How much should a baby rabbit weigh at 2 months? Giant rabbits: interesting features

Rabbits are small, fluffy and cute creatures - we are used to seeing them like that. But there are breeds of giant rabbits, and in this article we will learn all the most interesting things about them. Giant rabbits are the pride of rabbit breeding; they are kind and very fluffy. These are the largest rabbits among all rodents. Growing such giants is easy and profitable.

They tolerate cold weather well and are able to adapt to any conditions. How much does a rabbit weigh? The average weight reaches up to six kilograms in a mature individual. They have their own characteristics:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • large body structure;
  • Weight Limit;
  • rapid reproduction;
  • high viability.

Breeds of giant rabbits:

Each breed differs from the other in the structure of the skeleton, the color of the skin, the characteristics of its contents and its purpose. In our country more popular White and Gray giants - they are unpretentious and very meaty. The giant breed is joined by half-giant and giant breeds.

Giant rabbits are meat breeds bred as a result of many years of selection work. As a rule, these animals are not considered ornamental, and are rarely bred as pet. Most often, these large rabbits are bred in private households and livestock farms.

The most popular and productive breeds include: Flanders, white giants, gray giants, silver and black-brown rabbits. Each breed has its own distinctive external characteristics. Flandre or Belgian giant- This is the most popular breed of large rabbits, reaching the maximum weight among all representatives of the hare family. A sexually mature male can reach a record weight of more than 10 kilograms. The average weight of a young animal ready for slaughter is 7-9 kilograms. These huge rabbits have a characteristic appearance: long ears, large body, powerful chest, large head with pronounced cheeks, dense coat of wide variety gray colors and shades. Flandres are very fertile; a female can give birth to up to 16 rabbits in one litter. The high milk production of large female rabbits makes it possible to feed all the young and preserve the young without any problems. These animals have good immunity and resistance to various diseases, which is why farmers prefer rabbits of this breed. Flanders are mainly grown in cages, which promotes rapid weight gain. The diet of these large rabbits is no different from the menu of ordinary animals: grain and legume mixtures, greens, branches, vegetables.

The meat breed of rabbits requires a special diet, in which Special attention should be given to animal proteins and plant origin. To do this, it is advisable to include meat and bone meal in the diet of rabbits, fishmeal, fresh herbs, cake and grain-legume mixtures.

Rabbits of the white giant breed are slightly inferior in weight to their larger counterparts, the Flanders. The average weight of an adult white giant reaches 5-6 kilograms. This is a very productive and early maturing breed: rabbits at the age of 4 months already reach a weight of 3 kilograms. Healthy rabbits grow by leaps and bounds; by the age of 8 months the animals gain maximum body weight. The white giant is not only rabbits meat direction. They have luxurious white fur that is thick and shiny. The fur is very well dyed and processed. Therefore, these rabbits are often bred in large farms, receiving double benefits. Female white giants are slightly smaller than males, and as adults reach a maximum weight of 4-4.5 kilograms. Another advantage of this breed is that rabbits easily adapt to any climatic conditions. The only thing that is destructive for these animals with luxurious fur is heat. Gray giants are another record holders, having very large sizes and body weight. Gray giants are the result of breeding work at the Poltavsky fur farm in 1927. Gray giant at proper feeding and content can reach 9-10 kilograms. This is the weight of males, females weigh slightly less. The gray giant is an early maturing and productive breed. The baby rabbits grow quickly and develop harmoniously; by the third month of life they weigh more than 1.5 kilograms. By six months, animals can reach a weight of 3 kilograms.

The largest rabbit lives in Great Britain and is named Ralph. This beautiful animal, a Flanders breed, reached a record weight of 26 kilograms. Interestingly, Ralph is a baby rabbit, which was also included in the Guinness Book of Records due to its enormous weight.

The gray giant has a rather memorable appearance: a heavy and large body, a wide muzzle, a large head, and long ears. Rabbits' paws are very large; you should be wary of their claws, which can injure a person. At proper breeding, constant vaccination of livestock, gray giants are able to recoup all the costs of their maintenance in a year and even make a profit. Silver rabbits are another representative of the hare family, having large sizes and reaching a large body weight. Among these rabbits there are individuals whose body weight is more than 8 kilograms. Basically, the average weight of these rabbits is 5 kilograms. Rabbits are born weighing no more than 80 grams, but by 3 months they already reach a body weight of more than 2.5 kilograms. This breed is known not only for its meat orientation, but also for its good adaptability to climatic conditions, omnivorousness, unpretentiousness in maintenance and early ripening. Female rabbits give birth to 8-10 young rabbits, which by 4 months of life have a slaughter yield of more than 60%. The meat precocity of these large rabbits was achieved through long selection work. These rabbits are not prone to obesity due to a sedentary lifestyle, which makes keeping them in cages beneficial.

Of course, the breed of the animal is of great importance in how much a giant rabbit weighs. But we should not forget about the proper maintenance and feeding of animals. Mandatory vaccination of young animals, compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements in rabbit farms, balanced diet- all this will help make keeping rabbits cost-effective and profitable.

When choosing a breed of meat rabbit, it is important to take into account a whole range of parameters. Usually the constitution, size, and precocity of animals are taken into account.

But to get a complete picture of how profitable a particular breed is, this is not enough. It is worth paying attention to its physiological characteristics. They indicate how easily the livestock can be reproduced, what the breed’s resistance to diseases is, whether it requires special housing conditions and feeding rations.

Rabbit breeders in the CIS breed more than 20 breeds of animals, but only some of them can be classified exclusively as meat animals.

A breed developed by crossing white giant and chinchilla rabbits. The purpose of creating the breed was to obtain an early maturing animal with increased live weight and a beautiful skin suitable for use. Along the way, the problems of acclimatization were solved and the maternal qualities of rabbits were improved.

The breed has been known since 1963, work on it was carried out in Saratov and Novosibirsk region. As a result, a livestock was formed that is perfectly adapted to breeding and industrial use in various climatic zones our country.

These rabbits have an average weight of 5 kg, have an elongated compact body 60-63 cm long, a wide chest with a girth of up to 42 cm, a slightly arched back, widening towards the lumbosacral area, a wide croup, straight legs and a small head with erect ears.

The color is zonal, the rosette combines blue-gray, white and black. The skins are used in their natural form.

Females give birth to 7-10 rabbits, are caring and have sufficient milk production. The weight of young animals at 4 months is 3.5-4 kg, the slaughter yield is from 56 percent.

Massive rabbits with the largest sizes. The weight of an individual can reach 12.5 kg. Body length up to 72 cm. Large head with pronounced cheeks and head. Muscular legs. Arched back shape. The huge size of this rabbit is complemented by the presence of long and very wide ears, which is business card breeds

The color is zonal, there is an agouti factor.

In reproduction, Flanders are distinguished by a small number of rabbits in the litter, up to 8 pieces, and the high milk production of females.

Despite big sizes, it is difficult to call this breed precocious. Puberty occurs at an increased time, and slaughter for meat at early age equally undesirable.

Rabbits of this breed are quite capricious. They should be kept only in cages with a solid floor, and preferably on thick bedding, to avoid pododermatitis.

This breed was developed by selecting Flanders, followed by introductory crossing with a chinchilla and a gray giant, while only albinos were allowed into breeding. The final changes to the breed standard were made by Soviet breeders. Selection made it possible to preserve high productivity original form, correcting its main shortcomings.

The white giant has a high live weight. The exceptional milk production of females allows the livestock to be raised in broiler mode; by the age of two months, the rabbits gain weight of approximately 1.8 kg. Due to the fact that the rabbit's bones are small, the meat has high taste and dietary properties.

White giants, like other best meat breeds of rabbits, are quite large, reaching 8.3 kg. The type of constitution is not rough. The frame is light, the body is elongated, the back is straight and level, the head is large, and the ears are wide. Pronounced dewlap. The eyes are always red, the fur color is white.

The maternal qualities of females are excellent, but mastitis occurs due to high milk production. Pododermatitis, the scourge of the parent breed, is also not uncommon. Despite these disadvantages, white giant rabbits are the most widespread in Russia.

Read more about the White Giant breed by clicking on the link

The breed was bred in the Poltava region, the standard was approved in 1952. The original lines were obtained by crossing Flanders and local outbred domestic rabbits. This combination made it possible to improve productivity and significantly increase vitality and unpretentiousness. Despite the fact that gray giants are still inferior exclusively to meat breeds, Californian and New Zealand white, they have excellent indicators in such parameters as early maturity, slaughter yield, carcass quality and feed payment. Despite the fact that the rabbit's bones are not large, the meat has high taste and dietary properties. The breed is most widespread in the southern regions of Russia and neighboring countries.

Parameters: strong, often even coarse constitution, massive body with a slight dewlap. Body length up to 66 cm, wide chest coverage up to 39 cm. The croup is wide and rounded, the head is large with large ears.

The color is hare, the hairs of both the guard hairs and the undercoat have zonal agouti-type tinting.

Gray giants reproduce easily. There are usually 7-8 rabbits born in a litter; females are caring mothers. They are one of those meat breed rabbits whose breeding is not difficult.

The slaughter yield is 55-57%; by 3 months, a rabbit of this breed weighs 2-2.2 kg.

If you need more information on this breed you can read it in the article:.

One of the rather old breeds of large rabbits. Created by crossing a small rabbit of the French ram breed with a Flanders ram. Another lop-eared rabbit, an English ram, took part in the breeding. Since selection work was carried out in Germany, the breed was called the German ram.

The build of these rabbits is compact but heavy. The heavy body and wide bones give the impression of a stocky and squat animal. Very long and wide ears hang to the sides. The head is large, wide, with a characteristic curvature of the nose, reminiscent of the muzzle of a sheep. On the forehead there is a so-called “crown” of longer hair in the shape of a horseshoe.

The color can be any, only silver is not allowed.

These rabbits have a very dense skin and silky fur with a not very pronounced undercoat.

The disadvantages of the breed include a small number of rabbits in litters, and the advantages are high taste qualities meat and good fur.

Rabbits of this breed form the basis of industrial rabbit breeding in the United States. This is due to exceptional precocity and high slaughter yield, up to 59%. In addition, the carcass itself contains a small amount of bones and optimal fat layer. We can say that the New Zealand White takes pride of place among the meatiest breeds of rabbits, although adult rabbits are not very large.

The success in breeding these rabbits is due to the fact that they reproduce well, have dense padding on their feet, allowing them to be kept on mesh floors, and have a calm nature.

There is a separate article on our website where you will find more information.

Which meat rabbit breed do you prefer?

Each of the above breeds has undeniable advantages. When choosing rabbits for your rabbitry, you need to have a good idea of ​​the purpose for which the broodstock is being compiled. Various approaches are used to breeding rabbits for personal use and for other purposes.

For example, flanders are perfectly designed to obtain limited quantity rabbit meat. There you can provide careful care for a few rabbits and there are no restrictions on the weight of a marketable carcass. Large farms, bound by obligations with organizations that sell their products, are primarily interested in stability of production, and therefore may prefer the New Zealand white breed.

Thus, when choosing, they take into account all the pros and cons of meat rabbits and make a decision.

Any beginning farmer planning to work with these animals should know how much a rabbit weighs. The demand for meat will be guaranteed, because the benefits of rabbit meat are literally legendary, but it is important to be able to calculate what income to count on and what breed to start in order to ensure a profitable business.

Meat: general information

Rabbit meat is a dietary product that is beneficial for human health. It is easily digestible digestive system, has high nutritional qualities. As early as six months of age, it is recommended to start feeding babies complementary foods using rabbit meat. rich in protein, mineral, vitamin complexes.

In terms of the concentration of nitrogenous substances, only turkey and hare are better than rabbit; in terms of fatty substances, duck and pork dominate. The dietary parameters of meat from a rabbit carcass will be close to chicken, but the quality will be better. Up to 20% of the total mass is protein structures, fat - no more than 18%. In terms of concentration and set of vitamins and minerals, there is practically nothing better than rabbit meat, as experts say.

Where to get it?

Indeed, having found out all the benefits of rabbit meat, everyone will want to know where to get such a unique product for their table. Owners of rabbit farms are sure: you need to buy from them. In total, about two hundred species of animals are known, but not all are meat. Most of the known rabbits - source delicious meat and beautiful skins, but some are too small to be used for food.

The most delicious and healthy meat can be obtained from a meat breed. There are several of the most popular rabbits currently being bred on farms. They are the ones on sale.


Many farmers know how much a California breed rabbit weighs - this variety is currently one of the most popular. On average, a carcass weighs more than 5.5 kg, sometimes reaching six. The breed is suitable for our climate, is well cultivated in industrial conditions, has relatively small dimensions, and the quality of the meat is excellent. One of the main advantages of Californians is early maturity. Already by the age of five months, females mature, bringing ten rabbits each time.

California rabbits are a source of tender and tasty meat, which became the basis for classifying the breed as broilers. Compared to other varieties, the rabbit carcass here gives the greatest beneficial yield. Animals are distinguished by well-developed muscles and short bones.

New Zealanders

Many farmers also know how much a rabbit of this breed weighs - along with the Californian, the New Zealand rabbit is the most actively bred in our area. On average, live weight is up to 5 kg, the body length reaches half a meter. Distinctive features of the structure are a cylindrical compact body, a wide back, rich in meat. Particularly vigorous growth is observed at an early age. The females of this breed are very fertile and milk-producing; one litter gives the farmer up to 8 young rabbits.

Industrial breeding of the breed allows us to obtain meat of impeccable quality. The muscles are predominantly located near the spine, the ribs are rounded, and the shoulder blades are quite large. The muscle fibers on the lower back and sides are the most dense, although throughout the body the density is sufficient to talk about high quality. The yield per rabbit is up to 60%.

White and German giants

Both of these breeds are considered to be of high quality, and their meat is tasty. Whites are good for their performance. They belong to the meat-skinned breeds of meat rabbits. A female gives birth to up to 15 cubs in one litter. A distinctive feature of the breed is its unpretentiousness and undemanding conditions. The white giant takes root perfectly in the climate of our country.

The German giant is known among specialists under the name “Riesen”. This is a large animal. The answer to the question of how much a rabbit of this breed weighs may surprise you - sometimes the weight reaches 12 kg! The body is massive, quite wide, and up to 70 cm in length. A distinctive feature is its powerful skeleton. Like whites, German giants give a rich litter - up to 12 rabbits at a time.

Gray giants

This breed of rabbits for breeding for meat belongs to the meat-skin breed. The animals are quite large, and their meat is rated as nutritious, tasty, and of high quality. The fertility of females is one of the reasons to choose this type of rabbit for your farm. On average, one litter produces 12 cubs. A distinctive feature is the high-quality feeding of the cubs by the female.

IN at a young age gray giants grow quickly, fatten efficiently and short term. On average, the weight reaches 7 kg, and the animal reaches full maturity by the seventh month of life. The weight of a rabbit is about 3.5 kg; for well-fed individuals, the slaughter yield is up to 61%.

This breed of rabbits for breeding for meat enjoys well-deserved respect: it is characterized by both strong bones and an impeccable constitution. Animals are distinguished by a rounded croup, a wide, flat back and a developed chest. The rabbit's head has average value and a somewhat non-standard, elongated shape. The ears are small and stand straight, and the paws are low and powerful.

The average weight of a rabbit of this breed is 6 kg. Dimensions of the carcass: chest girth 37 cm, length slightly exceeds 60 cm. At a young age, Soviet chinchillas grow very quickly and actively, they are energetic, different good health. Celebrate positive traits meat of this breed: high yield, good fertility and decent slaughter yield. With proper cultivation, the Soviet chinchilla can give even better results than the Californians and New Zealanders.

Belgian Flanders

This is a breed of giant rabbits distinctive features which has an insatiable appetite and rich fluffy fur. However, despite their love for food, rabbits are extremely picky in their choice. On average, the weight of an individual reaches 12 kg, the body grows up to a meter in length, and the length of the ears is almost 20 cm.

Due to their impressive size, rabbits are considered profitable for farm breeding, as they produce a lot of meat. However, there is also weak sides. For example, female rabbits produce offspring, although numerous, much later than many other varieties. The Belgian Flanders' coat comes in a variety of shades of gray. It is often used to imitate expensive fur.

Giant Rabbits: Butterflies and Rams

The butterfly is a subspecies that appeared approximately in the eighties of the last century. Nowadays it is rare, has a beautiful spotted color, thick white fur, valuable and soft. The spots are scattered randomly across the pole. Despite belonging to the giants, the butterflies are quite small: up to 60 cm in length, up to 4 kg in weight. An important feature is the ability to reproduce quickly and productively. Animals also grow very quickly.

But the ram is not only beautiful, but also very unusual look, especially in comparison with the rabbits we are used to. His nose is decorated with a peculiar hump, and his ears and skull have a non-standard shape. Around the end of the first six months of life, the ears gradually begin to droop. Rabbits of this breed have poor hearing and are not afraid of external sounds. Good-natured, calm individuals are undemanding to living conditions and easily adapt to the climate and other features of the area. Soft and thick, their fur is highly valued. The coloring of rams is varied. On average, the weight of one individual is up to 8 kg.

Blue Royal Giant

This is a rabbit with dense fur of a unique blue color. Beautiful individuals are valued not only for their fur, but also for their meat. On average, the weight reaches 5 kg, and the animal grows up to half a meter in length. They say that it is the blue royal giant that has the most delicious meat. The advantages of the breed include fast growth and the ability to bear rich offspring.

Meat quality: important factors

The breed is not the only one important factor, which determines how high the quality of rabbit meat will be. Much depends on the food and the conditions in which the animal lived. Currently, China provides the largest volumes of rabbit meat. As experts note, despite the numerous kilograms, raising rabbits for meat in this country leaves much to be desired: the finished product is not very good.

Hungarian manufacturers have a good reputation, supplying environmentally friendly products to the markets of other countries. There is also quite active demand for domestic goods. In our country there are several large and small farms, the owners of which know from their own experience how much an ordinary rabbit weighs and how to fatten it so that the meat is of high quality. Products can be purchased either in specialized brand stores or in large supermarkets. Rabbit meat is available to everyone, so it is worth serving it to the table regularly - this useful product, perfect even for those who are forced to adhere to a diet.

Giant rabbits: interesting features

This category includes representatives of several breeds, united by one feature - large size. But their color can be very different. As a rule, giants reproduce excellently, grow quickly, have good productivity, and high-quality meat. Giants in the territory of the former Soviet Union are believed to have first appeared in the Poltava lands as a response to the crisis and shortage of food in the post-war period. At that time, breeders set themselves the task of creating a healthy, large breed. It was decided to cross especially large individuals brought from other countries with local rabbits, which were perfectly accustomed to the climate and living conditions. Success led to a solution to the problem of a shortage of meat, first among the local population, and gradually supplies were established in other regions.

Currently, giants are one of the most popular breeds in our country. However, they are also in demand in other countries. The spread has led to the development of several productive subspecies. For example, there are now giants - these are rodents whose size is even larger than standard giants, that is, the yield of meat from each individual is more significant.

Is it worth starting a business?

Breeding giants is considered a promising area for business, but novice farmers admit that the task is not an easy one. Rabbits live in cages, so it is necessary to choose a spacious structure inside which the individual can rise on its hind legs. Having free space is one of the most important conditions for the quality growth of any breed.

To make the rabbit comfortable, the floor of the cage is covered with sawdust, straw, and hay. From time to time you need to put fruit branches so that the rabbit can gnaw solid object. To regularly feed the animal, it is necessary to provide a feeder and a large drinking bowl. The fluid is changed daily - this is the key to the health of the individuals. Bowls for rabbits are more suitable for heavy ones, as the animals can turn them with their nose.

In order for the female to give a normal litter, one of the corners must be equipped with a heating system - this is what she will choose for giving birth. Fertility modern breeds quite high, birth control is not required, and small cubs at birth weigh no more than one hundred grams, but their number often reaches 7, and sometimes more. In just a month and a half, the weight of the young animals will increase to one and a half kilograms. To avoid diseases, it is necessary to keep the cage clean - bacteria are dangerous not only for people, but also for rabbits.

On many farms and households, meat rabbits are very popular. They were known back in the days Ancient Rome, But industrial scale cultivation was achieved only 2 centuries ago. They are very profitable to keep, since the meat yield is quite large.

Meat rabbits are very popular on many farms and households.

There are breeds of meat and meat-skin production. In addition, there are also wild and ornamental varieties. The most popular are meat rabbits. All types of this direction have common features. These include the following:

  1. The rate of growth and development of baby rabbits is very high.
  2. The survival rate is one of the highest.
  3. Fertility.
  4. Productivity.
  5. The weight is very large - from 4 kg. Some individuals can even reach 15 kg.
  6. The knockdown rate is high. As the pet's weight increases, this parameter increases.
  7. Good health. Individuals practically do not get sick.
  8. Quickly adapt to climatic conditions.
  9. Unpretentiousness in content.

It is necessary to carefully select the breed of rabbits for meat production. Be sure to study the features of all varieties. There are many meat breeds. Moreover, they all have certain advantages and disadvantages.

The following meat breeds are distinguished by their early maturity: black-brown, Californian, butterfly, Soviet chinchilla, Belgian giant, red and white New Zealand, etc. They are most profitable to raise for meat, since already at 2 months individuals weigh a lot - at least 2 kg. By the way, some of these varieties belong to the meat-skin direction, so at the same time you can get not only a large amount of dietary product, but also a beautiful skin, which is an excellent addition.

Individuals of the listed breeds increase in weight well, puberty occurs quickly, which allows them to get offspring quite quickly. In addition, these animals are very prolific. Female rabbits bring up to 10 babies. Adults of the listed breeds are characterized by fatness.

At slaughter, the carcass weighs at least 5 kg, although there are specimens whose weight is 9-10 kg. In rare cases (in broiler breeds) the weight can be 15-25 kg. It is these types that are called the best among all meats. An example is the white pannon. In addition, this also includes the gray and white giants, the Soviet chinchilla, the Vienna blue, the rex, the silver, the butterfly, the Flanders, and the Californian. There are many other similar breeds. When choosing individuals for cultivation, it is necessary to take into account many indicators: body shape, rate of development and weight gain, size, fertility, etc.

Gallery: meat rabbits (25 photos)

Popular varieties

It's hard to say which best breeds Rabbits are suitable for meat. There are many meat types.

For example, the Soviet chinchilla. This breed was created by breeders from Novosibirsk and Saratov through crossing. Scientists tried to get a rabbit with good meat, high-quality down and a large body. In addition, it was easy for the animal to get used to the climatic conditions of Russia for a long time.

This breed is distinguished by its fertility, slender but wide body, and medium-sized head. The fur has a grayish-blue tint. It is very soft and shiny. The weight of a rabbit carcass is approximately 5 kg. The offspring is up to 8 individuals. Babies grow up quickly. Already on the 120th day from the moment of birth they weigh 4 kg. About 63% goes to meat.

The largest breed of rabbits is gray or. The second option is considered the most popular among breeders due to its rapid weight gain and friendly character. This variety appeared in the 19th century through selection. Animals are distinguished by long and strong bodies. The chest is well developed. The head is small. An average rabbit carcass weighs about 5.5 kg, but this figure can increase to 8 kg. The litter is usually 7 rabbits. They develop at an average pace. Meat yield is approximately 83%. Individuals are distinguished by their unpretentiousness. They reproduce quickly and practically do not get sick.

They are very profitable to keep, since the meat yield is quite large

As for gray giants, they are very popular among domestic rabbit breeders due to their ease of care and rapid development. The body is strong and large. Individuals are mobile. They have a well developed maternal instinct. The rabbit will feed even her babies. It’s hard to say how much a carcass weighs on average, since there are really giant specimens, but the meat yield is within 83%.

It's not easy to determine which is the best meat breed rabbits. They all have good performance. Eg, excellent option is a silver rabbit. It was created in the 60s of the 20th century in the Tula and Poltava regions through selection. The result was individuals with a wide body and a voluminous chest. The head is small. Viability indicators are very high. The average weight of a rabbit is 4.5 kg, but sometimes its weight can reach 6 kg. Differs in fertility. Offspring - up to 8 rabbits. They are developing quickly.

For home breeding The Vienna Blue breed is excellent. It was bred in Austria by crossing Moravian rabbits and Flanders. The carcass looks small, but the animal grows quickly. By the way, like the Viennese black-brown, it refers to both meat and skin breeds. The carcass is oblong, but slender. The muscles are well developed. On average it weighs about 5 kg. approximately 9 babies, their weight is only 70-75 g. But after 60 days they will gain weight up to 2 kg, and by three months it will be more than 2.5 kg. By the way, this breed is resistant to weather changes. They even tolerate frost well.

In addition, it is necessary to consider the following meat types:

  1. Rex. This breed is considered French. It was created at the beginning of the last century. But it came to Russia from Germany. Individuals are distinguished by their fertility. The female gives birth to at least 5 rabbits. Babies gain weight at an average rate. At 1 month they weigh only 0.7 kg, and at 4 months they weigh about 2.5 kg. The carcass of an adult individual weighs up to 4 kg. The constitution is not broken, but tender. The bones are thin and light. The chest is deep and large. The meat is soft. It is considered dietary. The skin is also very valuable.
  2. Butterfly. This breed was bred in Belarus. The offspring is usually up to 8 individuals. An adult rabbit weighs approximately 4-5 kg. It has a large body and a voluminous chest. The back is also very wide. The paws are strong, with well-developed muscles. The fur of these rabbits is very beautiful and thick. Distinguished by the presence of chinchilla spots. Individuals quickly adapt to climatic conditions.
  3. Flanders This breed is considered the most meat-producing. It is usually used for growing at home. As for industrial scale, they are considered breeding. Individuals are broilers. At 2 months they already weigh more than 2 kg. The maximum weight is set at 25 kg. The body is elongated and wide. The back is slightly hunched. The fur is very thick and beautiful. Its shade can be any: dark gray, yellowish-gray. The meat yield is approximately 80%.
  4. Risen. This species is a giant. Adults can grow up to 15 kg. They have very thick wool, which is dense. The color can be different: black, blue, gray, cream. The meat yield is approximately 83% per carcass, but this largely depends on the growing conditions of the pets.

California rabbit (video)

Care and breeding

When working with meat breeds, it is necessary to follow a number of rules that help achieve good results. First of all, you need to pay attention to how broiler rabbits feed. This aspect is very important because proper diet and the frequency of feeding affect the rate of development of the individual and the increase in its mass. In addition, it is important to get preventive vaccinations on time, have a doctor’s examination, and monitor the cleanliness and temperature in the cage where the pets will live.

As for caring for meat breeds, the conditions for proper cultivation will be the same as for other varieties. It must be remembered that pets of this species do not like indoor heat, high humidity and the presence of dirt. For normal development and prevention of various diseases, a spacious cage is required. It should be dry, warm and clean. Rabbits live with their mother for quite a long time, and they are removed from the cage very late. This feature contributes to the good development of the offspring.

It is not easy to determine what the best meat rabbit breed is. They all have good performance

In terms of nutrition, broiler rabbits are raised to produce large quantities meat, so special attention must be paid to their diet and diet. Experts believe that it will not be possible to achieve the required weight if you do not give your pets compound feed. In order for meat rabbits to grow quickly and gain weight, it is necessary to include grain crops, fresh grass, seasonal plants, as well as special vitamin and mineral preparations in the diet.

As for the lactation period, at this time females need to be fed several times more and more nutritiously. This is because nutrition affects the amount of milk produced, which in turn determines how many rabbits will survive.

Choosing large breeds rabbits, you need to pay attention to their characteristics. If the farm is small, then it is best to breed Flanders. If the farm is large in size, then it is recommended to purchase white New Zealand ones. To obtain good offspring, for breeding it is necessary to select only the best representatives. By the way, it has been found that individuals who have a white coat color are calmer, so there are fewer problems with them. You also need to carefully approach the selection of the mother herd. It is necessary to select not only healthy individuals, but also those who have performed well regarding the issue of reproduction.

Breeds of meat rabbits are very popular both on farms and in individual households. Their meat yield is quite good. In addition, such individuals generally develop quickly. There are many similar varieties known, so you can choose the appropriate option for breeding in any conditions.