Town Planning Code in the latest edition. What is the town planning code of the Russian Federation? Making the spatial planning scheme a reality

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Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation 2020, 2019

  • checked today
  • edition dated December 28, 2019
  • entered into force on December 30, 2004

The Code has a new edition, which comes into force on December 1, 2020.
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Code checked yesterday at 09:32:16

Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation - includes norms and rules governing issues of town planning activities, territorial planning, architectural and construction design, as well as overhaul and reconstruction of capital construction projects. The new Town Planning Code, adopted to replace the outdated 1998 code, defines the basic principles of legislation in the field of town planning, preservation of cultural heritage sites and the creation of favorable living conditions.

The Code establishes liability for violation of urban planning legislation and defines its features for cities of federal significance: Moscow and St. Petersburg. The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation ensures the sustainable development of territories through territorial planning, taking into account economic, social and environmental factors. The Town Planning Code provides conditions for compliance with all engineering and technical requirements, safety requirements, civil defense requirements and the prevention of technical and natural emergencies.

The Urban Planning Code establishes the rules for compensation for damage caused as a result of violations of the law by both individuals and legal entities. The new town planning code has introduced an article on self-regulation of engineering surveys, construction, architectural and construction design, reconstruction and overhaul.

Latest changes in the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation

  • Code changes,
  • Code changes,
  • Code changes,
  • Code changes,
  • Code changes,
  • Chapter 1. General provisions

  • Chapter 2. Powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments in the field of urban planning activities

  • Chapter 3. Territorial planning

  • Chapter 2.1. Pricing and estimate standardization in the field of urban planning activities, federal register of estimate standards

  • Chapter 4. Urban zoning

  • Chapter 3.1. Urban planning standards

  • Chapter 5. Territory planning

  • Chapter 6. Architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects

    • Section 49 specially protected natural areas, within the boundaries of the Baikal natural territory
  • Construction participants should know what the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation is, what sections it consists of, and what it regulates. In essence, this is a set of legislative acts that describe the rules for development, planning and improvement of settlements, issuing construction permits, creating infrastructure, the basics of environmental protection, responsibility and nuances of interaction between subjects of legal relations.

    The latest edition of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is valid from September 30, 2017. It defines the main rules for development, and also precisely indicates the zones permitted for reconstruction, construction and other actions of a similar nature. The document is of particular importance in the urban planning field. The main goal of creating the new Civil Code of the Russian Federation in 2017 was to eliminate arbitrariness and violation of the law in the construction sector.

    Below we will consider what the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is, what the document regulates, what sections it consists of, how city planning is carried out, and which bodies carry out the work of editing the document.

    If we consider the definition, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation) is a law that establishes norms and rules in the field of urban planning activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. It defines the main requirements for the following work:

    • Architectural and construction planning.
    • Territory planning.
    • Territorial planning.

    The power of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation also extends to the construction sector - the construction, repair and restoration of capital construction projects. The document was prepared for a number of reasons:

    • Streamlining regulations and other legislative acts.
    • Increasing construction volumes.
    • Development of the affordable housing market for people.

    The Civil Code of the Russian Federation clearly indicates the competencies of participants in the urban planning sector, indicates the hierarchy of subordination and the powers of various government bodies. This simplifies the process of implementing the mechanisms of organ relationships.

    What does it regulate?

    The purpose of the town planning code is to regulate:

    1. Urban planning relationships that are associated with work aimed at the development of certain zones (cities and other settlements) - engineering surveys, territorial planning, construction and restoration of capital construction projects, architectural and construction design, territory planning, major repairs (work that affects the safety of the facility) .
    2. Relations related to the prevention of emergencies and the elimination of their consequences, as well as the adoption of measures to guarantee construction safety.
    3. Relations related to obtaining and terminating the status of an SRO, the activities of an SRO, determining the legal status, the use of disciplinary measures and the establishment of an SRO procedure.
    4. Relations related to the development of artificial plots of land.

    Structure of the Town Planning Code

    The Civil Code of the Russian Federation consists of nine main and two additional chapters. They describe:

    1. General provisions.
    2. Powers of state power structures of the Russian Federation, state power structures of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government.
    3. Territorial planning.
    4. Urban zoning.
    5. Territory planning.
    6. Construction and reconstruction of capital construction projects, architectural and construction design.
    • Self-regulation in the sector of construction and restoration of capital construction buildings, architectural and construction design, regulation in the field of engineering surveys.
    • Operation of facilities (buildings and structures).
    1. Ensuring urban planning activities in the information sector.
    2. Responsibility for violation of the law of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
    3. Features of conducting activities in the urban planning sector in cities of federal significance (St. Petersburg, Moscow).

    How is a city planned?

    Territorial planning of the city is a complex of works.

    Preparation and subsequent approval of planning schemes for the territory of the Russian Federation

    Such schemes are approved by the Russian government. If we are talking about defense facilities or those related to security, their approval is carried out in a special manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The creation of schemes is carried out taking into account engineering surveys and current regulations in the construction industry, regulations on planning the territory of the Russian Federation, proposals from interested parties and other documents.

    Before approval, draft schemes are reviewed and agreed (before approval) with interested government structures, taking into account Art. 12 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Draft schemes must be published in the manner established for the official publication of regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and other documents. The process is organized no less than 3 months before approval with subsequent placement on the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Interested bodies have the right to put forward their proposals regarding draft territorial planning schemes of the Russian Federation. The latter must be published taking into account the current procedure and posted on the official Government resource.

    Planning schemes for the territory of the Russian Federation, within up to 3 days from the date of approval, are transferred to the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal authorities responsible for the territories for which planning schemes have been created. Owners of rights to linear objects, capital construction structures and land plots can challenge territorial planning schemes if the changes made violate them in any way. Protection of interests is carried out with the involvement of judicial authorities.

    Government bodies of the Russian Federation, local government entities, as well as interested parties (ordinary citizens and companies) have the right to make proposals for changes to the schemes. This work is carried out taking into account the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The specifics and procedure for preparing draft planning schemes of the Russian Federation, as well as the nuances of making changes, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. If we are talking about objects related to the defense sector and security, the procedure for changes and publication takes into account the current legislation in relation to state secrets.

    Approval of draft planning schemes for the territory of the Russian Federation

    The draft planning schemes for the territory of the Russian Federation must be agreed upon with the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in situations where new proposals imply amendments to existing documents relating to territorial planning, the boundaries of agricultural lands, environmental lands and plots owned by the subject. In addition, it is necessary to agree on issues related to the placement of capital construction structures of national importance, which in the future may negatively affect the environment.

    Other issues may not be agreed upon when preparing the draft site planning scheme. The approval period should not exceed 3 months from the date of submission to the highest government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in relation to the territories for which a draft of such a territory planning scheme is being prepared. This also applies to areas where the planned structure may have a negative impact.

    If the highest body does not give its resolution within the period established at the legislative level, it is considered that it agreed to the implementation of the draft planning scheme for the territory of the Russian Federation. The highest body of state power of the Russian Federation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation transfers the draft scheme to local authorities in relation to the territories for which the documentation has been prepared. Local authorities, in turn, review the received documents, study aspects of changing the boundaries of plots, land use rules and issues regarding objects whose construction may have a negative impact on the environment.

    Local authorities are given no more than 30 days from the date of preparation of documents to prepare a conclusion. If no decision is received during this period, it is assumed by default that they agree with such a draft planning scheme for the territory of the Russian Federation.

    The highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the conclusion received from local authorities (if it has been submitted), prepares a final conclusion on the draft planning scheme for the territory of the Russian Federation. It may contain a provision on disagreement with the project with justification for such a decision. If several different entities do not agree with the projects, a conciliation commission is created within 30 days, which operates for 3 months. Its task is to resolve issues of coordination of issues with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The result of her work is:

    • Issuance of a document confirming the approval of the draft planning scheme for the territory of the Russian Federation, and preparation for approval of the scheme with the amendments made (taking into account the recommendations of local authorities).
    • Preparation of materials in text and graphic form on issues that required priority approval.

    The specified papers and materials may contain proposals to exclude from the project materials on issues that have not been agreed upon. They can be reflected on the graphic part in order to visually display the points that deserve the most attention. A plan for reconciling issues that arose after the approval of the Russian Federation territory planning scheme is also indicated.

    On the basis of the papers submitted to the conciliation commission, the issue of further approval of the planning scheme for the territory of the Russian Federation or its rejection is decided. In the latter case, the document can be sent for revision and subsequent changes for approval by all participants. In this case, the general procedure for approving the draft scheme is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Making the spatial planning scheme a reality

    If all issues are agreed upon, the last stage is to implement the plan within 3 months from the date of approval. The plan for implementing the scheme specifies the following issues:

    • The deadlines for preparing documents on territory planning for the construction of capital construction projects, the boundaries of land plots for the placement of such structures are being clarified.
    • Project preparation period and timing of construction of a capital construction facility of national importance.
    • Financial and economic justification for the planning scheme.

    Who edits the code and how often do they do it?

    As noted at the beginning of the article, the Town Planning Code is the law of a subject of the Russian Federation, which approves the changes made and gives them legislative force. Recommendations for making amendments are made by authorized bodies in the field of construction, after which they are studied by local authorities. Based on the conclusion, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation make a decision on the possibility of approving changes.

    The Town Planning Code was adopted on December 22, 2004, after which changes are regularly made to it with an average frequency of twice a year.

    Regulating urban planning and certain related relations on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    Encyclopedic YouTube

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      ✪ How to obtain permission to build individual housing construction - Part 2 What is individual housing construction? Obtaining permission step by step.

      ✪ #3 Changes in the town planning code. Pricing reform 2017


      friends Let's discuss Why do you need permission? About the permit, you google separately and see what is what for whom We will make a separate video for this Which will be sad in which I will talk for a long time about the code as an article and so on Let's talk about the problem now What time Before 2016 People for some reason did not need permission to build a residential building Houses. And now suddenly everyone needs it Let’s go into a little detail to understand what the problem is... Since March 2016, changes have been made to the Land Code after which the Cadastral fee, well, now together with the registration fee for simplified registration, call it “Dacha Amnesty” for an individual residential building began to require a building permit, hello, now you definitely need a permit. Organizations that are ready to help you get a building permit for a small and sometimes a large amount of money. In our videos, I would like to tell you that getting a permit is easy, quick and inexpensive, I will tell you point by point all the documents that need to be obtained, what needs to be checked in them and where and how they need to be submitted. If you have a question: Should you start construction and installation work or get permission first? Definitely - get a building permit. As soon as you cross this line, you will complicate your path many times over. You become a violator. You will need to take money to different organizations, don’t create problems for yourself. Getting a permit is not difficult; you don’t need to start work before the permit. Let’s answer the question When You do not need a building permit. All this is determined by the town planning code of the Russian Federation. You should not rely on the opinion of a lawyer you know or a telephone conversation with Architecture, much less rely on the experience of those who built a house without permission. All your actions with architecture and other bodies are regulated by the town planning code of the Russian Federation. You need study the document yourself and determine for yourself whether you need permission or not. Let's talk with you about some points of the town planning code. Article 51, paragraph 17. The issuance of building permits is not required in the case of Written for ordinary people =) Construction of a garage on a land plot provided to an individual for unrelated purposes with the implementation of entrepreneurial activities or construction on a land plot provided for gardening, summer cottage farming. I think the question will not arise here. If you are building a garage, you do not need a permit. If you are building a country house, you do not need a permit. If you are building an individual plot on a plot for gardening. residential building permit You need You need to understand this Construction reconstruction of non-capital construction objects Kiosks, sheds, and others. .. A shawarma bar can be built just like that. Construction of buildings for auxiliary use on a land plot. Summer kitchen, barn, bathhouse. Changing capital construction projects and or their parts... ... ... Blah blah blah A lot of things are said there The main thing is that if you are reconstructing your house and making two from one With an increased area Permission You need In principle everything In all other cases You building permit required

    Subject of legal regulation of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation

    The subject of legal regulation is determined by Art. 4 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    1. Urban planning relations - relations associated with urban planning activities, that is, with activities for the development of territories, including cities and other settlements, carried out in the form of: - territorial planning, - urban planning zoning, - territory planning, - architectural and construction design, including engineering surveys, - construction of reconstruction of capital construction projects, - capital repairs, which affect the structural and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of capital construction projects, - operation of buildings and structures (this type is included in the concept of urban planning activities from 01.01. 2013); 2. Relations related to: - taking measures to ensure construction safety, - preventing emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, - eliminating their consequences - when carrying out urban planning activities, unless such relations are regulated by special laws; 3. Relations directly specified in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation related to: - acquiring the status of an SRO, - termination of the status of an SRO, - determining the legal status of an SRO, - carrying out the activities of an SRO, - establishing a procedure for an SRO to exercise control over the activities of its members, - the application of disciplinary measures by an SRO to its members - the procedure for exercising state control (supervision) over the activities of SROs; 4. Relations related to the creation of artificial land plots. 5. Relations related to the collection and processing of information necessary to determine the estimated cost of construction.

    Previous laws

    Part 1 art. 9 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following territorial planning documents:

    • RF;
    • Territorial planning schemes for subjects of the Russian Federation;
    • Territorial planning schemes for municipalities:
      • Spatial planning schemes for municipal districts,
      • Master plans for urban and rural settlements,
      • Master plans of urban districts.

    On September 1, 2011, Art. 57.1 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, providing for the creation Federal State Information System for Territorial Planning, which is defined as an information and analytical system that provides access to information contained in state information resources, state and municipal information systems, including information systems for supporting urban planning activities, and necessary to support the activities of state authorities and local governments in the region territorial planning., regulatory legal acts of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg and which establish territorial zones, urban planning regulations, the procedure for applying such a document and the procedure for making changes to it (clause 8 of article 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation ).

    Territorial zones are zones for which the land use and development rules define boundaries and establish town planning regulations (Clause 7, Article 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    Urban planning regulations - types of permitted use of land plots established within the boundaries of the corresponding territorial zone, as well as everything that is located above and below the surface of land plots and is used in the process of their development and subsequent operation of capital construction projects, maximum (minimum and (or) maximum) the size of land plots and the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, as well as restrictions on the use of land plots and capital construction projects (clause 9 of article 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    Territory planning

    Preparation of documentation on territory planning is carried out in relation to built-up or subject to development territories(clause 1 of article 41 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    Preparation of the territory planning project is carried out to highlight the elements of the planning structure (blocks, microdistricts, other elements), establish the parameters of the planned development planning structure elements(clause 1 of article 42 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    Preparation of projects for land surveying of territories is carried out in relation to built-up and subject to development territories, located within the boundaries of the elements of the planning structure established by the territory planning projects (clause 1 of article 43 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    Preparation of urban planning plans for land plots is carried out in relation to built-up or intended for construction and reconstruction of capital construction projects land plots(clause 1 of article 44 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).



    Document with changes made:

    • Federal Law of July 22, 2005 N 117-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 162, July 27, 2005) (came into force on January 1, 2006);
    • Federal Law of December 31, 2005 N 199-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 297, December 31, 2005) (came into force on January 1, 2006);
    • Federal Law of December 31, 2005 N 210-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 297, December 31, 2005) (came into force on January 1, 2006);
    • Federal Law of June 3, 2006 N 73-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 121, 06/08/2006) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 21 of the Federal Law of June 3, 2006 N 73-FZ);
    • Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 143-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 165, 07/29/2006);
    • Federal Law of December 4, 2006 N 201-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 277, 12/08/2006) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 40 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2006 N 201-FZ);
    • Federal Law of December 18, 2006 N 232-FZ (Parliamentary Newspaper, N 214-215, December 21, 2006) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 38 of the Federal Law of December 18, 2006 N 232-FZ);
    • Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 258-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 297, December 31, 2006) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 29 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 258-FZ);
    • Federal Law of May 10, 2007 N 69-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 104, 05/18/2007);
    • Federal Law of July 24, 2007 N 215-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 164, 07/31/2007);
    • Federal Law of October 30, 2007 N 240-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 248, 07.11.2007) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 9 of the Federal Law of October 30, 2007 N 240-FZ);
    • Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 257-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 254, November 14, 2007) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 63 of the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 257-FZ);
    • Federal Law of December 4, 2007 N 324-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 276, 12/08/2007) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 8 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 N 324-FZ);
    • Federal Law of May 13, 2008 N 66-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 105, 05/17/2008) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 22 of the Federal Law of May 13, 2008 N 66-FZ);
    • Federal Law of May 16, 2008 N 75-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 106, 05/20/2008);
    • Federal Law of July 14, 2008 N 118-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 153, 07/18/2008) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 33 of the Federal Law of July 14, 2008 N 118-FZ);
    • Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 148-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 158, 07/25/2008) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 8 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 148-FZ);
    • Federal Law of July 23, 2008 N 160-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 158, 07/25/2008) (came into force on January 1, 2009);
    • Federal Law of December 25, 2008 N 281-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 266, 12/30/2008) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 31 of the Federal Law of December 25, 2008 N 281-FZ);
    • Federal Law of December 30, 2008 N 309-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 267, December 31, 2008) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 49 of the Federal Law of December 30, 2008 N 309-FZ);
    • Federal Law of July 17, 2009 N 164-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 134, 07/23/2009) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 11 of the Federal Law of July 17, 2009 N 164-FZ);
    • Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 226, November 27, 2009) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 49 of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ);
    • Federal Law of December 27, 2009 N 343-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 252, 12/29/2009);
    • Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 226-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 169, 08/02/2010) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 7 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 226-FZ);
    • Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 240-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 169, 08/02/2010) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 240-FZ);
    • Federal Law of November 22, 2010 N 305-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 268, November 26, 2010);
    • Federal Law of November 29, 2010 N 314-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 274, 12/03/2010);
    • Federal Law of March 20, 2011 N 41-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 63, 03/25/2011) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 12 of the Federal Law of March 20, 2011 N 41-FZ);
    • Federal Law of April 21, 2011 N 69-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 88, 04/25/2011) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 10 of the Federal Law of April 21, 2011 N 69-FZ);
    • Federal Law of July 1, 2011 N 169-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 142, 07/04/2011) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 74 of the Federal Law of July 1, 2011 N 169-FZ);
    • Federal Law of July 11, 2011 N 190-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 153, 07/15/2011) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 42 of the Federal Law of July 11, 2011 N 190-FZ);
    • Federal Law of July 11, 2011 N 200-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 153, 07/15/2011) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 56 of the Federal Law of July 11, 2011 N 200-FZ);
    • Federal Law of July 18, 2011 N 215-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 159, 07/22/2011) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 11 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 N 215-FZ);
    • Federal Law of July 18, 2011 N 224-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 159, 07/22/2011) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 6 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 N 224-FZ);
    • Federal Law of July 18, 2011 N 242-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 160, 07/25/2011) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 71 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 N 242-FZ);
    • Federal Law of July 18, 2011 N 243-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 159, 07/22/2011);
    • Federal Law of July 19, 2011 N 246-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 159, 07/22/2011);
    • Federal Law of July 21, 2011 N 257-FZ (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 161, 07/26/2011) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 8 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2011 N 257-FZ);
    • Federal Law of November 28, 2011 N 337-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, November 29, 2011) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 18 of the Federal Law of November 28, 2011 N 337- Federal Law);
    • Federal Law of November 30, 2011 N 364-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, 12/01/2011);
    • Federal Law of December 6, 2011 N 401-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, 06.12.2011) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 N 401- Federal Law);
    • Federal Law of June 25, 2012 N 93-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, June 25, 2012);
    • Federal Law of July 20, 2012 N 120-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, July 23, 2012);
    • Federal Law of July 28, 2012 N 133-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, July 30, 2012) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 41 of the Federal Law of July 28, 2012 N 133- Federal Law);
    • Federal Law of November 12, 2012 N 179-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, November 13, 2012);
    • Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 289-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, December 31, 2012) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 9 of Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 289- Federal Law);
    • Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 294-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, December 31, 2012) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 7 of Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 294- Federal Law);
    • Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 318-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, December 31, 2012);
    • Federal Law of March 4, 2013 N 21-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, 03/04/2013);
    • Federal Law of March 4, 2013 N 22-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, 03/04/2013) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 11 of the Federal Law of March 4, 2013 N 22- Federal Law);
    • Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 43-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, 04/08/2013);
    • Federal Law of June 7, 2013 N 113-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, 06/07/2013) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 10 of Federal Law of June 7, 2013 N 113- Federal Law);
    • Federal Law of July 2, 2013 N 185-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, 07/08/2013) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 163 of the Federal Law of July 2, 2013 N 185- Federal Law);
    • Federal Law of July 2, 2013 N 188-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, 07/03/2013);
    • Federal Law of July 23, 2013 N 207-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, July 23, 2013) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 6 of the Federal Law of July 23, 2013 N 207- Federal Law);
    • Federal Law of July 23, 2013 N 247-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, July 24, 2013);
    • Federal Law of October 21, 2013 N 282-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, October 21, 2013);
    • Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 396-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, December 30, 2013) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 48 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 396- Federal Law);
    • Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 418-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, December 30, 2013) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 6 of Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 418- Federal Law);
    • Federal Law of April 2, 2014 N 65-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, 04/02/2014);
    • Federal Law of April 20, 2014 N 80-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, 04/21/2014);
    • Federal Law of May 5, 2014 N 131-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, 05.05.2014);
    • Federal Law of June 28, 2014 N 180-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, 06/30/2014);
    • Federal Law of June 28, 2014 N 181-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, 06/30/2014);
    • Federal Law of July 21, 2014 N 217-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, July 22, 2014) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 15 of Federal Law of July 21, 2014 N 217- Federal Law);
    • Federal Law of July 21, 2014 N 224-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, July 22, 2014) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 8 of Federal Law of July 21, 2014 N 224- Federal Law);
    • Federal Law of October 22, 2014 N 320-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, October 23, 2014, N 0001201410230006);
    • Federal Law of October 14, 2014 N 307-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, October 15, 2014, N 0001201410150002) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 36 of the Federal Law of October 14, 2014 N 307-FZ);
    • Federal Law of October 22, 2014 N 315-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, October 23, 2014, N 0001201410230005) (for the procedure for entry into force, see Article 18 of the Federal Law of October 22, 2014 N 315-FZ);
    • Federal Law of November 24, 2014 N 359-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, November 25, 2014, N 0001201411250018);
    • Federal Law of December 29, 2014 N 456-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, December 29, 2014, N 0001201412290005) (came into force on January 1, 2015);
    • Federal Law of December 29, 2014 N 485-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, December 29, 2014, N 0001201412290016);
    • Federal Law of December 31, 2014 N 533-FZ (Official Internet portal of legal information, December 31, 2014, N 0001201412310102).

    Chapter 1. General provisions (Articles 1-5)

    Chapter 2. Powers of government bodies of the Russian Federation,

    government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies

    local self-government in the field of urban planning activities (Articles 6 - 8.2)

    Chapter 3. Territorial planning (Articles 9 - 29)

    Chapter 3.1. Urban planning standards (Articles 29.1 - 29.4)

    Chapter 4. Urban zoning (Articles 30 - 40)

    Chapter 5. Territory planning (Articles 41 - 46.8)

    Chapter 6. Architectural and construction design, construction,

    reconstruction of capital construction projects (Articles 47 - 55)

    • Article 49. Examination of design documentation and results of engineering surveys, state environmental examination of design documentation of objects, the construction and reconstruction of which are supposed to be carried out in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in internal sea waters, in the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation, on specially protected natural areas in the Baikal natural territory.

    Chapter 6.1. Self-regulation in the field of engineering surveys,

    architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction,

    capital repairs of capital construction projects (Articles 55.1 - 55.23)

    • Article 55.2. Acquisition by a self-regulatory organization in the field of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects the right to issue certificates of admission to work that affect the safety of capital construction projects, termination of such right.
    • Article 55.4. Requirements for a self-regulatory organization in the field of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects, necessary to acquire the right to issue certificates of admission to work that affect the safety of capital construction projects.
    • Article 55.13. Control of a self-regulatory organization over the activities of its members. Article 55.15. Application by a self-regulatory organization of disciplinary measures against members of a self-regulatory organization. Article 55.17. Maintaining a register of members of a self-regulatory organization. Article 55.19. State supervision over the activities of self-regulatory organizations. Article 55.21. All-Russian Congress of Self-Regulatory Organizations. Article 55.22. Council of the National Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations. Article 55.24. Requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for the operation of buildings and structures. Article 55.27. An agreement on the development of territory for the purpose of construction and operation of a rented house for social use, an agreement on the development of territory for the purpose of construction and operation of a rented house for commercial use. Article 55.29. Requirements for auction participants for the right to conclude an agreement on the development of territory for the purpose of construction and operation of a rented house for commercial use, an agreement on the development of territory for the purpose of construction and operation of a rented house for social use.

    Chapter 7. Information support

    urban planning activities (Articles 56 - 57.1)

    • Article 56. Information systems for supporting urban planning activities.
    • Article 57. The procedure for maintaining information systems for supporting urban planning activities and providing information about information systems for supporting urban planning activities.
    • Article 57.1. Federal State Information System for Territorial Planning.

    Chapter 8. Responsibility for violation of the law

    on urban planning activities (Articles 58 - 62)

    • Article 58. Liability for violation of legislation on urban planning activities.
    • Article 59. Compensation for damage caused to the life or health of individuals, property of individuals or legal entities during the implementation of territorial planning and urban zoning.
    • Article 60. Compensation for harm caused as a result of destruction, damage to a capital construction project, violation of safety requirements during the construction of a capital construction project, requirements for ensuring the safe operation of a building or structure.
    • Article 61. Compensation for damage caused to the life, health or property of individuals.
    • Article 62. Investigation of cases of harm to the life or health of individuals, property of individuals or legal entities as a result of violation of legislation on urban planning activities.

    Chapter 9. Features of urban planning activities in the constituent entities

    Russian Federation - federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg (Article 63)

    • Article 63. Features of the implementation of urban planning activities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    Russian Federation


    Town Planning Code· · General plan · Layout project · Land surveying project · GPZU

    Basic instruments of urban regulation

    Types of urban developments

    acc. from Part 1 Art. 9 GSK RF 2004 territorial planning is aimed at definition in territorial planning documents purpose of territories based on a combination of social, economic, environmental and other factors in order to ensure the sustainable development of territories, the development of engineering, transport and social infrastructure, ensuring that the interests of citizens and their associations, the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and municipalities are taken into account.

    Part 1 art. 9 GSK RF 2004 provides for the following territorial planning documents:

    • RF;
    • Territorial planning schemes for constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
    • Territorial planning schemes for municipalities:
      • Spatial planning schemes for municipal districts,
      • Master plans for urban and rural settlements,

    On September 1, 2011, Art. 57.1 GSK RF 2004, providing for the creation Federal State Information System for Territorial Planning, which is defined as an information and analytical system that provides access to information contained in state information resources, state and municipal information systems, including information systems for supporting urban planning activities, and necessary to support the activities of state authorities and local governments in the region territorial planning.

    Urban zoning

    Urban planning zoning (clause 6 of article 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation 2004) - zoning of the territories of municipalities in order to determine territorial zones and establish urban planning regulations.

    Rules of land use and development - a document of urban planning zoning, which is approved by regulatory legal acts of local self-government bodies, regulatory legal acts of state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation - federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg and which establishes territorial zones, urban planning regulations, the procedure for applying such a document and the procedure for entering amendments to it (clause 8 of article 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation 2004).

    Territorial zones are zones for which the land use and development rules define boundaries and establish town planning regulations (Clause 7, Article 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, 2004).

    Urban planning regulations - types of permitted use of land plots established within the boundaries of the corresponding territorial zone, as well as everything that is located above and below the surface of land plots and is used in the process of their development and subsequent operation of capital construction projects, maximum (minimum and (or) maximum) the size of land plots and the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, as well as restrictions on the use of land plots and capital construction projects (clause 9 of article 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation 2004).

    Territory planning

    Preparation of documentation on territory planning is carried out in relation to built-up or subject to development territories(clause 1 of article 41 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation 2004).

    Preparation of a territory planning project is carried out to highlight the elements of the planning structure (blocks, microdistricts, other elements), establish the parameters of the planned development planning structure elements(clause 1 of article 42 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation 2004).

    Preparation of land surveying projects is carried out in relation to built-up and subject to development territories, located within the boundaries of the elements of the planning structure established by the territory planning projects (clause 1 of article 43 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, 2004).

    Preparation of urban planning plans for land plots is carried out in relation to built-up or intended for construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects