Tours for the May holidays in Israel. Between grief and joy: Israel remembers the fallen and prepares for Independence Day Calendar New Year in Israel

Many Mediterranean countries open their beaches to holidaymakers in May. And this is not without reason. Rest this month is the most favorable, as it is favored by suitable weather. The rain is starting to dry up sea ​​water It’s warming up, and the sun is still not quite scorching. Amazing corner For a holiday in the Mediterranean, the Holy Land is Israel. This small country is surrounded by forests, mountains, deserts, gorgeous beaches and protected areas, church and cultural monuments. Israeli health resorts and bustling big cities, saturated with cultural events, happily welcome tourists. What is a holiday like in Israel in May?

Weather conditions in May

A very important issue for a visit to an area with a subtropical climate is the weather. Should you go to Israel in May? There is no need to even doubt this choice! The weather in Israel in May is excellent in every corner of the country. Warm air, a gentle sea and a not too scorching sun will help you enjoy true happiness. This is facilitated by the Mediterranean subtropical climate. The relief of the Holy Land is very diverse, so the temperature is different corners may vary. Mountain regions are generally cool, while coastal cities enjoy moderate warmth in May.

Israelis have something to be proud of; their country is washed by four seas. Where exactly to go in Israel in May? Good weather this month they welcome tourists throughout the country. The Red Sea region stands out for the hottest weather in Israel in May. The temperature here can reach +35 °C. In more northern regions The thermometer readings can be about +25 °C.

What is the sea temperature in Israel in May? The water warms up significantly at the end of spring, to about +24 °C. The Dead Sea is the most gentle, the temperature in it reaches +31 ° C (Eilat).

The cities of Netanya, Ashdod, and Tel Aviv are very comfortable in the spring: the thermometer rises to 27 °C. At night in Israel (in May) it is also warm, average temperature+20 °C. The Dead Sea will also delight its visitors; the temperature near its shores can rise to +38 °C at the end of May. As summer approaches, Israeli resorts become increasingly hotter both day and night.

Features of activities and beach holidays in May in Israel

All Israeli shores begin in the spring swimming season. In Israel, in May the sun shines generously, the velvety sea becomes steamy, and the sky becomes cloudless. Bright beach leisure for sunbathing tourists is guaranteed. May is the optimal month for a beautiful and healthy tan and real swimming. At the beginning of the month, the water warms up to +21 °C, and the second half will delight you with water up to +23 °C. For people who cannot stand hot weather, it is best to go on a tour to Israel in May.

The natural world of the Holy Land this month will delight you with fresh green leaves, flowering trees and shrubs. In the mountains and meadows of Israel, you can observe flowering meadows, which are later burned out by the sun.

Where to go and what to see?

Israel has very rich history. Every corner here bears witness to a turbulent past. The most popular routes for tourists are sacred places. You can visit Jerusalem at any time of the year; this cradle of Christianity will take your breath away. Jerusalem surprises with the abundance of tombs, grottoes, monasteries, gardens, and underground tunnels. The Way of Sorrows, the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Golgotha ​​- these are the most popular places in the city from biblical accounts.

Bethlehem is located 8 km from Jerusalem, where many pilgrims also come. Caesarea and Nazareth welcome guests with joy. In the city of Ramla you can see a lot interesting park"Mini-Israel". There are a lot of interesting things in Tiberias. Modern Tel Aviv amazes with its architecture. Beach holiday will delight the city of Eilat.

Entertainment activities

Every tourist will find entertainment to suit their taste in Israel. The country's wonderful water parks delight not only children, but also adults. Jerusalem joyfully opens its doors to visitors to the biblical zoo, where birds, reptiles, and mammals mentioned in the Holy Scriptures are collected. Ramat Gan delights tourists with its zoological center "Safari".

In May, Jerusalem hosts exciting events offering visitors. Top Artists and the country's performers gather this month for the Israel Festival, which can also be attended. Various holidays and fairs are held in Tel Aviv, Rosh Pina, where vacationers stock up local souvenirs. One of the country's celebrations in May is Independence Day.

May evenings and nights in Israel are also unforgettable! There are many nightclubs, restaurants, bars and discos here.

Not only relaxation, but also wellness

Fun activities are good, but what about getting healthy in May? Many Europeans prefer to be treated in Israel. Medical services in this country are among the best in the world. Thus, Lake Cyrenet is famous for its health centers. For treatment, sea water is used, which is beneficial for the blood and nervous systems. The Dead Sea area has become a real healing zone.

Tours to Israel in May

Holidays in Israel in May cost tourists a little more than in summer. The price of the tour is approximately 1300 EUR. People going there in the spring are focused on a resort holiday. Most often, tourists fly to Tel Aviv and Eilat, which have developed infrastructure.

Thus, the TUI company offers to visit Israel in May for 27,000 rubles per person. Departures take place from Moscow.

Tour operator has the following offers: eight-day tour to the Dead Sea - 505 USD, "Seven days in Jerusalem" - 488 USD, "Israel and Jordan" - 774 USD for 8 days.

"KMP-group" has a wide range of excursions around Israel. Most often the tour lasts 7-8 days.

Also, tourists often use the services of such tour operators as Coral Travel, Shalom Israel Travel. They often offer discounts, gifts, and promotions.

April and May are very popular times for traveling to Israel; it is already warm like summer, but not yet swelteringly hot. In May in Israel you can find one short period(about 2 weeks or less) when the poppy fields and other vegetation bloom - soon all this will be scorched by the summer sun.

Book tickets and hotels for May holidays It’s worth it in advance, since there are usually a lot of people who want to come here at this time.


In May, summer is almost upon us in Israel. The air temperature in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa is about +24...+26 °C, and in Eilat it is already very hot - about +35 °C. The water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea is +19 °C, in the Red Sea - +22 °C, and the warmest place to swim is in the Dead Sea - about +25 °C.

The swimming season in May is already open throughout the country, and rain at this time is very rare.

What is the price

Prices for hotel accommodation depend on the city. The most expensive hotels are in Tel Aviv; staying there will cost about 25% more than in Netanya or Haifa. Please be prepared to pay a deposit before moving in.

It is often more profitable to buy a ready-made tour for the May holidays.

Things to do?

Sunbathe and swim in three seas - the Mediterranean, Red and Dead, go on excursions to holy places and leave a note with your cherished wish in the Western Wall, improve your health at the Dead Sea resorts and bring beauty in local spa centers, dance all night at discos Tel -Aviva, try all the falafel in the surrounding cafes and decide where is the best.

In April-May, Israel celebrates one of the main holidays of the year - Independence Day, so there is a chance to see military parades and other special events. IN

Pesach (from 15 to 21 Nisan) - Jewish Passover

Passover is the central Jewish holiday in memory of the Exodus from Egypt. . Starts on day 15 spring month Nissan In Israel Passover - seven day holiday, first and last days which includes full holidays and non-working days. The intermediate days are called chol ha-mozd (“holiday weekdays”). Outside of Israel, the holiday lasts 8 days, of which the first two and the final two are full-fledged holidays.
Word Passover (Easter) means "passing by". The holiday received this name in memory of how the angel of death passed by the houses of the Jews, striking only the Egyptian firstborn.- washing, cleaning the house, etc. Cooking is naturally permitted. And the freed time is used for deeper study of the Torah.
Spend more time with family. They go to visit. Traveling through the land of Israel. Those who do not live in Jerusalem try to visit this one-of-a-kind city. Based on the instructions of the Torah, on the holiday of Passover, everyone had to make a pilgrimage to the Jerusalem Temple and there, on the second day of the holiday, sacrifice a lamb and a sheaf of barley. On the seventh day of Passover, Jews celebrate their final liberation. In the synagogue during Easter service the Song of Songs is read, reflecting the agricultural origins of the holiday. This day ends the celebrations of Passover and is considered a non-working day. It is celebrated in a joyful atmosphere, with singing and dancing. At midnight in synagogues and religious educational institutions

A ceremony of “dividing the sea waters” is held. And in families, as evening approaches, a division is made between the holiday and weekdays. They drink the last symbolic glass of wine and then say: Next year - in Jerusalem! Celebrating Remembrance Day on the eve of Independence Day is intended to remind us of the cost that

to the Jewish people

I had and still have to pay for having my own state.

Every year on the 4th of Iyar according to the Jewish calendar, Yom Hazikaron is celebrated - the Day of Remembrance for those who fell in Israel's wars (including IDF soldiers, police officers and representatives of other security forces who died in the line of duty) and citizens - victims of terror. Immediately after this, on the 5th of Iyar, comes Israel's Independence Day. In 2017, the day of mourning begins on the evening of Sunday, April 30, and ends at sunset on Monday, May 1, smoothly transitioning into the 69th birthday of the State of Israel, Vesti reports. Remember everyone Behind

Last year

60 military and security personnel died while on active duty; in addition, 37 disabled IDF soldiers died. Thus, the mournful list was replenished with 97 names and now numbers 23,544 people.

Remembrance Day ceremonies will begin on April 30 at 10:00 a.m. with the unveiling of a memorial to those killed in Israel's wars on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

IN 16:00 The funeral ceremony will begin in the capital's Yad LeBanim building.

IN 20:00 a one-minute mourning siren will sound, during which the vast majority of Israelis stand at attention. Many religious Jews They will say prayers for the repose of the fallen.

Immediately after this, a memorial candle will be lit at the Western Wall.

And in 21:15 The Knesset will host the "Songs in Their Memory" event.

May 1 at 11:00 a two-minute siren will sound (the second in a row), after which a state ceremony in memory of those killed in Israel's wars will begin on Mount Herzl. In parallel, a similar ceremony will be held at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

IN 13:00 A ceremony in memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks will be held on Mount Herzl.

IN 20:00 The lighting of torches will also begin there, which will open the Independence Day celebrations.

Independence Day is usually celebrated with festive festivities; stages are set up in central squares and city streets where masters of the arts perform. Fireworks become the central part of the festivities.

The next morning, Israelis go on traditional picnics.

What is important to know

The Ministry of Defense is organizing transportation of 1.5 million Israelis to 52 war cemeteries across the country, providing hundreds of buses that will transport passengers to the cemeteries free of charge on Monday from 09:15 to 15:00.

In Hebrew the holiday is called

For the first time, Remembrance Day and Independence Day were celebrated in 1949. However, celebrating two dates on one day was considered inappropriate, so in 1951, following the recommendations of a public commission, Remembrance Day was moved a day earlier. This was enshrined in law in 1961.

Celebrating Remembrance Day on the eve of Independence Day is intended to remind people of the price that the Jewish people had and still have to pay for having their own state.

Do you want to know what holiday is celebrated in Israel today (now)? This means you have come to the right address. In this article in chronological order all holidays celebrated in Israel in 2019 are selected, indicating dates and detailed description history and holiday traditions.

January 21, 2019

March 21, 2019

April 20 – 27, 2019

May 2, 2019

May 8, 2019

May 9, 2019

May 23, 2019

June 2, 2019

June 9, 2019

August 11, 2019

September 30 - October 1, 2019

October 9, 2019

(Judgment Day) - the day of the Supreme Court, fasting, repentance, prayer and absolution. One of the most important holidays Judaism is celebrated on the tenth day of the Jewish month of Tishrei.

And there is no day in the Jewish calendar more serious and solemn than Yom Kippur (Judgment Day). When the life of all of Israel calms down for a whole day, and an elusive but clearly discernible feeling of trepidation hovers in the air and everything around is plunged into tense anticipation.

Indeed, on Yom Kippur, evaluating the activities of each person for last year, The Almighty will pronounce his verdict: “who will live and who will die; for whom peace awaits, and for whom wandering; some - prosperity, and some - torment; who is destined for poverty, and who is destined for wealth.”