How to find out which person is doing you harm. How to find out who has caused damage and carries garbage under the front door - effective rituals

Conducted under religious holiday, read the plot before bed and go to bed alone and without talking to anyone after reading. In a dream you will see someone who has damaged you; if you dream of fire or water, then the damage has been removed from you and returned to the sorcerer.

"Saint Samson, send me prophetic dream, who did the dirty deed, who said an evil word, who sent damage - taint, let me dream about it. Amen." (read three times)
Everyone probably wants to know their enemy by sight.
Some victims of harmful magical influences do not want to know who caused their troubles. This is not surprising, damage brings with it serious life difficulties, about which you want to quickly forget and never remember again. Others believe that all the evil brought will definitely be returned to the creator of the black spell, this is also true, but do not forget that the curse can be caused by one of your closest people, whom you completely trust, whom you dedicate to your deepest secrets.
Such people will have enough opportunities in the future to repeat their atrocities, and who knows, perhaps the next attempt to harm you will bring you even more difficulties. It is important to remember that by remaining ignorant, you are putting yourself and your loved ones in serious danger.
If you are wondering how to find out who did the damage, then you are already on the right track, and you will definitely find a method that suits you. However, do not forget that you need to know your enemy by sight not in order to take revenge, but in order to forever protect yourself and your loved ones from this person, because next time the target of an evil person may be your family.
There are two main ways that you can reveal your enemy's name. The first way is to seek help from a professional. If a strong magician removed the damage, then you should just ask him who sent all the negativity to you. If you yourself got rid of the harmful influence, and you succeeded, you can easily discover the name of your enemy on your own, at home and completely free of charge.
There are many effective and safe magical rituals, using which you will receive all the information you need. Such rituals can differ greatly from each other, but they all have one goal - the revelation of the secret. This is simple magic, accessible even to a beginner, the most important thing is faith in own strength and focus on the end result.
All rituals on the personality of the enemy can be divided into three main groups:
rituals in which the magician calls upon higher powers for help, capable of leading the performer straight to his ill-wisher; powerful magical spells, under the influence of which the performer will see a prophetic dream in which the name and image of the enemy will be revealed; rituals in which, in order to obtain a definite answer, the performer will have to carry out certain manipulations with various magical objects and attributes.

The most difficult thing is to decipher the signs given by the wax figures.
With the help of this magical ritual, you can find out at home who brought it on you negative energy. To carry out the ritual, you will need a container of clean, filtered water and natural wax.
You should not use paraffin, as in this case the magic will lose its power and either will not work at all or will give incorrect information.
Melt a small amount of natural wax in a water bath and pour it in a thin stream into a container of chilled water, saying the words:
“I pour wax into water, I pour out the name of my enemy.” When all the wax is in the water, carefully look at the resulting figures; it is in them that the answer to your question lies.
First of all, you need to determine the gender of the ill-wisher. The woman is symbolized by figures resembling the moon or a flower, and the man is symbolized by a rhombus, a square, a raven and a bear. The more powerful the magical ritual was used to harm you, the more accurate information you will receive about this person.
If damage was used on severe illness or death, then you can even get a fairly clear image of the person who harmed you. In other cases, the shape of the wax may indicate your enemy's occupation, habits, etc. Be careful and you can easily recognize an evil person.
Instead of giving new life old things, it’s better to put them to good use...
This simple ritual builds an energetic connection between the magician and higher powers, which will allow you to recognize your enemy. This magical ritual is performed during sunset, so you need to prepare all the necessary things in advance.
You will need: seven old keys and a pot of boiling water. As soon as the sun begins to disappear behind the horizon, throw all the keys into the water and say the words of the conspiracy three times:
“Whoever wants to harm the servant of God (name) should bring the devil into his house. Will not to an evil person peace, the devil will drive him out of his chambers. Amen".
The next day you will definitely meet your enemy, perhaps he will hang around your door right in the morning and will be very worried about something.

Corruption is a strong flow negative energy directed action. Signs of external influence are quite obvious, so diagnose external influence not difficult. But often people are interested in the question of how to find out who did the damage. This will help you beware of future communication with an ill-wisher, and, therefore, avoid a repeat energy attack.

You should not set a goal to identify your offender in order to take revenge on him. This will have a negative effect on yourself. If the sorcerer has serious protection, the reverse wave of negativity can greatly harm his health.

Any person who discovers the presence of a negative impact, first of all, strives to get rid of it. But when everything is over and the healing is successful, then almost everyone has the question of how to find out who caused the damage? After all, knowing the name of your enemy, you can exclude him from your environment and prevent him from sending negativity again.

Some believe that there is no point in being interested in the question of how to determine who caused the damage. After all, when removing the harmful effects, the negative in large quantities and so returns to the ill-wisher. Indeed the issue is controversial. Therefore, the decision to know or not to know how to determine who caused the damage is made by each person for himself. You should be prepared for the fact that negativity is sent, very often, by those closest to you.

Rituals that answer the question of how to find out who did the damage can be done independently. The main thing when carrying out the ritual is to believe in your own strength and have a strong desire to recognize the attacker.

All magical rituals can be divided into conditional categories:

    Rituals whose actions are aimed at appealing to To the Higher Powers. As a rule, such methods are used by professionals who, immediately after performing special magical actions, report the name of the attacker; Rituals in which the victim pronounces special spells. In this case, the culprit of the damage appears in a dream or is encountered in reality, and intuition will tell you that it is he; Rituals using special attributes.

Using natural wax

The most popular ritual for determining the culprit of damage is a ritual using wax, which is very easy to perform at home. First you need to prepare a container with cold water and natural wax. Paraffin should not be used for this ritual. A little wax should be melted in a water bath, and then you will need to carefully pour it in a thin continuous stream into a container of water.

In this case, you need to pronounce the following magic words:

"Natural wax in cold water I pour it out, I recognize the appearance of my enemy.”

The cooled wax figurine must be examined carefully. As far as you can visualize it, the answer to the question of who caused the damage will be as correct.

If the damage was caused by a woman, then wax figure will have the outline of a moon or a flower, and if the culprit is a man, then the casting will be in the form of a rhombus, square, bear or raven. A recognizable image of a person will be obtained if severe damage has been caused. Sometimes a wax figure indicates the enemy's occupation. If a person has been damaged, then when examining a wax figurine, he will certainly recognize the ill-wisher, and if there is no negativity, then he will not be able to see anything.

You can attract the person who caused the damage to you with the following ritual, which is performed at sunset. To carry out the ceremony, you must first prepare seven old keys. As soon as the sun begins to disappear below the horizon, you need to put a pot of water on the fire.

As soon as the water boils, throw the keys into it with the words:

“Who am I to the Servant of God (s) ( given name) intends to cause harm, he will invite evil spirits into his home. My evil enemy will have no peace; the evil spirits will drive him out of his own home. Amen".

The next day, the one who sent the damage will definitely meet you, most likely, he will even knock on your door.

So that the offender dreams

There is a strong ritual that allows you to see your offender in a dream. In order to reproduce the plot of a dream as accurately as possible, you should put a pen and a sheet of paper near you in the evening to make notes before the dream begins to be forgotten. If you do everything correctly, you will be able to understand who exactly tried to harm you.

After you go to bed, you need to try to relax as much as possible and get rid of obsessive everyday thoughts. It is important not to try to guess the enemy, this will only do harm and will not allow you to obtain reliable information.

After you feel complete relaxation, you should whisper the following conspiracy:

"I'm going in long rows, I look carefully with my eyes. There, somewhere in the ranks of the bright ones, there is Samson. In the name of the Most High God I pronounce the holy word - show me, Holy Samson, a prophetic dream. Point me, Saint Samson, to my enemy, show me through a prophetic dream of my enemy. Holy Trinity, help me, Lord Jesus Christ, bless my prophetic dream. Amen".

After pronouncing the magic words, you need to fall asleep as soon as possible. If you were in a relaxed state, then you will be able to do this very quickly.

In a dream, the image of the offender will definitely appear. But in order not to forget anything, you should urgently make notes in a previously prepared notebook. It is important to remember that you should not touch your head, this will drive away the memory of the dream and you will not be able to remember anything.

Black magic can also be used to identify the offender. There is a ritual that is not complicated, but very dangerous. Therefore, it is not recommended for beginners to use it.

To carry out the ritual, you need to go to the cemetery in the daytime and find an old nail there. It would be good if we could raise him from his old grave. It is important not to touch it with bare hands. You need to first prepare a piece of black cloth and take it with you to the cemetery. It is in this that you will need to carefully wrap the nail without touching it. Then, without entering the house, you should drive a nail under the door.

During this process, the following conspiracy is spoken:

“Let my enemy, who sent the curse on me, come to me in three days. And if he doesn’t come, he’ll die in six months. Cemetery and coffin connected with a nail. I’m waiting for you, my enemy, you are an invited guest for me.”

After such an action, the person who tried to harm you will definitely appear on your doorstep. Danger this method is that you not only call the offender to you, but are also ready to inflict damage on him, and for this you will have to pay something.

Therefore, after you see your offender, try to suppress the desire to take revenge. Revenge is not a Christian act, so just try to distance yourself from this person and try not to cross paths with him. And to minimize possible Negative consequences, you should definitely visit the temple and light a candle for your own health.

A pressing question today is how to find out who caused the damage in connection with rituals that can be performed independently.

To identify the enemy who caused the damage, baptized believers can perform the following ritual:

    Need to wear pectoral cross and go to the temple where to buy the seven most expensive church candles and the image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the Great Martyr Panteleimon; In the temple you need to take some water in the container you brought with you; On the same day at midnight in complete solitude you need to install icons, light church candles next to them and put holy water; Read the prayer seven times “Our Father”; Drink a few sips of holy water; Concentrate on the flame of the candles and say the following magic words seven times:

    “I am God’s Slave (my name) and I want to find out who wished me harm and sent me damage. I want to see my enemy on my threshold; through his own fault, he will not look me in the eye, but will stand next to me. He will be frightened and will have a strong desire to leave. I will not wish my enemy redemption; his anger has already returned and his doubts have tormented him. As soon as the candles go out, the enemy will head towards me. Amen";

    Again you need to drink a few sips of holy water; Sit in silence, concentrating on your own thoughts while the candles burn out; Throw away the cinders and go to bed.

The next day, the person who caused the damage will definitely come to you himself. He will try to ask for something and immediately leave. Under no circumstances should you give him anything. In addition, it is important not to tell anyone about the ritual performed.

If the ritual was not effective, it means that the ill-wisher has strong energy and can resist. In this case, the ritual must be repeated in the near future.

To carry out the ritual, you should retire to a separate room and light a thin church candle. It must be placed in a faceted glass filled to the middle. clean water. After this, the candle is set on fire and a special plot is read. His words should be spoken towards the window or open door. Best time for the ceremony - the witching hour, from three o'clock in the morning until the first rooster crows. These words are spoken all the time while the candle burns:

“My strong word, therefore, until my enemy repents, he will suffer for a long time from the flame of my candle. He will appear on my doorstep and repent of everything he has done. Amen".

After such a ritual, you should be attentive to everyone around you for a week. You need to understand that the ill-wisher who tried to harm you may not come to you with repentance or ask for forgiveness. It's just that during this time period someone will behave in an unusual way. Most likely, someone will be very intrusive towards you. This person may also come to you with unusual requests or offer their services at a completely unnecessary moment. If you understand that this particular person was trying to harm you, then you should not come into contact with him. It is important to draw conclusions and try to distance yourself from the enemy. It should be understood that knowing who caused the damage is necessary not in order to take revenge, but in order to distance oneself from the enemy and put up reliable protection. After all, it is possible that in the future this person will try to harm you with messages of negative programs.

When happy moments in our lives are replaced by a series of failures, misfortunes and illnesses, only one thought comes to mind - a person has been jinxed or used witchcraft against him. Sometimes even a skeptic thinks about the influence of otherworldly forces for life. Today we will talk about how to recognize who caused damage and the evil eye on your own, what signs of damage and the evil eye indicate a negative impact and how they manifest themselves, as well as how to recognize the enemy who wished you harm.

How to find out who caused damage

Hexes are made on illness, separation, money, misfortune and even death. Usually a negative impact is indicated by:

It is worth taking a closer look and listening to the person. And if you notice such symptoms, immediately save the person and. It is not always possible to turn to a professional healer. You can reveal your enemy's name yourself.

There are several ways to find out whether damage has been caused to a person and how to identify the culprit of the misfortune. Such rituals provide an answer to necessary question . You are required to have faith in your own strengths and focus on results.

How to find out who caused damage in a dream

For this before going to bed, read a special prayer-plot. You need to relax and completely get rid of all thoughts. There is no need to imagine a potential enemy. The main thing for you is to find out who could have sent you negative messages.

Having said the words quietly, go to bed. The image of the offender will appear to you this night. And in order not to forget anything, put a sheet of paper and a pen by your bed. When you wake up, immediately write down what you see.

How to find out who damaged or jinxed

If a person has been damaged, there is another way that tells you what to do and how to find out about it. To you you will need wax, a container and water.

Melt the wax in a water bath. Slowly pour it into the bowl and say the following words: “I pour wax, I pour out the enemy”.

Then carefully examine the resulting pattern. If the figure resembles a bear or other wild beast, then your enemy is a man. If the figure looks more like a woman, or you see a flower, most likely the magical ritual was performed by a woman. In the case where the poured form does not make it possible to determine gender, you should contact a healer.

How to find out if a family has been damaged

Very often happy a strong family causes envy among others. If you are faced with terrible events and find yourself on the brink of collapse, you may not even understand what happened. Unexpected illnesses, accidents, quarrels and showdowns, as well as the deteriorating well-being of the family may indicate magical influence. And the reason for this is human envy and curse.

Often one family member is responsible for death random person. And the family becomes hostage to his behavior, causing the curse of the injured party on the entire family. Sometimes a lover's jealousy can cause discord. She can perform a ritual that will lead to the man wanting to leave the family. Spouses stop understanding each other, the union breaks up. It is necessary to find out whether there is an otherworldly influence on loved ones.

Go to church and buy church candles for each family member. Stand them up for health, calling all the names one by one. In the case when the candles smoke and crackle heavily, a witchcraft effect is exerted on the family.

How to find out if there is a witchcraft effect on an egg

You can identify negativity using the usual egg. His composition identical to the human body. Therefore, all changes in the body will be reflected in the egg. Carefully break it into a container of water and, tilting your head, place the bowl on the crown of your head. Sit without moving for a few minutes. Now look at the egg.

If the damage is severe, you should contact a professional magician. He will help neutralize the threat and provide protection. It will also help you accurately identify your enemy. He himself will come to you soon.

How to find out that the mother-in-law has spoiled her daughter-in-law

If the mother-in-law does not like her daughter-in-law, then she is ready for any tricks just to separate the young people. She can turn to a magician or perform witchcraft herself. If you suspect something is wrong, it's worth checking.

Ask someone you trust to help you. Sit on a chair. Let your assistant walk around you with a lit candle. Strong black smoke and soot, crackling, melting of the candle - this is damage.

How to find out who caused damage using a nail

There is a way to force your abuser to come to your house. For this it is necessary go to the cemetery and find a nail. Do not handle it with bare hands, use gloves. Bring a nail into the house and hammer it into the threshold while reading the plot:

Cemetery, coffin, I'm waiting for you, an invited guest. If you don’t come in three days, you’ll die in six months.

Soon the enemy himself will come to you. He will be exhausted and nervous.
This method can lead to serious mental disorders from an ill-wisher, so it is better to seek help from a specialist.

How to identify damage to a home

This is a common type negative influence. If you noticed that there were problems with work or health, your pets are behaving strangely and won’t come into the house, house plants have begun to dry out and disappear, check your home for damage.

Take a wax church candle, light it and walk around your house or apartment. In the place where it smokes and crackles heavily, look for lining. This could be a stuck needle, a bag of hair or sand, etc. Use any of the above methods to determine the person who harmed you.

Since ancient times, our ancestors used for protection - Slavic amulets-, the meaning of which was of great importance to them. Talismans had a powerful protective effect; they protected a person’s life, home and family. As a talisman against damage and the evil eye, early childhood A common means of protection is a red thread on the wrist. But in order for it to perform a protective function, you need to know how to tie a red thread correctly.

To protect yourself from any negativity, use a regular “evil eye” pin, sprinkle salt under the threshold of your house, periodically cleanse your home with church candles and holy water, protect yourself with the power of thought.

Your protection is at your fingertips. And remember, the best punishment for the offender is your forgiveness. Share with us your proven methods of identifying the enemy, tell us how you protect yourself from magic and witchcraft. What rituals and amulets are the most effective.

Today, most people, without knowing it, become victims of a negative program specifically aimed at their biofield. You can recognize the effect of negativity and find out who is the initiator of the damage without turning to a practicing magician.

Signs of damage and the evil eye

You can recognize the evil eye and a stronger negative impact by analyzing the mental and physical state person. Signs of a fake are:

  1. Frequent mood swings, sometimes with the manifestation of causeless aggression.
  2. Sudden craving for alcoholic drinks, narcotic, mind-stupefying substances.
  3. Loss of strength, accompanied by apathy, depression, insomnia.
  4. Suicidal thoughts.
  5. Deterioration of health. Doctors often cannot determine the cause of a patient’s poor health.
  6. Damage causes complex damage, affecting all areas of life - family, career, personal life. A “black streak” begins in the life of a spoiled person. At first, negativity creates minor troubles that develop into serious problems.

If a person has been subjected to severe black damage, he is suddenly diagnosed with an incurable disease. The body quickly weakens and wastes away. Death occurs up to a year after the ritual.

Why know who is the initiator of the damage?

It is important for a person who has been diagnosed with the influence of a negative magical program to find out who caused the damage. There are two reasons why a magician is asked to identify an enemy.

  1. The desire to limit communication with an enemy.
  2. The intention is to send the negative program back, to impose it on the initiator of dark witchcraft.

If the fake was created by an experienced sorcerer, there is no point in returning the negative. The performer of the ritual has reliable protection from evil spells. After returning, the person will again take on all the negativity. Signs of fraud will appear with renewed vigor.

Knowing the enemy by sight is a good reason to find out who is doing the damage. Having information, you can establish energetic protection from someone who wishes evil and limit communication with him.

Methods for identifying the enemy causing damage

In magical practice, many diagnostic methods are used to determine the initiator of forced negative impact. If a person plans to identify the enemy on his own, at home, he can use one of the methods.

  1. Carry out a ritual that allows you to see in a dream who caused the damage. When performing rituals of this type, it is important to be able to tune in to the desired wave, receive information and correctly decipher dreams.
  2. Appeal to spirits. Rituals of this type help to identify the enemy in the immediate environment. If the spirits are favorable to the performer of the ritual, they will bring the offender to him. Or they will force you to give yourself away.
  3. Complex magical rituals that require careful preparation- collection of ritual attributes, time and place for performing the necessary magical actions.
  4. Ritual actions during which his energy is used to search for an enemy. Rituals are used independently if a lining is discovered ( special kind damage). Before destroying a planted item charged with negativity, it is used to identify an ill-wisher.

Each type of ceremony has different specifics. Their use at home an ordinary person will not give 100% results. But he will indicate common features the one who brought the evil eye or caused damage.

Definition of an enemy in a dream

Most easy way to understand who is magically ruining a person’s life - to summon the image of the enemy into dreams. If the ritual is performed correctly, in a dream you can clearly see the face of the ill-wisher, find out his name and personal information.

Before you find out who caused the damage, you need to clear your thoughts of unnecessary information. For these purposes, use meditation, walking fresh air. There is no need to focus on thoughts about the enemy, draw his image, or make guesses. These actions contribute to confusion and lead to unreliable results.

Before going to bed, it is advisable to place a notepad and pen near your bed to write down everything you saw in your dream. Then read the plot out loud:

“I walk in rows, I look with my eyes. Among the ranks of the bright ones there is Saint Samson. In the name of God, eternal and living, I say the holy word - Holy Samson, show me a prophetic dream. Let Saint Samson show me my enemy, let the prophetic face show him to me through a dream. Living and most holy Trinity, help, Lord Jesus Christ, bless my sleep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

After reading, you should try to fall asleep immediately. The person who dreamed this night is the initiator of a negative program introduced in a magical way.

Appeal to dark forces

Using black magic, regardless of the purpose, is dangerous. There are several dark ways to find out who has the evil eye.

One of the simplest is to use a nail brought from a cemetery.

  1. Regardless of the phase of the moon, you need to go to the cemetery and bring a nail from there. The object found at the grave has special powers. But if the nail was lying on the path that leads between the rows, it can be used in the ritual.
  2. The found item must not be touched with your hands. The nail is wrapped in plastic bag or a piece of dark fabric.
  3. Upon arrival home, a nail is driven into the frame of the front door with the words:

“Let my enemy come in three days, and if he doesn’t come, he will die in six months. Cemetery, coffin, nail, I’m waiting for you, invited guest.”

The initiator of the damage will come to the house within three days under any pretext.

Summoning the enemy to the seven keys

This is a fast-acting ritual that allows you to quickly find out who is casting the evil eye. Technically the ritual is simple. But during it, the performer asks the devils for help. After graduation ritual actions The dark forces must be paid back to the crossroads for the service rendered.

Required items:

  1. Rusty keys - 7 pieces. If it is not possible to find old items, you can artificially age the keys by placing them in salt water for 3-5 days.
  2. Large capacity for boiling water.


  1. At night, boil water in the prepared pan.
  2. After characteristic bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, 7 keys are lowered into it at once, exclaiming three times:

“Whoever wants to harm the servant of God (name) should bring the devil into his house. There will be no peace for the evil man; the devil will drive him out of his chambers. Amen".

Under the influence of the challenge, the enemy who caused the damage will come in the morning and try to establish contact with the performer of the ritual. This ritual can be used if there is a suspicion that several people have committed the forgery.

How to find out the customer of damage through wax casting

Wax candles are a unique magical tool used in most rituals. When the thoughts “who ruined my destiny” overwhelm you, you should pour out the wax and see the result of the casting. To perform this you need to first prepare:

  1. Wax candle. The use of church paraphernalia is prohibited. You can replace the candle with a piece of natural wax. This option is preferable because you don’t know what composition is sold under the guise of a bee product.
  2. Container for melting wax.
  3. Bowl of water. You can use melted water or milk water. Bottled ones cannot be used.


To find out who created a negative program or placed a damaged item under the door, you need to:

  1. Remove the wick from the candle. Melt the wax in a water bath.
  2. Pour the resulting liquid into the water in one motion.
  3. Pouring the wax, they say:

“I pour wax into water, I pour out the name of my enemy.”

You can ask the wax for a favor in your own words:

“Show me the truth, whoever plans evil will carry it out against me” or “I pour wax, I pour out the enemy.”

The spell text is repeated 3-7 times. By looking at a frozen lump of wax, you can find out who caused the damage or cast the evil eye.

Decoding symbols

You cannot cast with wax if you do not know the key meanings of the figures. When examining a lump, you should not give in to emotions like “it seems to me.” Here it is important to let go of the imagination and work with associations.

  1. Outlines of flowers, moon, bushes, other vegetation - the initiator of damage is a woman.
  2. Animals, birds, clear geometric figures indicate that the customer of the ceremony is masculine.

Letters sometimes appear in the wax. The enemy's first or last name begins with them. And based on the presence of numbers, the duration of the negative impact is determined.

Pendulum for determining the customer of damage

This method is not suitable for use ordinary people. The ritual performer must be able to work with energy, meditate, and clearly formulate questions.

How to make a pendulum

Black tourmaline has long been considered one of the strongest amulets for practicing magicians. When purchasing a mineral, you need to concentrate and choose a stone based on how you feel. If you pick up the mineral, you feel flows of energy. This mineral feeds the owner’s aura.

Black tourmaline is attached to a silver chain. The pendulum is ready. Store it in a separate box or bag. Do not use unless necessary. During the first session, the stone must be explained how it should answer the question posed. “Yes” - rocking the mineral left and right. “No” - back and forth.

How to work with a pendulum

  1. The product is taken to right hand.
  2. They focus on the energy of the customer of the counterfeit (you can use things planted for the purpose of causing damage).
  3. Ask questions and study the behavior of the pendulum.

Frequently asked questions include:

  1. Is this person a woman/man?
  2. Do I know who did this?
  3. Have I crossed paths with him before?
  4. Will I see him soon?

You cannot use introductory parts to the main question: “Tell me,” “Do you know.”

There are many ways to identify an enemy who has brought a negative magical program onto a person. These rituals are technically simple. But the information received must be used wisely - to remove the damage, to provide protection from negativity and the evil eye. You cannot pay an enemy with his coin. If the performer of the black ritual is an experienced magician, all attempts to return the negative to him will be in vain.

Today I am a magician Sergei Artgrom, I will tell you how important it is to be on time recognize damage and find out who brought the magical negative. In witchcraft there is a positive principle important points. There are people who carry negativity within themselves. Bad thoughts, words, dissatisfaction, criticism - this destroys everything good around them, does not allow money, luck, happiness, success in life to come into their lives. People like this can be found in any social groups. It’s not just difficult to be around them, but extremely undesirable and impossible. They are like mold, quietly absorbing everything around them.

How can you find out who damaged a person?

By resorting to rituals of practical magic, you can find out with great certainty who has cast the evil eye and who has deliberately brought severe damage to a certain person. But this is not always important. It is much more important to diagnose and remove the evil eye in time, including through independent rituals. When you know your enemy by sight, it is easier to defend against him. However, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say this: we are not always familiar with faces, but this does not prevent us from punishing them with the help of magic.

Negative attitude towards the world dark thoughts, condemnation, criticism are contagious. Next to such people, all thoughts of luck and joy perish.

What do you call a person who is always negative?

In psychology, such people are called pessimists. But in magic they have a different designation: energy vampire, black hole, envious person, evil eye.

It’s as easy as shelling pears for such a person to jinx it, ruin your affairs with a poisonous word, and drive away good luck. Some people have such strong energy of destruction that they don’t even need to do a simple ritual of damage; they can envy silently or out loud - and the wheel of the evil eye will spin, bringing failures and ruin. In the practices of witchcraft, of course, there are ways to determine who did the evil eye or caused damage to a person. This is what I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk to you about now.
It is best to ignore energy vampires and stay away from them if possible. This does not mean that such people should be hated. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, just want to say that you need to worry about your own well-being. In every sense, including the magical one.

Is it possible to find out on your own who did the damage?

Without a doubt. Witchcraft has practical rituals. There are old ones folk rituals and means of diagnosing the evil eye and damage, and in addition, the magician has at his disposal an ancient system of predictions - Runes. Tarot cards also provide the most complete answers and the most up-to-date information.

The easiest way to manage people is through negativity. It's right. When doubts are sowed into a person’s soul, thoughts about his weakness and worthlessness are instilled, most people sooner or later give up and become dependent on the manipulator, at his complete disposal. This is precisely what cannot be allowed. If you notice undesirable changes in your reality, or feel clouds gathering overhead, immediately take action appropriate to the situation. To determine who caused the damage or evil eye, make a Tarot card spread. The answer will be given to you. If you yourself are not strong in diagnosing the evil eye and damage from a deck of Tarot cards, contact a professional tarot reader.

Folk conspiracies to find out who did the damage

As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, already said at the beginning of the article, it is not so important to recognize the person who jinxed or caused damage. It is much more important to understand the type of damage inflicted on you and quickly remove it from yourself. In the rituals of black magic there are unique purges with the return of the removed negativity, which allows you to send damage and the evil eye back to the customer, or to the one who caused them. And rest assured, the dark energy of corruption will find its way back no matter how far the enemy is, and no matter how well he hides behind and devotion.
And if you want to punish an enemy who harms you by magical means, but do not know his name, you can send devils or a dead man to work. In such cases, in a folk conspiracy to return damage removed from a person, the following phrase is usually pronounced: “The devil knows his name.” When removing damage to a cemetery, without knowing the name of his enemy, the magician can turn to the spirit of an unmarked grave. Entities will be able to find the one who did the damage, and punish as you wish.

A real magician has the opportunity to turn to his spirit assistant and order a dream. The truth is often revealed in dreams. There are special practices for prophetic dreams (in black and rune magic) that should be used when you are looking for answers to questions that concern you. There are, of course, strong conspiracies that are read to find out who did the damage. They are used by white and black magicians.

Here is a folk plot to help you independently determine who did the damage:

“Saint Samson will appear and send me a prophetic dream. Whoever thought a dark thought, who said an unkind word, who did an evil deed, who sent a spell of damage, let (name) appear to me in a dream. Amen".

An independent plot for diagnosing damage to yourself, read this one before going to bed. Perhaps you will see your ill-wisher in a dream. But, it is not enough to find out for yourself who did the damage; it is much more important to know how to remove the energetic evil eye, everything harmful, induced, alien.

Find out on your own who did the damage and get rid of the evil eye

Here is a good, independent cleaning to remove damage to red matter. Working, effective, very effective ritual for home use. It removes the evil eye and damage from a person, you can also use it for yourself, however, this cleansing is still aimed at getting rid of the patient’s negativity, it even removes very much (cemetery damage), plus, it has a return effect. But, in the cleaning punish the person causing damage, not important. It is much more important to remove the induced evil eye and energy negativity from a person. The blow went back to the original source, good. If he didn’t go, that’s not the point, the main thing is that the black damage done to the person is removed.

When choosing a ritual, decide what you want to do: remove negativity or punish sorcerers? If both work out, that's a plus for you. And if not? Don’t refuse to remove damage from your loved one for free! For the most part, we don’t even know who sent what to us.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

And if you know who caused the damage, what should you do?

Yes, the same thing: remove the evil eye from yourself, put up strong defenses, and then, if you have the strength and desire, you can punish the enemy. If you really want to take revenge on the sorcerer or the customer of the damage, then it’s better to separate it: remove it separately, return the damage and revenge separately. And it's not at all necessary find out on your own who did the damage, because negative energy will find a way out. It is better to install mirror protection against damage and the evil eye immediately after the removal ritual.

Find out who is doing the damage - remove the damage to the red fabric

This self-removal ritual severe damage from a certain person, for those who work with Demons and have a connection with this Power. After the cleansing ritual, make a ransom. But which one exactly is an individual question. You can, of course, include the classic ransom: coins, vodka, cigarettes. But it’s better to find out what the assistants want. Therefore, ask before the ceremony, using any methods available to you.

To perform the ritual of cleansing a person from corruption, you need:

  • red natural fabric
  • sharp ritual knife

If a person quickly withers and fades away, and no one knows what happened to him, then, most likely, damage or the evil eye has been cast on him. In this situation, the need fades into the background recognize who is doing the damage. It is much more important to cleanse yourself of it. To correct everything, including failures from the body and soul of the victim, this is what needs to be done. You need a large piece of natural red fabric. In the evening, as the sun begins to wane, you need to go into the forest, where the aspen trees grow. Yes, away from prying eyes, so that no one interferes. Yes, not to go alone, but with someone who suffers from damage.

The ritual is old and works well for novice magicians. It may not make it clear who caused the damage, but it will save a person from black negativity. Tear the fabric into 5 strips. Turn the person with the cursed person's back to himself, and a strip of fabric right leg tie the patient below the knee and tie it with a knot.

At the same time, only read the words of the folk conspiracy once to cleanse yourself from the strong evil eye:

“Not the lower, not the upper path, the surochishche, the evil, the nocturnal, the gnasher, there is no more way to go, a path neither direct nor roundabout. Redrawing redrawings, so as not to measure either the old path or the new one. So I redden the enemy’s machinations into the fabric, I tie a wraith, I tie a taint, I wrap up a malicious shroud with (name), and I redden it through the strip, so that the fool of the paths back to the enemy who sent him measures the way back, and in the neck, and with a bone in the throat. It’s Vlasitsa’s command, no one will say anything against it. Az. Amen".

These words strong conspiracy read, not in order to find out who cast a spell on a person, but in order to free him from the effects of negative energy, they only say once when left leg tied when the right arm is tied over the elbow. And when left hand They tie it over the elbow, and also read the plot once. And when the last strip of red cloth is tied on the forehead of a person who is being treated for damage, they say this:

“Neither in my mind, nor in my mind, nor in the font can fools enter. And the one who measured the path, having found the hut to get along at first, took into account Vlasitsa’s commandment, in the red fabric, it was too much trouble to measure this path to the enemy. Then he commanded Vlasitsa, but there was no one to tell him. Az. Amen".

Then you need to take a sharp knife and cut off everything that was tied to the victim. But, cut so that the knot remains intact. First, cut from the left leg, then from the right, then from the left arm and from the right. And only after everything, remove the strip from your head. These rags with knots need to be buried under the aspen tree. Leave the payoff to Vlasitsa (Devil) there too. Go home without looking back. this one good folk ritual to get rid of damage.

Demonic cleansing gives results quickly and works accurately. And, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will repeat, it doesn’t matter who ordered the damage, there is no need to waste effort on find out on your own who did the damage. The negative is removed in layers; several damages made by different “well-wishers” can go away at once.

How does a person who has caused damage behave?

What happens to the person who caused damage? If treatment for damage with return is done, he may receive a strong portion of negativity. But if there are good defenses, they will withstand the blow. The same applies to magical revenge on the person who damaged you. If a strong sorcerer is harming you, it will be very difficult to break through his defenses and really harm him in return. But if the negative was caused by a weak magician or a novice in witchcraft, this will greatly simplify the task of punishing you for the damage caused. But there is no need to rush to take revenge, you need to be able to wait, look for the right moment. If you are dealing with a black sorcerer who is stronger than you, you can seriously suffer from your attempts to punish him.

It is believed that the person who caused the damage behaves in a special way.

He is active, he can call, write to you, ask you for something, in general he manifests himself in some way. May come in a dream. This is how the Forces point out to you the one who is harming you by inducing damage. However, this does not always happen. After cleaning, there may be no special effects at all, even if you were eager to find out who cast the evil eye, or who is casting a spell against you.

There may be nothing, no . Yes, in fact, you don’t need anything other than diagnostics after removing the damage, during which you find out that it no longer exists. And this is exactly the result for which all the work was done. Experienced knowledgeable people they read information from cards, runes, and are shown visions in dreams. Magicians see clearly and hear clearly, so they know their true, most dangerous enemies. This is not given to beginners, but everything comes with practice.