Is it possible to eat meat for breakfast? What is the best thing to eat for breakfast?

A properly composed menu of dishes consumed for breakfast is necessary for a person not only to maintain a slim figure, but also to maintain excellent health of the whole body until for many years.

Numerous ongoing scientific research showed that those people who do not eat any food in the morning weigh significantly more than those who have the opportunity to fully enjoy their meal in the morning, since breakfast serves as a provision human body energy for the whole day and helps a lot in getting rid of extra pounds.

When starting to compile a morning menu, try to take into account the fact that morning breakfast makes up approximately 30 to 35% of the total daily diet.

It would be best to eat V previously morning time, since during this period starts to work accelerated metabolism body. This need can also be explained by the fact that at this time rapid burning of fat accumulation occurs. If breakfast is skipped, the human body is forced to accumulate the bulk of the day's food to protect itself from.

In order to remain healthy and happy for many years and at the same time lose weight. overweight body, it is worth carefully understanding those foods that are best included in the morning diet.

Fresh fruit

Allowed to choose fresh fruit according to the season, completely based on your individual preferences. It should be noted that not only fresh fruits, but also canned and frozen fruits are quite suitable for morning meals.

Vegetable salads

Always try to cook like this vegetable salad, which contains large number vitamins and microelements. Experiment and mix finely chopped tomatoes, sweet pepper, cucumbers, garden herbs. Dress salads with low-fat sour cream or a small amount olive oil, and sprinkling the salad with grated hard cheese will add satiety and healthiness to it.


We remind you that it is best to prepare muesli at home, rather than purchasing semi-finished products in supermarkets and stores. For proper preparation muesli You will need the following products:

  • oat flakes "Hercules";
  • natural bee honey;
  • fresh fruit;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts.

It is necessary to pour the prepared mixture with boiled milk or warm water and let sit for about 10-15 minutes.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese dishes are very tasty, nutritious and healthy food products. They contain a large amount of calcium, which provides invaluable benefits to the condition of teeth and skeletal system person. You can add natural honey and pieces of fresh, finely chopped fruit to curd dishes.


For use in the morning it is recommended to consume various types cereal dishes, namely all kinds of rice, buckwheat, oatmeal porridges. If ordinary porridge is not to your taste, then feel free to add raisins, finely chopped fruits and natural honey to it.

Natural yogurt

For breakfast, you should consume as much natural fermented milk products as possible, which contain live bacteria, which are very beneficial for activity. gastrointestinal tract. They are famous for their high calcium and protein content. Add cereals, fresh berries and finely chopped pieces of fruit to yoghurts. We remind you that homemade yogurt is in no way comparable to store-bought yogurt.


Traditionally healthy and common for breakfast is an omelette made from fresh chicken or quail eggs. While preparing the omelette, add fresh vegetables and herbs, hard cheese, and pieces of lean ham.


Bakery products have the ability to saturate the body quite quickly; for this, various sandwiches should be included in the morning diet. They can be of different tastes and types, their composition and appearance will depend on your imagination and taste preferences sandwiches with herbs and cheese, sandwiches with vegetables, sandwiches with curd mass, sandwiches with eggs, ham and cheese.

IN healthy way life a lot of attention is given to breakfast. Studies have shown that the morning meal is especially important for the body, and therefore you should not skip it or carelessly replace a full breakfast with a cup of coffee. Only a powerful charge of energy, in the first hours after waking up, can give the body the necessary impetus for further activity.

Nations prefer different foods for breakfast: the British choose oatmeal in the morning, Americans choose scrambled eggs and bacon, and for some reason Russians consider sandwiches the best start to the day. The list of dishes acceptable for a morning meal is not so long, but among it we can highlight the 10 best breakfasts that combine all the benefits for the body.

The best cereals for breakfast

What's the best thing to eat for breakfast? Many people will remember their childhood years and, based on experience, will answer – porridge. And indeed, it’s not without reason that we’ve been instilled with the idea since kindergarten that porridge is best start day. It can satiate for several hours, and we can work until lunch without thinking about food.

The best cereals for breakfast are oatmeal, buckwheat and millet. They are the most energetically valuable, rich in vitamins and fiber. In addition, they are easily combined with additives such as berries, fruits, nuts and honey. You shouldn't buy cereal instant cooking, and also cook porridge with milk if you care about your figure.


The best breakfast for people typing muscle mass- these are eggs. Due to their high protein content, they are valued in the sports world. In addition, egg dishes are simple and quick to prepare, which is very important for modern people.

But with this product it is important to follow the norm - no more than 3 yolks per day and 6 per week, as they contain a lot of bad cholesterol and pose a danger to the liver. Best option for scrambled eggs - 2 yolks, 4 whites and greens.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is deservedly an indispensable product in proper diet. By choosing low-fat cottage cheese, you can have a calm breakfast without thinking about the calorie content of the dish. It is rich in useful substances such as calcium and phosphorus, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body. To diversify the menu, you can experiment with additives to cottage cheese.


All fermented milk products are good for breakfast, but yogurt is the most popular of them. Owners of yogurt makers can afford natural and delicious breakfast every day, others will have a more difficult time, because finding high-quality yogurt in stores is not easy.

Choose yogurt that contains a minimum of suspicious ingredients. You should not take sweet yoghurts, it is better to take them without additives, and during breakfast put a spoonful of honey or berries in it.


Avocado has not yet taken root in the Russian diet, so this breakfast option can be called unusual. This fruit is undoubtedly worth including in your diet, because it truly has unique properties. It has been proven that avocado can inhibit the development of cancer cells.

If you already prepare smoothies for breakfast - cocktails from a variety of ingredients, then try adding it as a new component. Avocado is rich in vitamins and healthy vegetable fat, and it is also very tasty. Flaxseed and wheatgrass will go well with it.

Boiled meat

For people who love sausage, it makes sense to replace this harmful product boiled meat. It is believed that meat is a heavy breakfast food, but this is far from true. The main thing is to give preference to low-fat varieties (chicken, some parts of beef) and not to fry it, but to boil it. This breakfast will provide the body with iron, zinc and vitamins.

Whole wheat bread

Followers healthy eating They don’t like bread, but they make an exception for whole grain bread. It contains a lot of mineral salts, B vitamins and is rich in such an important substance for our digestion as fiber.

Bread can be combined with many products - boiled meat, low-fat cheese, vegetables, fish and cottage cheese.


If you wake up with a complete reluctance to get up, then nuts are the best breakfast for you. They promote the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy. A handful of nuts will be more than enough, because this product is very nutritious and high in calories. It would be best to opt for walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts.


You might be surprised to see this product on our list. The fact is that not all of its wonderful properties are known to a wide range of people. Meanwhile, it contains absolutely unique substances.

One of these substances is the enzyme bromelain. Scientists discovered it not so long ago and carefully studied its properties. It turns out that it is able to accelerate the breakdown of proteins and fats. This property appears only when pineapple is consumed on an empty stomach.

Try to include this in your usual breakfast tropical fruit, and you will notice how its use will improve your mood. This is due to the serotonin produced by pineapple. You can eat it without restrictions, because the calorie content of pineapple is extremely low - only 45 kcal per 100 g.


Along with pineapple, this fruit is especially well absorbed in the morning. It is believed that its use will help in weight loss. Having studied its composition, one can agree with this opinion.

This fruit contains very little sugar, but a lot of fiber, which normalizes digestion. Grapefruit is one of the record holders for vitamin C content; it also contains a lot of vitamins B, D, and P. Frequent consumption of this fruit reduces the risk of cancer and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.

Grapefruit is rich in enzymes, some of which promote enhanced fat burning. If you want to lose weight, then you will benefit from eating half of this fruit every day in addition to your breakfast. If you like grapefruits, you can eat more, because its calorie content per 100 g is only 30 kcal.

Style Summary.

These are just a few options for breakfast, combine them, look for new ones that suit you. Three rules good breakfast– high calorie content, the presence of “long” carbohydrates, ease of preparation. Good morning starts with bon appetit.

The material was prepared by nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko, author of the popular weight correction methods “Intensive Resuscitation”, “Losing Weight with Pleasure!”, “Gentle Cleansing of the Body”, and the book “The ABCs of Slimness”.

Many of us cannot imagine the morning without a cup of strong aromatic coffee, and like a zombie, with eyes closed go to the kitchen to brew this invigorating drink (or, God forbid, prepare an instant “analog”). And some also “snack” it with a cigarette.

Should you drink coffee for breakfast?

But not many people know that nutritionists around the world are unanimous - never start the day with a cup of coffee on an empty stomach! Remember that the caffeine contained in the drink, when it enters the stomach, leads to irritation of the mucous membrane, as a result of which the secretion of gastric juice increases, thereby causing heartburn. And if you have gastritis, this will only make it worse. And don’t read nonsense on the Internet about how coffee can cause gastritis! As you know, the Nobel Prize was awarded to the doctors who discovered the role of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the etiology of gastritis, and not to those who “scare” you with coffee or malnutrition. But here indisputable fact the fact that coffee contains bitterness, which have choleretic properties, also teaches us not to drink coffee on an empty stomach. Why do we need bile in the duodenum when there is nothing to digest there? What to do? Don’t “eat” coffee with breakfast, but “wash down” breakfast with a cup of coffee!

What other drinks should you not start your morning with? You will be surprised, but I will say that with orange or grapefruit juice. Oatmeal and fresh orange juice have firmly entered our consciousness, like the breakfast of English lords. Perhaps this is how the Queen of England has breakfast, I don’t know, I didn’t have the honor of sharing breakfast with her in Buckingham Palace, but I’m absolutely sure that she doesn’t start her meal with fresh orange juice! First up - oatmeal! Essential oils citrus juices and fruit acids irritate the gastric mucosa, causing increased secretion hydrochloric acid, which for a hungry stomach is almost equivalent to drinking vinegar. Therefore, never drink citrus juices on an empty stomach, and be sure to place the freshly squeezed juice in ice for 15 minutes so that the essential oils evaporate.

By the way, you shouldn’t start your day with kefir and yogurt! No, I in no way want to say that fermented milk drinks are harmful to our stomach; rather, they are simply useless on an empty stomach. Lactic acid bacteria (lacto- and bifido-), which constitute their main value, when they enter an aggressive acidic environment, die in the stomach before reaching the intestines. Therefore, drink kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt and other milk “delights” at the end of breakfast, or an hour and a half after eating, or mix them with cottage cheese and fruit, wash down an omelet or scrambled eggs.

What is your favorite drink for breakfast? Tea, it doesn’t matter what kind - black, green, mate, hibiscus... Any, the main thing is to have a favorite one.

Cocoa is a super healthy morning drink.
Cocoa beans are full of antioxidant polyphenols, which reduce the risk of heart disease, and cocoa powder contains the tonic substances caffeine (less than coffee), theophylline and theobromine, as well as the antidepressant phenylephylamine. But forget about these instant overseas delights - read the labels, how much unnecessary stuff is mixed in there! Drink a natural healthy drink.

And, of course, juice! Why juice? Yes, because in our fast-paced age we often don’t have time to chew an apple or a pear or prepare a salad from fresh vegetables, and therefore our compatriots “don’t get” the recommended World Organization Health (WHO) standards for consumption of vegetables and fruits. This is where packaged or bottled fruit, berries, citrus and vegetable juices. I recommend vegetable ones to my patients; they can be drunk at any time, but I also have a positive attitude towards unclarified fruit ones, with pulp and without sugar or preservatives. In an era of “shortage” of fresh vegetables and fruits, such juices will help compensate for the lack of pectins, vitamins and minerals and partly fiber. Most of the juices presented on our market are reconstituted from concentrated juice. And only a few companies can afford the “luxury” of making juices from natural raw materials, from fresh gifts from gardens and fields.

The common belief that concentrated juice is something artificial, unnatural, is wrong. Concentrated juice is obtained by removing part of the water contained in it from the raw material (directly pressed juice). As a result of concentration, the content of soluble solids in the juice increases by more than 2 times. Evaporation of liquid is carried out under reduced pressure, in a vacuum. Water in such conditions boils at 65-70 degrees Celsius. This mode of heat treatment allows you to preserve vitamins and inhibit the development of microflora. The resulting concentrated juice is a thick syrup, which is stored at low temperatures: up to - 18 degrees. Such a product is easier to both store and transport. To obtain 100% natural juice from concentrated juice, it is enough to add to it the same amount of water as was removed during its production. The requirements for water used for preparing juices are high: it should not contain any impurities that affect the taste, physicochemical and microbiological properties of the juice. Serious companies strictly monitor the quality of water used to regenerate juices.

Therefore, such juices should be included in your diet, and convenient small packages can be safely given to children with them to school along with the “brakes”.