What stones are amulets and talismans for a virgin. Zodiac horoscope: compatibility in love relationships Virgo and Virgo

The intellectual equality and similarity of temperament of a man and a woman born under the sign of Virgo creates for them the illusion of good compatibility. However, in youth, when they are united by mutual emotionality and a penchant for romance, compatibility can even be called favorable. Very often, two Virgos of either the same sex, or a boy and a girl, who met in their youth and experienced a not too tragic breakup with each other, then maintain friendship for life. And, perhaps, they will not meet a more understanding friend than a representative of their sign. Only with the second Virgo can they throw off the mask of seriousness and simply fool around or be who they want to be.

But it is extremely unusual for more mature Virgo partners to get along with each other. Digging into each other's shortcomings, accumulating reasons for revenge and other small troubles under a grain of sand wear away the foundation of the relationship. A union is possible only if the partners have a sufficiently significant difference in age, which will give the older partner superiority in wisdom, experience and, of course, the ability to criticize the younger one. If we have partners of the same age category, then at the very beginning, in case of mutual sympathy, it will simply be difficult for them to take the first steps towards serious relationship. After all, everyone understands that their actions are assessed by the same tough, attentive to detail and impartial judge, which he himself is. And Virgos, as we have already said, are looking for ideal partner, so the criteria for their evaluation are quite high. Therefore, we can only hope that one of the partners has a strong will and character (see Pythagorean square) to realize his plans to conquer the second Virgo. Well, the second Virgo would have guessed to play along with a more active partner. The only positive thing here is that if Virgo sees a partner who satisfies most of her criteria, then she is ready to immediately move on to a relationship without unnecessary romance. Business approach.

The desire of representatives of this sign for strong relationships and constancy extends not only to work, the choice of friends, but also to the intimate side family life. Respect for a partner and the desire to take into account all his needs forces Virgos to approach issues of physical intimacy with all responsibility. Thanks to this approach, this couple, on the one hand, is reliably insured against betrayal, and on the other, creates an atmosphere of complete psychological comfort and emancipation for both. Therefore, in fact, it is in vain that many consider Virgos to be followers of Puritan traditions - real Virgos are not at all what they try to appear to be.

What should two Virgos work on in a relationship?

The element of Virgo is Earth, and shared planet intellectual Mercury. Which provides representatives of this zodiac sign with such not very pleasant traits as snobbery and the desire to criticize. When there is only one such sign in a couple, it is tolerable. And when both, then it is impossible for everyone not to see themselves in their partner, with all the glaring shortcomings that require immediate intervention and correction. And such a long stay in front of the “mirror” over time significantly weakens the nervous system.

However, Virgos, instead of analyzing everything that they don’t like and first changing it in themselves, thereby setting an example for their partner, begin with persistent “re-education” of the latter. Knowing Virgo’s “love” for criticism, it’s easy to guess how such educational actions end. The goal, accordingly, is also not achieved, and another problem falls into the treasury of insoluble family troubles.

No matter how anti-romantic it may sound, perhaps an equal alliance of self-interest and love can become a guarantee of a long-term union. Virgos, even in the heat of quarrels, are able, with their characteristic pedantry, to calculate the prospects of a relationship and prefer a compromise to war, even if as a result they suffer losses in their own immediate interests - what is more important to them is what they can get in the future.

Virgo woman and Virgo man

Devotion, high intelligence, the coincidence of subtle emotionality, organization and the desire to calculate the prospects of one’s family life - this is what the compatibility of two Virgo partners rests on. It seems to them that by finding a companion with similar views on life and similar thinking, they will ensure a wonderful future for themselves. But, alas, this is not so. Each of them is excellent locally, but together it is difficult for them to look globally. Therefore, a Virgo man and woman can spend their entire lives stuck in the swamp of the same problems, being unable to radically change their lives. It's no surprise that most people give up pretty quickly.

But in work, the union of two Virgos can resemble a well-oiled mechanism: identifying problems, planning their solutions, implementation, analysis, reporting, and again in a circle. If one partner suddenly gets tired, the second one will immediately cover for him, taking over some of the work. But, unfortunately, this successful model difficult to transfer into the family. The Virgo woman habitually believes that a man should be at the helm and set the direction. And the Virgo man, as a rule, already has enough worries, and he has no time to look into the abstract future and make pointless judgments.

Who else will become an unwitting victim of the “mirror” compatibility of a Virgo man and woman is a child. Yes, he will, of course, be planned, desired and loved, but just imagine how much meticulous care and boring lectures will befall him from birth. And therefore, in adolescence, it is logical for two Virgos to expect a real rebel against their restrictions and regulations.

On the positive side: this couple still wants to look absolutely prosperous in society. They rarely wash dirty linen in public (unless only with their closest and most trusted friends). The Virgo woman will never complain about her husband “behind his back,” since for her such behavior is considered unworthy.

But, nevertheless, she is unlikely to be satisfied that her Virgo man is not an aggressive hunter and getter, as she would like. The Virgo man is more likely to be used to “pecking at the grain” and systematically moving towards success. If his wife does not criticize him for such a strategy, but becomes faithful assistant, then their road together will become much easier.

The union of two Virgos is characterized by excellent compatibility, since the partners have similar interests, characters and life aspirations. Their cooperation in any sphere of life is characterized by stability, but what will never be enough in it are emotions and feelings. Everything that happens between two Virgos is subordinated a certain order, the relationship between them is unlikely to take an unexpected turn, these people do not present surprises to each other. Whether this is good or bad depends on the preferences of specific representatives of this zodiac sign.

Virgo woman and Virgo man - compatibility in love and marriage

At first glance, it is very easy for owners of such similar characters to live their lives in harmony and harmony. However, everything is not so simple, since Virgo woman and Virgo man may get bored in each other's company. If representatives of this zodiac sign have emotional outbursts, it is very infrequent. This relationship is not characterized by romance; along with love, calculation will certainly be present in such a union. Perhaps, at one not-so-great moment, one or both partners will become seriously bored and want some life changes, new experiences. Finding no way out, their emotions will turn into quarrels and mutual nit-picking. The conflicts in this couple cannot be called violent, but causticity - an integral feature of the partners' horoscope - makes their disagreements a serious test for everyone's nervous system.

The fate of this union depends on the degree of practicality of the Virgo woman and man, since business calculations can force them to turn a blind eye to many of each other’s shortcomings. At the same time, it is more important for both that they are compatible intellectually, and not psychologically, and then the marriage with a fellow zodiac sign will become quite successful.

Having made the decision to get married, not without difficulty, the Virgo man and woman stick together, protecting the family from the outside world and never washing dirty linen in public in case of difficulties in the relationship. Both consider it unworthy to discuss the shortcomings of their spouse with anyone. The couple adapts very well to each other in everyday life, however, both have such a trait as the desire to get rid of responsibilities in which they do not seem very competent, although this is often just an excuse.

In general, the compatibility of two people of the Virgo sign is very high, and the more each partner sees benefits in coexistence, the stronger the union becomes. Only an extreme degree of intolerance towards a partner, mutual acrimony, as well as sanctimonious attitudes in intimate life.

Virgo woman - Virgo man: sexual compatibility

In this area, Virgos are responsible, as in everything else. They consciously strive to do everything so that the other party receives complete satisfaction - this, in their eyes, serves as a kind of guarantee of fidelity. Indeed, Virgos very rarely cheat on each other. Great value in sex is given to sexual technique, they work together and with complete mutual understanding to solve the physiological problems that arise for one of the parties. The same orderliness reigns in their intimate life as in other areas of life, therefore, being just lovers, they sometimes turn their gaze to more temperamental partners because of the narrow range of sensations in this couple. But if we're talking about about spouses, then such aspirations seem to both to be a harmful whim, capable of destroying such carefully built relationships.

Virgo compatibility horoscope in work and business

The business union of two Virgos does not attract more attention; these people are not inclined to be publicly proud of their achievements and show off dust in the eyes of other colleagues. But they gradually and unnoticed by others bypass their rivals and often find themselves at the pinnacle of success. People of this zodiac sign strive to improve their professional skills, are distinguished by high efficiency, patience, and are passionate about a common cause. If Virgos are at the head of the business, then they usually have no shortage of investors and clientele.

Virgo - Virgo couple: compatibility in friendship

The friendship between two Virgos promises to be strong, since both partners know what they want from each other and what they can get. Virgos readily respond to calls for help if such a need arises. Such people see one of the main purposes of friendship in providing mutual assistance, and therefore they are very faithful to friendly ties.

See Virgo's compatibility with other zodiac signs.

Virgo is the second sign of the earth element, personifying justice and purity. Virgo embodies the principle of order, the victory of reason over feelings, the ability to see the whole in detail. Virgo, more than other zodiac signs, strives for perfection in everything, learns all her life, but also teaches others. The desire for the best forces Virgo to notice flaws in everything that surrounds her, which requires correction.

Character of the sign

Virgo often has beautiful appearance, endowed with an ear for music and vocal abilities, has a good taste for things, and is selective in communication. They are careful in everything, so they try to monitor their health, they love to be treated and treated, they are often suspicious when it comes to their well-being. They look at life realistically, are economical, and strive to insure themselves with savings. Virgo will demand that those around them maintain cleanliness in their clothing and speech. Virgo is very sensitive to aggression, avoids impulsive people, loves her habits and a special “virgo” daily routine. Virgo does not have the stamina of Taurus or Capricorn. General well-being, general body tone, and mood are subject to fluctuations. Sign movable cross, Virgo does not have a large supply of vitality and needs to recharge, take a break from the emotions of others. It is important for Virgo to take a break to sort out their impressions, put the facts and order of events in order, and understand their attitude towards the object as a whole. Virgo does not know how to rest passively. The most optimal type of rest is a change of activity.

Mercury, the ruler of this sign, endows Virgo with talent in trade and various crafts. The ability to correctly use information helps Virgo in any activity. Skilled designers, analysts, pianists and violinists, mathematicians and writers, doctors and military men, artists and sculptors, collectors and financiers. Proserpina, the second ruler of the sign of Virgo, makes you strive for perfection, endows you with worldly wisdom and quality an expert in any field. There is a well-known passion for collecting and research; among Virgos there are many scientists and cultural figures. Observation and the desire to save the world make Virgo a natural comforter. In difficult times, Virgo will help you rely on simple things to cope with the most difficult grief.

Strengths and weaknesses of Virgo

Virgo strives for material wealth, loves earthly goods, but often lives modestly. Often acts as a ruthless critic, meticulously collecting evidence of negligence and inconsistency. The main thing for Virgo is to become a professional with capital letters. They are usually hardworking, work hard and set an example of reliability and forethought. Patience is one of the best qualities of a true Virgo.

Due to their practical outlook on life, high demands and constant criticism of their partner, Virgo often tries to avoid marriage. Doesn't believe in extraordinary love. Relies on wealth and respectability. When choosing a partner, the pragmatic Virgo necessarily takes into account status and wealth, as well as the level of education. She will not give feelings indiscriminately. Sometimes she is envious and petty if she has not found her calling in the profession. Not too sociable if there is no practical interest.

Virgo Man

WITH early years strive to provide for themselves and help their family. Independence, talent in business and art, ability to handle finances is manifested in successful entrepreneurial activity. He does not love too much and knows how to show his emotions, he is sensitive to the beautiful and well-groomed appearance of his beloved, sometimes he is too thrifty, even if he is in love.

Virgo Woman

This is an exquisite decoration of the zodiac. Often, bright appearance and the ability to look impressive give popularity. Inaccessibility, special grace, innocence or naivety distinguish representatives of this sign. They usually act deliberately and need protection and psychological support from the environment. Sensitive to flattery, easily deceived in love, then distrustful for a long time. Vulnerable, devoted and caring in close relationships. It is necessary to avoid nervous and physical overload in order to maintain youth and health for a long time.

Virgo Child

A tireless researcher of a separate fragment of the surrounding world, a collector and a quiet person. Little Virgo needs a daily routine; it is advisable to make plans for the future together, because Virgo likes to be prepared and is very careful about everything new. Children are especially conservative compared to adult representatives of this sign. IN preschool age There are a lot of fears that you have to overcome. Virgo seeks an explanation for all natural phenomena and will accurately notice the behavior of others. Almost always, little Virgo has special food preferences. It is important for Virgo to develop fine motor skills modeling, modeling, etc., as well as train memory. Good to give to a Virgo child music education, the opportunity to take care of pet. Responsive and shy, Virgos need approval and support from loved ones.

Health sign

The weak point is the intestines and often require a special diet. Vegetarianism and separate meals are suitable for Virgo. Nervous system subject to overload, lacking physical endurance. Therefore, it is advisable to maintain health with constant training, proper nutrition. Allergies are possible as a response to pollution environment or emotional instability.

Interesting countries: Japan, Czech Republic, Germany, North Korea, Türkiye, Switzerland, Chile, Baltic countries

Significant cities: Paris, Baghdad, Jerusalem, Heidelberg, Los Angeles, Chicago

Celebrities born under the sign of Virgo: Igor Petrenko, Paulo Coelho, Blake Lively, Tim Burton, Claudia Schiffer, Zemfira, Faina Ranevskaya, Mother Teresa, Ingrid Bergman, Michael Jackson, Cameron Diaz, Alexander Lukashenko, Richard Gere, Salma Hayek, Keanu Reeves, Beyoncé, Yanka Diaghileva, Freddie Mercury, Katie Topuria, Leo Tolstoy, Larisa Dolina, Alexander Revva, Guy Ritchie, Fyodor Dobronravov, Joseph Kobzon, Alexander Rosenbaum, Dmitry Medvedev, Amy Winehouse, Agatha Christie, Mickey Rourke, Bianca, Vladimir Menshov, Anna Netrebko, Greta Garbo, Ilya Glinnikov, Sophia Loren, Stephen King, Bill Murray

Virgos are born during August 22 to September 23, according to Western astrology. During this period of time the Sun is in the sign of Virgo. However, in a broader sense, it is generally accepted that these numbers are inaccurate - and the countdown of Virgo birth dates falls on the period from August 24, continuing until September 23.

It should be borne in mind that in astrology there are no strict boundaries dividing adjacent signs of the Zodiac according to characteristic features. Of course, there are people who are pronounced representatives of their constellation. But in most cases, nearby signs have similar temperaments and character traits.

General characteristics

So, Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac circle. His planet is Mercury, element is Earth. “Down to earth” Virgos do not have their head in the clouds, they are practical, they look at life soberly, they assess the situation and their abilities realistically. They know how to work well, live on their income, balancing costs with desires and needs.

This is a reliable horoscope sign - Virgo will never betray you, and will always come to the rescue if you ask for support in difficult times. However, full dedication will be required from you. Virgo will not tolerate deception and betrayal. Your relationship will be instantly broken if Virgo suspects or catches you in a lie.

Virgos have well-developed intuition, logic, the ability to think and quickly make the right decisions. Many representatives of this zodiac sign are quite erudite in various fields and show interest in everything new, especially in technology. Virgos strive for perfection and constantly improve their cultural level of development. They love going to the theater, where they enjoy both classical productions famous works, and experimental enterprises.

Virgo's best qualities

Virgos in most cases have an extraordinary mind. They think a lot about life and willingly learn everything new. They are hardworking and prefer doing what they love rather than having fun. They are valued at work, as they often take on the lion's share of responsibilities and cope with them excellently.

Reliability and responsibility are in Virgos' blood. They are disciplined and punctual, never allowing themselves to be late, without recognizing the importance of events. Virgos arrive promptly to both planning meetings and parties, important business meetings, and their parents’ for lunch. If, due to some circumstances, they were unable to attend the event, they will definitely report this by phone and try to rectify the situation.

Negative aspects of character

Virgos are boring conversationalists. They do not know how to entertain guests, but at the same time they manage to be charming. They cannot stand criticism of themselves, but do not deny themselves the pleasure of criticizing others.

Loyalty and love to the grave are not about Virgos. They can go “on the side”, and then, as if nothing had happened, return and give a dressing down at home for dirty dishes in the sink or for not taking out the trash. By the way, Virgos, being fickle, are themselves very jealous. They cannot stand adultery, and are often jealous with or without reason. They do not like to make peace, believing that the partner should apologize himself, but Virgos are not ready for easy forgiveness. For this reason, there are many divorces among such couples.

Many representatives of this zodiac sign are big fashionistas. They love beautiful and new clothes, often pamper themselves with new clothes, without noticing the state of the wardrobe of their other half (wife, husband or girlfriend). It is important for them to look good, smell good, and shine in public in every sense. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, but you should not elevate your appearance to the highest rank.

Women, girls, girls

The Virgo woman is beautiful, charming, sexy. She is flighty, easily amorous, and prone to cheating. Jealous. She absolutely cannot stand it when another woman (girl, girl) is praised in her presence. She's pissed off insufficient attention to her person from a man. The adult Virgo loves to be in the center of attention, in company - she is often a leader, or wants to be one.

The Virgo woman knows a lot about fashion. She, like no other sign of the Zodiac, knows how to choose a set of clothes for any occasion. She has a knack for cooking. This is an excellent hostess who will never leave her guests hungry. On Virgo's table there is always fish prepared according to special recipe. They love to cut salads, for which they also have a whole mountain of recipes.

In love and friendship, Virgos demonstrate their best qualities- they are selfless, honest and reliable when necessary. This strong people with a strong character, ready to help in difficult situations. They are generous to friends, but not to household members. It is important for them to create the appearance of their well-being and security in public. If you happen to visit Virgo, she will always have something tasty for you.

As girls, adolescence, and often in more mature years, Virgo is very modest and shy. This quality makes her incredibly beautiful, femininity is her strong point. She is friendly with her peers and has many friends. But excessive modesty can transform over the years into a feeling of inferiority, so the Virgo child needs encouragement and praise. Don’t be afraid to over-praise and “fall in love” with a Virgo girl! She will never turn her nose up, but will only perceive herself better, be in harmony with herself.

Virgo man - from child to adult

Many men are reluctant to admit that they are Virgos - this zodiac sign is undeservedly despised by them for its name. Meanwhile, a guy whose horoscope sign is Virgo is endowed with many positive qualities character. Among the main features are:

  • Kindness
  • Intelligence, erudition
  • Reliability in friendship and love, as well as in family relationships
  • Generosity, practicality
  • Ability to exact sciences
  • Pedantic attitude to one's responsibilities

Back in early age, the Virgo boy demonstrates to others his masculine qualities - he is warlike, harsh, and sometimes rude. But only in this way can he gain authority among those around him. A big mistake adults make is to pull a child, and then a teenager, and tell him a line of behavior. Virgo children rarely come into conflict with their peers, but they are not averse to good-naturedly making fun of their friends.

From an early age, a boy born under the sign of Virgo demonstrates intelligence, he has a lively mind, he is intelligent and intelligent. He doesn't like to be the center of attention, preferring to remain unnoticed for as long as possible. Virgo children are modest and shy.

At school they enjoy learning new things. But if the subject seems boring to them, then getting them to study this science and bring good grades is not easy. The Virgo boy does not want the other students to mistake him for a “nerd”, so he tries in every possible way to hide his ability to fast learning. He may skip classes, demonstrate a deliberately hooligan behavior, and get involved in fights. But deep down, he remains a kind and smart child who just wants to be respected and admired by those around him.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

Virgo women will be happy in marriage and in love with the following horoscopic signs:

  • Cancer man - relationships are based on the attraction of opposites
  • Taurus man - unifying qualities: practicality, determination, love of stability, common interests, caring for children
  • Scorpio man - an interesting union, complementary signs
  • Capricorn man - thrifty attitude towards finances, love of comfort, children, family and well-being are above all for them

Virgo, Leo, Aquarius women are not suitable or not suitable for marriage.

Virgo men will be happy with representatives born under the zodiac sign:

  • Pisces Woman
  • Scorpio Woman
  • Capricorn Woman
  • Leo Woman

A Virgo man should not connect his life with an Aries, Aquarius, Sagittarius woman. The Virgo-Virgo union will also not bring anything good.

Which stone should Virgo choose as a talisman?

Stones natural origin play a big role in the life of Virgos. People born during August 24 to September 23, you can opt for minerals in calm neutral shades. Lithotherapists conditionally divide the time period of each zodiac sign into three phases, taking this into account, stones are selected for a particular horoscopic sign.

For virgins born from August 22 (24) to September 2, best choice The following minerals and gems will become:

  • Amethyst - a talisman for good luck
  • - will protect you from envious people
  • Malachite - stimulates manifestation artistic taste and abilities
  • Jasper - will help you find your soulmate
  • Lapis lazuli - will give you good health
  • Rhinestone - helps cope with negativity
  • Jade - will enhance the emotional perception of the world. If the owner has problems, the stone darkens

The second phase of Virgo is calculated from September 3 to September 11, for people born during this period, the following stones are suitable:

  • Jadeite - for those who are not confident in themselves, strengthens the strength of spirit
  • - protects from accidents
  • Pearls - stimulates sexual energy
  • Citrine - protects against lies and hypocrisy
  • Chalcedony - for success in business, attracts money
  • Heliotrope - a protective amulet against enemies and misfortunes

Final phase with September 12 to September 23. Virgos born during this period should opt for talismans made of stones:

  • Topaz - a talisman for love
  • Emerald - for heart and vision diseases
  • Pomegranate - helps to improve relationships with loved ones
  • Chrysolite - protects from jealousy
  • - suitable for women who cannot get pregnant

Stones for Virgos can be used both in the form of jewelry and as figurines, figurines, and inlays. It is recommended to periodically wash away the accumulated negativity from amulets. Regular running water is suitable for this. Place the figurine or decoration under running tap water and hold the item for one or two minutes. At the same time, try to think positively, throw all negative thoughts out of your head.

At the end of the water procedure, thank the water for removing the negative from the talisman stone. Hold the product in your hands, establish energetic contact with it, mentally talk to it about what worries you. Ask him to help you. The purified item, made from the stone that suits you, will be yours faithful assistant and protector!

From the point of view zodiac compatibility, this couple has pretty good chances. They both know clearly what they want, are guided not by feelings, but by reason, and care about the future. Two virgins will always understand each other, will not fight for the right of leadership like a tug of war, and in case of disagreements they will resolve them peacefully until they come to a common denominator.

Virgo understands and feels the representative of her own zodiac sign as herself. For these people, the company of a person similar to themselves is very important; they are captivated by conversations with people equal to them. intellectual development. Whatever the relationship between a Virgo man and a woman of the same sign, there will always be agreement and mutual respect between them.

♍ + ♍: In a love relationship

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY— Both the guy and the Virgo girl are attracted to a calm relationship with a reliable person. It is quite possible that they do not even have strong mutual feelings, since between a passionate romance and the company of a like-minded person, the virgin will always choose the latter. Lovers spend a lot of time together, avoid noisy campaigns, preferring privacy at home or in nature. The Virgo girl is happy with her chosen one, next to him she feels stability and is sincerely glad that he fully corresponds to her idea of ​​​​an ideal man.

This relationship has only one thing weak point- one of the couple, tired of an even and measured relationship, may become carried away by a more temperamental person, and most often the Virgo guy decides to break off the relationship.

If a couple has strong mutual interest or high feelings, their relationship is not in danger. They do not immediately decide to enter into a marriage, but they confidently move towards it.

♍ + ♍: Married

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY— The spouses of this couple are united by the fact that they are domestic. The Virgo wife believes that everything free time needs to be spent at home surrounded by family, and her husband does not want to disappear with friends and be away for a long time. There is also harmony in this couple’s everyday life; theirs is always clean and comfortable, and this is very important for both. Sometimes, however, each spouse tries to shift part of their household responsibilities onto the shoulders of the wife or husband, but the couple can solve this problem quite diplomatically.

The spouses have a conservative outlook on intimate relationships, diversity and experiments are not liked by both. True, sometimes Virgo men have flashes of sexual activity and a desire for novelty, but they cheat on their wives much less often than the signs of other constellations.

In terms of spending their shared finances, the husband and wife trust each other, and this is the rare case when a virgin will not be afraid of unnecessary spending and will easily let her other half go shopping. This couple always has something in store for a rainy day, so they are not afraid of its coming.

A crisis in a relationship can happen when one of the couple becomes interested in someone else; this is quite acceptable. And yet, Virgos do not consider passion or love as a reason for ending a marriage; they very rarely leave their families for the sake of dubious pleasure. Most often, their marriage is very strong and lasts a lifetime.

♍ + ♍: In friendship

PERFECT PAIR— The Virgo guy and girl have a very strong mutual affection, they will become the most reliable friends for each other. Any of them will readily come to the aid of the other in difficult situation, will support you in difficult times and cheer you up. They always have something to talk about; this couple looks at the world the same way. The Virgo guy respects practicality and stability in his girlfriend, and she will always give him good advice, which he will not brush aside, unlike many other zodiac signs who will consider it an obsession.

If these people have found each other, they will not stop communicating. Even when each of them has their own family, the spouses of these friends should not invent reasons for jealousy, since the two virgins will communicate like brother and sister. It would never even occur to them to put their beautiful friendship at risk because of something unnecessary to both of them. intimate connection. Close people of this couple are sincerely happy for them and approve of this communication.

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign