The color scheme of the apartment according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui colors - how to decorate living rooms and avoid serious mistakes

Feng Shui color sectors

The versatility of the surrounding world constantly accompanies us with color design. Colors and Feng Shui play a huge role in every person's life. In the house, on the street, in the workplace - there are colors everywhere. A world in black and white would be too dull.

Each shade has its own specific meaning. The symbolism of color in Feng Shui plays a key role in interior design, choice of clothing, interior design of a workplace or home. In all these and many other cases, it is the harmony of halftones that gives good mood, positive attitude, excellent health, and in some cases, good luck in business, well-being in the family and rapid career growth.

Correct interior colors

Color is directly related to the teaching of the 5 elements. Following the advice of the masters of this science, you can choose exactly the interior that will not only be pleasing to the eye, but will also attract good luck and create harmony both in the house and in your soul.

Combination of colors in the interior

You should immediately understand that colors in the West and East are somewhat different in perception. Take black, for example. In the European tradition, it symbolizes negativity, evil, negative energy. It is not for nothing that black has become the color of mourning and sadness in our country. While white is perceived as the color of joy, fun, positive mood, and is also a symbol of purity and innocence.

But Chinese culture views black color completely differently. Here it is white that is a sign of death, mourning and sadness. And in black they see the embodiment of secrecy and mystery.

Often it is much more important how exactly a color affects a particular person than adhering to generally accepted traditions, except for one - the Feng Shui tradition. It is she who creates harmony in the interior design of our homes. And therefore it is very important to know exactly how color affects people from the point of view of subtle energies.

To do this, consider the different colors in:

What does Feng Shui say about color?

As already mentioned, colors are associated with the doctrine of the 5 elements. An important role is played by the relationship between yin and yang, as well as 5 types of energies - elements. These are, as you know, Fire, Earth, Wood, Metal, Water. They do not exist on their own, but constantly interact. Therefore, the application of colors is based on this interaction. Special significance for this he has a Circle of Generation:

Each element has its own color

Water - black

Tree - green

Fire - red

Metal - white

Earth - brown

5 energies and cardinal directions

Energies are distributed according to the cardinal directions:

North - Water

East and southeast - Tree

West and northwest - Metal

Southwest and Northeast - Earth

The center also belongs to the Earth.

The South is subject to Fire.

This is exactly how the interior can and should be decorated, according to the ideas of Feng Shui. It is important to adhere here a certain rule: colors are located in the sector to which they correspond or the element that will be “born”.

Color combinations

As you know, in Feng Shui everything is interconnected. Therefore, colors in Feng Shui also interact with each other, combining in one form or another. Energies are constantly moving, influencing each other and objects in the outside world. The dynamic response also manifests itself at the color level. Some combinations carry positive energy. Others are negative. If you don't know the right combinations, Can for a long time suffer failure that cannot be rationally explained.

Color designation in hieroglyphs

Using elemental analysis, one can find out how certain colors balance with each other, harmonious or unbalanced cycles occur. The effect of using different shades in the corners of the room may or may not be favorable. Let's look at some combinations:

  • Green and yellow (very dangerous combination- corner of southwest and northeast).
  • Yellow and metallic (great combination - west and northwest).
  • Red and blue, red and black (bad combination - south).
  • Red and yellow (a very good combination - southwest and northeast).
  • Metallic and blue (north is a good combination).
  • Blue and green (a great combination - east and southeast).
  • Green and red (a good combination is south, east and southeast, only in winter months).
  • Red and metallic (bad combination - west or northwest).
  • Green and metallic (a very bad combination - east and southeast).
  • Yellow and blue (extremely bad combination - north).

Rules for working with color in Feng Shui:

  • The predominance of any one color over others should be avoided.
  • The selection of colors should match the purpose of the room and your goals.
  • The brightness, saturation and intensity of the color can change, the main thing is to monitor your own feelings and how comfortable you are with the chosen palette.
  • Using lighting, you can change the effect of colors on residents.

It is with this approach to color that luck, wealth, and revelation will come to you. creative potential and there is so much that the harmony of symbol and color can offer.

Hello, dear readers! Would you agree with me if I say that the themes of “life” and “fate” are paramount in all disputes and discussions. At the same time, one part of the world’s population believes that everything is predetermined for us, while their opponents are inclined to believe in independent construction life path. Only God knows which of them is right. Although there are many conflicting opinions on this statement. Take for example the simplest thing - colors... Feng Shui colors are an important aspect in interior design - the color of walls or wallpaper according to Feng Shui, as well as other things in everyday life.

Feng Shui colors

On the one side happy people It is common to notice all the colors of the surrounding world: the azure sky, the lush greenery of trees and grass, the orange sun and red sunsets, the blue sea and the bright distance. On the other hand, you can see all this in completely different colors or not see it at all, believing that the world is gray and dull, and you and I are black dots on the human map. And at this moment, the ancient Chinese teaching - “Feng Shui” will become the arbitrator. It does not argue in favor of one debater or another.

Feng Shui proves that even the most drab everyday life can be easily painted with the colors of summer and become truly happy man. That is, to be the master of the situation, without at all burdening yourself with thoughts about the meaning of existence or human destiny in the Universal destiny. According to Feng Shui, colors play a colossal role for a person, and if you surround yourself with the right tones, then life will become much easier and happier, then fate will change in the most desirable direction, and problems about daily bread will cease to be so! And so forward for bright colors for a rich and happy life!

Feng Shui colors of happiness in an apartment

And before you begin virtuoso art in practice, I suggest you familiarize yourself a little with the theory. Just like in the most respected universities, but also for good reason. After all, the meaning of flowers in Feng Shui is based on the five energies that make up the entire teaching.

Fire, Earth, Wood, Metal, Water. Each of these elements constantly interacts with each other. So water nourishes the tree, the tree serves as a means of igniting fire, fire turns the combustion product into ash, or otherwise into earth. The earth is the source of the generation and extraction of metal, and already in the process of smelting it becomes liquid, like water.

Each of the feng shui elements has its own color.

  • Water, oddly enough, is indicated in a black tone;
  • tree, as in natural environment green according to the color of its leaves;
  • the flame of fire is red;
  • the metallic shade is expressed in white;
  • and the ground is indicated in brown.

Designated colors according to Chinese teaching correspond to the cardinal directions. More precisely, it would be more correct to say that the elements and their colors are the main ones in interior design when you need to choose the color of a room according to Feng Shui.

  • To the north is water;
  • to the east and southeast - a tree;
  • metal corresponds to the west or northwest side;
  • southwest and northeast sides of the earth element, as well as the central part of the world;
  • and the south is subject to fire.

Therefore, by decorating an apartment that has rooms on all sides of the world, you will get a very bright and promising future! And by the way, if each of the Feng Shui colors of the rooms is different from the other, you will receive a lot of compliments for the originality of the design. Unfortunately, I cannot boast of the same, if only because my apartment is not so extensively located on the floor. But once I happened to be in such a rainbow-colored house. Its owners - happiest family, by the way.

Feng Shui color meaning

However, the theory is characterized by its vagueness, so it is quite natural that the question arises: “what will these or those colors bring you?” “How should you decorate not only your home, the color of the room according to Feng Shui, but also individual household items?” After all, “what color of wallet attracts money according to Feng Shui”?

Red– the strongest color with similar energy. Red color can stimulate you to all kinds of actions, breakthroughs after stagnation. Red, like blood, is the very embodiment of life and appetites, both literally and figuratively. Red attracts the opposite sex, excites and gives a certain spark to relationships. This color will help you make a career - don’t even doubt it. When working at a computer, it is enough to get a red mouse pad or a red computer pad. It's easy to be the center of attention by surrounding yourself with red tones. It doesn’t have to be clothes, but a red picture behind you, for example, in the workplace will attract the attention of colleagues and clients. You can also get a red notebook for business notes, and if you are depressed and don’t want to work, you need to take a walk to places with a predominance of red. Perhaps this place will be an ordinary toilet, where such an inspiring atmosphere was created by the hands of builders and designers!

Orange - the color of freedom, as well as warmth and comfort. This certain antidepressant will invigorate and lift anyone's spirits. You will become more optimistic about the world, so if you need salvation from despondency, go ahead and buy orange things and interior items. It will not only keep you in high spirits, but also unite you in all the positive senses of the word. It also promotes workflow. Therefore, if you somehow cannot concentrate on work due to beautiful views from the window, get orange curtains or blinds. In clothes, orange makes you look young and relaxed, and this color of the room will make receiving guests more cheerful and open, and make your conversation more friendly.

Yellow According to feng shui, just like his previous brothers in tone, he is a cheerful fellow. But! It not only lifts your spirits and stimulates you to action, yellow activates the brain, so Feng Shui often recommends painting offices and other workspaces yellow. This color is a great helper in studying. Therefore, when preparing your child for school, get a few yellow accessories for the desktop - you will see how quickly you will feel the results! Moreover, the yellow “optimist” is very promising for your condition. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, the color of a wallet can be yellow or one of the variations of this color.

Green Fen Shui is a calming shade of life. Therefore, it is better to paint the rest room in green tones. Green also promotes a romantic, loving mood. Therefore, it can be used when going on a first date. Green is suitable for any room; it promotes good relationships in the family. If your activity is related to charity, then do not doubt the question of how to decorate your workspace - only green so effectively evokes sentimentality and good nature towards others. It also helps pioneers. So surround yourself with green when starting a new business, taking on unfamiliar activities, or even going on a trip.

Blue capable of immersing a person in an unreal world. Therefore, you should not abuse it in decorating rooms. However, blue gives decisiveness and teaches those who are embarrassed to refuse arrogant provocateurs. Therefore, you can stimulate this zone of your subconscious with individual interior elements - like blue paintings or floor lamps. You will also be inaccessible in a blue robe. Take this advice - dress in blue when going to a provocative meeting. However, blue can just as easily repel appetite in the kitchen or warm relations household members.

Black– despite the fact that it looks very gloomy and joyless, it is the color of elegance and authority. In black clothes or in a black car you will have no equal. The main thing is not to get too carried away with it when decorating your home - it will create fears and doom. But the black color of the wallet, on the contrary, looks very promising for cash receipts!

But don’t be discouraged if you hate green, and you really need it family well-being. In this matter even ancient teaching feng shui makes adjustments. You need to choose a color that has a beneficial effect according to your feelings. So your mood may become significantly better from orange, thereby influencing family well-being.

Personally, for example, I like red wallets. I have repeatedly heard that this color attracts thieves and is more effective in completely different matters, but I like it. Therefore, I will not part with my “money storage” for anything in the world and will not exchange it for any other. After all, the wallet feels how much I love it, so it attracts money for the sake of it.)

Do not be discouraged, believe the useful teachings. I hope you now know the meanings of Feng Shui colors, and also know how to choose the right Feng Shui colors for your room or home, and now everything will definitely be fine!

As you know, colors are of no small importance in human life. You can determine a person’s character by your favorite color, and with the help of colors you can give yourself the appropriate mood.

Today we will talk about the nine main colors by which you can better recognize yourself and those around you. But we want to immediately make a reservation that all the information below is based not only on the teachings of Feng Shui, but also on a psychological basis.

Feng Shui colors and their meanings

White color: feng shui colors

White color is a symbol of perfection, airiness and purity. This color includes the entire spectrum of colors. It is associated with lightness, divinity and virtue. White color cleanses our energy. People who love white, honest, sincere and neat, but can be overly demanding.

People who prefer white should not hang mirrors opposite the door or bed. If you hang a mirror opposite the door, then all the energy, including positive energy, will immediately go back out the door, and if you hang a mirror opposite the bed, this can destroy your family and marriage, or you may have a rival or rival .

White can be used to paint dark rooms; it will give such rooms a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

And if you want to give your image innocence, purity and chastity, then choose clothes in white tones.

Red color: feng shui colors

Red is the color of passion and vitality. This color has the ability to excite, stimulate and enhance passion. In nature, red color is used to attract animals or insects of the opposite sex. But even in the human world, a woman dressed in red clothes attracts and attracts a man to her. Red – activates and warms, attracts attention, but at the same time speaks of danger. This color is recommended to use if you want to increase your body temperature and to stimulate blood circulation.

Red-colored clothes should be worn only when you want to look sexy, give yourself extravagance and courage.

Orange color: feng shui colors

Orange is a creative color. This is an optimistic color, constantly provoking some kind of action, the color of freedom. Orange color helps a person get rid of fears, depression and bad mood, and also forces one to reveal hidden possibilities.

People who prefer the color orange are often good-natured and sociable.

People who prefer orange in clothing are often proud and independent. They try to constantly influence the people around them and try to always be popular.

Orange color is good for a living room or kitchen. Being in orange rooms, people will be more open and friendly.

If you want to feel relaxed, cheerful, funny and young, then orange clothes will suit you perfectly.

Yellow color: feng shui colors

Yellow color – helps with mental work and better assimilation of information. Yellow color is also useful for insecure and shy people. Will bring into your life more joy and laughter. Just like orange, yellow will help you feel the love of life.

Those people who love yellow are usually energetic and have a lot of artistry. This is the color of creative people. Such people go through life laughing, are often original, and in most cases are honest and tolerant.

You can use yellow to paint or wallpaper your office, or a room where there is active mental work.

In clothing, yellow has the same effect as orange.

Green color: feng shui colors

Green is the color of harmony and balance. Green color is conducive to emotional relationships and love. Has a calming effect on nervous system and dulls excitement. Green color is a symbol of the beginning of a new life and harmony.

Almost all people who prefer green, can be compassionate and sentimental. They like to communicate with friends, they are often trusting, and in friendly and love relationships such people are constant. These people are tactful, generous and efficient. You can rely on them in any situation, because... they are very obligatory, their word can be trusted.

But they also have negative character traits, such as jealousy and selfishness. They can be very touchy.

Green color is inherent in absolutely any room. It can also be used in clothing without any restrictions. In green you will always be noticed and you will not look aggressive.

Blue color: feng shui colors

Blue color – cools and calms. Blue color is a symbol of calm and peace, wisdom and balance. It gives hope that everything will be fine in life, relaxes and encourages rest.

Blue color is loved by people who strive for spiritual achievements. They are not selfish, but they are often spineless. Such people can be loyal and honest, they have a lot of patience and wisdom. They love to philosophize different topics. The negative traits in these people are their weakness, sometimes imbalance, deceit and self-righteousness.

Blue color will be appropriate in bedrooms, living rooms, and wherever you prefer to relax and unwind. It will instill in you a feeling of peace and security.

In clothes, this color should be used only when you want to look naive, gentle and simple-minded.

Blue color: feng shui colors

Blue is the color of inspiration and fulfillment of desires, justice and devotion. People who prefer the color blue are friendly and loyal, but also independent.

Best avoided indoors blue, otherwise you will get the feeling that the walls of your house are pressing on you, which can lead to a feeling of discomfort and uncertainty.

Blue clothes should only be worn if you want to be a serious and inaccessible person.

Purple color: feng shui colors

Purple color symbolizes the highest kindness, wisdom and love. This is a strong color and is the color of leaders. Sharpenes intuition, senses and visual organs. It is an excellent helper for balancing spiritual and physical strength.

People whose main color is purple are slightly inclined towards a sense of grandeur and importance. They have a very well identified sense of self-worth, but often such people do not realize and do not admit their shortcomings. Creative people love mysticism.

Purple color is only suitable for meditation rooms.

Use this color in clothes only when you want to give the impression of an intellectual and incomprehensible personality.

Black color: feng shui colors

Black color is mystical and mysterious. A symbol of everything unidentified, mysterious, hidden and dark. People who are strong, calm, and with great dignity love black color. But besides this, lovers of black may be insecure and see life in gloomy, dark colors.

In clothing, black symbolizes sophistication and authority.

Colors have a great influence on us and our lives, many people know this. However, not everyone is given the ability to correctly choose the right color in clothing or the interior of an apartment and ensure the color balance necessary for harmony. Understand the “energy” subtleties different colors The ancient Chinese system of Feng Shui will help you.

Colors in feng shui

According to the concept of Feng Shui, colors in the interior of an apartment or house are of great importance. Colors, like sounds, make up the “music of contemplation” and are one of the main factors influencing the human psyche. The energy of some colors can calm you down, improve your mood or provide aesthetic pleasure, while others can cloud your perception, cause irritation, depression, malaise, etc.

Colors in the interior and the five elements

All colors in Feng Shui are classified according to their belonging to the five primary elements (elements), and since Feng Shui is the teaching of harmony in the world around us, conditions in which all the elements form a harmonious environment are considered ideal. To artificially create such conditions, according to the rules of Feng Shui, colors in the interior of an apartment must be selected in accordance with their symbolic affiliation with the 5 elements and the intended purpose of a particular room or part of it. Simply put, when choosing colors when decorating an apartment, house, office or other premises according to Feng Shui, you must take into account the influence of the 5 primary elements and their “relationships”, based on three principles (cycles), the essence of which is as follows:

  1. cycle of amplification or birth - in it one element contributes to the emergence of another, nourishing and strengthening it. This is how Wood feeds or strengthens Fire. Ashes of Fire is the basis of the element Earth. Metal is formed in the Earth, which, in turn, contributes to the birth of Water, and it feeds the Tree;
  2. cycle of control or destruction - in which one of the elements suppresses or controls the other to ensure the necessary balance. In the destructive cycle, Metal controls (destroys) the form of Wood. In turn, the Tree controls the Earth, destroying it with its roots. The Earth controls the Water, stopping its flow, water element tames the fiery one, and the energy of Fire melts Metal;
  3. a cycle of weakening is a cycle of strengthening in reverse, when one of the 5 elements feeds the other and, giving away its strength, becomes weaker. Fire “feeds” from the Tree, burning it, weakening it. The Earth, receiving “nourishment” from Fire, weakens it. Metal takes power from the earth element, and Water from Metal. And finally, Wood weakens the water element.

Let’s say if you add blue or black color to the interior, the influence of Wood will increase, but Metal will weaken, but adding green tones will strengthen Fire, but weaken Water. This way you can manipulate the energies of the elements, distributing any other colors in the required ratio.

By imagining the 5 elements in the form of flowers, you can understand how their energies interact with each other and how well a particular color corresponds to a specific place in the room.

When designing an interior color, one should take into account not only the psychology of color perception and the functional purpose of the rooms, but also the cardinal directions determined by an ordinary compass. This avoids imbalance due to the predominance of one of the elements.

Choosing Colors by Gua Number

If you are designing a living space for one person, then according to Feng Shui, it is important to use colors in the interior taking into account the direction of the individual Gua Number and the element of the year of birth, determined by the Chinese calendar.

So if Gua Number equals one, then the colors black and blue are favorable for a person.

If the Gua Number is two, five or eight, then the colors favored are beige, yellow, and brown.

Green and brown are good colors for Threes and Fours.

For Sixes and Sevens, white and metallic colors are favorable.

Nine suits red and pink colors.

Another very important aspect is that in Feng Shui, colors in their shades and saturation relative to the theory of Yin and Yang are divided into two groups.

Yin includes softer and dark colors with a dominant black tint, and to Yang - light and bright colors in which the white tint predominates.

Example of color balance according to Feng Shui

As an example, consider the possibility of using red, a color very popular in China, in the interior of a bedroom.

In Feng Shui, red is a yang color, related to the fire element and the southern side of the world, in this regard, a red tone in the southern bedroom can easily create an advantage of Fire.

The color red has a stimulating effect on a person, aggravates his reactions and dispels the feeling of calm. Therefore, it should not be used in a relaxation room, unless it is, of course, a bedroom of passionate lovers, where this color will be completely justified and even useful. However, a Fire person should not overdo it in the use of red, since strengthening the fire direction can lead to uncontrollability and health problems. In an ordinary bedroom, it is better to use light and relaxing colors - beige, blue, green, lilac.

In world traditions, including eastern ones, certain meanings are assigned to each color shade. The scarlet color is no exception. Today I invite you to learn in more detail how you can use the color red according to Feng Shui in the interior, clothing and decorative elements. For example, do you think it is possible to give red roses? Eastern teachings have a clear answer to this, but more on that at the very end.

In general, the meaning of red in China is very high. It is credited with the ability to enhance energies and accelerate the approach of desired events. No wonder this rainbow tone is associated with fire and flame.


Since red represents fire, it can successfully activate energy in certain sectors of the house. If you want your social life If you become active, to be loved, hang red lampshades in the southwest corner of your apartment or living room. These bright lights will cause a surge of yang energy in that place.

The red lampshade should not hang too low, for example, above a coffee table. Place it at least at cabinet level so that the energy of the red light is elevated. A floor lamp with a red lampshade would also work.

But red lamps should not be used in any other place except the south, southwest or northeast. Especially these small but powerful energy stimulants are not suitable for the west and northwest.

Walls and curtains

Red color in the interior according to Feng Shui has a very powerful force. If you have already tried all the recommendations on a “small scale” and still cannot find your loved one or have exhausted all means in trying to persuade your beloved to marry, paint the south-west wall bright red. You can paint the interior or exterior wall, cover it with wallpaper, or use curtains in the appropriate shade.

If your loved ones do not share your views, then make colorful changes in the interior in such a way that they are not noticeable. For example, cover the inside of the doors of a cabinet that is located in the southwestern part of the house or living room.

After the red wall has done its job, repaint it back to the original color. If it's curtains, change them.

However, you should use red very carefully in the bedroom interior, since, being very powerful, this color can create an excess of energy. You especially shouldn’t get carried away with red if you’ve been married for a long time. Feng Shui masters believe that an excess of yang energy can lead to an excessive increase in a man’s libido and he will begin to look around in search of younger women and ultimately find sexual satisfaction on the side.

Red color in the bathroom

A bathroom is considered an unfavorable place in Feng Shui, and the area in which it is located is considered to be affected by its presence. Since water is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, due to the constant flushing of water into the sewer, a symbolic outflow of energy occurs. Wherever the bathroom and toilet are located, some of the energy in that area will be “flushed away” along with the dirty water.

Eat different ways neutralization negative influence bathroom. And one of them concerns the correct use of colors. It is better to decorate the bathroom in soft pastel colors. It is recommended to avoid bright and dark colors. But this rule has an exception and it concerns the color red in the bathroom and toilet.

Energy loss can be reduced by tying scarlet ribbons or ribbons around the drain pipes under the bathtub, sink and toilet drains. Another way to raise energy flows is to place a red rug on the floor in the bathroom and toilet. The color of the fire symbolically “burns” dirty water and reduces the negative impact of the bathroom on general Feng Shui.

Red color in clothes

According to the laws of Feng Shui, each color has its own meaning. Red is no exception. What should you keep in mind when choosing red clothes? When you have an important date with someone you like, wearing red will charge you with strong chi energy. The vibrations you emit will be extremely positive and romantic. Just don't overdo it: this color shouldn't be too intense and there shouldn't be too much of it, especially if you're going on a business date, such as an interview.

It is especially good to wear red in winter and autumn, since the warmth-yang associated with this tone balances the yin of the colder months. The same principle applies to those born in years ruled by Wood. So if you were born in the winter months and your element is Wood, then red Feng Shui clothing is ideal for you. It will make you stronger.

In addition, red in Feng Shui is the color of what is already ripe. It symbolizes the ripe fruits of summer, and when applied to a blossoming relationship, it is the catalyst through which that relationship will lead to the blossoming of love.

Who suits red clothes

It must be taken into account that each of us has two control elements, which are determined by the year of birth. The first is the element of our earthly branch, or animal sign, under which a person was born. The second is the element of the celestial trunk of the year of birth, and to determine it you must use the Chinese lunar calendar. Below you will find both items.

So, for example, if you were born in 1972, your celestial element is Water. And if you were born under the sign of the Rat, then Water is your element of the earthly branch. These two elements usually do not coincide, but 1972 (as well as, for example, 1966) is a rare case of coincidence - both the year itself is Water, and the Rat is a Water sign.


This element falls on the following years: 1934, 35, 44, 45, 54, 55, 64, 65, 74, 75, 84, 85, 94, 95.


This element falls on the following years: 1936, 37, 46, 47, 56, 57, 66, 67, 76, 77, 86, 87, 97, 98.


This element falls on the following years: 1938, 39, 48, 49, 58, 59, 68, 69, 78, 79, 88, 89, 98, 99.

Animals of the year: Dog, Ox, Dragon, Sheep.


This element falls on the following years: 1940, 41, 50,51, 60, 61, 70, 71, 80, 81, 90, 91, 2000, 01.


This element falls on the following years: 1942, 43, 52, 53, 62, 63, 72, 73, 82, 83, 92, 93.

Scarlet flowers

Red roses with long stems are always perceived as a romantic gift. However, according to feng shui theory, dark red flowers usually carry another meaning and are considered especially dangerous when brought to a person in a hospital. Of course, the intentions of the person giving such a bouquet are the best, but in hair dryer shui this is not welcome. In some Eastern traditions, the color scarlet next to a sick person means death.

For lovers, red flowers also have a negative meaning. They mean that the relationship will soon end. And if there are also thorns on the stems, then the negative meaning increases several times. Feng Shui masters recommend giving your loved ones bouquets with yellow buds (but without thorns, if they are roses) - they also mean bright yang energy, but only softer. Although in many traditions yellow is called the color of betrayal and loss. This is such a discrepancy...

With the meaning of the color red in China and Feng Shui, in my opinion, everything is clear; all that remains is to use it correctly for the benefit of yourself and those around you. This hot shade can bring a lot good changes, if you use it skillfully.