Is it possible to quit without working for two weeks? The procedure for dismissal at the employee's own request - reasons, sample application and calculation procedure.

Upon dismissal due to at will people come across such a concept as “working off” for 14 days, but not everyone knows which days are included in this period, working days or calendar days. Compliance with the deadlines required by law protects both the rights of the employee and the rights of the employing company.

Features of testing

When a person decides to quit his job, then first of all it is necessary to decide what type of contract has been concluded with him. If the employment relationship is formalized in the form of an open-ended contract, then in this case the termination labor relations will be regulated by Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This article provides for termination of the contract at the initiative of the employee (at his own request).

By agreement between the parties, a person can be fired on the day of application, then there is no need to work 14 days. In addition, if there are circumstances in which further continuation of work is impossible, then termination of the contract must be formalized without observing the two-week period.

A resignation letter is grounds for termination of a permanent contract, provided that the employee notifies the employer about this 14 days before the date of termination of the contract. This time is provided to the employer in order to manufacturing process was not interrupted due to the departure of a specialist.

During this period, the manager can find a new employee or organize work taking into account the absence of the dismissed employee. The dismissed person, in turn, can reconsider the decision and, if necessary, withdraw the application. Set time for prevention, many call it “working off.”

Important! If an employee has informed the employer of his intention to resign orally, then no legal consequences this message does not carry. Compliance with the written form of notification is mandatory.

Calculation of deadlines in labor legislation

The procedure for calculating deadlines in labor legislation is regulated by Article 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In order to prevent conflicts during dismissal between the employee and the employer, it is necessary to carefully read the provisions of this article.

Misinterpretation of the procedure for calculating deadlines may cause disputes between the parties. In addition, there are often cases when, due to an incorrect understanding of the norms of Article 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a person is fired with violations, which subsequently become the reason for the employee’s reinstatement at work or for the employer to pay penalties in favor of the employee.

The first thing you should pay attention to is that all deadlines are calculated in calendar days which include weekends and holidays. For example, a person wrote and submitted a letter of resignation on October 1, so October 15 will be considered the last working day.

In practice, there are cases when the dismissed person wrote a statement, for example, on February 1, and handed it over to the manager on February 2. In this case, the employee mistakenly believes that the time of “work” begins to be calculated from February 1, that is, from the moment the application is written. However, the notification took place only on February 2, since on that day the employer learned that the employee planned to terminate the employment relationship.

One more common mistake is that the dismissed person considers that the period is calculated from the date of notification. In the example given, this would be February 2. However, periods associated with the termination and termination of employment contracts are calculated from the next day preceded by legally significant events. In this case, this event will be notification to the employer. Thus, the period of so-called “working off” will begin from the next day after notifying the employer, that is, from February 3, and the last working day will be February 16.

For reference! On the day of dismissal, the employer must give the employee all Required documents and make final payments to him.

In the event that the last working day fell on a weekend, the dismissal must be carried out on the next working day after the weekend.

It is important for the person being dismissed not to miss his last working day, because if on this day the employer has not made any attempts to formalize the termination of the contract, and the employee does not insist on dismissal and continues to work, then there are no longer any grounds for terminating the employment relationship. In this case, if a person decides to quit, he will have to re-write the application and wait another two weeks.

A person who happily goes to work in the morning and goes home in the evening can be considered happy. When the morning journey to your destination becomes a burden, you need to think about changing the route. It’s good if the old employer agrees to part ways amicably and in good faith. as soon as possible. It's worse when new job I need to start tomorrow, but my previous boss demands that I work the allotted time. In such a situation, you can try to find arguments and convince management to formalize dismissal without work.

Why is work needed?

The process of parting with an employer can be very painful, even if it was not preceded by an industrial conflict. Most often, the problem lies in the need to notify the employer within three days or two weeks, depending on the terms of the employment contract. And if the matter concerns the dismissal of the manager himself, then the working period will be at least a month.

Workers, traditionally, perceive the need to stay at the enterprise as a whim of their superiors and a desire to annoy the person leaving. In fact, during this period both management and the specialist himself must do a large amount of very important work:

  • prepare cases for transfer;
  • complete started projects or at least part of them;
  • the employer will be able to navigate the labor market and select a specialist;
  • For some categories of people resigning, in the days remaining before dismissal, an audit of the work they perform should be conducted (chief accountants, managers, financially responsible employees).

Sometimes the employer demands to issue a so-called bypass sheet, or “slider”, motivating the delay in the calculation for this reason. From the point of view of the law, an attempt to retain an employee in this way for more than 14 days is a direct violation of the employee’s rights and the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Assess the importance of reasons for quick dismissal, other than those directly listed in Art. 80 of the Labor Code, the employer has the right. If the circumstances are assessed incorrectly by him, protection can be sought in court.

Who has the right to quit without working?

The obligation of a specialist to warn his management about his intention to leave his position and the team is detailed immediately in several articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

Employee category Notice period Article TC
Employees whose employment contracts are concluded for an indefinite period 14 days 80
Fixed-term contracts for a period longer than a couple of months 14 days 80
Seasonal workers 3 days
Temporary specialists hired for a period of up to 2 months 3 days
Probationary trainees 3 days
Heads of the organization 30 days

Whatever the warning period is prescribed in the code, there is also a list of reasons for dismissal without service and those who have the right to do so. The trouble is that the list of reasons for dismissal without work is not at all exceptional. In Article 80 of the Labor Code, the legislator listed only some of the circumstances and conditions for the inability to remain at work, so to speak, for example:

  • admission to study, and the status of the institution and the form of study are not indicated, which means that the employer is obliged to release the employee to receive education at any institution (subject to the provision of an official certificate from there);
  • retirement, either due to age or early;
  • violation of the rights of an employee committed through the fault of the employer, as in financial matters, and in relation to labor protection;
  • other reasons.

To all employees who indicated one of the listed events in the application for dismissal without working off, the employer is obliged to hand over the order, labor and payroll on the day the document is submitted or another date desired by the workers.

Dismissal of one's own free will without work

The clause “other cases” in Article 80 of the Labor Code causes lively discussion and differences of opinion. It is this formulation that implies that the validity of the circumstances and the need to urgently leave work in connection with their occurrence must be argued by the employee, and the employer must give an objective assessment.

Possible cases

Judicial practice has identified several common cases when it is still better for an employer to accommodate a specialist who intends to leave and agree to his dismissal of his own free will without work:

  • pregnancy;
  • relocation or transfer of a spouse to another area;
  • health problems that interfere with effective work;
  • parents with many children, in whose family there are at least three children under 14 years of age;
  • employees who have close relatives with disabilities and require care for them;
  • conscription into the army, including the conclusion of a contract.

Indication in the application of a valid reason allowing you to leave without working time will require documentary evidence.

Step-by-step instruction

In order for the separation process to go without a hitch, you need to follow a simple procedure:

  1. Inform the authorized person in writing of your desire to resign and describe the current situation. This must be done in the application form ().
  2. Attach copies of available documents to the application. Even if there are none now, but the reason is really out of the ordinary, it is better to try to stock up on them in case of a future inspection or trial.
  3. Submit the application to the employer. This is the most difficult point, since it may encounter resistance from superiors. If neither the manager, nor the secretary, nor the personnel officer wants to put their signature on receipt on the second copy, you should immediately go to the post office or telegraph office.
  4. If you managed to hand over the documents to your boss personally, then it is advisable to immediately receive his visa on your copy. In a situation with mailing, the day of dismissal will shift to the date the employer actually receives the letter.
  5. If stated reason from the list directly listed in Art. 80 of the Labor Code, then having received a copy of the visa, the employee may not go to work the very next day. Consent to dismissal at your own request without work will not be required from your superiors.
  6. In all other cases, a bold decision to absenteeism will require protection through the state labor inspectorate, the prosecutor's office or the court.
  7. It may happen that the employee will be able to convince the boss of the need for urgent payment, then further actions will not differ from those that must be carried out in case of any dismissal under Art. 80 TK. The employer will be required to issue an order, employment, and personal card on the same day. Calculate and issue wages and compensation to the employee. Return the work report to him and give him all the copies and certificates he requested.

Success in registering voluntary dismissal without work can be facilitated by the fact that almost all of the listed categories of employees have, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation additional guarantees regarding working conditions, remuneration, provision optimal conditions for them, maintaining their jobs and providing extraordinary leaves. Most often, the desire to avoid the sad prospect of depending on the needs of “special” employees prompts management to sign a letter of resignation. The personal desire to quit received from this category of employees is perceived, rather, as a successful release from problems.

Dismissal without service at the initiative of the employer

The desire to reduce the time spent at an enterprise that has become non-family may come across somewhat unexpected Labor Code norms for the employee, in which dismissal of one’s own free will without working off can abruptly turn into an initiative of the employer. And then the article in the labor report may change from the acceptable 80th to the unpleasant 81st. The employer will not require work, but the order will indicate unflattering grounds for separation. Thus, they will not detain an employee at the enterprise who, during the warning period:

  • skipped work;
  • having already received a penalty, he committed another offense;
  • committed during the warning period gross violation discipline or failure to perform duties;
  • allowed himself to drink alcohol at work;
  • committed acts that caused damage to the enterprise, for which there are relevant documents (theft, intentional damage, disclosure of information, etc.);
  • committed more rare offenses specified in Article 81 of the Labor Code, except for cases requiring notification of the employee, as in the case of reduction or dismissal of a part-time worker.

The justifiability of the circumstances for dismissal without service does not give the right to neglect one’s duties. Committing gross disciplinary offenses in the last working days will allow the employer to formalize dismissal under Art. 81 TK.

Ways to quit without working

However, one should not assume that in 2019, dismissal without service is the prerogative of only certain categories of employees or is possible in exceptional circumstances. There are several ways to achieve your goal without completely falling out with your boss.

Reach an agreement

The most common compromise method is considered to be the method in which the employer and employee find a “golden mean” and agree on the terms of dismissal. A resigning employee can, for example, offer the manager a worthy replacement for the vacant position, thus saving him from the need to look for candidates himself.

You can offer the boss an option with simultaneous dismissal from the main position and a part-time appointment for the period necessary to complete the transfer of affairs or prepare the project. The employee will be able to perform his duties in free time. If it is not important for the employer to be present at the workplace from 8 am to 5 pm, but the result is important, then such a plan is quite acceptable.

Vacation instead of work

Under favorable circumstances, a vacation schedule can help the employee. If the start of vacation is expected in the coming days or the employer is ready to provide it out of turn, simply at the request of the employee, then you can use a legal trick. Take a vacation for 14 days or more, and write a settlement paper on the first day. In this case, the request for leave will become a kind of replacement for an application for dismissal without working for two weeks. Many employers are skeptical about such antics, but they will no longer be able to prevent the employee. The fact is that they do not have the right to recall from vacation, Art. 125 TK. And the bosses are also limited in their tools not to let them go on a scheduled vacation, Art. 124 TK.

In order not to play “cat and mouse” with your bosses, you can go all-in and ask for leave with subsequent payment. This right is given by the TC. But she also says that in order to avoid working off and replace it with vacation, the employer’s consent will be a prerequisite. Without his desire, it is almost impossible to implement such an option. If an employee is in a hurry to leave because he is ready to move to another company, then the new employer needs to be informed that he is still on vacation at his old place. The fact is that the law does not provide for a person to have two main jobs at once. This means that an employee who has not been officially fired can only be hired on a part-time basis.

The employee will have the opportunity to replace working time with vacation days only with the consent of the employer, Art. 127 TK.

Sick leave

Talking about illness as a way to reduce working time is a little incorrect, since in ordinary life illness does not come on schedule. But, since ill health has struck at such an opportune moment, you need to remember that the employer does not have the right to extend the period of work due to incapacity. But he will be obliged to dismiss the employee on the date specified by him, since the restriction exists only for calculations under Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, the employee is guaranteed to receive all compensation payments and social benefits for sickness in addition.

Violation by superiors

Unfortunately, management often neglects the rights of employees and is negligent in their responsibilities to ensure the safety of their workplaces, as well as skimping on material and technical equipment. Each of such manifestations can be punished by law. Theoretically, a violation proven and recorded in the inspection report by regulatory authorities gives the employee the right not to notify about leaving and not to work off allotted days. In practice, it turns out that it takes too much time to contact the labor inspectorate, prosecutor's office or court. Therefore, a person prefers to find more effective method or reason.

The employer does not agree - we go to court

If none of the papers provided by the employee and the dramatic circumstances described in the application convinced the management that the employee was forced to resign due to further physiological or territorial inability to perform his functions, the court can assess the credibility and importance of the arguments. This is where all employees who are confident that they are right are advised to go.

The absurdity of the situation is that, given the obvious slowness of the courts, the period for consideration of the case will be much longer than two weeks or even a month. Until there is a decision (that has entered into force and gone through the entire appeal process), a specialist has no right to willfully refuse to go to work. In the event of a conflict with the employer, failure to show up may serve as a reason to file for dismissal under Art. 81 Labor Code, with all the ensuing “gifts” in labor. Only a pregnant woman can allow herself not to be afraid of such a turn of events.

Going to court for the truth can be regarded as a rational act in a situation where an employee wants not only to prove his right to dismissal without work, but also to get the employer punished for everything that has happened to the departing employee. Negative consequences. It is no secret that, due to the need to stay with the previous employer, a person may not be able to get hired at a new place, expensive tickets may go to waste, or the need for additional expenses will arise (for example, for a nurse for a sick person).

In this case, there is also a risk for the employer. If the employee proved in court that the reason for the application was valid and he had the right to leave on the day of the application, then dismissal for absenteeism will be considered illegal. And this is fraught with the obligation to reinstate the employee, payment of average earnings for forced absence, as well as compensation financial losses and moral damage.

Achieving the truth in court is not the most difficult task. But when deciding to contact Themis, it is worth assessing its future effectiveness. With a sound approach, the employee is most often inclined to think that it is more rational to reach an agreement with the boss.

Application for dismissal without work

In the same Article 80 of the Labor Code there is a clause that the employer can waive his right and not require work. To do this, you can sign an agreement with the employee and dismiss him under clause 1 of Art. 77 Labor Code the day after writing an application for dismissal without service.

If you cannot wait for consent from your superiors, then you need to justify your demand and correctly state the reason for such an urgent departure in the application. You can take the standard form for dismissal on your own initiative as a sample. But it is absolutely necessary to write in the text that the request to dismiss by the date of writing the application is dictated by urgent circumstances and supported by relevant documents. Without such a clause, the employer will legitimately expect to meet with the employee every day for the next 14 days.

An employee who wants to quit quickly and not work the remaining two weeks does not always have “iron” arguments in favor of his position. But before you look for ways to deceive or push your employer to the wall, you should try to come to an agreement with him on a humane basis. After all, the law does not prohibit him from considering even such a reason valid urgent dismissal, as an addition to pet. In any case, an agreement between the parties is always preferable to any confrontation, even if the employee has the upper hand in this confrontation.

Lawyer at the Legal Defense Board. Specializes in handling cases related to labor disputes. Defense in court, preparation of claims and others regulatory documents to regulatory authorities.

Employee at probationary period you can work only 3 calendar days if he expressed a desire to leave work of his own free will. Cases when you do not need to work 2 weeks and who may not work them. Just like any rule has exceptions, there are those who may not work it upon dismissal. So quit without compulsory service a period of two weeks is possible in the following cases:

  1. If there is an agreement between the parties on this issue. For example, a person who is planning to resign from a company has a good relationship with his employer, and he may well let him go without working the required period. Either the employer simply has no desire to keep him, or there is already a candidate for this position.
  2. Enrollment in educational institution.

How to count two weeks of work upon dismissal

Salary for April: do not make a mistake in the date of personal income tax transfer due to May holidays IN this year The first “portion” of the May holidays will last 4 days (from April 29 to May 2 inclusive). If your company's payday is the 1st or 2nd, you will have to pay the April salary early - on April 28th.

On the same day, personal income tax must be withheld.< … Сдача СЗВ-М на директора-учредителя: ПФР определился Пенсионный фонд наконец-то поставил точку в спорах о необходимости представлять форму СЗВ-М в отношении руководителя-единственного учредителя.

So, for such persons you need to take both SZV-M and SZV-STAZH!< … Налог на прибыль: перечень расходов расширен Подписан закон, который внес изменения в перечень расходов, относящихся к оплате труда.

How to correctly count 2 weeks of work for dismissal

If there is no particular difference in the timing, then the document is rewritten taking into account the day when the HR department, accounting department and the person himself will work. Otherwise, the organization is obliged to issue all documents and salaries on the specified day, even if the necessary departments are not working.

It is not difficult to issue an order in advance, but you will still have to call the necessary employees, having received their prior consent. Who does not need to work off There are certain categories of people who do not need to know how to count 14 days upon dismissal:

  1. At good relations between the employee and the employer or the presence of a new applicant for the vacated position, the employee may be dismissed without having to work for two weeks.
  2. If the employee was enrolled in higher education educational institution, the employment contract with him must be terminated on the same day.

Dismissal with 2 weeks of work: how to calculate the terms correctly?

There is such a general opinion that it could be simpler than the procedure and process of dismissal at one’s own request: the employee wrote a statement, the employer calculated it, and also issued work book- and that is all. But as practice shows, such termination of work activity does not always go smoothly both for employees and, in principle, for employers.

Many people working in an organization may have a question during such dismissal, from what day do the two weeks of work begin? It is this question that we will consider in this article. Rules for dismissal and work off Let's start from the beginning. The basic rules of how to properly dismiss are enshrined in Art.

80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: an employee has the right to resign from any organization based on his own desire, but at the same time, he must notify the employer in writing at least 2 weeks in advance. The application must be submitted in two copies.
How to count 14 days upon dismissal Download the order form for termination of an employment contract The notice period for termination of employment relations is calculated in accordance with general principles calculation of the deadlines enshrined in Art. 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, - from the day following the day the employee submitted the application. Calendar days are taken into account, not working days. So, if an employee submitted an application on Friday, December 30, 2016, then the period will begin to run from December 31, 2016 (despite the fact that this day is a day off).
The deadline will end on the corresponding day of the week after 14 days, in the example given - on Friday, 01/13/2016. From the day the application is submitted to the employer until last day working off, the employee has the right to withdraw his application.
This right is granted to him by Part 4 of Art. 80 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It seems that cancellation of an application must be made in writing (similar to an application).

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It allows for various wordings, for example, “termination of an employment contract,” “dismissal,” or “termination of employment.” The main thing is that there should be no ambiguity in the document, otherwise the boss has every right to ask to rewrite the application more clearly.

Another common omission of employees is not to indicate a specific date when they want to quit. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges to warn management “no later than two weeks,” but this period can be equal to a month or a year.

Beginning of the work period So, how to count two weeks of work upon dismissal? It would seem that you wrote an application, worked for 14 days and you can be free, but not everything is so simple. Many workers mistakenly believe that the working period begins immediately.


Hence, conflicts regularly arise between the person leaving and management. Stupid disputes can be easily stopped by turning to the law.

How to correctly count 2 weeks when leaving with service?

It is impossible to give a resigning employee a copy of SZV-M. According to the law on personal accounting, when dismissing an employee, the employer is obliged to give him copies of personalized reports (in particular, SZV-M and SZV-STAZH). However, these reporting forms are list-based, i.e. contain information about all employees.

This means transferring a copy of such a report to one employee means disclosing the personal data of other employees.< … Компенсация за неиспользованный отпуск: десять с половиной месяцев идут за год При увольнении сотрудника, проработавшего в организации 11 месяцев, компенсацию за неиспользованный отпуск ему нужно выплатить как за полный рабочий год (п.28 Правил, утв. НКТ СССР 30.04.1930 № 169). Но иногда эти 11 месяцев не такие уж и отработанные. < …

Two weeks of work upon voluntary dismissal equals 15 days


This means that the answer to the question from which day to count two weeks when leaving is quite simple. This period of time always begins the day after the employer receives the employee’s application for termination of the employment contract (Art.

41 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is also worth noting that the period, which is calculated in calendar days or weeks, also includes non-working days. If suddenly the last day of the term falls on a non-working day, then the end day of the term is the next closest working day after it. What day is the last day of dismissal after working? Firstly, the two-week period begins at 00 hours 00 minutes of the day following the date of filing the application for termination of the employment agreement to the boss, and this period ends on a certain day of the week.

In practice, there are situations when the last day of work turns out to be a weekend or holiday. The law sides with the employer: in such a combination of circumstances, the person must be fired on the next working date.

This is stated in Art. 14 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Why is work needed? The required two weeks of work is a benefit for both the employee and the employing company. The company gets time during which it can find a replacement specialist.

The employee has the opportunity to consider leaving the company and withdraw the application if the two-week period has not expired and a new employee has not filled the vacant position.

How to calculate 14 days of work upon dismissal

The boss puts a mark of receipt on it and returns one copy to the employee. The next important step is to work for two weeks. The legislation, in fact, does not provide for the person leaving the institution to work out exactly this period, that is, it is not always necessary to work during this specified period of time. The main thing is to warn management about dismissal in advance. And if the employee is on sick leave or on vacation at this time, then this time will also be counted towards the 2-week period.

In accordance with Art. 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee can demand leave followed by dismissal, and this will not depend on the duration of the leave. But the director is obliged to pay the employee and issue him a work book on his last working day, and not, for example, on the last day of vacation.

How many days an employee must work upon dismissal is determined in advance, before writing the application, because it requires indicating the specific date from which the person wants to leave the company. This requirement is due to an objective reason: the law obliges the specialist to notify the employer at least two weeks before the breakup of the relationship, but does not prevent him from notifying a month or even a year in advance. The administration needs to know exactly when to start looking for a new staff position. The application is written in two copies. One is handed over to the accountant or HR officer of the enterprise; it must be assigned a registration number.

The second one remains in the hands of the retiring specialist. Severance pay upon dismissal How is 14 days of work considered and can it be reduced? The current labor legislation specifies the maximum period of work that the employing company may require.

How does the procedure for dismissing an employee take place and by what legal standards is it regulated?

It would seem that every working citizen knows the answer to this question.

But in reality, you can encounter nuances that will baffle even a legally literate person.

What does the law say about the need to work off upon dismissal? How is this period correctly calculated, and what days does it include? Is 2 weeks of work paid upon dismissal?

We will talk about this in detail in this article.

In what cases is an employee required to work 14 days after submitting an application?

The very concept of “dismissal” in the Legislation means the termination of an employment agreement between an employee and an employer, and the subsequent termination of their professional relationship.

The severance of this relationship can be made for three reasons:

  • at the initiative of the employee.

In the latter case, according to the law, the employee is registered with the company for another two weeks from the date of filing the application.

This period is given to the employer in order to replace the employee. If he does not have time to find a new person for the vacant position, he still does not have the right to retain the employee in the company any longer.

How does the dismissal procedure, which requires a mandatory two-week period of service, take place?

Having decided to leave his position, the employee must submit a corresponding application to the employer. Despite the fact that in principle there is no statutory template for such a statement, the document must still include certain mandatory clauses.

The first and basic rule is that it must be in writing. Simply coming to the HR department and resigning by submitting a verbal application will not work.

The application must also contain the following mandatory items:

  • date of document preparation;
  • day of dismissal (indicated by the employee);
  • personal signature of the employee;
  • basis for filing an application: in this column it is simply written “at one’s own request.”

According to the law, the employee is not required to describe the reason for leaving his position in detail. You can submit your application personally to your manager, write it to the HR department, or send it by mail with notification.

Norms of legal regulation of relations between employee and employer

The question of the procedure for dismissal and, as well as its specific terms, is discussed in Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

According to it, a period of two weeks for working out is designated as the “warning period for leaving a position.”

As such, the employee does not need to go to work on these days, and the law does not provide for it.

Having decided to quit, he can spend all these two weeks on unpaid leave or on sick leave. The employer is obliged to find a replacement for him during this time.

If a replacement employee vacant position was found earlier, the previous one, by agreement with the employer, will not have to fully work out this period. The main condition is that a new specialist must be invited to work for the company officially, in writing.

After the expiration of the two-week notice period, the employee has the right to stop working. After given period the employer must pay in full, with a record of dismissal. The date of the employee’s actual departure from the company and the date of dismissal from the Labor Committee must coincide.

Example. The employee wrote a letter of resignation on December 3, 2015. This application was registered in the personnel service on December 3, 2015. The deadline will be counted from the day following the day the employer receives the original application. That is, from December 4, 2015. The end of the warning period in this case will be December 17, 2015. On this day, the final payment is made to the employee and all necessary documents are issued to him.

What day does the work start?

As mentioned above, working out the two-week period begins the day after the employer accepts the resignation letter.

It must be officially registered with the HR department.

If the application is submitted and registered on the same day - say, June 5 - then work begins on June 6 and ends on June 20.

If the application was sent by mail (for example) on June 5 and it was registered in the personnel department on June 12, then the countdown begins on June 18.

Taking into account weekends and holidays when calculating the working period

Enough topical issue is a system for accounting for weekends and holidays when calculating working hours.

The law does not say that these days are not taken into account in the required two-week period.

And by law, demand to work off extra days For an employee, citing holidays or weekends, the employer does not have the right.

The Law states that the period of service is calculated in calendar days. But there is also a point that confuses many employees. It states that if the last day of the calendar period falls on a non-working day, then dismissal occurs on the next working day after the expiration of this period.

This point should be taken literally. If an employee submitted a letter of resignation on December 19, and it was registered in the personnel department on December 20, the last day of the work period becomes January 3 of the next year. The days from January 1 to January 6 are considered holidays, that is, the employee will be fired on January 7.

The employer does not have the right to require an employee to work extra days, citing holidays or weekends.

Sick leave during the period of service

If during the period allotted for working off, an employee falls ill, this does not affect the extension of this period in any way.

According to the law, the employer must formalize the dismissal and effect it on the day the work period expires, regardless of the fact that he is on sick leave.

He is obliged to pay the employee in full.

Upon expiration of the temporary disability period, the employee must contact the organization and present it. He will have to be given the necessary documents and produce all the required ones.

The Law also provides for a resigned person to apply for compensation for sick leave from the organization from which he was dismissed after 30 days from the date of dismissal.

The former employer will be obliged to compensate him for sick leave in the amount of 60% of its usual amount. True, this rule is valid only if within a given thirty-day period the employee was not officially enrolled in the staff of another company. This item is regulated by Federal Law No. 255.

Last day of work and settlement with the employee

On the last day of work, the employee must come to the enterprise and sign

Thus, the employer is obliged to formalize the dismissal on the day chosen by the employee and indicated by him in the resignation letter, in cases where the termination of work is due to the following circumstances:

  • admission to an educational institution to study;
  • retirement;
  • other cases of inability to work.

The given list is open. In practice, circumstances that give an employee the opportunity to resign without working are often recognized as: illness of the employee, moving to the spouse’s place of residence, transfer of the spouse to work in another region, and some others. The following circumstance is separately highlighted: violation by the employer of labor legislation. Examples include non-payment or delay of wages, refusal to provide legal rest time, etc.

How to count two weeks of work upon dismissal

The basic rules for dismissal, including how 14 days of work is considered, are prescribed in Article 80 Labor Code. The application, personally written by the employee, is recommended to be written in two copies: one with the signature of the manager who has read the document remains with the resigning employee, and the second must be transferred to the personnel service or accounting department to assign an incoming number. The manager, when signing the application, is obliged to indicate on it the date of familiarization.

The service period begins the next day after the employer receives a document confirming the employee’s desire to resign. The end of the work period and non-standard cases You can count 14 days of work according to the regular calendar. It is worth noting that non-working days and holidays are also counted towards this period.

How to correctly count 2 weeks of work for dismissal

The working period for voluntary dismissal, contrary to popular belief, is not always 2 weeks. Sometimes an employee is not required to work at all. Read more about this in our material. The employee's obligation to submit an application 2 weeks before dismissal The period of work upon dismissal: is it necessary to work after writing an application How to count 14 days upon dismissal When two-week work is optional How to calculate the last day of work if the date of dismissal is not indicated in the application The last day of work is a day off: from on what day is the employee considered dismissed? The employee’s obligation to submit an application 2 weeks before dismissal. An employee who wants to end his work with the employer must notify the latter in advance, and be sure to do this in writing (Art.

80 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part 1).

Dismissal with 2 weeks of work: how to calculate the terms correctly?

Since this document is drawn up in writing, its receipt must be recorded by the administration of the enterprise according to the general rules of office work. The day after this event, the countdown of the two weeks provided for work begins. This rule fully applies to cases where the employee does not have an obligation to work 14 days (objective impossibility of continuing work, etc.).

In this case, the day the application is written also means that from the next day the employee is subject to dismissal if he indicates this date in his application. At the enterprise, the responsibility for calculating the calendar period for terminating the employment relationship rests with officials personnel service. Upon receiving the employee’s request, they must make a note in the specialist’s personal personnel file indicating the date on which the employment contract is subject to termination.

Many people have faced the need to change jobs; with the mutual consent of both parties, the contract can be terminated on the same day. However, in the event of a controversial resignation of an employee of his own free will, management may agree to dismissal with 2 weeks of service. But how to calculate this period? Does it include holidays and non-working days? When does it start and when does it end? What is the date to issue a dismissal order? Let's figure it out.
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  • 1 A correctly written statement is important
  • 2 Start of service period
  • 3 End of service period and non-standard cases
  • 4 Last working day
  • 5 Who does not need work

A correctly drafted application is important. An employee planning to leave a company or individual entrepreneur must write an application.

Online magazine for accountants

  • 1 Why is it important to write a statement correctly?
  • 2 How is 14 days of work considered and can it be reduced?
  • 3 Work for two weeks: how to count under special circumstances
  • 4 How to count two weeks of work upon dismissal?
  • 5 Why is training needed?

Why is it important to write your application correctly? An employee who wishes to terminate a contract with an employing company must write an application addressed to the manager. The document must express a clear and unambiguous desire to separate. Acceptable wording: “dismissal”, “termination of employment”.

Important! If the text of the application does not seem clear enough to the administration, it may require that the document be rewritten.

How to correctly count 2 weeks when leaving with service?


Thus, employers will be able to take into account in the “profitable” base the costs of paying for services for organizing tourism, sanatorium-resort treatment and recreation in Russia for employees and members of their families (parents, spouses and children).< … Налоговые задолженности лучше погасить до 1 мая В противном случае информацию о том, что компания задолжала бюджету, потенциальные и действующие контрагенты будут видеть целый год. < … Сверьте зарплаты работников с новым МРОТ С 01.05.2018 размер федерального МРОТ составит 11 163 рубля, что на 1 674 рубля больше, чем сейчас.

This means that employers who pay their employees at the minimum wage must raise their wages from May 1.< … Главная → Бухгалтерские консультации → Увольнение Актуально на: 31 января 2017 г. Сколько должен отработать работник при увольнении по собственному желанию? По general rule 2 weeks.

Two weeks of work upon voluntary dismissal equals 15 days

However, such a violation must be recorded in writing by the competent authorities, which may include:

  • labor dispute commission;
  • Labour Inspectorate.

It's emphasized Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in resolution No. 2 of March 17, 2004 (subparagraph “b”, paragraph 22). However, in practice, the positions of the courts are contradictory. Thus, in one case, the employer’s refusal to dismiss an employee on a date chosen by him was recognized as lawful, since the fact of violation of labor law standards was not recorded (decision of the Moscow City Court dated August 26, 2011 in case No. 33-26923). And in another case, the court indicated: if violations of the law are confirmed by the case materials, the refusal to early dismissal is unlawful, despite the lack of recording of violations by the relevant authorities (appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court dated 08.08.2013 in case No. 11-23649).

  • Moving and a new place of residence or sending a spouse to a new location or abroad.
  • Moving to a new place, if it is impossible to live in the previous one, due to health problems (must be confirmed with a medical certificate).
  • Inability to do your job due to health problems.
  • Caring for a child who has not yet reached 14 years of age or caring for a disabled child, it can also be caring for a sick relative or a disabled person of the 1st group.
  • pregnant women or those raising 3 or more children under 16 years of age.
  • Summarizing all of the above, I would like to note once again the date from which the period of service upon dismissal is set - the countdown starts from the next day after the employer receives the employee’s statement of desire to resign.

How to calculate 14 days of work upon dismissal

Time limits in labor law are calculated taking into account the following features:

  • each legally significant period of time established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is subject to calculation in calendar terms;
  • the course of any period associated with the termination of employment relations begins the next day after the commission of a legally significant action or decision;
  • calendar periods include both working days and weekends, holidays and other days on which work activity is not carried out legally;
  • the period of time in calendar terms cannot be interrupted or extended without the additional mutual will of the parties.

Thus, in order to find out from what day work begins upon dismissal, it is enough to know the date of the official presentation by the employee of the application for future termination of work at the enterprise on his initiative.


Increasing it by even one day is considered a violation of the law and serves as a reason for contacting the labor inspectorate. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not establish a minimum period of service. This means that if the parties agree, its duration can be reduced to zero.

The initiator of such a cut can be an employer or an employee. When a person has agreed with the company administration how to count 2 weeks of work, he can indicate the agreed date at the application stage. The legislation does not oblige specialists to specify a two-week period in the document. Important! Writing a date before the expiration of the two-week period is possible only with prior approval from management. If an employee shortens the period without permission, the administration has every reason to refuse.