena Ksenofontova’s husband talks about the scandal for the first time: “I haven’t seen Drama Ksenofontova’s daughter for three months: what really happened

44-year-old actress Elena Ksenofontova, star of the TV series “Kitchen” and “Hotel Eleon”, spoke about her personal life and domestic violence on Channel One.

In 2016, Elena Ksenofontova separated from her common-law husband, lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh. There were rumors that the actress was simply tired of waiting for a marriage proposal. Ksenofontova did not advertise the reason for the divorce.

However, now Elena Ksenofontova decided to admit what was the reason.

Elena Ksenofontova in live program “Time will tell” spoke about beating her husband.

Now Ksenofontova is fighting with her ex-husband for their common child and apartment.

Ksenofontova spoke about what she had to endure in civil marriage with lawyer Alexander.

"I successful person, I'm fine. At least, I live in such a way that it seems to everyone. On December 26, 2016, I was sentenced in the Presnensky court. Because I “beat” my husband.

At the forefront is the apartment in which we lived. We have a daughter, we lived together for many years, but at some point the relationship collapsed.

When I declared that we would no longer live and asked to leave, he said: “You didn’t understand something. You will leave. If you rock the boat, I will destroy you,” said Ksenofontova.

Elena Ksenofontova admitted that common law husband almost killed her after a family quarrel.

“He entered the bedroom, grabbed me by the face and throat, threw me on the bed, sat on top... He served in the Airborne Forces. He grabbed his hands and chest and began to threaten.

I began to choke and tried to scream for help, because we were not alone at home. He tried to choke me, I fought back. When I did this, I scratched his face with my hands,” said Elena Ksenofontova.

Unfortunately, Alexander was the first to write a statement to the police, for which Ksenofontova was later sentenced. “It was a big mistake... I had to return home and continue living in the same apartment with the person I was terrified of.

Recently, the artist wrote about her problem in social network. "I was silent. For a long time. For too long. I was silent because I was protecting my family, my children.

I was silent because I was ashamed and scared. Because she believed that justice would prevail (and how could it be otherwise). Because my brain refused to perceive SUCH reality. REALITY

Exactly a year ago, on the false accusation of my former common-law husband and father of my daughter, a criminal case was opened in the Presnensky District Magistrate's Court as a private accusation of committing a crime under Part 1, Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism).

For exactly a year (more than 25 meetings!) I tried to prove that I was not guilty of anything, that neither I, but he attacked me, and I only DEFENDED myself. There was everything: a bunch of witnesses, including one who was in the house at the time of the conflict and saw with her own eyes how he sat on me and twisted my arms; my recorded beatings in the emergency room, medical examination, confirming beatings; district police officer's report, etc. But in vain.

On December 26, 2016, the Magistrate handed me a GUARANTEE, completely ignoring all of the above and accepting the plaintiff’s testimony as true - “... Ksenofontova, who had previously stood with her back to me, sharply turned in my direction and struck me with her hand more than three times in the head, in the right temporal part, as well as in the area of ​​the middle facial part, after which she lay down on the bed and began to call for help, while also shouting the statement that I was killing her.

All of the above violent acts Ksenofontova caused me severe physical pain. Being in a state of "knockdown", I instinctively grabbed right hand behind the part of the head/face where Ksenofontova was struck, and with his left hand and left knee he leaned on the bed, on which Ksenofontova was already lying at that moment...”

At the end of December 2016, the actress was convicted and sentenced to a fine. Elena is sure that Alexander Ryzhikh specifically wrote a statement against her in order to take away the apartment and the child.

“Everything is simple to the point of vulgarity. And vomiting... Once upon a time, in a fit of unpredictable (now quite understandable) generosity, my common-law husband gave me an apartment by registering a deed of gift. An apartment that was under renovation and burdened with a considerable debt for utilities.

At that time (and then throughout our entire life together) he had “difficulties at work.” Sincerely wanting to protect my loved one from unnecessary upsets, I took on all the financial expenses myself,” said Ksenofontova.

Ksenofontova’s family life was, as she admitted, difficult. “Now, when after several years of moral and physical humiliation, lies, betrayals, numerous scandals, blackmail, reproaches that I was to blame for all his failures, endless intimidation, I suddenly voiced my intention to leave and asked to leave, he suddenly realized what a mistake did it once.

From that moment on, the serious work of the brain of a professional lawyer began. And a solution was found,” the actress noted, saying that Alexander decided to revoke the deed of gift. Allegedly, that’s why he staged the attack.

A meeting of the appeal commission will take place in the district court in early February. The actress has little hope that she will be acquitted.

After all, before this, she had repeatedly tried to file a counterclaim against her ex-lover and appealed to the Investigative Committee. However, she was constantly refused.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that in parallel, a civil court has been going on for more than six months to determine the place of residence common daughter Ksenofontova and Ryzhikh, the procedure for communicating with a child and collecting alimony.

In order to take the child away, Ryzhikh tries to find all kinds of incriminating evidence, portrays Ksenofontova as terminally ill, mentally unstable, etc. Waving a sentence that has not entered into force - how can you trust a child to a criminal?!!

A year ago, at the first court hearing, a counterclaim was filed to initiate a criminal case against A.N. Ryzhikh. A refusal was received because he was a person of special status (lawyer).

“You can’t speak in silence. I’m speaking. Because I’ve tried everything (much remains left out). Because, finally, I understand that further silence is akin to suicide. Because, having taken one step, you need to take the next and go to the end.

Because I'm choking on injustice. Because I’m just afraid I won’t make it,” Elena Ksenofontova asked the public for help.

For the first time, Elena married Igor Lipatov in 1994; after 11 years they divorced. Ksenofontova’s second husband in 2003 was the famous producer Ilya Neretin (born 1964), but this marriage again ended in divorce.

In this marriage, the actress gave birth to her first child in 2003 - son Timofey Neretin.

In a civil marriage with lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh, on February 10, 2011, the actress had a daughter, Sophia. In 2016, the couple separated.

Elena Ksenofontova Very interesting woman, talented actress, a non-trivial personality. IN lately Name Elena Ksenofontova heard by many, and all this is not because bright roles and extraordinary talent, but because of another difficult, terrible break in relations with another common-law husband - the father of her little daughter Sofia. IN serious relationship Elena Ksenofontova been three times, from my second husband Ilya Neretina she gave birth in 2003 son's year Timofey, and from the third – Alexandra Ryzhikh- daughter Sofia (2011 ). Until recently, connoisseurs of this actress’s talent believed that everything was in her family life It turns out more than successfully. But Elena Ksenofontova amazed everyone, one day in the talk show studio "Let them talk" she openly admitted that she suffers from domestic violence. Alexander Ryzhikh tried to evict her from an apartment that did not belong to him, threatened her with physical harm, and morally humiliated her. By profession Alexander Ryzhikh a lawyer, which means he knows the laws well and how to get around them. For example, he filed a counterclaim against his common-law wife, this red-haired adversary accuses Elena Ksenofontova that she tried to kill him. But Elena Ksenofontovastrong personality, a wise woman, although her character is difficult. The actress herself admits the fact that getting along with her under the same roof is not easy, but quite possible.

Elena Ksenofontova entered quite late VGIK, it was her 22 years, but the whole point is that she was sick for a very long time. Doctors misdiagnosed her with brain cancer. Ksenofontova I spent four years of my life waiting for the inevitable death, but one day I woke up and realized that I was still alive, and decided to take from life everything I needed, wanted and relied on. IN 26 graduated from years old VGIK, went to work in Moscow Theater "School of Modern Play". IN 30 years old first appeared on the screen, and immediately in leading role, and quite noticeable. The series was called "Taiga. A course for survival." And here on Elena Ksenofontova Offers from directors poured in, just like from a cornucopia. It should be noted that this actress plays superbly, she captivates the viewer with her skill and holds his attention with her genuine emotions.

Well, in this article I collected about 60 best photos Elena Ksenofontova, and what’s amazing is that this beauty very often changes her hair color and her hairstyles! Let's take a closer look at all these photos.

Look at this photo, it seems to me that long, red locks suit the face Elena Ksenofontova most.

Elena Ksenofontova collects Christmas decorations, she really loves decorating Christmas trees. Just think, she usually decorates at least 15 forest beauties in her apartment on the eve of the New Year! In this photo you see Elena Ksenofontova and one of her Christmas trees.

And look at this photo Elena Ksenofontova, as a child, this actress considered herself terribly ugly, and it was all to blame for her abundant freckles and light, almost colorless eyelashes and eyebrows. Many years passed before Elena I realized that she was not only attractive, but also truly beautiful.

At first Alexander admired Elena, but over time the feelings cooled down, this man turned out to be not as soft and fluffy as he seemed in love with him Ksenofontova in their first years of marriage.

Your daughter Sophia Elena Ksenofontova gave birth in 39 years old, the woman wanted big family and many children, but health did not allow it. Every pregnancy and birth was given Ksenofontova very difficult. Elena She loves and protects her children very much - for her they are the most important thing in life.

Age difference between Timothy And Sophia 8 years old. They are very different in character.

The fact is that a year ago, on charges of the former common-law husband and father of Ksenofontova’s daughter, a criminal case was opened in the Presnensky District Magistrate’s Court as a private accusation of committing a crime under Part 1, Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism). “For exactly a year (more than 25 meetings!) I tried to prove that I was not guilty of anything, that neither I, but he attacked me, and I only DEFENDED myself. There was everything: a bunch of witnesses, including one who was in the house at the time of the conflict and saw with her own eyes how he sat on me and twisted my arms; my recorded beatings in the emergency room, a medical examination confirming the beatings; district police officer's report, etc. But in vain. On December 26, 2016, the Justice of the Peace handed me a GUILTY JUDGEMENT,” the actress wrote on Instagram.

Alexander redheads. biography, career, personal life, have children, where does he work?

Elena Ksenofontova, actress: Exactly a year ago, on the false accusation of my former common-law husband and father of my daughter, a criminal case was opened in the Presnensky District Magistrate's Court as a private accusation of committing a crime under Part 1, Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism). Photo: elena_ksenofontova_official According to Ksenofontova, on October 19, 2015, there was a quarrel with her husband, during which he twisted the actress’s hands, began to choke her, and when Elena began to call for help to the woman who was cleaning their apartment, her husband covered her mouth with his hand. The actress fought back, and apparently at that moment scratched the man’s cheek.

Elena notes that he later called the police and said that his partner had beaten him. The actress, in turn, filmed the beatings, but did not write a statement to the police because she was afraid of Alexander.

Ryzhikh Alexander Nikolaevich

Ksenofontova sold her apartment on Sretenka, made repairs in her new home, fully furnished it and paid all expenses. All this time, the common-law husband said that he had problems at work. When they finally started living together, the lawyer very quickly began to assert his rights over housing.

Elena Ksenofontova and Alexander Ryzhikh with their daughter Soon the situation in the family began to heat up to the limit. Alexander Ryzhikh, a former paratrooper, did not leave beatings, but at any moment, knowing the techniques, he could twist Elena’s hand or press her so that she could not breathe. Then the actress found out about the betrayal. Having decided to talk about the fact that they needed to break up and Alexander should leave, she heard in response: “Girl, you don’t understand: this is my apartment, so you should leave with your son.

Otherwise I’ll arrange it for you...”

Ksenofontova's ex-husband does not pay child support


And he arranged it: as a result, Elena Ksenofontova has now been found guilty under the article “Hooliganism” for scratching the face of her former partner, who now intends to ensure that his daughter Sofia lives with him. Now the actress and her children live in a rented apartment and won’t let them in ex-husband-tyrant into your life. She's still afraid of him. Confession of Elena Ksenofontova.

Let them talk Let us remind you that a week ago Elena Ksenofontova decided to finally tell the public about her personal life. In her microblog, the actress wrote: “I was silent. For a long time. Too long. She was silent because she was protecting her family, her children.

I was silent because I was ashamed and scared. Because she believed that justice would prevail (and how could it be otherwise). Because my brain refused to perceive SUCH reality...”

Elena Ksenofontova’s husband talks about the scandal for the first time: “I haven’t seen my daughter for three months”

Lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh is trying to force the actress to transfer the apartment to her daughter, depriving her son of property rights. A new trial has begun in the Presnensky court between actress Elena KSENOFONTOVA and her former common-law husband, lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh. This time, the father of their common seven-year-old daughter Sonya wants to cancel the deed of gift for the apartment that he once presented to “Elena the Beautiful.” Elena Ksenofontova did not come to court - after two years of proceedings she did not find the strength in herself.

“I hoped that the nightmare was over, but on the eve of the New Year, my former partner, Sonya’s father, filed another lawsuit. Ryzhikh is challenging the deed of gift for the apartment, explains Ksenofontova. — This property no longer exists, I sold it and bought another apartment, where my son and daughter and I live. (The actress gave birth to Timofey in marriage with producer Ilya Neretin. - N.

Ksenofontova's husband said that the actress beat him to the point of concussion.

M.) But Alexander Nikolaevich believes that I owe him a lot of money. In parallel with this trial, another is going on: Ryzhikh filed an appeal against the decision made on alimony and the procedure for communicating with his daughter. In June, the court upheld Sonya’s right to live with me and ordered alimony.
Probably, Alexander Nikolaevich is not interested in the moment with whom the girl will live, but in the amount of alimony. Sonechka doesn’t know the details yet difficult relationship moms and dads. Shot from the program “Let Them Talk” - Is the amount really unaffordable for him? - She is smaller than the one he called a year ago in the guardianship authorities.

Now he wants to pay even less. But now Alexander Nikolaevich does not pay at all. “He probably believes that, like two years ago, the court will side with him.” — In June 2015, when he raised his hand against me, he called the police. He told the law enforcement officers that I was subjecting him to domestic violence.

The case of domestic violence against actress Elena Ksenofontova: “I was silent for too long”

At the time of writing, almost 29 thousand people signed it. Screenshot from change.org Elena Ksenofontova is an Honored Artist of Russia. She is known for her theatrical works and roles in the TV series “Kitchen”, “Hotel Eleon”, “Mothers and Daughters”.

There were many trials in her life - while still a student, Elena was diagnosed with brain cancer, which she was able to overcome. In a relationship with Alexander Ryzhikh, she lost a child on long term. Photo: elena_ksenofontova_official Elena Ksenofontova, unfortunately, was not the only one famous woman who was subjected to domestic violence. At one time, similar situations occurred in the family of singer Valeria, who, due to frequent manifestations aggression against herself, she left with three children from producer Alexander Shulgin.

Xenophon's drama: what really happened


I comply with the court decision on the order of communication between my daughter and her father, although it has not entered into legal force, as it is being disputed. If this decision is not canceled in February, then this will continue. - But Ryzhikh nobly stated that he agrees if you transfer the apartment you bought to your daughter... - I still have a son. And before Alexander Nikolaevich, I lived on Sretenka in a three-room apartment that belonged to me and my son.

And in order to put the apartment he donated in order and pay off the debts with which the donated property was encumbered, I had to sell the property on Sretenka. Therefore, the words that he agrees that I transfer the apartment to Sonya are a bluff. This property belongs to me and two children. Now I want the nightmare to end.

Red-haired lawyer Alexander Ivanovich

Elena Ksenofontova and her father youngest daughter Sonya is a lawyer by profession and occupation. When his personal (joint) life with Elena Ksenofontova began to crack, the man sensed something was wrong. And I couldn’t find anything more noble than to concoct a criminal case against Elena for...

(attention, attention!) Domestic violence against his large body: 2 times taller than Elena, 4 times fuller and heavier. “Domestic violence” on the part of Elena Ksenofontova consisted (no, not in frying pans to the head, and not even in the refusal of marital duties, not in a barn lock on the refrigerator so that the oversized carcass would become thin from the inability to eat), but in a scratch on the face! My God, what pain: an open bleeding unhealed wound - a mark from my wife’s manicure! Along with the criminal case of violence, Alexander Ryzhikh decided to “give me everything I gave you,” including the child and the apartment! And go to all 4 sides of the prison cell.

The story of domestic violence in the family of Elena Ksenofontova took an unexpected turn. The actress’s husband, Alexander Ryzhikh, claims that he was the victim, and his wife started the fight.

According to lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh, his relationship with Elena Ksenofontova deteriorated for many reasons, including because of her temper. “It happens, word for word, we argued... But if in a normal family it all ended there, then it doesn’t happen with us. Elena, in a fit of emotion, often began to beat me. With the children - her eldest son Timofey, our little Sonya. I tried to persuade him to at least go into another room and talk. He endured it for a long time, until at some point he received a concussion and ended up in the Sklifosovsky Institute,” the man said.

However, Ryzhikh refused hospitalization and was treated at home. Relations with Elena have completely deteriorated - they have become strangers who simply share living space. One day, returning from work, Alexander discovered that the locks were on front door the apartments are new. He learned from neighbors that the day before Ksenofontova packed her things, took her daughter and left. She did not answer phone calls.

“I learned that Elena sold the apartment to lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, who provided her with lawyers from his bureau. After this “escape” I did not see Sonya for almost three months. For two weeks I came to the kindergarten and music school every day, hoping to find her there, but the teachers said that she had stopped attending classes. In the end, Elena let me meet my daughter. After that, she went to court to determine Sophia’s place of residence and the “rules” of her communication with her father. I filed a counterclaim! In no case am I going to forbid a mother from raising her daughter, I just don’t want to suffer from my wife’s unpredictable behavior,” Ryzhikh Dni.ru quotes.

Now Alexander regularly sees his daughter - sometimes they walk and talk in fits and starts. However, on New Year, when the man arrived with a gift for Sonya, Elena did not let him into the house. Alexander had to present the gift at the entrance. And in early January, Ryzhikh was able to pick up his daughter for a few hours so that she could see her grandmother - his mother.

“Despite the fact that Elena turns the child against the father, my daughter misses me, I feel and see it. And he even tries to reconcile the careless mom and dad. Sonechka does not lose hope that we will be together again,” the man noted.

Let us remind you that Ksenofontova published a shocking post on Instagram. The actress admitted that she ex-lover, lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh, filed a police report against her, accusing her of beating. Allegedly, Elena struck him on the head several times, after which she pretended to be the victim.

“For exactly a year (more than 25 meetings!) I tried to prove that I was not guilty of anything, that it was not me, but he who attacked me, and I was only defending myself. There was everything: a bunch of witnesses, including one who was in the house at the time of the conflict and saw with her own eyes how he sat on me and twisted my arms; my recorded beatings in the emergency room, a medical examination confirming the beatings; district police officer's report, etc. But in vain,” Elena wrote. At the end of last year, she was convicted and ordered to pay a fine. The actress claims that Alexander now intends to take away her apartment and daughter.

Actress Elena Ksenofontova, star of the TV series “Hotel Ellion,” has been continuing to fight for her daughter and apartment for more than two years. She is suing her ex-husband, lawyer Alexander Ryzhikh.

How did it happen that the once closest people became irreconcilable enemies? Who is he - Alexander Ryzhikh, the man whom the talented and beautiful Elena Ksenofontova once fell in love with?

Divorce story

Little is known about the love story and relationship between Ksenofontova and Ryzhikh. Much more well-known is the story of their scandalous breakup, which has a somewhat criminal connotation.

In 2016, at the request of Alexander Ryzhikh, a criminal case was opened in the Presnensky District Magistrate’s Court for committing a crime under Part 1 of Art. 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Hooliganism”.

According to Ryzhikh, during the period of living together she periodically beat her partner. The evidence in the case was a scratch on the applicant's face.

On the other hand, Elena argued that, on the contrary, the common-law husband allowed himself to raise his hand against the actress, and she only defended herself.

Evidence was provided in the form of witness statements recorded in the established order of beatings, and a report from the local police officer. However, in 25 sessions the actress failed to prove her case; she was found guilty and had to pay a fine.

The ordeal didn't end there. Alexander Ryzhikh continued legal battles in order to determine the place of residence of his daughter Sofia with her father, as well as cancel the deed of gift for the apartment, which he gave to his former common-law wife. That is, for one reason known to him, he wanted to leave the woman with nothing - without a child and without an apartment.

In January 2018, Ryzhikh again summoned Ksenofontova to court on charges of intentional battery. In addition, the lawyer does not abandon attempts to cancel the gift agreement.

According to Ksenofontova, before meeting Alexander Ryzhikh, she lived in a three-room apartment with her son from a previous marriage. This apartment had to be sold in order to pay off the encumbrance on the apartment that was donated civilly by my husband (it had large debts), as well as to make repairs.

Ksenofontova never tires of submitting counter-applications that are not accepted either Investigative Committee, nor the prosecutor's office.

Who is he, Alexander Ryzhikh?

Elena Ksenofontova is a well-known and public person, but Alexander Ryzhikh is in this situation dark horse. Upon closer inspection they appear interesting facts his biography, characterizing the actress’s ex-husband as a person.

According to the RosPravosudie website, Ryzhikh specializes mainly in arbitration cases. According to Elena Ksenofontova, her former common-law husband once worked at YUKOS, and at that time was a very successful man.

After going free, things weren’t going too well for the lawyer. Moreover, his company “Alexander Ryzhikh and Partners” appeared in crime news reports in 2009.

Thus, according to the portals “Rosbalt” and “Petrovka-38”, citizens transmitted large sums money for legal services. The people to whom the funds were transferred introduced themselves as employees of the Line of Defense company, or lawyers of the Ryzhikh and Partners company. Legal services in the end they didn’t turn out.

In response to the claims, the bar association “Ryzhikh and Partners” stated that this employee had resigned, and the bar association was not going to fulfill his obligations.

In addition, development was carried out regarding companies that were located in the office of a law firm. Accounting firms cashed out large sums of money through the accounts of clients who contacted them for reporting services.

Interesting notes:

Using his lawyer status, Ryzhikh obstructed the investigation in every possible way, refusing interrogations, searches and other investigative actions.

It is known that based on these and other facts (storage of cartridges, passports, work records; conducting commercial activities not related to the legal profession) a criminal case was initiated. How it ended is unknown, but Alexander Ryzhikh has not been officially convicted.

Sad but true

It is interesting that in this difficult period of her life, Elena Ksenofontova repeats the experience of her own mother.

According to her, her mother remarried, and her stepfather was a very influential man. He regularly beat his mother, ruining her and Elena’s life and psyche.

My stepfather got away with everything. Elena's mother had to work hard to free herself from the influence of this man.

According to Elena, children suffer the most in this situation. The eldest son, who recognized his stepfather as dad, and own daughter They can’t understand why dad does this. During breaks at school, other children come up to my little daughter and ask: “Is it true that your dad and mom are suing because of you?”