National parks of the Krasnoyarsk Territory list. Interactive map of nature reserves in the Krasnoyarsk region

The Krasnoyarsk Pillars State Nature Reserve is located close to the city limits. On three sides the natural boundaries are the right tributaries of the Yenisei. The area of ​​the reserve covers 47.2 thousand hectares. The first data about Pillars date back to the 80s of the 18th century, but only a century later did Krasnoyarsk nature lovers begin to visit these regions not only for hunting, but also for rock climbing. And already at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries it was favorite place recreation for city residents and travelers who came here. And in 1925, on the initiative of city residents, a reserve was created. Thus, Krasnoyarsk residents sought to preserve the unique and rich natural complexes around the amazing “pillars”, which are volcanic syenite remnants.

There are about a hundred rocks on the territory of the reserve, each of which the people gave apt names, such as “Lion Gate”, “Twins”, “Grandfather”, “Feathers”, “Mittens” and others. The rocks are divided into two categories - the “Pillars” themselves, open to tourists, as well as the “Wild Pillars” - rocks located in remote corners of the reserve, access to which is limited.

Nowadays, just like 150 years ago, residents of Krasnoyarsk enjoy visiting Stolby to relax or practice mountaineering and other sports. Over the many years of the reserve’s existence, a whole social movement"stolbism", whose representatives engage in rock climbing and communicate in natural conditions in an informal setting. Without a doubt, having been here at least once, you will remember these places for the rest of your life.

Putorana Nature Reserve

The reserve was founded in 1988. Scientists for a long time explored the territory of the Putorano plateau. They were interested in the diversity of flora and fauna, representatives of which thrive in an area with a large concentration of mountains, canyons, tectonic lakes and waterfalls. Mainly rare species, listed in the Red Book.

Only in the Putorana Nature Reserve can you find the white-billed loon, bighorn sheep, golden eagle, little swan, gyrfalcon and many other endangered animals and birds.

The reserve often hosts excursions and lectures. You cannot get close to the animals; you can only observe them from afar. This is already one of the touches wildlife. To get into the reserve, you need to read the rules of stay, which are on the official website, and also sign up for a tour by phone.

Over 150 species of animals have become extinct on the planet over the past 4 centuries, half of which have disappeared in the last 50 years. Every year there are fewer and fewer corners of nature left untouched by humanity. Every year the Red Book and its lists are replenished with new animals and plants.
Russia is the only country in the world where the reserve is not only a territory protected by the state, but also a scientific institution.
State goals nature reserves are the preservation and study of natural phenomena and processes, the protection of certain species of flora and fauna.
7 large reserves have been formed, each with its own goals, characteristics, flora and fauna, sometimes unique to them.

Is largest reserve not only Russia itself, but also Eurasia as a whole. It is located on the Taimyr Peninsula and on the Taimyr Islands Autonomous Okrug. It was created to protect birds during migration in the North Atlantic direction. Its total area is 4,169,222 hectares, including the marine area.
In the reserve you can find 16 species of mammals, 4 of which are marine. Here you can find such species of waterfowl as the small swan, four varieties of ducks and geese. About 80% of all brant geese, and in particular their molting and nesting sites, are protected here. Their main concentrations are located on the islands Kara Sea, both in colonies and in pairs.

State biosphere reserve "Sayanno-Shushensky".
This reserve is located in the Center of Western Sayanna, in the vast Krasnoyarsk Territory, or rather in the Shushensky and Ermakovsky districts. The main goal of the reserve is to protect the sable, which is the most valuable fur-bearing animal. Another feature of the reserve can be considered the study of the influence of the Sayano-Shushenskoye reservoir on ecosystems.

It is located south of the Taimyr Peninsula and has an area of ​​over 250 thousand square kilometers. In the vastness of the reserve you can see such rare plants, like spotted slipper, Asian swimmer, variegated poppy, hollywort, long-horned dandelion, etc. On the Puttorana plateau are big places nesting of gyrfalcon and white-tailed eagle in Siberia. In the center of the plateau live the Putorana bighorn sheep. You can also find many wolves, wolverines and bears here, whose role in the local biocenoses is very large.

Stolby Nature Reserve.
Near the southwestern border Krasnoyarsk Nature Reserve, on the banks of the Yenisei, there is the Stolby Nature Reserve. Its area is 47,154 hectares. It was organized to protect the beautiful rock massif Stolby. Its flora is diverse and includes about 750 vascular plants and over 250 varieties of mosses. Also on the territory of the reserve there are over 291 species of vertebrate animals. A huge number of plants presented here are included in the Red Book of Russia. The main attraction is the rocks, some of which are open to everyone, and some are located deep in the reserve. In the Bazaikhi Valley, adjacent to the city, there are a number of slopes for skiers.

It is located in the northern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the Taimyr Peninsula. Having an area of ​​1,781,928 hectares, it includes 4 parts, and a branch in the Laptev Sea, with an area of ​​37,018 hectares. Status biosphere reserve it was awarded by UNESCO in 1995. In the reserve you can find 432 species of vascular plants, 220 varieties of mosses and 266 different lichens. The fauna of the reserve, which is quite rare, is small and includes only 23 species. Despite this, 3 of them are specially protected mammals. These include lemmings. The most common predator of the reserve can be considered an animal such as the arctic fox.

In the Tunguska Depression, there is another important nature reserve of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which has a swampy area. The main part of the fauna consists of taiga species. In the reserve and adjacent territories there are over 30 various types fish Wolverine and Brown bear make up the majority of predators in this area. It is possible to meet a fox in river valleys. You can also find 3 species of ungulates here.

This reserve extends across the western part of the plateau of Central Siberia, as well as in the Yenisei valley and a small part of Podkamennaya Tunguska. The main purpose of the construction of the reserve is to study and preserve aquatic and terrestrial natural places central taiga Siberia. Its area covers 972,017 hectares. The fauna of the reserve includes 34 species of freshwater fish.

Specially protected natural areas- areas of land, water and airspace above them on which they are located natural objects, having significance: scientific, cultural, aesthetic, health-improving.

These include natural reserves, national and natural parks, state reserves, natural monuments and other objects. As a rule, these objects are familiar to Krasnoyarsk residents many years before they are approved as a protected area. For example, the Stolby Nature Reserve, Karaulnaya Cave, Oreshnaya Cave, Ergaki Natural Park, Tagarskoye Lake, Plakhino Lake, Monastyrskoye Lake, Uchum Lake.

Natural areas, depending on their importance, have federal, regional and local significance. State nature reserves and National parks belong to protected areas federal significance. The status depends on the value of the object, including historical value. In the region, these are primarily nature reserves: Sayano-Shushensky, Central-Siberian, Bolshoi Arctic, Taimyrsky, “Stolby”.

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There are almost a hundred specially protected natural areas in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Eleven are of federal significance and 87 are of regional significance. Protected areas of federal significance include seven nature reserves, national park- with an area of ​​39.2 thousand hectares, three natural reserves. All of these are well-known sites that are popular with tourists and nature lovers. Each of them is unique in its own way and therefore truly especially valuable.

Protected areas of regional importance in the region are located on an area of ​​5187.1 thousand hectares. Natural Park "Ergaki" with an area of ​​217.0 thousand hectares. Unique object, which obviously has no equal in the whole world. Anyone who has visited Ergaki at least once will definitely come here again. Even if you have been here dozens of times, you still will not explore Ergaki and see all its beauties. Some of them - the Sleeping Sayan rocks, the Dragon's Tooth, the Hanging Stone - are covered in legends and traditions. They are publicly available. Others can only be conquered by very trained people. You can explore Ergaki every year and this will only make your life more interesting.

The main goal of creating the park and its infrastructure network is protection and restoration natural complexes and unique objects. People come here for beauty and the opportunity to unite with nature. Feel her with your heart and therefore become closer to her. It is important that not only the person sees her, but she also sees him.

There are thirty state nature reserves in the region with a total area of ​​1866.5 thousand hectares. Including eight complex reserves whose task is to preserve or restore nature. They are designed to show both Siberians and the whole world the beauty of the Sayan foothills, the northern taiga, the tundra - what nature has shaped over hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years, must be carefully preserved. Beauty should be known and seen not only by us, but also by dozens of future generations. Each generation is obliged to make its contribution to the preservation of natural objects.

There are 22 biological complexes in the region designed for the conservation and restoration of rare animals and plants. Fifty-five natural monuments with total area 38.6 thousand hectares. It is too National treasure, the value of which cannot be determined in money. It's priceless.

This also includes the suburban green zone of Krasnoyarsk, created to improve the health of the city’s air basin. To protect commuters forest plantations and soils from unfavorable natural and climatic conditions, negative influence of people. People today are seriously destroying nature.

Sanctuaries are areas of territory or water area in which certain species of animals, plants or part of a natural complex (landscape) are protected for a number of years or permanently, during certain seasons or year-round. Economic use the rest natural resources permitted in a form that does not cause damage to the protected object or complex.

According to their status, they are divided into reserves of federal and regional significance, and according to their profile - into complex (landscape) ones, intended for the conservation and restoration of natural complexes ( natural landscapes); biological (zoological, botanical), intended for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, as well as valuable species in economic, scientific and cultural relations; paleontological, intended for the preservation of fossil objects; hydrological (marsh, lake, river, sea), designed to preserve and restore valuable water bodies and ecological systems, and geological.

Currently, on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is one comprehensive ecological and ethnographic reserve of republican significance, “Eloguysky”, and 21 natural reserves of regional significance, with a total area of ​​1824.12 thousand hectares.

State ecological-ethnographic reserve of republican significance "Eloguysky" with an area of ​​747.6 thousand hectares, it is located on the territory of the Turukhansky district in the northern part of the Sym-Dubchesk mid-taiga upland in the river basin. Eloguy.

This reserve was created without a limitation period in order to protect the ecosystems of the middle taiga and maintain the ecological balance in the river basin. Eloguy, for conservation cultural heritage and habitats of the indigenous peoples of the North. He is integral part biosphere site of the Central Siberian Nature Reserve and is subordinate to it.

The main area of ​​the reserve is occupied by larch-cedar and larch-cedar-spruce middle taiga forests; dark coniferous taiga and pine forests. Animal world typical of the middle taiga and represented by such species as sable, squirrel, weasel, wolf, elk, wood grouse, hazel grouse and others. The fauna includes 350 species of vertebrates. Species included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation are noted in this territory - peregrine falcon, osprey, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle and gyrfalcon.

State reserves of regional significance occupy an area of ​​1076.52 thousand hectares, located in the territories of 25 administrative districts of the region in various natural and climatic zones (Table 2).

The first reserves in the Krasnoyarsk Territory were organized more than 30 years ago; in 1963, by decision of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Executive Committee, 18 reserves of regional significance were established for a period of 10 years, mainly in areas where beavers and Barguzin sables were released; 11 of them are still in effect today. The last reserve "Bolshaya Pashkina" was organized in July 2001 in the Shushensky district with the aim of preserving highly productive pine forests, unique to the region, as well as rare and associated relict species plants and animals.

The state nature reserves “Arga”, “Solgonsky Ridge” and “Sisimsky” are complex in profile, the rest are zoological.

Most reserves are aimed at preserving, restoring and reproducing valuable hunting and commercial species of wild animals along with their habitat. The Bolshemurtinsky, Talsko-Garevsky, and Krasnoturansky Bor nature reserves are engaged in the protection of Siberian roe deer in places of mass concentrations on migration routes and wintering grounds, as well as pine forest game.

The priority objects of protection in the Ubeysko-Salbinsky, Khabyksky, Kebezhsky, Bolshe-Kemchugsky, Malo-Kemchugsky, Kemsky, Makovsky, Bolshe-Kasssky nature reserves are the acclimatized beaver, as well as other species of semi-aquatic animals (otter, mink).

The territories of many reserves are inhabited by animals listed in the Red Books of the Russian Federation, for example, peregrine falcon (Bolshe-Kemchugsky, Malo-Kemchugsky and Prichulymsky reserves), osprey (Ubeysko-Salbinsky, Taibinsky, B-Kemchugsky and Sisimsky reserves), white-tailed eagle (reserves "Arga" and Berezovsky), saker falcon (B-Kemchugsky, Sisimsky). Sightings of the black stork have been recorded in the Arga, Solgonsky Ridge, Prichulymsky and Taibinsky nature reserves; There is reliable information about the presence of the gray crane in the Taibinsky and Bolshemurtinsky reserves during the nesting period.

In the Krasnoturansky Bor reserve there is a colony of gray herons, unique for the region, numbering about 100 nesting pairs.

It is planned to organize 45 new state natural reserves of regional significance with a total area of ​​2087.92 thousand hectares by 2005.

A complete list of state natural reserves of regional significance operating in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is given in Table 2.

Table 2. - State natural reserves of regional significance

Name of the protected area

Year of creation

Area, thousand hectares

Administrative position of protected areas (districts)

Achinsky, Bogotolsky Nazarovsky

Birch oak forest

Nazarovsky, Uzhursky, Sharypovsky






Kozulsky, Emelyanovsky




Tyukhtetsky, B-Uluysky, Birilyussky


Ermakovsky, Karatuzsky

Kazachinsky, Pirovsky

Krasnoturansky forest



Yeniseisky, Birilyussky


Emelyanovsky, B-Murtinsky


Achinsky, Bogotolsky



Solgon Ridge

Uzhursky, Nazarovsky, Balakhtinsky








Novoselovsky, Krasnoturansky



Bolshaya Pashkina

Dear friends! We present to you a convenient and simple tool - an interactive map. This map of nature reserves in the Krasnoyarsk Territory will help you quickly determine where the nature reserve you are interested in is located. In addition, it indicates the location of visitor centers and administrations of the region’s reserves and adjacent territories.

How to use the card

Like any other Yandex map, the map of reserves is easily scaled. This can be done using the slider located in its upper left part. You can also change the scale by turning the mouse wheel. The scale itself is indicated in the lower right corner of the map.

If necessary, you can expand the map of natural biosphere reserves to full screen. To do this, simply click on the corresponding symbol in the upper right corner of the map. The “Layers” button located next to it allows you to change the display mode (circuit, satellite or hybrid). This greatly simplifies linking the map to the area.

You can also move the map of reserves in the window by moving the mouse while holding down the left button.

Important! When you hover over an interactive map element, the cursor changes its appearance.

How to read a map of nature reserves

Reserves designated by areas different color(blue, pink, orange, etc.), outlining their boundaries. To find out the name of the reserve, just left-click on it. To close the banner that appears, click on the cross in its upper right corner.

"Commas" of blue color marked on the map administrative buildings reserves. By left-clicking on them, you will see the name of the reserve and the exact address of the administrative building. To close the banner that appears, click on the cross in its upper right corner.

A red circle with a red dot inside marks the map visitor center one or another reserve. To find out which nature reserve the visitor center belongs to, click on the symbol indicating it with the left button. To close the banner that appears, click on the cross in its upper right corner.

Green circles on the territory of the Central Siberian Nature Reserve and in the adjacent areas indicate attractions. By clicking on one of them, you will see the name and photo of this place. You can close the banner that appears by clicking on the cross in its upper right corner.

Reserve "Central Siberian": what is worth visiting?

The starting point for any traveler will be central estate reserve. It is here that all the administrative buildings are located and the Museum of Nature of the State Natural Biosphere Reserve (Bor village) is located.

Everyone has heard about Krasnoyarsk Pillars. But at the mouth itself clean river Stolbovaya, tributary of the river. Podkamennaya Tunguska, has its own picturesque rocks, pristine untouched nature. On the rocky spits of the river you will find fossilized sea sediments Paleozoic era. Be sure to take time and visit this place. The Sulomai pillars on the river will also make a breathtaking impression on you. Podkamennaya Tunguska, somewhat reminiscent of Lensky.