How to download Google Drive for PC? Review of the Google drive program and increasing free space. How to make a Google drive: detailed instructions, video Google drive with a capacity of 30 TB forever

Google Drive is a cloud that allows you to save information on servers and transfer it to other users on the network. Not only documents are stored here, but also photographs, music, videos and other materials - 30 types in total. Everything is rational and standard for users of Google services. The cloud resource is available for PCs with major operating systems, while Linux users have the ability to operate in the Internet version of the resource using a browser. The resource is open to owners of gadgets with iOS and Android (you can read about the version for Mac).

Service capabilities

This product has integration with Google services: Gmail, Search, Chromebox, Photos and social. Google+ network. The account is the same for all Google customers without exception. An important feature of the service is the ability to recognize objects in photographs and scanned text.

Staying anywhere and having any device with the Disk client installed, users can manage various types of files (read about logging into storage).

For users, Google Drive provides the following options:

For managers, Google Apps provides the following opportunities:

  • tracking usage information and statistics. The Disk audit log in the admin console allows you to monitor how company employees use Google Docs software, find out how many files are created by users of this organization, what types of files they use;
  • regulation of access options to documents. Settings available in the admin console allow you to assign the default access level applied to files, and allow or deny employees to provide access to materials to users outside the walls of the organization;
  • regulation of storage space. An arbitrary user purchases 30 GB of disk space. This is a lot, however, you can purchase additional rights to increase the disk space of individual employees. Options are available in the executive console to allow users to personally purchase additional disk space;
  • delegation of ownership of files. If an employee leaves the company or changes position, then in the admin console it is possible to grant ownership of online materials to another employee.

Storage capacity

Any user is provided with free space in Google Drive in the amount of 15 GB. At any time, you can switch to a more expensive or cheaper tariff, or return to the free 15 GB. By default, any user with a Google Apps for Work account has 30 GB available to save information.

Google Drive tariffs are shown in the figure below.

Important! Quotes are provided without taking into account taxes and duties applicable in a particular country, so the final price may be slightly different.

Volume increase

The available volume of Google Drive can be increased in 3 ways:

  • when using Google Apps for Work, you can get access to an unlimited volume (or 1 TB for one user, if there are 4 of them);
  • the manager of Google Apps for Work can obtain rights to Google Drive for additional volume and assign them to selected users;
  • Users can purchase additional volume in person if the company does not disable the personal drive.

A user can only have one personal storage license. To modify the disk size, you need to remove the current license and select a new one. In Google Apps Unlimited and Apps for Education, there is no volume limit and no licenses are required.

The total size of the zone available to the user is the combination of the licensed disk space allocated to him and personal storage. Using simple operations described in the rules of use, you can check the disk capacity. Read about using Google Drive on the Android platform.

Google is still very far from being able to compete on an equal footing with Microsoft in the office suite market. However, Google Drive is popular with a huge number of people, a number that is constantly growing as Android and Chrome OS devices become more common. Our material contains ten tricks for working with Google Drive and Google Docs that you may not have known about.

Access without internet connection

Google Drive can work offline, but you need to enable the feature in Settings to do so. Once this option is enabled, Drive will begin caching the latest documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and pictures on your computer. If your Internet connection suddenly disappears at home, you can always safely access your data, as well as create new documents in Google Drive formats. As soon as the connection returns, all new files and changes to existing ones will be automatically synchronized.

Search PDFs

Google Drive automatically scans all PDF files you upload. Paranoids will not like this, but ordinary users should be pleased with the ability to search for text in scanned PDFs, as well as edit it. To do this, right-click on the document and select the “Open with Google Docs” option. This doesn't always work perfectly, but this option will undoubtedly be useful when you don't have specialized software for scanning PDF files like Adobe Acrobat at hand.

Flexible search

Google's core business is search. Therefore, it is not surprising that this is one of the strengths of the Google Drive service. Click on the arrow next to the search icon and set various criteria: file format, part of the name, address of the user who sent it to you, date of creation or time period of last editing, keywords in the file, and so on.

Scanning documents

Google Drive on Android can scan documents. Just launch the app on your device, click the "Add" button and select the "scan" function. Next, using the device’s camera, you need to take a photo, crop it and, if necessary, rotate it, after which the image will be instantly converted to PDF and will appear in your Google Drive. You can create multi-page documents in this way.

Google Drive saves all versions of documents

Google Drive saves old versions of files in case something happens to them or you want to revert to previous revisions. This is especially convenient when several people are working on one document. For files created in Google Drive, there is no time limit for rolling back to the previous version; for files downloaded from outside, this time is 30 days.

It’s only a matter of time before humanity abandons traditional input methods – the mouse and keyboard. Google is already inviting Google Drive users to abandon the usual tapping of keys, offering them an alternative in the form of voice typing. Select the “Tools” - “Voice Input” tab in the new document window, recline in your chair and simply dictate the text with your voice. True, you will still need a keyboard later to edit the result. Alas, voice tools do not yet work one hundred percent accurately.

Google Drive works with Google Now

You can search for files in Google Drive using Google Now. To do this, on your Android device, enter or say “Search Drive for” and then your request. The Google Drive app opens and displays the search results.

Convenient sorting of all files by size

If you run out of space in Google services, you can always delete something “heavy” from Drive if you don’t need it. To do this, on the main screen of the service, click on the statistics of the space used, select Google drive and click on the small “information” icon. In the menu that appears, you will see all the files on Disk, sorted by the amount of space they occupy.

It’s not news to anyone that Google Docs can insert links into the text that lead to external Web sites, but there is another option - linking documents to each other on Google Drive. This can be useful when writing scientific articles or complex materials when the text needs to refer to other sources.

Sync any folders via Google Drive

Don't forget to install Google Drive apps on all your computers. With its help, you can flexibly configure synchronization by specifying which specific folders you want to see on all your devices, and which only in the cloud. And don’t forget about the ability to synchronize any files on your device by simply dragging it into the Disk folder.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to tell you about the cloud file storage service from Google, or more precisely about how to get additional space for your files for free. By default, the Google Drive service provides only 15 GB for free, and if you need more, then pay money ($1.99 for an additional 100 GB).

It turns out that 15 GB is not all that you can get for free. Not long ago, the Local Experts service was updated, in which Google introduced game elements and incentives for active users. All you need to do is help make Google Maps better and more informative. To do this, you can upload photos of places, add places (cafes, clubs, shops, etc.), write reviews about them, update out-of-date information or answer questions.

How to increase google drive for free

For helping to improve the card service, program participants receive 1 point for each improvement. By accumulating points, experts receive levels (like RPG games - killed 10 boars received a level). For each new level you get pleasant bonuses. To increase the size of Google Drive for free by 1 TB, you need to reach level 4, namely, get 200 points, i.e. do 200 useful things that will make the cards more convenient and informative. Do you think 1 TB of free space on the google cloud service is not worth your time? Maybe it’s not worth it if the free 15 GB allocated is enough for you. Although if you look from the other side. You are doing a good deed. Help other people find this or that place. Or, for example, to understand whether the restaurant they are going to is good or not, but you have already been there and from personal experience you can evaluate it. Write the phrase “The restaurant is excellent. The cuisine is excellent and the waiters are friendly” will take you no more than 2 minutes.

Levels and bonuses

Registration in the project “Local Experts”

Registering in the project is not difficult. Visit the project page "Local Experts", then click “register” in the top menu. If you have a Google account, you will see the following window:

Select your city and check at least the first box in which you agree that you are over 18 years old and if you want to receive news from the “local experts” community, check the second box. That's it, registration is complete. Then you begin to contribute to improving Google maps.

You can track how many points you have accumulated and what level you have reached in the Google Maps mobile application (for any mobile platform). Go to the menu and select “Your impressions” (see screenshots below)

Here is a way to increase space on Google Drive for free. 1 TB of free space won't hurt. Overall, the Google “local experts” project is quite interesting and useful. Help people navigate the area and choose good places to relax and shop, and free disk space will be a bonus for you.

Who tried the service? Or maybe someone has already reached level 4? Write your impressions in the comments.

The criteria for choosing a file storage and synchronization service may be different, and today we will focus on only one aspect, which for many is the most important. Let's see where you can get the most free space, both by default and after performing some simple actions. The volumes of modern hard drives have long been measured in terabytes, and file synchronization services in some cases still offer users only a few Gigabytes for free, which is not enough in all cases. If you are just choosing a similar service or are thinking about changing, you can find out in this material the most optimal option in terms of maximum volume.

Before proceeding to the main part, we list the selection criteria for the considered software. The software should be free, popular and have a desktop client that allows you to store files in one or more folders directly on your hard drive.

The popularity criterion was added in order to weed out “one-day” services, which will still have to be changed over time. Yes, they can offer much more free space for storing files, but what good are they if they are closed in a year. In our opinion, this is exactly the case when a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky. As an example, we can recall SugarSync, which at one time ranked second, right after Dropbox, and offers more free space and the ability to increase it without restrictions using referral links. This winter, SugarSync closed the free version of the service and users had to look for an alternative. Considering that habit is a terrible force, not everyone switched to Dropbox, since it cannot accommodate the files that were placed in SugarSync.

As a result, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Yandex.Disk and BitTorrent Sync were left for comparison (we will dwell on the reasons in more detail in the corresponding section of the article).


Dropbox offers the least amount of free space of any member by default. Only 2 GB. And thus it ranks last in this indicator.

You can increase this volume in several ways:

1. Connecting social accounts - 500 MB (easy)

Users with Facebook and Twitter accounts can receive 2x125 MB for connecting these services to Dropbox. Subscribing to a Dropbox account on Twitter gives you another 125 MB, and a tweet about why you like this particular service will add the last 125 MB.

2. Completion of training - 250 MB (easy)

Dropbox offers new users to undergo a short training, almost like in computer games, for which the account size will be increased by 250 MB. The steps are quite simple, although they will take a little time. Among them: adding files to Dropbox, creating a shared folder to use with friends, inviting friends to Dropbox.

The Carousel app automatically saves photos and videos taken on your phone to Dropbox. Using this feature increases Dropbox's capacity by as much as 3 GB, but this does not happen immediately, but gradually. After uploading the first photo from your phone, 500 MB will appear in your account, and the remaining space will be added as you use this feature. However, this process can be speeded up by filming a long video in high quality, or simply throwing a large album of photos into the photo folder on your phone.

Initially, this method added 5 GB to users, but the bonus was almost immediately cut to 3 GB.

4. Using MailBox - 1 GB (easy)

The MailBox email client for Android and iOS can be closely integrated with Dropbox, for which users get 1 GB for free. To do this, you need to install Mailbox on your smartphone and link it to your dropbox in the settings. It is not necessary to use the application after this and, if desired, you can even delete it from the phone.

5. Inviting users - up to 16 GB (difficult)

Initially, inviting other users to Dropbox was the main way to increase your account, but the popularity of the service now is unlikely to make it possible to find among your friends those who are not yet registered there, and rely on the fact that using a referral link left somewhere on social networks or on forums, they will register the casual visitor is practically useless.

There is indeed a way to get these 16 GB by deceiving the registration system, but this method requires time, some computer literacy, and is more likely a flaw in the Dropbox verification system, rather than a legitimate way to upgrade, so we will not dwell on it. On some forums or websites ( This service is provided for a fee. For $5-10, users get all 16 GB added to their account.

6. Coupons

Dropbox has a coupon system that differs from paid accounts in that a coupon increases the volume of the account forever and does not require a monthly payment. Coupons can be found for sale on some forums, and what is more profitable, paying $25 for eternal 5 GB or $10 for 100 GB for a month, users must decide for themselves.

7. Other ways (difficult)

From time to time, Dropbox offers other account growth options, in some cases only for a limited period of time. This includes quests, as well as promotions conducted by smartphone manufacturers and other companies. For example, if you activate a Dropbox account on some phone models, the account will receive a significant increase in free space, up to 50 GB, but the effect will be temporary, and after a year or two the user will lose this bonus.

If Dropbox holds similar promotions in the future, they will definitely be mentioned on the pages


Specifying the exact amount of free space for OneDrive is just as difficult as for Dropbox, but for different reasons. While Dropbox has a relatively large number of ways to increase account size, OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive) has far fewer, and users start from different starting positions.

Early users of OneDrive have a kind of bonus in the form of 25 GB, but only 7 GB were available to those who registered relatively recently at the beginning of summer. Most recently, this limit was raised to 15 GB, but the changes take effect only gradually and some users may still not see the increase. If you have ever used Microsoft mailboxes, for example, then there is a chance that you have an increased 25 GB account. Over time, the difference between new and old users will most likely be leveled out and they will be equalized.

There are only two ways to increase your OneDrive account:

Use photo uploading from smartphone - 3 GB (easy)

To do this, you need to install OneDrive on iOS, Android, or Windows Phone and enable automatic photo syncing.

Inviting users - up to 5 GB (difficult)

Like Dropbox, OneDrive allows you to invite other users, for whom they add 0.5 GB, but the number of invites is limited to only 10 pieces.

Google Drive

Right after launch, Google Drive provided users with only 5 GB, but later this limit was increased to 15 GB.

There are no ways to increase Google Drive for free. In principle, owners of Google Apps for business or education receive 30 GB instead of 15 GB, but even if some users got such accounts just like that, they are still not free in the full sense of the word.


After its launch, Yandex provided its users with 3 GB, but now you can store 10 GB for free.

The company periodically organizes promotions that increase the size of the Disk. For example, for installing Yandex Browser. However, these and other methods are temporary and the bonuses disappear after a couple of months. On an ongoing basis, space can be increased only by inviting friends. This way you can get up to 10 GB (0.5 GB per person).

BitTorrent Sync

If you need to synchronize a really large number of files on your computers for free, and none of the above services offers enough space for this, then you can solve the problem using BitTorrent Sync.

This application differs from others in that it synchronizes files directly between computers without the presence of an intermediate server. This method has both its pros and cons. Let's list the most obvious ones.


— The size of the synchronized data is limited only by the size of the hard drive and thus the count can go up to Terabytes.

— Data is synchronized faster due to the absence of an additional intermediate link in the form of a server.

— All data is stored exclusively on the user’s computers.


— In order for files to be updated, both computers must be online

— There are no backup copies of files on the server, and accordingly there is no possibility of restoring old or deleted versions of a file.

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of BitTorrent Sync, it can be considered an ideal add-on for use in conjunction with one of the above services. A small directory with important files can be synchronized using Dropbox, and large folders using BitTorrent Sync.


As can be seen from the final table, it is quite difficult to point to a clear favorite in this short review. Of the traditional services, even in the minimum configuration, OneDrive wins, offering 15 GB at once. Plus, you can get another 3 GB in literally a matter of minutes, and if you have an old Microsoft account and the 25 GB that comes with it, then this is already more than any free account on other services, even after upgrading. On the other hand, OneDrive has the strictest file size limit (no more than 2 GB). And although Microsoft has been considering the possibility of changing this limit for quite some time, it has not gone away yet.

At the first stage, Google Drive is on par with OneDrive, but due to the impossibility of upgrading an account for free, it closes the table at the end.

Yandex.Disk and Dropbox are in the middle of this comparison, and even if you manage to add both easy and complex bonuses to your account, these services will still not break out of the middle of the table.

As mentioned above, the ideal option would be to link any of the four services with BitTorrent Sync, which allows you to synchronize any volume of files for free.

Greetings, readers of my blog. Today I want to raise an important and interesting topic by telling you how to make Google Drive. This cloud storage is necessary for everyone who not only works on the Internet, but also simply wants to have access to personal files anywhere in their city or even the planet. In the article I will talk in detail about how to use Google Drive and how to save files to Google Drive . This cloud storage has its own unique features; it has a number of advantages over other similar services. But it was not without its drawbacks. Read about all this and much more below.

I would like to note right away that this service provides the opportunity to work with different office documents in shared access. I often use this in my work, commuting employees involved in solving different problems. In particular, the tool from Google Docs is:

  • Documentation;
  • Tables;
  • Presentations;
  • Tests and much more.

You just need to provide access to a specific document, and all users who receive the link will be able to work with it. Believe me, it is very, very convenient. Especially for those who work remotely. Most of my employees work this way. Therefore, I deliberately refused to create an office, giving specialists a certain freedom. But this is a topic for a separate article.

By the way! Google Drive or Google Drive does not support all types of files. However, it is enough to install special extensions, and they can also be used in the service.

How much space is provided

Each user is provided with 15 gigabytes of disk space. And it's completely free! It would seem quite good. But this volume is designed for:

  • the files themselves stored on the disk;
  • to email from gmail, including all attachments that will be in it;
  • on photos uploaded to Google+.

We can say that the company's employees made a successful move. Because you psychologically estimate that you have much more space to store your files than is provided on other similar services. And only then does one realize that the space is divided into several “services”.

Note. The history of document editing is saved on the disk. You can always easily return to the version you need. But the history is stored only for 30 days!

How to make Google Drive: start with registration

Let's start with how to use Google Drive on a computer. There is nothing complicated about it. You just need to create an account (if you don’t have one) with Google. When creating your account and filling out your profile with personal data, remember that according to the user agreement, the company has the right to use all your uploaded files (including photos) for personal purposes.

I will not talk in detail about the features of registration. There is nothing complicated, incomprehensible or extra ordinary here. Just do everything the system asks of you step by step.

Login to Google Drive

Now about how to use Google Drive. To do this, click on the link and you will be transferred to the service interface. It is quite simple and intuitive, so you won’t have any problems mastering it. It can be used online.

Note. That is, everything that you transfer to the folder will be immediately loaded onto the disk. Or, if there is no Internet connection at the moment, log in later.

How to use Google Drive on a computer: install a special program

Now let's talk about how to install the program on your computer or laptop. This can be done on the main page of the service or at the bottom of the left column of the service there is a special link with the appropriate name.

After downloading the file, click on it. The program will install and you will need to enter your Google account information. This will allow you to access the data storage and perform the synchronization procedure.

There will be no difficulties connecting the program. You don't have to create additional passwords or accounts. All you need to do is enter your main password. When you first log in, you will probably need to enter a code that will be sent to the phone number you specified when registering your Google account.

Please note that when installing the program, you will have the opportunity to choose the location on the computer where you want to “place” it. There will always be a folder in which you will mix files for storage.

To gain access to this option—selecting the folder’s “residence”—at the final step, click on the “Advanced Settings” button rather than the usual “Finish” button. Here, just be careful and avoid rushing.

Note! I hope there is no need to say that Drive C is not the best place to store data? Well, if only for the simple reason that the system disk should not be overloaded with unnecessary files. Therefore, choose other drives for such a folder.

After you select the location where the folder with the files will be located, click on the “Synchronize” sign. Your new folder will appear in front of you. All files and data included in it will be immediately synchronized with Google cloud storage.

To do this, simply drag folders or individual files into it. Or copy them there through Explorer.

A special Google Drive icon will appear in the tray of your computer - in the lower right corner of the monitor. By clicking on it, you will receive information about the loading status of your disk. That is, how much space has already been used and how much space is left.

How to save to Google Drive: simple and clear instructions

To “upload” files from a personal computer to Disk, you don’t need any special skills. I wrote above that you just need to drag and drop files into the folder. Or copy them through Explorer.

  • pictures and photographs;
  • videos;
  • audio clips;
  • documentation;
  • links;
  • screenshots, etc.

All this is easy and simple to do using a special extension for Chrome. That's what it's called.

Note! The convenience of using the extension is that you don’t even have to download such files to your computer. To find the above extension, simply go to the Chrome app store. If you use this browser, of course.

After downloading the extension, a special icon will appear in the upper right part of the browser. Clicking on it with the left mouse button allows you to take an instant screenshot of the screen, which is also instantly uploaded to Disk.

Right-clicking opens a menu that allows you to configure your extension. The setup process itself is also quite simple and intuitive. In particular, such settings provide several options for saving the page open in the browser:

  • a screenshot of the entire open page in PNG format;
  • a screenshot of only the part of the page visible on the monitor in PNG format;
  • HTML source code of the page in the same format;
  • web archive of the page in .mht format;
  • as well as a Google Doc.

After that, to upload a file to Google Drive, right-click on the file you need and in the menu select the item corresponding to your action - in this case we are talking about the option: “Save image to Google Drive”.

You should do the same with all the links you need. You will also have the opportunity to make changes to the file name - call it whatever is more convenient for you.

Note! For a relatively long time now I have been teaching an online course on how to create a website yourself in 4 days. Initially, in my work, it was precisely these options that greatly helped in creating a training base. Because they greatly simplified the process of collecting data and screenshots for the course.

Regarding images, I note that cloud storage from Google allows you to save pictures in the following five formats:

  • JPEG;
  • TIFF;

That is, in the most common and popular formats.

Once the files you need are saved in your storage, you can easily drag and drop them into any folder created there. By the way, I strongly recommend creating thematic folders. This will make it easier for you to find the information you need. I like order, so I have everything cataloged.

I would like to note that there are now several innovations in working with pictures and images saved in Google Drive. For example, we can highlight such possibilities as:

  • adding comments;
  • viewing in 100% size;
  • and much more.

How to use Google Drive: share a document, file or folder

I continue to talk about how to use Google Drive on a computer. And now let's talk about how to provide access to an individual file or an entire folder as a whole. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • left-click on the disk icon in the tray of your computer or laptop;
  • open the folder and drag the file you need there;
  • after that, right-click on it and select “Open access” from the options.

As if nothing complicated. But in fact, it’s not so easy for beginners to figure it out - sharing files may not be possible the first time if you don’t read the instructions.

This is especially true when it comes to providing access to documents. Since they are now also connected to Google Drive, you need to figure it out first to understand what and how to click.

Therefore, the creators of the service came up with certain divisions. In particular, a division into those who will see the file is provided:

  • all users;
  • only to those you tag;
  • to everyone who has a link to the file.

It is also possible to separate users depending on their level of “access” to a file or document:

  • owner;
  • readers;
  • editors;
  • commentators.

I hope there is no need to explain what is allowed to users from each access group? After all, everything is clear, right?

Note! Many people are interested in how to use Google Drive on Android. To do this, you need to download a special program from the application store. This is the application. It is easy to set up, with an intuitive interface.

It is clear that providing access to files to the vast majority of users is necessary in order for this same file (or a folder with several files - for example, the same photographs) to be transferred to other people. Naturally, we are talking about those files that are too “heavy” to be sent by mail.

That is, they downloaded the file to disk, established access and sent it via the link - no tricks, everything is simple and clear.

Although more and more people also prefer to work with documents this way. Because it is very, very convenient. You just give the link to an employee/colleague and now you are working together on one document. Or you get shared access to the data you need for your work. In addition, there is no need to store these files on your computer.

Two main options for providing access

Okay, I continue to tell you how to use Google Drive. In particular, talking about the features of providing access to files to other users. So, having opened the “sharing” menu, check the box next to “Everyone on the Internet”. After that, send the link to those who need the file/document. Now this person can use the file without having to log into their Google profile.

The next popular option is “Everyone who has a link.” That is, you also provide a link to people who need the files. However, they will only be able to access it after logging into their account. The attractiveness of this method is that files and documents are hidden from prying eyes and even from search engines (if, of course, the types of downloaded files are indexed by search robots). You can only find such files by chance - and even then, I frankly doubt that this is even possible.

You can provide access to documents, individual files, and folders containing several or even many files. Anyone who receives an access link from you will be able to not only view the files, but even download them. Which is very convenient.

To disable the ability to share files, do the same, only now turn off access. This will take you a few seconds. Just a couple of mouse clicks and access will be closed.

What is the online version of Google Drive

Above I told you how to use Google Drive through the application. However, it also has an online version, which is available at

You can also upload files and documents here. To do this, on the page that opens, you need to click on the inscription “My disk” and select the item you are interested in in the menu that opens.

Or you can simply drag files and folders onto the open page.

In both the first and second cases, after the download starts, a pop-up window will appear in the lower right corner of the screen, displaying the process itself. That is, it shows how much has already been downloaded.

The online version of Google Drive has its own specific features. In particular, it allows you to perform certain actions with loaded objects through a special menu. In particular, a number of functions and options are available there that are not available in the application that I described above.

Among these additional functions, we can note document version management - each change is stored for 30 days. This gives you the opportunity to open the version you need at any time.

How it works? Very simple. Imagine that you wrote an article for your website, and stored its draft (or draft, whatever you like) on disk. The article is too long, and therefore it takes several days to write it. And now you accidentally deleted part of the text, and only noticed it a week later. Now, if it was an ordinary document, you would not have the opportunity to restore the text. And Disk allows you to do this.

To do this, go to Version Management, select the version you need, check the box next to it and click “Close”. And now the version you need opens with the desired fragment of text. Now you can copy it, then return to the most recent version (added and with new information) and paste the accidentally deleted text.

Google Drive as a mobile office

I also want to talk about how to use Google Drive as a mobile office. It's incredibly convenient and makes you mobile. It has some good features:

  • creating and editing text documents;
  • creating and editing tables;
  • creating presentations;
  • creating forms for data collection;
  • and even creating drawings in a graphics editor.

Expanding the capabilities of your mobile office is quite simple. To do this, you need to connect other applications. At the very bottom of the page there is a special button called “Connect other applications”. A new tab will open in which applications are presented with a short description of their functionality.

How to use Google Drive on Android and other mobile platforms

Now a little more about how to use Google Drive on Android. I will focus specifically on this mobile platform, because it is one of the most popular. In principle, all others work with Google Drive in approximately the same way as described below.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the application does not have any special advanced settings for working with disk. There were difficulties finding synchronization of captured media content (photos, videos) with the disk. Either I couldn’t figure out the application, or there really isn’t such a function.

Although it should be noted that developers can add different functions even at the time of writing. Therefore, treat my critical comments with understanding. I am not writing them to somehow denigrate the application.

But it is worth noting such a convenient feature as the ability to view files offline. Agree, this is cool! After all, this way you can significantly save your traffic. You don't have to constantly upload and download the entire contents of the folder. Therefore, it’s enough just to download files to the phone’s memory.

For this to happen automatically, in the mobile version of the application you need to activate the checkbox next to the “Offline access” line. To do this you need:

  • click on the letter “i”;
  • it is located in the lower right corner of the file preview image;
  • and there select the option you need.

In the menu that opens, you can make other “settings” for your file. For example, open public access, etc.

To summarize: a little more about how to make Google Drive

Now you know not only how to do it, but also how to use Google Drive. Despite the fact that this service has a generally intuitive design, it will still take some time to finally understand it. But overall it is very convenient. Especially if you have a personal website and you have to work with a lot of different files.

By the way, if you don’t have your own website, I invite you to yours. On it I will tell you in detail and step by step how to make a website with your own hands. The classes are practical! You will only have to repeat after me and in 4 days you will have your own website, with the first articles and the first visitors!