Proklova personal life. Biography of Elena Proklova

Father of Elena Igorevna Proklova was a teacher and taught cybernetics and programming at the Military-Political Academy, mother future actress was also a teacher. Elena grew up in a creative circle. Already at the age of four, Proklova began studying rhythmic gymnastics, and at eleven she became a master of sports.

Study and work at the Moscow Art Theater

Elena studied at the Studio School with one condition: this way she could temporarily forget about cinema. At first, the teachers were skeptical about the young actress. Elena Proklova had very quiet voice. However, the girl could immediately start playing and almost immediately became involved in any role. In addition, during all 20 years of work at the Moscow Art Theater, the young actress was able to play the entire leading repertoire. Elena was involved in such productions as “Valentin and Valentina”, “Blue Bird”, “Echelon”, “Pearl Zinaida”, “Amadeus”, “The Cherry Orchard”.

Filmography of Elena Proklova

  • "They're calling, open the door"
  • "The only one..."
  • « Snow Queen»
  • “How Ivanushka the Fool Went for a Miracle”
  • "The key is not transferable"
  • "Confusion of Feelings"
  • “What are our years!”
  • "Dog in the manger"
  • "Be my husband"
  • "D. D. D. Dossier of detective Dubrovsky"
  • "Remember me like this"
  • "The Perfect Crime"
  • “And mom is better!”

Elena Proklova - personal life, children, husband, photo

Proklova got married very early. Already at the age of 18 she became a wife famous journalist and director Vitaly Melik - Karamov. A year later their daughter Arina was born. Four years later, the couple divorced.

Elena’s second husband was Dr. Alexander Deryabin. But the actress was not happy with him either, and a few years later they also divorced.

In 1984, Proklova married Andrei Trishin. The couple had a son, but he lived only a week and died. Elena and Andrey experienced the tragedy together and did not separate. In 1994, Elena gave birth to a daughter, Polina.

In 1995, Elena Proklova became a grandmother, her eldest daughter gave birth to a girl and she was named Alice.

After 30 years of marriage with her husband Andrei Trishin, Elena decided to file for divorce. The husband could not fall in love with Elena’s hobby. She loves to paint beautiful bottles.

“I ask calmly: “Andryush, if they are in the way, move them to another place.” - “How much is possible?!” You, Lena, are like a homeless person, we need to clean up after you.” And then I exploded and said: “This was the last phrase I hear from you as a husband. Is it impossible to live with me? What happiness, let’s go our separate ways!” And in the morning she filed for divorce,” Proklova said in an interview.

Elena Proklova - Divorce video watch

In the majestic capital of Moscow in 1953, on September 2, the girl Gerda from the beloved fairy tale “The Snow Queen” was born. This, of course, is a figurative expression; it’s just that on this day theater and film actress Elena Proklova was born. Soviet viewers remembered her for her remarkable winter's tale about Kai and Gerda, whose friendship was unbreakable.

How old is Proklova?

Now the little actress has become an adult, Elena is 63 years old. For my creative career she managed to play many roles and establish herself as a TV presenter.

Family of Elena Proklova

The birth of the future actress was completely unplanned. The fact is that Elena’s mother, having given birth to a son, no longer wanted to have children. This spectacular and ambitious woman plunged headlong into her career. Having learned that she was pregnant for the second time, she did not go for an abortion, considering it a great sin. As a result, after 9 months, her husband happily took his wife and little daughter from the maternity hospital, whom they decided to name Lenochka.

Even though Elena was, one might say, an unwanted child, the family loved the bright, artistic girl very, very much. The paternal grandfather was the one who was most “stuck” to his granddaughter. He doted on Lenochka. When she was offered to act in films for the first time, her grandfather was categorically against it. He himself spent his whole life in the very cycle of cinema; he knew how difficult it was to achieve success and survive in the world of art. That is why I did not wish an acting fate for my little darling. Despite all her grandfather’s protests, eleven-year-old Elena made her film debut.

Enchanting success in cinema

The first acting lesson was difficult for schoolgirl Lena. The girl’s debut film was “They’re calling, open the door.” According to the plot of the film, Proklova was supposed to portray great sorrow. Without experience, and even at 11 years old, it is difficult to enter into such an image, and even under with intent glances film crew. The director, wanting to help the little actress, advised her to imagine that her dear person will die soon. Lena was very attached to her grandfather. So I imagined him on his deathbed. As a result, there would be enough grief and tears for 10 stories. The schoolgirl who entered the character was barely calmed down, but the episode was filmed 100%!

After the premiere of the film, in which Proklova starred for the first time in her life, the girl woke up famous. It was a stunning success, a debut role and immediately popular love. The start was indeed successful. This is not surprising. After all, Elena’s partners and, at the same time, mentors were such celebrities as Oleg Efremov, Rolan Bykov, Iya Savvina.

If after her debut there were any doubts about her choice of profession, then after her second work in cinema Proklova had no doubt that she would enter a theater university and become famous actress, although she was already one. All that was missing was a diploma and years to enter college. The second time the schoolgirl was invited to the set to work in the film “The Snow Queen”. Lena, like all children, liked fairy tales, but here she herself had to play fairy tale character. She got the main role of Gerda, a girl who so bravely and selflessly defended her friend Kai. This magical adventure served as a good impetus on the road to the pinnacle of fame. Now the young actress was recognized on the streets, and her peers wrote her heaps of letters. Isn't this the dream of every schoolgirl?

Unfortunately, the medal also has reverse side. The fact is that due to constant filming, Proklova practically stopped attending classes at school. In the end, the management of Mosfilm helped teachers come to the young talent’s home with individual lessons. Can you imagine that in Soviet era the high school daughter earned the same amount of money as her parents. Only at the same time I missed the opportunity to spend longer as an ordinary carefree child.

Teenage student

At the age of fifteen, Proklova, again with the assistance of Mosfilm, was accepted into the Moscow Art Theater School. At that time, life seemed like a complete fairy tale to Elena: filming, scenery, camera operators, a sea of ​​fans and the much-desired fame of a film actress! It wasn’t even too upsetting that Moscow Art Theater students did not have the right to act in films. Although I was drawn to the set with terrible force.

Before entering the institute, Lena starred in two more films. After graduation educational institution an actress with a legitimate diploma in her pocket is invited to play the main role. In the film “The Only One,” Proklova played a girl who lost everything due to an accident. love story. Partners in this work were Zolotukhin and Vysotsky. Many actresses would give anything to be on one film set with such legendary people.

Work on television by Elena Proklova

The seventies were for Proklova the peak of her artistic career. She was considered one of the most sought-after actresses. Since the beginning of the 2000s, Elena often appears in various television projects. Viewers could watch her adventures in the TV show “ The Last Hero" and "Housing and communal services". She also showed herself excellently as a presenter on Channel One, where she worked for 4 years.

Elena Proklova: personal life today

When Elena's brother decided to get married, the actress took a close part in preparing for the wedding. As people close to her later joked, the girl was so imbued with the wedding spirit that she hurried down the aisle. Later she will remember that she agreed to marry Vitaly Melik-Karamov not so much out of love, but because of an irresistible desire to show off in wedding dress. What did you expect, the girl was barely 17 years old at that time. Two years later, Elena gave birth to her husband’s daughter. But this did not save the family from divorce.

Filming took up almost all the actress’s time; of course, when did she have time to think about her personal life. The daughter had to be placed in the care of her grandmother. But when the doctors gave the baby a terrible diagnosis, Proklova gave up everything to find a way to heal her daughter. All methods of traditional medicine were tried, but the results of the treatment were not satisfactory. On the advice of knowledgeable friends, Elena turned for help to a healer who healed with herbs. It was not for nothing that Alexander Deryabin was famous as an unrivaled herbalist; he was able to cure a girl of her illness. While the treatment was going on, Alexander and Elena became close, a little later the healer makes an offer to the actress, to which she agrees.
Proklova failed to give birth to her second husband. Their children died during childbirth; it is surprising that such a famous herbalist could not help his own children and wife. Elena began to have health problems. She was forced to refuse filming and leave cinema for a while. All attempts to give birth to a second child were unsuccessful; only at the age of forty did the happy Elena successfully carry and give birth to a baby.

In her interviews, the actress always says that everything is fine with her personal life. in perfect order. Well, this one doesn't like it strong woman complain about fate. Proklova’s third husband was businessman Andrei Trishin. Elena lived with this man for more than 30 years. Rumors about their divorce were constantly circling around the couple, then the rumors were replaced by information about family reunification. In a word, everything is the same as with all public people. Fans always want to be aware of the details of the personal lives of their idols. According to the latest information, Proklova lives happily with Trishin. So it’s time for the passions over their quarrels to subside.

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (12/20/1984).

Elena's paternal grandfather, Viktor Timofeevich Proklov, was an actor and played at the Moscow Art Theater. It was he who brought Lena (on the recommendation of Mosfilm deputy director V. Semenov, who saw Lena several times) at the age of 10 to Mosfilm, where at that time he was an assistant to director A. Mitta, who was looking for a performer leading role in his film "They're calling, open the door." He looked through 11 thousand applicants. The lot fell on Lena.

Elena was a master of sports in rhythmic and artistic gymnastics, she was predicted to have a brilliant sports future, but after filming the film “Shine, Shine, My Star,” she decided to become an actress.

Graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School (1973, course of V.P. Markov).
Since 1973 - actress of the Moscow Art Theater (currently working under contracts).

While studying at the Moscow Art Theater School at the age of 18, she married documentary director Vitaly Melik-Karamov and a year later gave birth to a daughter, Arina. But this marriage soon broke up. Then there were several more unsuccessful marriages. Today, the actress, together with her husband Andrei and second daughter Polina (born in 1994), lives in a large country mansion on the Klyazmenskoye reservoir.

From May 2006 to August 2010, together with G. P. Malakhov, she hosted the program “Malakhov+” on Channel One.
From October 25, 2010 to 2012, she hosted the social show “Housing and Communal Services” on Channel One.

theatrical works

Moscow Art Theater named after. M. Gorky:
The first cook - “Three Fat Men” by Yu.K. Olesha, M.A. Goryunov (production by V.N. Bogomolov, director M.A. Goryunov)
Mytil - “The Blue Bird” by M. Maeterlinck (production by K.S. Stanislavsky, I.M. Moskvin, L.A. Sulerzhitsky, revival directors A.M. Komissarov, S.G. Desnitsky)
Masha Zabelina - “ Kremlin chimes» N.F. Pogodin (director: Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, L.M. Leonidov, M.O. Knebel, I.M. Raevsky, new stage version by M.O. Knebel, V.P. Markov)
Daughter of Strawberry - "The Inspector General" N.V. Gogol (production and direction by M.N. Kedrov, director N.D. Kovshov)
Larisa - “Echelon” M.M. Roshchin (production and direction by A.V. Efros, directors V.M. Portnov, L.F. Monastyrsky)
Valentina - “Valentine and Valentina” M.M. Roshchin (production director O.N. Efremov, director V.N. Kuzenkov)
Irina - “Duck Hunt” by A. Vampilov (production and direction by O.N. Efremova, director A.V. Myagkov)
Constance Weber - “Amadeus” by P. Schaeffer (production and direction by M.G. Rozovsky)
Fashion model - “Ghosts Among Us” by K. Abe (production by Yutaka Wada (Japan), director V.M. Prudkin)
Natalya Ivanovna (Natasha) - “Three Sisters” by A.P. Chekhov (director: Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, N.N. Litovtseva, I.M. Raevsky, restoration by Yu.L. Leonidov)
Tina - “Lawyers” by R. Hochhuth (production and direction by Günter Fleckenstein (Germany), director I.P. Vlasov)
Galina - “Toastmaster” A. Galin (production by K.M. Ginkas)

Moscow Art Theater named after Chekhov:
Elmira - "Tartuffe" by J.-B. Molière (production by A.V. Efros, director I.P. Vlasov)
Octavia - “Portrait” by S. Mrozhek (director V. Kozmenko-Delinde)
Pat - “Mother-of-Pearl Zinaida” by M.M. Roshchin (production and direction by O.N. Efremov, director N.L. Skorik)
Esther - “Equus” by P. Sheffer (produced by N.L. Skorik)
Varya - “ Cherry Orchard» A.P. Chekhov (production and direction by O.N. Efremov)
Veselkina - "Barbarians" by M. Gorky (production and direction by O.N. Efremova, director I.P. Vlasov)

(The list of roles was compiled by Pavel Tikhomirov)

prizes and awards

During a traditional survey conducted at Mosfilm, Proklova was recognized as the best actress of 1965 for her performance as Tanya Nechaeva in the film They’re Calling, Open the Door.

Winner of the Lenin Komsomol Prize (1977) - for playing the role of Marina Maksimovna in the film “The Non-Transferable Key.”
Winner of the 2nd Prize of the All-Union Film Festival in Frunze in the category "Prizes for Acting Work" (1976 - film "The Only One...")
Winner of the Award for the Performance of a Female Role at the Panama International Film Festival (1977 - film “The Only One...")

Elena Igorevna Proklova is a famous Russian and Soviet film actress. She played in a large number of very diverse films. At one time, this woman was idolized by the most popular actors of Soviet cinema. For example, she was in love with Andrei Mironov, Oleg Yankovsky, Mikhail Volontir.

For some time there was no information about Elena Proklova. In the harsh 90s, some movie lovers considered her dead. But it turned out that the woman herself purposefully left the film industry in order to devote her life to her husband and daughters. At the beginning of the new millennium, she becomes a TV presenter.

Recently information appeared that Elena Proklova is seriously ill. But her family and numerous admirers of her work hope that the woman will be able to pass through this test with honor and win.

After the release of a television program about health on Russian television screens, hosted by Elena Proklova with Gennady Malakhov, interest in the personality of the once popular actress flared up with renewed vigor. Numerous television viewers wanted to know everything about the woman, including height, weight, age, how old is Elena Proklova.

The TV presenter did not hide her age, but the public does not believe that she is already old. In 2017, the actress celebrated her 64th birthday in a quiet family circle. The woman looks amazing for her age. With a height of 165 cm, she weighs 65 kg.

A friend and colleague of the popular TV presenter Tatyana Eduardovna Kravchenko likes to talk with humor about Elena Proklova’s diet. She says that it was thanks to her friend’s advice that she began to pursue her goal in spite of difficulties.

Elena Proklova, whose photos in her youth and now are loved by many admirers of her talent, says that now she is happier than ever before.

Biography of Elena Proklova

The biography of Elena Proklova is very popular among her fans. A charming daughter appeared in the Proklov family in 1953. At first, even before she was born, they decided to name the girl Mashenka. But, seeing her daughter, her mother, Anna Mikhailovna Proklova, decided that she would have a different name - Lena. Neither my husband nor my parents objected. Father - Igor Viktorovich Proklov taught at the Lenin Military Academy. Mom worked at school.

At the age of 4, Lenochka began attending the gymnastics section. She was predicted to have a good future in sports.

In 1965, the girl made her debut in the film “They’re Ringing, Open the Door,” after which she began to seriously think about becoming an actress. Then the filmography of the young artist was replenished with a number of significant roles. For example, she played in “The Snow Queen”, “Adolescent Age”, “Shine, Shine, My Star”.

After school, the girl studies in V.P. Markov’s course at the Moscow Art Theater School. The talented young actress was invited to work at the Moscow Art Theater, where she worked until the early 90s of the last century. At this time the actress played large number the most diverse roles. For example, her works include “Sentimental Novel”, “Mimino” and others.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Elena Proklova became a TV presenter. She, together with Gennady Malakhov, hosts a program about health. Currently, the actress only occasionally appears on television screens. She is a member of the Public Chamber of Russia.

Personal life of Elena Proklova

The personal life of Elena Proklova is interesting and eventful. According to the popular actress, for the first time she fell in love with Oleg Tabakov, but he did not respond to the feelings of a young girl.

She married for the first time at the age of 18 to the famous director Vitaly Melik-Karamov. But after 4 years the marriage broke up.

Then the artist married doctor Alexander Savelov-Deryabin. But after the death of her newborn sons, Elena Proklova left her husband.

In the late 70s of the last century, the popular artist had affairs with Oleg Yankovsky and Andrei Mironov, but these relationships were fleeting.

In the 80s, Elena Proklova married for the third time. Her husband was Andrei Trishin. The couple recently divorced. But literally a few months later they began to live together again.

Family of Elena Proklova

Elena Proklova's family consists of her beloved daughters, husband and granddaughter. The woman tries on holidays for them all to sit together at the same table and talk about everything.

The girl’s parents loved Lenochka and her older brother. They did not wish them an acting fate, since they were born and raised in an artistic family. The girl was fond of sports. But after an injury I was forced to leave my favorite gymnastics.

Proklova considers her many friends, who are mainly actors, to be her family.

Children of Elena Proklova

The children of Elena Proklova are her beloved daughters. The woman believes that everything in our lives is fleeting, so children should know that their parents love them.

The popular artist could have four more children. But the twin boys she was waiting for died on the first day of life due to medical error. Then Elena Proklova could have had a child from Oleg Yankovsky, but her beloved was married at that time and had no intention of leaving the family. Then the artist herself went for an abortion in order to untie the hands of her beloved man.

The next son died because he was born prematurely, and the doctors could not do anything. Last daughter Polina has become a real outlet, a hard-fought child who makes her parents happy every day.

Daughters of Elena Proklova - Arina and Polina

Elena Proklova’s daughters, Arina and Polina, according to the most popular actress and TV presenter, are her main treasures. The girls appeared in different marriages. Their age difference is significant, but they are truly friends.

The eldest daughter was born to Elena Proklova when she just turned 18 years old. The girl was constantly on set, so she saw her daughter very rarely. After her divorce from her first husband, Elena Proklova’s daughter lived with her father. But at the first opportunity, the popular artist came to visit them. In 1994, Arina got married, and soon she gave her mother a charming granddaughter, whom they decided to name Alice.

Proklova’s youngest daughter was born when she no longer hoped to become a mother for the second time. The artist gave up everything, wanting one thing - to raise Polina, as they called the girl, a worthy person. Currently, Elena Proklova’s daughter is 23 years old. She is dating a guy who will soon become her husband.

Elena Proklova loves both of her daughters and wants only the best for them.

Elena Proklova's ex-husband - Vitaly Melik-Karamov

The young people met for the first time when Elena Proklova had just turned 15 years old. For some time there were no relations between them other than friendship. But in teenage years the girl blossomed and became prettier, which aroused Vitaly’s genuine interest. He openly admitted his feelings to Elena. Proklova answered them.

After the wedding, the couple lived for some time without scandals. Friends called their relationship ideal. But after the birth of my daughter, everything changed dramatically. Vitaly was jealous of his wife. This soon led to separation.

Elena Proklova's ex-husband, Vitaly Melik-Karamov, did not give his daughter to his wife, although he did not interfere with their communication.

Elena Proklova's ex-husband - Alexander Savelov-Deryabin

Soon after her divorce from her first husband, Elena accidentally met Alexander. He was a doctor. They dated for some time. The popular actress herself believed that this relationship would lead nowhere. But after she became pregnant, she agreed to marry her beloved. Alexander literally blew away specks of dust from his wife.

After the death of their newborn sons, the couple's relationship fell apart sharply. Elena did not want to communicate with anyone. The husband tried to bring his beloved back to life, but she decided to leave him, plunging headlong into her grief.

After divorce ex-husband Elena Proklova - Alexander Savelov-Deryabin remained her friend. They still communicate. After some time, Alexander married and became the father of a charming boy.

Former husband of Elena Proklova - Andrey Trishin

Elena had known Andrei since childhood. He was one of her older brother's best friends. At first, Elena looked at Andrei’s courtship with irony. He was young, and she already had two marriages behind her, and her lovers included the most best artists. But the guy managed to attract Elena’s attention. After the wedding, they lived happily for some time and were expecting the birth of a child. But the tragedy repeated itself. The son died shortly after birth. Andrei did not allow his beloved to completely isolate herself from him. His efforts paid off. She began to smile. 10 years after the tragedy, the couple had a charming daughter, Polina.

The couple appeared together at all events. It seemed that their happiness was cloudless. In 2016, Elena filed for divorce, which was very unexpected for her family and friends. The couple separated. In 2017, the couple began to communicate normally again, and then to live.

Elena Proklova’s ex-husband, Andrei Trishin, according to the artist herself, has changed a lot. He tries to predict all her desires. The spouses do not make plans for the future, they live one day at a time.

Elena Proklova has cancer

Several years ago, information appeared that the popular artist was seriously ill. But what disease Elena Proklova was struggling with was unknown for a long time.

Elena Proklova has cancer. Newspapers and magazines published this headline in 2016. The popular actress herself came to Andrei Malakhov’s studio, where she frankly spoke about everything. The woman repented to everyone she had offended in this world.

Elena said that she lives one day at a time. She and her family hope that she will be able to overcome this serious illness.

In her youth, the popular actress could undress in front of the camera without any embarrassment. Naked Elena Proklova starred in several films that showed men the stunning body of the popular artist.

In 2012, photos of Elena Proklova in Maxim magazine graced the pages of the publication. But the woman posed not in nude style, but in a swimsuit. Although they were not made like that candid photos, but fans were amazed by her skin and the perfection of her lines. The woman showed that, although she had already crossed the 55-year-old mark, she remained as beautiful and attractive as in her youth.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Proklova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Elena Proklova are visited every day by numerous fans of the popular actress’s talent.

Wikipedia contains all the information about life and creative path popular artist. Here are all the works in which Elena Proklova has ever played.

On the woman’s Instagram page you can admire photographs of the Russian cinema star. Here she posted pictures taken with the most enviable men Soviet Union, with some of whom she was associated love relationship. On the page you can see Proklova’s beloved daughters and granddaughter Alisa, who is the same age as her youngest daughter Polina.

In 1999, Elena Proklova released the book “As Myself.” The first half of the 80s was also very successful for Elena Proklova. Elena Proklova filed for divorce after 30 years of marriage with businessman Andrei Trishin. In 1983, Mihai Volontir played with another actress, who became a very close person to him, Elena Proklova. But few people know that in the life of the “gypsy” there was another woman who became very close to him - Elena PROKLOVA.

Elena Proklova was born on September 2, 1953 in Moscow in the family of Igor Viktorovich Proklov, a teacher at the VPA named after V.I. Lenin, and Anna Mikhailovna Proklova, a teacher. True, relatives did not think about a career as an actress for Elena, because with four years She was engaged in artistic gymnastics and already at the age of eleven became a master of sports. The film became Elena's film debut. This was followed by leading roles in the famous Soviet films “The Snow Queen” (1966), “The Age of Transition” (1968), “Shine, Shine, My Star” (1969).

Elena Proklova herself, recalling this period of her life, regrets that she cannot, like everyone else normal people, remember school trips and graduation party. The film was released on the wide screen in 1976 and was warmly received by the public. In the film “Mimino” directed by Georgy Danelia, Elena Proklova has a cameo role: she appears on the screen in only two or three scenes.

Proklova, Elena Igorevna

Elena Proklova is a young teacher here who has not just pedagogical talent, but human talent - to show trust and gain it. But this marriage also broke up after a few years. According to Proklova herself, one of the reasons for this discord was a personal tragedy: their two twin sons died in infancy. In 1994, Elena and Andrey had a daughter, Polina. Elena decided to approach the matter professionally, enrolling in the landscape design department at the Moscow Architectural Institute.

At the current stage, Elena works closely with television. Although Elena, according to her, will still try to improve relations with her husband if possible, she is sure that nothing will work out. As Proklova said, everyone tried to dissuade her from this marriage: “What are you doing?! This is a misalliance! Elena Proklova had many affairs in her life, and her men were no less worthy than the legendary Budulai - Mihai Volontir.

Personal secrets of Elena Proklova

And suddenly such a success! Why out of hundreds of fans Elena chose Vitaly and married him at the age of 17 is difficult to say. “He was too good and loved me too much,” Proklova said about Vitaly in an interview. Proklova has a cameo role there - a couple of shooting days, no more.

Elena Proklova: “We thought about divorce from the first day we decided to live together” Comments: 565

Elena Igorevna met her second husband just after the premiere of Georgy Danelia’s masterpiece. This happened after a joint visit by Alexander and Elena to an underground maternity hospital, where childbirth was carried out in water using the then fashionable method of Igor Charkovsky. Elena was pregnant and persuaded her husband to visit this dubious place. The couple found a half-dead woman there, who was trying to give birth in agony.

Elena Proklova - biography, personal life: Paying for mistakes

But all this made such a shocking impression on Proklova that she had a miscarriage - she lost twin boys. Elena’s new chosen one was the father of the same boy who touchingly played the role of Proklova’s son, the artist Alexander Adamovich.

For Elena's sake, the artist abandoned his French wife and two children. But the relationship lasted only two years. This is precisely the case when it was not possible to build happiness out of the misfortune of others. Alexander returned to the family and soon died... And Elena found solace with her brother’s friend, businessman Andrei Trishin.

“We had a son,” Elena Igorevna recalled. I was rewarded for the bustle and for the feeling that everything in this life comes easily,” Elena admitted not so long ago. - Punishment, without which I would not exist. There would be a different person. In the film “Be Happy, Yulia!”, which was filmed in Moldova, they play a childless couple - foreman Radu and nurse Yulia. On the set, Mihai and Elena became seriously interested in each other.

In it, he dreamed of filming Klara Luchko, and after her death he said that he saw only Elena Proklova in the leading role. Cameraman of the film “Be Happy, Julia!” Valentin Belonogov spoke about romantic relationships Proklova and Volontira: “It looked like gentlemanly courtship.”

Since the film was filmed 50 kilometers from Chisinau, Mihai and Elena lived in a hotel. Six months later, Mihai and Elena broke up. For the film that Mikhai was going to shoot, a beautiful young woman was needed, and not this “broken” Proklova with silicone lips, Efrosinya Alekseevna is indignant.

A young actress was needed for the main role. A family friend, also a filmmaker, invited the grandfather to show his granddaughter, but the grandfather categorically refused. In 1976 she became a laureate of the All-Union Film Festival in the category “Prizes for Acting Work”. The only one” Having graduated from the Studio School in 1973, the ban on acting in films expired and the actress accepted I. Kheifits’s offer to star in the leading role - Tanya Fesheva - in the film “The One and Only”.

One of best works Elena Proklova - role in the film “The Non-Transferable Key” directed by Dinara Asanova. As Elena Proklova herself says: “For me, the book turned out to be much more interesting than I expected. During her 20 years of work at the Moscow Art Theater, Elena Proklova performed the entire leading repertoire, without making compromises when she was offered participation in “ideologically consistent productions.” There is one secret about actress Elena Proklova: she does so many things in life that sometimes no one else can do, and yet she manages to do everything.