Transfer of a child to another kindergarten. Transferring a child to another school - procedure and necessary documents

Life is multifaceted and unpredictable. And so sometimes you have to think about things that in normal times do not bother the population. For example, how to transfer a child to another school? This is exactly the question we will tackle today! You can't just bring your idea to life. And quickly cope with the task too. You must first prepare properly and weigh all the pros and cons of the decision. It is possible that the problem in the area of ​​child education can be solved without such serious steps.

Right to receive services

Is it possible to transfer a child to another school? Yes, parents have this right.

According to current laws, representatives of a minor can choose an educational institution for their children’s education, as well as the class in which the child will study. If desired, you can change the school or lyceum.

Important: no one has the right to refuse a transfer. This is a direct violation of Russian legislation.

Few people know, but if they wish, parents can even choose the form of education. For example, give preference homeschooling. But as a rule, similar rights are provided only if there are compelling reasons. And they won’t just fight for them.

When can I transfer?

When is the best time to transfer a child to another school? There is no clear answer to this question. A little later we will find out what psychologists think about this. First, let's study the legal basis of the operation.

By law, transfers from school to school or from class to class can be carried out at any time. The main thing is to follow a certain algorithm of actions. Let's take a look at it below.

Important: transfers are often made in the middle of the year. No one can prohibit such an action.

When is a change of institution required?

When thinking about how to transfer a child to another school, it is important for parents to understand under what circumstances it is better to agree to such a serious step. After all, the change educational institution is stressful situation for a minor.

Most often, a change of place of study is necessary if:

  • parents are not satisfied with the quality of services provided;
  • family moves;
  • extracurricular life is poorly organized at school;
  • the child is far ahead of his peers in development at a regular school or lags behind them;
  • curriculum does not suit the child or his representatives;
  • I want to change my place of study to a more elite one;
  • conflict situations with teachers;
  • serious conflicts child with students.

In some cases, the reason for transfer is the termination of the activities of the educational institution. As a rule, such situations almost never occur.

Important: before choosing a new place of study if there are conflicts with the team, you must try to peacefully resolve all problems that arise. If this fails, then proceed with the translation.

Psychologists about action

Transfer the child to another school in Moscow or another city in the Russian Federation if proper preparation not that difficult. But you still have to prepare. And have a corresponding conversation with the child too.

The thing is that psychologists assure: transfer from school to school and even from class to class seriously affects the psyche of a minor. Especially in adolescence.

Change of environment, teachers, work program, social circle - all this will shock the child at first. And that’s why you need to prepare in advance. For example, hold an explanatory conversation with a minor and discuss the upcoming operation.

Does the child himself require translation? This is the most best time to implement the task.

Important: it is better not to transfer your child to another educational institution in the middle academic year. It is preferable to apply either after the New Year holidays or wait until the end of the year.

Brief instructions

How to transfer a child to another school? If you do not take into account all the previously listed nuances and psychological aspects, coping with the task will not be difficult.

A brief guide to transferring a child to another educational institution looks like this:

  1. Select the school where you want to enroll the minor.
  2. Find out if there are free places in the classes parents are interested in.
  3. Contact the educational institution with a request to accept the child. To do this you will have to prepare a number of papers. We will look at their list later.
  4. Receive consent for enrollment.
  5. Apply to transfer to your current school.
  6. Pick up a number of children's documents. More on them later.
  7. Bring the missing papers to the new school.

It would seem that there are no problems with the task. But in practice everything is much more difficult. For example, there are not enough places in schools. And therefore, it is not always possible to transfer a child to the chosen educational institution.

Refusals to accept

Should I transfer my child to another school? If parents are sure that the minor is doing poorly in the current educational institution or is receiving a poor education, yes. But it is better to try to resolve conflicts with the team peacefully. For example, by transferring to another class.

Can they legally refuse to admit a child to an educational institution? By law, directors have this right. But it begins to act only if there are good reasons.

A transfer may be refused if:

  • the child did not pass the tests;
  • the academic performance of minors does not meet the requirements established by the school;
  • parents did not bring the required documentation to complete the task.

The most common scenario is refusal of enrollment due to lack of places in the educational institution. Under such circumstances, you need to look for another school or lyceum. There are no other options.

Important: in some educational institutions there is an unspoken rule - to enroll first of all children living near the school. Therefore, it is not always possible to get into the chosen lyceum.

Application for transfer

At school, your child was transferred to another class, but the learning problems did not go away? Then it is better to change educational institution. Sometimes only such a step helps to establish the learning process.

How to write an application for transfer? First you need to apply to the new school. The request requires the following information:

  • Full name of the child’s legal representatives;
  • Full name of the minor;
  • date of birth of the child;
  • place of registration and actual residence;
  • a request to admit a child to a specific class;
  • information about the child and his health.

In reality, everything is not so difficult. An application for transfer to another educational institution after receiving the appropriate permission is drawn up in a similar way.

Important: the established application form is usually issued at a particular school. Or they tell you to write the text from dictation.

Documents for initial application

How to transfer a child to another school? The preparation of relevant papers plays a huge role in the entire process.

To apply for the first time to a new school, you need to bring:

  • child's report card;
  • application for enrollment;
  • parents' passports;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • medical card(optional);
  • SNILS;
  • certificate of registration of a minor.

That's all. Typically, the child then undergoes a test, after which a decision regarding enrollment is made. Sometimes a simple conversation is enough.

What will they give you after expulsion?

Next important stage- this is the expulsion of a minor. During this operation, parents will have to pick up a number of documents from the child.

These include:

  • personal matter;
  • medical card;
  • certificates of academic achievement;
  • administrative act on expulsion due to transfer.

All these papers are handed over to parents, after which they are taken to the new school. Otherwise, enrollment will not be carried out. Especially without certificates of academic achievement.

"Government services" to help

How to transfer a child to another school? "Government Services" is a portal that will help you cope with the task. The main thing is to register for the service in advance and confirm your identity.

The guidelines for submitting a transfer request look like this:

  1. Go to the service.
  2. Go to the "Education" section. It can be found in the service catalog or in the "Popular" section.
  3. Select the option "Transfer your child to another school."
  4. Click the "Get..." button.
  5. Indicate the schools you would like to enroll your child in. There may be several of them.
  6. Fill out an application for transfer.
  7. Upload scans of the previously listed papers. High-quality photographs of them will do.
  8. Click on the "Submit Application" button.

All that remains is to wait for invitations to interviews. After this, parents decide which school to send their child to. The originals of the previously listed papers are provided to the selected institution.

Now it’s clear how you can transfer your child to another school through State Services. This is not so difficult to do if you choose an educational institution in advance and prepare a number of documents necessary to bring your idea to life.


In fact, issues related to the transfer of a child from school to school are extremely important. And parents must decide for themselves when to act. For example, some change schools after the primary level, while others decide to do so right away.

It is worth remembering that immediately after the transfer the child will need support from loved ones. He will have to adapt to the new environment, team, teachers and program. Often the operation under study is accompanied by a decrease in academic performance. You just need to go through the adaptation. When the child gets used to it, he will study well again.

Perhaps a good reason for changing schools without the consent of a minor is bad educational program in an institution or severe academic failure, requiring classes in special programs. In other cases, there is no need to rush.

You can transfer your child from one kindergarten to another at any time. Kindergarten is very important social institution, it allows you to free up quite a lot of time for parents, providing them with the opportunity to work and/or do housework.
The socialization of children at an early stage is also of great importance. However, situations arise when a certain kindergarten is no longer suitable.

How to translate

There is nothing overly complicated in this procedure itself. Legislation protects the interests of the family and guarantees the right to unhindered transfer. Of course, objective difficulties (lack of a sufficient number of places) can be a serious obstacle.

You need to submit an official application to the education authority of a specific city or district. The application is discussed in the commission responsible for staffing child care institutions. If there is free space, applicants receive a voucher, which must be presented to the head(s) of the kindergarten.

Most often, parents want to transfer their children not to just any kindergarten, but to a strictly defined one (convenient for visiting, differing more high quality work, etc.). Then it makes sense to contact the manager first. If there are still places in it, then the further process is quite simple: contacting the education authority will be only a formality.

When everything is agreed upon, an application to leave the previous kindergarten is submitted. You should pick up a medical card and vaccination certificate, as well as the child’s belongings. When enrolling in a new kindergarten, the child undergoes tests and is sent to a medical commission; but if he has previously attended preschool, a full examination will not be necessary. You can always consult a pediatrician at your local clinic - he will tell you which specialists you need to see. When choosing a kindergarten, you need to focus on the convenience of its location.

We only transfer the queue to another kindergarten

The number of places is very, very limited. Therefore, much more often it is necessary to draw up documents not for the translation itself, but for changing the queue.

There is only one way to move the queue to another kindergarten. If the child is already on the waiting list for a place in kindergarten, then you just need to contact the education authority with an application for transfer.

There they will replace one institution on the lists with another, and the date of predicted enrollment and its priority will, as a rule, remain unchanged.


Application for expulsion of a child from preschool when transferring to another kindergarten should include:

  1. Student's name.
  2. Date of birth.
  3. Information about the group in which he was a member.
  4. The official name of the organization where the child is being transferred, or populated area where the family is moving.

The kindergarten has no right to request any other documents other than the application. Possible direction electronic application about translation. The organization that received it within three days is obliged to prepare an expulsion order and provide the student’s parent with a personal file.

The receiving organization is obliged to:

  1. Conclude an agreement on the provision of educational services.
  2. Prepare an enrollment order within three working days.
  3. Within two working days after drawing up the order, send a written notification to the original organization about the child’s enrollment and the registration details of the order.


Where to contact

Transfer of students must occur regardless of the period of the school year.

Making a translation:

  1. Parents choose a kindergarten.
  2. They send an official request to him about the amount of free space.
  3. If there is no such place, they submit an application to the territorial education authority, whose employees are required to determine another kindergarten.
  4. They write a letter of expulsion from kindergarten.
  5. Submit an application to the kindergarten they have chosen or recommended by the educational authority, supplementing it with the original document confirming parental status or the status of a legal representative.
  6. An educational agreement of the established form is drawn up with the institution.

Possible reasons for transfer

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated December 28, 2015, a new version of the rules for transferring students from one preschool institution to another was approved. The current procedure provides for three grounds for transfer:

  1. Initiative on the part of parents or other representatives of the interests of the child provided for by law.
  2. Termination of activities of a preschool institution.
  3. Revocation of a preschool institution's license or suspension of its validity.
  1. These include children of prosecutors and investigators, children of court workers and victims Chernobyl disaster and its liquidators.
  2. Enrollment benefits are provided to children of military personnel and employees of other law enforcement agencies who died, went missing, or became disabled while performing their official duty.
  3. How to transfer a child to another kindergarten - queue for transfer5 (100%) 6 votes

Most often, the question of transferring to another kindergarten is faced by those who are about to move to a new area or even new city. There are other reasons why parents want to change the environment for their child. Some kindergartens show a careless attitude towards children, insufficient attention to child development, poor nutrition and frequent illness. Sometimes a child cannot get used to the teachers and complains about what he doesn’t like about the situation. kindergarten.

Despite the fact that this difficult question, it needs to be resolved. The law provides for any citizen possibility of transferring the child to another MDOU (municipal preschool educational institution). This is stated in Art. 25 of Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012. The difference in the transfer procedure may depend on the rules of a particular kindergarten, but in general the principle is the same. The difficulty of a shortage of places in kindergartens is what often becomes a problem, and this is what every parent faces.

Instructions for parents

Step by step description actions to transfer your child to another kindergarten should help you go through all the stages faster.

1. Testing the waters

First you need to probe the area for the availability and quality of kindergartens. You may have heard good reviews about any kindergarten: good food, many developmental programs, and the like. View reviews on forums on the Internet can be a very valuable help in finding information, including approaching directors from different institutions. Parents will tell you which kindergarten is best to avoid and which one you can safely transfer to.

Decide on the place where you want to transfer your child. Talk to kindergarten managers about availability free seats . It is at this stage that you need to agree on a place for the child, then there will be no difficulties with subsequent actions. If there is a place, then in the future ask for a voucher-direction to this particular kindergarten from the education department. Statistics show that there are not always places available and then you need to queue up for this kindergarten or look for another one.

And ask the head of your institution for a certificate stating that your child is currently attending there.

2. Where to contact?

You need to contact education department your city, namely to the commission for staffing kindergartens. Ask them to give you a special application form, where you need to indicate the personal data of the child and both parents, registration and actual address of residence, as well as a justified reason for changing the preschool institution.

Be sure to indicate in the completed documents if the child has right to priority enrollment to kindergarten. For example, if you are a working single mother. In the same application, indicate the number of the kindergarten that you have already visited regarding availability.

You will be given a direction (ticket) to the kindergarten you indicated. It indicates the validity period from the date of issue, in which you need to invest, otherwise it will be invalid. Please note that you will be given a referral to a kindergarten only if there are places in it, otherwise you will be put on a waiting list with a supporting certificate.

What documents should you take with you to fill out an application for a new kindergarten (originals and copies):

  • child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the current kindergarten stating that your child attends it;
  • if you are from preferential category, then do not forget to take the relevant documents.

In case the new kindergarten If there are places, you will be given a referral that will be valid for a certain period.

3. Queue at kindergarten

Your chances of getting into kindergarten depend on to a greater extent on the reason for the transfer child. If you have officially changed your place of residence and can provide documentary evidence in the form of a change of registration in your passport, then the issue will be resolved faster. Even if there is no place in another kindergarten, you will be restored to the queue with the original delivery date. But if you are simply not satisfied with the kindergarten, then you will be put on a waiting list from the date of your appeal on this issue. So, in the second case the chances are much lower.

4. Expulsion from the previous kindergarten

You need deduct his child from the kindergarten he attends. Check everything regarding payments and make all payments, otherwise the documents will not be given to you. Write an application to the head for transfer to another preschool educational institution. In it you indicate the reason for expulsion: “transfer to another kindergarten.” Depending on the rules of the institution, you may be required to provide documentary evidence of the transfer in the form of a referral from the education department. If everything is in order, then you can pick up the medical card and transfer it to the new kindergarten.

5. To the new kindergarten

In the name of the head of the new preschool institution you need write a statement according to the sample that will be provided to you on site. You need to bring to the new kindergarten:

  • application for admission to kindergarten;
  • referral from the commission for staffing kindergartens;
  • passport of the child’s authorized representative (parent);
  • medical card;
  • all other documents that were given to you in the previous kindergarten.

Enter into an agreement with the kindergarten to which you are transferring your child.

The notorious “no places” is a violation of children’s rights

It turns out that an answer such as “there are no places” cannot be an argument for not accepting your child into a preschool institution. Despite this, the situation is quite standard and well-known, which a huge number of parents face. Endless lists that are compiled in an unknown way and your turn still doesn’t fit.

Firstly, contact the education department and ask to be directed to another kindergarten that is in your area and that has places.

Secondly, if you are a conscientious parent, then know that the law of the Russian Federation gives the right to education to every child and the lack of places cannot influence this in any way. Law of the Russian Federation“On Education” dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 states that “The State guarantees citizens the availability and free preschool…education.”

Queues and lists by by and large semi-legal method of forming groups. Contact the head of the education department with this justified complaint. This may be the decisive moment for finding a place in a kindergarten. Otherwise, you have the right to go to court with statement of claim on the basis that your child is deprived of the right to legally guaranteed preschool education.

If the child is 5-6 years old, then the education department must quickly provide a place in kindergarten, since this is pre-school education, and it is everyone’s right to receive it for free.

Reason for transfer - child abuse

Sometimes, before transferring your child to another kindergarten, try to solve the problem in the same place. After all, there are not always places available in another kindergarten, and do not forget about the child’s stress that he will experience during the transfer.

If you not satisfied with the work of teachers for objective reasons and the head of the kindergarten does not solve this problem in any way, then you can contact the relevant authorities with a complaint about a specific preschool educational institution. Talk to other parents and write a collective complaint, which you send to the education department of your city with a request to check the teaching staff of the kindergarten for professional suitability.

If the treatment of children in a kindergarten is extremely careless, you may need to contact the prosecutor's office with a complaint about violation of children's rights. Believe me, then the reaction and measures to eliminate the incorrect relationship with children will be carried out quickly. But it's best to contact collective complaint from several parents.

Of course, these are unpleasant measures and it is better to solve everything at the manager level. However, you do not have to endure and calmly watch your child suffer.

A huge number of parents today are faced with the need to solve the difficult task of transferring their child to another preschool educational institution. There may be several reasons - this is a change of place of residence, and with nannies, and the low quality of work of teachers. In conditions where there are not enough places, as the heads of kindergartens very often say, send your son or daughter to another institution preschool type- this is a really serious problem.

Many parents are concerned about the question of how to transfer their child to another kindergarten. However, everyone understands that before carrying out the above procedure, it is necessary to comply with a number of formalities and resolve many organizational issues.

So, how to transfer a child to another kindergarten? Where to start? First of all, you should discuss the terms of this procedure with employees of the district education department. You will need to fill out an application with a mandatory indication of the reason for changing the kindergarten. The above document will be submitted to a special commission for recruitment and, if it agrees to the transfer, parents will receive a referral voucher, which must be presented to the head of the new preschool educational institution.

At the same time, fathers and mothers should be aware that the above referral is issued only if there are free places. Otherwise, parents are registered as waiting lists. If you managed to obtain the document, then the next step in deciding how to transfer the child to another kindergarten is to draw up an application for expulsion, which is transferred to the previous preschool institution. After this, an order is drawn up, which the parents familiarize themselves with against signature, and they are given a package of documents, which are subsequently provided to another kindergarten. In the new institution, you will have to write another application, pay a fee, and the child must be examined by doctors.

Those who do not have the slightest idea about how to transfer a child to another kindergarten, but who are facing the above procedure, should know that for their child, changing an educational institution is a psychological burden. After all, new peers and educators will appear in his life. As a rule, adaptation to new conditions is difficult for children, especially when their parents transfer them to kindergartens in Moscow, since this is the largest metropolis and it will take time to get used to it.

For parents, the main task is to make the procedure for changing a preschool institution for a child with psychological point vision as painless as possible. It is imperative to prepare your child for this so that he is not afraid to meet new people.

Experts recommend that mothers and fathers get to know their child’s new teachers in advance and tell them about the peculiarities of his character and behavior. In the first days, you need to do everything possible so that the child does not feel lonely. Always try to pick up your child from kindergarten on time.

So, transferring the child to kindergarten. What documents are needed for this?

When contacting the Department of Education, in addition to the application, you must provide an additional list of documents, namely: a certificate confirming the fact of the birth of the baby, a passport of one of the parents, a certificate about which kindergarten the baby is currently being educated in, and a certificate of benefits (if there are some).

| 12.10.2015

You moved to another area or you are not satisfied with the quality of teaching, and you decided to transfer your child to another school. After primary classes many parents transfer their children to schools specializing in foreign languages or some sciences. The reasons for the transfer may be different, but the problems will be the same in all cases.

Assess the situation

If the school is located in another area, first of all, assess the child’s readiness for an increased workload, an increase in the number of lessons and homework, for the fact that he will have to get up earlier and spend more time on the way to school. If your child younger age, then perhaps the distance from the new school to your home should be one of the main selection criteria.

Transferring to a new educational institution is associated with certain problems and difficulties, and not only of a psychological and adaptive nature.

First problem.
You have chosen a new school for your child, but there are no free places in this school.

You need to select a school for your child in advance. This problem usually occurs when parents decide to transfer their child in the middle of the school year. Contact your district education department and check availability at the school you are interested in.

Second problem.
Perhaps in new school the child will have to undergo testing or even take an exam.

Prepare your child for the fact that if he transfers to a school with a more complex program, he will have to undergo testing. IN elementary school This is testing with a psychologist, in secondary school subjects to check the level of knowledge. To enroll in senior specialized classes, you will have to pass a test or exam in your core subject. Moreover, the level and complexity entrance exams(tests) depends on the status of the new educational institution. If the child does not pass the test, he will be denied admission. Preparatory courses that exist at all good gymnasiums and lyceums can help you. You should know about them in advance.

Third problem.
The administration of the educational institution asks to provide financial assistance to the school.

Often, when deciding whether to transfer a child to a new school, the administration raises the question of the need to provide sponsorship. Parents may be informed about insufficient government funding, the need to purchase equipment, teaching aids, cleaning classrooms.

Remember, parents cannot refuse to admit their child to school on the basis of their failure to provide sponsorship. This is illegal and criminal. The exception is private schools.

Procedure for transferring to another school

You have checked the availability of places in the new school, the child has passed the necessary tests, and the issue of financial assistance to the school has been resolved. So, the school administration agreed to accept the child. The procedure for transferring a child to another school federal level not settled. Schools are guided by their Charters and Regulations. But the general order is this.

First, you need to get a certificate from the secretary stating that your child has been accepted to the new school. With this certificate, you must contact the director of the old school and write an application for the child’s expulsion due to transfer to another school.

After the expulsion order is signed, parents must be given all the documents, including a personal file, a medical record, a diary with annual grades certified by the school seal, and, if necessary, a certified extract of current grades. All this must be taken to the new school and an application for enrollment must be written there, on the basis of which the director of the new school will issue an order.

Documents required for transfer to another school

  • personal matter
  • medical card,
  • a diary with annual grades certified by the school seal,
  • a certified statement of current grades (if the child transfers during the school year),
  • passport of one of the parents indicating the place of residence.

Psychological difficulties and ways to solve them

To help your child adapt more easily when moving to a new school, talk to the school principal and the new class teacher. Find out what traditions and rules exist at school, what additional classes, clubs and sections there are. Tell us about your child, how he interacted with classmates, what successes he achieved, and what he was interested in. And then tell your child about your visit to school. It is advisable if you do this before you accept final decision about moving to a new school.

Introduce your child to the school in advance. If your child is a primary school student, help him meet future classmates outside of school, find new friends on a joint walk or excursion. This will make it easier for the child to adapt to a new team and a new environment.

Before making a final decision, consult a psychologist. There are certain categories of children for whom moving to another school can be quite difficult - timid and uncommunicative children, children who have health problems or limited opportunities, children with complex characters.

Taking into account the child’s personality traits, a psychologist can give advice on how to behave in a new class and evaluate the whole complex possible problems and can offer solutions.

The child goes to a new school

Learn the way to a new school, especially if your child is an elementary school student. Pay attention to the area in which the school is located.Show your child the most convenient and safe route.

Remember - the first impression is important. Think in advance what the child will look like. Accuracy, politeness and positive attitude are very important for successfully joining a new team.

What's next?

Carefully monitor changes in your child's behavior in the first months after he moves to a new school. Pay attention to whether the child’s behavior has changed, what his mood is, whether he is tired. If it is obvious that the child has not adapted well to the new school, try to find out what the problem is and try to solve it. try to help your child establish contacts with classmates, organize his rest and monitor his academic workload. The main thing is to respect his personality, take into account his wishes and capabilities.