A set of exercises for the pectoral muscles for men. The best exercises for the pectoral muscles

You can pump up your chest muscles without leaving the TV. If you follow the recommended number of repetitions, accurately perform the techniques, and exercise regimen, it is not difficult to achieve excellent results.

4 versions of chest push-ups

The exercises work the thoracic region, triceps muscles of the arms, abdominals, back, and help build strength. Do them at home so that the pectoral muscle workout for men is the most complete and brings positive results in the form of enlarged pectoral muscles.

Below we describe how you can pump up your breasts using different types.

No. 1. Basic option:

  1. We perform a stand with emphasis on straight arms and toes.
  2. The head, pelvis, and spine form a straight line. The stomach is tense.
  3. Bend your elbows and slowly lower yourself down.
  4. Using our hands, we raise the body to the starting position, at “1, 2, 3” we strain the chest muscles, and lower ourselves again.

Exercise No. 2. The load depends on the position of the hands. If in the classic pose the hands are shoulder-width apart, in the variant with a narrow push-up fingers touch.

  1. As we lower our body while exhaling, we touch them with our chest.
  2. We stay static for 2 seconds and rise.

Exercise No. 3. Incline push-ups pump up the anterior muscle. The goal is to raise your legs higher than your body.

  1. Hands are placed on the floor, legs are placed on a support.
  2. From the starting position we lower ourselves down, hold in the position for 3 seconds, and return back.

Exercise No. 4. From a stand on straight legs, we drop to our knees. We perform classic push-ups.

  1. Lying down, as in a classic push-up
  2. Instead of toes, we kneel
  3. We lower ourselves by bending our elbows and rise to the starting position

Number of repetitions the same for all options - from 12 times for 4 sets.

Read also, training other muscles:

How pump up your shoulders to a man at home, written
Exercises at home for legs, article available
Complete full body workout
How to do press your dreams by doing simple exercises,
Training program for a week for men, available

Exercises with available equipment

To thoroughly pump up the serratus and minor muscles, place 2 stacks of 8 medium-thick books under both hands and perform push ups How on stops.

  1. Slowly lower the body, hover above the floor for a few seconds, and return to the starting position.
  2. During the process we feel a deep stretch of the thoracic region (10 times in 4 sets).

We train the deltoid and pectoral muscles.

  1. We place 2 chairs with their backs at a distance of about 50 cm.
  2. Leaning on our backs, we stand upright while lying down. If your biceps are strong, the task can be made more difficult. Instead of lower support, we place our legs on the sofa.
  3. With bent elbows, we try to go as low as possible to the floor.
  4. At the bottom point, pause for 3 seconds and return to the starting position (7 repetitions of 3 sets).

Sliding hands strengthens the thoracic region.

  1. We throw 2 towels on the floor.
  2. We stand in a basic stance, placing our palms on the canvas.
  3. We move and move them apart (12 times, 3 approaches).

We take dumbbells

We perform exercises with dumbbells for the pectoral muscles

  1. We lie down on our backs.
  2. As you exhale, raise your arms with weights above your head, palms forward.
  3. As you inhale, gently place your elbows on the floor.
  4. To maximally work the serratus, anterior, and minor muscles, when lowering your arms, spread your elbows wider (13 times, 2 sets).

We change tactics.

  1. We spread our arms to the sides, connecting the dumbbells in the center of the chest.
  2. We don’t touch the floor with our elbows. Repeat 15 times in 4 approaches.

Weight depends on preparation. First, we take a load of 2 kg. We increase the load as we get used to it - after about 10 days. Strength exercises are always performed after warming up. If there is discomfort or insufficient tension, the number of repetitions and weight are adjusted according to sensations.

At the end we perform isometric training.
  1. We sit down on the sofa.
  2. With straight elbows, we connect the hands into a pyramid at the level of the heart.
  3. Squeeze your palms with all your might for about 1 minute.
  4. Rest for 30 seconds, repeat 3 more times.

Male breasts are no less a pressing topic than the same part of the body in women. The weaker half is attracted to wide, athletic chests, without excess fat or sagging.

You can get this part of the body in order both in the gym and by training at home.

The main thing is diligence.

The main rules for cool muscles

The following pectoral muscles are distinguished:

    big- brings the arm to the body and rotates the limb;

    small- located above the pectoralis major muscle, responsible for lowering the arm to the body;

    anterior serratus- provides rotational movements and abduction of the scapula from the spine, raising the arm above the head;

    intercostal- help perform breathing movements.

Chest training has its own characteristics. First of all, such classes alternate with triceps training, but on different days. The fact is that when working the triceps, the pectoral muscles are loaded, but to a lesser extent, due to which supercompensation of various parameters is ensured.

They practice twice a week. Beginners perform 2 exercises in 2 sets. When the technique is mastered, the number of approaches is increased to 4–8. To improve strength, 6-8 repetitions are enough, and to build muscle - 10-12 repetitions. Rest for 45–60 seconds between sets.

Basic exercises are the most effective - for example, bench press on a horizontal or inclined bench, push-ups on uneven bars.

Isolation exercises are contraindicated for bodybuilders with less than 2 years of experience.

The eccentric phase (lowering, stretching muscles, lowering a load) is performed slowly. Once every 3-4 sessions, “negatives” are used, when only the eccentric phase remains.

Secrets of increasing pectoral muscles

Exercises in the gym

Exercises in the gym are effective thanks to special sports equipment.

Basic exercises

Barbell press (lying position)

We are talking about alternating the load within one lesson. For example, you can train at home by jogging on the spot. First, run for 5 minutes at a slow pace. This warms up the muscles and prepares the body for subsequent loads. At the next stage, they run with maximum acceleration, until physical fatigue and at the limits of their strength. This block lasts 2–3 minutes.

When breathing and heartbeat are restored, they run at an average pace, then accelerate again as much as possible. Recovery periods are gradually reduced. The duration of interval running is from 15 minutes.

Active games - tennis, hockey, basketball - will help burn fat in the chest area.

Making your breasts wide and attracting the attention of the opposite sex is not so difficult. However, you need to train in a complex manner so that your figure looks harmonious. If you are overweight, you need a diet and drinking regimen. And the optimal complex will be developed by a personal instructor who will take into account the condition of the muscles and the body as a whole.

Extremely difficult. This is due to their enormous diversity. An incorrectly composed complex will not give the desired results. Let's look at the best exercises for the pectoral muscles. They are very effective because they cover all the necessary areas. The complex is also universal: suitable for both men and women.

Where to begin?

It is recommended to conduct the first training at home. At the initial stage, you will only need light weight dumbbells. For greater efficiency, you can connect an expander. Don't forget to warm up your muscles before doing the main exercises. This will protect them from sprains and prepare them for intense work. Choose the best exercises for the pectoral muscles from the proposed set (a few will be enough) and perform only them. Gradually increase the load with sets and repetitions.

When you feel that you are ready for more intense work, you can connect to the exercise equipment. You don't have to go to a fitness club for this. To avoid standing in lines, you can buy exercise equipment and exercise at home. But be patient, even they will not give quick results.

In any workout, intensity and regularity of exercise are important. But they don't come first. The main thing is to perform all movements correctly and give your muscles a rest. That is, training should not be daily, but high-quality. If this is neglected, then even the best exercises for the pectoral muscles will not be effective. What other nuances should be taken into account?

  • For untrained people, it is better to stick to a two-day complex per week. This will create an optimal balance of load and recovery for the pectoral muscles.

  • The exercises will produce results by increasing muscle mass. Therefore, give preference to classic push-ups. Trained people can include isolation exercises in their program. For beginners, they will be too traumatic.
  • To train the pectoral muscles, 5-6 different exercises of 5 approaches are optimal. If your goal is to increase strength, then 6 repetitions of the movements is enough. If you want to make your chest muscles more voluminous, then do them 10 times. For beginners, this amount should be reduced by 2 times.
  • Even the best exercises for you need to be divided into weeks. This is necessary to evenly distribute the load. At the same time, it is not recommended to touch the chest muscles and triceps. It is better to perform them on different days. This way your body will rest and adapt to the load. Otherwise, energy will be wasted.

for the chest

This set of exercises, when performed correctly, gives very good results. What are the reasons for its effectiveness?

1. The exercises are varied, so they work the pectoral muscles in different directions.

2. The complex is designed in such a way that it covers several problem areas. This is achieved through a natural range of motion.

3. It is necessary to perform the proposed exercises with strict adherence to the technique. This engages the stabilizing muscles, which are responsible for maintaining balance and controlling movement.

It is for these reasons that you can be sure that only the best chest exercises are offered to you. For women and men, the effectiveness is absolutely the same.

Classic push-up

Perhaps the push-up is the most important anatomical exercise for the pectoral muscles. When performing it, you need to spread your arms wide and not lift your buttocks up. It is important to feel the muscles working. If you feel tension in your chest, it means you are doing everything right. Additional weights in the form of barbell plates on the back will help enhance the effect. This exercise works almost all areas of the body.

Bench press

This exercise is usually performed on a bench lying on your back with dumbbells or a barbell in your hands. They need to be kept parallel to the body. Do not touch your chest with the weights or straighten your elbows. The chest muscles should always be tense at the bottom and top points of the movement. On the count of 1-2, lift the weight up, on 3-4 - hold, and on 5-6 - lower it down.

On a special simulator, you can change the position a little, modifying the best exercises for yourself. There will be a load on the top of the pectoral muscles if the bench in the head area is raised higher than the legs. If you lower it, then the lower section will be pumped up. It is extremely difficult to carry out such training at home due to the lack of suitable equipment. But a simple incline bench can be found on almost any sports field.


This is another classic exercise for a beautiful bust. It works well on the entire upper part of the body. But mainly the lower chest, triceps and shoulder girdle are pumped up. You need to grab the bars with your hands and raise and lower your body. When lifting, the movements should be jerky and sharp, as if you were suddenly throwing something up. Lowering the body should be done smoothly and slowly. It is also important that the distance between the bars is about 70 centimeters. Otherwise, it will not be the chest that will be pumped up, but the triceps muscles.

This workout is simple, easy to understand and very effective. For these reasons, it is classified as the “best exercise for the pectoral muscles.” For men and even young boys, dips are very familiar, so they won’t cause any difficulties. And you can perform the exercise on any sports ground.

Exercises with dumbbells

Here you can even create a separate complex from a variety of exercise options. This could include chest presses and flyes. Moreover, in both versions, the exercises can be performed in different directions. All movements with weights should be done smoothly and without jerking. Otherwise, the effect will not be one hundred percent. Also watch your breathing. When exercising, exhale, and when relaxing, inhale.

Keep in mind that dumbbell presses give volume, and extension movements make the chest broad. The workout can be done at home on the floor (mat) or in the gym on a bench. Just don't overdo it with the weights. Choose a weight that is comfortable for you.

The following are not very popular in gyms. And in vain, because these are also the best exercises for the pectoral muscles.


These exercises involve bringing your arms together with the help of. The muscles are worked through stretching and weighting. If you vary the directions, you can pump up different areas of the chest muscles. If you are interested in the center, pull the handles of the machine straight in front of you. To work the upper chest, do a crossover from the bottom up. To increase the lower area, perform the exercise in reverse - from top to bottom.

Do not forget to set the appropriate weight, at which all movements will be performed without jerking. It should be the same for both handles. The body is usually tilted slightly forward, and the feet are left shoulder-width apart. For greater stability, you can put your foot forward. But in the next approach it needs to be changed to another. If you do everything correctly, you will be convinced that these are the best exercises for the mass of the pectoral muscles.


Ideally, this exercise is performed in the gym on a special simulator. But it can be replaced. The idea is that you need to lean on your elbows or lie down on a bench and pick up a weight. Then lift it in front of you, and then take it behind your head almost to the floor. For the chest and triceps muscles, it is better to train with your arms bent at the elbow. With straight lines, the back will be additionally involved.

You can use a barbell, dumbbells or a weight plate as a weight. But with the first option it is impossible to achieve a clear technique. And it is very important for getting a beautiful, pumped up body. It will be a pity to waste energy and time, because with the help of a pullover almost all of the pectoral muscles are involved.

In addition to training

Even a well-designed complex will not be enough if the training is not supported by anything. What else is required for beautiful breasts?

1. Proper nutrition. Food should be consumed often, but in small portions. Make your diet so that protein foods, fiber, vegetable fats and complex carbohydrates predominate. These are fresh vegetables, legumes, lean fish, poultry, various cereals and dairy products.

2. Good rest. Even the best chest exercises, like any workout, take a lot of energy. Therefore, long and sound sleep is important to restore energy.

By following these tips and observing the exercise technique, you can increase the relief on your chest and tighten your body.

Woman is given beauty by nature. This is the greatest wealth that is worth protecting and maintaining. Some choose a diet, others choose surgery, and some take the more difficult path of long and hard training doing special exercises for the pectoral muscles!

And they turn out to be right!

  • helps you stay in great shape;
  • improves mood;
  • heals the body;
  • improves coordination;
  • strengthens the heart muscle, minimizing the possibility of developing serious diseases;
  • burns extra calories;
  • maintains energy balance, promoting more productive activity;
  • increases life expectancy.

exercises for the pectoral muscles

Taking note of these rules, we have developed a complex that includes exercises for the pectoral muscles for women who want to improve their body health and strengthen all groups of pectoral muscles.

The complex is designed in such a way that you can easily train both in the gym and at home. The exercises do not require a special level of training, but each has detailed instructions with mandatory conditions for implementation.

In the gym, an experienced instructor will tell you how to complete the task, but at home you control the process yourself. Therefore, our recommendations will help make the lesson as effective as possible.

Remember that the pectoral exercise is aimed at maintaining muscle tone. It does not tolerate hasty movements and lack of motivation. Before you start training in our program, ask yourself what you want to achieve, what qualities and skills you will need for this, what equipment you should purchase in order to continue training not only in the gym, but also at home. This is the approach that will lead you to maximum results.

As you perform the chest exercise, concentrate on it. If you feel discomfort, reduce the load and return to the task after a while. Feel your body, do not allow it to show unreasonable laziness and do not allow excessive activity. Fanaticism has never benefited anyone.

Core chest muscles

Before we rush into battle, let's look at which pectoral muscle groups we will be working on.

As you can see, the pectoral muscles are quite diverse and each has a specific function, and together they keep our body in good shape.

A set of exercises to increase and strengthen the pectoral muscles

Often, when choosing this particular set of exercises for herself, a woman thinks that at the end of the training she can count on a full breast shape.

However, the pectoral muscles should not be confused with the mammary glands, which have nothing in them that can be trained and built up.

But you can work with the pectoral muscles and achieve good results. Thanks to special exercises, you will strengthen your chest, increase the volume of your pectoral muscles and conquer everyone with your spectacular appearance.

So let's get started!

Push-ups for girls on their knees

This exercise trains several muscles at once: the pectoralis major muscle, gluteal muscles, abdominal and thigh muscles, and also uses the elbow muscle and triceps.

Required condition: don't slouch! The head, shoulders, pelvis and knees should be in one line.

Correct position: lying position, arms slightly wider than shoulders, palms pressed to the floor.

The essence of the exercise– from a horizontal position with bent arms, you should move to a position at an angle of about 45 degrees with straightened arms. The legs are bent at the knees at this time. The body weight is supported on the arms.

As soon as you learn how to do the exercise correctly, you can start doing it on one knee.

The exercise effectively trains a whole group of muscles: the pectoralis major, serratus anterior, and abdominal muscles.

Required condition: your body is a straight line, you should not squeeze your shoulder blades together.

Correct position: rest your hands on the bar, move your body to such a distance that your arms are at an angle of 90 degrees and fully extended.

When performing the exercise, you should transfer your own weight to your arms, while they bend at the elbow joint, and you control the process of tension of your muscles. Do not hurry. The main thing is not the pace, but the quality.

Bench press

The exercise helps develop the pectoralis major muscle, latissimus dorsi muscle, effectively affects the abdominal muscles, biceps, shoulder muscles, and develops triceps.

Required condition: Should not retract your shoulder blades.

Correct position: Sit comfortably on the machine bench, straighten your back, the handles should be slightly higher than your chest. To make it easier to perform the exercise, place your legs bent at the knees on a bench.

The point of the exercise is that you need to lift the handles of the simulator up and then lower it to the starting position, feeling how the muscles tense. That is why you should not rush.

The main difficulty is that the bench is inclined, which means a large range of movements is allowed. The result is better muscle development and a high degree of control over the amplitude of arm movement.

Required condition: leave a distance of 15 cm between dumbbells.

Correct position: The inclination of the bench should be 15 - 35 degrees. As a support, use your feet, which are conveniently placed on the floor or on a bench.

You should lift the dumbbells only when you are in a horizontal position, in one sweeping motion towards your knees. As you lift the dumbbells, you will notice that your elbows will be slightly apart. Dumbbells should be held slightly above chest level.

During the exercise, you need to lift the dumbbells until your arms are straight, and then lower them, bending your arms at the elbow joint and feeling how the muscles tense.

Bench press for girls

The exercise is one of the basic ones, which means it is the most effective, because it involves several muscle groups at once: the pectoralis major and the entire group of shoulder muscles.

Required condition: Do not increase the load until you achieve the correct execution of the exercise. Avoid springy movements and high speed. You are not performing a standard, but a task that will improve your physical fitness. Take it seriously.

Correct position: Sit comfortably on the bench, while keeping your back straight. To avoid unnecessary bending during the exercise, bring your legs into a bent position and place them on the bench. If the size of the bench does not allow, the feet are placed on the floor. The barbell should be grasped with your hands wider than your shoulders.

During the exercise, you must move up and down without letting go of the barbell.

The exercise is included in the group of basic ones, i.e. involves several muscles and joints at once, namely the serratus anterior, pectoralis major, latissimus muscles, triceps, etc.

Required condition: Don't swing, make sure your shoulders don't rise or collapse in front.

Correct position: your arms rest on the bars, your torso leans forward a little, your chest is straightened.

During the exercise, you need to bend your arms and lower your body until you feel your chest and arm muscles stretch. Muscles must be kept in good shape and their tension controlled.

The exercise belongs to the group of auxiliary ones with the presence of pushing movements.

Required condition: The weight of the body rests not on the back, but on the sit bones. Perform every movement while controlling the process.

Correct position: Sit on the machine bench, maintaining a flat back position and a one-line position of your elbows and shoulders. The pillows should rest against your forearms. The exercise machine has a special support for the legs.

The essence of the exercise is to bring the pads of the simulator together until they are completely closed. After a short rest, during which you slowly return to the starting position, the action is repeated.

This is an auxiliary exercise that targets the pectoralis major muscle.

Required condition: You cannot fully extend your arms at the elbow joints. It should remain about 10 degrees.

Correct position: Lie on the bench with your back, place your bent legs either on the bench or lower them to the floor for support.

The point of the exercise: you lift the dumbbells above you and lower them, leaving your elbow not fully bent.

Included in the group of auxiliary exercises that engage the deep, minor and major pectoral muscles.

Required condition: leave your arms slightly bent at the elbow joint.

Correct stance: Take an intermediate position between the upper blocks and grab the crossover handles. It is allowed to put one foot forward for support. No need to strain your legs and back. Take a position that is comfortable for you, bending your legs slightly and leaning forward.

While performing the exercise, try to feel the load. Don't try to do more and use the force of inertia. This is how the exercise loses its effect.

Exercises to maintain breast tone and firmness at home

We don’t always have the opportunity to regularly visit the gym, so we have developed a set of effective exercises so that you can do your own workouts at home and pump up your muscles if necessary at any time. The exercises will not take much time, but will maintain the tone and elasticity of your breasts.


Required condition: do not relax muscle tension.

Correct stance: vertical position, straight back, bend your arms at the elbow and place them at chest level.

When starting the exercise, you should clasp your fingers, and during its execution, try to spread them on different sides, using only the strength of the pectoral muscles.


Required condition: don't let go of your palms.

Correct stance: straight back, arms located at chest level, with palms aligned.

As you perform the exercise, pay attention to the force with which you press on your palms. They should be pressed together for three to five seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.


Required condition: your muscles should be tense. This is the main meaning of this exercise.

Correct stance: close to the wall. All parts of the body touch the surface of the wall.

When performing the exercise, make circular movements with your hands only along the plane of the wall. Imagine that you are swimming and you need to overcome water pressure. Perform a hundred of these movements.

Exercises for the pectoral muscles for women at home

Yes Yes! Even your home can be turned into a gym! And if you have special equipment, the effectiveness of the lesson doubles! So feel free to grab the dumbbells and be patient - push-ups are waiting for you!

Perform 15 – 20 push-ups

Required condition: Avoid bending your knees!

Correct stance: the legs are pressed tightly together or slightly apart, the palms are located slightly further than the shoulders, the body is in a horizontal position relative to the floor.

When performing the exercise, you should lower yourself closer to the floor, under no circumstances falling on it, but maintaining your body weight.

Perform 30 wall push-ups

Required condition: do not bend your legs and back! Repeat the exercise 3 times. Don't overload yourself, especially in the first lessons.

Correct stance: feet together, hands resting on the wall. Your body becomes one straight line. You need to be located at a distance of 10 cm from the wall.

It is allowed to perform the exercise on your toes.

Perform 10 dumbbell swings, repeating the exercise 3 times

Required condition: keep your back, elbows should be bent.

Correct stance: Squat down a little, taking the position of a skier, bend forward a little. Dumbbells are ski poles.

Keep your movements smooth as you perform. Hands should be at chest level with obligatory fixation for a few seconds. You can make alternating swings or simultaneous movements with your hands.

We looked at many exercises that are effectively used both in the gym and at home. All of them are designed to help increase the volume of your pectoral muscles, maintain their tone, and at the same time improve your mood.

After all, science has proven that physical exercise helps produce the hormone of happiness. So with each session you not only improve your physical fitness, but also get an excellent means of combating stress.

Things to think about

However, the success of training can be judged not only by the effort expended and good mood, but also by the lifestyle you lead. To build muscle and get the maximum effect, it is important to follow a proper diet, listen to your body, respond to illness in a timely manner and respect water. After all, it is the main medicine that we use throughout our lives.

Love yourself, respect your body and get the most out of your workouts - these are the three components of a successful lady, ready to pierce with arrows of charm everyone who comes her way!

And again, hello my dears!

Today we are waiting for a continuation of the busty article, namely its practical part. In it we will look at the most complete list of chest pumping exercises, also identify which of them are the best, and in conclusion we will get acquainted with specific training programs for all occasions.

So, I can't wait to start broadcasting, let's go!

How to pump up your breasts? The practical side of the issue.

Well, I would like to start with a message... not in the sense of “fuck you...” :), but to send to the first part of the note, in which we theorized and revealed the issues of the structure of the breast and its pumping from an anatomical point of view. Therefore, if you are not familiar with this creation, then you are welcome to show your respect to it by following the link. We move on.

Usually, when you ask yourself the question: how to pump up your breasts? then various associations of both natural and non-natural nature arise in your head (by the latter we mean pumping in the “Silicon Valley” style). There are plenty of guides on natural pumping and, oddly enough, they are all designed for males. As for the young ladies, they just have to collect information bit by bit on how to tighten up their babies and make them more presentable and visibly elastic. In our practical part, we will analyze not only male chest pumping schemes, but also pay personal attention to the female bust. Therefore, the note is of a general gender nature :) and in it everyone will find what their breasts need.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Chest exercises. The most complete list.

If you have ever been to the gym, then you probably know that Monday is often chest training day and in order to press the barbell on the bench, you need to line up, starting at the parking lot :). No, I'm serious, any muscleman, especially a beginner, jumps under the bar first and makes the bench press the center of his chest training. So it turns out that the gym with its plethora of machines turns into hyperextension and bench press exercises for women, and bench press exercises for men.

However, we will not be supporters of frozen forms and in order not to get hung up on pounding the chest with a standard set of exercises, I will give the most complete list of movements for various areas of the chest muscles.

So here they are:

  • bench press;
  • Hammer bench press;
  • dumbbell bench press (including at different angles of inclination);
  • dumbbell fly (including at different angles of inclination);
  • bringing hands together in crossover (different points of reference);
  • pullover with dumbbell/barbell/block;
  • raider thrust;
  • parallel bars push-ups;
  • pushups (including with different body positions).

In the picture version, the assembled atlas of chest exercises looks like this.

This is the most complete list and all these movements can be used by you in the pectoral training program, pay close attention to it and do not “stick” only to presses.

An important point in choosing exercises is such a target element as the comprehensive development of the chest muscles. And in order to achieve this, you should use different angles and different exercises that affect both the development of the width/thickness of the chest and the development of its deep volumes.

So, your ideal busty workout should include:

  • 1 bench press exercise on a horizontal bench (or basic, such as push-ups/floor push-ups);
  • 1+1 bench press exercise at an up/down angle;
  • 1 adduction/spreading exercise;
  • 1 exercise for deep expansion of the sternum (for example, a pullover).

Top best chest exercises: research results

Agree, it’s nice to know that you are using an exercise that, from a scientific point of view, is the best for working out a particular muscle group. In this subchapter we will analyze just such exercises.

Study #1

Researchers from the University's Exercise and Sports Science Department (Wisconsin) tried to determine which movements are most effective for growing pectoral muscles. 14 guinea pigs men aged from 19 before 30 years it was proposed to fulfill 9 the most popular chest exercises, during their implementation, EMG measurements of the electrical activity of the muscles were taken.

Support exercise (comparative point/standard) was the bench press exercise, which showed maximum activity of the pectoralis major muscles. In second and third places with 98 And 93% The exercises turned out to be seated chest press in a machine and crossover exercises.

The research results were summarized in a table.

As can be seen from the summary calculations, the best scientific exercises are the first three, and it is from them that the chest grows best.

A similar study was conducted by Professors Boeckh-Behrens and Buskies. They found the barbell bench press to be the most effective movement for all pecs. At the same time, the barbell press at an upward angle is excellent (and better than all other oblique ones) isolates the upper part of the pectorals.

The research results were “packaged” in graphic form.

Explication (decoding):

barbell bench press - bench press;

cable crossover – bringing hands together in a crossover;

dumbbell bench press - dumbbell bench press;

peck deck - butterfly mixing;

inclined dumbbell flys - raising dumbbells at an upward angle;

dumbbell pullovers - a pullover with a dumbbell.

Conclusion: The researchers concluded that the ideal PT for breast development should look like this:

  • bench press;
  • crossover;
  • Dips with extra weight.

Study #2

No. 1. Differences in muscle activation resulting from changes in stability requirements

A very unusual study, the purpose of which was to identify different degrees of activation of the chest when using different types of projectiles (dumbbells, barbells, Smith machine). Several exercises were taken and compared with the bench press.

The results of each study are tabulated.

Table No. 1. Degree of muscle activation when comparing bench press versus Smith machine press.

Conclusion: Both exercises equally activate the pectoralis major and clavicular deltoids. The difference is manifested in the activation of the acromial part of the deltas; the Smith press has a higher numerical value, which means weaker (1 – taken to the maximum) loading.

Table No. 2. Degree of muscle activation when comparing barbell bench press versus Smith machine press and dumbbell press.

Conclusion: There is no difference in activation of the pectoralis major and clavicular deltoids, but the lower activation of the triceps brachii and higher activation of the biceps brachii during the dumbbell press is a result of the increased stability demands of this exercise.

In turn, the bench press activates the biceps to a greater extent than the Smith machine press. (2 against 3 ) .

Global output:

The studied exercises did not affect the activation of the pectoralis major muscle. The more unstable the exercise, the more assisting and stabilizing muscle groups are involved in the work. It is likely that this limits (restricts) the amount of weight pressed, which in turn reduces the effectiveness of working the pectoral muscles.

No. 2. Differences in muscle activation depending on angles

Below are the results of studies on the effect of different angles on the activation of different parts of the pectoral muscles.

Table No. 3. Degree of muscle activation in exercises with different angles

Data shows that the bench press engages the pectoralis major and triceps the most. The second exercise in terms of activation of these muscles was the downward angled barbell press. The angled press activates the upper pecs just as much as the bench press. The middle/lower portion of the pectoralis major is most effectively worked by pressing at a downward angle.

The seated military press exercise is usually used as a training exercise for deltoids. However, research shows that the activation of the upper chest is comparable to the angled press, in addition, the military press activates the clavicular part of the deltoids much more strongly. But the triceps and sternal head of the pectoralis major have the worst activation of all the chest exercises.

Global output:

The angle at which the press is performed has a significant impact on the activation of the pectoralis major and other assisting muscles. In terms of muscle activation and lifting more weight (combined two parameters together), the bench press, in comparison with those studied, is the most effective.

No. 3. Comparative review of pectoral muscle activation during various exercises

This study included 9 of the most popular chest exercises. Electrodes were placed on the sternocostal part (sternal head) pectoral muscle.

The results showed that the bench press and pec deck produced the strongest activation of the pectoralis major muscle. In addition, the crossover crossover simulator has also shown its high efficiency. The seated bench press is somewhat inferior to its previous counterparts, and the most “satisfactory” results were shown by:

  • raising dumbbells at an upward angle;
  • dips;
  • push-ups with straps;
  • fitball push-ups;
  • standard push-ups.

Actually, this was the latest research information, now you know by sight the best chest exercises, which means it’s time to start the training process itself.

So, next in line...

Top 3 Chest Workout Programs

Chest training program #1. “There’s no place for a newbie without breasts!”

This PT is intended for beginner athletes who already have some training experience (from 3 months) and mastered the technique of most exercises. The main goal is a general increase in muscle mass and the development of chest qualities such as width and depth.

Technical specifications:

  • training 2 once a week with a distance of at least 72 hours;
  • number of approaches 3 , repetitions – 10/20 ;
  • 60 sec.

In the picture it’s like that.

Chest training program No. 2. “Breasts are a revolution! in 5 days!”

This PT is intended for experienced athletes (training experience from 3 years), whose goal is the comprehensive development of the breast and its specialization (work only on this muscle group).

Technical specifications:

  • training 5 once a week;
  • number of approaches 3 , repetitions - different;
  • rest with exercise is: 2,5 minutes - at 4-6 repetitions, 60-90 sec – with repetitions from 8 before 12 .

In the tabular version, the program looks like this: Well, as I promised for dessert...

Chest training program No. 3. “Baby, be tight!”

This PT is tailored exclusively for young ladies and has as its main goal a breast lift, giving it delicious volumes and shapes. The main emphasis is on angles, or more precisely, on moving away from the plane that horizontal presses provide. In addition, PT will increase the depth of the bust, i.e. it will become much more voluminous, which will give the breasts even greater expressiveness.

If after 3 months you will wear a low-cut dress with a deep neckline and your breasts will not be admired, then throw a stone at me :).

Technical specifications:

  • training 2 once a week (with space 1 day);
  • number of approaches 4 , repetitions - different;
  • rest with exercise is: 60 sec.

In tabular form, the program looks like this:

In the picture it’s like that.

Actually, this was the last essential information, now you know how to tidy up your décolleté area and you can do this most enjoyable activity in the near future.


Another article has come to an end and today we answered the question, how to pump up your breasts? It’s not in vain that we divide such articles into two parts and spend too much time on each of them :), with this we lay both theoretical and practical foundations so that the swing is conscious and you understand what is being done and why. I hope I explained it popularly in this post, if not, then get ready, the third part is already on its way :)!

That's all, I was glad to write for you, see you soon!

PS. What secrets do you know about breast pumping? Let's share in the comments.

P.P.S. Attention! 04.10 The ability to send questionnaires for and food will become available. I will be glad to see you working together!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.