Pass the Unified State Exam in German Guschin. Basic exam in German (fipi demo version)

This page contains demonstration Unified State Exam options By German language for 2003 - 2019.

Demo options Unified State Examination in German for grade 11 consist of two parts: written and oral, and include five sections: “listening”, “reading”, “grammar and vocabulary”, “writing”, “speaking”. The answers to the tasks of the first three sections are given in demonstration versions, and for the tasks of the fourth and fifth sections, assessment schemes and criteria are given.

In comparison with the criteria for assessing the performance of task 40 of the “Writing” section in the written part of the exam, as well as the wording of task 40, in which the exam participant is offered a choice of two topics of a detailed written statement with elements of reasoning “My opinion”.

Demo versions of the Unified State Exam in German

Note that demo versions of the Unified State Exam in German are presented in pdf format, and to view them you must have, for example, the free Adobe Reader software package installed on your computer.

Demo version of the Unified State Examination in German for 2003
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in German for 2004
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in German for 2005
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in German for 2006
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in German for 2007
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in German for 2008
Demo version of the Unified State Exam in German for 2009
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in German for 2010
Demo version of the Unified State Exam in German for 2011
Demo version of the Unified State Exam in German for 2012
Demo version of the Unified State Examination in German for 2013
Demo version of the Unified State Exam in German for 2014
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in German for 2015 (written part)
Demonstration version of the Unified State Exam in German for 2015 (oral part)
Demo version of the Unified State Exam in German for 2016 (written part)
Demonstration version of the Unified State Exam in German for 2016 (oral part)
Demo version of the Unified State Exam in German for 2017 (written part)
Demonstration version of the Unified State Examination in German for 2017 (oral part)
Demo version of the Unified State Exam in German for 2018 (written part)
Demo version of the Unified State Exam in German for 2018 (oral part)
Demo version of the Unified State Exam in German for 2019 (written part)
Demo version of the Unified State Exam in German for 2019 (oral part)

Changes in demo versions of the Unified State Exam in German

Demo version of the Unified State Examination in German for grade 11 for 2003 included four parts: “listening”, “reading”, “writing”, “speaking”. Answers to the tasks of the first two parts were given in the demo version.

Demonstration versions of the Unified State Examination in German for grade 11 for 2004 - 2008 included five sections: “listening”, “reading”, “grammar and vocabulary”, “writing”, “speaking”. Answers to the tasks of the first three sections were given in demonstration versions, and for the tasks of the fourth and fifth sections, assessment schemes and criteria were provided.

Demonstration versions of the Unified State Exam in German for grade 11 for 2009 - 2014 already consisted of four sections: “listening”, “reading”, “grammar and vocabulary”, “writing”. Answers to the tasks of the first three sections were given in demonstration versions, and for the tasks of the fourth section, assessment schemes and criteria were provided.

Thus, from demo versions of the Unified State Exam in German 2009 - 2014 the “speaking” section was excluded.

IN 2015 Unified State Examination in German began to consist of two parts: written and oral. Demonstration version of the written part of the Unified State Exam 2015 French Compared to the demo version of the Unified State Exam 2014, it had the following differences:

  • Numbering there were assignments through throughout the entire version without letter designations A, B, C.
  • Was The form of recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answers has been changed: The answer now needs to be written down in a number with the number of the correct answer (rather than marked with a cross).
  • Listening tasks A1-A7 demo version of 2014 were transformed into task 2 written part of the 2015 demo.

IN 2015 V Unified State Examination in German again the “speaking” section is back, now in the form oral part of the Unified State Exam.

IN demo versions of the Unified State Exam 2016 - 2018 in German compared to demo version 2015 in German The wording of the tasks for the oral part of the exam and the criteria for their evaluation were clarified.

IN demo version of the 2019 Unified State Exam in German compared to demo version 2018 in Germanthere were no significant changes: the criteria for assessing the performance of task 40 of the “Writing” section in the written part of the exam were clarified, as well as the wording of task 40, in which the exam participant was offered a choice of two topics for a detailed written statement with elements of reasoning “My opinion”.

On June 7, 2018, it became finally clear that the mandatory Unified State Examination foreign languages will be held in 2022, no matter what. During the Direct Line with President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin a 9th grade graduate from Lobnya asked a question about the introduction of two compulsory exams in 11th grade, the head of state forwarded the question to the Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva.

From her quite substantive answer, it became clear that the decision to introduce a compulsory Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​was finally made. About the mandatory history exam, the introduction of which in 2020 the minister personally announced several times in various media, she answered evasively, saying that this issue is still being discussed.

Exactly in a month information portal newspapers "Izvestia" invited to a press conference the Head of FIPI Oksana Reshetnikova, chief developer of instrumentation Unified State Exam materials specialized exam in foreign languages Maria Verbitskaya and Deputy Head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​at the National Research University Higher School of Economics Irina Rezanova. This was also a fateful moment, since they described in some detail what the updated Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​would look like.

The main points of the press conference with the developers of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages:

1. The Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​will have two levels of difficulty: basic and specialized. Analogies with mandatory Unified State Exam in mathematics are quite appropriate. Each graduate will be able to choose the difficulty level.

2. The basic level of the Unified State Exam will be in the range from A2+ to B1. Profile exam – up to level B2. This refers to the 6 levels of foreign language proficiency approved by the Council of Europe. B2 just corresponds to 100 points on profile Unified State Exam in a foreign language.

3. The profile exam will be fully consistent with the existing exam. The developers do not plan any changes to either the tasks or the minimum score threshold.

4. The basic Unified State Examination in a foreign language will correspond to the basic level of knowledge in this subject. The greatest attention will be paid to speech practice: listening, reading, speaking, as well as language competence (language knowledge and skills).

5. VPR-2018 in foreign languages ​​- this is it real tasks, which will be on the basic Unified State Examination. To understand what the demo will look like basic level Unified State Exam in a foreign language, just look at the demo version of the VPR (All-Russian test work) for 11th grade. The developers have officially confirmed that the demo version of the FIPI VPR in foreign languages ​​is the prototype of the future basic Unified State Exam.

The basic Unified State Examination in German (as well as in other foreign languages) will consist of two parts - oral and written. Each part is checked and evaluated separately. In 2018, 11th grade students can complete either both parts or just the written part if they wish. The oral part of the exam is carried out using special equipment. The duration of the entire exam is 1 hour (60 minutes).

Unified State Examination in German Less than one percent of schoolchildren take the elective test. It is significantly inferior in popularity to English, and yet ranks second among the language Unified State Exams. It is equal in difficulty to other language exams and consists of the same sections: listening; reading; grammar and vocabulary; letter; speaking (optional). The graduate must complete 44 assignments: 40 written and 4 oral assignments. The written part is allotted 180 minutes (3 hours). On oral part, which is handed in on another day, 15 minutes are allotted. In case of refusal of the oral part, the graduate will not be able to score more than 80 points.

Explore general information about the exam and start preparing. Testing and measuring materials did not change in 2019, but the passing score increased: from 20 to 22.

Unified State Examination

You are guaranteed to pass the exam if you correctly answer at least 17 questions from section 3 or sections 2 and 3. This earns you 17 primary points, that is, when translated into test questions - 22 points. In order to convert the result into a five-point system, please refer to our table.

Structure of the Unified State Exam written test

In 2019, the written part of the test consists of four sections, including 40 tasks.

  • Section 1: Listening (1–9), answers to tasks are a number or a sequence of numbers.
  • Section 2: Reading (10–18), answers to tasks are a number or a sequence of numbers.
  • Section 3: Grammar and Vocabulary (19–38), the answer to the task is a number, a word or several words written without spaces or punctuation.
  • Section 4: Writing (39–40), consists of two tasks - writing a personal letter and a statement with elements of reasoning.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam

  • Take the Unified State Exam tests online for free without registration or SMS. The tests presented are identical in complexity and structure to the actual exams conducted in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Exam in German, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and pass it easier. All proposed tests are developed and approved to prepare for Unified State Examination Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). All official versions of the Unified State Exam are developed in the same FIPI.
    The tasks you will see most likely will not appear on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones on the same topics.

General Unified State Examination figures

Year Minimum Unified State Examination score Average score Number of participants Failed, % Qty
100 points
Exam length, min.
2009 20
2010 20 41,07 4 177 12,1 0 160
2011 20 48,99 2 746 6,6 2 160
2012 20 57,1 3 125 3,4 1 160
2013 20 58,6 2 768 3,3 4 180
2014 20 180
2015 22 180
2016 22 180
2017 22 180