How to unscrew a light bulb from a suspended ceiling: a description of the reasons for dismantling and methods for its implementation. A light bulb has burst - how to unscrew it? Step-by-step instructions for removing lamp residue from the socket (65 photos) The light bulb won’t come out, what to do?

Wear gloves and goggles for safety. Always wear thick gloves to avoid cuts from broken glass. Better yet, wear them over rubber or protective gloves. This will protect you from electric shock in case the power turns on while you are working. Glasses should protect your eyes from small glass fragments. This is especially important if the light bulb is mounted somewhere near the ceiling.

Remove any debris from the floor. They can be removed with a broom, rag or vacuum cleaner. Scoop up the pieces with a dustpan and throw them in the trash. Smaller pieces can be collected using thick paper or cardboard. And if the fragments are so small that they resemble dust, you can collect them with tape.

Place an object so that the remaining glass shards fall on it and not on the floor. If the light bulb is still susceptible to splinters or if it is fixed under the ceiling, hold this object under it and much less glass will fall to the floor, which will make cleaning much easier.

Unplug the lamp if it is plugged into an outlet. If the light bulb is broken, all you need to do to turn off the power is unplug the power cord from the outlet.

If the light bulb is fixed directly to the wall or ceiling, then turn off the power to that part of your home. Find an electrical panel with fuses or circuit breakers and turn off the power to the area of ​​the house where your light bulb is located. If you have a fuse on the panel, then unscrew it, and if there is a switch, then change its position to “off”.

  • If the panel does not indicate which part of the house each of the fuses or switches is responsible for, then it is better to turn everything off. Even if you have several electrical panels at home, you should not think that the one closest to the room with the light bulb is responsible for it.
  • If there is no natural light in the room with the light bulb, then find a flashlight in advance.
  • Try unscrewing the base counterclockwise. Your hands should always be wearing thick gloves that can protect you from cuts. And rubber gloves will protect you from electric shocks, which are unlikely, but can still happen even when the power is turned off due to improper wiring.

    Use needle nose pliers for extra strength and precision. With these you can safely grip the plinth. With the help of pliers you can apply more power when unscrewing a light bulb than if you just unscrew it with your fingers. Always unscrew counterclockwise.

    Try placing the ends of the pliers on the inside of the plinth if you can't get around the outside of the plinth. Spread the ends of the pliers so that they rest against the inner walls of the base and twist counterclockwise.

    If the above methods don't work, grab a screwdriver. Insert the end of a small flat-head screwdriver between the base and the socket. And with a smooth, gentle force, bend the edge of the base inward, enough so that you can grab it well with pliers. Now try to twist it.

    What could be easier than changing a light bulb in a chandelier or lamp? But often things are not so simple; the light bulb can break, become stuck or rust.
    Here you need special methods so as not to damage your chandelier or other lighting fixture.

    It is impossible to give a clear answer as to why the light bulb does not unscrew, because there may be several reasons.
    Perhaps the components of your lamp are not of such high quality; unscrupulous manufacturers are trying to reduce the cost of the design, saving on material in this way or using low-quality materials.
    Perhaps the reasons are related to poor electrical contact at the threaded connection.

    But what can be advised to try to prevent such problems?

    • Do not screw in light bulbs according to power more figure indicated on the lighting fixture as a maximum, in most cases it is 60W. The rule is more appropriate for incandescent light bulbs, since higher wattage incandescent light bulbs emit more heat and can damage both the lamp and the electrical connection (socket)
    • The light bulb must always be screwed tightly into the socket, but when pressing it, look for a position for the light bulb so that it can immediately be screwed into its thread freely and without much effort.
    • Do not leave greasy stains on the bulb bulb; this rule is especially important for halogen lamps. It is best to screw in light bulbs by wrapping the bulb in a thin cloth; in addition, this will protect your fingers if the light bulb breaks.
    • There are special products in the form of sprays (for example KONTAKT S61) that can be used to treat the connection, socket and thread of the light bulb and maintain reliable electrical contact on for many years even in not entirely favorable conditions, for example when high humidity. This product can also be used to treat contacts that are already slightly rusty, cleaning them. Some experts recommend rubbing the threads with graphite, this could be a piece of brush from electric motor or a thick pencil.

    Before starting any work with the lamp, you must turn off the voltage supply to it. By turning off not only the switch but also the corresponding circuit breaker in the control panel.

    How to unscrew a light bulb

    If the light bulb is intact but it doesn’t unscrew and you are afraid that it will burst. First of all, you need to unscrew it by wrapping the flask in a soft cloth. To move stuck threads, you can use a special spray, it could be “KONTAKT” or maybe a WD-shka, in the worst case, you can use some kind of alcohol deodorant. You need to spray it on the thread and give time for the substance to seep through the thread, after which the thread should “move.”

    If the light bulb bursts, but the base remained inside and there was no need to catch it to unscrew it from there. You should immediately remove any protruding pieces of glass to avoid cutting yourself.
    The most applicable option is to use pliers or round nose pliers. The light bulb base remaining inside is pushed apart from the inside with the jaws of the pliers and unscrewed counterclockwise. Or you can use thin pliers to catch the outer edge of the base and try to unscrew it in this way.
    You can also use a softening spray (described above).

    Instead of pliers, you can use other objects: the handle of a screwdriver wrapped in thick cloth, a soft wine rind, a tightly rolled wad of paper, or even a piece of soap of suitable thickness. The main thing here is to open the base from the inside so that you can turn the fixed object.

    There are more interesting way in which an ordinary plastic water or beer bottle can serve as a “unscrewing tool”. How is this done? The neck of the bottle is heated using fire until the plastic softens, you can use a lighter. Then the neck is squeezed into the base of the light bulb and held for 10 - 15 seconds. so that the plastic hardens and adheres to the base. After which the stuck light bulb is unscrewed.

    There are times when the light bulb is “tightly” stuck or rusted and none of the methods presented above helps. There is a last one radical way. You need pliers with thin jaws.
    To begin with, we knock down all the insides in the cartridge so that only the metal remains, and with the help of pliers we begin to carefully crush this metal inward, into different parts one by one and little by little. As a result, a piece of twisted metal will simply fall out of the lamp socket.

    You should be careful because this method can damage the socket itself, in addition, if the socket in the lamp was poorly screwed to the lamp leg, it may spin. So when manipulating the lamp, you need to fix the cartridge itself in your hand and not the lamp.

    During the operation of lighting devices, situations often arise when the light bulb fails. If they simply burn out, then there are no difficulties - just unscrew them and replace them with new ones. Although it is advisable to understand the reasons for what happened. The situation is more complicated, when the product exploded or was simply damaged. We will tell you what to do if a light bulb breaks in this article.

    Causes of damage

    Any electrical appliance must be operated with the utmost caution. But not in every case this is ensured 100%. So why do light bulbs burst? There may be several reasons:

    • Manufacturing defect. Violations can be made both on the flask itself and in the design of the base.
    • Increased voltage in the network. Incandescent lamps can operate above the standard voltage, for example up to 230 V. But large surges can cause damage. This is especially true if deviations are regular.
    • Problems in the contact part of the cartridge or in the switch. Often accompanied by extraneous sounds and flickering.
    • Violation of the integrity of wire connections, violations made during wiring installation.
    • Network overload with electrical appliances consuming a lot of electricity.
    • Increased vibrations and mechanical damage.
    • Operation in conditions of high humidity or temperature changes.

    The result of such phenomena can be the situation shown in the photo, when a light bulb bursts.

    There is a problem: where to start?

    Any problem with the electrical wiring system in the house is dangerous and fraught with consequences. After all, the matter may not end with damage to one lighting fixture.

    Therefore, if light bulbs burn out and explode regularly, then it is advisable to seek help from specialists or test the wiring yourself. Provided you have the appropriate skills and experience.

    If a light bulb breaks, you must follow safety rules. The most important thing is to turn off the power automatically, take your time and don’t panic. After all, even with a broken bulb, you can remove the base from the cartridge. There are many ways to do this. But personal safety must be ensured.

    The question often arises of how to unscrew the socket if a light bulb bursts. Solving the problem is not fraught with any particular difficulties - everything necessary actions are carried out independently. The only thing is that all your actions must be careful. After all, in the process of manipulation you can easily damage the cartridge.

    Well, be sure to take care of the source emergency lighting. After all, working in the dark is not very convenient, and even dangerous. Therefore, a bright flashlight will greatly help you when replacing a light bulb.

    How to unscrew a lamp with minimal effort

    If a light bulb burns out or explodes, what is the first thing to do? If the lamp is intact, it is necessary to turn off the power to the chandelier and allow the lamp to cool. For greater safety and to avoid damage, wrap the flask with a soft, non-slip cloth and carefully begin to unscrew it. Do not use excessive force, as the flask can easily burst.

    Let's consider best ways Unscrew the socket and the broken light bulb. At the very beginning, you need to use pliers to break off the fragments of the flask to eliminate the possibility of injury. Then, using pliers with narrow and elongated jaws, clamp the edge of the base and slowly begin to unscrew.

    There is no need to rush, as there is a high risk of damaging the cartridge. If you do not make sudden movements, the manipulation will be successful and the burst lamp will be removed.

    You can do it differently. The pliers should be inserted into the base and opened, pressing the jaws against the inner surface. After this, with a little effort, begin to twist it in the desired direction.

    There are several other ways to properly unscrew the base with your own hands. You can take a regular one plastic bottle with a small neck. The neck must be heated so that it begins to melt. After this, it should be placed in the cartridge and allowed to cool, secured to the base. Gently rotating the bottle, we begin to unscrew the base.

    There is another simple method that does not require special equipment. After all, it’s enough to find a medium or large-sized potato. It is cut into two parts. Take one half and carefully insert it into the base. Firmly held fragments of the bulb or the edge of the base penetrate inside the potato. After the lamp body is fixed, you can begin to unscrew it.

    Instead of potatoes, you can also use a bar of soap. To begin with, the block should be slightly softened at the surface so that the body penetrates into it more easily. Well, then carry out the manipulations similarly to the previous method.

    Without forgetting the safety rules, you can use other available means. For example, insulating tape collected in a lump with the adhesive layer facing out or ordinary newspaper will do. They are carefully inserted into the damaged base and gradually rotated counterclockwise.

    A burst lamp is not a big problem if the situation is handled competently, in compliance with safety rules and our recommendations. You can choose any method that will avoid injuries and damage. But do not forget to turn off the power to the lamp in advance.

    Photo instructions on how to unscrew a broken light bulb

    Sometimes something as bad as breaking a light bulb happens. For many people, removing the base from the socket is a real headache.

    Today I want to give advice on this almost hopeless matter. The main thing in this matter is to make sure that the electrical appliance is disconnected from the network. It is necessary to be as careful as possible when repairing an electrical appliance so as not to receive a discharge electric shock!

    Will be required

    Any plastic bottle (preferably a smaller one for convenience).
    A heating device (such as a stove burner).

    Unscrewing the broken lamp socket

    So, having taken all precautions and not forgetting to use rubber gloves, let’s get to work. It would be a good idea to first remove the cartridge from the device, for further convenience... First, let’s clear the stuck base from the glass fragments remaining there, so as not to cut yourself while working. Now we heat the thread of the prepared bottle until the plastic begins to melt and, as quickly as possible, screw the thread straight into the broken base!

    Now you need to wait a couple of minutes for the plastic to melt inside the base. After cooling, carefully turning the bottle in the desired direction, remove the base from the cartridge.

    When unscrewing it from the socket, the light bulb sometimes bursts. This is an unpleasant situation, since the lamp will still have to be taken out. This article will discuss how to unscrew a broken light bulb from its socket.

    Causes of the problem

    A lamp in a socket can burst for several reasons:

    1. Sudden voltage drop. In this case, sharp fragments remain in the base. You should be careful when dismantling to avoid injury.
    2. Careless twisting. Excessive force during dismantling is associated not only with carelessness, but also with rust that has formed inside the cartridge. It interferes with twisting. If you put in a little more effort than necessary, the light bulb will burst.
    3. Factory defect.

    Removing the remaining light bulbs should be done very carefully. There is no need to rush anywhere to avoid cutting yourself on pieces of glass or a broken cartridge.


    Before starting work, it is necessary to turn off the power to the lighting fixture. If the wiring was installed with several inputs, the power supply can only be turned off in a specific area. If this is not possible, you will need to disconnect the entire apartment. You should not rely on the switch of a lighting device that has become unusable, since its power supply may initially be incorrectly arranged and interrupt not a phase, but a zero. To illuminate the work area you will need standalone source light (flashlight, mobile phone, candle, etc.).

    Pay attention! The remaining intact central tube in the base will have to be broken before dismantling work.

    There are several options for solving the problem of a broken light bulb socket:


    Use pliers to pry up the edge of the base (without touching the cartridge itself). Rotate this element counterclockwise. Metal often sticks due to rust. In this case, treat the damaged surface with cologne or other alcohol-containing liquid. We wait a few minutes for the rust to soak. After this, we continue to unscrew the part. There is also a method in which the pliers are inserted inside and unclenched, which allows you to unscrew the base.


    This method is not suitable for ceramic products new type. However, the method works in the case of carbolite elements, since they can be disassembled. We unscrew the cartridge very carefully, supporting the base with one hand. We remove the cylinder, dividing it into two parts. As a result, a “skirt” remains in your hands, in which the base is located. Now it will be easier to work, since manipulations are carried out not under a suspended ceiling, but on the “ground” - in a convenient mode.

    Plastic bottle

    Heat a regular plastic bottle over an open flame until it melts. Work carefully as otherwise the hot plastic will come into contact with your skin. We direct the heated neck of the bottle into the metal base. We wait for the plastic to harden, and then pull the light bulb out of the socket. The plastic acts as a kind of hook due to the ability of the semi-liquid material to penetrate small cracks and irregularities.

    Champagne cork

    This method repeats the principle described above. Lightly sharpen the edges of the cork with a knife, removing the chamfer. Then insert the plug into the base of the lamp. Next, slowly unscrew the base so that you can then pull it out.


    This method is especially relevant when glass shards protrude from the base. Cut one potato into two parts. We take one of them in our hand and “put” it on pieces of glass. After this, unscrew the base.

    Other ways

    If the base does not unscrew, we use additional options:

    1. Dry rag or newspaper. We twist the material to make it denser. We direct the twist into the cartridge and take out the base.
    2. Special tool. This is the easiest way to unscrew the base. However, to implement it you will need to buy a special device in the store that looks like a clothespin.
    3. Scissors. We insert the scissors into the base. We open the tool so that the sharp edges catch the stuck part. Unscrew the base.
    4. We cut the base into fragments and take them out separately.

    Ways to avoid trouble

    To avoid getting into a situation where you have to look for a way to remove the base, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

    1. Do not install light bulbs whose power is greater than the power of the socket or lighting device. The higher the current in the lighting equipment and the brighter the light, the more thermal energy is released during its operation. As a result, the likelihood of lamp rupture increases.
    2. The lamp should “sit” tightly in the socket, but still, when screwing it in, you should not be too zealous.
    3. It is recommended to buy light bulbs from trustworthy sellers. Cheapness most often results in low-quality goods.

    So in the twisting broken light bulb there is nothing complicated about the cartridge. It is only important to work carefully and follow safety rules.