German Semenyuk radical forgiveness questionnaire. Radical forgiveness as a way to fulfill desires

“If you had told me at the age of 24 that I would start conducting Radical Forgiveness trainings throughout Russia and that this would become the main work of my life, I would have laughed in response. In those years, I was a student at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute at the prestigious Faculty of Cybernetics and was already a fairly successful businessman. My interests were more than earthly: I liked sports, pleasures, and bold achievements.

But it just so happened that God had other plans for me.

The sad story of unrequited love hurt me so much that I ended up in a wheelchair. Then it seemed to me that life was over. I felt that I was becoming a burden to my loved ones. I spent four months in different hospitals, but instead of getting me back on my feet, traditional treatments and medical experiments completely undermined my health. I was desperate!

My parents already wanted to take me to Orenburg to take care of me, but one day my friend brought a book about yoga to the hospital. From that moment my journey of self-discovery began.

I began to search, study, and experience different methods of possible healing: psychic sessions, long-term fasting (up to 25 days), yogic practices, the martial art of Wing Chun, the Bronnikov technique, Christian prayers and much more.

All this gave a good result and I got back on my feet.

But from time to time the disease returned, which caused me great anxiety. This went on for quite some time until I discovered Collin Tipping's Radical Forgiveness method. Through this method I was able to heal on a deeper level. Letting go of all grievances and fears, I accepted myself for who I am and freed myself from those negative emotions that were the main cause of my illness. I felt complete healing and the disease no longer returned to me.

Friends, impressed by my healing, began to ask my advice and everyone to whom I recommended this method was grateful, since it worked very effectively.

I became a certified trainer and at the moment I am the only expert in this field in Russia.

Today my mission is to share this valuable knowledge to help as many people as possible become healthy, happy and successful, as well as achieve spiritual and emotional well-being!" German Semenyuk

Colin Tipping

born in England in 1941, grew up in a working-class family, in the atmosphere of the war and the first post-war years. In his own words, his parents were wonderful people, hardworking and loving. As Colin Tipping himself believes, he was lucky - his childhood was calm and joyful, despite the difficult situation of that time.

Even in his childhood, he earned the trust of people who needed to speak out and talk about their feelings. In him they found someone who was willing to listen and not judge. After four years of service in the Royal Air Force, Colin Tipping devoted himself to higher education, becoming a college teacher - and even then his company, his consolation and advice were often sought by people.
In 1984, Colin Tipping emigrated to the United States and soon became a certified clinical hypnotherapist. He was attracted to hypnotherapy because, according to his own observations, it speeded up the psychotherapeutic process by at least three times.
He was not religious in earlier years and still feels free from all organized dogma. His spirituality, while fundamentally practical and down-to-earth, remains simple, free and not confined to rigid boundaries. Despite the fact that he is far from claiming that he knows the ultimate truth, and the eternal mystery of existence remains unsolved for him, he likes to reflect on it - and also come up with stories that carry meaning and sound in unison with our inner knowledge. He has the gift of bringing simplicity and practicality to spiritual matters. According to his deep conviction, spirituality is useless if it is not applicable in our everyday life. This practical approach characterizes all of his books and his seminars.

In 1992, he and his wife Jo Ann (they met in Atlanta and married in 1990) created a series of healing workshops in the mountains of North Georgia for people with cancer. Recognizing that the cause was largely to be found in lack of forgiveness, they set to work formulating a new form of forgiveness that was quick, easy to perform, and not a form of psychotherapy. This was the beginning of what would become known as “Radical Forgiveness.” Radical Forgiveness is one of the most powerful and advanced technologies leading to personal and spiritual growth. Currently, the Institute of Radical Forgiveness operates in the USA, Australia, India, Poland and Germany. Colin is a recognized authority on the use of this technology to "heal" individuals, families, races, corporations and communities. He is a lively and entertaining speaker, internationally known and respected.

Recognition came to Colin after he wrote his first book, “Radical Forgiveness: Make Space for Miracle,” in 1998, which was awarded a literary award. Now two more of his books “Radical Manifestation: the art of creating life according to your desire” and “Radical Karma” have been published in Russia.

Recently, he has taken a new initiative to bring a form of Radical Forgiveness technology adapted for corporations and other organizations as a way to resolve and prevent conflicts, strengthen corporate morale, and increase productivity. This initiative is called the Quantum Energy Management System. Colin Tipping's latest book, Spiritual Intelligence in Action, explains the need to implement this system.

His mission statement is: “My mission is to raise planetary consciousness through Radical Forgiveness and create a world of forgiveness by 2012.”

Colin Tipping is the author of the best-selling book “Radical Forgiveness,” which changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, and over time transformed into an entire system called the “Quantum Energy Management System.” Colin Tipping has devoted many years to working with cancer patients, studying the influence of forgiveness on the psychosomatic manifestations of human diseases. In Russia today, the only official representative of Colin Tipping’s Radical Forgiveness technology is German Semenyuk. In May 2015, German Semenyuk will come to Minsk with a seminar.

Radical forgiveness as a way to fulfill desires

If you have a recurring situation of unsuccessful relationships;

If you have an existing grievance that cannot be washed away or forgotten;

If you live in constant irritation and discomfort;

If you see that past grievances are preventing your desires from coming true;

If you want to become more familiar with one of the advanced personal growth techniques and apply it in your practice;

If you want to get a tool to be “here and now”;

If your life is not going the way you wanted then this training is for you.

The “Make Space for Miracle” training provides technology, using which you will free yourself from the grievances of childhood and youth once and for all.I know this pain.Many years ago I fell head over heels in love. And I thought that this was the love of my life. But my advances were rejected.My experiences were so strong that my immune system suffered and I ended up in a wheelchair.For more than six months I could not walk on my own. Then for several years I walked with a stick. After this incident, a terrible fear of loving and being rejected settled in me. And, of course, my relationships with women did not work out.I started searching for a solution to this problem. I tried many techniques and techniques. But the pain and fear still remained. And when I was already desperate to love and be happy, I was advised to read Colin Tipping’s book “Radical Forgiveness.”I read it and had an epiphany: I realized that I myself was pushing away my happiness and luck. I began to use tools for harmonizing relationships and was surprised to find that the pain and fear began to go away.

I stopped being afraid to enter into relationships and realized that I could simply love and be loved. And after some time I met a wonderful woman who became my life partner.

Simple and fast

Radical Forgiveness is an incredibly simple yet powerful tool for growth and change. Because he works with the heart and not the head, changes happen quickly and last a long time.

Radical forgiveness bypasses the human mind and interacts with the soul, which knows the truth of who we truly are.

Just imagine...

When you wake up in the morning, you feel that life is filled with joy;

You look to the future with pleasant anticipation;

You know that if suddenly resentment or discomfort looms on the horizon, you can easily cope with them;

Your wishes have begun to come true;

Your anger and resentment have changed to love and acceptance;

Behind all situations in life you begin to see their secret meaning;

You create new relationships or fill existing relationships with love...

I have been practicing Radical Forgiveness for over 6 years.

Today, I am the only Radical Forgiveness expert, student, business partner and authorized representative of Colin Tipping, the author of the Radical Forgiveness method.

Benefits of this training

You will understand who you need to forgive in order to be filled with vital energy;

Find out what grievances you have hindered your health, relationships, money and creative self-expression;

Forgive a large number of situations in your life that you were not aware of, but that affect your present;

You realize that all people are just postmen who bring you letters about yourself;

You will understand that the Universe has long wanted to tell you something, but you stubbornly do not want to hear it;

You will have the opportunity to forgive the biggest offender in your life;

You will learn how to understand and accept yourself as you are;

You will receive a technique for forgiving yourself to free yourself from guilt and shame;

You will understand the importance of accepting your achievements;

You will learn to see the beauty in others;

You will get acquainted with breathing practices and undergo an amazing meditation.

Herman talks about himself:

“I started practicing self-improvement in 1991.

Then, after a long and protracted illness, the doctors said that they were powerless and were ready to issue me documents for disability.

I spent four months in different hospitals, but instead of getting me back on my feet, traditional treatments and medical experiments completely undermined my health.

My parents already wanted to take me to Orenburg to look after me. I was 24 years old and didn’t want to give up.

One day, my friend brought a book about yoga to the hospital. From that moment my journey of self-discovery began.

I began to search, study, and experience different methods of possible healing: psychic sessions, long-term fasting (up to 25 days), yogic practices, the martial art of Wing Chun, the Bronnikov technique, Christian prayers and much more.

All this gave a good result and I got back on my feet.

But from time to time the disease returned, which caused me great anxiety. This went on for quite some time until I discovered Collin Tipping's Radical Forgiveness method.

Through this method I was able to heal on a deeper level. Letting go of all grievances and fears, I accepted myself for who I am and freed myself from those negative emotions that were the main cause of my illness.

I felt complete healing and the disease no longer returned to me.

Friends, impressed by my healing, began to ask my advice and everyone to whom I recommended this method was grateful, since it worked very effectively.

Then I began to feel a great need to pass on knowledge about a happy life to other people, and in 2010 I completed training in England at the Collin Tipping center.

I became the first certified trainer in the entire Russian-speaking space.

Radical Forgiveness is an incredibly simple yet powerful tool for growth and change. Because he works with the heart and not the head, changes happen quickly and last a long time.

Radical forgiveness bypasses the human mind and interacts with the soul, which knows the truth of who we truly are.

In my trainings, I maintain the integrity of the methodology of Radical Forgiveness and Manifestation, and also include techniques that were not included in the books and were transmitted during individual training from Colin Tipping, the author of the methodology of Radical Forgiveness and Manifestation.

All this allows the participants in my trainings to learn and apply the methodology to the maximum of its effectiveness and efficiency.

Thanks to German for the simplicity and accessibility of the presentation! A friendly atmosphere, a positive attitude and most importantly: an excellent technique - a wonderful tool for all occasions that really works! You will get the result you expected and even much more... It's simple, but very effective. Try it!

German Semenyuk began his spiritual path back in 1992. I studied a variety of techniques and settled on Radical Forgiveness as the simplest and most understandable technique. In Colin Tipping's own words: Herman has conducted more seminars than himself.

German Semenyuk: I propose to improve your life and change your worldview through Radical Forgiveness, because I myself was healed with the help of this wonderful technique.

Feeling an inner passion for the principles of Radical Forgiveness, German Semenyuk began to apply it in his life constantly. In 2010 trained by Colin Tipping in Radical Forgiveness. Today he trains coaches in the RP method and helps people get rid of limiting beliefs in their heads to create a new, happier and more interesting life.

Advantages of German Semenyuk’s trainings:

  1. Easy to understand.
  2. Instant results.
  3. Methods that are safe to use.
  4. Available to everyone without additional training.

Until you get rid of the resentment and life changes. Only by getting rid of unnecessary burden, forgiving yourself, your loved ones and those around you, will you begin a new stage and open the way to new opportunities.