Nekrasov in the trenches of Stalingrad summary. “In the trenches of Stalingrad” by Nekrasov in brief


During the retreat near Oskol, the regiment abandons fresh trenches. For defense, the first battalion remains, commanded by Shiryaev and his assistant, Lieutenant Kerzhentsev. Two days later, the battalion leaves and on the way the heroes learn that the regiment has been defeated. Along the way, the battalion stops in barns, where they have to defend against the Germans and suffer losses. The battalion leaves. Kerzhentsev, Valera, Igor and Lazarenko remain to cover him. Having lost Lazarenko, the remaining fighters are trying to catch up with the battalion. On the road, among the many retreating, the surviving colleagues cannot find “their own.”

They come to Stalingrad, where they lead a peaceful life in the house of the family of their former comrade Igor: they drink tea, read, walk, swim in the Volga.

Igor introduces himself as a sapper. So, with Yura Kerzhentsev, they end up in a special group where they prepare urban industrial facilities for explosions. The Germans are approaching Stalingrad. Sappers work at the factory. There Igor argues with Georgy Akimovich. An electrical engineer at a thermal power plant by profession, he is annoyed that the Russians are not prepared for war and only a miracle can ensure their victory. Kerzhentsev recalls the soldiers' conversation about native land and understands that this heart-warming love for the Motherland is stronger than all tanks.

The city is being bombed. The sappers go to headquarters on the other side of the Volga, where Kerzhentsev and Igor part, each receiving his own assignment.

Yuri Kerzhentsev participates in battle with his first battalion and, after the death of the battalion commander, takes command. At the plant where their position is located, the fighters stay until October. The battalion is transferred to an area of ​​active hostilities. Despite the small number, the soldiers carry out work like a full-fledged battalion. Kerzhentsev works together with sapper Lisagor. But the work cannot be completed. The order comes and Kerzhentsev leads the battalion into the attack. After taking the hill, the fighters find themselves cut off from the battalion. An order comes for a new attack, which fails. There are many dead. There is almost no hope for salvation, but reinforcements are breaking through. Kerzhentsev transfers command of the battalion and goes to Lisagor. They meet with comrades and have conversations.

On the twelfth of November, the day of his name day, Kerzhentsev had to postpone the holiday due to the order to attack. Due to the short-sighted attack planned by Captain Abrosimov, who did not listen to the arguments of the battalion commander Shiryaev, many people die. Shiryaev is wounded. Command of the battalion is taken by Faber, who previously commanded the company. Being an intelligent man, Faber is not fluent in command techniques, but he feels deeply responsible for everything that happens to his soldiers. Abrosimov is on trial. He is accused of abuse of power, which led to the death of soldiers. He shifts his blame onto people who, in his opinion, reacted to the attack in bad faith and were cowardly. Faber defends the dead. Such losses could have been avoided if one did not throw people under enemy fire, but used reasonable methods, as Shiryaev suggested. Abrosimov is sent to a penal company. Old, long-awaited tanks come to the aid of the soldiers. Fight again. Kerzhentsev is wounded. After recovery, he returns to Stalingrad, hoping to see his comrades. But plans are interrupted by preparations for the next offensive.

A short retelling of "In the Trenches of Stalingrad" in abbreviation was prepared by Oleg Nikov for reader's diary.

In 1946, no one entered literature famous writer Victor Nekrasov. “In the Trenches of Stalingrad” - given in the article - is a story that opened a new page in the depiction of the Second World War. Some will call it “trench”, others - “lieutenant”. In any case, the important thing is that it was completely A New Look for recent tragic events. For the first time, in the center of the image were ordinary soldiers and their commanders, who fully experienced the hardships of front-line life.

about the author

V. Nekrasov was born in Kyiv (the largely autobiographical protagonist of the story remembers this city with warmth) in 1911. Before the war, he qualified as an architect and was interested in theater, painting, and literature. He tried to write, but life, as he admitted, did not provide a suitable plot, and the fiction was of no interest to either the author or the editors.

N. Nekrasov found himself at the front from the first months of the war - this is proven by the story and its analysis. “In the Trenches of Stalingrad” is a work written on the basis of the author’s personal observations and feelings. Later, the writer recalled that the real fuse (and he, like his hero, served as a military engineer and deputy commander of a sapper battalion) saw the first pistol only a year after the start of the war - a week before the unsuccessful offensive near Kharkov. Nekrasov took part in the defense of Stalingrad and experienced all the hardships of everyday life at the front. He was demobilized after being wounded at the end of the war - in 1945.

The history of the creation of the story “In the Trenches of Stalingrad”

Later, Nekrasov dictated the notebook notes to the typist, and sent the finished text of the work with a friend (at random!) to Moscow. And then, after some time, the work “Stalingrad” was published in Znamya, which immediately caused conflicting assessments. The content and analysis of the story “In the Trenches of Stalingrad” caused dissatisfaction among many. First of all, because it did not contain the usual laudatory speeches addressed to the leader and senior command staff. Meanwhile, I. Stalin himself approved the work, which resulted in the awarding of the second degree to its author in 1947.

Narrative feature

The story was written on behalf of a young lieutenant, twenty-eight-year-old military engineer Yuri Kerzhentsev. This is a detailed, almost daily story about the massive retreat of Soviet troops from Oskol to the Volga, about weeks of life in Stalingrad, first peaceful, interrupted by furious enemy bombing, then military - during the period of fierce battles for Mamayev Kurgan and the approaches to the city. At the same time, as the analysis shows, “In the Trenches of Stalingrad” (the story) does not contain voluminous descriptions of the battles and heroic exploits of Soviet soldiers. All the pictures are extremely succinct and truthful - according to Nekrasov, there are no more than 1% of silences in the story. This is explained simply.

The author wanted to show the real defenders of the country through the eyes of a warrior just like them, who experienced natural human feelings during the war: longing for a peaceful life and family, pride for his comrades, shame for retreats and failures, fear of explosions and incessant fire in the trenches of Stalingrad . The analysis of the work seems to transport the reader to the battlefield, and he, following the main character, tries to rethink what happened, to understand at what cost the people won.

The role of lyrical digressions and reflections of the hero

Descriptions of reality are often interrupted by flashbacks to the past. In the first part there are more of them, in the second, where the series of events develops faster, there are not so many. During the painful retreat, these are Kerzhentsev’s memories of his beloved Kyiv, where he remained native home and family. The hero experiences constant pain from the fact that the Nazis are now in charge there.

A few peaceful days in Stalingrad remind you of your beloved girlfriend, pre-war activities and hobbies that will never be the same again. Conversations at the plant, which is being prepared for explosion, evoke memories of “Sevastopol Stories.” In them, L. Tolstoy talks about the “hidden patriotism” of the Russian people. This is what the main character sees next to him now, Nekrasov emphasizes.

In the trenches of Stalingrad (analysis of contrasting pictures enhances the impression of what he read) Yuri draws attention to the nature around him. The description of the calm and majestic, against the backdrop of which terrible events unfold, helps to more acutely feel the tragic scale of what is happening. This perception of the world turns Kerzhentsev into a person trying to solve the eternal problem of life and death, heroism and meanness, sincerity and hypocrisy.

Image of war

The analysis of “In the Trenches of Stalingrad” (Nekrasov’s story) leads the reader to main idea. In each line, the author painfully talks about how fleeting life is: a minute ago a person was talking, breathing, and now he is lying with a dull look and a mutilated body. At the same time, everything happens in an everyday manner, and the description of the various faces of death and human suffering allows us to understand the true scale of the people's tragedy. Nekrasov incredibly realistically describes the death of Lazarenko, wounded in the stomach, and a very young machine gunner. As the most terrible manifestation of death, he remembers a killed soldier with a cigarette butt smoldering in his lips. Episodes telling, for example, about the defense of barns or the capture of a hill, when a small handful of poorly armed Soviet soldiers heroically resisted an enemy detachment with tanks and machine guns, also have incredible impact.

The image of the main character

Analysis of the story “In the Trenches of Stalingrad” by Nekrasov is impossible without turning to the personality of Yuri Kerzhentsev. This is an educated person who absorbs everything he sees and hears around him. He understands that war is not at all like peaceful life: nothing can be predicted in it. And yet, what is happening: the retreat, the difficult situation of the army, silent reproaches in the views of the inhabitants of the abandoned villages - forces the hero and his colleagues to look for an answer to the eternal question of who is to blame.

The lieutenant himself repeatedly catches himself thinking that in war the heart hardens, and human values ​​become completely different. However, he is very self-critical and demanding of himself. The taciturn, sometimes hot-tempered hero is able to support and accept at the right moment. correct solution. He sincerely worries about the death of each of his comrades. At crucial moments he finds himself next to the fighters, just like them, he does not hide from bullets. War became for him a responsible matter that should be carried out conscientiously.

The author does not idealize his hero, which is confirmed by Kerzhentsev’s actions and their analysis. “In the trenches of Stalingrad” is an example of how one behaves in war a common person. When bullets fly past during a conversation with Chumak, Yuri involuntarily ducks. He, the commander, sometimes does not know what to do and feels guilty before others. He does not refuse milk or lemon obtained by Valega. But his dignity is that he lacks false heroism and arrogance.

Thus, the main character is an ordinary person who, at the cost of his life, defended Stalingrad and the entire country.

Image of Valega

In his story Nekrasov (“In the Trenches of Stalingrad”), an analysis of the content of which confirms this, Special attention devotes to Kerzhentsev’s orderly, Valega. This is a simple, uneducated eighteen-year-old guy, endlessly devoted to his lieutenant and his homeland. His work, at first glance, is invisible, but Kerzhentsev was more than once surprised at how deftly Valega managed. In any conditions, Yuri had a heated lunch, clean linen, and a dry raincoat waiting for him. In some unknown way, Valega could adapt to any conditions. At the same time, Kerzhentsev was sure: if the cartridges ran out and he had to fight tooth and nail for his homeland, his orderly would cope in this situation too. It was these warriors, who lived in the trenches day and night, who bore the brunt of the war.

Place of the story in literature

V. Nekrasov was the first in Russian literature to show, according to V. Bykov, “the truth and high essence of individuality in war, the importance of the individual... in an environment with the absolute subordination of one to all...”. And a decade later, a whole generation of front-line writers emerged from the “Nekrasov trenches”, writing about what they themselves had suffered and experienced.


A book about people from the trenches - this is what many of the first readers called the story, which was written in 1946 by the unknown V. Nekrasov, “In the Trenches of Stalingrad.” Analysis of the work confirms this idea. The author’s impartial story about those who faced terrible times for the country and managed to preserve the best in themselves once again emphasizes the unshakable fortitude, boundless courage and true patriotism of the Russian people, who have always been able to defend the freedom and independence of their state.

"In the Trenches of Stalingrad" - a story from 1946, for which the author was awarded the highest award at that time state award- Stalin Prize. After Viktor Nekrasov was deprived of Soviet citizenship, the book was removed from libraries. The article outlines summary"In the trenches of Stalingrad".

Battle of Stalingrad

What is Nekrasov's story about? The book "In the Trenches of Stalingrad", a summary of which is presented below, reflects the events of the most important period in the war. Nekrasov's story tells about the battle that took place almost eighty years ago on the territory of Rostov, Voronezh and Volgograd regions. We spent six months soviet soldiers in the trenches of Stalingrad. A brief summary of the decisive stage of the Second World War is presented below.

The German offensive began in July 1942. The invader's plans included the Great Bend of the Don, then the Volgodonsk Isthmus and, finally, Stalingrad. If the goal had been achieved, a springboard would have been created for further offensive and capture oil fields. The Germans had excellent aviation, they knew what the right military strategy was. However, they lost this battle. The Red Army succeeded in forcing the invaders to capitulate thanks to Operation Uranus. Or, perhaps, the miracle that one of the heroes of the story talks about in “In the Trenches of Stalingrad.”

The Unblemished Truth

What is the success of the story "In the Trenches of Stalingrad"? A summary will not answer this question. Only reading the story in the original. Front-line soldiers argued that Nekrasov’s book shows the war as it is. Without embellishment and excessive pathos. Varlam Shalamov, who had never been to the front, called the story “a timid attempt to show something as it is.” Andrei Platonov also gave this book a high rating. And finally, before presenting a summary of the chapters of “In the Trenches of Stalingrad,” it is worth citing the words of Daniil Granin: “Nekrasov’s Tale is an impeccable truth.”


So, what did Nekrasov talk about in his work? A summary of “In the Trenches of Stalingrad” should begin with a description of the retreat of Soviet troops, which took place in July 1942 near Oskol. Main character- Lieutenant Kerzhentsev. The Germans are approaching Voronezh. The regiment leaves the newly dug fortifications without firing a single shot. The battalion, led by Combat Shiryaev, is left without cover. The main character of the story remains to help him. Two days later they set off, and on the way they learn that the regiment has been defeated.

Kerzhentsev has been accompanied for several months by orderly Valega. Other characters in the story are Igor and Sedykh. The battalion goes in search of its own, but on the way it meets the Germans, many die. Kerzhentsev, Valega, Igor and Sedykh are sent to Stalingrad.

Peaceful city

The main character recalls pre-war life. He has been at the front for a long time, everything that happened before in his native Kyiv, it seems, never existed. What is discussed in subsequent chapters of V. Nekrasov’s work? The content of “In the Trenches of Stalingrad,” at least the first chapters, comes down to the reflections and memories of Lieutenant Kerzhentsev. He is so accustomed to life at the front that he is surprised by the city, which will soon turn into ruins. People still read newspapers here, argue about literature, visit the library, and just live...

Kerzhentsev and his comrades stay at the house of Maria Kuzminichna. The woman treats them to tea with cherry jam. Forgotten peaceful life relaxes. The heroes go swimming on the Volga, then indulge in reading. In the evening of this day, German troops begin their attack on Stalingrad.

Kerzhentsev - sapper. The lieutenant is sent to the local tractor factory. Here he meets electrical engineer Georgy Akimovich, a man convinced that only a miracle will help the Soviet troops win this war. There is painstaking, long preparation for the explosion. Ten days pass. The Germans are mercilessly bombing the city. There is still no order for the explosion, and Kerzhentsev is sent to the engineering department located on the other side of the Volga.

Battalion Command

The lieutenant is sent to the 184th division. Soon the battalion commander dies, and Kerzhentsev has to take command of the battalion. The lieutenant has two companies at his disposal, which occupy positions at one of the local factories. Here the main character lingers for a long time. Every day begins with a cannonade. This is how September passes, and then October.


Soon a message comes that positions need to be changed. It was ordered to occupy the hill on which the enemy machine guns were located. Before the attack, time drags unbearably slowly. Suddenly, employees of the political department appear, whom Kerzhentsev does not greet joyfully. The lieutenant exhibits with command post inspectors, and when the attack begins, he unexpectedly takes part in it. They manage to take the hill, and without great losses.

Does Viktor Nekrasov divide his heroes into positive and negative? In the summary of “In the Trenches of Stalingrad” it is worth paying attention to such a hero as Chief of Staff Abrosimov. The captain is confident in the need for a head-on attack. He does not listen to the arguments of either Kerzhentsev or battalion commander Shiryaev. The main character of the story goes on the attack again. 26 people die in this battle. Abrosimov is tried for abuse of power and sent to a penal battalion.

Outlining a brief summary of Nekrasov's story "In the Trenches of Stalingrad", it is worth saying that in this work the author did not create either negative or positive images. He does not force his opinion on the reader. The depiction of the attack, which took place on Abrosimov's orders, is one of the many officer mistakes that are perhaps inevitable in war.


The day after Abramov's trial, the tanks they had been waiting for for a long time arrive. last months. Kerzhentsev's birthday is coming soon. A small celebration is being prepared, which, of course, will not take place, because the battle will suddenly begin. The lieutenant will be wounded, end up in the hospital, and after treatment he will return to Stalingrad, which he will call “home” in his thoughts.

Addendum to summary

The work "In the Trenches of Stalingrad" is told in the first person. There are no unexpected plot twists in the story. But the simplicity with which the narrator recounts events makes a strong impression.

In the first chapters, where we talk about the misadventures of the heroes even before their arrival in Stalingrad, the lieutenant mentally talks about the war. What's the worst thing at the front? Shells? Bombs? The worst thing in war uncertainty, inactivity, lack of an immediate goal - all that consisted of the existence of the retreating soldiers. It cannot be said that Nekrasov’s heroes are not frightened by bullets, but reading the story, one gets the impression that in Stalingrad they experienced less fear than at Voronezh when they retreated.

The author of this work touches on the topic of friendship in passing. Nevertheless, it is perhaps the main one. At the front, Kerzhentsev understands what true friendship is. It is unlikely that any of his Kyiv friends could have pulled him, wounded, from the battlefield. It is unlikely that Kerzhentsev would have gone on reconnaissance with anyone because of them. And the orderly Valeg would have pulled him out. The lieutenant would go on reconnaissance with him. The author compares war to litmus paper. Only at the front can you really get to know people.


A Tale in the Trenches of Stalingrad Nekrasov Viktor Platonovich brought all-Union glory. This work was published in the magazine Znamya. At first, official critics did not accept the story. Moreover, Nekrasov’s book would never have been published if one person didn't intervene...

Meeting with Stalin

During Stalin's times, many poets and prose writers suffered. Some were convicted and sent to camps. Others are deprived of the right to publish their works, which for a real writer is perhaps worse than imprisonment. But this does not mean that Stalin did not understand anything about literature. He got rid of inconvenient people who did not want to reflect the official ideology in their work.

The story of Viktor Nekrasov is the first work that tells about the war as truthfully as possible. This is one of the first books created by front-line soldiers. The story was published thanks to Stalin's personal intervention.

Writer and statesman Fadeev crossed out "In the Trenches of Stalingrad" from the list of works that were supposed to appear on the pages of the Znamya magazine. Stalin contributed. The story was published. And after some time, state security officers came for Nekrasov and took him to the “leader”. In one of the essays, the writer later spoke about his meeting with Stalin. According to Nekrasov, he created an unexpected impression, was a kind of “cozy old man,” a pleasant conversationalist, and, in addition, respected the work of Platonov, Bulgakov, Babel - writers who suffered from Soviet rule.

A few words about the author

In 1959, Nekrasov opposed the construction of a stadium at Babi Yar, the site of mass executions carried out by the Nazis during the war. Since then, the writer’s relationship with the authorities has deteriorated sharply. He took Active participation in rallies, wrote controversial articles. Finally, Nekrasov was accused of “kowtowing to the West,” and his books were banned from publishing. In 1974, the writer emigrated to Switzerland. Last years spent in Paris.

The story “In the Trenches of Leningrad” by Nekrasov was written in 1946, opening a new page in the literature dedicated to the Second World War. For the first time, the center of the story were ordinary soldiers and their commanders, who had the opportunity to fully experience the grief of front-line life.

Main characters

Yuri Kerzhentsev- lieutenant, military engineer, responsible, courageous guy.

Other characters

Igor Sviderskybest friend Kerzhentseva.

Valega, Lazarenko- Kerzhentsev’s subordinates, his comrades in arms.

Shiryaev- battalion commander, professional in his field.

Abrosimov- a self-confident staff officer, the culprit of the senseless death of soldiers.

Part one

Chapters 1-4

In July 1942 german army approaches Voronezh, and an order to retreat comes from division headquarters. The first battalion under the command of battalion commander Shiryaev was chosen to cover the departing soldiers. A military engineer, Lieutenant Kerzhentsev, also remains with him as an assistant. Shiryaev is “worried, but tries not to show his excitement” - he has meager remaining ammunition at his disposal, but Captain Maksimov asks him to hold out for a couple of days, and then begin a retreat.

Chapters 5-9

After the prescribed two days, the first battalion also leaves the fortifications. Suddenly, Igor Svidersky appears to meet them, who reports terrible news - the regiment is defeated, Maksimov is wounded, “a hundred people, no more” are left alive. He conveys Maksimov’s order - to change the route and “go to join him,” being careful of meeting the Germans, who “are eating scrambled eggs ten to twelve kilometers from here.”

A day later, the battalion comes across dilapidated barns and settles down in them. Noticing German intelligence, the fighters take up defensive positions. During the shelling, the battalion suffers many losses. Shiryaev robs fourteen fighters and leaves, and Kerzhentsev with Igor, Valega and Lazarenko remains to cover them.

Lazarenko dies, and the remaining soldiers manage to join the flow of retreating troops. They soon realize that finding the remains of their regiment in this chaos is not an easy task. Some major reports that “new units are being formed” in Stalingrad, and the soldiers are sent there.

Chapters 10-13

Stalingrad greets his comrades with a quiet, peaceful life, strikingly different from the horror that they experienced quite recently. They stay with Marya Kuzminichna and get a job. Their responsibilities include preparing important industrial facilities for a possible explosion. So August passes unnoticed.

Peaceful life in Stalingrad collapses overnight. On Sunday evening suddenly appear in the sky german planes- “There are so many of them that it is difficult to make out where they are flying from.” They bomb the city for two hours, panic begins among the residents.

Chapters 14-20

In the morning, Kerzhentsev and his comrades go to the Tractor Plant to urgently mine it. Continuous shelling and lack of necessary equipment make work difficult.

A “persistent cloud of smoke and dust” hangs over Stalingrad - the city is being bombed incessantly, and it has already been completely destroyed.

When the shift arrives on the twelfth day, Kerzhentsev and his comrades are sent “to the front headquarters - the engineering department,” where they are distributed among different divisions.

Kerzhentsev is appointed commander of the 4th and 5th companies of the 184th division, whose tasks include the defense of the Metiz plant. The shelling does not stop almost around the clock, Soviet army suffers colossal losses. After the death of the battalion commander, leadership of the battalion is transferred to Kerzhentsov.

Part two

Chapters 1-7

The fighting continues non-stop throughout September. In October, the Germans enter Stalingrad, and a reshuffling of Soviet units occurs. Kerzhentsev’s battalion is being transferred to the most difficult “section between Metiz and the eastern end of the winding ravine, like the letter Z, on Mamaev.” The main task of the thirty-six soldiers under the command of Kerzhentsev is to hold the defense for several months no matter what.

The next night the battalion receives mines. The soldiers begin to dig trenches, sappers install explosive devices. Suddenly, Kerzhentsev receives a new order - to storm the hill fortified by the Germans.

Chapters 8-15

At the appointed time, the “maize man” distracts the enemy, and the scouts determine the enemy’s positions. In complete darkness, fourteen fighters led by Kerzhentsev manage to oust the Nazis from the hill and strengthen their positions in the territory.

The battalion commander understands perfectly well that the Germans will not simply retreat, and soon, indeed, incessant shelling begins. “The mines are whistling and exploding all around without a break,” rare breaks last no more than five minutes.

Eleven people and four machine guns remain alive, and there is an acute shortage of water. A slight wound to the head causes Kerzhentsov to become very weak. When Shiryaev appears before his eyes, it seems to him that he is dreaming. The battalion commander transfers command of the battalion to Shiryaev and sets off to dig dugouts.

Chapters 16-21

Over the next three days, Kerzhentsev rests, and then receives “engineering property” at his disposal and begins to work on a scheme to strengthen the front line.

The guns are firing, "the Germans are still keen on mortars." Fortifications have to be built and mined at night. It soon becomes clear that the situation at Stalingrad is beginning to change. After eighty-two days of active bombing, there was a lull for the first time - “an incomprehensible, unusual, completely amazing silence reigned in the air.”

Chapters 22-25

On his birthday, the nineteenth of November, Kerzhentsev learns the news - at six o’clock, an “offensive along the entire front” is planned. He receives an order to clear not only his own fields, but also the enemy’s, within a “limited period of time, about ten hours.” At the same time, “every removed mine must be taken into account, every discovered minefield is recorded, tied to a landmark and necessarily to a permanent one.”

The battalion is ready to carry out the order, but suddenly the chief of staff Abrosimov intervenes, insisting on a decisive attack. As a result, “half the battalion is no longer there.”

After the end of the battle, Abrosimov is tried, through whose fault many fighters died in vain. He makes excuses, accusing the others of cowardice and unwillingness to fight. According to the decision of the field court, Abrosimov was “demoted and sent to the penalty box.”

Chapters 26-30

The next morning, not “a whole tank division” arrives, as was promised earlier, but “six old, patched and patched” tanks. Shiryaev is appointed head of the division.

Twenty minutes before the start of the attack, Kerzhentsev is informed that the field is mined with “some unfamiliar” German mines. Together with the sappers, he goes to the field, but the Germans are already waiting there. Kerzhentsev is seriously wounded.

After two months of treatment in the hospital, Kerzhentsev returns to his battalion. He is joyfully greeted by his comrades, and by the evening he is already drunk - “from the air, the sun, walking, meetings, impressions, joy.” Having learned that Igor is nearby, Kerzhentsev plans to visit his old friend. However, his plans are not destined to come true - the fighters, inspired by victory, are again preparing to attack...

Damn seven

Chapters 1-4

The battle tactics are as follows: the second battalion attracts the enemy’s attention, giving the opportunity to pass the tank with landing forces, followed by the infantry - the first battalion. There is no artillery preparation; everything is built “on surprise.”

Everything goes well until the “left flank tank with the number “7”” is blown up in the most unexpected place. The tank following him makes a turn and ends up in its own minefield - "the most diabolical of all, a mixture of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines."

Confusion and indiscriminate fire begins among the fighters, and only two tanks manage to get ahead.

The regiment commander summons Kerzhentsev, blames him for what happened and orders the stuck tank “by any means necessary” to be turned into a firing point - a bunker. Returning to the battlefield, he learns that “the Krauts have climbed into the tank,” and now they need to be lured out of the ill-fated seven.

To take the tank, they decide to dig under it. The work is complicated by hard, frozen soil, and the digging was completed only after four days. Explosives are placed in the prepared tunnel and detonated on command. The soldiers rush to the tank, and Kerzhentsev is wounded.

Chapters 5-6

At the medical battalion, the first thing Kerzhentsev learns is that the tank has been taken. He has a fracture of his left tibia and a through gunshot wound. Having received first aid, the battalion commander goes to the hospital.

The days in the hospital drag on “dreary, monotonous, but cozy, warm and, most importantly, carefree.” By chance, he meets a soldier from his battalion there, and they have “endless conversations about everything.”

sneaks up unnoticed New Year, and Kerzhentsev remembers his relatives with sadness. Celebrating the holiday with his comrades in the hospital, he is happy to learn that Soviet troops“fifteen thousand vehicles... one hundred and thirty-seven thousand prisoners.”


In his work, Viktor Nekrasov sought to show real defenders of the fatherland, who during terrible battles experienced understandable and natural human feelings: fear of death, longing for loved ones and peaceful life, despair after losses and retreats, pride for comrades.

A brief retelling of “In the Trenches of Stalingrad” will be useful for the reader’s diary and preparation for a literature lesson.

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Retelling rating

Average rating: 4.7. Total ratings received: 143.

Full version 7 hours (≈140 A4 pages), summary 5 minutes.

Main characters

Nekrasov narrates this story in the first person. The main character of the work - Lieutenant Kerzhentsev - is the author himself, who was the defender of Stalingrad. This story is the author's front-line diary.

Minor characters

Igor Svidersky (friend of Kerzhentsev)

Marya Kuzminichna (sister of the former company commander Igor)

Nikolai Nikolaevich (husband of Marya Kuzminichnaya)

Lyusya (the girl who lived next door to Marya Kuzminichnaya)

Georgy Akimovich (electrical engineer at thermal power plant)

Major Borodin, Captain Maksimov, battalion commander Shiryaev, reconnaissance commander Marine Corps foreman Chumak, infantryman Volegov (“Valega”), intellectual, mathematician Farber, miner from Suchan Karnaukhov, staff officer Abrosimov, opportunist Kaluzhny, deserters, soldiers Sidorenko and Kvast

The story began in July 1942. At that time there was a retreat near Oskol. The Germans approached Voronezh. The regiment retreated from the newly constructed fortifications for defense without firing shots. The first battalion under the command of battalion commander Shiryaev remained for cover. Lieutenant Kerzhentsev also remained to assist the battalion commander. Two days later the first battalion also moved away. During the road, they suddenly met the liaison officer of the headquarters, Igor Svidersky, who was also a friend of the lieutenant and was a chemist. He said that the regiment was defeated and it was necessary to change the route. You should take the direction of connecting with the broken regiment. The Germans were only ten kilometers away. They walked for another day, after which they settled in barns that turned out to be dilapidated. Here the Germans found them. The battalion began to defend itself. Was a large number of losses. Shiryaev and fourteen fighters left, and the lieutenant, Igor, Lazarenko and Sedykh remained to provide cover. Lazarenko was killed. The remaining fighters safely left the battlefield and caught up with their own. This turned out to be not difficult, because along the road there were units retreating in disorder. They tried to find their own, but could not. A retreat was undertaken, then they crossed the Don. And finally we reached Stalingrad.

There they stayed with Marya Kuzminichna, who was the sister of the former company commander Igor in the reserve regiment. There they began to live a forgotten peaceful life. They talked with the hostess and her husband, drank tea, ate jam. The main character walked with his neighbor Lyusya, who reminded him of his beloved, swam in the river, and read books. Igor introduced himself as a sapper and ended up in the reserve with Kerzhentsev. This was a special purpose group. Their task was to prepare the explosion of industrial urban facilities. However, peaceful life was suddenly interrupted by an air raid warning. The bombing lasted two hours. The Germans began to advance on Stalingrad.

Sappers were sent to a tractor factory near Stalingrad. There, a long, labor-intensive preparation of the facility for the explosion was carried out. More than once a day it was necessary to repair a chain that broke during the next shelling. Between shifts, Igor argued with Georgy Akimovich, who was an engineer and electrician at the thermal power plant. The latter was indignant that the Russians did not know how to fight. He believed that only a miracle would be the salvation for our people. Kerzhentsev remembered the soldiers’ conversation about their own land. This was some hidden feature of patriotism. Maybe this was the very miracle the engineer was talking about.

The cities had been bombed for ten days. Almost everything had already been bombed, but there was still no order to carry out the explosion. The reserve sappers went to another assignment, to the front headquarters. There they received appointments, so Kerzhentsev was forced to say goodbye to Igor. He was sent to the 184th Division. He met the first battalion and crossed with it to the other side. The entire coast was on fire.

The battalion immediately began the battle. The battalion commander died. Kerzhentsev became battalion commander. The fourth and fifth companies, as well as a platoon of reconnaissance officers, commanded by Sergeant Major Chumak, were placed at his disposal. They must defend the Metiz plant. Here they stayed for a long time. The day began with a cannonade. Then the attack began. September has come to an end, October has arrived.

The battalion was transferred to positions between the plant and the end of the ravine on Mamaev. Major Borodin, the regiment commander, recruited Kerzhentsev to carry out sapper work and create a dugout. Kerzhentsev was supposed to assist Lieutenant Lisagor. The soldiers began to create trenches, sappers laid mines. However, they suddenly decided to change positions. An order was received to occupy the hill on which the enemy machine guns were located. Scouts were allocated to help, and Chuikov promised maize workers. Kerzhentsev sent away from the command post the political department officers who had appeared there to check. And suddenly, even for himself personally, he went on the attack.

We managed to take the hill. However, this turned out to be very difficult. Two soldiers died. The rest sat in the German dugout with the company commander Karnaukhov and Chumak and discussed the battle. Suddenly they learned that they had been cut off from the battalion. They took up defensive positions. Then orderly Valega appeared, who remained at the command post because three days before the battle he injured his leg. He brought stew and an order from Kharlamov, which stated that the attack should begin at four o'clock in the morning.

The attack failed. The losses grew more and more. There is no hope of staying alive. However, their own people still broke through to them. Shiryaev, who became the battalion commander in his place, attacked Kerzhentsev. Kerzhentsev surrendered command and moved to Lisagor. At first they did nothing, they went to visit everyone. For the first time since they met, Kerzhentsev talks about life with the company commander of his former battalion, Farber.

In the second half of November, Kerzhentsev has a name day. A holiday was planned. But he failed due to a general offensive along the entire front. Kerzhentsev prepared a command post for Borodin and sent sappers ashore with Lisagor. According to the order of the major, Kerzhentsev himself went to his former battalion. Shiryaev figured out how to capture the communication passages. The major agreed with this trick, which would help save human lives. However, the chief of staff insisted on carrying out the attack head-on. He sent the battalion on the offensive, not wanting to listen to anyone's arguments.

Kerzhentsev went into battle with the soldiers. They immediately came under fire and lay down in craters. They spent nine hours there, after which they managed to get to their own. The battalion lost almost half of its fighters. Karnaukhov also died. Shiryaev was wounded. Farber became the battalion commander. This commander did not participate in the attack. Abrosimov kept it with him.

Abrosimov was tried. Borodin said at the trial that he had confidence in the chief of staff. However, he deceived him. He abused his own powers and people died. Then a number of other witnesses spoke. Ambrosimov considered himself right. He believed that the outcome of the battle could only be decided by attack. He believed that the fighters simply chickened out. Farber stood up. He couldn't speak. However, he said those who did not return from this attack were not cowards. The order was not to carry out an attack, but to take possession. Shiryaev’s plan could have saved a lot of people’s lives, but now these people are gone.

Abrosimov was sent to a penal battalion. He left without saying goodbye. At night the tanks arrived. Kerzhentsev tried to celebrate the past name day. However, an offensive was announced again. Shiryaev, who now became the chief of staff, came running. The battle has begun. Kerzhentsev was wounded, and he ended up in the medical battalion. From there he returned to Stalingrad. There he met Sedykh and learned that Igor was alive. He was going to visit a friend in the evening. But again I didn’t have time. They were sent to fight with the Northern group. There was an offensive.