Is it possible to have a second work record book, and how is this taken into account when calculating length of service? Work book: start over

Upon completion of the work book, the employee is issued an insert. How to obtain a work book for the first time? Citizens often ask where to get a work book? This can be done upon first employment. The employer is obliged to provide the employee with this document in its actual absence. As a rule, he approaches the employer with a statement. Sample application download The application indicates the reason for the absence of the document (did not work previously). Not everyone knows at what age you can get a work record book. It is issued from the moment a citizen begins to officially work. As a rule, people over 16 years of age are hired. But, according to Article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, children under this age can get a job. True, for this you need to obtain permission from the teenager’s parents and guardianship authorities.

The work book has expired - procedure

GUBERNATOR Will any entries be made in the old work book at the new place of work when a new one is opened? Or will the new one not start and just make an insert? A new one is started (more precisely, a duplicate is issued) if the old one is lost, and if the old one is finished, then an insert is simply inserted into it. INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT THE PROCEDURE FOR MAINTAINING LABOR RECORDS ON ENTERPRISES, INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS 3. INSERT IN THE EMPLOYMENT BOOK 3.1. In cases where all pages of the relevant sections are filled out in the work book, work book supplemented with an insert. The insert is sewn into the work book, filled out and maintained by the administration of the enterprise at the place of work of the worker or employee in the same manner as the work book. The insert without a work book is invalid. 3.2.

If the work book has expired, is it possible to get a new one?

However, there are several scenarios in which it becomes necessary to acquire a new document. It could be:

  • loss of work record;
  • desire to hide information about previous work from the new employer;
  • moving to a new place of residence when documents are left at the previous place of work.

In case of loss, the work book can be opened at a new place of work if the employee writes a statement about the loss of the first document. However, the HR specialist has no right to make any duplicate entries based on the employee’s words or any certificates.

Government Decree No. 225 of April 16, 2003 defines the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, which are mandatory for employers, be it an individual entrepreneur or a large company.

My work book has expired, what should I do?

Holding an employee accountable in such situations will lead to the application of penalties and punishments in accordance with Russian legislation. In the state pension insurance system, there is a personalized record containing all the information about a citizen’s work activity. However, a work book today is a mandatory document for assigning a pension.


And the citizen must attach the most “profitable” work book to the application, even if there are several of them. Therefore, a careful and responsible attitude towards important document with labor records will help each person in the future to ensure a comfortable existence in old age. Is there responsibility for acquiring a second work book? A Russian citizen does not bear responsibility for having a second work book if it is not provided for by the internal documents of the enterprise.

How to get a work book

  • 1 What is a work book
  • 2 Is it legal to have several work books?
  • 3 What to do with deductions if you have two employees?
  • 4 Registration of a pension if you have two work books
  • 5 Benefits and experience

What is a work book? A work book is official document, in which information about the worker’s employment and length of service is entered. This document is drawn up and stored in the human resources department of the employing enterprise. Any organization is required to maintain books for all employees who work under an employment contract for more than five days.

If the work book has expired, is it possible to get a new one? However, there are several scenarios in which it becomes necessary to acquire a new document.

Is it possible to get a second work book?

  • Compensation payments that he received on sick leave may be forcibly collected from a citizen, because temporary disability benefits can only be received at one place of work. Attempting to receive benefits in two places at once can be regarded as illegal enrichment.
  • A person may be attracted to criminal liability in accordance with Articles 159 and 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Of course, it is difficult to call the second form fictitious if entries were made in it according to all the rules by employees of the HR department.
    But the fact that it is a second document acting as the first is illegal.

Second work book or insert?

Correct entry with the following serial number will be made in the insert. At the same time it is prohibited:

  • using a new book form instead of filling out the insert;
  • crossing out a word in the phrase in the “Information about awards” section to replace it with “work”;
  • fixation in different ways clean sheets.

When filling out the insert, you should adhere to the following points:

  • the document continues to be maintained, just like the book;
  • he does not have a legal entity. force without presentation of labor;
  • if an employee’s name has changed during the course of his work, then this information is reflected both in the work document and in the insert.

When there is no space left on the page, and the recording has not yet ended, it is transferred to the insert, starting from the place where it had to be broken off.

How to make an entry in a work book if you run out of blank pages

Is it beneficial to have a second work book? The law does not prohibit having a second work book, but it should be remembered that parallel length of service does not exist when calculating pensions or other payments. Therefore, for all calculations, only length of service is required, when contributions are made by the employer and all taxes are paid to the country’s budget on time. A parallel work book with marks at other enterprises can be considered a document to reflect part-time work, although there is no need for such actions.

All notes can be made in one document on the basis of Russian legislation. The same benefits received at several places of work should not occur. Benefits must be received only on the basis of one document, a single database.
Otherwise, the employee’s actions may be regarded as an attempt to enrich himself through illegal means.

Is it possible to get a new work book if you have an old one?

Is it possible to create a second work book With the introduction of personalized accounting in pension insurance The meaning of the book as a storage device for recording work experience has been lost. Individual records for each employee in the pension fund include all information about the length of service of the future pensioner. In addition, after the pension reform, the amount of the pension is also affected by contributions to an individual PF account.
Therefore, people with several work books need to keep in mind that they can only attach one “profitable” book to their pension application. Benefits and length of service Holders of work books in duplicate are often concerned with the question of how the insurance period is calculated and benefits are calculated.
If the insert did not start and the seal was not affixed, but the employee works on a permanent basis, he should contact the employer with a request that the insert be maintained properly. Changing the last name The employer should inform the employee about the nuances that must be taken into account when changing the full name. The rules are stored in the relevant personnel and accounting documents.
An employee with a changed surname has the right to come to the director with a corresponding application, indicating the change in surname. Then the following is done:

  • the manager endorses the employee’s application;
  • on the basis of this document, the personnel officer makes a corresponding entry on the work sheets;
  • after this, an order is issued to change the surname;
  • At the end, the change worker performs the remaining actions.

If a citizen works two jobs in parallel or is interested in hiding some facts of his work history from the new employer, there is a need to figure out whether it is possible to have two work books at the same time, whether it is worth getting a second one, how legal it is and what problems it may pose in the future.

Why get a second work book?

A work book is a document that records the facts of the work biography of an employed person - dates of hiring and dismissal, transfers from one position to another within the organization, information about incentives, etc.

The two most common reasons to think about getting a second work book are:

  1. getting a second job without leaving your current job;
  2. change of occupation, encouraging you to hide your professional past from the employer.

If you work two jobs

Additional information

A work book is acquired (if this is the first place of work) and stored at the enterprise at the main workplace. All manipulations with the work book (making entries, actions to preserve the document) must comply with the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, which were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (Resolution No. 225 dated April 16, 2003).

According to the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the ability to continue working in two jobs at the same time is not a reason to search for information on the topic of whether it is possible to have two work books. In this case, the law provides for work at the main workplace and part-time work. A citizen must have only one work book, and Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prescribes that it should be kept at the employer’s main place.

If an employee wants information about part-time work to be reflected in his only work book, he has the right to make a corresponding request to an employee of the HR department or another person responsible for storing and filling out work books. This person must be presented with a copy employment contract with a second employer or a certificate from a second place of work, which will serve as the basis for registration in the labor force.

In practice, there are often cases when employers refuse to register new employees without a work book. This forces the job seeker to create a second document against his or her wishes.

If you want to start from scratch

Finding out whether it is possible to get a second work record book is important for a person who, in his youth, began his career in a non-prestigious position that does not require qualifications, and then graduated from a university, gets a job in the acquired prestigious specialty and is interested in the employer not finding out about the past.

In this case, it will not be a flagrant violation of the law to tell the employer that the work record book has been lost and the employee wants to create a new one without restoring previous records. If a person worked only in parallel with his studies at a university in a full-time department, he has the right to ask that a record of study be made in the work book based on the received educational document, without mentioning the work to which he devoted his free time.

The work book is the main document that provides information about a person’s work experience. It contains not only all the dates of conclusion and termination of employment contracts, but also transfers within the same enterprise or between organizations, promotions or demotions, information about awards for work.

If the book is lost or inaccessible

A second work book will also be required if:

  • it is truly lost;
  • Contrary to the law, her former employer did not hand her over upon dismissal.

In both cases, the employer is obliged to provide the employee with a duplicate work record book. The employee has the right to restore the entries that were made in the lost document by collecting evidence from previous places of work that he worked there (certificates, copies of hiring/dismissal orders, etc.).

Please note: what to do if a lost work book is found in legal acts Russia is not specified.

The video talks about what to do if you have lost your work book

What are the dangers of having two work books?

Some facts

You cannot officially apply for a full-time job with more than one employer. According to the law, only part-time work can be documented on the same basis as your main job. For example, in one organization the registration is for a full-time job, and in another there is a few hours of part-time work. This process has its own nuances and rules that both employees and employers must follow. Then simultaneous work in several places is a real possibility, permitted by law.

According to Russian legislation the second work book does not entail responsibility or any obligations. But the fact that a citizen has two documents on his work history cannot be considered completely legal.

Working on two work books at the same time still promises certain problems for a person acting in circumvention of the law.

When a citizen retires and applies to the Pension Fund for a pension, he is required to present a work record book officials Pension Fund to confirm the length of service and the scope of pension rights. And here the Pension Fund employees will be able to provide only one labor card. They will not take the second document into account, because it was conducted contrary to the law. This entails loss of length of service and contributions to the Pension Fund associated with work under the second work book.

It happens that a person who has created a second document on his work history, with its help, receives illegal income - he works according to one book, and is registered with the employment service according to the second, or is on maternity leave. In this case, if the fraud is revealed, you will have to answer not for the presence of two documents, but for actions that have signs of fraud.

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Citizens often ask where to get a work book? This can be done upon first employment. The employer is obliged to issue this document to the employee in his actual absence. As a rule, he approaches the employer with a statement.

Sample application

The application indicates the reason for the absence of the document (did not work previously).

Not everyone knows at what age you can get a work record book. It is issued from the moment a citizen begins to officially work. As a rule, people over 16 years of age are hired. But, according to Article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, children under this age can get a job. True, for this you need to obtain permission from the teenager’s parents and guardianship authorities.

Second work book

The question of how to get a second work book arises before a citizen when he:

  • decided to hide unpleasant facts from his employer from his professional activities;
  • trying to change profession;
  • lost the first form and doesn’t want to waste time looking for it;
  • trying to get two jobs at the same time.

The only legal way to create a second form is to write a statement to the employer about the loss of the first copy.

If the lost document is subsequently found, it will have to be accepted and maintained. The second copy will need to be destroyed.

If the words about the disappearance turn out to be a lie, the employer has the right to dismiss such an employee for knowingly providing false information and concealment of documents. Therefore, before you think: “Can I get a second work book?”, you need to find out about responsibility for the decision made.


What happens if you get a second work book? Here are some options.

    A citizen who knowingly provides false information when applying for a job may be dismissed on the basis of paragraph 11 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Because tax deductions are made at one place of work, it is worth knowing that if a person works somewhere else, the second employer will have the right to recover the amount of tax deduction from such an employee in judicial procedure.

    When applying for a pension, the Pension Fund will not accept a second document on the person’s length of service.

    Compensation payments that he received on sick leave may be forcibly collected from a citizen, because temporary disability benefits can only be received at one place of work. Attempting to receive benefits in two places at once can be regarded as illegal enrichment.

    A person can be brought to criminal liability under Articles 159 and 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Of course, it is difficult to call the second form fictitious if entries were made in it according to all the rules by employees of the HR department. But the fact that it is a second document acting as the first is illegal.

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Is it possible to get a new work book?

If the employer has lost his work book, is it possible to get a new one and what is needed for this?

Lena, hello! Write an application to get a duplicate. But for this you need to provide certificates from your old places indicating the orders of admission and dismissal so that these records can be restored.

Good day to you. In this case, write a statement that you have issued a duplicate. I wish you good luck in resolving your issue.

Is it possible to get a new work book if there was a dismissal under an article. I don’t feel sorry for the experience that is there at all, because it only spoils everything even without the article itself.

Hello, Alexandra! This is, of course, not prohibited by law. But how will you then prove that you worked somewhere before and were not “hanging around doing nothing”?

Start it if you don’t mind the length of service, the Pension Fund of Russia has all your experience and deductions in the database, where the reason for dismissal does not matter at all. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone.

Is it possible to get a new work book if it is impossible to pick up the old one?

Of course you can, but you will have to restore all records of work experience for the pension fund - get certificates from employers and file a lawsuit under Art. 301 of the Civil Code and demand a refund of the Labor Code.

Is it possible to get a new work book if it is impossible to pick up the old one? Can. Only the old one will be useful to you for assigning a pension in the future. Why is it impossible to pick it up?

Hello, at your new place of work you can ask for new book, but how will you have to restore past jobs. Thank you for choosing our site, all the best, goodbye.

What does it mean that it is impossible to pick up the old work book, reclaim it in court or make a duplicate if the work book is lost/lost. Of course, you can create a new work book, but what about those marks from previous places of work where you worked before? If this period of work dates back to the time after 2002, the information is available in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, if you worked officially, if you have work experience before 2002, without a work book, you cannot confirm it.

Is it possible to get a new work book? Since on past work fired under article for loss of trust. Will this not come up even if there is a new work book?

This may come up if a new employer makes an inquiry about the old place of work. Get a new book, but don’t say where you worked. Good luck and all the best to you.

You can report the loss of your work book when you are employed at new job. In this case, the employer will have to create a new work book for you. As for “whether it will pop up or not” - here you can only guess, the cases are different.

Good day, Asya. You can get a new work book. By old post the information will not come up unless the new employer makes any inquiries (which is unlikely).

Will this not come up even if there is a new work book? It won’t come up. But the second work book will not be accepted by the Pension Fund for calculating a pension.

Is it possible not to change the work book when changing your last name, but just get a new one? I absolutely don’t care if I lose my seniority. I just need to get rid of any mention of my last name. As far as I know, the work record book is not changed, and I wouldn’t want to shake my new name at my old job.

Hello. Why start a new one if you can just make last name changes to the old one?:sm_bs:

I really need your advice, please tell me, is it possible to get a new work book? The fact is that in my youth I ruined her story, but now I’ve found it wonderful place work, but I’m very afraid that it’s labor. The book will ruin everything. Is it worth it and is it even possible to get a new one?

Nina Vitalievna, you can, there’s nothing wrong if this happened.

Is it possible to get a new work book if you have an old one? At the new job, the position is significantly lower than at previous jobs and I plan not to stay at this job for more than 1-2 years, but I still want the experience to continue. And later, when applying for another job, use the first work book? And how will this affect pension matters? Those. When applying for a pension, will I be able to subsequently present both books, one of which will contain the middle of my working life?

Yes, you can get a new work book and then confirm your work experience with two.

yes, of course, you can just take care of your old work record so that you can later confirm your work experience.

Is it possible to re-register a work book and get a new one? new surname if he took his wife's last name? I don't want to make an insert, because... Before that I had a stupid last name.

After graduating from college, I got a job at an agency and still work there. Therefore, there are already few places to work. What needs to be done for this? Or lose your job title and get a new one with a new last name?

Art. 26 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Pavel, good evening! I don’t recommend losing your work, it will be useful in the future... In accordance with Art. 26 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, by RESOLUTION of April 16, 2003 N 225 “On LABOR BOOKS” and the rules for filling them out, changes in records about the last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth, as well as about the education, profession and specialty of the employee are made by the employer according to last place work on the basis of a passport, birth certificate, marriage, divorce, change of surname, name, patronymic and other documents. The previous entry is neatly crossed out with one line, and new ones are written at the top (bottom or on the same line where there is space) data. Keep in mind that the crossed out entry must be easy to read. An explanation is made on the inside cover of the work book with reference to the documents on the basis of which the changes were made, indicating their numbers and dates. Thus, the organization where you currently work is authorized to make the appropriate entry on the inside cover of the work book... I wish you good luck.

Pavel, good evening! I don’t recommend losing your work, it will be useful in the future... In accordance with Art. 26 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, by RESOLUTION of April 16, 2003 N 225 “On EMPLOYMENT BOOKS” and the rules for filling them out, changes in records about the last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth, as well as about the education, profession and specialty of the employee are made by the employer at the last place of work on the basis of a passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce, change of surname, name, patronymic and other documents. The previous entry is neatly crossed out with one line, and new data is written at the top (bottom or on the same line where there is space) . Keep in mind that the crossed out entry must be easy to read. An explanation is made on the inside cover of the work book with reference to the documents on the basis of which the changes were made, indicating their numbers and dates. Thus, the organization where you currently work is authorized to make the appropriate entry on the inside cover of the work book... I wish you good luck.

According to the new Labor Code, is it possible to create a work book for a full-time university student at the place of work or somehow formalize it with a contract?

Dear Andrey! In accordance with Article 65 Labor Code(previously, a similar article 39 existed in the Labor Code): “When concluding an employment contract for the first time, a work book and an insurance certificate of state pension insurance are issued by the employer.” The legislator does not connect the registration of a work book with the circumstances of full or part-time employment. So to your question, the answer will be like this: “you can create a work book for a full-time university student at your place of work!” Good luck!

Currently, there is a positive trend in the development of financial and legal literacy of employees. Citizens carefully study the legislation in an effort to protect their rights. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to have a second one is being asked more and more often. Legislation Russian Federation does not contain a specific answer to this question, which leads to a certain amount of ambiguity and trying to figure out how to proceed correctly.

A work book is an official document in which information about employment and employment is entered. This document is drawn up and stored in the human resources department of the employing enterprise. Any organization is required to maintain books for all employees who work under an employment contract for more than five days.

The work book contains information about the employee:

  • Full name according to passport data
  • age information
  • education information is recorded on the basis of a diploma or certificate
  • full and abbreviated name of the enterprises with which the employee has an employment contract
  • position/specialty of the employee, assignment of rank
  • data or other document on the basis of which the employee was hired by the organization

When a worker is dismissed, the HR department enters into the work book information about the reason and the date from which the employee does not work in the organization. In addition, the order according to which the employee was dismissed is indicated.

Records of acceptance and dismissal must be certified by the personal signatures of the employee and the personnel officer. On the day the employment contract ends, the citizen is required to provide a work book.

Is it legal to have several work books?

A work record book is the most important evidence of an employee’s work experience. The reasons why a citizen re-issues a work book can be different:

  • loss of a work form and discovery of the original book only after the creation of a new one
  • hiding another place of work from the management of the enterprise
  • desire to hide a fact from a previous place of work “under the article”
  • the employee wants to start his career with a “clean slate” and hide information about previous undesirable qualifications
  • physical damage to the first book

Each employee has the right to work in several enterprises. However, the work book must be kept by the main employer (in accordance with Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Activities in other organizations in this case are considered combination. If the employee wishes, information about the second job can be entered into the work book, based on an order for employment in another company.

Therefore, an employee should not have several work books. If you lose your book, you must notify the HR department and a duplicate will be issued.

However, there is no clear prohibition on owning several work books. An employee working in two organizations at once and keeping work books in duplicate does not bear direct responsibility before the law. But sometimes situations arise when working on two books is illegal. For example, a woman receives child care benefits under both books. In another case, a girl starts a new job without stopping maternity leave, and gets another work book in order to receive benefits in the future. These situations can end disastrously, since the employee may be forced to return the excess funds through the court or accused of fraud.

Thus, to avoid problems in the future, it is advisable to labor activity, using a work book in a single copy.

What to do with deductions if you have two employees?

An employee, when joining an organization, must inform the employer about the availability of a work book in two copies. At the legislative level, an employee cannot be denied employment. However, the employer will wonder why length of service is not taken into account in one work report, even if there is a second job. In this case, the employer will ask the employee to decide on the main place of work in order not to violate the implementation of the articles of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. After all, an employee can only claim tax deductions at one place of work.

The worker is required to choose his main place of work and submit a statement to another organization that the deductions have already been received. You should not claim tax deductions at both jobs. If tax officials find out about this fact, the violator will pay a fine under Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The question is also important for the employer. Therefore, the boss must be aware whether the employee works in the organization at his main place of work or combines this work with another. After all, if, during an annual audit, tax officials discover inconsistencies, the employer will also have to pay fines and penalties in accordance with Art. 123 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. For a hired worker, this situation is fraught with dismissal.

Thus, owners of two work books do not need to claim tax deductions for several places of work at once. This also applies to other guarantees from the main place of work. When an employee takes leave during a study session, only one employer needs to demand payment for it. In the second organization you need to apply for free leave.

Registration of a pension if you have two work books

Owners of work books in duplicate, when submitting documents to the Pension Fund, tried to submit both books with a package of documents in order to increase the total length of service. However, pension fund employees do not accept multiple work records. Only one copy can be provided to the Pension Fund.

In the near future, they plan to abolish the requirement for workers to have a work book. With the introduction of personalized accounting in pension insurance, the meaning of the book as a storage device for recording work experience was lost. Individual records for each employee in the pension fund include all information about the length of service of the future pensioner. In addition, after the pension reform, the amount of the pension is also affected by contributions to an individual PF account.

Therefore, people with several work books need to keep in mind that they can only attach one “profitable” book to their pension application.

Benefits and experience

Holders of work books in duplicate are often concerned with the question of how the insurance period is calculated and accrued. The insurance period consists of the following periods of work:

  • civil service
  • municipal service
  • under an employment contract
  • other activities during which the employee was insured

Benefits are paid in case of sick leave due to:

  • disease

Confirmation for calculating the length of service and the amount of benefits in accordance with the law is the work book. Therefore, to register and receive cash payments the employee must indicate only one main place of work. Benefits received in connection with pregnancy and the postpartum period, or illness, are accrued according to one of the work books. If an employee wants to receive these payments for two places of work, he can be accused of fraud.

When applying for sick leave for pregnancy, girls should definitely indicate their main place of employment. Get two sick days for different organizations impossible.

Thus, there is no prohibition in the legislation of the Russian Federation for an employee to have several work books. However, it is worth understanding that the presence of books in two copies contributes to the emergence of problems when applying to pension authorities.