When can you have sex after mammoplasty? When can you have sex after mammoplasty (breast surgery)? When can you raise your hands?

The rehabilitation period after any operation is associated with some time restrictions. Of course, it’s better to know about all the difficulties in advance, but because of excitement, a woman simply forgets to ask the doctor, for example, why she can’t have sex after mammoplasty, go to the seaside, and about many other nuances of the recovery period. Plastic surgeon Anastasia Borisenko answers the most popular questions especially for you.

Everything you wanted to know but were too embarrassed to ask!

How long does it take for the body to recover after surgery?

- It’s different for everyone. For some, 2-3 months are enough, for others, rehabilitation lasts about six months or longer. It all depends on the state of health, the complexity of the plastic surgery, and how carefully the woman follows the recommendations. The breasts become completely normal in about 5-6 weeks: the swelling goes away, and the tissues regain their former softness and elasticity.

Is it possible to smoke after mammoplasty?

— Nicotine tars negatively affect blood circulation and tissue healing. In principle, smoking after mammoplasty is possible, but it is extremely undesirable. In the first 2-3 weeks, it is best to give up this bad habit or at least reduce the number of cigarettes. It is also better not to drink alcohol.

If a woman is interested in sports, when can she resume training?

- In about a month, if the swelling has already gone. Loads should be increased gradually, be sure to wear compression garments and avoid making sudden movements with your arms and body. By the way, you can play volleyball afterward only after a doctor’s permission.

Is it wise to go on vacation immediately after mammoplasty? Is it possible to sunbathe? Bathe?

— If possible, you can safely go on a trip in 3-4 weeks. It is best to choose a vacation where there will be no heavy physical activity and sudden weather changes. You can sunbathe after mammoplasty within a month, but be very careful. Be careful not to get it on the scars. sun rays, otherwise they will become coarser and become noticeable. I recommend that my patients purchase a closed sports swimsuit, especially since they are back in fashion and very comfortable.

A question that worries not only women, but also their men: how long after mammoplasty can you have sex?

Female body designed in such a way that during intimacy, blood rushes to the chest. Pain and swelling may increase. Therefore, you can have sex after mammoplasty only after a month, and then carefully - inverted extreme positions should be avoided. Important point: contraception. It is better to postpone pregnancy for a year and a half. Give your body a rest.

By the way, about rest. After mammoplasty, can I sleep on my side or stomach?

- When it is convenient for you. Be guided simple rule: If any movement or posture causes pain, you should avoid it. Theoretically, you can sleep on your side after mammoplasty after 2-3 weeks. I had patients who slept in this position already on the seventh day.

What is the best way to help the body recover faster? For example, is it possible to go for a massage after mammoplasty?

— You can’t sign up for a massage after mammoplasty, but you need to! Thanks to this procedure, an elastic capsule is formed without compactions and thickenings, swelling goes away faster, local blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are normalized. You can start as early as day 5. Don't forget to regularly apply moisturizing and firming creams and lotions to your skin to prevent stretch marks and dryness. Be sure to wear compression garments for a year after surgery. Remember, the best results are only possible when the plastic surgeon and patient work together!

Mammoplasty is an operation to change the shape, contours and volume of the breast. It allows you to change appearance bust for the better. But during the rehabilitation period, many are faced with a number of problems and questions that they had not previously thought about. As a result, such ignorance can lead not only to complications after surgery, but also to a decrease and damage to the achieved aesthetic effect. So, let's consider the most frequently asked questions in the style of “Whenever possible”.

When can you sleep on your side and stomach after mammoplasty?

For the first time after surgery, you should sleep exclusively on your back. This applies to two weeks after surgery. After two weeks, you can try sleeping on your side. But it is worth considering that this must be done in compression garments, which will prevent muscle overstrain or displacement of the implants.

If pain appears after sleep, then you need to wait a little longer with this pose. If the night went well, then after a month you can try sleeping on your stomach. In general, you should sleep on your back until the wound heals and swelling subsides.

The video below will tell you how to behave after mammoplasty surgery:

When can you have sex

Having sex will have to be postponed for a month after the operation. Any sudden movements, even in the most passive positions, can lead to a lot of complications. Therefore, until the fabrics tighten, you should refrain from such actions. The same applies to any kind of contact with the breast.

It is important to understand that during sex not only enormous tension arises, but also hormone levels fluctuate. The latter affect the body as a whole and blood vessels in particular, which can provoke a number of undesirable effects, including the manifestation of hematomas. And muscle tension can affect the displacement of implants.

When can you raise your hands?

For the first week, raising your arms up is strictly prohibited. This is explained by the fact that the seams may come apart. When the stitches are removed, such activity becomes possible, unless there is an additional load of more than 1.5 kg. Ideally, it is better for the first month not to engage in any type of activity that requires constantly raising your hands up.

When can you walk

You can walk after the operation on the second day, but little by little. Please note that long walks and any exercise will be prohibited. It is better to get out of bed gradually. The first time you try to just sit.

3-4 days after the operation, the patient can go home, but it will not be possible to lead a normal lifestyle right away. During the first week, even despite taking a break from work, you should still get up and walk periodically to get used to the new sensations and reduce swelling in the chest area.

When can you drink alcohol?

Alcohol, like cigarettes, is postponed for at least a month. They impair healing processes. If cigarettes constrict blood vessels, then alcohol dilates them.

In any case, the effect will be negative and will affect the process of tightening the seams. Therefore, you should not decide on such an operation before the holidays if you are not sure that you will be able not to drink or smoke all this time.

Solarium and tanning after mammoplasty

Solarium and tanning are quite aggressive procedures that, in addition to the aesthetic effect, also affect skin, and not with the most the best side. Accordingly, in the first month it is strictly prohibited to use such “benefits of civilization” so as not to cause complications.

It is also worth noting that overheating and exposure to ultraviolet radiation on injured tissue can develop the degeneration of healthy cells into malignant ones, that is, into a tumor. Therefore, it is better to eliminate risks, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition to cancer.

How long after breast augmentation surgery can I buy new underwear? The answer is in this video:

Sports and fitness

Sports should also be postponed for at least a month. But this is due to the fact that during the period of tissue healing and implant survival, the structure of the new breast is still unstable. Any overexertion can lead to injury and displacement of the implanted capsule. Therefore, it is important to respect this restriction.

Later, you can start exercising, but slowly increasing the intensity. First, training is carried out without weights and short time. Loads on pectoral muscles should not be present or be completely minimal. Gradually the list of chest exercises is increasing. As you get used to it, two months after the operation you can start exercising with weights (no more than 1.5 kg).

Bathhouse and similar events

Baths and saunas are procedures that can cause vasodilation. Strictly speaking, this is their direct purpose, which allows you to cleanse the body of waste and toxins through the skin. But such exposure after mammoplasty is prohibited, since pressure changes in the operated areas can lead to a number of negative consequences- from hematomas to bleeding. Therefore, for the first month you must refrain from any type of steaming, including in your own bath.

When can you get pregnant

You can think about pregnancy after mammoplasty only a year after the operation. During this time, you can do a great job planning your pregnancy, take a course of vitamins, prepare your body, which will benefit your breasts. It is worth noting that having a breast implant, contrary to urban myths, does not prevent you from breastfeeding your baby.

If pregnancy occurs earlier specified period, then this is not considered something terrible. In general, during the period of bearing a child, the breasts will completely heal and recover, but it is necessary to wear compression garments. In this case, it will not affect the shape of the breasts during pregnancy.

When can you drive?

It is not recommended to drive for the first 2-4 weeks. This is due to the fact that hands are necessary long time keep at shoulder level, which can negatively affect the woman’s condition and cause unpleasant symptoms in the form of pain. Therefore, in the first month you should not overstrain your pectoral muscles.

When can you bathe and wash?

You can wash yourself a day after the operation. In this case, you should avoid the chest area and seams. The place where the incision was made must be carefully protected from getting wet. At the same time, it is still important to maintain hygiene. In this case, it is recommended:

  1. Wipe the area with seams with sterile wipes;
  2. Then treat with antiseptics (peroxide, furatsilin, chlorhexidine, alcohol, miramistin, fucarcin, etc.);
  3. Then apply a bandage or silicone patches that hold the edges.

You can take a bath only after the wound has completely healed. It is important to remember that steaming for the first month is strictly prohibited.

When can I go to work?

If you wish, you can go back to work within a week. But this condition will be relevant if the work does not involve frequent or constant raising of hands, as well as heavy physical or emotional stress. Otherwise, it is better to refrain from such work for at least 2-4 weeks, taking sick leave.

The video below will tell you what to do with scars after mammoplasty:

Mammoplasty is an operation to correct the breast. Despite the fact that this surgery It is considered not very difficult, after which special medical recommendations should be followed.

This article will discuss in detail the question of when you can have sex after mammoplasty and what rules you need to follow.

Features of rehabilitation

The rehabilitation course lasts on average from two to three months after mammoplasty. If the patient does not experience any complications in her condition, then on the fifth day her stitches are removed and she goes home.

A very important condition for proper rehabilitation is wearing tight compressor underwear.

It is necessary to fix the “new” breast and give it the correct shape. A woman should wear this type of underwear for the first month.

This tight bandage will give maximum comfort the patient and will relieve her of sharp muscle pain that can occur when walking quickly or moving her arms too suddenly.

In order for the postoperative scar to heal as quickly as possible, the woman needs to be extremely careful and not raise her arms up.

At proper care Behind the seam, already a month after mammoplasty, it should acquire a pinkish color. After six months it should not be noticeable at all.

During the rehabilitation period, a woman must visit a doctor once a month and undergo an examination. This is necessary for control general condition health, as well as for wound and implant monitoring.

In order for the rehabilitation period to be completed successfully as soon as possible, the patient should adhere to the following medical recommendations:

  • wear compressor garments regularly;
  • completely limit physical activity in the next two months after surgery (refuse to lift heavy objects, clean the house, play sports, run, swim, etc.);
  • You can shower no earlier than on the fifth day after surgery (due to the risk of infection in a fresh wound). It is also advisable not to wet the seam before the medical threads are removed;
  • Avoid visiting the solarium and the beach for six months. In the future, it is recommended to avoid contact with the chest. ultraviolet rays;
  • apply recommended creams and ointments that will promote healing of sutures;
  • Monitor your diet very carefully, especially in the first months after surgery. The body must fully recover, so the diet should be rich in vitamins (vegetables, fruits) and proteins (eggs, meat, liver);
  • in order to relieve swelling from the mammary glands, you should do a light massage;
  • In the first days after mammoplasty, it is very important not to sleep on your stomach and side. You should try to move less in general and remain at rest;
  • in the first week after surgery, you should not bend over (this may cause a hematoma);
  • It is recommended to drive a car no earlier than five days after anesthesia, since after the operation her body is greatly weakened by medications, and the woman’s reactions may be inhibited.

When can you have sex after mammoplasty?

You can have sex after mammoplasty no earlier than two months after the operation.

This rule is very important to follow, since its violation can entail serious risks to a woman’s health.

This is based on the fact that intimate intimacy is always accompanied by a large load on the woman’s body and hormonal levels, which is extremely undesirable after any operation.

In addition, only after a two-month course of rehabilitation will the “new” breasts be able to acquire more beautiful view, since in the first weeks after mammoplasty it is too painful, swollen and swollen.

Video: What you need to know

Main risks

The main risks when having sex before the specified period can be divided into three separate groups:

  • risks associated with physical activity;
  • complications and risks associated with possible chest injury;
  • risks associated with changes in a woman’s hormonal levels during sex.

Let's look at each subgroup in more detail.

Physical activity related

Most often, with early physical activity, the patient exposes herself and her health to the following risks:

  • displacement of implants to the side or upward. This condition will be accompanied by severe pain and unpleasant sensations. In this case, one or two implants will be deformed, and the breast will become unevenly located, crooked, flat, etc.
  • with displacement of the mammary glands there is big risk the fact that the operation will have to be repeated, since the purely aesthetic appearance of the breast will be ugly;
  • Excessive exercise is very harmful to fresh wounds, especially if the stitches have not yet been removed. With intense exertion and sudden movements, a woman’s external seams may come apart. This may lead to infection and a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition;
  • If the stitches rupture, the woman will feel severe pain and burning.

One of the biggest risks is the formation of hematoma and severe swelling.

Such phenomena are not at all uncommon after mammoplasty, so it is highly not recommended to contribute to their occurrence with additional physical activity.

This is explained by the fact that newly formed hematomas cannot always completely resolve and disappear. Sometimes they just freeze and harden.

As a result, a woman develops an unsightly scar or hematoma on her chest, which will require additional surgery to remove or correct it.

In turn, the woman will have to undergo another operation.

Associated with possible injury

When having sex, there is a risk that your breasts will be accidentally injured.

This, in turn, is dangerous for the following reasons:

  • on mammary glands that have not yet fully healed, the formation of bruises, bruises, etc. is possible. First of all, it will be extremely ugly, and secondly, it will be dangerous, since hemorrhages can cause inflammation, and the woman’s temperature will rise. This condition will require immediate hospitalization and drug treatment;
  • with strong compression of the mammary glands, the woman will feel severe pain;
  • in the event of an accidental injury to the breast, the implants may become dislodged and the mammary glands will take on an undesirable shape;
  • If there is a chest injury, a fresh wound may become infected. At best, this will lead to an increase in temperature, at worst, to blood poisoning. If the woman’s condition cannot be stabilized with antibiotics, then most likely the implants will need to be removed so that the body can recover.

Hormonal background

Even if the risk of trauma during intimacy can be eliminated, sexual excitement can still lead to complications in a woman’s condition.

This is justified by the fact that when aroused in the female hormonal background strong physiological changes occur in the form of blood flow to the chest.

In turn, this can lead to increased swelling and bleeding into the lymph located near the implants.

In addition, the most dangerous is the risk of hematoma formation, which will need to be removed.

In order to minimize possible risks During rehabilitation, you should remember the following tips:

  • The first intimacy after mammoplasty should be very careful. In this case, the woman must wear compressor underwear;
  • To quickly restore the body after surgery, it is recommended to refuse bad habits(smoking, drinking alcoholic drinks);
  • in order not to contribute to breast swelling, in the first days after mammoplasty you should consume no more than two liters of fluid;
  • be attentive to your health. And if pain occurs, immediately tell your doctor about it. He can prescribe effective pain medications;
  • It is very important to use special creams for rapid wound healing. Also quite effective are special silicone patches, which in just a few days can tighten the seam so that it is not so noticeable in the future.

Contraindications to mammoplasty

Before deciding to undergo breast correction, it is important to know in which cases it cannot be performed:

  • age up to eighteen years, when the body is not yet fully formed;
  • pregnancy and lactation (it is recommended to perform mammoplasty no earlier than eight months after the end of breastfeeding);
  • presence of chronic diseases cardiovascular system;
  • illnesses nervous system in which a person does not control himself and may harm himself;
  • any serious chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, HIV infection, jaundice);
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • kidney disease;
  • weakened immunity.

What to do if complications occur

If unwanted symptoms occur or a general deterioration in the condition, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor, since negative symptoms can lead to serious health complications.

The most dangerous symptoms are:

  • the appearance of swelling in the chest;
  • increased body temperature that lasts more than two days;
  • severe chest pain;
  • seam divergence;
  • change in the shape of the breast, which was immediately after the operation;
  • breast deformation (when one mammary gland is higher or smoother than the other);
  • severe swelling of the mammary glands;
  • bruising and bruising on the chest.

Plastic surgery is the most effective method to enlarge the mammary glands. Once in the hands of a good surgeon, a woman will receive beautiful, firm breasts of the desired size.

But the postoperative result does not entirely depend on the qualifications of the doctor and the quality of the work performed. The quality of compliance with medical recommendations during the recovery period plays an important role.

Insufficient care of the postoperative scar, refusal to wear compression garments, early return to physical activity and even an incorrect position in bed leads to unpleasant consequences that can negate all the efforts of surgeons.

First days after surgery

Immediately after the intervention, the woman is sent to the ward for observation.

As you recover from anesthesia, discomfort and pain in the mammary gland increases. The chest is swollen and there may be bruising in places. This is a normal process that will gradually pass.

In case of severe pain, the doctor prescribes painkillers. First, they are administered intravenously or intramuscularly, and then the medications are given in tablets.

The next day after the operation, the woman’s condition returns to normal and she goes home.

Hospital stay

The length of hospitalization after breast surgery depends on the type of operation and the patient’s health condition. The woman remains in the clinic for at least a day; in the normal course of the operation, this time is enough.

Hospitalization is necessary in order to detect early postoperative complications, such as an adverse reaction to anesthesia or bleeding.

The day after breast augmentation surgery, the doctor examines the postoperative wound, makes a dressing and gives the woman recommendations for a favorable course of the recovery period.

If any complications arise on the first day after the operation, the woman remains in the hospital as long as necessary to stabilize her condition.

Compression garments

Immediately after the operation, the breasts are covered with elastic bandages. They fix the glands well and reduce swelling. The next day, during the first dressing, the elastic bandages are removed, the wound is treated, a bandage and special compression garments are put on.

High-quality compression garments selected taking into account individual characteristics the patient’s body, makes it easier to endure the postoperative period and shorten its duration by several weeks.

The composition of the compression underwear includes elastane, which allows you to regulate the tension, providing the necessary support and at the same time without squeezing the mammary glands.

The functions of compression garments are as follows:

  • tissue support;
  • preventing seams from coming apart;
  • removing swelling from soft tissues;
  • giving the mammary glands the required shape.

In addition, constant compression stimulates metabolism and epithelial regeneration, due to which postoperative wounds heal faster.

Compression garments should be worn around the clock for 3-4 weeks after mammoplasty, and over the next month they should be worn during the day and during physical activity.

After removing compression garments, you should not immediately put on a luxurious bra that does not support your breasts. Throughout the year, you should wear underwear with a dense base, voluminous cups and wide straps.

Seam processing

For postoperative sutures it is necessary to care until a full-fledged scar forms.

Until the stitches are removed, the wound should be treated with antiseptics, which will be recommended by the attending physician. This measure will eliminate the risk of infection in the wound. Suppuration postoperative scar will lead to the fact that the recovery period will increase and as a result a rough scar will form.

Sutures are removed 5-7 days after surgery.

Some specialists prefer to use absorbable suture material, so suture removal is not necessary in this case. However, after 5-7 days the woman will still have to come for a consultation to assess the quality of healing.

An important point in treating seams is the use of special creams. Contratubeks gel stimulates the formation of new epithelial cells, which leads to the formation of a gentle, invisible scar. Creams for epithelial regeneration should be used after the sutures are removed and the wound has healed.

Limiting physical activity

For several weeks after surgery, it is strictly forbidden to exercise or overexert yourself. The attending physician, depending on the type of operation, stipulates this time.

This does not mean that a woman should lie in bed and not move. One week after mammoplasty, lungs should be performed physical exercise, which will improve the restoration of breast tissue.

Preventive massage after surgery

Breast massage for women with implants should be done regularly. It will prevent the formation of connective tissue around the endoprosthesis and the appearance of stretch marks.

The doctor will tell you when you can start doing massage. The surgeon will also tell the patient massage techniques that will not harm the breasts and will be effective.

How long does the rehabilitation period last?

Duration rehabilitation period after breast surgery depends both on the type of operation and on the quality of implementation of recommendations.

Let us highlight the following points of the rehabilitation period:

  • Return to usual life usually occurs within 2-3 weeks.
  • The appearance of the breast is restored after 1.5-2 months, when bruises and swelling go away.
  • The rehabilitation period is considered completed only after the restoration of the mammary glands. This is observed after 6 months, when the final effect of mammoplasty is recorded.
  • It is believed that the breast tissue itself is completely restored a year after the installation of implants.
  • Constant use of special creams. This is necessary to ensure that the breast tissue receives a sufficient amount nutrients and didn't stretch.
  • You should not shower until the postoperative wound has healed, otherwise you may get an infection.
  • The first time (7 days) after surgery you should sleep on your back, then on your side, and only after a month you can lie on your stomach.
  • At the end of the recovery period, you should gradually return to sports.

Losing weight after

Small breasts do not allow for large implants because they will be contoured and the breasts will take on an unnatural shape. If there is a large amount of fatty tissue, a woman has the opportunity to install large implants that will look natural.

When losing weight, fat deposits from the chest area are one of the first to disappear. This will cause the implant to be contoured and immediately make the breast unnatural. In addition, this can serve as an impetus for the development of complications, in particular, the growth of connective tissue around the implant (capsular contracture).

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do implants last, and do they need to be replaced?

It is believed that modern implants have a lifetime service life and do not need to be replaced. However, 10 years after the operation, half of the women need to have it repeated, and the quality of the implants does not play a role here. Over time, the soft tissues undergo changes, become thinner, and the endoprosthesis begins to contour. Develops around the implant connective tissue, which requires a repeat operation.

When can the final result be assessed?

The final result is assessed after six months. However, after 3 months you can assess whether the operation was successful and see the first results.

When can you plan a pregnancy after breast augmentation?

Pregnancy can be planned only one year after the operation. It is by this time that the mammary gland is completely restored and is ready for breastfeeding.

When can I return to normal life (workouts, intimate life, swimming)?

You can fly on an airplane within 7-10 days after the operation. Heavy sports should be avoided for at least 3 months, with light exercise allowed after 3-5 weeks depending on the condition. It is recommended to swim and visit the sauna no earlier than after 3 months.

Intimate life should be excluded for at least a month after breast augmentation. During excitement, blood flow to the gland tissue increases, which will lead to increased swelling and slow down recovery.

When can you shower after surgery?

You can wash yourself using a shower 5-7 days after surgery, but taking a bath is allowed only after a month.

Is it necessary to wear special underwear?

Yes, the patient must wear special underwear, otherwise the result of even the most successful operation will be spoiled.

Can I return to diving lessons?

After mammoplasty, a woman can lead a normal life, as before the operation. The main thing is to meet the deadlines necessary for this. You are allowed to return to diving after a month.

How often do you need to see a surgeon after surgery?

After breast augmentation surgery, there are mandatory examinations by a surgeon. They are held the next day, after 3 days, a week and 10 days. The doctor then schedules a consultation at 1, 3 and 6 months. However, they are optional and the woman does not have to attend them.

Video: Difficult rehabilitation after breast surgery

Video: Breast surgery: 1.5 months after surgery

Video: How is recovery after augmentation mammoplasty

Recovery after breast augmentation surgery is a long process. In order to significantly reduce the likelihood of complications, a woman must strictly follow all the surgeon’s recommendations.

The final result depends on how the patient behaves during the first few months.