Ban on the sale of alcohol - hours of sale of alcoholic beverages in Russia.

Government Russian Federation actively fights the problem of alcoholism in the country. Unfortunately, today such bad habit people of all ages have. not many people know about it in the Moscow region. However, this information will be useful not only to buyers, but also to sellers themselves. In our article you can find out the hours of alcohol sales, as well as learn as much as possible about the bill itself.

General information about the bill

The law on the sale of alcohol at certain times was passed on November 22, 1995. 171 bills are regularly updated, so it is important to monitor the changes in order not to become a violator.

This bill prohibits entrepreneurs from selling alcoholic products at night if they contain more than 5% alcohol. All beer, wine, vodka and others are prohibited.
The law on the sale of alcohol also provides for a number of penalties for persons who sell strong drinks to minors. According to the bill, the parents of an unscrupulous teenager are also held accountable.
Each region of the Russian Federation has its own temporary restrictions on the purchase and sale of alcohol. It is for this reason that it is important to know about the features of the adopted bill in a particular area.

It is worth noting that restrictions on the sale of alcohol also exist on certain days. Most often these are holidays and only occasionally weekends. In our article you can familiarize yourself in detail with all the subtleties and nuances of the bill.

Role of the bill

According to the government, the law banning the sale of alcohol should help reduce the percentage of alcohol-dependent people. Vladimir Putin believes that with such social problem, of course, we need to fight. To do this, you need to use all sorts of common sense methods.

Drinking strong drinks has a detrimental effect on the health and mental development of a teenager. It is for this reason that, according to the bill, the wholesale and retail sale of alcohol to minors is punished especially severely.

There are high hopes for Bill 171. Thanks to him, the number of alcohol-dependent people on the territory of the Russian Federation should decrease. The underground sale of strong drinks must also disappear.

Temporary in the Moscow region

Regularly visits the capital of the Russian Federation and its region large number people living in other cities and countries. It is for this reason that almost everyone should know the time of sale of alcohol in the Moscow region.

Two years ago, the government decided to allow the sale of alcohol in Moscow from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. This time limit is still in effect today. Previously, the bill, which provided for the time for the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region, prohibited the sale alcoholic drinks from 10 pm to 11 am.

The decision to change the bill was due to the unstable economic situation in the country. An additional 4 hours daily brings more than one billion rubles to the regional budget. Deputies note that this change was not due to social wishes, but to the need to replenish the budget.

Unlike Moscow itself, purchasing alcohol is more problematic. There, the bill allows the sale of strong drinks from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Tougher measures

Since last year, the government of the Russian Federation has been considering amendments to the bill. According to it, the time for selling alcohol in the Moscow region and other cities should be significantly reduced.

The future bill will allow the sale of strong drinks from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Selling at any other time will result in a fine, loss of license or imprisonment. The updated bill is planned to be released soon.

It is worth noting that in some cities of the Russian Federation today there are more stringent requirements for the sale of alcohol than in Moscow. This is precisely what the update of the decree is connected with. Member of the Public Chamber Sultan Khamzaev argues that in regions where stricter measures are in place, the level of crime and administrative offenses is significantly lower. It's no secret that most rash acts are committed under the influence of alcohol.

In regions where alcohol cannot be purchased for more than four hours a day, the mortality rate from alcohol abuse has been significantly reduced. In cities where there are no special restrictions, the situation is the opposite.

IN Murmansk region The sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited from 9 pm to 11 pm. There, per hundred thousand population there are only 853 dependent person. As we said earlier, the hours for selling alcohol in the Moscow region are: 8 a.m. - 11 p.m. There, per one hundred thousand population, there are more than a thousand people who are addicted to alcohol.

The adoption of new additions to the bill will entail a reduction in the crime rate. The number of people suffering from alcoholism will also decrease.

Ban on display

In the near future, the government of the Russian Federation plans to consider another bill. According to it, strong drinks can only be purchased in a separate store. It may be prohibited to place alcohol on the counter. In this case, the buyer will have the alcohol-containing drink taken out of the warehouse in an opaque bag.

Consumers have different views on possible changes to the bill. Some people think that such an addition is pointless. This is due to the fact that cigarettes were also prohibited from being placed on the counter, but even despite this, smokers did not get rid of the bad habit.

Rural residents are also concerned about possible changes to the bill. As a rule, there is only one store there. If he refuses to display alcohol, he may go broke.

Some citizens like this bill. They believe this could reduce the number of people addicted to alcohol.

Sale of alcohol on holidays

On the territory of the Russian Federation it is prohibited to sell alcohol on some days. Most often these are holidays. In some regions, the sale of alcohol is prohibited on weekends. For example, the amended bill is in force in the Ulyanovsk region.

Entrepreneurs are prohibited from selling alcohol on May 25. This is no coincidence, because it is on this day that all schoolchildren graduate. In order to avoid an offense in a state alcohol intoxication On the part of teenagers, the government of the Russian Federation categorically prohibits the sale of alcohol on this day.

The sale of alcohol on holidays is prohibited for a reason. This reduces the incidence of injury, unplanned pregnancies and crime. It is prohibited to sell alcohol in all holidays that are associated with children and adolescents, namely:

  • September 1 (Knowledge Day).
  • (Children's Day).
  • June 27 (Youth Day).

September 11 (Sobriety Day) is also considered a non-alcoholic day. The sale of alcohol on January 1 is not prohibited. However, as a rule, many shops are closed on this day.

Who and where can sell alcohol?

Bill 171 also contains requirements for persons who will sell alcoholic products. Selling alcohol from the age of 18-20 is considered legal, but underage sellers will be required to leave their place of work. In this case, the store owner will be required to pay a fine for the offense.

It is worth noting that a store with alcoholic beverages should be located away from children's institutions and playgrounds. It is also prohibited to sell alcohol near military installations and crowded places.

Prohibition of the sale of alcohol to persons under 21 years of age

A year ago, the government of the Russian Federation took up for consideration a project according to which persons over 21 years of age would be able to purchase alcohol. It is no secret that today it is prohibited to sell alcohol to minors, regardless of the time of day. Many deputies believe that such an addition will help to avoid alcoholism among young people. The consideration of the updated bill is not accidental. Experts say that at the age of 18, a teenager cannot yet take conscious actions. The addition of the bill will help reduce the rate of unplanned pregnancies and crime among young people.

Penalty for violation

Today there is increased control over compliance with the rules for the sale of alcohol. Any violation entails serious punishment. An entrepreneur who sells alcohol must have documents for it. If they are missing, he will need to pay a fine, the amount of which ranges from 10 to 15 thousand rubles.

If a store sells counterfeit alcohol, the entrepreneur will be required to pay a fine of up to 15 thousand rubles. If a seller sells alcohol to minors, he will be forced to pay a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles. Punishment is also provided for the entrepreneur and the organization itself.

Let's sum it up

Alcohol has a negative effect on the human body. Due to the growing number of alcohol-dependent people, the government of the Russian Federation is actively supplementing the current bill. It is possible that in the near future only those persons who have reached the age of 21 will be able to buy alcohol. We strongly recommend that you remember all the features of the bill. Thanks to this, you will save yourself from possible penalties.

In Russia, the rules for the retail sale of alcohol and alcohol-containing products are established federal legislation. Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions have the right to adjust these norms in the direction of tightening, for example, to reduce the time for the sale of alcohol.

We will tell you in more detail from what time and until what time alcohol is sold in Moscow and the Moscow region and what threatens violators of the rules for the sale of wine, vodka and other “strong” and low-alcohol drinks.

Federal control of alcohol turnover

The main document around which the entire regulatory system for regulating the production and sale of alcohol is built is the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ “On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting consumption (drinking) ) alcoholic products(as amended by Federal Law No. 18-FZ dated January 7, 1999) (as amended on December 27, 2018) (as amended on January 1, 2019)"

The law classifies alcoholic and alcohol-containing products as products whose concentration of ethyl alcohol is higher than 0.5% of the finished volume. Definition of concepts:

  • alcoholic: strong drinks (vodka, cognac, whiskey), wine, champagne, liqueurs, beer, cider, mead, etc.;
  • alcohol-containing: food (wine materials, wort) and non-food with a share of ethyl alcohol above 0.5% of the finished volume.

Retail sales of strong alcohol at points providing public catering services are carried out only by organizations. These are legal entities registered in Moscow and the region. Retail sales of beer, wine, champagne, cider in stores and at points providing catering services are permitted to organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

To freely sell alcohol, the seller is required to obtain a license to conduct this type of activity. The buyer has the right to request the seller to provide a document with a barcode, carrying information about registration in EGAIS.

It is illegal to sell alcohol to minors (Clause 2 of Article 16 of the Federal Law). The selling party has the right to require the young buyer to provide any document that determines age: passport, driver’s license, residence permit, diplomatic passport, temporary identity card, etc.

The law prohibits the sale of alcohol in buildings if:

  • educational work (schools, municipal and private, vocational schools, etc.);
  • medical work;
  • cultural or sporting events;
  • in areas adjacent to the listed buildings. The boundaries of the adjacent zone are marked on site by regional authorities.

Sale of alcohol is prohibited:

  • in transport, at stops, in areas of air and rail passenger traffic, at gas stations and adjacent areas;
  • in places with large numbers of people during public events.

A pressing question for sellers and buyers in our time: from what hours is alcohol sold in 2018, is stated in clause 9 of Article 16 of the Federal Law. Retail sales are limited from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. the next day local time.

The Federal Law prohibition does not affect:

  • places providing catering services. Alcoholic beverages must be sold in unpacked containers or on tap;
  • on board ships and aircraft using EAEU rights;
  • at duty-free retail outlets.

The prevailing opinion is that in large shopping centers, such as Auchan, Perekrestok, Bristol, Magnit, Lenta, etc., night sales of alcohol are allowed, which is contrary to reality. All organizations involved in the circulation of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products are required to obey and comply with the law.

The Federal Law gives the right to regional legislative authorities to introduce increasing bans on the sale of alcoholic products. To find out how much alcohol is sold in Moscow and the Moscow region and how much alcohol is sold in Moscow (2019), you need to refer to local regional legislation.

Limitation of alcohol sales in Moscow

The supporting document regulating the rules and timing of the sale of alcohol in Moscow in 2018 is the Moscow Government Decree No. 1069-PP dated December 28, 2005 on measures to comply with and control the legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of alcohol circulation. The resolution obliges the adoption and implementation of Law No. 171-FZ of November 22, 1995 on the territory of Moscow and on its basis the sale of alcohol in Moscow is regulated. Sale ban time in the capital: from 23 pm to 8 am the next day.

The resolution not only regulates how much alcohol is sold in Moscow, but also limits the distance at which retail sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited:

  • to kindergartens, schools, vocational schools - 100 m. Distance for points providing catering services - 25 m;
  • to sports facilities, medical institutions, entry/exit points to the underground metro, railway stations, airports and train stations - 25 m.

Update information: on the eve May holidays Moscow authorities decided to limit the sale of alcohol in Moscow from April 29 to May 2, as well as on May 9 in crowded places - at festive events, in parks, squares and pedestrian streets.

Limitation of alcohol sales in the Moscow region

Workers normative document regulating the retail sale of alcohol in the Moscow region is MO Law No. 40/2012-OZ dated April 27, 2012, as amended as of December 21, 2017.

IN previous version Article 6 of the law introduced an additional veto on the sale of alcohol from 21:00 to 11:00 the next day local time.

In December 2017, Article 6 was abolished and the time for the sale of alcohol in the Moscow region was fixed at federal level. The sale of alcohol in the Moscow Region is limited to night and morning hours, just like the sale of alcohol in Moscow. The time in 2018 prohibiting the retail sale of “hot” and low-alcohol drinks in the region has been set from 23:00 to 8:00 the next morning.

Responsibility for violations

Ignoring the norms for the sale of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products (if it does not entail a criminal act) falls under administrative responsibility Article 14.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation No. 195-FZ of December 30, 2001. These norms

For the distribution of alcohol at points of sale at night (applies to all regions, including Moscow and the Moscow region), the fine is:

  • officials - 20,000 - 40,000 rubles. plus complete withdrawal of alcoholic beverages;
  • legal entities - 100,000 - 300,000 rubles. plus complete withdrawal of alcoholic beverages.

Selling alcohol to minors imposes a fine:

  • officials - 100,000 - 200,000 rubles;
  • legal entities - 300,000 - 500,000 rubles.

Alcohol sales without permitting documents:

  • officials - 10,000 - 15,000 rubles. plus complete withdrawal of alcoholic beverages;
  • legal entities - 200,000 - 300,000 rubles. plus complete withdrawal of alcoholic beverages.

Is it worth reducing sales time?

Almost every year the issue of tightening requirements for the sale of alcohol in Moscow is raised. They want to reduce the time in hopes of reducing the consumption of alcoholic beverages by the population. The Russian Ministry of Health has repeatedly made more radical proposals, in particular, to completely ban the sale of alcohol on weekends.

However, an experiment that took place in the Moscow region, where the time for selling alcohol was reduced, showed that the tightening of requirements on the volume of consumption of vodka and beer does not have a significant effect, but rather feeds the market for the illegal sale of alcohol.

What do you think, from what time should alcohol be sold in the Moscow region and Moscow and until how long? Write your opinion in the comments.

The decision to introduce temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol has been brewing in the government for a long time. First they touched on the sale strong drinks, and since 2013 they have expanded to the sale of beer and weak wines.

Established rules

The basic rules governing how long beer can be sold are established at the federal level. The law stipulates that any alcoholic beverages cannot be sold between 11 pm and 8 am. Moreover, in each specific region, local authorities can change the established period in such a way as to extend the period during which it is prohibited to sell alcohol.

For example, in Moscow, all-Russian standards apply, but in Belgorod, buyers can purchase alcoholic beverages only from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The most stringent restrictions are set in Arkhangelsk - alcohol is not sold from 21 to 10 o'clock, in the Moscow region - from 21 to 11 o'clock.

Accepted Exceptions

Many people are wondering whether they can drink alcohol in establishments specially designed for this at night? Does it make sense to go to bars, restaurants, pubs in the evening? Before getting ready for a night out, it is better to check in advance how long beer and other alcoholic drinks are sold in Russia.

The established standards apply to retail trade. For catering establishments, slightly different rules are established. Legal entities can sell strong alcohol around the clock, and to sell beer, low-alcohol drinks, and mead, it is enough to be an entrepreneur.

Also, the laws do not apply to duty free shops opened at airports. There you can buy any alcohol around the clock. However, only air passengers can take advantage of this right.

Age limits

But it’s not enough to know how long beer is sold; you also need to remember about other restrictions. In addition to the permitted hours for selling this low-alcohol drink, the seller must also remember the age restrictions. Beer can only be sold to adults. That is, in Russia only those who are over 18 years old can buy this intoxicating drink. But vodka and similar strong alcohol are sold only after 21 years of age. If a seller refuses to sell a low-alcohol drink to a person who is already 18 but has not yet turned 21, then his actions are unlawful.

At the same time, the rules for selling beer stipulate that a seller who decides to sell any alcohol to a teenager under 18 years of age risks being fined. In addition, administrative sanctions await the store owner who improperly explained the provisions of the law to employees. If you can get away with a fine at the first time, regular violations threaten the store owner with criminal liability.

Violations can be avoided if buyers are asked for a passport. It must be remembered that many young people may look older than their years.

Non-alcoholic beer

The rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages in force on the territory of the Russian Federation apply to all weak and strong alcoholic beverages. At the same time, many are interested in how things stand with non-alcoholic beer. Is it possible to buy it at night, and will this drink be sold to minors?

When figuring out how much non-alcoholic beer is sold for, one must be guided by the fact that all food products that contain more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol are classified as alcoholic. If the label indicates that the beer contains less than 0.5%, then it is not subject to laws restricting the circulation of alcoholic beverages.

That is, you can buy and sell it at any time of the day.

Capital nuances

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region are faced with the fact that they have different rules for the sale of alcohol. Thus, in the capital you can freely buy alcohol until 23:00. Those who did not have time to do this can go to stores for alcohol as early as 8 am. When figuring out how long beer is sold in Moscow, you need to focus on federal standards.

But the leadership of the Moscow region took a different path. In the Moscow region, everyone must purchase alcoholic beverages before 21:00. After this time, the ban is already in effect. Those who like to go to the store early in the morning will also be disappointed - the sale of alcohol is allowed only after 11 am. Of course, if you wish, you can go to the capital to buy beer, but it is better to purchase it in advance.

General prohibitions

Retail sale of any drinks, including low-alcohol drinks, is prohibited, regardless of time, near medical, children's and sports facilities, and in cultural organizations. In the latter case, an exception is made for established buffets or other food outlets at the specified establishments. The sale of alcoholic beverages at military facilities, as well as in the adjacent territory, is prohibited.

You cannot sell beer (as well as stronger drinks) in all establishments that are not considered stationary retail outlets. These include tents, stalls, and kiosks.

Also, the law on trade rules prohibits the sale of any alcoholic beverages in places where there is a large gathering of citizens, and there is increased danger from transport. Such objects include train stations and airports. But exceptions are made for duty-free shops and bars/cafes operating at these facilities.

Alternative Paths

It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised to learn that the Russian people found an opportunity to bypass passed law side. The most simple option is the advance purchase of alcohol. In this case, there will be no need for you to even find out how long beer is sold until, because you will buy everything in advance. But for many, this option is not suitable, since the thought that they want something intoxicating comes just at the moment when sales are already prohibited.

Another rather banal and simple option is to go to any bar. You can buy beer there at any time as long as it is open. But many people think this is too expensive a way to purchase alcohol.

There is another option that allows you to forget about how retail is supposed to work. These are online alcohol stores. They work without restrictions around the clock and are ready to bring the selected alcohol to your home. They manage to circumvent the law in the following way. According to the documents, the transfer of alcohol at night is not a sale, but a temporary lease on security. If by the morning the client does not return the alcohol brought to him, then the money immediately goes into the income of the online store. Of course, the cost of alcohol is higher than in the nearest supermarket, but this does not stop many.

In fact, it turned out that the introduction of restrictions on the sale of alcohol gave rise to the emergence of middlemen who profit from lovers of nightly libations. Although, on the other hand, after the introduction of these restrictions, the number of accidents committed while drunk and domestic crimes significantly decreased.

Last year, 2017, the legislation in the field of circulation of alcoholic products, in particular beer, underwent some changes. Punishments for violations in this area have been tightened, and some provisions regarding the rules for the circulation of alcohol-containing products have been changed.

The essence of the law

Main legal document in the field of sales of alcohol, and beer in particular, acts as a State Duma RF in July and approved by the Federation Council of the RF in November 1995.

Structurally, Law 171-FZ is presented in four chapters, including 27 articles. Let's consider summary law, outlining the main theses:

Chapter 1. General provisions : scope of the law, basic concepts, relevant legislation, state monopoly on the production and circulation of alcohol and alcohol, powers of federal and local authorities in this area.

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Chapter 2. Requirements for the production and circulation of beer: rules for using equipment, circulation and supply of alcohol and alcohol, accompanying documentation, special requirements, taxation and labeling, regulation of import and export of alcoholic products, accounting and declaration of production volume, turnover and use of grape volume (in the production of wine and cognac products), registration production equipment, requirements for retail sales, rules and restrictions on drinking.

Chapter 3. Licensing: types of activities subject to licensing, procedure for issuing a license, suspension, renewal and termination and cancellation of a license, procedure for appealing a refusal to issue a license.

Read about state secrets

Chapter 4. State supervision: control in the field of production, supervision of compliance with mandatory requirements, licensing control, supervision of the use of equipment, public control, SRO of winemakers and winegrowers, suppression of illegal production and trafficking of alcohol, restrictions, features of the application of certain provisions of Law 171-FZ.

As can be seen from the thesis structure of the law, the main subjects of regulation of this law are the production and circulation of ethyl production and alcoholic products, as well as restrictions on drinking alcohol.

As for beer, in paragraph 13.1 of part 1 of Art. 2 of Law 171-FZ defines this drink, brief description production technologies and characteristics of tolerances on the content of components.

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Also, the “beer law” states that technological equipment for the production of beer and beer drinks must be equipped with automation that measures and takes into account the concentration (strength) of the drink, as well as the volume finished products, an exception is made for small breweries.

Article 12 of the law states that the requirements for mandatory labeling of alcoholic beverages do not apply to beer and beer drinks.

An exception has also been made for beer and beer drinks in the retail sector. At retail trade alcohol and the provision of public catering services, only organizations have the right to sell alcoholic products. However, individual entrepreneurs also have the right to sell beer and beer drinks.

According to the provisions of Part 7 of Article 16 on special requirements for the retail sale of alcohol when providing public catering services, as well as for drinking alcohol, a ban on drinking alcohol in public places also applies to beer and beer drinks. If the drink was purchased at an establishment, it should only be consumed in that establishment.

According to Part 9 of the same article of the “law on the sale of beer,” the rule banning the sale of alcohol between 11 p.m. and 8 a.m. local time also applies to beer, but the sale of this drink in establishments (restaurants, bars, etc.) is permitted.

Federal Law on Trade in a new edition

Paragraph 1 of Article 18 states that production and circulation of beer and beer drinks are not subject to licensing. Let us recall that the term “turnover” (according to paragraph 16 of Article 2) includes purchase, delivery, storage, transportation and retail sales.

On January 1, 2018, the deferrals and relaxations that applied to Crimea and the city of Sevastopol ended. Now the requirements for the production and circulation of alcohol in this territory are imposed in full.

Are there penalties for breaking the law?

In July 2017, the President signed a law amending the Russian Federation Code on administrative offenses, which provide for increased liability for the illegal sale of alcohol. Responsibility for violating the rules for the production and sale of alcoholic beverages is prescribed in Articles 14.16 - 14.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Let's figure it out how to sell beer under the new law. When selling bottled and draft beer, the seller must consider and observe the following main points:

Trading time. According to Law 171-FZ, the permissible time for the sale of alcohol in the country is from 8 to 23 hours local time. In some cities and regions, even stricter restrictions have been established, and the night ban may also be supplemented by certain holidays on which retail alcohol cannot be sold - for example, on school graduation days.

For violation there is a fine in the amount of:

  • For the seller - 30 - 50 thousand rubles;
  • For the owner of a store or retail outlet: 5-10 thousand rubles;
  • For individual entrepreneur and legal entity: up to 100 thousand rubles with confiscation.

Place of trade. Beer can only be sold in stationary shopping facilities(the building must be capital and consist of unified register real estate). Selling beer in stalls and kiosks is prohibited. It is also prohibited to sell beer in the following facilities and in the areas adjacent to them: children's, educational and medical institutions, sports and cultural facilities, public transport of all types and its stops, gas stations, markets, train stations, airports and other places of public gathering (with the exception of catering ), military installations.

For selling alcohol in the wrong place, a fine is imposed in the amount of:

  • From business owners 10-15 thousand rubles;
  • From a legal entity - up to 300 thousand rubles.

EGAIS— Unified state automated information system. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs purchasing beer for retail sale are required to connect to the system only to confirm purchases of wholesale quantities from legal suppliers. The seller must register on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website. After this, the system will need to confirm the fact of purchasing a batch each time and reflect the remaining product.

For violation of the procedure for recording information on the volume of alcohol turnover in the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS) fines are imposed in the following amounts:

  • For individuals (company manager) - from 10 to 15 thousand rubles;
  • For legal entities- 150,000 - 200,000 rubles.

In both cases, confiscation of illegally sold products is possible.

Availability of a cash register. From March 31, 2017, beer trade, including in public catering, is possible only with the use of cash register- regardless of the tax regime. Selling beer without using a cash register is punishable according to Article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The fine is:

  • For individual entrepreneurs and heads of organizations - 25% - 50% of the settlement amount, but not less than 10,000 rubles;
  • For organizations - from 75% to 100% of the settlement amount, but not less than 30,000 rubles.

Buyer's age. If there is the slightest doubt about the buyer’s age, the seller should ask him to present an identification document.

For the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors, an administrative fine is provided in the amount (Part 2.1 of Article 14.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • For the seller - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles;
  • For a manager (official) - from 100 to 200 thousand rubles;
  • For legal entities - from 300 to 500 thousand rubles.

Maintaining a register of retail trade volumes is a mandatory requirement for sellers of alcohol and in particular beer. The log must be completed daily.

For violation of this requirement or incorrect journal keeping, a fine is imposed in the amount of:

  • For individual entrepreneurs - from 10 to 15 thousand rubles;
  • For organizations - from 150 to 200 thousand.

In addition, a declaration on beer turnover must be submitted quarterly to Rosalkogolregulirovanie. Download useful files:

Container and its volume. A sensational innovation in relatively recent times prescribes a ban on the production and sale of beer bottled in plastic container volume more than 1.5 liters. This change was associated with government policy combat beer alcoholism and was done to reduce alcohol consumption by the population.

For violation this provision fine is provided:

  • For individual entrepreneurs - from 100 to 200 thousand rubles;
  • For organizations - from 300 to 500 thousand.

In case illegal sale of alcohol an individual , the violator faces a fine of 30 to 50 thousand rubles (Article 14.17.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

What changes have been made?

Amendments came into force on January 1, 2018, registered in Federal law N 278-FZ dated July 29, 2017. In many ways, the changes affected the circulation of medicinal and medical supplies and medications containing alcohol.

Below we will discuss in more detail the amendments to the law that specifically affected the circulation of beer and alcoholic beverages.

Clause 2.3 art. 11 was presented in a different edition. Thus, an organization producing alcoholic products must own, operate, manage or lease for a period of one year production and warehouse premises that meet the established requirements, which are real estate.

Article 11 of Law 171-FZ was also supplemented with clause 8, according to which the production of alcoholic beverages whose strength is less than 15% and containing tonic substances is prohibited. Such drinks are allowed to be produced only for export purposes.

Clause 1 of Article 14 has been reworded. Its provisions mostly affected the recording of the volume of production of alcoholic products and the procedure for declaring them, which was described in detail in the subsection of this article on fines.

Clause 1 of Article 26 on restrictions in the production and circulation of alcohol was supplemented with a paragraph stating that from now on, when moving across the territory of Russia and across the state border, either on foot or by car or other transport, one person should have no more than 10 liters of unmarked alcohol. alcohol products.

The fine for disseminating such information will be:

  • For citizens from 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles;
  • For officials— from 20 thousand to 40 thousand rubles;
  • For legal entities - from 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles.

Download the current version of the law

This information will be useful to both producers and consumers of beer and beer drinks. In addition, the information presented in the article can serve as a reminder for owners and managers of stores and establishments selling these products.

For more detailed information about the provisions of the law, we offer No. 171-FZ dated November 22, 1995 “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” with amendments and additions that came into force on 1 January 2018.