Unified State Examination in computer science - what you need to know. Proper preparation for the Unified State Exam in computer science from scratch

For school graduates. It should be taken by those who plan to enter universities in the most promising specialties, such as information security, automation and control, nanotechnology, system analysis and management, missile systems and astronautics, nuclear physics and technology and many others.

Check out general information about the exam and start preparing. There are practically no changes compared to last year in the new version of the KIM Unified State Exam 2019. The only thing is that fragments of programs written in the C language disappeared from the tasks: they were replaced with fragments written in the C++ language. And from task No. 25, they removed the opportunity to write an algorithm in natural language as an answer.

Unified State Examination assessment

Last year, to pass the Unified State Exam in computer science with at least a C, it was enough to score 42 primary points. They were given, for example, for correctly completing the first 9 tasks of the test.

It is not yet known exactly what will happen in 2019: we need to wait for an official order from Rosobrnadzor on the compliance of primary and test scores. Most likely it will appear in December. Considering that the maximum primary score remained the same throughout the test, most likely it will not change and minimum score. Let's focus on these tables for now:

Structure of the Unified State Exam test

Computer science is the longest exam (the Unified State Examination in mathematics and literature is the same length), lasting 4 hours.

In 2019, the test consists of two parts, including 27 tasks.

  • Part 1: 23 tasks (1–23) with a short answer, which is a number, a sequence of letters or numbers.
  • Part 2: 4 tasks (24–27) with detailed answers, complete solutions to the tasks are written down on answer sheet 2.

All tasks are connected in one way or another with a computer, but during the exam you are not allowed to use it to write a program in group C problems. In addition, the problems do not require complex mathematical calculations and the use of a calculator is also not allowed.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

  • Take the Unified State Exam tests online for free without registration or SMS. The presented tests are identical in complexity and structure to the actual exams conducted in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Exam in computer science, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests have been developed and approved for preparation for the Unified State Exam. Federal Institute pedagogical measurements (FIPI). All official versions of the Unified State Exam are developed in the same FIPI.
    The tasks that you will see most likely will not appear on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General Unified State Examination figures

Year Minimum Unified State Examination score Average score Number of participants Failed, % Qty
100 points
Exam length, min.
2009 36
2010 41 62,74 62 652 7,2 90 240
2011 40 59,74 51 180 9,8 31 240
2012 40 60,3 61 453 11,1 315 240
2013 40 63,1 58 851 8,6 563 240
2014 40 57,1 235
2015 40 53,6 235
2016 40 235
2017 40 235

Many would not mind being on the safe side with ready-made answers for the Unified State Exam 2017 in computer science. The exam is really not easy, you won’t be able to pass on intuition - you need to know. But don’t rush to download answers from the first dealers you come across on the Internet. First, let's figure out where the answers to the Unified State Exam in computer science can come from; How realistic is it that anyone even has them?

Who gets the Unified State Exam answers and how?

There are three potential sources of prohibited information:

  1. hackers hack email or other servers of the Ministry of Education and Science or FIPI;
  2. some of the employees of the Ministry and its departments violate the secret;
  3. On the day of the exam, teachers or students promptly complete assignments from those officially printed on Far East KIMs and send them to western regions, with which the difference between them can reach 6-8 hours.

Logic dictates that the first two sources are the most expensive, because we're talking about about exclusive information that a graduate may have in advance. The third source for a graduate is less expensive (and let’s say in advance that it is completely useless).

Which sources of answers to the Unified State Exam 2017 in computer science can you trust?

From East to West

The trick with time differences between different regions is no longer a trick, but rather stupidity on the part of some graduates and laziness on the part of scammers who were unable to come up with a more tempting argument. The fact is that CMMs are different everywhere. Options developed large number, and if you don’t know which variants of CMMs will go to your specific region (and this is unknown to anyone except a select few), you don’t get answers, but a lottery with a very small chance of winning.

Of course, individual tasks may coincide, since they come from the same database, but this is unlikely to be worth spending time looking for answers and money for purchasing them (although sometimes answers are offered for free, so to speak, out of Unified State Exam solidarity).

Hackers and corrupt officials

Of course, no one on the Internet introduces himself: “Hello, I’m a hacker (or a corrupt official). I'm ready to make you something unique trade offer, which you cannot refuse."

However, you can find the following “soul-touching” story.

There were eleventh-graders living in the same school, and they were all so tired of preparing for exams that they decided to pool all the money and buy the Unified State Exam answers through one person who had the necessary connections. Out of the blue, we bought it. Yes, it was a bit expensive. They decided to get their money back, and at the same time help the rest of the schoolchildren, and began to sell the purchased answers to others. “And why not buy something,” people think, “after all, we believe in our own, relatives, and schoolchildren.”

It's very epic. But this is most likely the case. Fraudsters try to speak supposedly in the language of “clients”, attract with a simple legend about the origin of the answers and successfully make money, taking advantage of the fact that the Internet disappears into right moment lighter than light.

Add to this observation that none of the previous exams that have already taken place this year revealed any information leakage. Neither in the media nor on the Internet does anyone write en masse that the answers that were posted on the Internet agreed with the tasks in the exam. Will this series of successes of Rosobrnadzor really end in computer science? Doubtful.


There is only one conclusion: no sources of Unified State Examination answers can be trusted. There is more deception in this matter than real help.

How to pass the Unified State Exam 2017 in computer science without answers

In KIMs in computer science there will not be very easy questions like “Define the binary number system,” etc. All 23 closed and 4 open jobs are aimed at testing your ability to analyze and apply knowledge. Without at least average preparation for the exam, be prepared to retake it. Alas, this year it will not be possible to retake the subject of your choice and you will have to wait until next year. On the other hand, you will have a whole year to learn the subject perfectly and at a measured pace. And those who, due to failure to pass computer science this year, are facing the army, will at least find benefit in the fact that after service they will be able to enter university on preferential terms.

If your interest in answers is dictated by simple self-doubt and a desire to play it safe, then everything is much simpler. You simply don't need answers. You just need to repeat the basic things at night, get a good night's sleep and come to the exam with a fighting spirit.

Good luck to everyone on the exam!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. We continue to look, decide, remember what has already been forgotten. Today it’s the turn of the Unified State Exam in Computer Science 2017, I will try to analyze the tasks as much as possible, indicate what you need to know for success passing the Unified State Exam, and also share my impressions of the tasks. Let me remind you that the Unified State Examination in mathematics and level have already been sorted out; you can read about demo versions of these subjects using the links.

I took the Unified State Exam a long time ago; at the university there were few such tasks, and not all of them, so please understand and forgive me if you do not agree with my assessments of difficulty or necessity. But nevertheless, I will write an article, I hope it will be useful to someone, and someone will express their opinion in the comments.

Unified State Exam in Computer Science 2017, what you need to know

Generally speaking, judging by demo versions of the Unified State Exam in computer science 2017 you need to know a lot, I hope the graduates know all this and it won’t be somehow unusual for them to see such tasks.

You need to know the binary number system

Again, I won’t link the list of required knowledge to task numbers, I’ll just give it as a list, so let’s go, I’ll try to make it more difficult:

  • Working with spreadsheets. Anyone who has used Excel will complete this task without any problems.
  • Know what number systems are. At least binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal, although there may be number systems with any base, for example 3. And not only know, but also be able to convert from one number system to another. Moreover, to save time, it is better to understand which number system it will be easier and faster to convert to. For example, look at the first task, which contains a demo version of the Unified State Exam in Computer Science 2017, you can save a lot of time there if you convert from binary to hexadecimal, rather than converting everything to decimal.
  • Know logical functions, truth tables for them and be able to work with truth tables for expressions consisting of several logical functions.
  • Be able to work with graphs and tables. Moreover, sometimes they can be connected and it is necessary to establish a relationship between them.
  • Be able to present text information in discrete form, that is, digital, and know the units of measurement of information.
  • To some extent, a continuation of the previous subparagraph. The ability to estimate the amount of memory required to store one or another type of information (text, graphic, video, etc.)
  • Know at least one programming language and be able to use it, how to compose programs (more on that later), and understand what has already been compiled.
  • Knowledge of computer networks, in particular demo version there was a question about the TCP/IP protocol stack, perhaps there will be something else on the exam.
  • To understand code written not in a programming language, but in Russian, if it is not clear what I mean, see task 14 from the demo version of the Unified State Examination.
  • Be able to write programs in one of the programming languages ​​according to the assignment. And also understand other people's code and find errors that were made when writing programs.

Unified State Exam in Computer Science 2017, impressions

After 5 years of studying computer science and programming at the university, I can’t say that the tasks seemed so easy. No, of course, everything can be solved, but you also need to know quite a lot. So the Unified State Exam in Computer Science 2017 is not particularly simple; it will be quite difficult to pass.

Important! If you cannot solve any task from Part 2 given in the demo version of the Unified State Exam, and do not even try to figure it out, being confident that you already have enough points for admission. It's even NOT go to university to major in computer science and programming. Believe me, you may learn to program, but you will spend kilometers of nerves in the process. So think very carefully about whether you need this, especially since there remains a possibility that you will never learn to program. And after thinking about it, it’s better to give up programming anyway.

Good luck to everyone on the Unified State Exam, on preparing and choosing the exam you need!

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If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to answer as detailed and clear as possible.

We continue to help you prepare for the Unified State Exam. The next subject we talked about with the 2017 graduates was computer science. The guys are sharing personal experience how they passed it with 90+ points.


Alexey Zvonarev, 94 points

I didn’t start preparing for computer science right away - mathematics was my priority. In November, I realized that I had completely forgotten about this subject and decided to take a course. I wrote the first sample and caught myself thinking that I definitely need to study.

In two months I realized that the entire Unified State Exam is a solid template that you just need to practice on. From the very beginning, I solved the tasks from the first part, bringing it to perfection, because the main points are gained precisely thanks to it. Plus you need to know less than to solve the second part.

The most important thing in preparation is to force yourself to decide. I just sat and did all types of routines. If something didn’t work out, I solved it more.

The closer the exam got, the more clearly I realized that I could pass with 100 points. The most important thing is to read everything carefully. This is one of the most important components successful completion Unified State Examination in computer science.

I was mentally prepared for the exam itself, but when I saw the new 26th task, I became a little scared.

Here’s another piece of advice: while you are being told at the Unified State Exam in computer science how to fill out the forms (formality), read the tasks from the second part so that you can immediately have an idea of ​​how to solve them. And, if anything, think about it. I've had some stupid errors due to misreading.

And on the Unified State Exam, it is important to check the first part several times and not waste a lot of energy on tasks that are not given. Do what you can first, and then think about the rest. Otherwise, nothing can be accomplished.


Dmitry Gudilin, 91 points

I knew computer science well even before the 11th grade. I studied in a physics and mathematics class, so I didn’t have any special problems, and we studied four lessons a week. If this is not possible, then it is better to devote two hours a week to the last task. Take a condition from any source and solve it first on a piece of paper, and then check yourself programmatically.

I started serious preparation in March. I bought a collection of 20 variants of the Unified State Exam and once a week I solved the variant without the last two problems. I started solving the logic task a month before the exam, because only then does it become clear what it will look like. I paid special attention to the last problem of the first part - it is usually very difficult.

Two weeks before the exam, I began to live according to a special schedule: I went to bed at eight in the evening, got up at four in the morning and decided on options. Because of this, my day remained free, and I walked, which, of course, should be done.
A week before the exam, I advise you to actively prepare, but not for eight hours a day. Make sure you have time to relax and come to the exam refreshed.

The most difficult thing on the Unified State Exam is to concentrate. Due to carelessness, I made a mistake in the last number of the first part - I incorrectly calculated the sum of numbers from 1 to 7.

My advice for those who write options quickly is to solve the first part completely again, without looking at past solutions and without remembering past answers. And at the end, check if everything matches.

You need to solve tasks with friends, because it gives you an incentive to do everything quickly and correctly. Moreover, if errors occur, you can immediately check them. For example, I spoke to a friend on Skype at four in the morning.


Kirill Malyshev, 91 points

For additional preparation for the Unified State Exam in computer science, I did not buy any books. Firstly, they are unreasonably expensive, secondly, they have a lot of errors, thirdly, tasks are printed there, simply taken from open sources, fourthly, they are heavy.

To practice solving skills typical tasks Websites where they post assignments are useful. However, you need to select only relevant tasks, because they are constantly changing. You should focus on the demo version version of the Unified State Exam this year and options from the last passed exams. Analysis of all this is available on the Internet.
Video analysis of problems on YouTube helped me. This applies not only to computer science, but also to other subjects. The authors of such analyzes try to explain each action in as much detail as possible so that everything becomes very clear. I usually watched them in fast forward mode.
Information also appears periodically, right up to the day of the exam, about new types of problems - pay attention to this.
One way or another, you need to hone your skill in solving USE problems as best as possible, especially in the test part. It is necessary to remember the basic algorithms for solving each problem in order to perform mostly mechanical work during the exam, without thinking about how to solve the task, because this takes a lot of effort and, most importantly, time, which is already short.
As for the exam day itself, it is very important to come to it with a fresh mind. Unfortunately, due to severe stress, I came to computer science without much sleep. This made it difficult to concentrate. They say that the day before the exam it is better not to strain your head, to rest, but I believe that it is better to last days solve and analyze problems. The main thing is not to stay up until night in order to maintain a clear mind in the morning.
You need to be prepared for the fact that some tasks may differ from the typical ones in the demo version. They may be a little more complicated, have slightly different wording or approaches to solution. In my case, this was the case, for example, with problem 26 on a winning strategy. In such a situation, it is important not to be afraid. If a solution doesn’t come to mind, you can put this number aside for later and solve others. For that task, by the way, I was given two points out of three, although I probably still don’t understand what they wanted from me. This fact speaks about one more thing: you should never leave tasks completely without a solution. If this is a test, then the answer may somehow magically coincide with the correct one; if this is a written part, then it is worth writing, albeit obviously with errors, but at least something. After all, points are not deducted for an incorrect decision, and at least one point will not be superfluous. But, of course, this must be done after completing the remaining tasks.