How to create an account in 1s 8.3. How to issue an invoice for payment: learning to fill out an important document

Payment for the sale or purchase of goods is made by invoice. In some cases a contract is required. Let's look at how to issue an invoice for payment and print an agreement in version 3.0.

Find the “Sales” tab in the menu on the left and go to the “Customer Accounts” journal:

In the window that opens, click the “Create” button and get to the filling page:

    “Counterparty” - select the name of the organization for which you want to issue an invoice.

    “Agreement” - is entered automatically after selecting a counterparty, since it must be registered in the counterparty’s card.

    “Price type” - filled in automatically based on the information entered in the counterparty’s card. This data can be checked if you go to the contract card. To do this, you need to click the button with two small squares to the right of the contract. And expand the “Calculations” section.

    “Discount” - here you can select options for providing a discount on this document.

    For example, we will issue an invoice without a discount, so we select “not provided”.

    “Payment by” - the date by which the client needs to pay this invoice is entered here. In the field on the right, select the status: Paid, Partially Paid, Unpaid or Canceled.

    “Price type” - can be changed if necessary. For example, if a client makes a large purchase. To do this, click on the inscription “Price type: Small wholesale” and select the desired option in the drop-down window.

    “Add” - through this function we select a product from the product range and manually enter the required quantity. You can see that the program has automatically set prices for the specified price type. The VAT percentage and VAT amount are filled in automatically for each added product, based on the entered data from the product card.

Let's look at the "Additional conditions" field. By clicking on the dash on the right you can select the appropriate condition for shipment:

If you click on two squares, you get to the description of the condition. Here you can enter arbitrary text on the basis of which the goods will be shipped. This text will be displayed on the printed invoice form:

Next, check the “Seller Signatures” field. This indicates who will sign the documents on the seller's side. This information will also be displayed when documents are printed. The next field is “Buyer”. The delivery address is indicated here. It can be changed by clicking on the dash on the right. After filling out and checking the document, you need to submit it by clicking the “Post” button at the top of the screen. After posting, the “Print” button becomes active. Let's click and see that based on the created invoice, you can print four documents.

There are two types of invoices you can print:

    “Invoice for payment” is a regular invoice for payment without signatures and without a seal.

    “Invoice for payment (with stamp and signatures)” is an invoice with facsimile stamps and signatures.

Let's choose the second option and consider:

Pay attention to what appears on the printed form.

It must be indicated:

    Supplier is an organization that sells goods.

    Buyer is the organization that buys the product.

    Basis – the number of the agreement on the basis of which the sale is carried out.

    Products – name, quantity, price and total amount.

    VAT – is allocated as a separate line in the total amount.

    By what date must this invoice be paid?

    Terms of payment.

If everything is correct, you can print this document.

Let's return to the printed forms and select the contract:

A directory of contract templates will open:

Let's choose any one and see what it consists of.

Timely and correct invoicing is the key to the success of any company. When concluding long-term contracts that require periodic invoicing by the supplier, as well as in the absence of sales departments in the company, contract support falls entirely on the shoulders of the accounting department. Today we will tell you how to issue an invoice for payment in 1C 8.3.

An invoice for payment in 1C Accounting is generated in the “Sales/Invoices to Customers” submenu.

Please note that when changes are made to any 1C module, an automatic news item is created with detailed description and even a video tutorial regarding the introduced innovation. The system allows you to view the news immediately or, if desired, remind you later, the next time you access this module.

A journal for registering invoices issued to customers opens.

The first detail to fill out is “Counterparty”. The system allows you to filter the list of counterparties by their name and select the right buyer. An important advantage of the system is the automatic generation of a directory of counterparties when downloading, for example, bank statements. At the same time, 1C company products provide automatic check information about the counterparty for compliance with the information contained in unified register legal entities.

Having selected the desired counterparty, we proceed directly to creating the required document. It is possible to create an invoice for payment in 1C both as part of an advance payment and after the goods have been shipped. In our example, we will look at both invoicing options.

Option #1: Prepayment

By clicking on the “Create” button, an electronic document “Invoices to the buyer (creation)” is generated.

You can issue an invoice for payment with a limited validity period, that is, with payment before a certain date. This is provided in cases where the offer is valid until a certain date. It is also possible to select a current account, since some companies have the practice of dividing sales proceeds depending on the type of product or service provision into different current accounts.

At the bottom of the document there are “Add/Select/Change” buttons that allow you to enter and edit the name of the product or service in the invoice. When you click the “Add” button, a product range window opens, in which you can sequentially enter the products sold by the company (in our case, these are fuels and lubricants). The “Selection” button allows you to see the entire list of goods, as well as the current quantitative balances for each item in the warehouse. We take turns filling in the fields for the full and short name of the product, its product group, and unit of measurement. The sales price is set by default based on the price type provided for in the contract, and can be edited if necessary.

In our example, we sell two brands of gasoline, AI-95 and AI-92.

Also, the 1C system allows you to provide a discount to the buyer both for individual invoice items and for the invoice as a whole. In our example, there is a discount on the entire invoice in the amount of 500 rubles.

Option No. 2: Issuing an invoice after the goods have been shipped

Let's consider the option of issuing an invoice for payment upon shipped products. To do this, go to the “Sales/Sales (acts, invoices)” menu.

A journal for registering invoices for shipped products opens. Having opened the invoice to be paid, click the “Create based on” button.

Select the line “Invoice to buyer”: the program will automatically create an invoice for payment, transferring all lines of sold goods from the invoice.

Once an invoice has been generated, it must be sent to the buyer. 1C Enterprise 8.3 allows you to print the created invoice by clicking the “Print” button either on an open document or in the journal for registering invoices for payment.

If desired, the generated document can be sent directly from the system to the counterparty via email. By clicking on the envelope icon, you can send the document in one of the file formats provided by 1C Enterprise 8.3.

Also, one of the advantages of 1C products is the creation electronic documents with the seal and signature of the director. To do this, you need to fill in the “Logo” and “Seal” columns in the organization details.

This property allows you to avoid printing the document, affixing a seal and signature of the manager, as well as subsequent scanning of the document for sending to the counterparty.

By selecting “Invoice for payment with stamp and signatures” from the menu, we receive a document with the details already filled in.

Needless to say, the company saves money and time in terms of document production, especially with large sales volumes.

In conclusion, I would like to draw attention to the possibility of deleting an account from the system if it is formed incorrectly and there is no possibility of editing it. To do this, you must mark in the invoice journal required document check the box for deletion and go to the “Administration/Delete marked objects” menu. Selecting “Automatically delete all marked objects” allows you to perform the corresponding action. If the invoice was generated on the basis of an invoice, you must also mark all documents associated with it for deletion.

The essence of the activity of any company is the execution of purchase and sale transactions. Goods, services, raw materials, even information - the transfer of all this requires trading operations. Most often, non-cash payment forms are used for payment: firstly, in some cases this is required by law (transferring more than 100 thousand rubles in cash as part of a transaction is prohibited), and secondly, for most legal entities this is more convenient. The basis for committing non-cash money transfers An invoice for payment appears, containing a list of goods/services/other objects of sale, their cost and details of the supplier.

What information does an invoice necessarily contain?

The invoice has no legal force (if it is necessary to return the goods, complete them or exchange them), which, however, does not detract from the importance of this document. In general, there is no unified form for its preparation approved by law, so if a company needs to issue an invoice for payment, it can draw up a document according to own sample. However, the paper invoice must contain a number of mandatory details:

  • name of the organization, its legal and actual address (it is also advisable to indicate telephone and fax numbers);
  • TIN or checkpoint;
  • bank details(current account number, bank name, BIC and correspondent account);
  • invoice number and date;
  • buyer's name;
  • list of goods and services, their quantity, price, total amount (preferably in tabular form);
  • the amount of VAT (if the organization pays it);
  • line “Total payable”, in which the sum of the two previous lines is entered;
  • invoice amount
  • the total cost of work and services in words.

The resulting document must be certified by the signatures of authorized persons.

How to issue an invoice in 1C Enterprise

To issue an invoice in the 1C “Enterprise” program, you must select the “Invoice” item in the “Sales” menu. The “Account number” field must be left blank, since it will be filled in automatically - the document will be assigned the corresponding serial number. The current invoice creation date, which is set by default, can be changed if necessary. If in installed program If records are kept for several companies, then in the “Organization” field you should select the one you need, and its details will be entered automatically.

To select a counterparty, you need to use the appropriate menu - the list will appear after clicking on the selection button, which is a square with three dots. To fill out the “Agreement” field, you will need a document on the basis of which the sale is carried out; The “Contract type” item should receive the value “With the buyer”. To make the task easier later, it is advisable to fill out a directory when working with a counterparty - add the details of each new agreement to the “Accounts and Agreements” tab.

You must also fill in the “Warehouse” and “Bank Account” fields with the appropriate information. In the latter case, you need to indicate the account to which the buyer will transfer the funds (by default, the main account of the company is set). After this, the “header” can be considered completed - and move on to the main part of the task of how to issue an invoice for payment - drawing up a table.

To present the required information in tabular form, you should use the “Selection” menu on the “Products” tab. The algorithm of actions is as follows.

  1. At the top of the page, select the parameter by which you want to make the selection (field “Selection”, then – “Remaining items”).
  2. In the middle part of the form, double-click to select the product group from which you need to select a product.
  3. At the bottom of the form, double-click to set the required nomenclature, after which all product names are selected sequentially. Now “Selection” can be closed.

After the manipulations have been performed, you should enter the quantity of goods (for each), the price per unit, VAT (if the company works with it) - and the total amount will be calculated automatically.

In the case of selling services, the algorithm of actions is similar - you just need to work on the “Services” tab. By the way, when filling out the nomenclature directory, you must remember to mark each entered service as a service - otherwise it will be considered a product.

What else can 1C Enterprise do: automatic changes to the tabular part of the invoice and more

In order to deposit significant changes into the table, but does not recalculate each position, there is an "Edit" button in the command bar. After clicking it, a window opens where adjustments are made, which will automatically appear in the table after selecting “Run”. This is how you can, for example, round prices or select their type (wholesale/retail/purchase), set the VAT rate and much more - the adjustments made will be applied immediately to all goods from the table.

So, how to make an invoice using automated system, very clear. But the possibilities of 1C are by no means exhausted. So, based on the invoice, the program can literally create the following documents automatically within a second:

  • cash receipt order,
  • receipt of funds to the account,
  • reflection of VAT for deduction,
  • complete set of nomenclature,
  • act on the provision of production services.

To take advantage of such program capabilities, you just need to select the “Enter based on” item in the “Actions” menu - and thereby significantly save time on generating a complete package of transaction documents.

Analyzing the questions and problems of users of the 1C 8.3 program, we came to the conclusion that the topic of drawing up documents using the 1C program is quite popular and in demand. Therefore, our article is about how to write out one of the most frequent documents- account in 1C 8.3. I hope you find it interesting and useful.

Let's start with the concept and meaning of counting.

This is a document that the seller issues to the buyer to pay for the last purchased goods or to transfer an advance (prepayment) against future deliveries. Thus, the invoice must include the seller's payment details so that the buyer can make the transfer cash, namely:

Number and date;
- name of the organization or individual entrepreneur;
- bank details (bank name, BIC, correspondent/account, company account number);
- name of goods (services), their quantity, cost, currency, unit of measurement;
- amount to be paid and VAT amount.

Pay attention! An invoice is not a primary document, because its issuance is not a business transaction, but only an offer from the seller to the buyer. In principle, if the parties enter into an agreement between themselves, then it is not necessary to issue an invoice.

When an account is needed.

But when there is no separate agreement, then when concluding a transaction, the invoice can act as an offer, which sets out all the main terms of the agreement. Payment by the buyer of the offer will be confirmation of acceptance of the terms of the contract.

What is an invoice agreement?

Increasingly in economic activity There is the concept of an invoice agreement, which, in fact, is an analogue of an offer. The invoice agreement confirms the fact of the transaction and the preliminary agreement on its implementation. In addition to the details required for the invoice, it specifies the terms of the agreement: validity period, terms of payment and delivery, responsibility of the parties, etc. The invoice agreement requires the signature of both parties, therefore it is drawn up in two copies. By the way, many companies issue invoice agreements in one copy with the seal and signature of only the supplier. True, in this case, the clause will be mandatory that if the customer pays, the invoice agreement is considered concluded and the customer agrees with all its terms. See sample invoice agreement.

Do I need to keep invoices?

Accountants have a lot of questions about storing accounts. The point is that in legislative framework This is not written down anywhere. An invoice is not a primary document, so there are no storage requirements for it. However, if this was a one-time payment and the invoice was indicated as the basis, especially if it was an advance payment and the primary documents have not yet been received, then in controversial situations the invoice will serve as the basis for resolving the problem between the supplier and the buyer. I would advise you to keep the document until all work under the contract under which it was tendered has been completed. As for the storage of invoice agreements, they must remain in the company’s archives for five years, according to general rules storage of accounting documents.

Creating an account in 1C 8.3.

Now let’s move on directly to generating an invoice for payment to customers in the program.
Go to the menu "Purchasing and Selling" and select the item "Customer Accounts" .

Press the button "Create"

We fill out the “header” of the open document.

  1. The invoice creation date is set by default, but if necessary, it can be adjusted.
  2. The "Organization" field is filled in automatically.
  3. You can select the “Counterparty” from the corresponding “Buyers” menu, or enter a new one if it is not in the database.
  4. The number of the agreement on the basis of which the invoice is inserted and the type of agreement are indicated - in this case the value will be “with the buyer”.

Now let's start filling out the tabular part.

5. Tab "Goods and services" , button "Add", then you need to select a product (service) from the product group, enter the quantity of the product and the cost.

This article “How to make an invoice in 1C” is intended for novice users; it explains how to generate a printed form of an invoice for payment to a buyer in the 1C: Enterprise system program in order to print the generated form of an invoice for payment or send it to email in pdf format. The article is step by step instructions to create an account in the following 1C programs.

How to issue an invoice for payment in 1C: Trade Management 10.3

To generate an invoice for payment, we will need some settings, such as the name of the organization, bank account number and others. The easiest way is to fill out these settings by going through all the steps of the wizard Starting Assistant. Fields underlined in red are required.

If, when going through the steps of the starting assistant, when entering the BIC of the bank, the bank is not filled in and the button does not become available Next follow the steps in the following figure.

Now open the list of accounts and press the button Add as shown in the picture below.

An invoice form will open in which you must fill in the required fields sequentially. Let's start by filling out the field Counterparty. To do this, follow the steps presented in the figure below.

Let's go to the bookmark Contacts and fill in the legal address.

After we pressed the button OK V open form a new counterparty has appeared in the list of counterparties. Let's add it to our account by double-clicking on the corresponding line in the list of counterparties.

Now let's add new line to the tabular section Goods, open the item selection form, create a new element and start filling it out. These steps are shown in the figure below.

Select the base unit of measurement and save the created element by pressing the button OK.

Let's add the created item to our invoice as shown in the figure below.

Let's fill in the fields Quantity, Price, VAT rate. Let's press the buttons Write down And Invoice for payment.

How to issue an invoice for payment in 1C: Trade Management 11.2

First we will produce initial settings necessary for generating an invoice for payment to the buyer, such as entering information about the organization, current account, warehouse. To enter information about the organization, we will sequentially perform the steps presented in the figures below.

Now let's enter the current account information.

Let's also enter warehouse information.

Now we will add the ability to register and store information about customer orders in the database. This is necessary because the printed form of the invoice is generated from this document.

Open the list of customer orders and add a new order using the button Create.

The buyer’s order form has opened; to select a counterparty, click the button with three dots next to the field Client. Because There is not a single counterparty registered in our program yet, we will add a new one using the button Create.

In the opened form of the assistant for registering a new counterparty, enter the name of the counterparty. In the example presented this is Our counterparty, in real accounting this will be, for example, Berezka LLC. You must also fill in the field Email. If you do not know the real email address, then enter the one shown in the picture. After this you need to press the button several times Next and once the button Create.

Let's write down the counterparty and select it in our document.

Let's go to the bookmark Goods, add a new row to the table section and open the item selection form by clicking on the button with three dots. After this, let's create a new directory element Nomenclature by pressing the button Create.

Let's fill in the field Type of nomenclature adding to the database new look nomenclature Product.

Fill in the name and unit of measurement of the item. Then we will save it in the database created element by pressing the button Save and close.

Let's select the created item for our document.

Let's fill it out numeric values, VAT rate and we will process the document. Please note that in order to fill out the field Price, you need to clear the field Price type by clicking on the button with a cross (action 2 in the figure below).

We will print out the invoice form.

Now we have created a printed form of the invoice for payment. We can print it on a printer or save it in pdf format and send it by email to the client.