Monkey breeds with photos and names. The most unusual monkeys

A monkey (anthropoid, higher primate) is a mammal that is closest in structure to humans, belongs to the order Primates, the suborder of dry-nosed primates, the infraorder Simiiformes (lat. Simiiformes).

The origin of the Russian word “monkey” is quite interesting. Until the 16th century, the monkey in Rus' was called “opitsa” - the same as the Czechs now call it. At the same time, the Persians called the monkey “elderberry”. According to one version, Afanasy Nikitin brought this name with him from his travels and used it in his work “Walking across Three Seas.” According to another version, the monkey got its name from the word “abuzina”. At the same time, Ushakov’s dictionary clarifies that “abuzina” is translated from Arabic as “father of fornication.”

Monkey - description, characteristics, structure, photo. What does a monkey look like?

The body length of an adult monkey can vary from 15 cm (for the pygmy marmoset) to 2 meters (for the male gorilla). The weight of a monkey also depends on the species. If the body weight of a small monkey barely reaches 150 grams, then individual gorillas weigh up to 275 kg.

Most arboreal monkey species have a long back, short and narrow chest, and thin hip bones. Gibbons and orangutans have a wide chest, as well as massive pelvic bones.

Some monkeys have a long tail that exceeds the length of the body and acts as a balancer when moving through trees. Monkeys living on the ground have a short tail, while apes have no tail at all.

The body of monkeys is more or less covered with hair of various colors from light brown and red to black and white and gray-olive. Adults sometimes turn gray over the years, and male monkeys even go bald just like humans.

Monkeys are characterized by mobile, well-developed upper limbs, endowed with 5 fingers, the phalanges of which end in nails, as well as an opposable thumb. The extent to which a monkey’s arms and legs are developed directly depends on its lifestyle.

Monkeys, who spend most of their lives in trees, have short thumbs, which makes it easy to fly from branch to branch using limb swings. But, for example, the feet of baboons are long and graceful, convenient for walking on the ground.

Most monkeys have binocular vision, and the whites of their eyes are as black as their pupils.

The dental system is similar to the human one, but differs between narrow-nosed and broad-nosed monkeys. Narrow-nosed monkeys have 32 teeth, broad-nosed monkeys have 36. The teeth of apes are massive and have a complex root structure.

The monkey brain is well developed and different complex structure. Apes have highly developed parts of the brain responsible for meaningful movements.

Monkeys communicate using a special signaling system consisting of facial expressions and sounds. Monkeys and capuchins are considered especially noisy and talkative. Both methods of transmitting information in monkeys are well developed and can demonstrate the widest range of feelings, which is expressed, first of all, by rich facial expressions.

Monkeys live on almost all continents: in Europe (namely in Gibraltar), in the south and southeast of Asia (in the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, China, Japan), in Africa (except Madagascar), in the tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America, in Australia. Antarctica is not inhabited by monkeys.

Chimpanzee live in Western and Central Africa: Senegal, Guinea, Angola, Congo, Chad, Cameroon and others.

Habitat macaques extends from hot Afghanistan to the countries of Southeast Asia, including Japan. In the territory North Africa And the Magot macaque lives in Gibraltar, representing the family as the only species. Macaques live in Cambodia and Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines; small populations are found in Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.

Gorillas live in equatorial forests western and central Africa. Populations are found in Gambia and Cameroon, Mauritania and Chad, and inhabit Guinea and Benin.

Orangutans live only in wet forests islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra.

Monkey howler monkeys They live mainly in the countries of southern Mexico and Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina.

Monkeys live in Southeast Asia, throughout Arabian Peninsula and the African continent. In Europe, monkeys live only in Gibraltar.

Almost all varieties gibbons They live only in the Asian region. Their natural habitat– forest areas of India and Malaysia, humid tropical thickets of Burma, Cambodia and Thailand, Vietnam and China.

Hamadryas (baboons) distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Africa, being the only primate living in the northeastern part of the continent (Egypt and Sudan). Baboons are also found on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula.

Habitat capuchins includes vast expanses of tropical rainforests from Honduras in the north of the range to southern Brazil and Venezuela in the south.

Tamarins they prefer to settle in the warmest regions of Central America, in the cozy climate of Costa Rica and in the favorable South America - that is, almost throughout the entire area of ​​​​the fertile Amazonian lowland. Certain species of tamarins thrive in Bolivia and Brazil.

Monkey baboons very widespread in Central and Eastern Africa: they live in Kenya and Uganda, Ethiopia and Sudan, Congo and Angola.

Monkey saki- inhabitants of South America. Found in Venezuela, Colombia, Chile.

How do monkeys live?

Some monkeys live in trees: some prefer to live in the very crowns, others live in the lower tiers, but leave their habitats if absolutely necessary.

Land monkeys live in a certain individual territory, but borders are rarely guarded. Random encounters between a dominant male and a lone male usually end in a visual demonstration of dominance, and it rarely comes to a fight.

The average lifespan of monkeys is 30-40 years, some monkeys live up to 50 years.

Monkeys are omnivores, and the diet of each species depends on its habitat. Tree monkeys eat what they can get from trees: leaves, buds, young shoots, nuts, fruits. Sometimes insects are added to the food.

Land monkeys have a much wider choice of food: they eat rhizomes and shoots of plants, including ferns - a favorite delicacy of the gorilla. All monkeys have a varied diet and, in addition to various sugary fruits (figs, mangoes, etc.), they happily eat fish, shellfish, rodents, and anything else edible that they can find or catch.

Some species of monkeys eat a specific type of food: for example, Japanese stump-tailed macaques eat only tree bark, cynomolgus macaques feed exclusively on crabs, and marmosets use their long incisors to extract and eat gum.

Chimpanzees, in addition to being the only species of monkey that can create hunting accessories to facilitate the process of obtaining food, attack birds, small animals and small monkeys, including other chimpanzees. But baboons are always hunting in large groups, therefore they are one of the most dangerous predators jungle.

Types of monkeys, names and photos.

The infraorder Apes is divided into 2 parvoorders:

  • Broad-nosed monkeys(lat. Platyrrhini), which includes species of monkeys living in Central and South America.
  • Narrow-nosed monkeys(lat. Catarrhini) - species of monkeys living in Africa, Asia, 1 species lives in Europe (Gibraltar).

The modern classification identifies more than 400 species of monkeys or higher primates. Each species of monkey is individual in its own way, but they all have general features. Among the diversity of representatives of the order of primates, the following species of monkeys are of greatest interest:

  • (lat. Alouatta caraya)- a representative of the spider monkey family. The howler monkey makes characteristic roaring sounds that can be heard 5 km away. The males are covered with black hair, the female monkey is yellow-brown or olive in color, the cubs are golden-yellow. The length of the male monkey is 52-67 cm and weighs 6.7 kg, females are much smaller and grow up to 49 cm in size and weigh 4.4 kg. The basis of the diet is fruits and foliage. The howler monkey lives in Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina.

  • Mourning Capuchin(lat. Cebus olivaceus)- a species of monkey from the prehensile-tailed family. The weight of a male monkey reaches 3 kg, females are a third smaller. The color of the monkey is brown or light brown, with a grayish tint, and there is a characteristic triangle of black hair on the head. Within the pack, infanticide is practiced - the deliberate killing of cubs, as well as grooming - mutual picking of fur. To protect themselves from blood-sucking insects, monkeys rub themselves with poisonous centipedes. Black capuchins are omnivores and eat a variety of insects, small vertebrates, fruits and young tree shoots. They live in the crowns of virgin forests in Brazil, Venezuela and Suriname.

  • Crowned monkey (blue monkey)(lat. Cercopithecus mitis) got its name due to its gray color with a blue tint and a white stripe of fur passing over the eyebrows like a crown. The body length of an adult is from 50 to 65 cm, body weight is 4-6 kg. The male monkey is distinguished by well-developed whiskers white and long, compared to females, fangs. This species of animal is widespread in the forests and bamboo groves of the African continent, from the Congo River basin to Ethiopia, Zambia and Angola.

  • White-handed gibbon (lar) (lat. Hylobates lar)- a species of apes of the gibbon family. Adult monkeys of both sexes grow to 55-63 cm in length and have a body weight of 4-5.5 kg. The monkey's fur color can be black, brown or sand, and its arms and legs are always white. The monkey's diet consists of fruits, leaves and insects. White-handed gibbons are monogamous and lead a predominantly arboreal lifestyle. tropical forests China and the Malay Archipelago.

  • Eastern gorilla(lat. Gorilla beringei)- the most big monkey in the world. According to the testimony of famous zoologists, a giant male gorilla was killed by hunters at the beginning of the last century: his height was 2 m 32 cm. Usually the size of a male monkey reaches 185 cm with a body weight of 160 kg (sometimes 220 kg). Female gorillas are much smaller; the adult body length is 150 cm and weighs 70-114 kg. Massive animals, distinguished by a large head, broad shoulders, open chest and long legs. The coat color is mostly black, but in the mountain gorilla subspecies it has a blue tint. A stripe of silvery fur runs along the back of seasoned males. Monkeys feed on all parts of plants, less often invertebrates and fungi.

  • Pale saki (white-headed saki)(lat. Pithecia pithecia)- a species of broad-nosed monkeys with long and shaggy hair that rarely leaves the trees. The size of adult animals reaches from 30 to 48 cm in length, a male monkey weighs about 2 kg, a female monkey is slightly lighter. The black coat color of males contrasts markedly with the white or pink faces. Females are black-gray or gray-brown and just as pale. Monkey food consists of seeds and fruits various trees, native to Venezuela, Suriname and Brazil.

  • Hamadryas ( frilled baboon) (lat. Papio hamadryas)- view narrow-nosed monkeys a genus of baboons that spend their entire lives on earth. The body length of adult males is 70-100 cm and weighs about 30 kg. The female monkey is 2 times smaller than the male. The male monkey is distinguished by an original arrangement of hair: long hair on the shoulders and chest forms a kind of fur cape. The color of the fur resembles the color of dry grass, and the female monkey is darker in color. The hamadryas's diet is dominated by plant rhizomes, insects, worms and snails, as well as crops from nearby plantations. Hamadryas monkeys live in open spaces of African and Asian countries: Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Nubia, Yemen.

  • Nosach, or kahau (lat. Nasalis larvatus)- an animal from the subfamily of thin-bodied monkeys of the marmoset family. The monkey lives exclusively on the island of Borneo, forming populations in the tropical forests of its coastal regions. The color of the nosed monkey is yellowish-brown, with a whitish undercoat. The fur on the limbs and tail of the monkey has a gray tint, the muzzle is hairless, often bright red. The mammal's size ranges from 66 to 77 cm, with the monkey's tail being about the same length. The weight of a male is 15-22 kg; female monkeys are usually half that weight. A special feature of the proboscis is its unusual drooping nose. In males, it grows enormous in size with age, so the monkey has to hold its nose to eat leaves, fruits or flowers of plants.

  • - a species of monkeys mainly found in the northern part of the island of Honshu. At the end of the last century, a small population of Japanese macaques was artificially settled in Texas, where today these animals thrive. The population living on the island of Yakushima is usually classified as a separate subspecies - Macaca fuscata yakui, which is associated with some differences in the behavior and appearance of macaques. The height of a male Japanese macaque varies between 80-95 cm, weight - from 12 to 14 kg, the female monkey is slightly lower, and weighs almost 1.5 times less. The macaque monkey has bright red skin, which is especially noticeable on the face and buttocks, which are completely devoid of hair. The thick coat is dark grey colour with a slight brown tint. The monkey's tail is quite short, rarely exceeding a length of 10 cm. Japanese macaques usually choose forests, both tropical and located in mountainous areas, as their habitat. They live in groups, often reaching 100 individuals, where a strict hierarchy reigns. In the northern regions of Japan, where snow cover lasts for 3-4 months and winter temperature air averages −4-5 °C, macaques survive frosty days in natural hot springs, basking in their thermal waters. Surprisingly, in order not to freeze wet while going for food, these resourceful monkeys draw up a duty schedule: while some individuals sit in warm water, others, with dry fur, bring them food. Monkeys feed on leaves and roots of plants, sweet fruits tropical trees, bird eggs, insects, mollusks and crustaceans, fish.

  • Sumatran orangutan (lat. Pongo abelii) is a species of monkey that lives exclusively on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The Sumatran orangutan is a fairly large animal. The height of an adult male can reach one and a half meters or more with a weight of 150-165 kg. Females are slightly smaller in size - their height does not exceed 1 meter, and their weight is 50-55 kg. Monkeys have well-developed muscles, a massive body, covered with hard red-brown hair, which is quite long in the shoulder area. The forelimbs of an orangutan often reach 3 meters in span, the hind limbs are short, with wide, stable feet. Male Sumatran orangutans have an unusual muzzle: there are clearly defined fat pads on the cheeks, and the beard and mustache give the animal a slightly funny appearance. The diet of the Sumatran orangutan is dominated mainly by plant foods - leaves, bark, nuts, sweet fruits, however, the monkey will not refuse to feast on bird eggs and chicks, grasshoppers,
    • is a species of monkey whose habitat covers the forested areas of the tropics and humid savannas of the African continent, especially its western and central parts. Mature male chimpanzees reach a height of 140-160 cm, and monkeys weigh between 65-80 kg. Females weigh 40-50 kg with a height of 120-130 cm. The body of the animals is covered with very coarse, hard fur of a dark brown hue. Near the mouth and on the tailbone the fur is partially white, but the feet, palms and muzzle of the monkey are completely devoid of it. Common chimpanzees are practically omnivorous, although the main part of their diet is plant food. These monkeys happily eat nuts and fruits, sweet potato leaves and tubers, feed on mushrooms and termites, and feast on sweet honey, bird eggs and small vertebrates. There are often cases when a school of chimpanzees successfully hunts red colobus monkeys (primates from the monkey family) and even young ungulates, making up for the lack nutrients meat. Chimpanzee monkeys are the only primates capable of creating the semblance of tools that facilitate the process of obtaining food: they skillfully sharpen the ends of sticks and twigs, turning them into imitation spears, use palm leaves as traps for insects, and use stones in the form of projectiles.

    • Pygmy marmoset (lat. Cebuella pygmaea)- This is the smallest monkey in the world. Adults grow up to 10-15 cm in length and weigh from 100 to 150 g. They inhabit the forests of South America and feed mainly on tree sap.

The animal closest to humans is the monkey. Intellectual abilities this mammal is affected. Scientists from different countries have been conducting research for many years aimed at analyzing the behavioral characteristics of these amazing creatures. Monkey species classified according to their habitat, the continent on which they live, and also according to body parameters.

Their language has more than 100 different sounds. Baby monkeys learn to understand language in the same way as human children, that is, by communicating with members of their own species. These mammals are considered the most sociable among all others. - one of the few animals that is capable of expressing a huge range of different emotions: from despair to euphoria.

For many years, scientists have tried to improve the communicative function of these creatures by teaching them to speak, but the efforts were not effective. It's all about the lack of a speech apparatus in monkeys, like in humans. Simply put, they are physically incapable of producing complex sounds.

But even despite this, mammals never cease to amaze with their intellectual and cognitive abilities. Popular names of monkey species: Indian macaque, mandrill, orangutan, gibbon, smoky tonkotel, Rosalia, capuchin, chimpanzee. We will talk about these and many other types today.

Indian macaque

This is one of the widespread monkey species in india. Macaques live in forest areas, however, this does not prevent him from going beyond the boundaries of his village and going to densely populated cities.

Yes, this cute little animal is not afraid of people at all. Mothers of such a mammal treat their children very affectionately. There are a lot of photographs online that show touching hugs from members of the same family of this monkey species.

The body of the Indian macaque is gray-brown. Its fur is sparse and loose. The animal's muzzle is pink, not covered with fur. The body length of a medium-sized individual is 60 cm.

The Indian macaque is a gregarious animal. In one group there are from 60 to 80 such animals. The period of maximum activity of the monkey occurs in the first half of the day. During these hours, the Indian macaque is mainly at the top of the tree.

Indian macaques

Green monkey

Among all species of monkeys in Africa, the monkey is the most popular. It was called green not because its body is painted exactly this color. It is rather gray with an olive tint. When an animal is on a tree, it is difficult to notice it, because the shade of its fur merges with the color of the vegetation that surrounds it.

The green monkey belongs to species of small monkeys. The length of its body barely reaches 40 cm. This measurement is taken without the tail, the length of which, by the way, can reach 1 m. The weight of an average-sized green monkey is 3.5 kg.

Her diet consists of:

  • Berries;
  • Tree bark;
  • Insects living under the bark;
  • Cereals;
  • Bird eggs:
  • Fruits.

Rarely does the green monkey allow itself to feast on small vertebrates.

Slender loris

This monkey is very similar to a squirrel, not only in the color of its fur, but also in its dimensions. However, the slender loris cannot be called a full-fledged monkey. His behavior is as human-like as possible. There are even nail plates on the tips of his fingers.

This funny animal spends most of its time at the top of the tree. They settle in India, mainly in Ceylon. Distinctive feature The slender loris has large eyes. Nature endowed him with them for a reason. The fact is that the period of their activity occurs in the evening or night.


This is the most known species great apes. Such a representative of the animal world is considered one of the most intelligent living creatures in nature, after humans, of course. Scientists distinguish 2 modern types of this animal: ordinary and dwarf. The second name for the pygmy chimpanzee is “bonobo”.

This is a gregarious mammal, but the size of its group is small, up to 10 individuals. An interesting feature is that when such a monkey reaches adulthood, it leaves its pack, but not to remain alone. Leaving one group means for chimpanzees creating a new one.

These species of monkeys in the photo look like people. They have a meaningful look that expresses a specific emotion: annoyance, doubt, suspicion or even envy. The presence of excellent intellectual potential in chimpanzees is confirmed by their foresight. The monkey prepares for sleep in advance by making a comfortable sleeping place out of large and soft leaves.

Pictured is a group of Chimpanzees

Snub-nosed golden monkey

List rare species monkeys replenished by this representative. Why was the animal called “snub-nosed”? Its name speaks for itself. The animal's nostrils are well formed, they are large and deep, but weakly expressed due to the too flattened shape of the nose.

The golden snub-nosed monkey is very noticeable. It stands out among other representatives of the fauna due to its appearance, or rather, with orange fluffy fur covering her entire body. The hair on the top of the head is shorter.

But that is not all. The face of this beautiful monkey is painted snow-white, making it stand out even more. In appearance, she resembles a red panda. Today, there are no more than 20 thousand snub-nosed golden monkeys in the world.

Philippine tarsier

If you have never encountered this animal before, then when you come into contact with it you risk getting seriously scared. The Philippine tarsier is a difficult monkey. He differs from others with his huge eyes, which he protrudes forward.

The color of the animal is bright red, but sometimes grayish individuals are also found. The Philippine tarsier, despite its terrifying appearance, is a cute and friendly animal. He is very fluffy and has a long tail.

According to their own behavioral characteristics, this animal resembles more a toad than a monkey. Its main food is frogs. The Philippine tarsier hunts them by jumping.

Its forelimbs have small suction cups, thanks to which it quickly climbs trees and does not fall from them. The Philippine tarsier sleeps most of the day, during which time it is at the top of the tree. To avoid falling from it, the monkey wraps its long tail around the nearest branch.

Philippine tarsier

Bald uakari

The world has different types of monkeys, but the bald uakari is one of the most unusual. This type of primate is poorly studied, and moreover, it is at the stage of extinction. This animal lives in the Amazon forests. His appearance cannot but surprise. The entire body of the bald uakari, except for the head, is covered with long golden hair. However, his muzzle is completely devoid of hair. Moreover, it is painted bright pink.

The bald uakari is a pack animal. It associates with other primates, forming numerous groups of up to 200 individuals. Each pack has a strict division of social roles and hierarchy.

The favorite food of these unusual animals is fruit. In the Amazon forests they are easy to obtain, especially after a rainstorm. After waiting for it to complete, the animals leave the trees and go to the ground to pick up fruits dropped by the rain.


Some great monkey species, despite their impressive size, are friendly. These include the orangutan. This is a very smart monkey with well-developed communication skills.

The color of the animal's fur is red. Some representatives of this species have gray fur. Despite its weak legs, the animal moves well through trees and the ground. It is distinguished by its large head and heavy weight(up to 300 kg).

Orangutans prefer to live high in trees. They rarely engage in fights with forest predators, since the latter are afraid of them. But, despite its friendly nature, the orangutan can attack first if it senses danger. This large monkey feeds exclusively on plant foods.

Tonkinese rhinopithecus

The “calling card” of this small monkey is its large lips. The lower part of the lips is fuller and moves forward slightly. The color of this part of the body is pink.

The Tonkinese rhinopithecus is a very beautiful monkey. She is as human-like as possible with her behavior and calm character. The second name of this species is “snub-nosed monkey.” These animals spend most of the day on the tree. Tonkinese rhinopithecus is one of the endangered primates. Unfortunately, its population is declining every year.


This monkey is hard to miss. It’s not for nothing that she was nicknamed “nosy”. She stands out among other primates with her large nose hanging down. It resembles a cucumber in length and shape. The front part of the proboscis monkey is lighter. The fur on his chest is shorter than on his back. Its color is gray-red. The body size of a medium-sized individual is 70 cm. Male proboscis whales are larger than females.

The period of their maximum activity occurs in the first half of the day. They live in the tropics. An important requirement for a settlement location is the presence of a nearby body of water. The proboscis monkey is the best swimmer among all monkeys. Underwater, it can swim from 15 to 25 meters, without surfacing to breathe. This monkey is one of the few “walking” species.

This means that the proboscis monkey, unlike many primates, is able to travel long distances, moving on its two hind legs, like a human. The proboscis monkey is a school animal. One group can accommodate from 10 to 30 individuals. The males of this species lure the female with their nose. If he is large and fleshy, the male has every chance of attracting the attention of the female.


The gibbon is classified as a small-sized great apes. It can be found in South Asia. The gibbon is one of the few monkeys that does not have a tail. This is a beautiful animal with long dense hair of dark, red or ash color. A distinctive feature of this monkey is its long forelimbs. They are much longer than the back ones.

Thanks to your long paws, they easily climb from branch to branch, covering vast distances. In 1 jump, a gibbon can jump 3-4 meters. This monkey is considered a monogamous mammal. This means that she mates for life.

When a male gibbon grows up, he can leave his parents and go in search of his female. If he does not express a desire to leave, he will be expelled by force. These beautiful animals feed on fruits and some plants. Very rarely, a gibbon sneaks into a bird's nest to eat eggs.


This little monkey is hard to miss. She stands out from others with her bright red fur. The presence of long hair on the primate's neck makes it similar to a lion. One gets the impression that she has a lush mane, like the king of beasts.

Rosalia's muzzle is not covered with fur. It is painted gray. This red monkey lives in the American tropics. Thanks to its long forelimbs and tenacious nails, Rosalia is an excellent tree climber, deftly jumping from branch to branch.

It is difficult to tame such a primate; they are not as sociable as, for example, chimpanzees. In addition, Rosalia is one of the noisiest primate species. She is valued, first of all, for her shiny, lush coat.

Golden langur

This small monkey belongs to the order of marmosets. Zoologists classify it as an endangered species. Today, the population of the golden langur does not exceed 1000. This monkey is distinguished by its bright yellowish-red fur that covers its entire body. Its muzzle is hairless and dark black. Another distinctive feature of the golden langur is its meaningful gaze. The animal's favorite food is fruit.

Golden langur


This is one of the largest species of primates. The size of a male gorilla can reach 2 meters. Such an individual weighs from 140 to 160 kg. The female gorilla is 2 times smaller than the male, that is, her weight ranges from 70-80 kg. Most of the time, these large primates walk on 4 limbs. But, being on the ground, they prefer to move on two hind legs, that is, to walk like a person.

Despite its aloof character and large size, the gorilla is not a predator. She eats plant foods. This monkey's favorite food is bamboo shoots. The gorilla supplements its diet with nuts and celery, and less often with insects.

There is practically no salt in the foods consumed by gorilla, but their body needs it. For this reason, the animal instinctively strives to eat clay rich in minerals, including salt. As for water, the monkey is indifferent to it. She gets water from plant foods, so she rarely visits a pond to drink.


This monkey is different from others big amount shades. There is black, brown, white, red and even blue fur on her body. But this is not the only difference between the mandrill. The animal stands out among other primates due to its large buttocks, which are practically not covered with hair.

When looking at this monkey, you might get the impression that its backside has been shaved. However, it is not. This is the kind of mandrill Mother Nature created. This is a fairly large animal, weighing up to 25-30 kg. Mandrill prefers to settle in rocky areas. An interesting observation is that this monkey can breed with other primate species, such as the baboon.

Mandrill is a school animal. He prefers to team up with other monkeys, creating large communities. One such group can include from 50 to 250 individuals. Their diet consists of insects and plants. Less commonly, mandrills eat lizards.

Pygmy marmoset

This is the smallest species of primate. The monkey's body size ranges from 10 to 15 cm. The pygmy marmoset has a long tail, which is significantly larger than its body. Its length ranges from 17 to 23 cm.

The body weight of this funny monkey barely reaches 200 grams. However, when you look at her, it's hard to believe. The reason is the long and lush fur that covers its entire body. Because of it, a visual misconception is created regarding the weight of the animal.

The fur color of the pygmy marmoset is yellow-olive. This funny monkey lives in the forests of South America. Their peculiarity is the existence in one group, which includes several generations. In each of them there is a clear social division.

The pygmy marmoset communicates with other individuals by searching their fur for minerals and insects. This is how the animal expresses its care and affection. These monkeys protect members of their group and make sure that they do not come into contact with strangers.

Pygmy marmoset


A distinctive feature of these monkeys is their wide nose. Because of him, they were nicknamed “broad-nosed”. The capuchin is a small animal, the size of which is 55-60 cm (without tail).

This friendly animal climbs trees, tightly grasping branches with its tail, which, by the way, is very long (about 1.5 meters). The capuchin is one of the most beautiful monkeys. The color of her coat can be gray or red.

These creatures feed not only on plant, but also on animal food, namely: frogs, succulent shoots, nuts, etc. Capuchins prefer to live in large wooden crowns. They are considered to be school animals.

Marmoset Göldi

The second name of this funny monkey is “Callimico”. This is an unusually active animal, often preferring to move by short jumps. The marmoset is a small monkey whose body length barely reaches 20 cm.

Its tail is slightly longer, up to 30 cm. This species lives in South America. This species is found in the Amazon, Brazil, Peru and other places on Earth with a hot climate. Most often, the body of the marmoset is colored brown-gray.


In appearance, the colobus resembles more a soft toy than a living creature. He is considered beautiful beast. Along the entire length of the colobus body there is a wide white stripe. It harmonizes perfectly with the black fur of the animal.

The male colobus is larger than the female. A specific feature of this animal is its long bushy tail, the basic function of which is to regulate the movement of the body during a jump. Colobus is one of the best jumpers among primates.


The second name for this small primate is “squirrel monkey.” This name was given to it because of its similar dimensions to a rodent. Despite her large brain, Saimiri lacks the intellectual potential of a chimpanzee. The thing is that this organ of hers is absolutely devoid of convolutions.

The color of the animal's fur is different. There are gray or red individuals. The head of the saimiri is black, and the eye area is white. Because of such an unusual coloring of the head, the monkey was nicknamed “dead”.

Saimiri's favorite food is small birds. She cleverly hunts them. However, it is not possible to feast on them often, so the monkey eats mainly plant foods.


IN wildlife this primate acts as an alarm clock, that is, it makes a sound that wakes everyone up at the same time. The monkey got its name precisely because of this property.

Howler monkeys are considered to be school animals. One group can contain from 10 to 17 individuals. They live mainly on tall trees. The howler monkey's diet consists of tree buds, stems or plant bulbs.

The length of a standard male howler monkey is 70 cm, and that of a female is 45 cm. A distinctive feature of the animal is its very dense and long fur of beige, red or black color. The monkey is also distinguished from other primates by its large mouth.


Social communication in these primates is very well developed. They have a huge number of sounds in their arsenal, which they exchange daily. In nature, it is almost impossible to meet a solitary baboon, since it constantly communicates with other individuals similar to itself. The baboon is a large monkey. The color of the animal's fur is gray-red. It settles not only in steppe, but also in mountainous areas.

The baboon's diet consists of: succulent shoots of plants, fruits and insects, and less often - small animals. Many people consider the baboon a pest, as it often sneaks into agricultural crops, destroying them.

Spider monkey

This primate is one of the largest in the wild. Its second name is brown myriki. Its body length ranges from 60 to 80 cm. Males are slightly larger than females. Each such animal has a long tail, more than 1 meter.

The fur color of this animal is dark red. The face of this funny monkey is colored dark color. It is a Brazilian endemic that is at risk of extinction. The state annually takes measures aimed at protecting and increasing the population of this species.

Monkey Brazza

These inhabitants of Central Africa are not like other primates. They are significantly distinguished by their unusual appearance, or rather by their muzzle, colored olive, beige or red.

The back of the animal is wide and strong. His " business card" is a bright red stripe on the frontal part of the body. Due to the prominent beige color below the monkey's chin, it gives the visual impression that it has a mustache.

The male Brazza monkey is much larger than the female. His weight is from 6 to 8 kg, and hers is from 3 to 4 kg. This representative of the fauna is one of the best camouflages in wildlife. He prefers to live with his family members. Each group of these animals is headed by a leader, the father of the family.

The animal spends almost the entire waking period at the top of the tree. Thanks to its huge cheek pouches, like those of a hamster, the Brazza monkey can take up to 300 grams of food into the oral cavity, preserving it from theft of other individuals.


In India, these creatures are highly valued. In some Indian temples you can even see figurines of langurs. These small monkeys are known for their unstable behavior. Usually, they are friendly with people and animals, but if langurs feel threatened, they will certainly attack.

The langur is a school animal. In one flock there are from 35 to 50 individuals. Thanks to the special structure of the digestive system, these small monkeys are able to digest a huge amount of foliage eaten in one meal. As soon as a female langur gives birth to a baby, she takes it in her arms and cares for it for a long time.


The appearance of these primates is memorable. It is distinguished from other jungle inhabitants by such parameters as: a huge head and long hair that grows on its cheeks. different sides. Because of this, when looking at a baboon, you might think that he has a thick beard.

The baboon is a large monkey with which no jungle dweller wants to quarrel. It's all about her large fangs, with which she can injure almost any representative of the fauna.

Such a monkey can grow up to 1 meter long. She has a strong body and very tenacious forelimbs. However, the baboon's waking period is spent primarily on the ground. These large animals sleep at the foot of mountains or cliffs.

More than 400 species of monkeys live on our planet. Prosimians are also distinguished, which include lemurs, short-heeled and tupai. Primates are most similar to humans and have unique intelligence. Mammals differ significantly from each other depending on their habitat. Some can grow to just 15 cm (pygmy apes), while others reach sizes of up to 2 meters (male gorillas).

Classification of monkeys

Monkeys have been studied by scientists for a long period of time. There are a variety of classifications of mammals, the most common of which is considered to be the following:

  • a group of tarsiers;
  • broad-nosed primates;
  • marmoset monkeys;
  • callimiko mammals;
  • narrow-nosed group;
  • gibbons;
  • orangutans;
  • gorillas;
  • chimpanzee.

Each group has its own bright representatives, unlike anyone else. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Tarsier, broad-nosed and marmoset monkeys

The first three groups of mammals belong to small monkeys. The smallest of them are tarsier primates:


Sirikhta - the length of the animals is about 16 cm, the weight rarely exceeds 160 g. A distinctive feature of the monkeys is their huge, round, bulging eyes.

Bankan tarsier

The Bankan tarsier is a small primate that also has large eyes with brownish irises.

Tarsier ghost

The tarsier ghost is one of the rarest species of monkeys, having thin, long fingers and a woolen brush at the end of the tail.

Broad-nosed monkeys are distinguished from other mammals by the presence of a wide nasal septum and 36 teeth. They are presented in the following types:

Capuchin-like animals have a prehensile tail.


Crybaby – this type mammals are listed in the Red Book. The monkeys got their name due to their unique drawn-out sounds that they make.


Favi monkeys grow up to 36 cm, while their tail is about 70 cm. Small brown primates with black limbs.

White-breasted Capuchin

White-breasted capuchin - distinguished by a white spot on the chest and face of the primate. The brown coloring on the back and head resembles a hood and mantle.

Saki monk

Saki-monk - the monkey gives the impression of a sad and thoughtful mammal, has a hood hanging over its forehead and ears.

The marmoset monkeys include the following types mammals:


Uistiti - the length of the primate does not exceed 35 cm. A distinctive feature is the elongated claws on the toes, which allow you to jump from branch to branch and grasp them perfectly.

Pygmy marmoset

Dwarf marmoset - the length of the animal is 15 cm, while the tail grows up to 20 cm. The monkey has long and thick hair of a golden hue.

Black tamarin

The black tamarin is a small, dark-colored monkey that grows up to 23 cm.

Crested tamarin

Crested tamarin - in some sources the monkey is called pinche. When the animal is excited, the crest on its head rises. Primates have a white chest and front legs, all other parts of the body are red or brown.

Piebald tamarin

Piebald tamarin - a distinctive feature of the monkey is its completely naked head.

The small size allows you to keep some animals even at home.

Callimikos, narrow-nosed and gibbon monkeys

Callimico monkeys have recently been classified as a separate class. A prominent representative of mammals is:


Marmoset - animals united in themselves different features other species of monkeys. Primates have the structure of paws like marmosets, teeth like capuchins and a muzzle like tamarins.

Representatives of the narrow-nosed monkey group can be found in Africa, India, and Thailand. These include Monkeys - animals with fore and hind limbs of the same length; have no hair on the muzzle and stressed areas under the tail.


Hussars are monkeys with white noses and powerful, sharp fangs. The animals have a long-legged body and an elongated muzzle.

Green monkey

Green monkey - distinguished by marsh-colored fur on the tail, back and top of the head. Monkeys also have cheek pouches, like hamsters, in which they store food supplies.

Cynomolgus macaque

Cynomolgus macaque is another name for “crabeater.” Monkeys have beautiful brown eyes and greenish fur that has the color of grass.

Japanese macaque

Japanese macaques - animals have thick fur, which creates the impression of a large individual. In fact, monkeys are medium in size and their long hair makes them appear larger than they actually are.

The group of gibbon mammals is distinguished by palms, feet, face and ears, which are hairless, as well as elongated limbs.

Representatives of gibbons are:

Silver gibbon

Silver gibbons are small gray-silver animals with a bare face, arms and black feet.

yellow-cheeked crested gibbon

Yellow-cheeked crested gibbon - a distinctive feature of the animals is yellow cheeks, and at birth all individuals are light, and as they grow older they become black.

Eastern hoolock

Eastern Hoolok is another name for “singing monkey.” Animals are distinguished by white fur located above the eyes of mammals. It seems that primates have gray eyebrows.

Siamang compound-toed

Siamang compound-toed - of this group, the siamang is considered the largest monkey. The presence of a throat pouch on the animal’s neck distinguishes it from other representatives of gibbons.

Pygmy gibbon

Dwarf gibbon - animals have long forelimbs that drag along the ground when moving, so monkeys often walk with their arms behind their heads.

It should be noted that all gibbons do not have a tail.

Orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees

Orangutans are massive, large apes with hooked fingers and fatty growths on their cheeks. Representatives of this group are:

Sumatran orangutan

Sumatran orangutan - animals have fiery color wool

Bornean orangutan

Bornean orangutan - primates can grow up to 140 cm and weigh about 180 kg. Monkeys have short legs, a large body and arms that hang below the knees.

Kalimantan orangutan

The Kalimantan orangutan is distinguished by its brown-red fur and concave skull in the front part. Monkeys have large teeth and a powerful lower jaw.

Representatives of the gorilla group include the following species of monkeys:

  • Coast gorilla – Weight Limit The animal weighs 170 kg, height – 170 cm. If the females are completely black, then the males have a silver stripe on their back.
  • Lowland gorilla - distinguished by brown-gray fur, habitat - mango thickets.
  • The mountain gorilla is an animal listed in the Red Book. They have thick and long hair, the skull is narrower, and the forelimbs are shorter than the hind limbs.

Chimpanzees rarely grow more than 150 cm and weigh more than 50 kg. The species of monkeys in this group include:


Bonobos are recognized as the smartest monkeys in the world. Primates have black fur, dark skin and pink lips.

common chimpanzee

The common chimpanzee has brown-black fur with white stripes around the mouth. Monkeys of this species move only on their feet.

Monkeys also include the black howler monkey, the crowned (blue) monkey, the pale saki, the frilled baboon, and the kahau.

It's probably no secret that for a long time in scientific circles, the monkey was considered our closest relative, and the origin of man was traced to the monkey. Now this scientific theory It is questioned that not all scientists believe that we, the so-called “Homo sapiens,” descended from monkeys. However, scientific debates on this matter are still ongoing, but our article is not about this, but about those amazing creatures, our smaller brothers, who, among all the diverse animal world of planet Earth, are indeed most similar in structure to us, people.

Monkey: description, structure, characteristics. What does a monkey look like?

Let's start with the fact that the very origin of the name “monkey” is very curious. Until the 16th century, we called the monkey “opitsa”; by the way, the Czechs still call it that way. After the Russian traveler Afanasy Nikitin returned from his famous trip to India, he brought into use the Persian name “abuzina,” literally meaning “father of fornication.” Subsequently, the Persian “abuzina” was transformed into “monkey”.

The body length of a monkey, depending on its species, can range from 15 cm (for the pygmy marmoset) to 2 m (for the gorilla). Also, the mass of a monkey can range from 150 grams for the smallest representatives of the species, to 275 kg - this is how much huge gorillas weigh.

Many monkeys lead an arboreal lifestyle, that is, they primarily live in trees and, as a result, have a long back, a shortened narrow chest, and thin hip bones. But orangutans and gibbons have a wide chest and massive pelvic bones.

Some monkeys have a very long tail, the length of which can even exceed the size of the body; the monkey's tail acts as a balancer when moving between trees. But monkeys living on the ground have a very short tail. As for monkeys without a tail, all “humanoid” monkeys do not have it (just as humans do not have it).

The body of monkeys is covered with fur of different colors, depending on the species it can be light brown, red, black and white, gray-olive. Some adult monkeys may turn gray with age, and male monkeys may go bald, again much like humans.

Monkeys have mobile, well-developed upper limbs, very similar to our hands, each with five fingers, and monkeys living in trees have short and large fingers, which allows them to comfortably fly from branch to branch.

Monkeys have binocular vision, many of them have black pupils.

The teeth of monkeys are also similar to humans; narrow-nosed monkeys have 32 teeth, and broad-nosed monkeys have 36.

The monkey’s brain is also very well developed; among other representatives of the animal world, only dolphins could compete with monkeys in terms of intelligence. Apes have entire sections of the brain responsible for meaningful actions.

Monkeys communicate with each other using a special signaling system consisting of facial expressions and sounds. The most “chatty” among them are monkeys and capuchins; they have rich facial expressions and are able to express a wide range of feelings.

Where do monkeys live

Monkeys live on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica, of course. In Europe they live only in Gibraltar, in South-East Asia, Africa (except Madagascar), Central and South America, Australia.

Monkey lifestyle

Monkeys live small families and according to their lifestyle they are divided into arboreal monkeys, living in trees, and terrestrial monkeys, living on the ground. Monkeys tend to be sedentary and rarely leave their territory.

Sometimes there are clashes between male monkeys, with the goal of resolving the answer to the question “who is the main male here,” although often such clashes are limited to a demonstration of the strength of each male and do not lead to a real fight.

How long do monkeys live?

On average, the life expectancy of monkeys is 30-40 years. However, great apes live longer, they can live up to 50 years.

What do monkeys eat?

Monkeys are omnivores, and their diet depends on the species and also the habitat. Tree monkeys eat everything that can be obtained from trees - leaves, various fruits, nuts, and sometimes insects.

Land monkeys eat rhizomes and shoots of plants (for example, ferns are a favorite delicacy of the gorilla), fruits (figs, mangoes, and, of course, bananas). Also, some monkeys know how to fish and happily eat mollusks, rodents, grasshoppers, beetles and other small animals.

Although there are species of monkeys that eat only one, specific food, for example, Japanese stump-tailed macaques are pure vegetarians and feed exclusively on tree bark, and the crab-eating macaque, as its name suggests, feeds on crabs.

Monkey Enemies

Unfortunately, the monkeys themselves have many natural enemies who are not averse to feasting on these primates. The most sworn enemies of monkeys are leopards, who are also capable of climbing trees well, and other predatory animals - lions, cheetahs.

Types of monkeys, photos and names

In general, all types of monkeys can be divided into:

  • broad-nosed monkeys - this includes monkeys living on the American continent,
  • narrow-nosed monkeys are all other monkeys that live in Africa, Asia, Australia and European Gibraltar.

Regarding different types monkeys, then zoologists separately distinguished species of anthropoid apes, species of small monkeys, etc. In general, there are more than 400 species of these primates in nature, below we will describe the most interesting of them.

It is a member of the spider monkey family. It is so named due to the fact that it produces characteristic sounds that can be heard at a distance of up to 5 km. Male black howler monkeys are covered with black fur and fully justify their name, but female black howler monkeys are not black at all, their fur is yellow-brown or olive in color. The length of this monkey is 56-67 cm, with a weight of 6.7 kg. The black howler monkey lives in South America, in countries such as Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia.

Belonging to the prehensile-tailed family, the capuchin is an arboreal monkey that lives in trees. The weight of a capuchin is 3 kg. It has a brown or gray-brown color. Very interesting feature This species of monkeys is their habit of rubbing themselves with poisonous centipedes () to protect themselves from blood-sucking insects. Mourning capuchins live in the crowns of tropical forests in Brazil and Venezuela.

It got its unusual name thanks to its gray color with shades of blue and a white stripe of fur that runs over the eyebrows like a crown. The body length of the crowned monkey is 50-60 cm and weighs 5-6 kg. Monkeys live in African forests from the Congo River basin to Ethiopia and Angola.

Belongs to the apes of the gibbon family. It is 55-65 cm in length and weighs 5-6 kg. The coat color of the white-handed gibbon can be black, sand or brown, but its hands are always white, hence the name. These gibbons live in the tropical forests of China and the Malay Archipelago.

Eastern gorilla

Gorilla is the largest ape in the world. The average size of a gorilla is 185 cm with a body weight of 180 kg. Although sometimes you come across larger gorillas, weighing up to 220 kg. These huge monkeys are distinguished by their large heads, broad shoulders, and open chests. The gorilla's coat color is black; in old age, gorillas, like humans, can turn gray. Despite their menacing appearance, gorillas prefer to eat grass and plant shoots rather than hunt game. Gorillas live in the equatorial forests of Central and Western Africa.

He is also a white-headed saki, in our opinion this monkey has the strangest appearance - the black color of his fur contrasts brightly with the white color of his face. The size of pale saki is 30-48 cm and weighs 2 kg. This is an arboreal monkey living in the forests of Brazil, Venezuela, and Suriname.

He is also a frog baboon, a species of narrow-nosed monkeys that spend their entire lives exclusively on the ground. It is also a rather large monkey, the body length of the hamadryas is 70-100 cm, weight 30 kg. It also has an unusual appearance - long hair on the shoulders and chest forms a kind of fur cape. The hamadryas lives in both Africa and Asia in a number of countries, such as Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Yemen.

The proboscis monkey, also known as kahau, belongs to the monkey family. A striking feature of this monkey is its large nose, which the monkeys even have to hold with their hands while eating. It has a yellow-brown color. The size of the proboscis monkey is 66-77 cm and weighs 15-22 kg. It also has a long tail, which is equal in size to the length of their body. These unusual species of monkeys live exclusively on the island of Borneo.

Living in the northern part of the Japanese island of Honshu, this monkey is a real calling card of these places. Size Japanese macaque is 80-95 cm, weight 12-14 kg. These monkeys have bright red skin, which is especially noticeable on their face and buttocks, which are devoid of fur. Cold macaques living in northern Japan winter months experience in special thermal springs, warming up in their hot waters (and at the same time attract crowds of tourists from all over the world).

The Sumatran orangutan is a fairly large monkey, its size reaches one and a half meters and weighs 150-160 kg. In terms of size, the orangutan ranks second after the gorilla. It has well-developed muscles, a massive body covered with red hair, and is an excellent tree climber. The orangutan's face has fat pads located on the cheeks, and the beard and mustache give it a very funny look. The charismatic Sumatran orangutan lives exclusively on the island of Sumatra.

For some reason, monkeys are most associated with chimpanzees, which are the most characteristic representative of the monkey kingdom. Chimpanzees are also relatively large monkeys, their body length is 140-160 cm and their weight is 65-80 kg, that is, they are the same size as humans. The body of a chimpanzee is covered with black fur. It is also very curious that these anthropoid apes are the only ones who thought of creating a kind of tools that facilitate the process of obtaining food, they are able to sharpen the ends of sticks, turning them into imitation spears, they can use stone leaves as traps for insects, etc. Without a doubt, chimpanzees are the most intelligent among the apes, and if Darwin’s theory is right, then they are the ones who are in the closest family relationship with us humans. Chimpanzees live mainly in Central and Western Africa.

And finally, it was impossible not to mention pygmy marmoset- the smallest monkey in the world. Its length is only 10-15 cm, weight – 100-150 grams. They live in the forests of South America, feeding exclusively on tree sap.

Reproduction of monkeys in nature

Reproduction of monkeys occurs throughout the year and for each species has its own individual characteristics. Puberty in monkeys it usually occurs at 7-8 years of age. Some species of monkeys are monogamous and create permanent families for life, others, such as capuchins, on the contrary, are polygamous, so female capuchins mate with several males, and the males do the same.

A monkey's pregnancy can last from 6 to 8.5 months, again depending on the species. Usually one baby is born at a time, but there are species of monkeys that can give birth to twins.

Little monkeys, like real primates, are mother-fed breast milk, and the period of feeding also varies among different monkeys. The female gorilla feeds her cubs the longest - this period lasts up to 3.5 years.

Keeping monkeys at home

Despite the fact that monkeys are wild creatures, they are nevertheless very easy to train, get used to captivity, and when favorable conditions They feel quite comfortable in zoos. True, keeping a monkey at home is not the best idea, they are terrible mischievous and restless, and if you have already decided to have a pet monkey, then you should be prepared for it to create real chaos in your house. To prevent this, the monkey can be kept in a spacious cage.

You can feed the monkey fish, chicken or turkey, boiled eggs, vegetables, nuts, and fresh fruits.

  • Some species of monkeys are very clean and spend almost the whole day caring for their appearance.
  • During the development of astronautics, 32 monkeys have already visited space.
  • Spider monkeys have such a developed and strong tail that they can easily hang on a tree branch with its help alone.
  • A group of American scientists managed to teach a female gorilla a certain number of words from the language of the deaf and dumb, after which she was able to quite successfully communicate with people.

Monkeys, video

And finally interesting documentary about monkeys from the Discovery Channel - “Monkeys on the Warpath”