National natural park Bugskiy gard. Megaliths of Ukraine

Directorate address: 55223, Ukraine, Nikolaev region, Pervomaisky district, village. Migia, st. Kolkhoznaya, 42

The creation of a national-level protected area in the valley of the Southern Bug River lasted more than 20 years. The goal is to protect the South Ukrainian energy complex from flooding unique objects geology and biodiversity, preserve the Southern Bug River - the key water artery, the cleanliness of which determines the well-being of the cities of Nikolaev, Voznesensk, New Odessa and a number of settlements located on its banks.

A walking tourist route has been laid through the reserve park.

National natural park(NPP) "Bugsky Guard" total area 6138 hectares were created by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated April 30, 2009. Since 1994, there was a regional landscape park (RLP) “Granite-steppe Pobuzhye”, but on the eve of the creation of the NPP, historical rapids near the island. Gardovyi were withdrawn by the regional council from the RLP and scuttled.

Granite-steppe Bug region- one of the oldest areas of land in Eurasia that was not submerged depths of the sea already 60 million years. Hence a significant number of unique wildlife objects, relics and endemics, as well as Mediterranean and mountain-alpine species of flora and fauna.

The park's territory supports the life of more than 1,000 species of vascular plants, 40 species of mammals, 190 species of birds, and 32 species of fish. The diversity of insects is estimated at 11,000 species. More than 150 species of flora and fauna are included in the Red Book of Ukraine, the European Red List, the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the lists of the Berne Convention, and the regional protected list of the Mykolaiv region. 13 plant communities on the territory of the park are listed in the Green Book of Ukraine.

Within the boundaries of the park there is a wetland " Bug Broyaks”, meeting the eight criteria of the Ramsar Convention as a wetland of international importance.

98 archaeological sites were found in the park, the first of which are 50-40 thousand years old. The Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic are represented here ( Stone Age), Chalcolithic (Copper-Stone Age, Bronze and Iron Age). Of particular value are the historical landscapes of the Zaporozhye Sich with the remains of buildings and many toponymic monuments, in particular Bugsky Guard- a tract with a threshold of the same name.

The park stretches along the Southern Bug for 58 km. One of the best natural water slalom tracks in Ukraine is located here, and there are numerous climbing walls. On the territory of the park and near its borders there are 35 settlements, including the cities of Pervomaisk and Yuzhnoukrainsk, with a population of more than 160 thousand people.

Historical information.

The territory of the NPP coincides with the border of 1658 between the Ottoman Porte (Turkey) and the liberties of the Zaporozhye Lower Army, namely, along the Southern Bug from the modern city of Pervomaisk to modern Yuzhnoukrainsk, and then along the Arbuzinka river to the Mertvovod river and from it to Ingul. The border existed before, but during this period it was documented.

For more than three hundred years, the territory of the NPP was controlled by the Cossacks. Their administrative and economic center was located in a place called Bugsky Guard, where a military camp with Cossack kurens (up to 500 people) was located, two crossings across the Bug, customs, the Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God, cemetery, fish factory, prison, commercial and outbuildings.

Guards on the Southern Bug were called fishing structures that existed in this area until 1945. Name Bugsky Guard spread to the lands controlled by the Cossacks, led by a guard colonel, first along the Bug, and then to the territory of the entire Bug-Gard palanka (unit) of the Zaporozhian Army, located between the Southern Bug and Ingul rivers. The name “Gard” is found in Polish and Turkish sources. Other localities with this name are unknown.

Endemic and relict vascular plants of the NPP "Bugskiy Gard":

Klokov Cherry (Cerasus klokovii Sobko) A relict endemic species, distributed only in the valley of the Southern Bug River between the city of Pervomaisk and the village. Aleksandrovka, Voznesensky district, Nikolaev region.

Bug carnation (Dianthus hypanicus Andrz). An endemic species, distributed only on the southern spurs of the Dnieper Upland in the area between the Southern Bug and Ingul rivers. The main core of the population is located in the Bug Canyon between the city of Pervomaisk and the village. Aleksandrovka, Voznesensky district, Nikolaev region. It grows only on granite and gneiss outcrops, in rock cracks.

Gymnospermium odessanum (DC.) Takht. A relict endemic Western Black Sea species with a disjunctive (broken) range. Outside of Ukraine it is known in Moldova and Romania. In the park it is found on the islands and in the lower part of the canyon.

Bug Meringia (Moehringia hypanica Grynj et Klokov). Relict endemic species. Occasionally found in the canyon of the Southern Bug River between the village. Bogdanovka and s. Grape garden in the Domanevsky district and in the canyon of the Mertvovod river near the village. Aktovo Voznesensky district. The population size is several thousand individuals; the species is not known anywhere else in the world. Grows in crevices of shaded granite rocks.

Bug gum (Silene hypanica Klokov). A relict endemic species, distributed only in the valley of the Southern Bug River between the cities of Pervomaisk and Voznesensk, Nikolaev region. Grows on granite outcrops, in rock cracks. The population size is several thousand individuals.

The national natural park "Bugsky Gard" is located in the north. In 2008, the park’s territory was included in the list of seven natural wonders of Ukraine. The park covers the canyons and valleys of the Southern Bug and Mertvovod rivers. The unique landscape of “Bugsky Grad” is due to the fact that the territory is one of the oldest land areas in Eurasia. The special ecosystem of the park has preserved dozens of endemic and relict species plants and animals. The length of the park is 58 kilometers.

The territory of the “Bug Guard” has long attracted people; it is rich in archaeological monuments. In the 18th century, there was a Bugogard palanka (administrative part) of the Zaporozhye Sich.

What can you see in the Bug Garden

  • – relict canyon and rocks on the Southern Bug River, one of best places for rafting and water alloy in Ukraine.
  • – a meeting place for European rafting and mountaineering enthusiasts.
  • – the oldest piece of land in Ukraine, one of the three oldest on the continent, it is also an ideal place for mountaineers and rock climbers.
  • More than 1000 species of plants, 34 of them are listed in the Red Book, 27 species of animals listed in the Red Book.
  • , where the center of the Bugogard palanka of the Zaporozhye Sich was located. This is a large rapid in the middle of a river half a kilometer long. By the mid-20th century, there was the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary here since 1742 and the ruins of Cossack fortifications.
  • with the Vasiliev Apiary and Labyrinth tracts. A place with unique biodiversity, a corner of coolness and freshness in the middle of the hot south of Ukraine.


  • Automotive races are held in the spring and summer. During the excursion, you will get acquainted with the history of the region, review architectural monuments and acquaintance with the flora and fauna of the forest, rock steppe and reservoirs.
  • The walking route along the Southern Bug River runs from April to October.
  • Water route through the Migei Canyon, sections 2–4 difficulty levels.
  • Horse route in the Gromovoe tract.
  • Route "Four" ecological trails" Route specialization: for schoolchildren and students.
Buzhsky Gard IUCN Category - II (National Park)  /   / 47.93611; 31.05000(G) (I)Coordinates: 47°56′10″ n. w. 31°03′00″ E. d. /  47.93611° s. w. 31.05000° E. d. / 47.93611; 31.05000(G) (I) LocationNikolaev region CountryUkraine Ukraine Nearest cityPervomaisk
Yuzhnoukrainsk Square6,138.13 ha Date of foundationApril 30, 2009

The relief of the territory is represented by a plateau with gentle slopes, dissected by the valleys of the Southern Bug and its tributaries Migiysky Tashlyk (mouth near the village of Migiya), Korabelnaya, Mertvovod, Arbuzinka and Bakshala, which in turn are cut by gullies and ravines.

The riverine part of the Southern Bug valley and the islands are in some places occupied by floodplain forests and meadows; on the slopes of river valleys and ravines, areas of petrophytic (rocky) steppe and remnants of forb-grass and shrub steppes have been preserved.

34 representatives of local flora are included in the Red Book of Ukraine, 6 - in the European Red List, 5 - in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, 2 - in the Berne Convention.

Representatives of fauna listed in the Red Book of Ukraine: 22 species of vertebrates, 23 species of invertebrates; to the European Red List - 5 and 10, respectively, to the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature - 5 and 4, respectively, to the Berne Convention - 176 and 7, respectively.

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An excerpt characterizing Buzhsky Gard

Pierre admitted that it was true, and from this question, gradually guided by the questions of Princess Marya and especially Natasha, he became involved in a detailed story about his adventures.
At first he spoke with that mocking, meek look that he now had at people and especially at himself; but then, when he came to the story of the horrors and suffering that he had seen, he, without noticing it, became carried away and began to speak with the restrained excitement of a person experiencing strong impressions in his memory.
Princess Marya looked at Pierre and Natasha with a gentle smile. In this whole story she saw only Pierre and his kindness. Natasha, leaning on her arm, with a constantly changing expression on her face along with the story, watched Pierre without looking away for a minute, apparently experiencing with him what he was telling. Not only her look, but exclamations and short questions, which she did, showed Pierre that from what he was saying, she understood exactly what he wanted to convey. It was clear that she understood not only what he was saying, but also what he would like and could not express in words. Pierre told about his episode with the child and the woman for whose protection he was taken in the following way:
– It was a terrible sight, children were abandoned, some were on fire... In front of me they pulled out a child... women, from whom they pulled things off, tore out earrings...
Pierre blushed and hesitated.
“Then a patrol arrived, and all those who were not robbed, all the men were taken away. And me.
– You probably don’t tell everything; “You must have done something…” Natasha said and paused, “good.”
Pierre continued to talk further. When he talked about the execution, he wanted to avoid the terrible details; but Natasha demanded that he not miss anything.
Pierre started to talk about Karataev (he had already gotten up from the table and was walking around, Natasha was watching him with her eyes) and stopped.
- No, you cannot understand what I learned from this illiterate man - a fool.
“No, no, speak up,” said Natasha. - Where is he?
“He was killed almost in front of me.” - And Pierre began to tell lately their retreats, Karataev’s illness (his voice trembled incessantly) and his death.
Pierre told his adventures as he had never told them to anyone before, as he had never recalled them to himself. He now saw, as it were, a new meaning in everything that he had experienced. Now, when he was telling all this to Natasha, he experienced that rare pleasure that women give when listening to a man - not smart women who, while listening, try to either remember what they are told in order to enrich their mind and, on occasion, retell the same or adapt what is being told to their own and quickly communicate their clever speeches developed in their small mental economy; but the pleasure that real women give, gifted with the ability to select and absorb into themselves all the best that exists in the manifestations of a man. Natasha, without knowing it herself, was all attention: she did not miss a word, a hesitation in her voice, a glance, a twitch of a facial muscle, or a gesture from Pierre. She caught the unspoken word on the fly and brought it directly into her open heart, guessing secret meaning all Pierre's spiritual work.
Princess Marya understood the story, sympathized with it, but now she saw something else that absorbed all her attention; she saw the possibility of love and happiness between Natasha and Pierre. And for the first time this thought came to her, filling her soul with joy.
It was three o'clock in the morning. Waiters with sad and stern faces came to change the candles, but no one noticed them.
Pierre finished his story. Natasha, with sparkling, animated eyes, continued to look stubbornly and attentively at Pierre, as if wanting to understand something else that he might not have expressed. Pierre, in bashful and happy embarrassment, occasionally glanced at her and thought of what to say now in order to shift the conversation to another subject. Princess Marya was silent. It didn’t occur to anyone that it was three o’clock in the morning and that it was time to sleep.
“They say: misfortune, suffering,” said Pierre. - Yes, if now, this minute they told me: do you want to remain what you were before captivity, or first go through all this? For God's sake, once again captivity and horse meat. We think how we will be thrown out of our usual path, that everything is lost; and here something new and good is just beginning. As long as there is life, there is happiness. There is a lot, a lot ahead. “I’m telling you this,” he said, turning to Natasha.

Megaliths of Ukraine. Does it sound funny? Strange to say the least. Well, what kind of megaliths can there be in Ukraine, especially not in the Carpathians, and in the Nikolaev steppes!? I think this will be a real discovery for many, at least I was shocked. I served conscript service in these places. The military camp of the 46th division of the Strategic Missile Forces was located in the city of Pervomaisk-on-Southern Bug, and the base area of ​​the 309th missile regiment was partly in the Kirovograd region, partly in the Nikolaev region. One of launchers underground based was located just next to the village of Aleksandrovka. where it is now national park Bugsky guard.

"Bugsky Garden" is a national natural park in the north-west of the Nikolaev region of Ukraine. The park covers river valley The Southern Bug and the canyon-like valleys of its tributaries - Bolshaya Korabelnaya, Bakshaly, Mertvovod. Extends 70 km from the southern part of Pervomaisk to the village. Aleksandrovka Voznesensky district. To create a unique landscape here, nature has worked tirelessly for millions of years, so the National Natural Park “Bugsky Garden” in 2008 deservedly became the winner of the all-Ukrainian campaign “7 Wonders of Ukraine”.

In the valley of the Southern Bug between the villages of Migiya and Aleksandrovka, 98 archaeological sites were found within the park. They have great scientific value. Cutting through the southern spur of the ancient mountains (Ukrainian Shield), the Southern Bug flows for almost 40 km through a valley with steep rocky banks, the height of which sometimes reaches 40-60 m. At the bottom of such a deep and narrow (300-400 m wide) canyon (“ canyon" translated from Spanish - pipe) makes noise big river. Sparkling with waterfalls, 12 (only large!) rapids roar, which in the historical past were called here broyak.

In the glorious Cossack times, the Zaporizhian fortress of Orlik, the Turkish fortress of Golta and the Polish fortress of Bogopol looked after each other in this territory. That is, the borders of Zaporozhye, Turkey and Poland converged. Here every year summer time, a colonel with a special team (up to 600 people) came out from the Sich to guard the border and maintain order. There was a Cossack customs office here.

Aktovsky Canyon is the only one in Europe that exactly resembles famous canyons North America. Represents a unique natural complex forest and aquatic ecosystem, which is complemented by a fantastic duo of bizarre rocks and granite boulders. Herodotus also called it “an abyss among the bare steppe, a granite abyss in a crystalline shield, at the bottom of which the Exampey stream gurgles.”

Escampey - ancient name the Mertvovod River, which, tightly squeezed by rocks, flows in the depths of the Aktovsky Canyon.

One of the legends says that during the Tatar raids on these territories, local residents prepared a poisonous herbal decoction and poured it into the river near the invaders’ camp, which caused many of them to die. According to another legend, this unusual name the river received after a bloody battle Zaporozhye Cossacks and the Turks, as a result of which the water was not visible because of the bodies of the dead. The third version convinces that the name of the river has been preserved since the time of the Scythians, who sent last path their rulers.

This is where the legends end, and so does the official information. The first glance at this photo is enough to sense something is wrong. These natural stones are too reminiscent of a wall made of blocks weighing up to a ton each. We look at the right side of the photo, and suspicions grow into conviction. Of course this is masonry. Only very ancient. Time has tried so hard to destroy all traces that now it no longer occurs to anyone that this is not just a pile of stones.

So how? Do you still want to deny the obvious?

The only reason why we can see the remains of antediluvian structures in the middle of the endless Ukrainian plain is the river. If over hundreds of years it had not washed away the layer of sand that in the recent past was the seabed, we would never have known that we had preserved layers of sediment - traces of the flood.

Just like that. And archaeologists rejoice at the finds of Scythian burial mounds. Before the Scythians, there was an amazingly developed civilization that treated stone in much the same way as we treat wood. And who are we after all this?