Can rats attack humans? Do rats attack people? - this question worries everyone who has encountered gray thieves in one way or another

Residents of the first floors and private houses most often have to wonder whether rats really attack people. These animals are found large sizes, but even the young individual thanks long tail seems more significant. Taking into account appearance Fears about whether rats attack people are sometimes justified. It is recommended to delve into the causes of this phenomenon, which will allow you to protect yourself.

Are people being attacked?

Reply to this question positive. Just don’t think that the first rodent you come across is potentially dangerous and will certainly attack. However, cases of pests biting people are numerous. There are only specific reasons for this.

How often do attacks occur?

When wondering why rats are dangerous to humans, you need to know that they have long teeth, since these small animals are predators. How larger city, the more small pests there are. With a large population, there are several such animals for each resident.

If we talk about official cases, an average of 300-600 rodent attacks on people are recorded every day. However, not all victims who encounter rodents seek help from a doctor. This means there are more similar cases.

In the United States, they bite at least 14,000 people annually, mostly residents of disadvantaged areas.

Main provoking factors

If the question arises whether a rat can attack a person, the reasons for this should also be studied. Main provoking factors:

  • Rodent has rabies
  • A sense of danger, and the pest’s first reaction is to run away; if it fails, the rodent goes on to attack
  • An attempt to drive small animals out of their homes; they attack only if the colony has grown
  • Increasing the number of rodents gives them a sense of courage
  • Hunger provokes cannibalism among rodents, and the lack of food also causes them to bite other warm-blooded creatures.

Given that hunger drives pests to eat their fellow creatures, it is not surprising that rats eat people under certain circumstances.

How do rodents attack? The jump is made quickly, so the victim does not have time to jump away. However, you can determine the moment when the rodent is about to lunge. At the same time, he rises on his hind legs and bares his teeth, showing his teeth.

Do rats attack people? How often and why does this happen? Since ancient times, these rodents have been considered an enemy of humans. They caused enormous economic damage, destroying stocks of a wide variety of products and goods. Electrical wiring damaged by pests often leads to fires in warehouses and granaries. In 1977, America conducted a calculation of the damage caused by rodents.

According to statistics, the amount of damage amounted to about $1 billion. Some types of rats destroy agricultural crops, eat eggs on farms, and kill poultry and young small animals, such as newborn piglets. In addition, rats are carriers of a host of diseases: plague, rabies, typhus, etc. The harm caused annually by these unpleasant representatives of the mouse family is great, but how justified is the majority of people’s fear of rodents? Can a rat attack a person?

Rats are members of the mouse family. This genus of rodents is very widespread; various species live throughout To the globe. Several centuries ago they were not in the USA, but along with the ships of settlers the animals arrived on this continent. Today, rats are found almost everywhere humans live. The most common are 2 types of these rodents: black and gray.

Probably every person has seen gray rats at least once in their life. They are quite large, reaching 30 cm in length, and have very strong teeth. These animals live in basements and ground floors.

Black rats are smaller in size, have lighter bodies and very tenacious fingers, due to which rodents easily make nests in attics, mezzanines, suspended ceilings and even on trees.

All rats are very fertile, they reproduce at a terrifying rate: a female gives birth to an average of 5 to 20 cubs at a time, and after 18-20 hours she is ready to mate again. That is, over a short life, the rodent increases the population by several tens of thousands of individuals. Fortunately, 95% of young animals die from cannibalism of their fellows, unfavorable climate or deratization.

Typically, pests live in populations of 200-300 individuals. At the same time, they are synanthropic, that is, they live next to a person and learn to interact with him. These pests lack spatial conservatism, meaning they easily colonize new territories.

Why do rats attack people

Rats attacking people is not that uncommon. According to the Moscow City Disinfection Center, the number of victims of bites from these rodents is growing. Last year, more than 500 cases were officially recorded. There are several main reasons why pests can attack humans:

  1. Hunger. Rats are practically omnivores. Thanks to strong teeth and very powerful jaw muscles, they can chew through ropes, plastic and even metals of low hardness. Therefore, a rat can eat vegetables, seeds and fruits, as well as small animals, birds, and the bones of large animals. Cases of cannibalism are not uncommon in populations of these pests. Rats have difficulty withstanding the lack of food. In case of severe malnutrition, they can not only try to fight for food with other animals and even humans, but also attack. In a number of poor countries, hungry rodents eat the skin on the legs of sleeping people at night, and sometimes even attack babies.
  2. Fear. There is a statement that a rat driven into a corner attacks its offender. This is true. This animal can attack an enemy even much larger than itself, trying to scare him. At the same time, the pest tries to get to unprotected places and bare areas of the body.
  3. An attempt to defend territory. If you try to drive a large population of rats away from their habitat, they may attack. The greater the number of individuals in a flock, the higher the likelihood of aggressive behavior of rodents. Some time ago in Moscow, during the demolition of an abandoned store, dozens of rats, disturbed by the roar, broke out and attacked random passers-by, trying to drive them out of their possessions.
  4. Rabies. Despite the fact that rats are quite small animals, they are very fast and resilient. Running at full speed, pests can reach speeds of up to 10 km/h, while every day they cover approximately 10-15 km in search of food. An animal with rabies is very aggressive and reacts inadequately to any stimuli. In this state, a rodent can not only bite a person, but also try to chase him, continuing to attack.

Most often, a rat attack on a person ends in one or more bites. Therefore, the injury itself is not as dangerous as its consequences. Rodents are carriers of many unpleasant diseases. Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, in some countries, for example in Australia, there were special teams, engaged in trapping pests to prevent the spread of bubonic plague in cities.

Today the rat endures more than 20 dangerous infections, 8 of which are fatal to humans: typhus, various fevers, cryptosporidiosis. A rodent bite causes sodoka. This is a disease in which lymphadenitis develops, and the affected area becomes necrotic. In the absence of treatment, the mortality rate for sodoku infection reaches an average of 10%.

First aid for a rat attack

If you are attacked by a rodent or a whole bunch of rats, go to a safe place. As a rule, the animal is afraid of humans and tries to avoid contact with them. If you give the pest the opportunity to escape or leave the territory that it considers its own, then most likely aggressive behavior the rats will stop.

What to do if a rodent bites you? Wash the wound warm water with soap, then treat it with hydrogen peroxide or antibiotic ointment. Then apply a clean, dry bandage to the damaged area of ​​skin and be sure to seek medical attention. The doctor will be able to notice any alarming symptoms and prescribe appropriate treatment.

At the very beginning of 2008, which is the year of the Yellow Rat, we decided to put together all the existing myths about these nimble, tenacious, cunning animals. Most of us still don’t like rats and are afraid of them; there are all sorts of legends about them. The weekly magazine “SM Number One” decided to find out which of the existing myths are reliable and which are not.

Myth 1. A rat will survive in any conditions

Indeed, rats are perhaps the most ancient scourge of humanity. By the way, they were born many millions of years earlier than humans. People have been fighting these rodents for thousands of years, but so far without success. The rat is a fantastic opportunist, a cunning animal, capable of surviving in the wildest and harsh conditions. They may not eat or drink for weeks, endure wild temperature changes, and can easily withstand high level radiation, they know how to avoid bait.

According to scientists, no modern methods You can't kill rats. The fact is that, thanks to their innate wariness towards everything new and unusually smelling, they quickly comprehend the danger of baits with poison. Among them there are even special kamikaze testers who risk their lives to test the taste of new food.

Myth 2. Rats can attack humans

There is some truth to this myth. In general, rats are cautious, wary of people and try to stay away from them. But there are situations when the rat is forced to defend itself. And then she really attacks the person. Villagers can tell how rats have bitten or even eaten infants left unattended. Rats can also attack domestic animals - there are known cases when these rodents ate hamsters, gnawed turtles, and attacked kittens and puppies.

Myth 3. Rats carry dangerous diseases

It's true, rats are carriers of serious diseases such as rabies, salmonellosis, pseudotuberculosis, typhus and even plague. Therefore, you should be wary of a rat bite. Rats also cause sodoka (rat bite disease).

Myth 4. A rat can crawl through any, even the narrowest, crack

But this is an invention of timid townspeople. A rat can only cross the hole that its head fits through. Of all the animals, only hedgehogs have a remarkable ability to penetrate into any crevices - their skull is endowed with a certain flexibility, their head can be flattened. The hole into which a rat can penetrate cannot exceed 2.5-3 centimeters in diameter.

Myth 5. A rat can chew a hole in any material.

Indeed, only glass and iron are resistant to rats' teeth. They try (and not unsuccessfully) to chew both brick and concrete, and are very effective at dealing with wood, plastic and other materials, including electrical cable sheaths, rubber and even glass wool. They chew through brick walls, undermine dams and foundations, undermine bridge supports and turn watertight bulkheads of ships into sieves.

Myth 6. Rats reproduce at a fantastic rate

What is true is true. Pregnancy in a rat lasts only two weeks. On the third day after birth, the rat is already ready for new fertilization. The pups spend a month in the nest; females reach sexual maturity at the age of 3-4 months. The older the females become, the higher their fertility. Depending on living conditions and food resources, the female can bear offspring several times a year. Usually there are 8-10 rat pups in a litter, but there are times when this number reaches 16. The female treats the cubs very carefully, constantly licks them and keeps the nest clean. Rat milk is very nutritious.

Myth 7. The rat is the oldest laboratory animal

Rats have long been bred in laboratories specifically for experiments, since they are very unpretentious and their maintenance is cheap. Medicines, vaccines, cosmetics and much more are tested on rats.

Throughout history, rats have been perceived as pests and enemies of humans. The damage caused by rodents is incredibly high. And it's not just about the products in warehouses. Rats' vandalism of electrification wires has repeatedly led to fires and large economic losses. In the late 70s, Americans conducted a study and calculated the damage caused by critters. The amount of damage exceeded one billion US dollars.

The species that are most dangerous for farmers are identified. They mercilessly eat poultry, can feast on eggs, and individual breeds I can even handle killing little piglets.

The obvious “dislike” for rodents is also caused by their ability to carry all sorts of diseases. During the “plague”, it was these animals that served as the main distributor of the “Black Death”. Such a list of damage and risk is quite enough to declare an enemy, but how realistic are the attacks of these animals on people?

Characteristics of the lifestyle of rats

Tailed teeth represent a family of mice. The habitat is incredibly large - they live almost all over the planet. They exist both alone and in flocks. There is a gregarious patriarchy - led by a dominant male, or a matriarchy with dominant females. One colony can occupy an area of ​​1.5 to 2.5 thousand square meters. Rats lead both solitary and group existences.

In America, several hundred years ago, nothing was even heard of rats. Tailed animals were brought on trade and resettlement ships. Currently, the two most common types are known: gray and black.

Can a rat attack a person?

There are many stories about rodents attacking people in their sleep. Beneath these legends lie true facts. There are not many officially recorded cases, but they do occur. Statistics indicate that rat bites account for about 3% of bites from total number injuries caused to people by animals. Causes of a rat attack on a person

More disadvantaged sections of the population are at greater risk, so people sleeping on the streets, in basements and slums are more likely to be attacked.

There are rumors and legends around, according to which tailed pranksters have saliva with an anesthetic property and a sleeping person may not even feel the bite. But this is just a scary fairy tale. Of course, there were no anesthetics in the animals’ saliva, and there could not have been. Every pet lover who has owned this animal knows firsthand that the bite is quite painful and it is simply impossible not to feel it.

The occurrence of stories about the insensible perception of the bite is due in large part to the state in which these people were attacked. The alcoholic oblivion in which most people sleeping on the streets find themselves did not allow them to react in time to the painful sensation.

Animal attacks are most common during acute hunger and lack of food, as well as when forced to protect their own lives.

Can a rat attack pets?

Reference! It also happens that rodents attack pets. An adult rat can easily harm and even cause death to a cat, and when the number of rats exceeds 5-7, an adult dog may already be in danger of life.

No matter how scary it may be, but attacks only happen in self-defense. There is plenty of food for rodents in modern megacities, so they will not hunt pets. The only exceptions are rats infected with rabies. Their attack is causeless and is caused by a state of blood poisoning.

It is believed that bites to the face and neck are the most dangerous. In these areas the vessels are very close to skin, and infection can occur quickly. Since the infection contained in saliva directly enters the circulatory system, the victim of a bite must take immediate action.

Are attacks on people dangerous?

One or a few bites from a tailed rodent are unlikely to cause significant injury human body. Most often, the worst thing is not the attack, but its consequences, because rats are carriers of the most unpleasant viruses and diseases. In many civilized countries there are entire pest control services. They are engaged in trapping and baiting. The times of the plague have sunk into summer, but the memory of this terrible epidemic forces people to be wary of small inhabitants garbage containers and landfills.

Today, tailed animals can carry about 15 infections, some of which can lead to death in humans. One of the rare diseases that rats can get is sodoku. About 12% of people die when infected.

Nature has endowed rodents with two types of teeth. This is the only weapon for chewing food and for fighting. The bottom row of teeth is the most dangerous, as it is sharpened like a blade. These teeth can easily bite right through a finger. This phenomenon is very rare and is mainly associated with the struggle for life. After all, in order to close its teeth and bite through human flesh, the animal makes remarkable efforts. The threat to the lives of the cubs can also be a stimulus for a desperate attack.

In other, less aggressive attacks, the bites are not as bad, but very painful. Saliva, rich in all sorts of infections, can instantly spread throughout circulatory system person and cause suffering. Deep wounds remain on the skin from which blood flows for a long time.

Important! Start off drug treatment should be done even with a small bite.

Housing office workers, who often have to climb into attics and also carry out repair work in basements, are more likely than others to encounter rodents. Therefore, they undergo special instruction and training necessary actions when encountering pests, as well as the basics of first aid for a bite.

Rat bite treatment

A set of deadly infections contained in saliva can cause “rat disease”. It is also called streptobacillary fever. Manifests itself in the form of elevated body temperature, vomiting, and dermatic lesions. The rash appears the next day or two after the bite.

Timely assistance to someone who has been bitten can save his life and also prevent a long recovery. Guarantees that pet at the time of the attack he was healthy and there are no poisons in his saliva, no. Therefore, it is imperative to take preventive measures. It's another matter if you were bitten by a wild rat. In such cases, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist, undergo all tests and pass the appropriate tests.

Step by step. We provide assistance:

  • the injury site must be washed and treated with an antiseptic
  • after 10-15 minutes, rinse the wound with alcohol
  • treat the wound with iodine or brilliant green for several days

If after a rat attack you have muscle spasms, swelling of the affected area with purulent discharge, as well as redness of the skin, this means an injury Urgently need to see a specialist doctor. These signs mean the risk of the occurrence and development of infectious processes in the body. But the main symptom of the disease is elevated temperature bodies. You can’t put off a visit to a radiologist. You may already need treatment with antibiotics.

Wild rat bite

People have long moved to cities - places with the largest concentrations of rodents of all breeds and stripes. Tailed animals have chosen garbage containers, basements and attics, warehouses and entrances. Well, city dumps have become a real haven for them, abundant in food. Although attacks are not so frequent, prevention and population control still need to be carried out to avoid the spread of infections.

It is impossible to clearly identify the category of people susceptible to attack. The pest can attack both a child in the sandbox and a person sleeping on the street. The attacks are caused by one of the most ancient instincts - self-preservation of oneself and its young. When the teeth of a wild rat penetrate the skin. The likelihood of catching some kind of infection increases tenfold in comparison with a pet.

Providing first aid to the victim is not difficult. Thoroughly rinse the injury site clean water, treat with alcohol or solutions of iodine and brilliant green, and then bandage with a sterile bandage. After this, you can go to your local outpatient clinic for qualified help.

Diseases transmitted by rat bites

Rodents carry a huge list of various infections and diseases that enter the body through the blood vessels. Some of the most serious are:

  • Yersiniosis. Terrible poisoning in which the entire stomach is at risk. Throughout the illness, a person feels weak and nauseated. Vomiting can be so frequent that it causes loss of consciousness and general impotence. Seeing a doctor in advance will help you avoid the most unfavorable consequences.
  • Leptospirosis. A viral attack occurs, which damages the tissues of the renal system and liver. Death occurred in 15% of cases. But the statistics are based on those who refused medical care or did not seek it in a timely manner. Symptoms: increased body temperature, debilitating heaviness and pain in the legs, weakened body functions. These signs of the disease appear 2-4 days after an attack by a toothy rodent.
  • Coxiellosis. Loss of appetite, acute spontaneous pain in the back, constant cough, as well as insomnia, this is what characterizes this disease. The temperature rises and the person may begin to feel feverish. Such an infection is difficult to cure and in most cases remains in a person forever, manifesting itself from time to time in acute forms.

Reference! Elephants are most afraid of rats and mice. Cases have been recorded where several rats gnawed the feet of the majestic animals and they soon died from infection.

The threat of a rat attack is perfectly acceptable. However, it should be remembered that rodents attack only in situations that are dangerous to their own lives. A motionless and sleeping person on the street can be considered by a rodent as food, but such cases are very rare.

You are not in danger of being attacked by an animal unless you try to kill it or decide to spend the night in a dubious place under open air. Well, if you happen to come under attack, then remember that timely medical care will help prevent unwanted consequences.

There is no doubt that rats are nasty creatures. They have strong teeth that can even chew through concrete. There have been cases of bites, and even cases where a person was mauled to death. Let's try to figure out how often such cases occur and is it worth worrying about these facts? It happens that someone who discovers a large hole begins to worry that the rat will not be able to attack him while he is sleeping. Such people can be reassured and informed that these rodents can live in almost any house, but they try not to show themselves.

In Moscow with a population of twelve million, approximately 500 people a year are attacked by rodents, which is about 2% of all bites by various animals, of which the main ones are dog bites (stray and domestic). According to statistics, in Moscow, the ratio of the number of rats per person is approximately 1:1, and in New York it is 7:1. As you can see, the rat population is very large.

Who is most likely to be bitten? This category includes drunkards and homeless people located in dirty and smelly basements, sewer structures, on the street, in gateways and other places favored by rats.

There is an opinion that claims that rats have a special saliva that has an anesthetic effect, and if it bites, you may not feel it in your sleep. The rat body is not capable of producing any anesthetics. Let's dispel this myth and state in the affirmative - this is complete nonsense.

Homeless people and drunkards belong to the category of people who can be attacked by rodents. They may be attracted to a motionless person, whom they may confuse with a corpse or a pile of garbage. A drunk person is unable to adequately respond to pain, so rats can take advantage of this.

Let's consider in what cases these beasts can attack us. Firstly, when they are hungry. But in modern cities there is enough food for rats, and how will they attack when there is plenty of food all around? food waste? Large quantity food helps maintain a large population. Secondly, an attack on a person can be caused by defense. She most likely will not feel danger from a stationary person, but an active person can pose a threat to her.

If a pest appears in the house, it is better to try to get rid of the rodent, and if bitten, immediately contact a specialist.