All about human chakras and work. Human chakras - their meaning in the teachings of the East, West and ancient Slavs

The universe is permeated with energy. Every second the subtle body participates in energy exchange. Chakras vibrate and rotate, attracting and transmitting energy into the body.

The initial vibrations of the Cosmos are so strong that they can destroy the human body. Disturbed functioning of energy centers is a source of illness and anxiety. Energy accumulates and does not come out. How to normalize work subtle body and improve the quality of life?

In this article

Location on the body

According to Hindu philosophy, a person has two bodies: material and subtle. The subtle body affects:

  • spirituality;
  • state of mind;
  • awareness of the world.

Energy – prana – moves through the channels of the subtle body. The places where prana accumulates are called chakras. They are correlated with the nerve plexuses that are located along the spine. There are seven main energy centers: from Muladhara (at the tailbone) to Sahasrara (at the crown).

Chakras: location and symbolism

For most people, energy flow is disrupted. Accumulated negativity interferes with natural energy exchange, creating blocks and clogging the subtle body. Once awakened, the energy center changes the life of its owner. Vibrations of cosmic energy fill the spirit with strength and endow the personality with new qualities.

Yogis believe that prana imbalance is characterized by:

  • nervous breakdowns;
  • emotional problems;
  • depressed states.

Working with the subtle body will awaken hidden reserves of energy, called by ancient practitioners the power of Kundalini. Awakening is like a flash of lightning - this is how the process of releasing divine power is described in the ancient Indian epic “Bhavad Gita”.

Kundalini is compared to a sleeping snake that has bitten its own tail.

Having passed along the spine, the power of Kundalini will untie the mental knots and free the person from the coming series of rebirths.

The video explains what chakras are, what they are responsible for and where they are located:

What they look like on a subtle level

IN ancient india Yogis devoted their entire lives to spiritual quest. The masters paid for their superpowers by renouncing worldly goods, choosing asceticism and hermitage. The main role in practice was played by purification of the spirit. The work of the chakras and the development of knowledge of the divine nature depended on this.

Yoga is a legacy of ancient Indian philosophy

Descriptions of the sages have been preserved, in which each energy center corresponds to a color, sound and image. A person who has not worked with chakras has a clouded subtle body. Without spiritual practice, a bright aura looks like a clot of dirty, sickly color. This is a tone of negativity and worry.

The true colors of the chakras are bright

The more black colors of negativity a person has, the more life is filled with suffering and pain.

How to see them

Use entering an altered state of consciousness. This implies complete relaxation and concentration on something.

Do not listen to those who advise taking alcohol or drugs to enter an altered state of consciousness. Taking large doses will cause addiction, while taking small doses will not help at all.

Color and meaning of chakras

Bright clothes will have a beneficial effect on energy exchange with the Cosmos.

To normalize the functioning of energy centers, choose plain clothes in the desired colors.

1st chakra Muladhara

The color of the lower (root) chakra is red. When open, Muladhara glows fiery red. Ayurvedic symbol is the setting sun.

Muladhara - four-petalled lotus

Connects a person with the material world. Through it, the energy of the Earth enters the body, which gives the feeling:

  • stability;
  • security;
  • confidence.

The root chakra is located below the tailbone

With open Muladhara, a person approaches life with complete confidence. The root energy center teaches the value of protection, prosperity and sustenance.

When working incorrectly, a person becomes locked into own desires. Unconsciously, he does not see the needs of others and is not able to live in harmony with the body: eat moderately and rest peacefully.

  1. Aromatherapy. Cedar oil helps to accumulate earthly energy and feel peace.
  2. Kundalini yoga to awaken dormant forces.
  3. Contemplation of the blood-red sunset sun.
  4. Meditation on the tip of the nose.

Video recording live broadcast channel "Spiritual Stream" about Muladhara with questions and answers from viewers:

2nd chakra Svadhisthana

The color of the chakra is orange. Svadhisthana is located above Muladhara, in the genitals. The energy center is a source of sexual and creative energy.

Symbol of Svadhisthana - six-petalled lotus

When the chakra is open, merging with a loved one becomes a cosmic dance where feminine and masculine energies are exchanged. The principle of exchange underlies the Universe. Lovers feel a sense of belonging to the energy of the Cosmos. Their actions are inspired and full of passion.

The disrupted work of Svadhisthana is expressed in:

  • sensual rudeness;
  • lack of physical intimacy;
  • tense relationships with the opposite sex.

Aspect of Swadhisthana - the impulse to create a new life

The following will help cleanse the energy center:

  1. Contemplation of water. Bathing will cleanse the soul and remove blockages in the subtle body.
  2. Color therapy. Orange color charges with vitality and awakens sensual experiences.
  3. Tantra yoga. An ancient practice will help you deal with sexuality problems and tune in to your partner.
  4. Meditation and visualization of the god Vishnu. You will get rid of lust and greed.

Ascending from Muladhara to Svadhisthana will bring awareness and peace.

“Spiritual stream” about the second chakra:

3rd chakra Manipura

The color of Manipura is golden yellow. The chakra is located in the center of the solar plexus. IN physical body it affects the pancreas: the organ that maintains blood sugar levels.

Manipura – ten-petalled lotus

Element of Manipura – bright sunlight. In the human body this is a place of power where emotions, likes and dislikes for others are born.

Manipura controls the functioning of the lower chakras. When a person achieves harmony in feelings and desires, the third energy center opens. In this case, the color of the chakra changes to gold, corresponding to wisdom.

When Manipura is open, life is filled with harmony. A person accepts himself and respects others. Manipura fills the soul with the light of wisdom and protects against negative vibrations.

Manipura is full of solar energy

When the energy center is not functioning properly, a person feels uneasy. He gets easily irritated and loses his temper instantly.

The following will help in cleaning Manipura:

  1. Staying in nature: contemplating the sun, a wheat field, a sunflower.
  2. Color therapy. Yellow color will bring you back to an active life if you are apathetic.
  3. Aromatherapy. Lavender oil will relieve negative memories.
  4. Meditation and yoga classes.

“Spiritual stream” about Manipura:

4th chakra Anahata

The main color is green. In the physical body, Anahata corresponds to the heart.

Anahata - lotus with twelve petals

The energy of the subtle body flows into the fourth chakra. She is sensitive to the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world. The purpose of the heart chakra is to unite through pure love. Anahata is full of knowledge about unity with the Creator and divine grace.

The fourth chakra is the center of spiritual stability

An open heart chakra transforms people. Green healing energy flows from the energy center. This is the color of harmony and sympathy.

When all chakras are open and interact with Anahata, a person becomes a conductor of Divine love. Energy grants reconciliation and freedom from quarrels. With discovery comes an understanding of the value of life and a desire to merge with the Divine aspect.

With undeveloped Anahata, a person suffers from softness of character. He is unable to accept the love of others and withdraws into himself.

To cleanse your chakra use:

  1. Walking in nature and watching the clouds.
  2. Color therapy. Wearing green clothes gives confidence and heals the soul.
  3. Chanting the mantra YAM. The sound “a” helps to feel the presence of love everywhere.
  4. Bhakti yoga. Classes will strengthen your senses and fill your soul with divine presence.

“Spiritual stream” about Anahata:

5th chakra Vishuddha

Fifth throat chakra Vishuddha controls the production of hormones in the thyroid gland.

Vishuddha – sixteen-petalled blue lotus

Through the fifth energy center a person expresses feelings and thoughts. The element of Vishuddhi is ether, a carrier of information and a mediator of sound.

Chakra is responsible for awareness subtle worlds and man's understanding of his own perfection at all levels of the Universe.

Vishuddha gives a sense of wholeness

With developed Vishuddha, a person expresses thoughts freely, without fear of showing the world strong and weaknesses. The state of the chakra affects the strength of the voice and clarity of speech. A person with an open Vishuddha is independent of people’s opinions.

Impaired functioning will lead to blockage of the chakra system. Fear and guilt will settle in your soul. A person rejects the true “I” and lives under someone else’s guise. This happens to manipulators and people who throw words to the wind.

To cleanse Vishuddhi:

  1. Take frequent walks under cloudless blue skies.
  2. Wear blue clothes.
  3. Chant the mantra HAM. Vibrations will bring thinking to a new cosmic level of knowledge.
  4. Learn transcendental meditation to relieve mental stimulation and unlock mental potential.

“Spiritual stream” about Vishuddha:

6th chakra Ajna

Color blue. The ancient masters called the sixth chakra the third eye.

Ajna – 96 petal lotus

The sixth energy center is located in the middle of the forehead and affects the functioning of important glands in the body: the pituitary gland and the pineal gland.

Memory, thinking and will of a person depend on the state of Ajna. Occur in the chakra unconscious processes creation and destruction of reality affecting the material world.

The third eye creates its own reality

With the development of Ajna comes an understanding of the world order. Premonition and intuition become more acute, and it becomes possible to look into the astral plane.

With undeveloped Ajna, a person lives guided by reason. This deprives you of a holistic vision of the world. A person tries to influence people with the power of thought and authority, which leads to social isolation.

Suitable for cleansing Ajna:

  1. Contemplation of the starry sky.
  2. Sound therapy. Mantra OM.
  3. Color therapy. Blue color will open up a new subtle perception of the world.
  4. Aromatherapy. The scent of jasmine will awaken hidden images in the mind and sharpen intuition.
  5. Yantra yoga. With the help of practices you will gain the ability to see.
  6. Chakra meditation.

“Spiritual stream” about Ajna:

7th chakra Sahasrara

Color purple. The last chakra corresponds to the brain in the physical body.

The symbol of the seventh chakra is a lotus with a thousand petals

Through Sahasrara the Divine enters the subtle body. The spiritual search and development of a person begins and ends in the chakra. Here there is an awareness of things and an understanding of the world on an intuitive and intellectual level.

In Sahasrara there is unity with the Higher powers

When the chakra opens, the blocks of the subtle body are destroyed. The practitioner is filled with the energy of the Cosmos and resonates, reaching new level cosmic vibrations. Consciousness acquires depth of perception and spiritual enlightenment occurs.

If Sahasrara is closed, the development of other energy centers will not occur. Fear and a feeling of purposeless existence will appear.

How to cleanse the crown chakra:

  1. Contemplate the boundless distance from a high mountain.
  2. Perform the mantra OM or listen to silence - the music of Sahasrara.
  3. Wear purple clothes– it transforms consciousness and mind.
  4. Meditate on Sahasrara. Without opening the chakra, it is impossible to achieve samadhi (the state of supreme bliss) and gain superpowers.
  5. Use incense when meditating - this way you will quickly achieve a state of trance.

“Spiritual stream” about Sahasrara:

Chakras and diseases

When the functioning of the chakras is disrupted, the energy stagnates in the subtle body. Departments are blocked and negativity accumulates in them. This leads to poor health and illness.

Malaise is a signal that the functioning of the subtle body is disrupted. By remembering the location of energy centers, you will establish energy exchange and prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases.

Video about the relationship of chakras with diseases:

Interaction between the chakras of men and women

Male and female chakras work differently:

  • some receive, while others give energy;
  • differ in energy content;
  • rotate in different directions.

Energy exchange is the key to long-term relationships

Harmonious love relationship- a sign that a man and a woman match each other in at least three chakras: Svadhisthana, Anahata and Ajna. Couples where fewer energy centers interact break up. Except for those cases when the participants embarked on the path of joint spiritual development.

In people who have achieved enlightenment, the functioning of the chakras does not depend on gender.

Physical sensation of chakras

To physically feel the flows of cosmic energy, you need to prepare:

  • learn to control your own body;
  • improve health and increase muscle tone;
  • cleanse the body of toxins.

By learning to recognize signals from the subtle body, you will take the first step towards realizing your true Self. Don't be afraid of painful sensations. This suggests that mental blocks are being destroyed. You will feel:

  • pressure;
  • pain;
  • numbness;
  • goosebumps;
  • chills;
  • vibration.

These are signs of normalization of the flow of energies. For example, if you are pulled to the side, this indicates a distortion of the subtle body. This is a sign of future illnesses. By working with the chakras, you will heal spiritually and physically.

And in conclusion

Many health problems can be avoided if you do not forget the main rule of spiritual practice - listen to your own feelings. Don't be afraid to think outside the box. Mindsets hammered in over many years of living in a society with material assets, at first they will interfere with your spiritual path.

Understanding the worldview of the East and merging with oneself is a difficult task. There are no universal methods for achieving enlightenment in short terms. Yoga, meditation, breathing practice are just ways to awaken what is hidden in a person.

Working with chakras will reveal human potential

Everything we seek in life is hidden within ourselves. All you have to do is listen to your intuition and choose the Path that suits you. After all, all roads lead to one goal - to enlightenment.

Video about pumping the chakras with energy and their impact on a person’s life:

Figure 1. Human chakras their meaning, opening, cleansing and location

Have you ever thought about what human chakras are, why they are needed, where they are and how to clean them? Let's figure it out in simple language.

I think that the article should begin with the question of whether human chakras exist? After all, we don’t see them and most people don’t feel them. So, there is reason to believe that they do not exist?

Definitely not. There are a lot of things in the world that a person, unfortunately (although no, this would be more suitable for happiness) does not see or feel. These include not only some mystical things, but even simple radio waves, the existence of which no one denies today.

If we go back 500 years and talk about today’s technologies, it would most likely shock people. Some would call you crazy, others would simply not believe you. For example, let's take a telephone. Today we can talk on the phone and don’t even think about how it happens. But before this was something impossible. How? How can you conduct a dialogue over two handsets at any distance?

For some people, the human chakras represent something like a telephone for our distant ancestors. I hope that the time will come and people will realize that chakras actually exist. We may not see them, but this does not mean that they are not there.

Each of us has our own energy. And no one knows your energy better than you yourself. We cannot say unequivocally: “chakras actually exist,” however, this term defines internal sensations many people who were engaged in spiritual development. Chakras exist for them. Why not to the common man who is not engaged in spiritual growth, deny their existence?

What are chakras?

Chakras are human psychoenergetic centers, which represent the intersection of channels through which human life energy flows. They are also called the rotating whirlpools of energy that run along our spine.

As you should already know from the article on human energy, in order to exist and interact with the world around us, we need energy. As mentioned in the above article, one of them is food. It helps us renew tissue and “build” our body. But this is clearly not enough for us. There is an opinion that we get only 20% of the energy for existence from food. Where can I get the remaining 80%?

We will discard some others and immediately say that it is the chakras that help a person absorb the energy necessary for the body from the surrounding world.

Chakras can remind us of a receiver and transmitter of the energy that surrounds us. They work with the electromagnetic field and transform it into energy that fills us with vitality.

We are surrounded by chaos of various energies. Thanks to the chakras, a person gets what he needs from this chaos. The extent to which these chakras are open, the amount of energy you can receive. In addition to receiving, chakras are also designed to give energy to the energy world around us.

In simpler terms, with the help of chakras a person “eats” energy from the environment and gets rid of unnecessary energy. Unnecessary human energy can be used for other purposes. For example, it is absorbed by animals, plants and objects that have an extremely low vitality coefficient (surrounding objects). In addition, the energy that comes out of one person's chakras can transfer to another.

Understanding how the chakras work can become an indispensable tool for you in understanding your inner world. Once you understand the chakra system, you can easily cope with the problems that arise in your life.

Human chakras and their meaning

Do we even need them? What is the meaning of human chakras? Let's start with the fact that if a person's chakras stopped working at the same time, he would die. After all, human chakras are energy centers, and their meaning is quite obvious. Without energy, a person cannot live.

At bad work one or more chakras, a person feels a lack of something in his life (later we will look at what each of the chakras is responsible for).

Full and harmonious work of all chakras brings great pleasure to a person in life. Life becomes full, rich and joyful.

Chakras on the human body

Some of you may be wondering, “Are there chakras on my body?” or “Do I have all the chakras?” Definitely - YES. Absolutely everyone has chakras on the human body. The only difference is how they function. Even for a particular person, they can work differently, depending on the period of life.

Some people are lucky enough to see chakras (or this happened due to long training). They describe them as shining vortices in the form of circles that are concentrated at a point on the human body. The faster this vortex works, the more energy it can “process.”

How chakras work

A person has seven chakras in total. Each chakra operates in its own frequency range.

Figure 2. Frequency spectrum. As you can see, the colors of the spectrum correspond to the colors of the chakras

We will not delve into how a person transfers energy and information with the help of chakras, but will only say that this happens with the help of electromagnetic waves. For a more detailed consideration of this issue, you need to turn to one of the sections of physics, namely electromagnetic fields and waves.

As we have already said, chakras can carry both energy and information. The lower chakras (1-3) work mainly with energy, and the upper ones (6 and 7) work more with information. The middle chakras are a kind of balance between energy and information.

As you already know, chakras are designed to both absorb and release energy. It follows from this that they can be in one of these states, but not simultaneously, but alternating.

What are the chakras responsible for?

Each chakra is responsible for its own aspect of life. In one book I came across good example about this. Imagine that our spine is an elevator, and the chakras on our body are floors. As we rise up from the lowest chakra, we can experience life in a more beautiful way. Agree that the view from the first floor is more boring than from the seventh.

Chakras are responsible for ensuring that your life is filled with energy. And this, in turn, determines the joy, health and well-being in life.

When the work of one of the chakras is limited, you may feel a painful state, loss of strength, and a feeling of discomfort. When all chakras are blocked, physical death can occur.

First chakra Muladhara (root chakra)

Figure 3. First chakra Muladhara.

Color: red. Crystals: ruby, garnet, obsidian. Location: base of the spine.

The first chakra is called Muladhara (sometimes also called the root chakra or lower chakra). It connects the human body with the Earth. The Muladhara chakra is responsible for what a person needs first of all to survive: food, water, warmth, shelter, protection, clothing. Procreation also applies here.

In order for this chakra to be in healthy condition, you need to find a place in nature where you feel good. Some people like mountains, others like flowering gardens, some like large canyons, and others like lakes and forests. There are people who feel good only in the city. In short, you need to communicate with the nature that you like.

If a person cannot provide himself with basic necessities (food, water, shelter, clothing, etc.), then he will immediately feel the influence of the Muladhara chakra. This person simply will not be able to concentrate on anything else. Including he will not be able to engage with other chakras. The solution to this problem is obvious: you need to balance this desire for survival.

Second chakra Svadhisthana (sexual chakra / sacral chakra / sexual chakra)

Figure 4. Second chakra of Svadhisthana.

Color: orange Crystal: carnelian, amber Location: pelvic area

The Swadhisthana chakra is responsible for how satisfied you are in life. If the first chakra is limited to survival, then here you should enjoy some process.

Svadhisthana craves as much pleasure and enjoyment as possible. You can easily get used to this lifestyle: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, etc. But you should not allow your second chakra to absorb all your energy.

The problem is that at the moment of pleasure you “lose your head.” All you have to do is be aware of every moment of pleasure. If you notice that you are not doing well with the second chakra, but you do nothing, then the search for pleasure in life will never end and will lead nowhere.

There is a simple way to know that the Svadhisthana chakra is not in a balanced state. Pay attention to your attractiveness. If you consider yourself naturally attractive and do not need other methods to improve your appearance, then most likely you are fine with the second chakra. Also, pay attention not to feelings of jealousy and envy. They are signals that Svadhistan is not working properly, and if at the same time your first chakra is not working well, then these feelings will intensify.

Third chakra Manipura (solar plexus)

Figure 5. Third chakra of Manipura.

Color: yellow Crystal: amber, yellow tourmaline, citrine and topaz. Location: solar plexus

The Manipura chakra is responsible for strength and self-confidence, self-control and self-discipline. One of the most important properties of this chakra is the ability to choose. It helps you say “yes” when you agree and “no” when you disagree with something.

Thanks to the good work of this chakra, you will be able not to be influenced by other people and act at your own discretion, which gives us an important thing in life - freedom.

When we talked about the previous two chakras, we found out that for the first it will be enough to simply survive in this world, for the second it will be enough to enjoy, but for the third it is important that a person constantly develops his discipline and self-control.

If a person’s third chakra of Manipur is not balanced, then energy conflicts can often occur in his life, in which he supposedly receives some of the vital energy. Such a person may be called an energy vampire. On the contrary, when we see that a person knows how to concentrate and achieve the desired goal, and then take a break and enjoy the result, then this indicates a developed 3rd chakra.

If a person does not do what he likes in life, then, most likely, you can notice how this person’s Manipur chakra is not working correctly. After all, he submits to the will of another person and does not do what his own heart requires.

Fourth chakra Anahata (heart chakra)

Figure 6. Fourth chakra Anahata.

Color: green. Crystal: aventurine, rose quartz. Location: heart

The fourth chakra, Anahata, is responsible for bringing Love into your life. Awakening love in your heart is one of the most important goals in human life.

The Anahata chakra is the middle chakra on the human body, which separates the three lower chakras from the three upper ones. This is the first energy center of a person, which is aimed not at personal energy, but at an attempt to erase the line between people in the world and feel the unity of nature.

The heart is the place that connects your ego and your spiritual life. In addition, according to some assumptions, this is also the place where the human soul lives.

Are you ready to take care of other people without demanding anything from them in return? If yes, then most likely you understand what love is.

If you sometimes have moments when you feel complete harmony, you begin to do good deeds, then this can be called the first awakening of the fourth chakra of love.

By inducing in yourself a state of harmony, joy, love for others, you thereby attract everything to yourself. more people in whom you cause similar conditions.

If the fourth chakra is unbalanced, then it will be difficult for you to refuse another person and you will begin to indulge the demands of others, which will not always be best for you. You may be haunted by feelings of guilt and shame, which cannot be classified as positive feelings.

To move up a level from the third to the fourth chakra, you will need a lot of time and effort. You will have to develop a love for life and realize that the world is tripled as one.

Fifth chakra Vishuddha (throat chakra)

Figure 7. Fifth chakra Vishuddha.

Color: sky blue Crystal: celestine, aquamarine, chrysoprase Location: neck

The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, is responsible for your creative abilities. Each person has a certain creative gift and talent. However, not all people discover it for themselves and, accordingly, do not take full advantage of it.

A developed and balanced Vishuddha chakra allows a person to behave creatively. Music, drawing, and dancing become accessible thanks to this energy center. When doing creative work, a person feels inspired and joyful from his work.

In addition, a person uses his fifth chakra when solving any problems. Sometimes a solution comes to your mind spontaneously. These moments are called eureka moments.

If the opening and normal functioning of the fifth center indicates that a person has realized his uniqueness and originality, comprehended his knowledge about the world around him and brought it into his truth, then there is reverse side. The imbalance of the center can be noticed when a person deliberately tries to resist the opinions of others. If someone expresses his view on certain things, then such a person will definitely say: “No, you are wrong. I am right.”

Also, a violation of the functioning of the Vishuddha chakra can be indicated by a situation in which a person cannot express his opinion because he believes that it is not correct or is not interesting to anyone.

Sixth chakra Ajna (third eye chakra)

Figure 8. Sixth chakra Ajna.

Color: blue Crystals: fluorite, indigo tourmaline Location: forehead, point above the bridge of the nose

The sixth chakra, Ajna, is responsible for your fantasies and imaginary world. Its awakening occurs when you seek to understand the mysteries of the world and the meaning of life. The Ajna chakra is responsible for bringing inspiration and grace into your life, which will allow you to escape from the reality of everyday life.

To get your sixth chakra in order, you will need creative discipline and spiritual maturity.

Proper functioning of the Ajna chakra brings harmony and pleasure into your life. In addition, this chakra influences a person’s intuition. By trusting her, you will notice that you no longer need to make efforts to accomplish anything you have planned in life. It may seem to you that all situations are adjusted to you and you appear at the right time in the right place. To do this, you will have to go through a difficult and painstaking path of working on yourself.

If you have lost or still have not found the meaning of life, then you should concentrate on the sixth chakra of Ajdna. You can use runes or tarot cards to get answers. You will be given enough opportunities in life. The main thing is that you want to use them yourself.

The “third eye” effect or distortion of reality can be achieved with the help of alcohol and drugs. But this feeling will be false. However, these states show how the sixth chakra works.

Seventh chakra Sahasrara (crown chakra)

Figure 9. Seventh chakra Sahasrara.

Color: Purple or White Crystal: Clear Quartz Location: Top of head

The seventh chakra Sahasrara is responsible for connections with the Divine, the disclosure of spiritual potential, and insight. The author of one of the books about human chakras suggested that people who are now in psychiatric hospital(not all, of course). But they are not connected with the lower chakras, so they can live in their own reality, which differs from ours.

People who have completely passed the path of development from the lower chakras to the upper Sahasrara chakra begin to live under the guidance of God, while drawing energy from an infinite source.

People are not able to fully achieve the level of balance of the sixth chakra. And if it is given, then only to a few. However, sometimes a person may feel the short-term influence of this chakra. After such influence, priorities and outlook on life change.

Living, being aware of and working on the 7th chakra means living with faith and serving God. For most people, giving up the security and most precious things in life is a huge sacrifice. But this is only so at first glance. By reaching the consciousness of the highest chakra, you will receive much more in life than you had before.

Location of chakras on the human body

Figure 10. Location of chakras using the example of a skeleton

Each chakra is a small rotating cone (about 3-5 centimeters in diameter)

Figure 11. The chakra looks like a rotating cone.

Chakra colors

All 7 chakras have different color, which corresponds to the colors of the rainbow (red orange yellow green blue blue purple).

Figure 12. Chakra meditation

Working with chakras can be done through meditation. The main thing to understand here is that a person can experience for a moment the work of any of the seven chakras. But without meditation you will not be able to hold this moment for long. You need to find a strong connection between all the chakras, and working with the chakras in the form of meditation can help with this. Remember that just knowing about the chakras is not enough, they need to be experienced and felt.

The first thing you have to do when working with chakras is to develop the ability to feel them and understand the impact on your life.

To work with chakras you need peace of mind. This is perhaps the most important requirement to begin to become aware of and move through the chakra system.


Chakras are human energy centers in the form of small cones that supply energy to a person and get rid of unnecessary energy. Chakras are extremely important for humans, because it is through them that we receive the main amount of energy, which in turn we need for existence.

Poor functioning of one of the chakras can lead to diseases and undesirable consequences for a person. Since energy is primary, and the physical body is built in the likeness of the energetic body, various diseases can be treated by restoring the chakras.

What's happened open chakra

Opening and cleansing the chakras

Chakra colors

Human chakras are invisible energy centers in astral body. Chakras carry religious, spiritual and cultural significance for all humanity. This teaching came to us from India, and the Hindus themselves often use images of chakras; they look especially bright and original on jewelry.

Using the color and symbol of a particular chakra in clothing helps the owner to open the right one

Human chakras. Meaning

Not everything that exists in the world can be seen with your own eyes. Beyond visible perception there are 7 chakras:

  1. Muladhara;
  2. Svadhisthana;
  3. Manipura;
  4. Anahata;
  5. Vishuddha;
  6. Ajna;
  7. Sahasrara.

Each of the 7 chakras is responsible for physical, mental and emotional processes in the human body. Each chakra has its own internal organs. The first, root chakra is the rectum and large intestine; second, sacred - genitourinary system and kidneys; third, solar - spleen, liver, stomach and small intestine; fourth, cardiac - heart and lungs; fifth, laryngeal - throat; sixth, frontal - brain; seventh, crown - the brain. Chakras are the same for women and men.

Analyze the main life problems and you will understand which chakra to start with

What are open chakras and how does it work?

Opening the chakras is not a myth. Spiritual teachers say that where it hurts, it is blocked. Each organ belongs to one chakra or another, and when traditional medicine does not save you from problems, help comes from meditation. Opening the chakras is a cleansing of energy blocks, memories, grievances, pressures and old unnecessary prejudices. When a person works with one or another chakra, does special yogic exercises, concentrates his attention on points inside the body, wears and eats properly, the flow of energy in the body is resumed and the chakras open. Over time, real pain in organs and muscles goes away.

The energy body is a complex structure consisting of seven main chakras

It is believed that energy comes to a person from space. It enters the Sahasrara and pours down, passing through all energy centers. In the lower chakra it twists and strives back up. This cosmic energy is called prana, and the channels are called nadis. There are three of them in the human body: left, central and right. If the energy stops in some area of ​​the nadi, this means that there is a block there. Blocks, as a rule, are psychosomatic in nature, but they manifest themselves in very real and tangible pain and discomfort.

Cosmic energy is available to everyone at any time, you just need to open your chakras

For example, if a child is not allowed to cry, express emotions or speak openly about his thoughts, there is a high probability of a blockage in Vishuddha, the throat chakra. This is the same “lump in the throat”. Later, such people are afraid of self-realization, public speaking, and cannot talk about their problems and discontent.

To activate the fifth chakra, both pranayama and mantra chanting are used.

If a child is not loved, do not tell him kind words, do not hug and do not accept with all the shortcomings - a block appears in Anahata. Later this manifests itself as pain in the heart and diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as the inability to express love, and even cruelty.

Blocked Anahata ruins the life of not only a person, but also the people around him

There are countless examples of blocks, but you can identify the root of the problem and eliminate it.

By removing the block from each chakra, you can put in order almost all areas of your life.

Opening and cleansing energy centers

How to get rid of blocks? How to open chakras? How to make sure that cosmic energy flows smoothly throughout the entire body, from head to toe and back? Here are the key practices for clearing the chakras:

Working with the mind, concentration, thoughts and emotions. Set yourself the task of getting rid of a specific illness or suffering. Concentrate on one chakra, working with color and sound, look for tensions, childhood memories in this area and direct the energy of love there.

Chakra meditation is one of the most quick ways their discoveries

Yoga. A set of Kundalini yoga exercises is aimed at activating human energy centers. Schedule yoga classes for the week: Monday - Muladhara, Tuesday - Swadhisthana, and so on. The 7 days of the week correspond to the 7 chakras of a person. Pick it up and go to practice!

Yoga is a powerful way to cleanse and open the chakras

Pranayama. Breathing exercises will help special work with that point in the body that needs attention and cleansing. Enrichment with oxygen rejuvenates the body.

Breathing practices effectively open the chakras, which is why pranayama is also very popular

Each chakra has its own sound. You can sing it, pronounce it or repeat it to yourself - this is how you concentrate on the desired center and respond to exciting questions come by themselves.

Each chakra has its own mantra

Working with crystals. Each chakra corresponds to a specific stone. Talismans have certain vibrations, change energy fields and are capable of healing.

Working with crystals and stones - good way harmonize energy body and chakras

Right actions. In addition to spiritual practices, it is necessary to do work in everyday life: tell others about your love, do good deeds, do not let aggression control you, do not be greedy, do not offend others, eat right, work.

Thanks to good deeds, blocks from the chakras go away much faster

Each chakra has its own color

Each chakra has its own color. This is her vibration, her individual signature. Sacred geometry and mathematics reign in the universe, even if we don’t always notice it. 7 notes, 7 planets, 7 days of the week, 7 chakras and 7 colors of the rainbow. The outstanding scientist Isaac Newton divided the continuous spectrum into 7 colors, and, surprisingly, they correspond to the human chakras. People who meditate regularly note that the light and color of the chakra can actually be seen if you focus your attention on it for a long time.

Each chakra has its own color and, accordingly, properties

Chakra colors:

  • Muladhara - red. The color of life, strength, resilience and courage;
  • Svadhisthana - orange. The color of emotions, pleasure, youth and health;
  • Manipura - yellow. The color of lightness, smiles and the ability to overcome difficulties;
  • Anataha - green. Color of love;
  • Vishuddha - blue. The color of creativity and self-expression;
  • Ajna - blue. The color of wisdom, logic, good memory;
  • Sahasrara - purple. The color of space, spirituality and the desire for awareness.

If you are looking for how to become better, how to live better, how to feel better, you are on the spiritual path. Do not pay attention that interest in the 7 chakras has increased so much that now everyone is speculating on this information. It is still a sacred teaching that came to us from ancient India, and it really works.

With this article we are opening a series of publications about chakras, where we will tell you in more detail about each of them, their meaning, as well as how an open chakra changes a person’s life and ways to activate it.

The 7 chakras of a person are responsible for his life, which are located along the spine. Each of them has its own function. They are responsible for the physical, mental and mental health of a person.

Man is a rainbow, all its seven colors. This is its beauty, this is also its problem. Man is multifaceted, multidimensional. It is not simple, it is infinitely complex. And from this complexity is born that harmony that we call God - a divine melody.

Man is the bridge between the animal and the divine. Animals are infinitely happy, worries and neuroses are alien to them. God is infinitely happy and conscious. Man is right between them. Remaining on the threshold, he always hesitates - to be or not to be?


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Chakras are located in the subtle etheric body of a person. The chakra has the shape of a cone with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters, which constantly rotates. These cones taper as they enter the body and “connect” to the spine. The spine is the main energy column of a person.

Depending on its location, each chakra oversees the work of certain human organs and systems and feeds them with energy. They have a special influence on the human endocrine system, which regulates all processes in the human body.

All seven chakras are constantly spinning and vibrating. Thanks to this, they attract the energy of the Universe and transmit it through all channels to the body. When rotated to the right, the chakra fills with masculine energy, which is responsible for willpower, aggression, thirst for power and vigorous activity. If to the left, it attracts feminine energy. If you engage in spiritual self-development, you can learn to see the turns of the chakras and independently change the trajectory of their movement.

All energy from the Universe, surrounding people and objects enters the seven chakras, and then disperses throughout the body. Chakras are energy centers through which energy and information exchange between the body and the environment occurs.

Through the chakras, the body is fed with energy and waste energy is released. Where does the waste energy of a person go? It is absorbed by plant and fauna, or another person.

The 7 main human chakras are located in the following areas:

  • the seventh crown (sahasrara) is located in the crown area;
  • the sixth chakra “third eye” (ajna) is located in the central part of the forehead;
  • the fifth throat chakra (vishuddha) is located in the throat area (thyroid gland);
  • fourth heart chakra (anahata);
  • the third chakra of the solar plexus (manipura) is located in the navel area;
  • the second sexual, sacral chakra (svadhisthana) vibrates in the pubic area;
  • The first root chakra (muladhara) is located in the perineum.

How is energy transmitted in the body and what does it mean?

The manifestation of energy occurs through the root chakra, which works at weak frequencies, and through the crown chakra with the most high frequency. The human body is not able to receive frequencies directly, so it transforms them into sensations, thoughts and emotions.

Why do we so often say that we lack energy, feel exhausted and tired? Disruption in the activity of the seven chakras of a person is mainly caused by a person being in the stress of the past, being “stuck” in the past or worrying about the future. Such thoughts and experiences pump out all the vitality from a person. That is why in all books on self-development, you will find the phrase that the most important thing is “here and now.” Of course, disruption of the chakras is also facilitated by energy vampires - people who suck out the missing energy spectra from another person. This leads to disruption of the chakras and diseases.

Each chakra is connected in the human body with one of the endocrine glands. This creates a channel through which all energy is transferred from the chakras to the physical body. This energy is called the energy of life, as it helps a person to live and develop mentally and physically.

Chakra meaning

The meaning of the chakras is that they receive higher energy and transform it into lower frequency energy, which is transmitted to our body.

Highly spiritual developed people may take more energy, others less. Universal energy is so powerful that if it entered the body without transformation, then a failure would occur in all body systems. Chakras perform the function of transformers and converters of this energy into one that the human body can perceive and withstand.

A person consists of material, astral, mental and spiritual layers. Each layer operates at a specific frequency and wavelength. If you work on yourself, expand your consciousness, think positively, direct your imagination correctly, meditate, you can get rid of negativity, improve your health and heal yourself from any disease.

Seven human chakras

By concentrating on one or another chakra, you can cure any disease and improve psychological state. Think about what worries you most, what you obsess over most often, and work through it. To know which of the seven chakras of a person needs to be worked with, let’s figure out which chakra is responsible for what.

The first energy channel is the root chakra (muladhara)

Located in the crotch area, it has shades of black, red and blue. Has the sound "lam". She is responsible for stability, instincts of self-preservation and security. Element – ​​Earth. This chakra in the human body controls the functioning of the adrenal glands, intestines, and prostate. Responsible for the human genital area and affects the composition of the blood. Maladhara failure leads to constipation, reluctance to develop, lethargy and depression. It is also responsible for diseases of the blood, back and skin.

This chakra creates the basis for the life of the human body. Thanks to Muladhara, the remaining six chakras develop.

Svadhisthana chakra

Located in the pubic area, it is colored in shades of orange, yellow and blue. The mantra is the sound “you”. Responsible for changes in life, sexuality, creativity, sensitivity and honesty. Has creative energy. Element – ​​Water.

This chakra controls the functioning of the gonads, lymph flows, kidneys and genitals. When the chakra malfunctions, frequent muscle spasms, allergies, impotence and infertility, and depression occur.

All sexual energy is concentrated in the sacral center. Its main function is awareness and acceptance of another person. If Svadhisthana functions correctly, then the person will be attentive to people and able to respect the feelings of others. She is also responsible for reproductive functions.


This third solar plexus center is yellow or purple in color. The mantra is the sound “ram”. She is responsible for self-knowledge, goal setting and inner strength. Element – ​​Fire.

It has a direct effect on the functioning of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, gall bladder and liver.
When there is a failure in Manipur, stone formation is observed in gallbladder, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, ulcers and gastritis.

Through the center of the solar plexus there is a perception of the world, the transfer of our energy to the Cosmos. Promotes mental and physical development, inner strength, ability for self-realization. Through it, it is determined whether a person will be a leader or a follower, and whether he will be able to achieve his goals. A desire arises in her to achieve certain heights, power, high position.

Anahata chakra

Third heart energy center. This is the center of love. Has shades of green, red and pink. The mantra is the sound “yam”. Element – ​​Air.

Affects the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and skin condition. Malfunction of the chakra leads to frequent colds, heart pain, hypertension, constant voltage, insomnia, chronic fatigue.

This chakra connects the three lower and three upper chakras with each other. In this way, the physical body and emotional center are able to connect with the centers of development of the spirit and mind.

This is a source of love for people, care and compassion. It helps to intuitively feel people, which makes it possible to establish contacts with others. Anahata allows us to feel the beauty and harmony of this world and is responsible for the manifestations of creativity.

All emotions, passing through Anahata, are purified and transformed into a person’s personal power.

Vishuddha chakra

Located in the throat area, it has blue and red shades. She is responsible for responsibility and communication skills. The mantra is the sound “am”. Has a relationship with the throat, thyroid gland, lungs, ears and muscular system.

The imbalance leads to difficulty communicating, slow speech, lung diseases, migraines, muscle pain, low self-esteem, and ear inflammation.

This chakra helps us express everything that is within us. Helps to express our emotions, feelings, experiences and be creative.

Ajna chakra - the third eye of a person

Located in the middle of the forehead, it has shades of blue and purple. Responsible for inspiration, development of spirituality, awareness life path and intuition. The mantra is the sound “ham-shkam”. Affects the functioning of the pineal gland and the functioning of the organs of vision, hearing, smell and brain. Disturbances in the functioning of the chakra lead to diseases of the ears, eyes, nose, lungs, and also contribute to the appearance of migraines and nightmares.

Thanks to Ajna, a person listens to intuition, to the subconscious. The ability to concentrate and the development of wisdom depend on its condition.

Central chakra

Sahasrara chakra - the seventh crown energy center, which is located in the crown area and is purple. Golden or silver color. Mantra - sound "Om". She is responsible for spirituality and insight. Affects brain function.

It is the center of excellence, the repository of knowledge. The development of this chakra occurs throughout life. The energetic connection of the other six chakras with the divine passes through Sahashara.

The Sahashara combines all the energies coming from the lower chakras. It helps to realize that life is a manifestation of the spiritual in the physical body. It is from this chakra that we begin a conscious life.

Each of the 7 chakras in our body has its own meaning and has its own function. Each chakra is responsible for a certain state of the organs and systems of our physical body. It is very important to learn how to work with them and then we will be able to properly fill ourselves with vital energy.

Let's talk about what human chakras are. Their meaning and purification is our main theme. You will be surprised how many interesting things our body contains. But the best thing is that all this can be controlled.

Chakras are bundles or clusters of energy activity. All living things are made of energy. We feel it in the wind, the warmth of the sun, even in anger nearby standing man. Surely you have seen how a person is silent, but at the same time crazy energy emanates from him and you feel his emotions with your skin. What about the energy of the concerts? This all represents a powerful psychic force.

Energy centers are associated with consciousness. If you are weakened by stress, you succumb to fears and despondency, this weakens total quantity energy. You turn into a light bulb that is about to go out. And when you recharge, you lead a creative lifestyle and it’s not just about nutrition and physical activity, then you turn into a battery.

We have 7 main chakras, there are several additional or minor ones. To make it easier to imagine, draw a picture in your head of a person standing upright - the chakras are located along the spine and resemble light bulbs in the form of a lotus with different amounts petals. This will be useful for you if you practice meditation.

Working on the chakras and spiritual development leads to increased energy, the movement of which is directed upward. This brings more inspiration, peace and enlightenment into your life.

In ancient times, thousands of years ago, when people knew Sanskrit, they meditated high in the mountains far from their civilizations. Achieving gradual perfection, these people could switch off not only from the external, but also from the internal. Their mind focused on energy and allowed them to capture the movement of the chakras and control them.

Ancient people called chakra a “wheel.” They could hear the vibrations of the chakras and counted 50 vibrations from each such vibration. Being able to hear the sounds of vibrations, they wrote them down, denoting them with letters of the alphabet. That is why Sanskrit was called the “language of the gods”, because its sounds reflect the microcosm of man.

When the sounds were ready, the ancient people wrote them down into mantras. Therefore, when reading mantras, you begin to sound like the Cosmos. Do you feel the full power of meditation? Reciting mantras will harmonize and activate the chakras, while at the same time calming the agitated mind.

Each of the energy centers has its own area of ​​influence.

  1. Muladhara – control of solid components in the body.
  2. Svadhishthana is the control of liquid components in the body.
  3. Manipura – influence on digestion.
  4. Anahata – control of gaseous substances, breathing and blood circulation.
  5. Vishuddha – control of ether, speech.
  6. Ajna – control of the mind, third eye.
  7. Sahasrara is pure consciousness.

Balancing all seven chakras will help balance mental, physical and spiritual development.

An ordinary person cannot see the chakras. To do this, they use clairvoyance, a kind of scanning of how energy flows in the body. If there is a disruption in the normal functioning of the body, it will be visible on the chakras and in the aura, and on the physical level it will appear only after a few months. Do you agree that it is easier to treat a disease before it appears?

Spiritually developing person or the seer says that the chakra resembles swirls. If a person is unwell, the swirls are dull and weak. Their glow may increase from time to time, but inharmoniously, disproportionately and only in response to external stimuli, since internal work is not carried out.

If you cleanse the chakras and open them, the turbulence will increase and intensify in luminosity. In a person with harmonious development The chakras are well-opened lotuses, their glow extending far beyond the limits of physical light. It’s no wonder that even being next to a spiritually advanced person seems to “catch” you, “infecting” him with wisdom and peace.

Now let's talk in more detail about the meaning of each of the seven chakras.

All the energy of the channels located above is based on muladhara. Its habitat is extreme lowest point torso. Moreover, many mistakenly believe that there is some kind of special button on the physical body, by pressing which you can influence the chakra. But that's not true. The location is always conditional, only a specific physical area is determined. For example, muladhara is definitely not in the area of ​​the head, but below – in the area of ​​the tailbone.

The first chakra has 4 petals and they reflect the 4 directions of earthly life - mineral, plant, animal, spiritual.

The lower energy center itself is responsible for the reproductive system, attraction, sense of smell (our most ancient instinct), and the creation of the physical structure of the body.

If you concentrate on muladhara, it will strengthen vital energy, add vigor, endurance, and determination in regard to worldly affairs. Negative work with this chakra leads to overexcitation, excessive accumulation and concentration on the material world.

Incorrect functioning of the chakra, its blockage or imbalance can be seen in constant fatigue and disappointment with life. Quantity negative energy significantly exceeds the positive intake. Physically, the problem with muladhara manifests itself in back pain, overweight, anemia.

If you feel like a lot has fallen on you, these emotions accumulate in your back. It’s like throwing a bag of anger, frustration, resentment on your back and carrying it with you, having neither the strength nor the desire to let it go. Go outside on a warm, sunny day, sit on the grass, and let all your emotional baggage flow right into the ground. Draw strength from the earth's elements - stones, trees, sea. Do you know, there are people who recharge themselves by communicating with nature? If you are one of them, communicate more with the earthly elements.

The second chakra is located in the pubic bone area. The six-petalled lotus strives for sensuality and the fulfillment of desires. Svadhishthana is responsible for digestion, taste preferences, and body protection. It works with the kidneys, liver, mammary and lymph glands.

If you awaken the second chakra, then everything suppressed and forgotten will come out, so the experience is sometimes painful, but remember - everything passes and this too.

Just as on the physical level svadhisthana affects excretory systems, on the mental level it affects feelings and desires of a sexual nature. Working on the second chakra gives free rein to deep passions. You will learn not only to preserve the powerful energy of creation, but also to create it. But the line with negative influence is very thin - a little overexcitation and now lust, anger, jealousy, envy come out.

People with a well-developed second chakra usually work in the creative field as writers, artists and musicians. But the life of such people makes svadhishthana leading, which is why artists are so arrogant and self-centered.

Do you want to improve your second chakra? Get creative. Find what touches your soul and develop in this direction. And if your main job is already related to creativity, then meditate more, seek inner peace and cool yourself with the color blue.

The third chakra is located at the navel, like a lotus with nine petals. Here the energy necessary for life in this world is accumulated and then distributed to other energy centers.

The influence of manipura extends to the liver, endocrine glands, adrenal glands, and pancreas. At the psychic level, the chakra is the meeting point between emotions and life force. If there is anywhere in the body where emotions can directly affect health and well-being, it is right here - in manipura.

People with the leading third chakra are active, energetic, persistent, like bright suns - they barely appear and immediately charge everyone with energy. These are leaders, bosses, managers. Like no one else, they can overcome difficulties and often do it with ease. They know what victory tastes like.

The chakra works with the adrenal glands, digestive system, gallbladder.

The negative development of manipura manifests itself in excessive anger, the desire to suppress others and surround oneself with a retinue, taking away other people's energy. People seek recognition and even immortality, sometimes acting dishonestly.

Suppressing the energy of the third chakra is fraught with lack of will, suspiciousness, and inactivity.

Meditation on chakra helps to develop yellow or a lot of sea and sun.

The fourth chakra, in the form of a lotus with twelve petals, is located in the heart area. It works with the lungs, thymus and cardiovascular system.

If anahata dominates in a person, then he is sufficiently curbed in his habits, submits to internal self-control, is open and kind. Ask such a person for help, and he will definitely respond, because what he really has a lot of is selflessness.

If the work of anahata is disrupted, then the person becomes sentimental, vain, and fanatical.

By focusing on meditation, you can connect with your Self, gain wisdom and inner strength. This is a place where you can curb your passions and bring your thoughts and feelings into balance.

By developing anahata, you are able to take control of your destiny.

The fifth chakra has sixteen petals. Placement: throat cavity. Minimal changes when working with the fifth chakra are improved voice and relief from diseases associated with the throat.

When Vishuddhi is disturbed and imbalanced, very rapid fatigue, irritability, and weakness occur. The risk area is the thyroid gland. Muscle and joint pain may occur. By himself, a person turns into a slow and prone to being overweight bungler.

Working on the fifth chakra means working on your own enlightenment. You will protect your inner world from the influence of external negative factors, awaken self-awareness.

Meditation on the color blue gives calmness, clarity of thoughts and purity of motives. With awakened Vishuddha, you will delve deeper into the scriptures.

At the physical level, the fifth chakra is responsible for the functioning of metabolism, the thyroid gland, throat, and teeth.

The sixth chakra has two petals. They symmetrically emanate from the pituitary gland. The action of the chakra extends to the immune and endocrine systems. If you work on its development, you can awaken clairvoyance, sharpen intuition and creativity.

By learning to control your consciousness and thoughts, you can put in order the mental processes occurring in the body.


The seventh chakra, Sahasrara, is translated as “thousand-leafed.” Its location is at the top of the head. The development of the seventh chakra, however, like the sixth, is accessible to few people in full, but if it works out, then we're talking about about going beyond space and time.

Concentration on sahasrara is not a loss of consciousness, it is a special vision of what is happening outside the matrix.

The care of the seventh chakra is skeletal and nervous system, pineal gland.

About cleansing

Working with energy centers– this is a systematic and multifaceted work. To begin with, try not to pollute the chakras, and to do this, do not let in or allow negativity, powerful destructive emotions, and do not accumulate resentment and sadness.

As we have already said above, the main work is meditation. Consciousness is directed to the area for development and, through an effort of will, the desired is visualized. The most difficult thing in the process is to first learn to relax, and therefore learn to concentrate.

Mantras are another tool for cleaning. The technique involves singing sounds that create vibrations.

Yoga affects cleaning indirectly and works well only in combination with other tools.

This is all you need to know about human chakras, their meaning and cleansing. If you have any questions, we are waiting for you in the comments.