Rules for receiving the Mother Heroine award and the Order of Parental Glory. State awards for motherhood in the USSR

Mom is the best and most tender word. Mom is the closest and dear person. For every mother this is already a great reward. There are women who have five or six children, and some have even more. And these mothers of many children receive rewards not only from their children, but also from the state.

The title of "mother heroine" in the USSR

In the USSR, the title of mother-heroine was awarded to women who raised ten or more children. This was also the name of the order, which was awarded to mothers of many children. The title of mother-heroine was awarded if a woman gave birth to and raised ten or more children; moreover, at the time of assignment of the title, the youngest child must be one year old and all other children of this woman must be alive. They also paid attention to the presence of adopted children and children who died or went missing for various reasons.

Most main goal When creating this order, it was to celebrate the mother’s merits in the birth, and especially in raising children. So, we figured out how they received the title of mother-heroine in the USSR, and now let’s pay attention to modern times.

Mother heroine in Russia

Today, the order “Mother Heroine” in Russia has been replaced by the order “ Parental glory" Four or more - that’s how many children a modern “heroine mother” has. Only now the Order of Parental Glory is awarded to two parents. Unlike the USSR, a certificate of honor and a monetary award were added to the order. Parents who raise seven or more children also receive a badge of the order and a miniature copy of it, which can be worn at special events.

Of course, the order in the USSR provided more opportunities and benefits. The main advantage was receiving apartments and child benefits in large size. It is impossible to say what benefits a mother-heroine has in Russia, because there are none. True, there are regions where mothers of many children luckier, there are discounts on payment utilities, allocate trips to the resort for parents or children, and can allocate a place in kindergarten without waiting in line.

Today in Russia there is a decision on the entry into force of a new law that provides benefits for large families. The law stipulates the following points:

  • depending on the number of children, payments from one living wage, up to a sevenfold minimum;
  • benefits for utilities;
  • benefits for admission to universities;
  • provision of minibuses;
  • provision land plot;
  • assistance in obtaining loans for the purchase of housing.

The conditions for these privileges are that the youngest child must be one year old, parents and all children must be citizens of Russia.

Mother heroine in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the title of mother-heroine is awarded if a woman gave birth and raised five or more children up to the age of eight; adopted children are also taken into account. At the same time, attention is paid to personal contribution to the upbringing of children, the creation of favorable living conditions, the education of children, the development of their creative potential, and the formation of spiritual and moral values.

In Ukraine, mothers of many children are paid one-time assistance ten times the subsistence minimum. Mother-heroine, who, due to small length of service or lack thereof at all, is not entitled to a pension, receives social assistance one hundred percent of the subsistence level. In addition to all this, a heroine mother or a woman who gave birth and raised five or more children up to the age of six, receive a pension for services to the homeland. It is paid as a supplement to the basic pension amount, in the amount of one-fourth of the subsistence minimum.

Large families and heroine mothers who have unfavorable living conditions have the right to priority order for obtaining housing. Even if the children in the family are eighteen years old, the woman is not removed from the waiting list until she receives housing.

Giving birth and raising many children is a lot of hard work, but at the same time, there is nothing more important and necessary than children.

The status of “Mother Heroine” can be obtained by a woman who is raising several children. In this case, both born and adopted children are taken into account. Such families are provided with various benefits and rewards.

Mother heroine: how to get status and benefits?

Even though modern women They can lead a country, serve in the army, be ambassadors and peacemakers, but first and foremost they still remain mothers.

This is the main calling and purpose of a woman in this world. According to statistics, most have two children, and some have three, five or more.

And if there are quite a lot of people with many children, then mother-heroines can probably be counted on one hand.

Mother-heroine in Russia: how many children should there be?

Which mother can be called a heroine? Since 2008, this status can be obtained by a woman with seven or more children. A necessary condition obtaining such a title is a fact of achievement youngest child years, while all other children must be alive. The status is awarded to a woman not only for children born, but also for adopted children.

Until 2008, heroine mothers were not encouraged at the government level in any way, although in some regions of the federation they received insignia. However, the awards did not provide financial incentives and did not correspond to the contribution that the woman made to the life of the country.

Mother heroine: how many children are there in the USSR?

This rank was first used in 1944. The war period was marked by great human casualties. At the time, the reward was offered as a boost to the birth rate, since many people had died in the war and the nation needed to be rebuilt.

During times Soviet Union Women received, in addition to the title of heroine, also an award - an order. The purpose of its appropriation was the need to emphasize the invaluable contribution of mothers to the process of birth and education of new citizens. To be granted heroine status, a woman had to have ten or more children. Before the end of the USSR, almost 500 women received the Order of the Heroine Mother.


Today, mothers who have the status of heroines receive monetary reward in the amount established federal law. In some cases, housing or a car are given along with the reward.

The following benefits are also provided:

In addition, women who have more than 10 children and live in Moscow can open a kindergarten in their home. They are given the position of a teacher and paid a salary.

Awards for mothers of many children: how to get them?

Nowadays, both mother and father can receive the reward for having many children, since they raise children together. Before appropriating, the guardianship authorities carefully check whether the family meets all the necessary requirements.

To receive an award, the following conditions must be met:

  • full provision for children, education in spiritual and moral terms;
  • compliance of the family with the normative rules established by law;
  • acceptable lifestyle;
  • education for children;
  • parents are fully concerned about the health of their children;
  • the family can be considered an example for others to follow in terms of preserving and observing family values.

Order of "Parental Glory"

If the family meets all the above requirements, then the order is granted when the seventh child turns three years old.

In addition, the rule regarding living remaining children remains. Dead children are taken into account only if they died while performing a civic duty, or died while carrying out military service.

The Order of “Parental Glory” is a straight equal-ended cross made of silver with gilding and enamel, the ends of which are concave on the sides.

Medal "Parental Glory"

It has the same power as the reward of Motherhood. It is awarded to parents raising more than 4 children. As with other awards, adopted children are also taken into account. The medal is awarded when the youngest child turns three years old.

As with other similar awards, this medal is given only to pre-vetted families who must not just give birth to or adopt a child. They are obliged to provide him with a full education and harmonious development, instill human values ​​and ideals, set an example of a strong marriage.

To receive the award, spouses must be legally married and in a marriage registered with the relevant authorities. All living conditions must be created for children, including a home, education and comprehensive development. Also, family members must be citizens of the country and permanently reside on its territory.

Due to the low birth rate and the reluctance of couples to have more than one child, now, unfortunately, orders and awards are practically not given to anyone. According to statistics, in each region of the state only 2-3 families receive the award. However, all government actions are aimed at encouraging the birth rate in large quantities, reviving the right traditions. All this is supported by the promise of various benefits to couples.

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First in national history state award for mothers of many children appeared in hard time- at the height of the Great Patriotic War.

The establishment of such an award pursued two goals at once. Firstly, the authorities wanted to honor mothers with many children whose sons died at the front. Secondly, the new award was aimed at stimulating childbearing - the country, which had suffered severe losses, needed new citizens.

On July 8, 1944, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the order and title “Mother Heroine” was established. At the same time, the title “Mother Heroine” was announced highest rank, assigned to mothers of many children.

According to the Regulations on the title “Mother Heroine”, it was awarded to mothers who gave birth and raised ten or more children upon reaching last child age of one year and if there are other living children of this mother.

It was also stipulated that children adopted by their mother in accordance with the procedure established by law are taken into account, as well as those who died or went missing while defending the USSR or while performing other military service duties, or while fulfilling the duty of a citizen of the USSR to save human life, for the protection of socialist property and socialist legal order, as well as those who died as a result of injury, concussion, injury or illness received under the specified circumstances, or as a result of a work injury or occupational disease.

From “Mother Heroine” to the Motherhood Medal

Organizational issues related to clarifying various nuances took several months, so the first official conferment of the title “Mother Heroine” by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR took place on October 27, 1944.

The list of the first recipients included 14 women. Some historians argue that the delay in the award was due to the fact that the authorities were trying to find a communist mother with many children, but they never solved this problem.

Be that as it may, the Order “Mother Heroine” No. 1 and the Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 1 were awarded on November 1, 1944 in the Kremlin to a resident of the village of Mamontovka, Moscow Region Anna Aleksakhina, who raised 12 children. 4 sons of Anna Aleksakhina died at the front.

Not everyone knows, but along with the order and title “Mother Heroine”, the USSR also approved junior awards for mothers - the Order of Maternal Glory, as well as the Medal of Motherhood.

The Motherhood Medal had two degrees. The 2nd degree award was given to mothers who gave birth and raised five children, the 1st degree award - to those who gave birth and raised six children.

Between the Medal of Motherhood and the Order of “Mother Heroine” there was the Order of “Maternal Glory” of three degrees, which was awarded to women who gave birth and raised 7, 8 and 9 children, respectively.

Soviet awards for mothers of many children lasted about half a century. During this time, more than 13 million women were awarded Motherhood medals, and about 5.5 million women were awarded the Order of Maternal Glory.

And finally, just over 430 thousand Soviet women were awarded the order and title “Mother Heroine”, most of whom lived in the regions of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

Such different mothers

The last award of the title “Mother Heroine” in the Soviet Union took place on November 14, 1991, after which the state for many years left demographic issues in the country to chance.

Mothers of many children were nevertheless rewarded by inertia, but not on the same scale and on the same scale. Mothers were awarded the Order of Friendship or medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. In total, fewer than 400 women received these awards.

It should be noted that in Soviet era, especially late Soviet period, the attitude towards “heroine mothers” was ambiguous. Some admired them, some considered them “breeders of poverty,” and some even reproached them for trying, with the help of children, to obtain from the state additional social benefits, privileges and improved living conditions.

Among the women who bore the title “Mother Heroine,” there were extremely different personalities.

Epistinia Stepanova, who raised nine sons and one daughter, lost all her sons in the war. The last one, Nikolai, who returned from the war as an invalid, died from the consequences of his wounds in 1963.

Ninel Ovechkina, who raised 7 sons and 4 daughters, became the organizer of a family gang that planned to hijack a plane in order to move to the West. On March 8, 1988, the hijacking of a Tu-154 plane by the Ovechkin family led to tragedy. A flight attendant was killed when police attempted to storm the plane. Tamara Zharkaya and three passengers. Ninel Ovechkina's four sons and she committed suicide.

“Parental glory” instead of maternal glory

We moved from words to deeds in May 2008, when, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev The Order of Parental Glory was established, the prototype of which was the Soviet Order of Motherly Glory.

But, unlike its Soviet predecessor, the Order of Parental Glory was awarded to both spouses, and only in the case of an incomplete family, only one parent was awarded.

In 2008, the statute of the new order prescribed that families who gave birth and raised four or more children and provide “an appropriate level of care for health, education, physical, spiritual and moral development children, the full and harmonious development of their personality.”

Two years later, in 2010, the statute was revised - now “Parental Glory” can only be awarded to those families raising seven or more children.

As a result, over the six years of the order’s existence, 250 families were awarded it, with the peak of awards occurring in 2009, after which the number of new recipients of “Parental Glory” began to decline.

However, many public and politicians They believe that the Order of Parental Glory is not enough. Since 2013, the issue of reviving the title “Mother Heroine” has been actively discussed in the Russian parliament.

Orders for mothers: neighbors ahead of Russia

Moreover, Russia’s neighbors have already returned to similar practices. In Uzbekistan, there is an order “For a Healthy Generation”; in Kazakhstan, mothers of many children receive gold and silver pendants that have the status of an order.

In fact, they returned to Soviet practice in Belarus and Ukraine. In Belarus, among the state awards there is the Order of the Mother, which is awarded to women who have given birth and raised five or more children. In Ukraine, for ten years now, the honorary title “Heroine Mother” has once again existed, which over 130 thousand women have been awarded during this period. It is assigned to women who have given birth and raised five or more children before the age of eight.

In Kyrgyzstan, since 1996, there has been the Order of the Mother Heroine, which, according to its statute, was initially closest to the Soviet award. This award was given to mothers who had and fully raised ten or more children after the tenth child reached seven years of age and while the remaining children were alive. However, since 2009, the “award threshold” has become significantly lower in this country as well - now the order is awarded to mothers who have and fully raise seven or more children.

Russia, having become the legal successor of the Soviet Union, for some reason immediately forgot about mothers of many children and really remembered it relatively recently, when faced with a demographic crisis called “Women don’t want to give birth,” caused, first of all, by the difficult economic situation. The “Mother Heroine” was replaced by the Order of Parental Glory, awarded, unlike its Soviet counterpart, to both parents. Another difference between “Slava” is that it is awarded to families with not ten, but four children. And, most importantly, it is complemented by not the most serious, according to experts, benefits and allowances.

Thus, while supporting several children, their parents have the right to pay 50% of the amount of utilities and, to have the latter installed out of turn, to reduce the amount of income taxation, to earlier retirement (though subject to a certain length of service), to save for mothers with working experience. For children there is a 50% discount on payment kindergarten, free travel on municipal public transport, free treatment and examination in public medical institutions, free summer holidays in children's camps and some privileges when entering universities. Which, given modern realities, often remains on paper. True, regions have their own assistance programs. For example, in the Altai Territory, parents do not have to pay to purchase medications intended for use in pharmacies. Children from such families also have priority rights to admission to a country holiday camp.

Will “Mother Heroine” be brought back?

A bill providing for the restoration of the title and order of “Mother Heroine” in Russia began to be considered in 2013 State Duma RF. The document, in particular, stipulates that the main basis for their delivery will be the presence in the family of at least five children aged from one to five years. And the benefits will have to become, according to one of the authors of the bill, Mikhail Serdyuk, no less significant than those in the Soviet Union.

Started with the letter "A"

The heroic title and the order attached to it appeared in the USSR on July 8, 1944, almost a year before the end of the Great Patriotic War. Having irretrievably lost millions of men, most of whom were young, the country then also found itself on the edge of a demographic abyss. A way out of this could be to encourage Soviet women to give birth as often as possible, including providing them with serious social benefits. And in the fall of 1944, the first 14 mothers who gave birth and raised at least ten children were awarded in Moscow.

It is symbolic that the order number 1 was awarded to a woman whose first and last name began with the letter “A” - Anna Aleksakhina, a resident of the Moscow region, the mother of 12 children. Eight sons of Anna Savelyevna became participants in the Great Patriotic War, half of them did not return home. Subsequently, Aleksakhina’s order was transferred to the State Historical Museum by her children. By the way, at the same time with the Order of “Mother Heroine”, two more awards appeared for large families Soviet women- Medal of Motherhood (for the birth of five or six children) and the Order of Maternal Glory (from seven to nine).

"Seven Simeons"

In addition to their own children, including those killed or missing during hostilities, service in the army or police, when saving a person’s life or who died due to occupational illness and work injury, the state also took into account those whom their mothers adopted. The Soviet government should be given its due; it strictly fulfilled its material obligations. All women awarded the title “Mother Heroine” were given separate multi-room apartments in cities or at home in rural areas, monthly cash benefits were paid. And their children had the opportunity to receive free good education and profession.

At one time she was not deprived of state attention, for example, musical family Irkutsk Ovechkins. The heroic mother, Ninel Sergeevna, who headed it, single-handedly raised 11 children who created the family ensemble “Seven Simeons,” famous almost throughout the Union. That, however, did not prevent them from almost in full force commit a particularly dangerous crime and try to hijack a civilian plane abroad.

Historians claim that the last awards to Soviet mothers were presented to Soviet mothers in November 1991 by the president of the fading USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev. However, in Russian media From time to time, materials are published that provide a completely unique and not very plausible-looking fact that in the early 90s, another person was rewarded with the Order of Mother Heroine. Moreover, a man named Veniamin Makarov, who raised in his Yekaterinburg four-room apartment, received as a state benefit, several dozen adopted boys from the street and from orphanages. By the way, Makarov is now suing one of them over this apartment.