The story of Prince Alexander Nevsky summary. Brief biography of Alexander Nevsky

Alexander was born on May 30, 1219 in Pereyaslavl. The father of the future warrior, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, was a believer and a fair prince. There is practically no information about his mother, Princess Feodosia Mstislavna. From the few chronicles one can understand that Theodosia Mstislavna was a meek and quiet woman. The same chronicles say that Alexander Nevsky mastered science early, and was also distinguished by agility, strength and endurance. In 1222, Prince Yaroslav began to rule in Novgorod until he had a fight with the Novgorodians, for which the prince was expelled to Pereyaslavl. But Yaroslav Vsevolodovich was forced to leave his sons, Alexander and Fedor, in Novgorod. Life of Alexander Nevsky summary Since 1236, Alexander reigned independently. In 1239, the young ruler married Alexandra Bryachislavna, daughter of the Prince of Polotsk. From the west Livonian Orders, and later the Swedes, began to advance on Pskov and Novgorod. If the Tatars, when conquering cities, did not wage a religious struggle (the yoke could be endured by paying tribute), then warrior-monks came from the west, threatening Orthodox faith. In the winter of 1240, the Swedes landed at the mouth of the Izhora. Alexander, “inflamed in heart,” went against the enemy only with his called squad and a small city militia. A great victory was won off the coast of Ladoga. Novgorod rejoiced, the news of the victory spread throughout Rus'. From that time on, Alexander, Prince of Novgorod, received his great addition to the name - Nevsky. Although some biographers and historians suggest that the surname “Nevsky” was borne by Alexander’s ancestors, who owned land near Novgorod. Soon, the obstinate Novgorodians, fearing the strengthening of princely power and restrictions on liberties, forced Alexander to leave the city, although the attacks of the crusaders were repeated, they robbed and killed. The Novgorodians gathered an embassy to Yaroslav, begging for Alexander to be returned to them. And the enemy was defeated again. In 1242, the Livonian knights forced Alexander's troops to approach Lake Peipsi. Despite the retreat, the “dog knights” were destroyed in the Battle of the Ice, and the order could only conclude a truce. Alexander's father was poisoned in the Horde (1246), after which the Khan called on his sons, Fedor and Alexander. Life of Alexander Nevsky summary Alexander saw that there was no way to win, so he decided to submit to the Tatars. The brothers returned to their homeland only after 3 years. The head of the Catholics, Innocent IV, offered to accept his faith, promising help against the Horde, but received a categorical refusal from Nevsky. Rejecting an alliance with the West, Alexander accepts submission to the East. In 1252, Batu gave Prince Alexander Nevsky a “label”, a sign of official authority over the lands. Alexander Nevsky died in mid-November 1263, and was later canonized by the Orthodox Church of Russia. Even if there is no benefit for a person to lie, this does not mean that he is telling the truth: they simply lie for the sake of lying.

Prince Alexander was the son of Grand Duke Yaroslav. His mother's name was Feodosia. Alexander was taller than others, his voice was like a trumpet, and his face was beautiful. He was strong, wise and brave.

A noble man from the Western country named Andreyash specially came to look at Prince Alexander. Returning to his people, Andreyash said that he had never met a person like Alexander.

Hearing about this, the king of the Roman faith from the Midnight Country wanted to conquer the land of Alexander, came to the Neva and sent

Their ambassadors to Novgorod to Alexander with the notification that he, the king, was taking his land captive.

Alexander prayed in the Church of St. Sophia, received a blessing from Bishop Spiridon and went against the enemies with a small squad. Alexander did not even have time to send a message to his father, and many Novgorodians did not have time to join the campaign.

The elder of the land of Izhora, who bore the name Pelugiy (in holy baptism - Philip), Alexander was entrusted with sea patrol. Having scouted out the strength of the enemy army, Pelugius went to meet Alexander to tell him everything. At dawn, Pelugius saw a boat sailing on the sea, and on it the saints

Martyrs Boris and Gleb. They said that they were going to help their relative Alexander.

Having met Alexander, Pelugius told him about the vision. Alexander ordered not to tell anyone about this.

Prince Alexander entered into battle with the Latins and wounded the king himself with a spear. Six warriors especially distinguished themselves in the battle: Tavrilo Oleksich, Sbyslav Yakunovich, Jacob, Misha, Savva and Ratmir.

The corpses of the killed Latins were also found on the other side of the Izhora River, where Alexander’s army could not pass. An angel of God interrupted them. The remaining enemies fled, and the prince returned victorious.

The next year, the Latins again came from the Western Country and built a city on Alexander's land. Alexander immediately razed the city, executed some enemies, took others prisoner, and pardoned others.

In the third year, in winter, Alexander himself went to German soil with a large army. After all, the enemies have already taken the city of Pskov. Alexander liberated Pskov, but many German cities formed an alliance against Alexander.

The battle took place on Lake Peipsi. The ice there was covered with blood. Eyewitnesses spoke of the army of God in the air, which helped Alexander.

When the prince returned in victory, the clergy and residents of Pskov solemnly greeted him at the city walls.

The Lithuanians began to ravage the Alexandrov volosts, but Alexander defeated their troops, and from then on they began to fear him.

At that time in the Eastern country there was strong king. He sent ambassadors to Alexander and ordered the prince to come to him in the Horde. After the death of his father, Alexander came to Vladimir with a large army. The news of the formidable prince spread across many lands. Alexander, having received a blessing from Bishop Kirill, went to the Horde to see Tsar Batu. He gave him honors and released him.

Tsar Batu was angry with Andrei, the Suzdal prince ( younger brother Alexandra), and his governor Nevruy devastated the Suzdal land. After that Grand Duke Alexander restored cities and churches.

Ambassadors from the Pope came to Alexander. They said that Pope Alexander had sent two cardinals who would tell him about the law of God. But Alexander replied that the Russians know the law, but do not accept teaching from the Latins.

At that time the king from Eastern country forced Christians to go on campaigns with him. Alexander came to the Horde to persuade the king not to do this. And he sent his son Dmitry to Western countries. Dmitry took the city of Yuryev and returned to Novgorod.

And Prince Alexander fell ill on the way back from the Horde. He took monasticism before his death, became a schema monk, and died on November 14th.

Alexander's body was carried to the city of Vladimir. The Metropolitan, priests and all the people met him in Bogolyubovo. There were screams and crying.

The prince was laid to rest in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Metropolitan Kirill wanted to unclench Alexander’s hand in order to place the letter in it. But the deceased himself extended his hand and took the letter... The Metropolitan and his housekeeper Sebastian spoke about this miracle.

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Summary of the Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky

The holy and blessed great prince Alexander Nevsky was born on May 30, 1220 in the city of Perey-slav-le-Za-les- com. His father, Yaro-slav, in the Epiphany of Fe-o-dor, was the youngest son of Vse-vo-lo-da III Big Nest. Mother of St. Aleksandra, Fe-o-do-siya Igo-rev-na, Ryazan princess. In 1227, Prince Yaro-slav, at the request of the Nov-gorod-tsev, began to live as a prince in Nov-gorod-de-Ve-li-kom. He took with him his sons, Fedor and Aleksander.

This is the most difficult time in the history of Rus: the Mongol hordes were coming from the east, from the west to The knightly troops were moving. At this menacing hour, the Pro-we-sat of God raised up the holy Prince Alexander - the leader of the Russian Empire - to the spa of Russia -mo-lit-ve-n-ka, move-no-ka and build-the-land of the Russian.

Having taken advantage of the arrival of Ba-ty, hordes of crusaders invaded the precincts of the Fatherland. You'd be the Swedes first. Many co-slaves came to the Neva under the co-man-do-va-ni-em of Yar-la Bir-ge-ra. St. Alexander, who was not yet 20 years old, prayed for a long time in the church of St. Sophia. Ar-hi-bishop-skop Spi-ri-don blah-go-slo-vil St. the prince and his army for battle. Coming out of the temple, Alexander strengthened his friends with full of faith with the words: “God is not in power, but in truth.” . Some with weapons, others on horses, but we call upon the name of the Lord our God!”

With a small friend, the prince hurried towards the enemies. But there was a wonderful foreknowledge: a hundred-man who appeared in the naval dock saw in the sunshine on July 15th La-Due , floating on the sea, and on it St. mu-che-ni-kov Bo-ri-sa and Gle-ba in scar-red clothes.

Alexander, encouraged, courageously led a prayer army against the Swedes. “And she fought with la-ti-nya-na-mi, and beat a countless number of them, and herself before-in-di-te-lyu put a seal on the face with a sharp spear.” For this victory on the Neva River, won on July 15, 1240, the people called St. Aleksandra Nevsky.

The German knights remained a dangerous enemy. In 1241, the lightning-nose walk of St. Alexander returned the ancient Russian fortress of Ko-po-rye, driving out the knights. In the winter of 1242, he liberated Pskov, and on April 5 he gave the Tev-ton Or-de-nu a decisive battle on the ice of Chud -skogo lake. The cross-noses were completely destroyed. Name of St. Aleksandra became famous throughout Holy Russia.

Were the western reaches of the Russian land securely fenced, the time has come to secure Rus' from the east . In 1242 St. Alexander Nevsky and his father Yaro-slav went to Orda. The Lord crowned the sacred mission of protecting the shields of the Russian land with success, but this required years of labor and victims. Prince Yaro-slav gave his life for this.

The union with the Golden Horde, forged by the father, was then necessary to prevent the rotation of the new growth. ma Ru-si - continued to drink St. Alexander Nevsky. Having promised his support, St. Alexander gave Ba-ty the opportunity to go on a campaign against Mongolia, to become the main force in the entire Great Steppe.

In 1252, many Russian cities rebelled against the Tatar yoke. Again, a threat arose for the very existence of Ru-si. St. Alec-san-dru again had to go to Orda in order to ward off the punitive invasion of the Tatars from the Russian lands. St. Alexander became the sole sovereign great prince of all Russia. In 1253, he launched a new raid on Pskov, in 1254 he concluded an agreement on peaceful borders with Nor-ve-gi-ey , in 1256 he went on a campaign to the Finnish land. Into the darkness of the paganism of St. Alexander carried the light of the Evangelical pro-po-ve-di and the right-to-glorious culture. Everything in the Sea region was enlightened and mastered by the Russians.

In 1256 Khan Ba-tu died. The holy prince went to Sa-rai for the third time to confirm the peaceful relations between Ru-si and the Horde with the new khan Ber-ke. In 1261, sta-ra-ni-ya-mi of St. Aleksandra and the mit-ro-po-li-ta Ki-ril-la would have established an institution in Sarai, the capital of the Golden Horde, diocese of Rus- of the Holy Right-glorious Church.

On-stu-pi-la epo-ha ve-li-koy chri-sti-a-ni-za-tion of the language Vo-sto-ka, this was about-ro-che- ski uga-dan-noe St. Alek-san-drom Nev-skiy is-to-ri-che-name of Ru-si. In 1262, according to his instructions, in many cities there were no Ta-Tar gatherings and will-bes. ki vo-i-nov - bass-ka-ki. Waiting for Ta-Tar's revenge. But the great intercessor of the people again went to Or-da and wisely directed everything in a different direction: piss Coming to the uprising of the Russians, Khan Ber-ke stopped sending tribute to Mongolia and proclaimed the Golden Or-du sa -the most powerful state of the world, making it the very behind-the-elephant of Rus-si.

In this great unity of Russian and Tatar lands and peoples, many futures matured and grew stronger. the state-national Russian state, which subsequently included almost all of the Russian Church in following Chin-gis-kha-na to the shores of Ti-ho-go-o-ke-a-na.

This di-pl-ma-ti-che-skaya ride-ka St. Aleksandra Nevskogo in Sa-rai was the fourth and last. On the return route, not reaching Vladi-mir, in Gorod-ts, in the mo-na-sty-re, the prince-movie-nik gave His spirit of the Lord on November 14, 1263, having completed a many-difficult life path with the holy other We are a schema with the name Alexy. His holy body was carried to Vladimir, the journey lasted nine days, and his body remained imperishable. On November 23, at his burial in the cathedral church of the Rozh-de-stven-skogo-na-sta-rya city of Vladi-mi -ra (nowadays a monument to the holy prince has been erected there; another monument has been erected in the city of Pere-ya-s- lav-le-Za-les-skom) it was revealed by God “wonder-to-wond-and-to-me-to-stand-but”: the saint himself pro-tya-nul ru-ku for re-solving the prayer.

The blessing of the prince began immediately after his burial. Grand Duke John Ioanovich (1353-1359) in his spiritual leadership, appointed as a san in 1356, left his to his son Dimitri (1363-1389), who will be at the Battle of Ku-li-Kov, “Icon of the Holy ty Alexander." The imperishable relics of the blessed prince were discovered, according to the vision, before the Battle of Ku-li-kovo - in 1380 year, and then where was the local celebration established. The general church pro-glorification of St. Aleksandra Nev-skogo so-ver-shi-lo at the mit-ro-po-li-those Ma-kar-ria at the Moscow so-bo-re 1547

To the prayers of the holy prince, for the glory of the defended Fatherland, the Russian regiments at-be -ha-li and at all subsequent times. On August 30, 1721, Peter I, after a long-lasting and nuclear war with the Swedes, concluded Nishtad -sky world. It was decided to consecrate this day with the re-relics of the blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky of Vladimir. di-mi-ra to the new, northern capital, St. Petersburg, located on the banks of the Neva. You were brought from Vladimir on August 11, 1723, were the holy relics brought to Shlisselburg on September 20 -ty of the same year and remained there until 1724, when on August 30th they were established in Troitsk with -bo-re Alek-san-dro-Nevsky Lavra, where they still live today. By decree of September 2, 1724, a holiday was established on August 30 (in 1727 there was a holiday from-me-not-but for the reason not of the church ha-rak-te-ra, but as a result of the struggle of groups at the royal court. In 1730, the holiday was restored again).

Ar-hi-mand-rit Gav-ri-il Bu-zhin-sky (later bishop of Ryazan-sky, † April 27, 1731) co-sta-vil spe -ci-al-nu-nuyu service for the re-establishment of the Nishtad-world, combining it with the service to St. Aleksandr Nev- sko-mu.

The name is for the shield-ni-ka of the ru-be-zhey of Russia and in-kro-vi-te-lya in-and-new from-vest-but yes-le-ko for the pre-de-la-mi on -shay Ro-di-ny. The evidence of this is the many temples dedicated to Saint Aleksandr Nevsky.

The most well-known of them:

Pat-ri-ar-shiy council in Sophia,

federal cathedral in Tallinn,

temple in Tbi-li-si.

These temples are a pledge of friendship between Russian na-ro-da-osvo-bo-di-te-la and brother-ski-mi na-ro-da-mi.

Prince Alexander was the son of Grand Duke Yaroslav. He was powerful, intelligent and brave.

One day, the king of the Roman faith from the Midnight Country wanted to seize the prince's territory. Having learned about this, Alexander immediately went to his opponents with a small squad. The eldest, named Pelugius, Alexander was entrusted with naval guard. Prince Alexander went into battle and brought a blow to the king himself. The rest of the opponents rushed.

A year later, a man showed up again with Western country, and they built a small town on land that was foreign to them. Alexander immediately destroyed the city. He punished some of his opponents and spared some.

In the third year, Alexander went to German territory with a huge army. He liberated the city that had been taken earlier. The battle took place on Lake Peipsi. When the prince returned with victory, the population of the city majestically welcomed him at their walls.

In the Eastern country, at the same time, there was a powerful ruler. He sent people to the prince and ordered him to come to him in the Horde. Alexander went to King Batu. The second was angry with Andrey, the Suzdal prince, and his commander Nevruy devastated the Suzdal land. After this, Grand Duke Alexander restored cathedrals and cities.

Meanwhile, the king of the Eastern country forced the Christians to go with him on the road. Hearing this, Alexander arrived in the Horde to convince the king not to act in the way he wished. And his offspring own Dmitry sent to Western states. He took the city of Yuryev and returned to Novgorod.

While Prince Alexander was returning home, he fell ill. He took monastic vows before he passed away. He died on November 14. The body of the Grand Duke was buried in Vladimir. The priests and all the great people received him in Bogolyubovo. There was a loud, long cry and crying in the air.

Picture or drawing Life of Alexander Nevsky

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And a true Christian, Saint Alexander was a brave warrior, a talented commander, a strong defender of the Motherland, a “sorrowful” man of prayer for his native people, “the sun of the Russian land.” He was born on May 30, 1220 in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. His father, Yaroslav, in Baptism Theodore (+ 1246), was “a meek, merciful and philanthropic prince.” The mother of Saint Alexander, Theodosia Igorevna, the Ryazan princess, was the third wife of Yaroslav. Saint Alexander was their second son.

The princely tonsure of the youth Alexander (the rite of initiation into warriors) was performed by Saint Simon, Bishop of Suzdal (+1226; commemorated May 10). From the gracious elder-hierarch Saint Alexander received his first blessing for military service, for the defense of the Russian Church and the Russian land.

WITH early years Saint Alexander accompanied his father on campaigns. In 1236, Yaroslav, leaving for Kyiv, “planted” his son, Saint Alexander, to reign independently in Novgorod. In 1239, Saint Alexander entered into marriage, taking as his wife the daughter of the Polotsk prince Bryachislav, who in Holy Baptism was the namesake of her holy spouse and bore the name Alexandra. Father, Yaroslav, blessed them at the wedding with the holy miraculous Feodorovskaya icon Mother of God. This icon was constantly with Saint Alexander, as his prayer image, and after his death it was transferred by his brother, Vasily Yaroslavich (+1276), to Kostroma.

The most difficult time in the history of Rus' began: the Mongol hordes were coming from the east, destroying everything in their path, and German knights were advancing from the west. At this terrible hour, by the Providence of God, Saint Prince Alexander, a great prayer warrior, ascetic and builder of the Russian land, stood up to save Rus'.

Taking advantage of Batu's invasion, the destruction of Russian cities, the confusion and grief of the people, the death of their best sons and leaders, hordes of crusaders invaded the borders of the Fatherland.

The proud Swedish prince Birger sent messengers to Novgorod to Saint Alexander: “If you can, resist, I’m already here and capturing your land.”

Saint Alexander, who was not yet 20 years old at the time, prayed for a long time in the Church of Hagia Sophia. And, remembering the psalm of David, he said: “Judge, O Lord, those who offend me and rebuke those who fight with me, accept weapons and shields, stand to help me.” Archbishop Spyridon blessed the holy prince and his army for battle. Coming out of the temple, Saint Alexander strengthened his squad with words filled with faith: “God is not in power, but in truth. Some with weapons, others on horses, but we will call on the Name of the Lord our God!” With a small squad, trusting in the Holy Trinity, the prince hurried towards the enemies.

And there was a wonderful omen: the warrior Pelguy (Philip in Holy Baptism) standing on the sea patrol saw at dawn a boat sailing on the sea, and on it the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb, in scarlet robes. And Boris said: “Brother Gleb, tell us to row, so we can help our relative Alexander.” When Pelguy reported the vision to the arriving prince, Saint Alexander commanded, out of piety, not to tell anyone about the miracle, but, encouraged, with prayer, he courageously led the army against the Swedes. “And there was a great slaughter with the Latins, and he killed countless numbers of them, and he put a seal on the leader’s face with his sharp spear.” The Angel of God invisibly helped the Orthodox army: when morning came, on the other bank of the Izhora River, where the soldiers of St. Alexander could not pass, there were also many killed enemies. For this victory on the Neva River, won on July 15, 1240, the people called Saint Alexander Nevsky.

The German knights remained a dangerous enemy. In 1241, with a lightning campaign, Saint Alexander returned the ancient Russian fortress of Koporye, expelling the knights. But in 1242 the Germans managed to capture Pskov. The enemies boasted of "subjugating the whole Slavic people" Saint Alexander, setting out on a winter campaign, liberated Pskov, this ancient House of the Holy Trinity, and in the spring of 1242 he gave the Teutonic Order a decisive battle. On the ice Lake Peipsi On April 5, 1242, both armies converged. Raising his hands to heaven, Saint Alexander prayed: “Judge me, O God, and judge my quarrel with the great people, and help me, O God, as of old Moses against Amalek and my great-grandfather, Yaroslav the Wise, against the accursed Svyatopolk.” Through his prayer, God's help and feat of arms, the crusaders were completely defeated.

Contemporaries clearly understood historical significance Battle on the Ice: the name of Saint Alexander became famous throughout Holy Rus', “across all countries, to the Sea of ​​Egypt and to the mountains of Ararat, on both sides of the Varangian Sea and to the great Rome.”

The western borders of the Russian land were securely fenced; the time had come to protect Rus' from the East. In 1242, Saint Alexander Nevsky and his father, Yaroslav, left for the Horde. Metropolitan Kirill blessed them for a new, difficult service: it was necessary to turn the Tatars from enemies and robbers into allies.

The Lord crowned the sacred mission of the defenders of the Russian land with success, but it took years of work and sacrifice. Prince Yaroslav gave his life for this. The alliance bequeathed by his father with the Golden Horde - then necessary to prevent a new defeat of Rus' - continued to be strengthened by Saint Alexander Nevsky. Batu’s son, Sartak, who converted to Christianity and was involved in Russian affairs in the Horde, becomes his friend and brother-in-arms. Promising his support, Saint Alexander gave Batu the opportunity to go on a campaign against Mongolia, to become the main force in the entire Great Steppe, and to place the leader of the Christian Tatars, Khan Mongke, on the throne in Mongolia (most of the Christian Tatars professed Nestorianism).

Not all Russian princes had the foresight of Saint Alexander. In 1252, many Russian cities rebelled against Tatar yoke, supporting Andrei Yaroslavich. The situation was very dangerous. Once again a threat arose to the very existence of Rus'. Saint Alexander had to go to the Horde again to ward off the punitive invasion of the Tatars from the Russian lands. Broken, Andrei fled to Sweden.

Saint Alexander became the autocratic Grand Duke of all Rus': Vladimir, Kyiv and Novgorod. A huge responsibility before God and history fell on his shoulders. In 1253 he repelled a new German raid on Pskov, in 1254 he concluded an agreement on peaceful borders with Norway, and in 1256 he went on a campaign to the Finnish land. The chronicler called it a “dark campaign” because... Russian army walked through the polar night. Into the darkness of paganism, Saint Alexander brought the light of the Gospel preaching and Orthodox culture. All of Pomerania was enlightened and mastered by the Russians.

In 1256, Khan Batu died, and soon his son Sartak, brother-in-arms of Alexander Nevsky, was poisoned. The Holy Prince went for the third time to Sarai, the capital of the Golden Horde, to confirm the peaceful relations of Rus' and the Horde with the new Khan Berke. In 1261, through the efforts of Saint Alexander and Metropolitan Kirill, the Russian diocese was established in Sarai, the capital of the Golden Horde. Orthodox Church. The era of the great Christianization of the pagan East had come; this was the historical vocation of Rus', prophetically guessed by Saint Alexander Nevsky. The holy prince used every opportunity to facilitate the lot of the cross for his native land.

In 1262, Tatar tribute collectors and warrior recruiters, the Baskaks, were killed in many Russian cities. They were waiting for Tatar revenge. But the great defender of the people again went to the Horde and wisely directed events in a different direction: citing the Russian uprising, Khan Berke stopped sending tribute to Mongolia and proclaimed Golden Horde an independent state.

Rus' was saved, Saint Alexander's duty to God was fulfilled, his life was dedicated to the service of the Russian Church, but all his strength was given. On the way back from the Horde, Saint Alexander fell mortally ill. Before reaching Vladimir, in Gorodets, in the Feodorovsky monastery, the ascetic prince gave up his spirit to the Lord on November 14, 1263, having completed the arduous life path adoption of the schema with the name Alexy.

Metropolitan Kirill, spiritual father and companion in the ministry of the holy prince, said in his funeral homily: “Know, my child, that the sun has already set on the land of Suzdal. There will no longer be such a prince in the Russian land.” The remains of the holy prince were carried to Vladimir; The journey lasted nine days, and the body remained incorruptible.

On November 23, during his burial in the Nativity Monastery in Vladimir, God revealed “a miracle wonderful and worthy of memory.” When the body of Saint Alexander was laid in the shrine, Metropolitan Kirill and the steward Sebastian wanted to unclench his hand in order to enclose a parting spiritual letter. The holy prince, as if alive, himself stretched out his hand and took the letter from the hands of the metropolitan. “And horror seized them, and they barely retreated from his tomb. Who wouldn't be surprised if he was dead and the body was brought from afar to winter time" Thus God glorified his saint, the holy warrior-prince Alexander. The church-wide glorification of Saint Alexander Nevsky took place under Metropolitan Macarius at the Moscow Council of 1547. The canon to the saint was compiled at the same time by the Vladimir monk Mikhail.