Keep it simple! Lead a healthy lifestyle.

Finally, you realized that looking for the negative in everything is bad, making disappointing forecasts is bad, and being a pessimist generally sucks. Finally you become an optimist. I sincerely congratulate you on this. Optimists move through life easily, everything works out for them, they solve problems that arise with ease, and most importantly, optimists are happy. But it is extremely difficult to transform from a pessimist to an optimist. You will need time, self-discipline and patience. About how to become an optimist, read below.

Why should you become an optimist?

And now I will tell you all the benefits that an optimist receives. The first thing I noticed about optimists is that they take on any task with joy, and they always make positive forecasts. For example, an optimist was planning to open his own business - selling ice cream by weight. He immediately predicts the success of his business: high revenue, minimal costs, good competitiveness, growth prospects, the opportunity to relax any day. He tells his friend, a pessimist, about this. He, having listened to this, replies that he won’t succeed, this should have been done in the 90s, competitors will devour you, you won’t find good place for trade, since everything is already occupied, and so on in this spirit.

As you understand, with such a negative attitude, more than one business is not opened, nothing is created, and instead of progress, regression occurs. That's why the world rests on optimists who act without thinking about problems. This is the first strength of an optimist - to act, expecting success. And the pessimists will continue to sit in their familiar swamp, fearing that they will be kicked out of it.

The second strength of optimists is that they are easy. Everything is always easy for optimists. Any problem can be solved, you just need to approach it sensibly. Since there are no unsolvable problems for an optimist, he solves them with ease. For an optimist, problems are an exciting game; for pessimists, they are ordeal. An optimist enthusiastically solves problems, a pessimist whines more than he solves them. Therefore, becoming an optimist, you will always solve any problems with ease. You won't even know it's a problem. And for pessimists, any deviation from the course is a huge problem that is difficult to solve. That's it.

Tell me please, which people do you like to spend time with? With those who are doing well, who are cheerful, who charge you with their energy? Or with those who swear all the time and blame everyone? I'm sure you like the first option. People always strive to feel good. All people strive for. And the optimist shares this. Therefore optimists always have more friends than the pessimists. A pessimist is friends with pessimists who do not care about his life. He simply has no one to complain to, so he complains to his own kind. Here is your third perspective, which should motivate you to become an optimist.

The fourth perspective is that optimists are much luckier than pessimists. This fact does not need to be explained. Optimists emit their wave - where everything is going great, and pessimists - where everything sucks, and it will get even worse. Optimists are content with what they have, while pessimists are focused on what they don't have. So it turns out that optimists get even more, and pessimists lose what they had.

The fifth reason why you should become an optimist is because Your life will become much easier. Look at the pessimists. They ruin the lives of themselves and those around them. It turns out that they themselves do not live, since they darken everything, and do not allow others to live with their whining. Optimists are always happy, they live their day with meaning, and give this meaning to other people, and they reciprocate.

Now you understand what power you will have when you become an optimist. Yes, you will glide through life easily and naturally, everything will work out for you by itself, so many opportunities will open up before you that you will find it difficult to choose, they will want to see you everywhere, they will love you and much more.

How to become an optimist?

Forecast positively- this is the first thing you simply need to learn to do in order to become an optimist. Most of the results in our lives depend on. A person programs himself for one or another result. Usually, when a person fails at something, he begins to say: “I knew it,” “Why am I always unlucky,” “It didn’t work out again,” “That’s it, I won’t try again”. After this, the person gives up the idea, preferring to be where he is now.

When an optimist encounters , he says - “Wow, how interesting it turned out!”. For him, failures are invaluable experience and a motive to continue the work he started and bring it to the desired result. But for this you need to build positive forecasts. “It didn’t work out now, it will work out later”, “I still have a lot of attempts to achieve what I want”- this is what a true optimist says. Start thinking the same way!

Don't blame others for your failures– the second thing you must learn. They always blame anyone for their failures, just not themselves. Losers are pessimists. An optimist perceives failures in a completely different way. Firstly, he understands that everyone has failures, and that they are not at all terrible. Secondly, he quickly forgets about failures, as he continues to take new steps for. The loser dwells on his problem and blows it out of proportion.

So it turns out that a pessimist runs around the problem, blaming other people for its occurrence, while an optimist strives to achieve the desired result, forgetting about what happened. Therefore, the next time trouble arises, shift your focus from this trouble to looking for new opportunities to achieve the desired result. This is what optimists do and this is not what pessimists do.

To become an optimist, you need communicate with optimists. And if you are now surrounded by pessimists who complain to you day after day, without listening to what you put in front of them, I advise you to exclude such people from your environment. It won't be very easy to do, but you don't want to spend the rest of your life complaining to someone who doesn't care about you at all. Life is too short to whine and complain about it.

In addition, pessimists only spoil your mood, and, conversely, optimists do. What do you choose, to be in a good mood or a bad one?

Get rid of guilt. Optimistic people do not know such a terrible feeling as guilt. And if they know, then in small doses. Pessimists not only tend to blame other people for their failures, they also tend to blame themselves. This is called self-flagellation. Self-flagellation never brought any good. It's like carrying a weight on your shoulders. If something oppresses you, get rid of it, otherwise you will never become an optimist. So, I advise you to stop looking at the past and concentrate on the future and present.

To be optimistic, you need to be in a great mood. A funny one will help you with this music, sports, training, films, hobbies and much more. Try to do as much as possible those things that you enjoy. How can a person become an optimist if he only does what he doesn’t like? Even a strong-willed person will not be able to restrain himself. Favorite activities, music, sports lead to happiness. Ignore this advice immediately!

I strongly recommend you do meditation. helps you forget worries and fuss. During meditation, a person feels contentment and happiness. In addition, it allows you to relax completely - physically and emotionally. By meditating daily, you will notice an improvement in your emotional state within two weeks.

And the last thing I advise you is smile more often. Have you ever seen an optimist walking around with a gloomy face? If only a couple of times, and then because he was sick. A pessimist walks around with a dissatisfied face even when everything is going great. A pessimist thinks that if things are going great now, then things will soon go bad. “Only this was not enough”- exclaims the pessimist, and begins to torment himself. An optimist is able to smile sincerely even when everything goes wrong. Therefore, his affairs continue to improve. Therefore, always smile. Smiling should become your habit.

I really hope that after reading this article, you will begin to put these tips into practice. Remember that it takes a long time to transform from a pessimist to an optimist. Good luck!

How to become an optimist


What happens in our lives, from an objective point of view (with the exception of the rarest radical cases) can be considered both good and bad. However, our subjective assessment remains in our consciousness: either positive or negative. Pessimists are not those who are tuned in to the bad, but those who “catch” negativity from the outside and live by it. Optimism, according to psychologists, is common, healthy condition human psyche. Today psychologists will give you advice on how to improve your mood in just 10-15 days.

Keep it under control

To help yourself become an optimist, you need to work in two directions: firstly, learn to abstract yourself from the negative, and secondly, be able to rejoice. Use willpower: when negative thoughts appear, tell yourself “Stop!” No matter what happens in the world, you are the only controller of your own consciousness, on which your reality depends.

How to become an optimist: regulate your mood

From a physiological point of view, our consciousness is influenced by hormone regulators and neurotransmitters. For example, serotonin. Medicines that increase serotonin production are often prescribed to people suffering from depression. This substance raises the tone of the body, increases activity and gives a good, cheerful, positive mood.

In order for serotonin to be produced in the required volume, it is not necessary to take pills. Its activator is bright light. To help serotonin enter the blood quickly, we need to fall asleep in complete darkness and wake up in a well-lit room.

Therefore, it is important to sleep at night: when daytime sleep this neurotransmitter is not produced at all. Get into the habit of opening the curtains in your room as soon as you wake up. You'll see: your mood will lift!

Choose a company

It is very common to complain about life at work or in the company of friends. Without knowing it, by participating in such conversations, you absorb these conversations. Be able to change the topic of such a conversation to something more positive. A great way is to joke. Don't be afraid to make as many jokes as you want.

Imagine: a friend, as usual, complains about her boss - he filled her with work, reprimanded her, and canceled her bonus. Hint to your friend: there are no bad bosses. There are only funny ones! It’s better to laugh at a problem than to cry into each other’s vests. This way, unnoticed, your colleagues’ mood will improve.

Do everything on time

Whether we like it or not, every day we perform a whole list of routine tasks that can also change our mood from positive to negative. A report that needs to be submitted by the end of the week, an unfinished letter and an unfinished project - things appear in our lives from time to time that we do not want to do: they cause boredom, and we often put them off for later.

As a result, the burden of unfinished work begins to weigh down and makes us nervous. In order to have time to do everything uninteresting, start a diary. He will help you regulate your work and free time: After the report, you have every right not to touch your work folders and switch to something pleasant.

If you strictly follow this schedule, then over time you will notice that all the dreary things get done much faster than it seems. In addition, the time to complete the task will immediately be reduced by at least half: now you are no longer prolonging the “pleasure”, but quickly get rid of it.

Adjust brightness

Color and light have a powerful effect on consciousness. For example, shades of orange, blue and light green have a very good effect on mood. At the same time, experts believe that burgundy, dark brown and black can cause anxiety and sadness. Pay attention to color scheme, which prevails in your apartment and wardrobe.

Don't be afraid of contrasts

If you want to achieve a good mood on a physiological level, take a contrast shower every day. When it reaches the skin cold water, hormones of joy - endorphins - are released into the blood. They block the pain signal from low temperatures, create a positive mood and even mild euphoria! And a little “shake-up” hot water fixes the level of endorphins in the body.

Get ready at night

Sleep is one of the main controllers of consciousness. During 8-10 hours of sleep, the brain processes all the information received during the day. The key idea of ​​a dream is those things that we think about just before we fall asleep. Do you remember how at school teachers advised me to cram the material at night? Somehow, magically, during the exam, you suddenly remember exactly the formula that you memorized the day before half asleep.

Just imagine: all these eight hours the brain was thinking about a certain passage from the textbook, revising it with different sides, decomposed it into its component parts. This feature of our body can be used in another way: before you fall asleep, dream! Think positive. Rewind pleasant memories. Imagine all the joys that await you ahead. Self-control plus psychotraining will help you get what you want faster than you think. Yes and good mood guaranteed in the morning. Checked!


“Many people believe that negative experiences somehow ennoble a person. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite,” explains psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky. “The whole point is that when you suffer because of something, you don’t have enough mental strength to develop, grow spiritually and intellectually.”

Negative experiences often cause fixation, and it can take you a lot of mental strength to process a problem. It’s another matter when you think positively: you see the picture of the world without any black coloring and accept what surrounds you. You live fully, you are not distracted by suffering.

Humor is an excellent battery of optimism. Books, movies, plays, TV shows - if they are really good, they definitely evoke emotional involvement in the viewer. We worry about the hero, sympathize with him, and worry. It is for this reason that psychologists advise watching more comedies and going to light theater productions.

Flip through magazines with jokes more often, look funny videos, popular television sitcoms. Read books by Sergei Dovlatov, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Isaac Babel - they have a lot of excellent humor. And pay attention to children's literature - even adults adore it.

How to become an optimist: understand yourself

One of the main causes of negative consciousness is our doubts, which experts call fears. We are often afraid of change, failure, risk. It is life that does not suit us that gives rise to negativity. To get rid of bad emotions and gloomy moods, you need to work through your doubts.

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Hello dear friend!

In this article today you will learn how to become an optimist and continue to be one throughout your life! Do you think this is impossible? Then read all the rules that are described below and you will be 100% as close as possible to this wonderful state of mind!

Now the heads of many are simply filled with pessimism and most of these people are simply sickening and pathetic to look at just because it seems that they are the most unfortunate people on earth for whom everything is going wrong.

But the question is, is this all really true or is it just a fetus created? bad mood who has collected bad thoughts and makes them bad. In most cases this is exactly the case. After all, it’s not the situation itself that makes it good or bad, but our attitude towards it, so let’s figure out what will help us be optimistic.

How to become an optimist in life?

1. Keep it simple!

Optimists never complicate their lives with their thoughts, filling their heads with complicated schemes for solving any problems. They see the main thing, but turn a blind eye to everything secondary, because as a rule, all this is also decided after the main thing.

2. See failure as a victory.

It would seem difficult to understand, but in fact, the important idea here is that any loss, failure, failure in something should be accepted with dignity and extract the most useful from it by drawing conclusions and absorbing only what turned out well, and not Badly. Subsequently using this is good in the future. Therefore, by consciously perceiving failure, you will become a winner in it, and this is already a step towards an optimistic life if you do this constantly.

You can say “but you don’t always have enough willpower for this” - it doesn’t matter, read the post ““, and this problem will be solved.

3. Surround yourself with optimists and you will become one yourself.

The question of the people around you is extremely important. If you are surrounded by pessimists who constantly complain about their life and problems, then under their influence you will sometimes even unconsciously do this, considering it quite normal. But this is far from the case.

Surround yourself with positively infected people. By doing this, you will begin to think in their language, become infected with the same thoughts, which will not allow you to be sad and allow bad thoughts in your head. It's like with language. Being in Russia you will most likely communicate in Russian, in America - in English, otherwise you will not be able to understand each other.

So it is here. Limit yourself from being a pessimist, even if they are yours best friends. Communicate with them, appreciate them, love them, but do not allow their thoughts to influence yours.

4. Smile more.

On the face optimist a smile always shines. It gives rise to bright emotions and here is seemingly banal advice. Like “advised on nothing.” But in fact, in order not to be unfounded, today I checked it on myself. Although I smile most often, today I tried to do it as much as possible; when meeting with a friend, my mother, at home in front of the mirror, when communicating on the Internet, I smiled most of the time.

Moreover, it was not a forced smile, but a sincere one, which is equally important. And you know, I was in a good mood all day and no matter how hard I tried to think about something bad (and I have that too, everyone has their own life difficulties), nothing worked and now I’m writing this article in a great mood.

5. Release your internal tension.

No matter what, there are very often days when stress and tension in the body accumulate greatly and then, as a rule, if a person does not release it, a nervous breakdown occurs and a long-term mood is in a bad mood.

To avoid this, you need to release your internal tension, by the way, I wrote about that in the article at the link provided. Excellent help with this physical activity, so the gym, horizontal bars and martial arts To help you. Perhaps it will be some kind of hobby, such as dancing, where you can release accumulated energy.

6. Make the most of your time.

This especially applies to those unpleasant moments when you have to wait for something or stand in a traffic jam. While sitting in line for a long time to see a doctor, you can read latest news on your phone via the Internet or a book on a rainy day on vacation.

Using your time wisely will help you develop the habit of looking for only the good even in the worst.

7. Always be prepared for any situation.

Personal experience has shown that this is what really helps to stay in a good mood. Life is so unpredictable that anything can happen at any moment. And by being prepared for this, you will save yourself from frustration, and by soberly assessing everything you can quickly direct your actions to solve the problem.

8. Extract only useful things from others.

Often, looking at other people, for some reason we try to find something bad in them, sometimes because of envy, sometimes for other reasons, but this affects us directly, because we then turn our attention to ourselves and begin to look within ourselves. bad. And sometimes we even take on other people’s bad qualities, which only makes you worse.

Try to see only the good in people. And extract it, ignore and push away the bad.

9. Always ask yourself the right questions!

A question like “Why am I so unlucky”, “why is everything so bad” usually does not give an answer, but makes it rhetorical. It’s better to ask yourself questions like “What did I get out of this”, “What experience did I gain”, “What was good about this” - you can get answers from them and stay in a good mood.

10. Work on your confidence.

A self-confident person cannot be a pessimist, because he constantly does something with confidence in a positive result, and most often this is what becomes the key to his victory, and in case of defeat, a self-confident person will not be mentally shaken, will not become bloated, but will draw conclusions and bring the matter to the end.

Speaking of how to become more confident, I will also write in future articles and post videos on this topic, so if you want to become more confident, I advise you not to miss new articles and be among the first to will see them. Also, additionally, I will send you new ones exclusively useful materials. Wait, it will be very soon :)

And that’s all for me today, thank you very much for reading the article, and I hope it has become clearer to you how to become an optimist and you will undoubtedly use these tips and become the kind of person who will be pleasant to look at and listen to.

Hello everyone! Are you an optimistic person? How often do you enjoy every moment of your life? Do you find Monday a hard day? If all this does not fit the description and personal portrait, then you should think about the fact that it’s time to become kinder to the world around you. Positive emotions help a person not to give up even in the most difficult situations, which would seem simply unbearable. In life, it is important not to hang your nose, but to give up on every failure, believing that even a negative experience will definitely come in handy. How to become an optimist in this complex routine of events?

Surrounded by positive people

Everyone is greatly influenced by society, namely by people. If a person is in, then his interlocutor’s will also deteriorate. Therefore, it is very important to surround yourself with only the most positively charged people. Nobody is perfect, even optimists can grumble and be dissatisfied with something, but, as a rule, this does not last long. The main thing here is to avoid permanent people with bad character and inner evil. And in general, it’s time to remember a simple truth: you need to spend your personal time on good people, and not to those who spread only dark emotions.

Set up for a good future

We sometimes don’t notice how we program ourselves for bad things. This happens unnoticed: first thoughts, then actions, and then a permanent change in behavior. Every time a phrase sounds in the head of an insecure person: “what if I don’t succeed?”, “I’m unlucky as always!”, “I don’t know how and can’t do this!” From the very beginning we deprive ourselves positive attitude, we limit our capabilities, set limits, slow down our own progress, etc. In such cases, it is important to drive away the obsession that everything is bad, to forbid yourself to think about the unattainable. The mood should be the most favorable.

Live, don't exist

A little more smile

No gesture can show the best intentions than sincere smile. Firstly, she is attractive and attracts people. And secondly, a good mood always comes to a person who smiles often, and this, in turn, is real optimism. You can't fake a smile, just like you can't fake it. Make it a rule: smile at everyone you pass by every day.

Thoughts of a person with positive thinking:

  • constant compliments to others;
  • responsibility for errors;
  • showing joy to friends and family;
  • the ability to forgive people;
  • have a favorite hobby;
  • your head is full of ideas and a clear plan to achieve them;
  • readiness for any life changes;
  • constant desire to learn something new.

Thoughts of a person with negative thinking:

  • constantly harbors a grudge;
  • afraid of changes in life;
  • can boast of nothing except old victories;
  • able to blame everyone for mistakes except himself;
  • does not develop in any way and believes that the best way to spend time is watching TV;
  • complicates the situation to his own detriment;
  • feels sorry for himself very often;
  • loves to gossip;
  • secretly hopes that nothing will work out for the people around him;
  • has absolutely no life goals;
  • does not look for himself in life and does not know who he wants to become in the future.

The best self-control exercises to become a little more optimistic

  1. The optimist's weapon is an elastic band. Put the most ordinary pharmaceutical rubber band on your hand; they are very tight and unpleasant to the body. Every time you have thoughts that everything is bad, cause yourself pain by delaying it. Yes, it is very painful, but it is effective. Let painful sensations serve as an association that it is absolutely forbidden to think about bad things. The main thing here is not to forget to pull the elastic band after each negative thought. Over time, immunity to bad things will develop, and the person will become one step more optimistic.
  2. Limitation. To begin to control yourself in your own thoughts and statements, you need to take a blank piece of paper and write down all the most unpleasant phrases that make a person think about bad things. So, for example, opposite the words “I am constantly unlucky” or “I am a loser” there should be a contrast on an optimistic note. Written negative statements will acquire a vivid antithesis, which will become the main credo in life. This excellent exercise will give you self-confidence and faith in the best.
  3. Counting smiles. Try to wake up early in the morning and set a goal: to smile at five passers-by in a day. It is important to carry out this plan; you cannot deviate from it, otherwise turning into an optimist simply will not work. As soon as the task set in the morning is completed during the day, the number of people can be increased. The game becomes much more interesting when the count reaches hundreds. A person himself does not notice who is charged with emotions just by smiling at a stranger.
  4. Good works. This is exactly the same exercise as the previous one. Only instead of smiles you need to do very nice things. For example, feed a stray dog, take a grandmother across the road, throw a couple of coins to a beggar in the passage. It doesn't matter which one it will be good deed. You can do a certain number of things in a day, and it will even be more interesting. It is not necessary to help people on every corner, but in your free time, spend a minute or two on stranger, making him happy is a wonderful and very sweet act.
  5. Setting goals. Take a piece of paper, a pen and write down a list of 15 important goals or desires that you want to achieve throughout your life. Each time you achieve what you want, cross out what you wrote down and put a plus sign next to it. Living with such a plan is much more pleasant than not having one at all. So, one person completed the entire list own desires, which he compiled and completed in 10 years. The most striking events were: jumping with a parachute, seeing all 7 wonders of the world and taking photos in front of them, visiting all the important cities of the world, writing a book and submitting it to the editor, recording a song, going to university and getting a diploma, opening your own business, buy big house parents, start a family. And this is just a small list of what was written by that man. Try to compose what your soul and heart really want. There must be difficult points here that simply cannot be achieved on any given day.
  6. Reading books. Make a list of the most necessary books that every person needs to read. Believe me, here and vocabulary expand, and the understanding of the world will become much wider, and interest in all living things will awaken. Now the Internet is full of pages where there is a rating of the most best books, which is important for everyone to read in order to know a little more. It is very easy to be an optimist, you just have to start reading.

Seeing the positive in everything

These questions will help you understand what an optimist wants to achieve in life:

  1. How will my future change if this happens?
  2. Maybe it's time to change something in your life?
  3. What opportunities are facing me?
  4. What lesson can be learned from this situation?
  5. Will this still be relevant in a few years?

It is important to answer all these questions honestly. Listen to yourself, understand what he is saying. In this small test, it is very important to understand yourself correctly, to hear what your heart and soul are whispering. If convenient, you can even answer all five questions in writing in great detail. Let your emotions spill out onto the piece of paper. This is the only way to see positive traits.

Life is much easier for an optimist. It seems that these people have no worries or disappointments in life at all. No one knows exactly what is in the soul of a person who constantly smiles and achieves his goals. But one thing is for sure: an optimist has fortitude. It's time to pull yourself together and become the same person who is not afraid of change and boldly faces difficulties. To be an optimist means not to pay attention even to bad weather, because of which everyone’s mood can deteriorate. Rise above it all!